Is A Vertical Mouse WORSE For Gaming?

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I am clearly getting old to the point where I'm  worried that soon my grandkids are excitedly going   to dump me in an old age home where they'll  drug me and feed me soft food every meal and   the reason for that is because my gamer wrists  are getting pretty unhappy with extended gaming   sessions involving frantic clicking in fact  it's not just gaming sessions editing these   videos also get the the carple dogs are Barkin  which led me on a bit of a mouse Journey which   I found interesting enough to share with  you ooh but first today's video sponsor   while building an RGB gaming system you ever  find yourself in this position well corsair's   new IQ link McGuffin can help being able to  daisy chain all of your RGB and fans together   with a single cable run makes life so much  easier I recently swapped a bunch of IQ link   fans into a test system and had a great  time not getting tangled in RGB fans like   King Kong in a substation who look at those  trouser tightening results so if you want a   greatl looking easytouse premium RGB solution  check out IQ link using the link in the video [Music] description now my mouse Journey started when  I realized that two of my family members own   this mouse which is the Logitech MX Master 3s  and as far as I know it's widely considered   as one of the best productivity mice and  interacting with it I was intrigued enough   to go out and buy my own one and um it's  fine it's what I'd call a high-end example   of mouse it feels wellmade it's comfortable  and it does Mouse things well but nothing   about using it got me aroused in any way  having said that I do like this very well   dampened side scroll wheel which is kind of  fun to use in Photoshop now what I don't love   about it which may be a bit of a lame gripe  but the main scroll wheel as you can hear here is not clicky it's like a free flowing  thing which to me the scrolling speed in   Windows doesn't quite respond intuitively to  the varying velocity of your inputs giving the   mouse a bit of a learning curve which would be  fine if it's your only Mouse but if you switch   between between mice quite regularly like I  do every time I get back to it I have to get   used to the scroll wheel feel again which does  feel a bit lame to complain about but I wish it   had that option where you could like select a  clicky mode for it that would be awesome like   the old Prometheus I think stupid complaint  aside there was one part of the mouse that   got me quite intrigued if you look at the back  of it it has quite a scrumptious booty which   fills your palm quite nicely and angles your  forearm slight off the table now if you talk   to like ergonomics people according to them  having your forearms straight down onto the   table is really bad for things like carpal  tunnel cuz you have to like stretch tendons   and stuff to get into that position so lifting  your arm up a little bit does relieve some of   that tension the problem for me with this MX  Master though is that it doesn't quite lift   your arm enough so I got to Googling and found  something else so out with the MX master and in with this mouse which is the Lodi lift it's  a very oddl looking device but aside from   some issues I have with it which we'll  address in a second this is by far the   most comfortable Mouse I've ever used at  least once you get used to the shape look   at it your forearm is so much more up while  holding it and it's it's really comfortable   I can spend an entire day editing with this  thing with without having the carpo hounds   uh barken now my issues with it the first one  is that it uses like doublea batteries so it's   not rechargeable but the batteries do seem to  last quite long uh another problem with it is   that the click buttons are really terrible like  they're nice and quiet but they're like a damp handshake and the other thing is as you can tell  from the complete lack of RGB on this mouse it   is very much not a gaming mouse I did try and  use it for gaming a little bit and it just felt   very awkward uh it was difficult for me to like  accurately click on things quickly but that's   very anecdotal so I decided to try and find a  way to get a little bit more empirical data on   how much worse this is to game with than an  actual ergonomically terrible normal gaming mouse now I've decided to get some empirical data  on the difference between a normal gaming mouse   like this disgusting M65 I've been using for a  very long time and the weird ergonomic one by   using aim Labs now I am by no means like Ali from  Optimum Tech who was endowed by the gaming Gods   with insane ability in fact I've never even done  aim Labs before so I don't think this is going to   go great but I'm curious to see if there's like  a measurable difference in my performance between   the two mice and I'm going to start off with the  gross M65 and I have to admit my first aim Labs   experience was much more harrowing than expected  when will this end 20 20 more seconds I feel like   my eyes are going to explode oh there we go so I  have an accuracy of 95.2% on the little M65 with   a reaction time of 378 milliseconds I don't know  if that's good but it doesn't it doesn't sound   very good but with a DPI of 400 on the Corsair  mouse that is what what my score looks like it   then took me a while to match the DPI of the  M65 with the Lodi lift because the logi lift   doesn't let you set the DPI just like the mouse  pointer speed I guess but once I got them feeling   similar I was ready to destroy some balloons and  the result of the slaughter was surprising so my   accuracy was a little bit higher with the little  lift thing uh but my score was was slightly lower   oh yeah my reaction time was quite a bit lower  on the mouse though because I feel like it's   quite hard to get it to line up and after one  more test per Mouse a clear theme was emerging   I am measurably less accurate with the the gaming  mouse than I am with the lift like that is those   are consistent results although with the gaming  mouse it's a little bit faster you can see that   I'm I've actually gotten a higher score there  before doing some more aim Labs I fired up a   game of DOTA switching between the two mice to  see which I preferred and by the end of the match   I kept going back to the lift cuz it was just  so much more comfortable over the next couple   of days I was in AIM Labs mode testing a couple  of gaming mice against the lift and two things   quickly became clear one if anything I was getting  worse at aim labs and two I was consistently more   accurate with the lift but slower and after a  bunch of aim Labs I felt like a big reason for   the geriatric scores on the lift was because  its feet provided too much resistance on the   mouse pad the lift feels real grippy compared  to its gaming counterparts so I decided to do   a small mod to the lift to try and bridge that  Gap and speed I decided to get some fancy new   superglide footies for the vertical Mouse to  see if it increases my speed at [Music] all   oh they're so tiny so I think I'm going to stick  them on the existing feet I'm not sure does this   look like something that isn't really stupid I  mean maybe it feels a little bit better but as   is usually the case I immediately ran into a  problem the current footy position lifted the   sensor too high off the table for it to reliably  read movement so I had to change the position to   this well it it does actually feel very different  I'm curious to see what the aim lab results are   going to be like and after just a minute of  eyeball torture the first result was in whoa   okay so I have lost a bit of accuracy but look at  my score although moving back over to the M65 did   show that maybe I was having a good day okay so  we do have that accuracy difference between the   two mice but the scores are closer now and the  wrist pain difference is very big but when I   move moved back over to the lift I was surprised  at how confidence inspiring that Mouse had become   in AIM Labs oh the feet made a big difference  actually so with the glass feet applied Not   only was I still more accurate with the lift now  I was also faster with it than the gaming mouse   now don't get me wrong it took quite a bit of  getting used to but I'm really starting to warm   to the idea of a vertical gaming mouse maybe if  Logitech releases a lightweight version of the   lift with a hero sensor in it and a rechargeable  battery it could be a god tier gaming peripheral   with that let me know in the comments down below  what experience you've had with vertical mice and   if you think this is a cocki idea subscribe  and until the next video [Music] bye-bye
Channel: Dawid Does Tech Stuff
Views: 145,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dawid, dawid does tech stuff, PC, gaming, intel, AMD, Corsair, Gaming, Game, Computer, Gaming PC, David Does Tech Stuff, DDTS, Tech, Stuff, David, Linus, Linus Tech Tips, Windows, Microsoft, CoolerMaster, DeepCool, bequiet!, Technology, cloud gaming, streaming, xbox, playstation, sony, Windows OS, GPU, Nvidia, gaming laptop, laptop, gaming computer monitor, monitor, Nvidia GeForce RTX
Id: vgkQKcYE5Lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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