Deepair - is it an option?

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hi alham from inner space explorers i received a few questions from patrons asking me about my opinion or advice on dives deeper than 40 meter and how they could do it but do it safely without using helium the simple answer to that is you can't obviously there is people diving way deeper than 40 meters on air and they come back up fan off also there was a lot of deep air diving in the past and uh i would lie to you if i would say that i didn't do that but there's a huge difference if somebody in late 70s or early 80s did deep dives on here claiming that there's no other way of going deep i'm also thinking about like the um like the wreck divers off new york that started diving in the mud hole in the 70s and there was no helium or training for you etc available so they pushed the the boundaries further and further and further but they also have fatalities and accidents and with today's knowledge it is completely unresponsible to promote teach recommend and obviously dive deeper than the known limits on air air is simply the worst gas to decompress from even if you then use nitrox or oxygen to speed up your decompression and even if you would consider the oxygen limit of 1.6 66 meters with air the absolute limit i guarantee you that your um partial pressure of nitrogen your narcosis level is so bad that there's no reasonable work to be done down there and especially if the hits the fan and as we all know our prominent dive buddy murphy's always with us and the ship will hit the fan it's not a question if it's the question is when it will happen and the other thing is how long do you want to stay there i mean [Music] if you want to achieve something on greater depths is simply the wrong guess because you will not function to the best of your abilities and i even take helium on way shallower dives if i want to perform to give you an example most of you know that i'm very much into underwater photography so let's say i do a 25 to 30 meter dive doing photography and i look at a series of pictures that i did doing a dive like this on nitrox for example and the same dive on triops the quality of the pictures of the triox dive are significantly better than the ones i do on trimec on on nitrox or air and it's not that i'm knocked at 25 meters or 30 meters but obviously the small details like doing super wide angle and then suddenly i see that the cable from the strobe is somewhere in the picture afterwards when i look at the pictures that's stuff that doesn't happen if i breathe helium so there is a clear benefit so but now we talk diving within all air limits 25 30 meters and even there there is a there's a significant difference when i use helium so that means there is an effect there isn't a necrosis effect that you probably don't really realize it's a little bit like you have a beer and then drive a car of course you don't feel a huge difference or hopefully you don't feel any difference at all but it could be proven that your reaction time is already slower than if you would have no beer and uh so now talking about 50 or 60 meters it is drastic um it's not just a little bit or it's like yeah it works somehow it is drastic there's another point the deeper i go the higher my po2 is so the the philosophy that we normally follow is that we want to reduce our po2 on greater depths to kind of spare some of that cns clock to be used in our decompression so if i have a low po2 first of all i'll reduce my risk of of any oxygen toxicity at greater depths and the other thing is that i gain a lot of seen as if i have extended decompression especially if i if i decompress with oxygen and rich gases like 50 or even pure oxygen so if i use the wrong gas in that case air to go deeper um i get very close to my 1.6 limit so if i already have 1.6 or even worse on the bottom i build up a lot of my cns clock then how do i want to effectively decompress from that without again running into cns sim cns issues so as much as i'm sorry about that there is no recommendation or there is no guideline or a rule or whatever that allows you to do safe diving beyond these limits not using the proper gases if you want to dive deeper than 40 meters and you want to be safe in my opinion if you want to dive deeper than 30 meters and follow proper safety rules then you die for superhelium and yeah i know accessibility of helium is got worse the last couple of years and prices also went up so if you dive a lot a rebreather definitely is the solution for that and that that's what i do you don't see me diving opposition at all i always dive my kiss and if you do it just from time to time the financial impact is not so big but what you gain from the dives is a lot more regarding photography documentary documentation and also your memories on these dives i did so many stupid deep air dives 25 30 years ago where i have no real clue um to to finish this chapter i will give you a quick story slash example um i was working with a german tv channel on a dive on a wreck in the baltic sea that sits at around 50 meters and that was in the mid 90s and it was air dying so baltic sea it's dark it's murky water um huge wreck so i took camera i went down there i think i did 30 minutes on the bottom or something like that i came up and this guy held the microphone in front of my face and was like okay mr shuffle how was the dive what did you see what can you tell us and i was like what murky water i mean nothing special nothing nothing that's worth mentioning later on we checked my tape and actually i was filming a helmet steering helm and which was pretty beautiful and i was filming it for more than a minute just holding on to it but i couldn't remember that sequence after the dive which actually should make you scratch your head and the funny thing is i also couldn't find this again on repetitive dives i just couldn't find it anymore and that was one of these points for me when i realized something's probably really wrong with what we're doing because if if i film something for a next complete minute focusing on it and then 20 minutes later i can't remember that i did it how would i have reacted if i would have gotten into serious trouble like entangle myself or get a ruptured hose or whatever so yeah sorry for that there is no recommendation for what you when you ask and i can just strictly um encourage you to take a course using helium-based mixtures and then dive deeper in the safest possible way if you ask questions comments please use the comment section if you're one of my patrons or you want to become one obviously we discuss this in great detail in the patreon section you can contact me privately of course and i'm happy to answer all your questions and if you like this please give me thumbs up if you haven't subscribed to the channel yet please consider doing so and if you subscribe please hit that little bell so you get notification when i upload new content thanks for watching dive safe and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: InnerSpace Explorers - ISE
Views: 5,495
Rating: 4.9700375 out of 5
Keywords: ise, innerspace explorers, deepair, deep diving, mixed gas diving, trimix, technical diving, helium, scuba limits, limits for diving, scubadiving, achim schloeffel, o2-limits, cns, nitrogen narcosis, extended range diving
Id: elcm0kQWqNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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