It Came From Tumblr #103 | Binge Compilation

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[Music] obsessed with bad i love about obsessed with pillows blankets and such little sleeping oh oh right uh video forgot about that do you know what i want in life a giant kitchen with lots of natural light every utensil and appliance imaginable and an endless supply of groceries and also some sweet potato fries in japanese they don't say moon they say suki which literally translates to moon and i think that's how language works i get what they're making fun of literally what is the logic behind naps leaving you with a weird taste in your mouth i wasn't eating anything while i was asleep it's the spiders isn't it this is my favorite clickbait about hacker's picture ah me when i remember my password in my own mind how do draw good phil 14 sketchbook bad stuff is good stuff because you make stuff do you like sparkle draw sparkle draw and make your heart do smiley emote remember to drink lots of agua or else bedtime don't stress friend all's well your art is hot like potato crisps don't let anyone piss on your good mood amigo if they do eat them okay i think the reason i enjoy ghibli so much is it romanticizes the little things it makes me want to bake study clean the house garden and more while listening to happy music and occasionally picking wildflowers and lying in the grass it helps me find joy in day to day life and honestly so important from my mental health hayao miyazaki has said on numerous occasions that he wants children to know that even when the world seems harsh and life is hard it is always still worth living and there is always something beautiful in it that mental health boost is intentional and miyazaki wants you to believe that you should continue to live even if it's just for those little things that's beautiful meanwhile there's another miyazaki who kind of tries to do the same message but um you get a lot of this andy put up a lot of segments of you died sequences in dark souls do it you bastard ah no [ __ ] crap really i know approximately zero about deltarune but based on the memes i keep seeing the crocodile one should stop letting the blue one use the gps i have no idea what's happening at this point i'm too afraid to ask nothing like stepping outside while the seasons are changing and suddenly feeling a change in the weather that knocks you back in time by several years i'm sorry professor i'm going to have to miss class today because when i walked outside this morning it was cold and sunny in a very specific way and suddenly i was struck with a nostalgia for years past so vivid and potent that i had to sit down understandable haven't i stay honey as a tea sweetener is so superior to sugar the nectar of the gods and whatnot when you add honey to tea it's an ancient civilization's moment when you out sugar cubed a tea it's a british dude with a white curly wig moment does anyone else get what i mean i i'll i don't have a clue andy do you follow this one when you lift your napkin up to dab remember when colgate sent out cease and desist letters to 13 year old kids because they were making youtube poops with one very specific video about a rabbit who teaches children how to keep their teeth clean remember when walrus guy actually got a lawyer and took it to court and got it proven in a court of law that it was completely legal to make youtube poops of dr rabbit he did what and people say youtube poop isn't a legitimate art form told my friend that i hope this burrito was good or whatever that means because i don't like burritos and he told me a good burrito should feel like a mistake and i feel like that is way more [ __ ] raw than it has any right to be and of course his name is josh too if i was a video game at pc i'd be called something like weird-looking guy or unfortunate beast and i'd be so hot and lovable and everyone would want me i sure do love this feudal era pokemon game with the wood lodge pokeballs steamboats ancient scrolls and smartphones also in before somebody says um actually it's the meiji restoration i get it i'm really into internet discourse but only pointless and stupid internet discourse like how many holes there are on a straw it's two um no it's an infinite amount of holes stacked on top of each other this is exactly what i'm talking about hey well you call the security guards outside samson shops what guardians of the galaxy get out wow you block me just cause i disagreed with you yes yes exactly this is a social media site i come here to look at pictures of birds and shitposts with my friends this is not a town hall meeting i'm not your elected official i do not owe you my energy my space or my time you and i are strangers that use the same website i can block you for literally any reason and that's okay take a deep breath block me too you'll feel better do it you may think this song sounds bad but according to music theory which i've spent 18 years studying at shut up shut up i don't care i know noise is idiot i don't have to study to understand noises i've known them forever and those noises right there not that good when did we first discover the concept of glasses like was an egyptian pharaoh walking around his jewel room and put two crystals to his eye and was like yo nisot come look at this i love queen because half their songs are mind-blowing pieces about life and death and love and humanity's