2012 Channel Dive Followup

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you hi alfalfa - space explorers thanks a lot for all the feedback on the last video tons of mails and comments and on Instagram and Facebook and so I just picked a few questions and so this is kind of a follow up video answering a few of these questions that obviously burn in you and so yeah again Aaron was doing kind of an interview thing I actually found that very very comfortable instead of running through all of this by myself having him asking questions and me answering them so we do this again hey Aaron here sir I can found me on the street just to interview him yeah exactly yeah so we've just got a couple of questions that you guys have put forward to us yeah so let's just let's get into it so the first one we've got is from Terry and the question is can you please tell us more about the scary moments you mentioned a container that you almost ran into can we get a little bit more on that yeah as I said in the previous video my biggest fear was basically bumping into something because I couldn't really get an idea of how far I could see plus the travel speed and yeah I mean I have no issues with a was a net or something like that which was my biggest fear but I had this shipping container so I was scootering along there in blue water so in no reference and I mean obviously you're checking your compass your time I mean you're kind of busy it's not like you're just hanging there and enjoying the endless water around you and then suddenly I mean the currents running like almost 90-degree to you and this the shipping container which was like drifting in about 20 meters of water I was just passing by pretty fast and me closing in pretty fast and that actually gave me an idea of how fast I'm traveling and how bad the visibility was I mean still considerably good for being in the British Channel I mean compared to a lake or somewhere where you can't really read the instruments but traveling was that amount of speed plus the current it was still probably not more than 10 meters so when I realized this thing I had a very very short time frame to fix it which basically in that moment I was just hold this good a little bit up and I went over it so I didn't hit it but it was pretty close and I personally found it pretty scary because it was interrupting this monotone time just passing by and something cool there's something right and then you're obviously going a certain alert mode so you expect more of this to come which then obviously doesn't happen and so that was one of the moments and the other two were that I'm I had this big container ship and most probably a ferry that crossed my way and also I was traveling in between 25 and 30 meters this big container ship actually the lowest point on the water is 22 meters below the surface so suddenly it gets dark it gets noisy you get these terrible vibrations we're actually especially with the rebreather suddenly everything starts to shake and you can't really hold it anymore and you feel like okay there's water getting in your mask slowly fills one of the reed contacts that trigger the SCOOTER suddenly went off and so I started to spin around and I was like no it's probably a bit too much and that's when I actually went down just trying to kind of escape because you don't know how close it is I did again you have no real feeling for distance so I went down I hit the ground if I think 54 meters black mud everywhere so I was sitting there kind of in stealth mode I'll see what's gonna happen and then government vibrations were so intense that that mud suddenly from the bottom suddenly started to go up so you could see actually the bottom start to shake and the black mud coming up and the visibility obviously goes to zero here so you keep clearing your mask holding a rebreather and sitting there like whatever that is let's hope it stops at some points and I probably took two or three four minutes till that ship was gone visibility obviously stays like that so then I mean the vibrations everything stopped and I started to rise again and I think I went up to almost 18 or 20 meters till the visibility kind of cleared again and I started to travel again so that were actually the two most uncomfortable moments that I had during the dive okay so for you you'd say more uncomfortable more than more than scared or it's always I mean it's a different perspective now it's a couple of years ago the problem in the in that moment is that you do not really know what's going on if you would know okay it's that ship and that's 22 meters down just passes over me you'll probably just go another 10 meters deeper or something like that but the feeling is so intense and it's all somewhere around you and you cannot really figure out how close this is how the whole reel is the danger I mean the problem is this danger and fear thing is always there's there's a rational feel that's something that's real yeah so if that woman is in a really bad part of the town at midnight alone that's probably it's something that you should be afraid of if you're alone in your basement and the light bulb is broken it's to be afraid I mean you may or might be afraid but that's the fear that you should learn to overcome because it's an unreal fear I mean nothing's in that basement changed just if the lights on or not so I mean in the case of the channel dive in that I couldn't really figure out is it dangerous or not it was just very very uncomfortable and you're in a situation that you that you have no practice with you haven't had that before so you obviously try to escape it but you cannot really measure is this really endangering me right now is it just uncomfortable um looking back at it from today it was very uncomfortable but it was no real danger yeah okay I mean flooded mosque yeah scooter not working now all all good bad visibility yeah but nothing really bad things you've all dealt with before right I mean if let's say the water would have been like 25 meters deep and the thing goes down 22 and you and your haft and you can't go deeper then it would have been really dangerous and obviously a realistic fear face yeah okay cool so the next question coming from Paul why did you choose the kiss rebreather and what alternatives were you thinking about if any well as you might know we've been experimenting with a lot of different rebreathers in icy so I had to jump and I'm diving rebreathers for very long time so I'm just playing around us all kind of rebreathers