ISE How to set a Shotline

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hi I'm truffle in a space explorers today I would like to tell you a little bit about how to set up a shop line for deep break diving the reason for that is that a lot of really strange procedures out there and has been a really nasty accident a couple of months ago with two fatalities actually while setting up a hotline so we're also a couple of questions how we do that so at the moment we're here an elbow on the ghost truck project and I would like to take the opportunity to show you our setup of course that's not the holy grail of how to do this that's the way we do it and I will tell you why we do it that way and maybe that helps you also to set up your shot line in the safest possible way all right generally talking about the links as a short line you always want a straight connection to the wreck I mean you do not want a wreck in 50 meters of water and then swim 250 meters down that that angled line so for that reason the worst thing you can do is just a line was a float on top and then throw it in the water bit because it will never be a proper guideline either it's too short and it's fully drifting away or it's too long then you don't have a proper a proper oak rope going down so you need a counterweight which brings me to the length of the rope we normally say 1015 meters longer than the depth and the counterweight is this one here which in that it's like four and a half kilos of lead and it's not painted orange because of eyes II it's painted orange because this thing's hanging free in the water and if you have a bit of surf actually it will do this will start to pump up and down so while divers are in decompression you know going up there's a high chance they get it on their head which is not not a good thing so we painted it in the bright color so it's easy to spot and people are safe and obviously that's something that has to be in the dive briefing on the other end is the shot la the shop wait in that case that's 28 kilos of lead on a on a belt you see it's secured two times the reason for that is when you throw it in usually it starts to spin and that means you have a line that's starting to spin and coil up so you want that swivel in there and there's a proper eye in there so I'm not just a knot and as you see there's a tackling if you want to know how this is done there is a video on the YouTube channel how to do a chocolate then or not it's actually two on top of each other and then all of this is soaked in in superglue or no way this is opening up so you want a weight as heavy as possible so it goes down as fast as possible if you had I reason these Tom but I saw somebody using a brick like from house building and that is like machine going down like this and obviously never hits the REC it goes somewhere and there's always these people who have no idea about blue water and point seen whatever so they actually try to hold on that rope and swim down or whatever and then you come down and there's no wreck but just sand and the drifting weight and that usually is not what you want so take your heavy weight the heavy weight on the other side brings up the problem how do you get that back on board the last thing you want this especially after decompression dive to stand there and pull up 100 feet of the fourth line was 20 30 40 or whatever kilos of weight actually on real deep stuff and heavy currents we sometimes used even like engine blocks obviously clean without oil before some smart air starts to complain and I mean that's then like 200 kilos and I mean it's no way of lifting them and obviously there's no option of leaving them at the bottom so I'll show you quickly how we do that and later on I'll show you also on the boat the weight line runs through that slow to just call basically it's both fender or Norwegian float it's cold so it has a lot of lift it's very stable and it runs through there and then we have a counterweight on the other end and what we do is we have this this break in here which is from climbing it's a rope break so the weight key the line can go through this freely but if it pulls on the other side and this counterweight is removed you actually he actually can't so what we do is we want to bring up the line we go over the board to that float we get the counterweight in remove that that additional clip and then just take a bit of rope put it on the back of the boat full throttle the resistance of that float presses it underwater so there's a lot of resistance and line starts to go through that shickel and starts to come up so when I slow the boat down the meanwhile floating main weight cannot go back down because of that break so I have the line on the surface I can easily pull it in put it in the in the bin maybe I have to repeat that a second time but then I have the float was the main white weight directly under it and I can just lift that in the board no hassle nobody gets decompression issues perfect so now comes the really important part how do we set this up so what we have here on top is a is a little float ball there's a couple of metres of line so if you have current it's actually always nice to have this attached to the to the main line to the to the float so it's a good indication for the skipper where to position himself before he drops the divers and on top of small people on the - it's always nice somebody can just grab this and hold themself in the current so how do we how do we do that in a proper way the float was the Rope break is at the counterweight so that's the last thing that goes in the water so what you want to do is you want to have these things outside of your bin and you start to put the line in that pin like this make sure there's no coils take your time I see a lot of people just throw that line just somewhere and then or even Blues on the boat and then feet get in coils and people go overboard get entangled all kind of things so just put it in there loosely while you do this manually feeding it through your hands you make sure there is no knots or coils or whatever in it and as you have that swivel on the weight it actually doesn't start to do something like this because it always can spin freely so that's an important part of it so now we have to wait wait goes on top and that's basically how I have it in the cold so if the person that drops the line is ready you grab the weight soil in water the line starts to go out I mean it's almost our you just grab the buoy and the counterweight overboard and everything will adjust itself the weight will hit the bottom the counterweight will go down straighten the line and then when you go down just make sure you follow the line that is a little bit angles they're not the one that goes straight down because the one straight on is always the counterweight and if you have a lot of current then obviously that doesn't lead to the wreck otherwise they probably are both straight going down you can see them that's the way you wanna do it so we load that in the boat now set the short line for the first five team so we show you that on video and later that they will also show you how to retrieve it with that special method and I hope you like that if so please give us thumbs up if you have questions please ask them in the comment section and you know let's appreciate it if you have a look at Facebook and I'll see you next time thank you
Channel: InnerSpace Explorers - ISE
Views: 8,822
Rating: 4.9020977 out of 5
Keywords: Achim Schlöffel, ise, innerspace explorers, wreck diving, scuba diving, technical diving, expedition, explorataion, mike van splunteren, alain dobbelaere, dir diving, doing it right, gue, udt, tdi, iantd, tauchen, technisches tauchen, tec tauchen, wracktauchen, shotline
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Sat May 26 2018
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