inability to live together without destroying ourselves and the other half are like i love my bike actually there's a third kind and it's called i'm freddie mercury and there's nothing you can do to stop me yeah that sounds about right i was out with a bunch of people this weekend and this guy suddenly went man i miss my wife and went home like i want that i hope you like repairman with digester problems i'll test the toilet now i don't and you shall not so there was a lizard in my shower so i said hello to it and the person showering next to me was like hi i wasn't sure whether to carry on the conversation or be like sorry i was talking to a lizard it should be my birthday every day you would be very old ugh what a rude thing to say to someone on their birthday believe the audacity of this man y'all ever sleep from 1700 to 2200 and call it a nap because i thought this was about years but yes ah nothing says self-care like a 500 year long nap sounds good right now actually thoughts on nah that's off just how i like it i just saw someone come into shoppers and ask if they sold serotonin and if that isn't the biggest mood i don't know what is he was an older guy so he probably didn't know what serotonin was still a mood though do it i checked this blog to see what other suggestions there were and there were none and now that i look at it close to the url does say suggestion singular so i don't know what i expected guys quick let's go set up a spirit halloween in the empty facebook if ton tumblr tumblr tumblr ever goes down i will just write my post down and mail them to all of my mutuals yeah if tumblr ever does that you can just do that for me guys the crunch of a folded kettle cooked chip that does sound mildly pleasant andy give them what they want just watch me i'll write tumblr posts with my right hand and post memes with my left i'll take a potato chip and eat love the adrenaline rush of making plans and following through on them i said i was gonna go to the mall today and here i am who knows what i'll do next infinite possibilities is this what people without executive dysfunction feel like the weather is a little bit gloomy me and the mutual's chanting soup soup soup soup soup soup soup andy join me on that my old man once said to me your thoughts are so random and unconnected we were just talking about the carnival how did you get started on wasps so i told them they're not unconnected we were talking about going to the carnival and the carnival is on the same fairgrounds they used to use for the rodeo and one time at the rodeo my brother spilled sprite on himself and a bee went up his shirt and stung him and bees die when they sting but wasps don't and i was wondering why so i asked you and he said that makes no sense and for the life of me i can't understand how anyone thinks of anything if not by this exact process oh god it's not just me these are the four types of non-binary people oh yes neutral gender neutral presentation feminine gender masculine presentation masculine gender family presentation and lancer here's the thing we all agree jack black is an amazing fit for bowser charlie day has voiced acted before in the lego movie as a very well-received and distinct character so he could probably do well as luigi peach's voice not to insult samantha kelly is incredibly generic so anya taylor joy can probably nail it you're fooling yourself if you think keegan michael key can't do a great toad voice hell even seth rogen as washed up and exhausting as he is can probably do a sufficient enough voice for donkey kong it's literally just chris pratt and nobody has any faith in his voice acting abilities because literally every character he plays since 2014 has been chris pratt but x even in the lego movie his character was a generic milky toast dude made out of lego aka chris pratt but lego curse pratt is the original sonic movie design of the mario film in that he will single handedly drag the film down to hell and the only way to save it is to completely excise him from the movie there i just saved you 14 [ __ ] video essays on why the super mario movie might go down badly all right yes i know i'm a hypocrite because i use apple and google products and they're spying on me completely anyways but there's something about alexa that viscerally disgusts me and feels like a bridge too far and i'll tell you why she has a normal ass name i don't know many people named siri i don't know anybody who would name their child google i know four alexis so that's probably why if there's a heavens now and a hell yes why isn't there a purgatory maybe perhaps when will ted himself finally show up to the talk the final boss you guys know ted talk stands for technology entertainment and design talks right i will not let ted hide behind these lies any longer reveal himself to me i just came up with a horrible drawing game first artist draws a human oc second artist draws that oc's fursona third artist draws a humanized version of that fursona without seeing the original oc fourth artist draws a fursona for that character and so on and so forth also known as telephone oh my god oh my god oh my god auntie i know what we need to do for next kartik phone game today i learned that the count in sesame street does not count all the time to teach children numbers in folklore vampires have erythromania or an obsession with numbers this derives from the old superstition