DEBLOAT and OPTIMIZE a Custom Windows 11 ISO (for GAMERS and POWER users)

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today's video we are going to release and also explain how you can make your own custom windows 11 ISO so this will be a step-by-step detail now the benefits to making a custom ISO is from the get-go you have all the settings that you've changed and so if you reinstall Windows on not just your own computer but you want to reinstall Windows on Friends computers or even start with a fresh install of Windows you can just use your own custom ISO or of course use the one that we're providing in the link in the description below to save you all the time but just for transparency we're going to go through the list of changes we've made as well as showing you guys step by step how you can make these changes too so you can get an awesome custom light Windows 11 install it's not just going to be better for gaming but also better for power users and people who are say using this as a workstation or maybe something for streaming so let's get straight into today's tutorial where the first thing you need to do is go to the Windows Microsoft Windows website we'll put the link in the description below for the 2 and download a Windows 11 ISO once you've downloaded that ISO we then double click this and then we go Mount as a virtual DVD and now within windows we then copy all the files off this essentially virtual DVD and then put it into a folder on our desktop and then from here we've got to get the second step of today's tutorial and that's a thing called NT Lite or a program called NT Lite now download this only from NT I wouldn't recommend any other websites or places to download this from because you could pick up malware or something that's hacked so I only get this from the official NT again we'll put the link in the description below for this too now this is the free version you can get away with using the free version so you just download it you click on the free version you don't need to buy anything and get the extra features for now and open the downloaded installer and go through the setup process once you've downloaded this and then after you do this you can open NT Lite and then essentially click on the free license and just click ok now once this program's installed we can then move on to opening up the stock ISO however before we add this in we're going to quickly get on to today's video sponsor which is directly related to Windows 11 itself and that is VIP SCD keys where you can get a legit single and OEM user license for as little as 15 US Dollars using the coupon code bftyc and the link in the description below now we're seeing Windows 10 in the ad here because you can use Windows 10 Pro key licenses to activate Windows 11 Pro they're essentially interchangeable licenses so you always want to go for the cheaper one and save yourself some money anyhow but the links will be in the description below you can get a great deal I've been using SCD Keys here for years and years never had a problem with any of their Windows 10 or Windows 11 licenses so I can thoroughly recommend them so links will be in the description below make sure you use that coupon code for a juicy discount though getting back to the tutorial here with NT light so once you've opened up this program we can then go to add and then go to over here with our image directory left click that and then we can left click on the whole folder where we copied all the previous contents too in this case we've called it Windows 11 extracted and then once you click OK it'll bring up a list of all the different Windows 11 installs we can choose from and since we're focusing on Windows 11 Pro here we just go down to Windows 11 Pro and left click and double click this and essentially load this ISO up and now once it's confirmed loaded you should see a heap of options here on the left that deploy and then this essentially allows you to edit the actual ISO itself which is what we've already done with the iso that we're going to be uploading and sharing here today but we'll go through this step by step where mainly if especially if you're a deploying say there's a hundred systems with GT 1030s and stuff like that you can install your own custom drivers from the get-go which saves you a downloading say the Nvidia drives from the website you can just install those straight away and save yourself a lot of time but since we've got single end PCS that we focus on here at techyo City at my studio we can go download all the latest drivers manually so we can skip this essentially integrate the first three tabs here so the first step that we're going to be doing with our ISO here today is removing components on the sidebar here left click on components it'll bring up a warning message and we just click OK and keep rolling through now it'll bring up different tabs here within the components and what we go through this list is we're going to ignore drivers Hardware support and also ISO image we're not going to touch any of those but we are going to go down to this little arrow here and left click on this localization and then within this list we are going to find that there's the language tab that is available to essentially modify now what we're going to be going through here is just left clicking all the languages we do not need now this is why it's important to show this tutorial because if we don't say for instance if you Chinese is either your first or second language and you need that you can then make your own custom ISO and modify this and bring this back into the one we've already done but for me personally I only use English and Japanese so I'm getting rid of all these other languages that I don't need and essentially deep loading my windows install from the get go so this is very important to do because it just essentially makes your install smaller though after that we're going to go down now to multimedia and then we go down this little arrow left click this right down to the Xbox core here and now because I don't use any of the Xbox core features uh