the Ryzen 7 5700X... on an $8 CPU Cooler....

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so you've just picked up your brand new ryzen 7 5700x or if you're like me you love the budget you're probably going to get it used and save a few dollars you may be wondering what kind of CPU Cooler can I get away with or how cheap of a CPU Cooler can I get away with with coupling it with this CPU now the ryzen 75700 X it uses up around 77 Watts when we're in cine bench and if you pick out a game like the game we're picking out here today you can actually get very similar power consumption and temperatures in that game so we're going to show you guys the gaming benchmarks and also the raw numbers here on a Max theoretical Benchmark like C bench with some of these contenders right here and one of them is so cheap I have to give a bit of a focus on it this is called the vetru Dark Storm I picked this up for $8 and it's got RGB and it actually weighs in at roughly 300 G now some of the other contain tenders we've got here I'll throw up a list for you we've got the Snowman M400 which this is a new offering from snowman it's cheaper and using snowman in the past this brand needs no introduction here at techia City I've done multiple videos on this brand and their coolers and they're just absolutely phenomenal value for money but also they're great performance and they'll keep your CPUs relatively cool especially even versus water coolers which we've also got in today's comparison just for a benchmark to see how much you'd be missing out on if you decided to go with just Air versus water but some of the other contestants here we've got the cool Moon Glory 2 and we've got the B9 a de which is also coming in roughly the same price as the others here and then lastly we've got The Wraith Spire amd's mid-range CPU Cooler that they used to include with some of their CPUs and unfortunately there actually isn't any CPU Cooler included with the 5700x which is why I was very curious to get this Benchmark comparison done so let's get right into those results right after today's video sponsor mate if you want to get Windows 10 Pro activated for as little as $15 or Windows 11 Pro for as little as $21 then today's video sponsor SCD Keys has you covered use that coupon code bftc for a big 30% discount and the link in the description below welcome back to Tech yes City and throwing up a graph with the coolers and the their relative performance in cinebench shows here that the Snowman M400 out of these budget options actually did really well it went up to 70° Max and it did so with extremely quiet noise and we've also got another graph that we're going to include which is going to show the C bench score themselves and because we've got this snowman Mt 6s in here you'll get an idea and how the sort of mid-range higher end CPU coolers that are air coolers per form where I get lot asked a lot in the comments why don't you test out say the Deep cool ak400 or why don't you test out some other brand CPU Cooler and they all perform very similar this size and cooler to the Snowman that's at least from the testing I've done so if you're wondering how your mid-range sort of chunky CPU Cooler will perform just look at the Snowman Mt 6s but you'll also notice that that water cooler is actually not doing all that much better than the snowman Mt 6s which was actually shocking to see because I think they've even maybe refined this CPU Cooler over the last time I tested it and it's absolutely showing in this result now moving on to the gaming benchmarks here we got here Horizon zero Dawn which if you test this out on low settings it can absolutely stress the CPU to pretty much near that cinebench Max theoretical load on the CPU and here's where we saw similar results in terms of the cpu's temperatures as we did the cinebench but I also decided to note the clock speeds on these coolers whilst they are running this game because the ryzen 75700 X at least on a decent motherboard is going to boost up for you when it has the room available and here is where the Mt 6s and also the water cooler were performing very similar and then the next best thing down from that was the Snowman M400 but it's good to see here we're to focus on this vetru Dark Storm which is coming in $8 and I was actually pleasantly surprised to see this thing staying under 80° both on those C bench scores and also in the gaming benchmarks really shocked because I thought this CPU would just completely flop out and just miss the mark and when we look at the noise 42db as long as you're putting it in a case with a p a glass panel on the side the noise will be even less so actually after looking at these results I'm going to say that the vetru darkstorm is my new goto CPU Cooler when it comes to say budget i7 4770s or any budget CPU that uses under 80 watts in the real world this CPU is actually going to handle it now they do s on the box 90 Watts so they're actually not lying about the marketing either where some of these other CPU cooling companies are saying 150 watts for instance I would not put 150 WS through this thing it will just simply throttle and overheat and we're already seeing that on this ryzen 75700 x with those Center bench scores that we showed earlier so what we're seeing here too with the CPU clock speeds is that they will vary based on the temperature but another benefit that you're going to get out of buying a better CPU Cooler at least even with the ryzen 75700 X so you're going to get better power consumption ever so slightly where we saw the Snowman Mt 6s clock in the best best power consumption along with the water cooler and then that was a few Watts lower on the other coolers in the list they all perform pretty similar with the Snowman M400 coming in just a little bit better you may be wondering why is there a few degrees difference here well it's actually because the CPU just goes to 77 watts and the other parts in the CPU like the memory control and things like that they get hotter because it's running hotter but they run at a static voltage regardless so they don't have that same boost function that the actual CPU cores themselves have which is where all the throttling is happening on the Rison 75700 X and so when those parts are running a little bit hotter they're going to be using up ever