but there wasn't more there was a time probably the two years before the channel dive whenever I went for a private dive I had like eight different rebreather models in the basement and if it was private I always picked the kiss like not really thinking about it was just I felt this is the most comfortable unit the most intuitive unit very simple construction are very robust and I was just what I felt most comfortable with and then I mean there was not not a lot of changes to be done it was very simple to put these two units together the extended scrubber I mean no rocket science nothing super fancy that you need it was also based basically all this parts that were laying around and yeah it's a bulletproof machine and I mean you are quite well known for for being a big fan of the the KISS rebreather over many others yeah yeah absolutely but but that's again the thing I mean before kind of settled down traveling all over the world extensively up to 300 days a year I never had a real issue is the kiss I mean whatever breaks down there because people drop backs and flights or stuff like that it's you can always substitute it basically from the local dive store or the hardware store right so there's a very limited amount of parts that are kiss specific that you have to order from kiss and then they're not really expensive so the stuff that you know you have to have to have from kiss you have your spare parts kit but the rest you can take from somewhere yeah and that was important for me I like look at the counterlungs for example the catalogs are these drinking bags yeah I can remember an expedition that we had in the Emirates and there was this guy was I can't remember probably an inspiration or something but was this special counterlungs and they were up during the flight so there was no chance from the raft because he just couldn't get these counterlungs in that short amount of time till the exploration expedition vessel was leaving the harbor so if it would have been my rebreather I could go to the next outdoor store and just bought these two bags and for 25 bucks and I mean ask they're so cheap and so common you always have a few in spare which you probably don't do when you pay $500 for a pair of counterlungs and you don't really need them so that was it's one of the things that I liked most on the rebreather yeah we're there any alternatives that you'd considered or it was always really okay cool next question coming from Mike did you see any wrecks on the dive I looked it up on a map and I think that you should have passed some did you see anything I mean probably not with the visibility there was a joke going on before my team let's say if you delayed probably not in trouble you're just exploring a wreck and unfortunately unfortunately not on the other hand luckily not because it was one of these obstacles I looked it up on the web map as well there's quite a few things laying around from world war two and I wasn't too sure how far they rise rise up I mean if it's in the shipping lane they're probably why a direct or clear door was explosives whatever I didn't see anything obviously I mean being in this murky water for a long time you tend start seeing shadows like it's a little bit dark and here a little bit darker here if you're an avid wreck diver I'm probably udo from the baltic sea or something you know that feeling you're going down it's dark underneath you and suddenly it gets a little bit talk and that darker spot then actually materializes as the wreck so I thought a couple of times it might be something like that but then obviously as I said before I mean it you really have to focus on the navigation on the compass so you don't get off course so there's not that much space just like God looking around and so yeah I mean nothing the our commercial didn't have time did to get a couple of quick wreck dives in there it would have been cool to an extent yeah the only wreck I saw was actually a small like a like a not even a ship but I should have put a fishing boat that I bumped into while I was in decompression just a small wooden boat that was that was laying there we have a additional guest warming to okay next question so this is from Gunther what do you do to stay hydrated food etc toilet it's actually a pretty good question I'm assuming I know the answer but okay I had two four liter water bags strapped on the pad off the scooter um so I was able to drink close the rebreather mouthpiece take that wholes drink ask the the back's flexible the water pressure hot so it's not like you have to vacuum either as a solid bottle yeah which doesn't work so they're drinking bags I had a big plate of spaghetti like four o'clock in the morning before I started to get some carbs carbs yeah and then actually you take two imodium these anti diarrheal pills so you don't have any unpleasant things happening if your water for a long time but that's what a lot of cave divers also do when you do a lot of exposure dives we take so you're just using kind of similar que principles for yeah absolutely I mean yeah up your stomach for a couple of days but twice you pay yeah nothing dramatic and I mean I looked at the entire life but as a cave tuff I said that a couple of times I just took it as an overhead environment I've go in here traverse go out on the other side yeah and so you didn't have any unexpected fantastic I mean you have the the P valve so that's not an issue yeah and so I was good hydrated very very very nice this one coming from Penta 77 I saw your other YouTube channel why do you not link them together thank you very much here we are yeah the other YouTube videos obviously about my my other business as most of you guys probably know I became a father seven years ago and as I spend most of my time of my life traveling around not having a real family I was super happy when that happened and I decided to stay more home and find myself something to do that allows me to stay close to my family and I turned my biggest hobby into a business so I'm restoring these old runabouts speedboats and I have a YouTube channel American runabouts which I will put in the description a link if you're interested yeah and there's YouTube channel I just didn't link him because I didn't feel that there's any any connection to it but if you're interested check it out way smaller than the advisee thing but yeah some pretty cool stuff that we're doing so I'm allowed to say that next question from Steven I saw some Facebook posts over you with a dog our little friend