How To Prep A New Reel/Spool for Scuba Diving

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ladies and gentlemen what's going on welcome to divers ready back once again with another in our series of quick tips videos where we try and pack as much information into a video five minutes or less on a given subject and today I'm going to show you how I prepare a new spool to go diving [Music] ladies and gentlemen what's going on my name's James welcome it's so great to see all your smiling faces if you haven't done so already make your next dive on our subscribe button click that little bellow icon and that way you'll never miss any of our videos I make videos with one simple goal in mind and that's to help make you a better scuba diver this quick tip videos series has been a big hit this is another user requested video how to prepare a new spool that you've just bought to take it diving with you quick tip series we get rid of the b-roll we get rid of the jokes we just dive straight in with as much knowledge as possible in 5 minutes or less here we go so you've just bought a new spool to go diving the first thing you're gonna want to do is remove about 25% of the line these things always come over loaded for some reason it's very generous of them but the trouble is when that line is all nice and new from the factory it looks nice and neat and flush it's wall to the top but the challenge is as soon as that line gets wet once it never really dries out and shrinks back to its original size so you can end up with bulging line and then that line comes loose and it just turns into a rat's nest really fast so first thing I do when I get a new spool like this is I take off about 20 or 25 percent of the total line length I don't throw that line away I actually have a spare line spool that I keep to hand for attaching bolts naps and just general twine usages but once I've got spaced on the roll I need to prepare it so that I can attach it to my DSMB or whatever it may be that I'm using this line for so the first thing I'm going to do is take a length of line that's a good enough loop right there and I'm just gonna tie an overhand knot in it pass the loop back through that knot and try and bring this knot down to the end as much as possible oh are you doing this on camera it's easy to do this when it's just me there we go step number one put a loop in then when you need to attach at your SMB you can pass the loop back through it and make a fault nice and easy next thing I want to do is make two smaller loops in this loop itself okay first one I want halfway down on one of the side loops so if I take my knot and my loop like that and I put my hand in the middle I'm gonna say about there we'll do it doesn't have to be exact just can take a little pinch like that but another overhand knot in it just a little one there you go that itty bitty anybody look then I'm gonna form in the end of the loop now that I've made that slightly shorter space there I'm gonna do the same thing again in the end so two loops one halfway along the primary loop and another one at the end and I want you guys to bear in mind as well this is how I set up a spool it's not the only way to do it I know there's other ways out there and I'm sure we're gonna get some people in the comments are like that's not how you do it supposed to do it I don't care this is how I do it my channel do it this way you'll do it your way I don't care but if you don't know now you know okay so I've got the main loop and I've got two little loops why did I do that well it's so that when I run this bad boy through here if I am smart and I get that little loop on the outside then when that's clipped off to me and I need to pull this line through I have something if I have thick gloves to be able to pull on like that see so that little loop there that's half way down the main loop is just a handle so as I wrap that up I want to make sure then it's sticking up nice and easy like that then what I'm going to do is take the end loop and feed it through one of the holes in the sport that's what that hole is there for okay then go back through to the inside of the next hole so now what happens is if I put a bolt snap on that my friend the double ender here if for some reason that comes undone then that is not going to unravel on me so if I need to get that line out I can detach from there use this little loop here pull it through and away so with that being said we're gonna put a few extra security measures in to make sure that we don't unravel or lose our spool so I'm just gonna feed that back through there and back through there what do we do is take my bolt snap and I'm gonna wrap this one time behind the locking mechanism on the bolt snap itself then I'm just gonna pull the bolt snap back clip it off and hey presto one secured bolt snap to a real the other end clips to me normally on my hip or my tailbone d-ring and that isn't going anywhere so there you have it ladies and gentlemen that is how I handle a new spoiler I hope this video was helpful to you until next time my name's James this was your divers ready video for this week subscribe if you haven't done so already I'll see you in the next one dive safe dive often guys
Channel: Divers Ready
Views: 10,700
Rating: 4.9674797 out of 5
Keywords: james blackman, scuba diver, diving, dive gear, dive equipment, sdi, scuba, scubadiver, scubadiving, scubadive, scuba love, diver advice, scuba certification, scuba gear, diver training, diving hints & tips, quick tips, set up a reel, set up a dive reel, tie a dive reel, deploy an SMB, how to set up a scuba reel, spool, reel, scuba diving, simply scuba, dallmyd, simplyscuba, diversready, divers ready, smb and reel setup, dsmb and reel, dsmb deployment, scuba reel
Id: IF-A0b0qbxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 42sec (342 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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