if you're like men you don't use this stuff you just left click that and it'll get rid of all these Xbox core features so we can remove that completely then we go down to network here and there's another interesting thing I mean a lot of people will call this controversial but Internet Explorer we get rid of this because I personally use Edge anyway which is a different browser to internet Explorer they're then below Internet Explorer this is actually a little bit of a tricky one here and it's payments which originally is grayed out but if we left click this little arrow it then brings up wallet service which we can get rid of so we can left click that and then that will actually undo payments itself so this is the back end which is needed for the wallet Apple Microsoft Windows payment system which I don't use and I actually haven't heard of any of my friends or colleagues using this service so I like to disable this it's a service that will free up some bloat while we are using Windows 11. so after that we can then move down to another list here and that is left click on this little arrow remoting and privacy and what we want to do within here is disable remote assistance because this is actually a common one that a lot of hackers like to utilize so not only are we disabling a service but we're also making it so your home PC has better security than it's ever had so left clicking on remote assistance and then also left clicking on remote desktop so server so we don't need any of these Services especially if we're a gamer or single end workstation however this service can be critical for some people so I would enable this on a one-to-one basis if you need it but for the majority of people they just simply don't need this service enabled they're going down a system here and unfolding this with that beautiful left click Arrow we can find that there is a service that I like to disable here and that is hyper-v integration Services of course if you are using virtual machines You may wish to leave this on but since I don't need it I turn this off personally though moving through this list this one is probably one of the most important and this is Windows apps so left clicking this little Windows apps brings up another tab below it which is also apps and there is I mean so many dirty apps in here that a lot of people don't need it's very unhygienic to have these apps on your computer and instead of going through one by one and uninstalling all these apps we can just have it so that they're not there from the get-go as well as making our ISO install smaller to begin with taking up less SSD space so going through the list here we can uncheck clip champ uncheck Cortana uncheck feedback Hub uncheck films and TV especially if you're like me and you're using a custom program like VLC and then we can left click and uncheck get help I mean if you need help I would probably recommend not getting it from Microsoft anyway and then moving on here we can uncheck also mail and calendar since I use a different mail and calendar system as well as the Microsoft news and then Ms Microsoft people Microsoft Solitaire collection and then Microsoft sticky notes as well as Microsoft to do MSN weather and then also offers since that is the trial version and if I install office I usually go to Microsoft's website itself and download the pack that I need for that particular office install and then left click here power automate as well as quick assist I don't use any of these and then also tips for getting started since this is pretty much considered more advanced tutorials here today I'm sure people don't need basic tips for using Windows and then we unclick also Windows alarms and clocks Windows maps and Windows Media Player since I really don't like Windows Media Player just like before we're using VLC and then Windows voice recorder I don't use this however here's where below that you've also got the Xbox app and the game plugins and this goes hand in hand with also the Xbox game pass so if you use that on PC and you get a lot of value out of that do not uncheck the Xbox core components that we unchecked before as well as do not uncheck all these apps however since my Xbox game pass actually ran out and I just don't have that much time to game nowadays and I game on Steam I'm going to uncheck all of these though after going through that massive list of remove components we're now down to the next tab on the side here and that is figure and we're left clicking on features and there's actually some features that we can remove here going into it we've got a Windows Media Player we're going to straight away uncheck that which is weird because we already unchecked the Windows Media Player from the apps and stuff like that but it still embeds a core feature into the OS that's all for these features here of course if you don't print anything from your printer you can also disable print though since I do use a printer with my PC I leave on the print services though moving now on to the tab below that and that's the configure and left clicking on the settings tab here there's actually a few settings to go through so we can left click on this little desktop Arrow here so first up in desktop we've got the accent color Now the default blue I like to change this to Red this is important if you've got also a brand and you're selling PCS and say for instance your main color is purple or pink if that's your thing you can just just hit this little drop down bar here and select the color you want now for me red always goes faster I pick a bright red for the accent color and this will also apply especially to your inactive title bars this will flow through and a default darker on that setting so you know when you're in active title bars there'll just be a darker red for instance however you can change these settings the way you like I just like having red from the get-go the next up here is a very important setting for me personally on Windows 11 it's actually one that annoys me and that's the classic context menu I prefer having this this is when you right click things