that throwing poppy seeds on the ground stopped vampires because they had to count them all first i like the poster's implications that the producers of sesame street did not put a counting vampiric count on a children's educational series to teach kids how to count this was just an incidental side effect of their fidelity to obscure vampire folklore i mean it could be homies is it gay to turn on notifications for your neutrals how weird is it that i have two pieces of glass sitting in front of my eyeball so i don't mistake a small child for a garbage can hmm wait there's christmas adverts already get spooky or get the [ __ ] out it's halloween i don't know what batman villain needs to hear this but your theme is unique and creative your puns and gimmicks are witty your costume is cool and fashionable and you do have a chance at defeating the batman you're valued and an important gotham citizen mwah i love you a guy walks in with two puncture wounds on his neck and like you should see the other guy and then a vampire walks in covered in those cartoony lipstick kiss marks oh someone wow you're so easy to talk to i feel like our personalities fit so well together me thanks i made this one special just for you running up the hill to make a deal with god again anyone need anything radio's kind of wild really the first thing we did after discovering an ethereal field that permeates the universe is infuse it with music that's pretty on brain for humans really are social medias down again except for tumblr a cockroach will survive a nuclear bomb just saying if she's your girl why is she tormenting me with visions if she's your girl can you ask her to stop please i love being sober and talking to drunk people at parties cause i asked a guy if you were a wizard what kind of spells would you cast and i know he wasn't lying when he said summon creatures what kind of creatures oh i wished they had made breaking bad earlier so i would have had a ps2 game jesse you need to press square square x triangle circle x to cook the meth this is a parabola the rapper game cut the meth don't forget the bag cut the mess don't forget the bag liking the office is not a personality trait but saying like in the office is not a personality trait it's also not a personality trait what is a personality trait in sponges it's like that's his truck and he's ordering from a drive-through at 12 a.m chicken sandwich and scragged my butt please not scared anyone but what the hell does beyond in bed bath and beyonce stand for me what's beyond employee snaps my neck go find out as a former bed bath and beyond employee i appreciate this yeah what the hell and [ __ ] are you implying lady see you and i we're like spongebob and patrice gay that's his snail lefties on ketamine rytoids on ivermectin who knows how many more drugs big [ __ ] is hiding from us i don't know what drugs but i have a hunch big horses hiding something maybe soldiers maybe greek soldiers i don't know just a thought the [ __ ] are you on about there's nothing inside of that horse let's bring it inside the city walls it's perfectly fine gonna say something controversial and it's that carrot cake is [ __ ] delicious and probably the best cake flavor can i get a hallelujah it is [ __ ] critical that gen z kids rediscover the idea of posers posers and sellouts and this isn't about children being fake fans or whatever this is about influencers trying to grab at your money through pretending to be part of a subculture yeah have any of you ever seen like a third grader i can't believe they make people that small just wait till you see the next size down yes that's right there's people smaller than third graders it's insane my favorite cheese is okay noun boy it's just so good okay now boy you know horses are very talented at making their problems your problems it's true i think netflix had a show about it i think it was called bojangles horse dudes hey did you know gallbladders are really cool yeah i took my dates i mean he got it removed at the hospital sure he did the worst is when you're reading a really good book that follows multiple character stories and you love it 90 of the time until it periodically switches back to that one character story that you could not just care less about and it's like an entire chapter of internal groaning while waiting for the plot to switch back to a character you actually care about yeah oh yes my favorite deltarune character i am also a fan of meat substitute wait it's been a long day alfred please fill up the bathtub master bruce what's a her tub this is so unfunny that i actually laughed good job hey keep your head up fella wizard it's incandation not incantation wait wait hold on hold on wait wait hold on wait wait hold on wait honestly frodo's journey is so wild like imagine your uncle goes missing after his birthday party and his old stoner friend from out of town tells you that the souvenir he brought back from vegas trip 80 years ago is actually satan's mood ring and now zombie assassins are coming to burn down your town unless you and your long guy meet up with medieval hose ears and a dark gastropub you know when you phrase it like that it sounds like a seth rogen movie and i just don't know how i feel about that are you a fab or amab i am a crab crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap seems like you could just write essays on a lot of things today pucky i could