is it yours new show us here we go what do people want what the people have been waiting for so that's Nala she's a puppy about six months old she was in a plastic bag on the fence in front of the house so yeah the boys saw her and then obviously turn about the workshop dog now so she's with us yeah so out of the team part of the part of the team yeah yeah say hello say goodbye she's a bit of a princess really exactly so yeah my dog new Nala there you go all right Tim 23 why could you stay so long on that RB RB rebreather rebreather I thought the max is 180 minutes yeah your lab right now 180 minutes are something that the manufacturer puts out there it's obviously a liability thing and how long you can stay on a rebreather is there's a lot of factors you have the temperature you in you have the work of breathing you have the cannister design if it's a radial or axial scrubber the material you use for absorbing it the amount of lime that you have in the canister etc etc so that's quite a few things and I can give you an example talking about the case I had a working dive that I did on a on a case which was pretty stupid but it was more like a test so I had to remove wooden poles from a from an old jetty in a lake and I did it was a manually with a hacksaw saw was a tree locked like this and I was trying to hack saws through that and I did that for 45 minutes really really working hard and the scrubber was all purple and I could actually start feeling a co2 issue so I burned that scrubber in 45 minutes breathing really really heavily in ice-cold water on top of that so on the channel knife intermediate water product temperature was around 10 degrees we had the scrubber extended to two to three point two kilos and I wasn't on the rebreather I think around about 11 hours and the scrubber was probably one third was purplish and the rest was white but I was just hanging behind the scooter so no real exertion or really heavy breathing except for a couple of mornings and so that gives a good indication that there's no fixed rule about it but obviously 180 minutes also coming from the CNS toxicity table thinking about 1.3 180 minutes is a hundred percent co2 100% CNS and so that comes handy and merges together and obviously it's a liability thing because the manufacturers are very sure that your safe is in these limits to recommend usually running the machines on one point 380 minutes three hours that's the limit but it's an artificial limit like a decompression table okay basically the same thing I mean it's guideline that makes you safe but it does not mean that you can't go further I still just a guard like yes of us yeah yeah oh very interesting this one coming from Kendrick how did you prepare to handle the fear I could not imagine being alone in the Blackwater with no reference it would freak me out well it's not that you do swimming cause in the week later diving cause than a week later you do a 12 hour dive yeah it's more a thing that I mean you grow into that I've wonder when I did the diver was probably diving for more than 30 years and I had a lot of really long deep cave toss a long lot of long deep rec toys I just like being on a water and obviously there was an extensive preparation phase of almost two years for her so yeah hard to say I suppose it's one of those things I mean you know for me as well I mean with limited diving experience it something like that it just seems I mean how would that even be possible but then I mean when you adjust to it over time and you build up that experience yeah I mean it's like a for example I'm clearly afraid of her off of height so I did a couple of sky dives yeah but I never felt comfortable with it so I could never even think about some let's say some crazy base jump or something yeah just coming I cannot imagine myself doing that for no money in the world yet a professional BASE jumper but we're growing intervals up yeah so I have no no real answer to that it's just I grew into that I mean I started diving when I was seven years old enough more than 10,000 dives so it did not feel unnatural let's say yep I suppose you wouldn't get too many inexperienced people trying something like this and if they were then that would probably not be so smart all right this one is from Billy Hanson why did you not make more out of this book film etc yeah this is it I think I said it in the first video I've never had the Public Relation or the record or all of this in mind when I did it so that basically answers the question um Pope is a good point my patrons actually know that there is a book and I wasn't really sure what to do is they publish it make a make an audio book out of it or whatever but fact is that we it's on a publisher it will be published this year so there will be a book once it's out I'll actually publish something here as well I'm not sure yet if it will be available in English so and the first phase will be published in German but the books there and otherwise yeah as I said I never really focused on that dive in having marketing in as well as especially I mean a lot of the footage being lost from it as well makes it makes it a lot harder to really do anything most footage that we have is you know is terribly overexposed and that's yeah and I never had real focus on it which was probably stupid but I never just had the intention so yeah so all the the interest that came after what basically blew me off a little bit because I wasn't prepared for that but certainly stay tuned for updates with the book there's exciting times ahead with that yeah definitely yeah all right well that that wraps up all of the questions that we have from the fans all right yeah so I don't think you much suppose it's lunch time anyway okay thanks for watching if you have more questions please feel free to comment drop me emails Facebook whatever all the channels that we have and I'm happy to do another update if there's more engine crushed interesting questions coming up we just picked the ones that basically covered all of them there one more but they were all kind of the same and yeah stay tuned for the next video
Channel: InnerSpace Explorers - ISE
Views: 1,420
Rating: 4.9069767 out of 5
Keywords: britisch Channel, achim schloeffel, ise, innerspace explorers, scuba diving, scuba records, technical diving, decomression diving, scooter, bonex, padi, gue, utd, cmas, sport diving, british channel crossing
Id: obm7gSI3jYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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