on the desktop in Windows 11 it brings up this new menu but I like the Windows 10 for instance the menu there so we can drop down here and then click enabled that's just going to make Windows 11 that much better than it was then next up here we've got dark mode for apps as well as dark mode for Windows both of these I like to enable as well as enabled here for dark mode for Windows and then we've got next up here on resume display login screen which I personally like to do this is also important even if you don't have a password set it's just to know that your computer was asleep and then it's woken up sort of thing so you can get some confirmation here that nothing's bad's happened if you've let your computer go to sleep so I like to have this enabled personally the next up here is enhance pointer Precision I like to have this on enabled since as I said in the previous optimization tutorial I'm an RTS player as well as I utilize this with video editing now if you're Pro FPS player You may wish to actually disable this setting but since this is a tech yes Windows 11 customized so I'm going to have this actually on enabled from default the next up here we've got down to the show people on taskbar I like to disable this since I don't need this useless little tab running on my taskbar though we've also got the taskbar settings which I like to have my alignment on left some people prefer this in the middle choice is yours I'm turning this on left for this tutorial and then we've also got the widgets which we can disable as well as the chat which I don't use the taskbar chat setting either then there's also the windows teams install I like to have this on disabled since I never use Microsoft soft team some people do if you need Microsoft teams you can just manually install it anyhow then the last setting within this sub list is use the print screen button to open screen snipping I personally actually like this enabled by default because it just makes things so handy instead of me just screen grabbing a regular screenshot and then copy pasting it into say paint for instance and saving that as an image I can just actually snip it out with Snipping Tool and then save that manual custom snip easier faster and quicker by using the print screen button though two tabs down from that sub list that we had before is the Explorer sublift so we can left click on this and within here there's two settings that we are going to disable and they're right next to each other and that is show sync provider notifications we're going to disable this as well as show task view button now moving on to another new sub tab here just two lots below that is power control left clicking on this and here's where we can go to fast startup and then left click enabled of course some people will have this disable but it's good I like it I prefer my PC starting up faster so I prefer to have this on enabled then going down to the shutdown menu and clicking sleep clicking disabled if not used you can also enable hibernate here but since I like my PC really to only run in one low power State and that is the c1e essentially or even C3 Max I like to have this disabled so and then on to the next sub list and this is privacy and here's where we can go through quite a few settings here though within this menu we can go down to allow Telemetry and then left click the little arrow on the right here and then go down all the way to security with a column and then disable policy so this is a higher level than Security disable so you want to make sure the policy is disabled from the get go and then we're going to continue on with disabling pretty much all these automatically settings here the next one is automatically connect to suggested open hotspots disabled automatically install suggested apps disabled and then underneath that is the clipboard history and we can enable this because I actually like this especially if you're using the windows V copy paste feature which I find extremely useful especially if I'm selling gaming PCs between different platforms I can copy not just the title but the information and the tags have those all loaded up in Windows clipping V feature so I'm actually make sure this is enabled for me personally because I love this feature then below that is collect contacts to let windows and Cortana better understand you disable I don't want Cortana better understanding me I already got enough people in my life that do understand me quite well and they don't use any sort of telemetry either then there's the next one collect type texts and we disable that as well as well as collect written texts with ink and disable that too and then there's Cortana we can disable that manually as well feedback frequency going down to the feedback frequency setting disabled two and then going down another few options below that let Microsoft provide me more tailored experiences with relevant tips and recommendations by using your diagnostic data disabled and then there's let Windows collect my activities from this PC timeline disabled though just below that's actually one that I have enabled that's let Windows track app launches to improve start and search results so if I'm say for instance playing a few games and a few apps that I use a lot they're going to come up in the Windows start menu quite a lot which is what I do prefer then there's occasionally show suggestions in start disabled then pre-installed apps and OEM apps both disabled send Microsoft info about how I write to help us improve typing and writing in the future sounds like Telemetry to me disabled suggest ways I can finish setting up my device online I should rename this one suggests ways I can get further Telemetry on my PC well disabled then there's two search settings here I like to disable as well allow Cloud search as well as allow uh include Bing web results now the one find my files is what we mostly use when we're searching things on our own PC right so having both of these disabled in between this find my files will make it so that when you're searching for something on your computer doesn't bring