write a book about words i like and go into excruciating detail as to why i like each word i call it word review and i give each word an entire page or more on a numbered score that's this beautiful man i am a reverse hypochondriac i just ignore everything one time as a teen i went blind for two minutes in public and i said nothing dudes teach me my aesthetic is students at the library who have all their study materials out but are blatantly not studying buses are creatures they don't eat you because they love you but they could if they wanted to oh mario is going to do the regular mario here we go exactly once at the start of the movie before coughing violently and then apologizing chris pratt's voice yeah i didn't feel like there were enough posts for today's video so i'm going to do what i did probably a couple of videos back i'ma just make noises andy you do what you do best you beautiful boy but [Music] uh [Music] [Music] it's always poor little meow meow or evil bastard or i can make him worse what about men who are normal what about men who pay taxes and are well adjusted individuals and not at all insane okay tumblr user prison hannibal you clearly enjoy only the most hinged of men i don't know if i can defend myself against this one pics that make you go hmm hmm andy what do you think did it hurt when the little people inside your head refused to follow your carefully plotted novel outline extremely go do the thing a piece from surplus tension by hannah levy signals attached to entire bird legs which could make getting around either really easy or really hard i'm not sure if i'm funny enough to end up in a pm see more va video then that means i'm worth something in life all right i'm gonna stop you right there hold on all right andy just put put the image away for a second let me talk to him tool jester and to everyone listening to this right now you are all worth something in fact you all have so much value to yourselves and to people around you who love you and you might sit here and think there's nobody out here could possibly love me because i can already imagine somebody writing that comment right now just to be the outlier listen you have value you are loved and you are important to somebody okay okay let's move on it's touching moment you know a nap and a snickers bar would have solved all of anakin's problems but instead he chucked five monster energy drinks blocked obi-wan's number and let himself be bamboozled by the dark side well if we do that we wouldn't have gotten four five and six now would we i just woke up and yeah this isn't a morning app i can't even read what you people are saying yeah girls you got swiss product appendages see what i'm talking about i think it's the universal truth that everyone in our generation takes pluto's losing its planetary status as a personal offense yes pluto is smaller than russia why did we ever even consider a planet because it's part of our solar system ohana means family family means no one is left behind honey i'm pregnant hello pregnant he whispers tears of joys in his eyes i'm dead how could something be so cute and make me want to vigorously bang my head against a wall at the same time oh my god my friend asked me how i learned to cook and the answer is i didn't i know like five things about cooking and they are always use more garlic than the recipe calls for [ __ ] close enough is a great measurement tool find like five recipes that you like adjust them how you like them and make them until you hate them clean as you go and if a recipe is from a mommy blog you will need more spices if anyone wants to add please do none of these are wrong i spent four years in college on this subject and you know you're absolutely right why did i spend so much money you can't play a plus two on a plus two thank you for the cards but we'll take it from here the only rules of uno are what you can convince the rest of the tables the rules are is the world really such a terrible place yesterday i asked if oat milk was extra and the barista said yes so i said okay just regular milk then and when she gave me my chai latte she whispered i used oat milk doesn't that make you want to live another day here's my life philosophy next week there might be someone heading in line at the store who short a quarter and you have a quarter and you can't give it to them if you weren't there they'd have something to put back the week after that you could be getting lunch and the waiter might ask if you want some pancakes someone else ordered and never picked up you could find someone's lost cat you could watch someone's bag while they go to the restroom there are so many ways you're going to touch other people's lives and they're going to touch yours and there's no way to know when it's going to happen so you have to keep living i wouldn't want to die knowing that tomorrow the barista will give me free oat milk just to be nice isn't that just [ __ ] beautiful you when you see a good post you can say when you see a post is bad the poster's wow wow shut the [ __ ]
Channel: P.M. Seymour
Views: 85,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: voice, audio, P.M. Seymour, comedy, reading, discord, twitter, tumblr, social media, posts, reading posts, late night blogging, blogging, editing, not for kids
Id: o5SFr31Foh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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