so slightly amount more power at these temperatures there were those results out of the way it's time to look at the good and the bad here among this bunch of CPU coolers and I'm going to discard the cool Moon Glory 2 as well as the ° B9 I thought they just did not offer anything valuable or anything better than these other two CPU coolers here and that's the Snowman M400 as well as the vetru dark storm in fact I thought the Dark Storm was very similar to The Glory 2 in both looks and performance and yet they just want you to pay an extra $4 for virtually the same thing I mean even the RGB looks very similar but the a de they're certainly taking it up a notch with the RGB where it was so bright that it overpowered everything else in the shot as I'll show you guys up on the screen so if you want the best RGB on a CPU Cooler at least on a fan then the B9 does provide that but I just thought they were real mediocre in terms of their value versus the two budget winners here the M400 and the darkstorm now coming out of this the Mt 6s if you guys have a bit of extra money and you want to get even better temperatures or lower temperatures and just better performance out of your CPU this is where the Mt 6s is going to be a heavy recommendation here at techia city where I'll show you guys the other graphs that we're going to pull up here you see here the mtxs comes out with the water cooler by quite a sizable lead in the gaming but when it came to Center bench R23 we had pretty much the uh clock speeds correlating to the actual temperatures so if you want a bit of extra performance you'd go with the M400 over these other three options but if you're looking for that real strict budget CPU Cooler then the Dark Storm is actually not going to be too bad of a choice which actually shocked me coming out of this whole video on this testing because the reason I get uh coolers like this darkstorm right here is because I'll pick up budget i7s off the used Market say for instance 4770 and I'll just need a cooler in a build that I can quick slap on and something like this is definitely going to serve its function in providing a bit of RGB blink as well as providing decent temperatures so when I sell it in a gaming PC the person isn't going to come back and go well this thing's overheating it's got problems I'm not going to see that with this Dark Storm cooler now one thing I cannot test is longevity of the fans except for the Snowman I have already used these in a lot of builds in the past and they do last the mile their fans of by far the quietest of the bunch and they don't stop spinning even after years of putting these things in budget rigs so if you want the reliability I would go for the Snowman over the other options but if you want to take a bit of a Gamble and you don't mind getting some of the best value for money that a new CPU Cooler has to offer on a budget of course then the vetr darkstorm is going to deliver now one more thing when it comes to mounting these CPU coolers they all actually mount in the same fashion and that is they have the clipon mounting system which will Mount automatically out of the box with no hassles on AMD ryen CPUs but also if you are an Intel rig they do include a bracket you screw that down and then just clip the CPU Cooler on and then the final thing to talk about here is The Wraith Spire you guys may be thinking well that did a pretty good job and it actually did do a decent job in today's results except for me personally I thought it was just obnoxiously loud versus all the other options it's actually the loudest of the bunch here and so if you are running this on a ryzen 75700 x it will be okay but I'm actually surprised with the weight that this thing carries the performance was actually lackluster in my opinion especially even versus the M400 which comes in at 290 G versus the 440 G on The Wraith Spire so that may be something that AMD can aspire to anyway guys hope you enjoyed today's video and there may be the final question that is why would you use the cheaper options in your builds that you're going to flip and the answer is if we were to put in an Mt 6s in say an I74 770 build it's really going to make no difference to Performance and I'm just going to be giving away $20 and so that's where it's all about when it comes down to the budget builds you want to just mix and match the right parts for the right job and I'm actually surprised that it looks like keep picking up the cool Moon they virtually look the same this is where this vetru darkstorm is going to do a really good job on this kind of budget so really Blown Away eight bucks you can actually get decent CPU cooling performance here in 2023 anyhow guys with all that as sight if you have any questions or comments then you know what to do drop that comment down below and with that aside we got the question of the day here which comes from Lucio 4E and they ask I just bought one for a ryzen 55500 and a GeForce RTX 36 12 gig setup I'm a little broke and here in my country that's the pieces that are more affordable do you guys think it will work out fine and they're talking about the b550 soyo motherboard on AliExpress and with the ryzen 55500 that motherboard is going to be absolutely fine in fact it's going to be fine for a ryzen 75700 x as well the soyo boards believe it or not in 2022 when I last tested some of them in 2023 they're providing really good value for money so don't be afraid to get a budget soyo motherboard they're going to be perfectly fine with these mid-range CPUs on both AMD and Intel anyhow hope that answers that question and if you guys have stayed this far and you're enjoying that Tech yes content then you don't have to do hit that sub button ring that Bell and I'll see you in another tech video very soon peace out for now bye [Music]
Channel: Tech YES City
Views: 28,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech yes city, tech vlog, Snowman m400, vetroo darkstorm, aliexpress, amazon, cpu coolers, best cpu cooler, 2024, 2023, ryzen 7 5700x, best cooler, best cpu cooler for amd ryzen, amd ryzen best cpu cooler, best cooler for i7, vetroo, snowman, a-degrees, b9, glory 2, coolmoon cpu coolers, are they any good?, gaming, pc gaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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