up some crappy Bing search result in the start bar so I like having this disabled just for ease of use on my search bar itself then there's the final two settings in privacy that I like to disable here and that's use page prediction to improve reading and speed up browsing and I like the last part of that right your browsing data will be sent to Microsoft so disable that's less Telemetry again on your windows 11 install then there's the one below that Windows Spotlight again tips and suggestions so we're seeing this recurring theme suggestions and and tips all Telemetry Based Services we're going to disable those though after we're done with that privacy list we can then move on now to system and there is an important setting here just two little tabs down and this is on the full screen optimizations so this is one I like to have enabled by default because I always use programs in full screen if I can especially when I'm gaming as well the next one here is a hardware accelerated GPU scheduling I'm actually going to enable this for this tutorial since the majority of people will be Gamers however for me personally I actually do disable this on my computer for video editing software so important distinguish here because this is actually specific to a Adobe Premiere Pro bug so usually I do have this enabled but for my own install I actually will go back and manually disable this later then next up here we have local user account setup support enabled then we go into Microsoft account here and I like to have this on aloud mainly because Minecraft does use Microsoft account however for me personally I'm going to then disable this after the custom ISO and so if you don't play Minecraft or you don't use anything with the Microsoft app store for instance then you can go users can't add or log on with Microsoft accounts then just below that there's OneDrive disabled then below that remote desktop should already be disabled due to the settings that we changed before but going down to setup Ram we can actually go to disable labeled here and then just below that TPM and secure boot disable this too so now this Windows 11 custom ISO won't need any of this TPM or secure boot garbage and we can use also apply this to the host setting as well so again disabled then there's Windows storage sense which is a whole I guess tab in itself that has other services attached to it we can disable this completely this variable refresh rate we're actually going to have this enabled by default now if you don't have a variable refresh rate monitor this setting is essentially going to do nothing but then below that is the final setting and that's virtualization based security we're actually going to disable this however when you do disable this you do lose essentially one layer of security though it's up to you guys I do like more performance and that's because it comes from that inspector and all those other things that were supposed to wreak havoc in terms of security but they never came to fruition so me I like my apps running not in a VBS environment so I like this disabled personally the next up here we've got Windows update in a new sub list and we're going to go down to delivery optimization and this little drop down menu here we're going to select peering On Lan and internet with uh cloud service so essentially this is the default setting we're going to make sure it is the default setting here where essentially if Microsoft servers is slow you can get your updates a lot faster and quicker by having this setting enabled but another plus here is also Xbox games will download a lot faster too and all that out of the way we are done for the configure settings tab it's time to move over now to the configure Services tab now this one I promise you is not as long as the previous one but there is some important settings here and we'll start off with one that I always disable in all of my optimization tutorials and that's going down here to Connected user experiences and Telemetry by essentially dropping this down and clicking disabled and then also going down to distributed link tracking client and this one is going to disabled as well also some people say with distributed link tracking client disabled some nasas don't work properly I've had absolutely no problems here accessing my Nas both locally and over when and having this service disabled so your mileage may vary so I did promise you that tab was going to be quick now we're going down to a new tab and a new sub Tab and that is automate and then we're left clicking on unattended and within this list right here we're going to select enable in the toolbar so enable right here up the top of the whole program left click that and that's going to then enable us to change all the settings within this list so what we're going to do here after we've hit this enabled before we go into the actual sub list where our regular settings are we're going to left click on copy to install image copy to boot image and prompt Edition selection then after this we can go into the list finally and then go down to system Locale left click on this little arrow here and select your main language this is the most important thing here however for this ISO we will leave this blank so you can select your custom language when you're installing Windows and just uh essentially add an extra step but it's one that'll just save you a lot of time within the customer ISO same of course is true for UI language and user Locale and then moving on to time zone since I'm sure a lot of people all over the world would be downloading this we're going to leave this on default as well though when you get into Windows you can change your time zone by just quickly clicking the automatically adjust your time and then unclicking it and it'll actually work off your IP address to change that setting for you and you can essentially then have it not running by unchecking it after it set everything up so going down to the sub tabs sell options in the Sub sub Tab out of box experience we can go here to skip Euler page so we can make sure go left click on this