Is Windows 11 SLOWER Than Windows 10? (Win 10 vs 11 Input Latency Tests)

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Windows 10 versus Windows 11 input latency this one is a long time coming where I've wanted to test back and forth between the os's seeing if you use one or the other are you going to get lower input lag which will ultimately help you when you are playing PC games on getting the fastest drawer of frame on your monitor which means that if you're playing competitive titles especially you'd want to have the lowest input lag possible now here's where for this testing we tested with a 360 HZ isus monitor also when I was in Japan I did test with the Philips Evia 175 HZ but essentially what we do here is we've got this hooked up to a mouse left click and it's hooked up to a light so when we click it we get informed of the actual click and then we shoot at 1,000 FPS and what this enables us to do is then count the frames for 1 millisecond and then analyze the time it takes for the mouse button to be pressed and the image to come out on the screen which then we can count the frames back and then see what the input delay was of the total system from start to finish this is my favorite way of testing input lag there's no gimmicks there's no bull involved and it just gives you consistently good results just like the first result here we're going to pull up which is actually with Windows 10 versus Windows 11 it's not so much the os's themselves as it is these three security settings secure boot trusted platform technology and TPM 2.0 when I had these on with Windows 10 we actually sought very similar input lag to Windows 11 which Windows 11 requires you to have these things on to install the OS at least a default install of the OS and when we turn them off on Windows 10 we then saw a drop of 3 milliseconds now you're probably thinking Brian well 3 milliseconds that's nothing that's nothing to worry about I'm just staying with Windows 11 but here's what we actually did a a lot more testing after the fact and I realize that if you're on Windows 10 or Windows 11 then you're definitely going to want to keep watching this video cuz there are some big settings in the OS itself that can affect your input delay heavily especially for gaming so let's get right into it though after today's video sponsor where a lot of this testing wouldn't be possible with vipd keys which have a great deal on a single end user activated license on Windows 10 Pro or Windows 11 Pro for as little as $15 for the Windows Pro license if you use the coupon bftc and the link in the description below and if you want to get Windows 11 Pro that's a little bit more but the funny thing is you can just use the Windows 10 Pro key for Windows 11 Pro and it works absolutely fine at least all the times I've used it personally and then of course they've got Windows 10 home if you want to save a few dollars there and they've got other software so big thanks for them for sponsoring out today's video I'll put some links in the description below let's continue however with the next biggest thing and this was all these applications that I had on Windows 10 after I've installed all my video editing software there is a big culprit here and it's called Adobe Cloud Center more specifically the update services that come installed with this application introduced on average a 5 millisecond delay which was actually really concerning cons considering it must mean that there's something else going on in the background here perhaps there's Telemetry I'm just not sure but that 5 MC delay can mean the difference ultimately between a good frag and a bad death and this is in the form of applications and services that run in the background in fact some of these applications and services they don't ask you to install themselves they just automatically install themselves and decide to even run on Startup without you even knowing and what we did here was before and after where we had these services on this was just a regular install on my PC using Windows 10 updates of course I've even tuned my Windows 10 using my Windows 10 tune Optimizer guide and here is where we saw on average an 18 millisecond difference when we disabled all these crappy services and apps that just push themselves without you even knowing and before and after is just huge we tested this in CS2 formally csgo where the best draw that we got was 8 milliseconds on average here we were getting around 10 milliseconds and here's where the average went up to 28 milliseconds with the best draw being 22 and the worst being 34 and this is extremely surprising seeing as a lot of people are going to be just installing their games they're installing their services installing the applications that they do for work but they're going to be affected by quite a sizable amount of input lag that's just automatically creeping up on their desktop though testing out all these applications individually I know some of you are going to say which application is it specifically if I was to test all these applications individually one by one I'd just be here for a whole year and in that time there's going to be new apps new services that pop up in place of the old ones just to trick you guys so my recommendation here is when you're in Windows 10 or Windows 11 always make sure your system is running lean if you've got these services or applications that you know you didn't install and you don't need them I'd recommend disabling them like I've done so with my own system and saw a great benefit now in terms of focusing on one application in particular for example I knew that adobe introduced some sort of input delay to my system because I did a fresh install for videos that I've done in the past and then I installed Adobe and I noticed it was just that little bit less snappier and then doing the testing here we found that for instance if you've got Adobe Cloud the service which you actually don't need to have on if you want to use for instance Adobe premere Pro or photoshop if you've got this service on it'll actually introduce 5 to 6 milliseconds of delay consistently on your computer so that's one culprit out of the many culprits that can just creep up on your PC and cause you as some nasty delay though if you think that's all we've got some more testing I'm going to show you up on the screen here in a second but in the meantime what I want to say is the first testing that we've done here is software based so the best way to get around this and make sure you got the lowest input lag is firstly maybe use Linux where you're just installing what you're getting or second make sure your Windows 10 or Windows 11 is just