little arrow click true so we want to skip all that crap that we have to scroll through and click accept on and then on skip local account setup here we can just go and make sure this is set on the false value and then the one below that skip online account set up Microsoft account we're going to make sure this is then set to true and then after we are done with automate unattended we can then go left click on the post setup and then right up the top here we can left click add and then go to template and then go to disable hibernate and this will essentially turn off hibernate from the get-go with our computer since we already have sleep disabled this is more for power users and Gamers of course if you appreciate your PC going to sleep for me if I'm going to be away from my PC for periods of time I actually just turn it off and another beautiful thing about this setting is it also frees up SSD space and now that we've done all the Nitty Gritty settings and we've gone through all that it's time to finally go down to the Finish tab here the sub tab apply and there's a few final settings that we're going to go over to finally make this ISO a reality and left click the save the image just make sure that's checked and then we're also going to left click this little arrow here remove non-essential additions and what we're going to make sure here is that we're going to leave home as well as Windows 11 Pro that's already already loaded of course that's going to be grayed out because that's why we modded but we're getting rid of all the non-essential additions here that I don't essentially see people using but we're also going to keep the Microsoft Windows PE the boot win there as well so there's two other check marks here and then there's the final task to do since we've got the windows 11 home as well as the windows 11 Pro and we're just going to left click on this little box here and that is the reapply tasks across editions now we're actually going to unfold all these little boxes individually because it kind of doesn't confirm everything from the get-go so going through all these boxes and then left clicking them actually brings up and makes sure all the uh sort of settings that we changed before are going to be applied to this Windows 11 home install too which is actually a good thing if you guys want to just install Windows 11 home and have it modded just like Windows 11 Pro and the main reason for this is say for instance you've only got a window 11 home license and whether you got it for free or whatnot you're going to get extract nearly the same all the same benefits that we did here with Windows 11 Pro so that's just a bonus added feature that we're giving for you guys in today's tutorial and also the custom ISO so hopefully that helps you guys out and then after we've done all that we can then left click on create ISO and then we're going to call this Tech yes Windows 11 power Edition and that's power to the people with this Windows 11 install then we're going to click desktop and then click save and that's going to make that image for us and then with that custom ISO now created on our desktop we can essentially load that into a USB bootable and we've now got our custom ISO ready to deploy on Fresh installs or if you want to reinstall Windows on your PC of course if you're doing the ladder option make sure you back up all your important files you're not leaving anything on the table so you don't reinstall Windows and go where was that important list of things I had to get this month and I no longer have it well that's because you reinstalled your PC but anyhow guys hope you enjoyed today's tutorial and also detail of the custom windows 11 ISO Pro Edition that we did here at Tech yes City I'll put the links in the description below for the iso where you can download this also feel free to share this if you appreciate it and also if you enjoy this video be sure to hit that like button and also let us know in the comments section below if there's any custom changes you would make to this ISO personally but as always with most things we do around Tech City we don't cut off everything because for instance we don't going to the registry change any registry settings because in my personal experience there's things that you can cut off in Windows too much and it really affects the everyday usage and you get these annoying error messages and whatnot we've made sure this Edition will be as stable as possible while still reaping the most benefits out of a custom windows 11 ISO now also stay tuned we will have a Windows 10 and a Windows 10 tutorial as well as ISO coming out too so I'm going to help both markets here and make sure you guys have the best experience when it comes to not only operability but also FPS anyhow guys with that aside big thanks to today's video sponsor as well VIP SCD keys if you want to get that Windows 10 or Windows 11 Pro OEM single and user license you can do so for as little as 15 bucks I'll put the link as well as the coupon code be sure to use that coupon code BF TYC on checkout to get that big discount anyhow with that aside I'll catch you guys in another tech video very soon peace out for now and if you stay this far and you enjoy in that techies content is always be sure to hit that sub button ring that Bell I'll catch you in the next one peace out for now bye
Channel: Tech YES City
Views: 174,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech yes city, tech vlog, windows 11, msmg toolkit, debloat windows 11, custom windows 11 iso, msmg toolkit windows 11, windows 11 bloat, windows 11 debloater, windows 11 lite, building a custom windows 11 image, optimise, optimize, tune, speed up, windows 11 optimization, windows 10, windows 11 features, windows 11 update, windows 11 22h2, windows 11 tips, microsoft windows, windows 11 debloat, how to debloat windows 11, how to speed up windows 11, make windows 11 faster
Id: AmGk-AAo3EQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 37sec (1657 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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