tuned and it's tuned to Perfection though the difference between Windows 11 and Windows 10 as we said earlier was that Windows 11 especially the official version requires those Securities and so it's going to add 3 milliseconds versus a Windows 10 that doesn't have those security features enabled of course with Windows 11 you can get custom versions that do get around this I just preferred my work style in Windows 10 was better I find it's a leaner OS and there's just more functionality for what I do personally however that debate over let's move in now to some more important input lag settings because I want to get to the bottom of this for you guys and get you running at the best competitive experience that you possibly can whether you're doing work or you're doing gaming for me personally I actually prefer doing this to having the lowest input lag for when I'm doing my work and so here's where if you've got for instance an LG OLED TV this was something that I noticed if you got to make sure this is on game mode because if it's not on game mode it's actually going to introduce around 40 milliseconds of delay which is actually quite sizable so to make sure it's on game mode you can just go into your settings turn it on the game mode and then also turn on the Instant Game response in the menu and then you'll be tasting better input lag on your TV if you're using that for a monitor now in terms of gaming monitors they've also got options low input lag I would heavily recommend always turning these on for the best experience while you're using your PC now another thing is too of course there's mice there's keyboards they have their own input delays depending on the brand me personally I've said this in the past I always like to use either a razor or Logitech mouse there's also extra companies like final Mouse if it's a reputable brand it's most likely going to have extremely low input lag I just know from personal experience when I've done these tests the razor and also the Logitech have virtually zero input delay which is great for testing and eliminating one variable that could otherwise introduce input lag if you were to go with a brand that you don't know of you can introduce up to 10 even 20 milliseconds of input delay just by going like that now the final thing to talk about of course is the monitor itself monitors have variance in input delay for instance some of the best monitors I've tested out in the market actually the best I've tested out today was Phillips and their Evia lineup which had incred incredibly low input delay I would measure it somewhere in vicinity of 0 to 1 milliseconds then behind me is the isus 360 HZ that would introduce maybe 2 milliseconds of input lag so the evir is actually faster than that even though that has 360 HZ versus the 175 however you can get your random gaming monitors off Amazon it could introduce up to 50 milliseconds of delay just like we saw with the TVs if they are not in low input lag mode anyhow guys with all that side I'm going to be doing some testing I know a lot of you guys have requested I do some tests with Linux I'm going to be doing that in the near future especially on games testing out the input delay on Linux I do have a gut feeling it's probably going to be the best because the kernel on Linux is actually better than that of windows so I'm looking forward to doing that test and if you guys want to see that the moment it drops be sure to hit that subscribe button ring that Bell and also if you enjoyed today's video sure to hit that like button for us but what we saw with today's video was if you've got all these settings if you've got a poorly optimized windows with all this bloat on it if you've got a bad monitor with high input lag bad Mouse you can see anywhere up to an extra 100 milliseconds on your total system now if you're playing someone who's got a really good internet connection they're getting pings of say 3 to 5 milliseconds on their actual internet and then they've got all this low input lag and they're getting draws of say uh 8 milliseconds they're going to have maybe 11 milliseconds in total and if then you're adding on say for instance you've got internet 3 milliseconds but then you're adding on 100 milliseconds they're going to be beating you a lot of the time because you've now got a 100 millisecond disadvantage which nowadays with a internet being fiber in a lot of places a lot of people are going to have good internet and low pings however if you are on a wireless connection or you're on a satellite connection and things like that that is obviously going to introduce some of its own input delay if you want to check how fast your internet is you can just do a simple speed tab T and that will tell you the actual millisecond Delay from your internet itself which is also a really important factor in getting the lowest input lag possible especially if you're playing competitively online anyhow guys with all that aside things like this can make a difference especially if you're playing at a pro level or if you're just someone who used to play a game really well and then you're suddenly wondering why say for instance you just changed your whole setup and you're wondering why you just suck this could definitely be a big factor as to why you're sucking but of course you could suck because you just suck at games too maybe that's one option as well anyhow guys I will catch you in another tech video very soon peace out for now oh wait we got the question of the day and this comes from dog with butter not dog dog and it will be bottlenecked by a 5700x don't recommend a zen4 processor because I've already bought a motherboard so what this question is referring to is we did a PC with an RTX 370 and a 5700x and that CPU the 8 core 16 threads it's not going to bottleneck the 370 at all when we looked at the GPU utilization when we had our metrics on it was going near 100% on all the games we tested which means that the 5700x is going to be a great CPU especially combined with an RTX 370 and even if you're going with like an RTX 390 and stuff especially if you're playing High resolutions it's not going to be a problem either hope that answers that question and I'll see you in the next one peace out for now [Music] bye
Channel: Tech YES City
Views: 34,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Windows 10 input delay, windows 11 input latency, windows 10 vs windows 11, tech yes city, win 10 vs win 11 input latency, win 10 vs win 11 gaming, gaming benchmarks, latency benchmarks, input delay, adobe, intel, amd, nvidia
Id: CDqOLJzwcuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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