I Bought a Graphics Card From "Amazon Warehouse Deals" - What I Got Surprised Me...

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hello everyone and welcome to another video now Amazon warehouse deals a place where you can find used and returned items for less than you would find them brand new now I found a few components using Amazon warehouse deals secondhand ryzen CPUs RTX graphics cards and I've certainly saved money in the past what I didn't expect to find however was a graphics card from 8 years ago I still have it packaged up here I haven't undone this yet I thought we'd do that on camera to see what we have this is a radon card as a little hint from 2015 apparently it comes in the original box so how it's ended up on Amazon warehouse deals after 8 years whether it's just been in the back of the warehouse somewhere someone's forgotten about it I don't know it certainly hasn't been returned after that long so we'll open it see what condition it's in and see if it works of course hopefully I've actually got a graphics card in here and not like a brick or something now it certainly seems a shame to ruin this lovely Amazon festive packaging but let's go ahead and get this undone bit awkward I'm trying to film this and I do it at the same time and what is a pretty dodgy camera setup but shouldn't be too difficult there's quite some weight to this box so I think we've definitely got something in here whether or not it is a graphics card oh it's a good start well this looks to be in very good condition it's still wrapped up wow it is still in the original cellophane is that called This is literally sorry it's not even shot sorry it's not even being unwrapped this is a brand new in boox radon R7 370 with the cell Fame still intact at the moment it won't be for long so this is an 8-year-old graphics card I believe it came out in June 2015 um I think it was a mid-range GPU two gigs of gddr5 which was plenty at the time I'm thinking mid-range should still be able to run some games the X12 support as you can see down here not sure if it's still supported driver-wise may have been um sort of end of life last year but we've got to get this open I mean I cannot believe that this is a brand new card I'm tempted to just keep it in the box and sell it but I can't do that you know I can't do that I've got to unbox it it check out the condition of the card of course there we go I've rendered it essentially worthless now let's get it out of the box definitely still sealed at each end not for long so let's unbox this now I feel like I'm back in 2015 though back then I probably couldn't have afforded to buy one of these so nice to be able to unbox one brand new these days wow look at that we've got all the paperwork in there basically the power color manual and the driver disc still with the original seal the original tape well Brent well they are strange fans I don't think I've ever seen fans like that of five spoke fans this is the power color PCS version yeah brand new in box well it was brand new in box worthless now because I've unboxed it of course but there we go this cost me about £50 on the Amazon warehouse site so that's not exactly cheap for a card of this age these do still sell for more than you think at least here in the UK I've SE to go for 3040 with the Box not in new condition of course but yeah we've got a single six pin connector I do think this was a mid-range GPU back in it's day we're going to put it in the system now and see what it's capable of in 2023 but I think for the money getting a brand new car that's that's really something special especially one of this age so I've just looked it up on my order history and it says the condition is used like new item will come in original packaging packaging will be damaged £55 84 of course this isn't damaged in any way it was brand new and sealed as you saw and there's no damage to the outer box at all so pretty pleased with that purchase okay so the card works but what's it like when when it comes to gaming this is the r7370 now GTA 5 is a game that came out on PC around about the time that this card was released and as you can see even with the normal textures and everything else set to high we're getting a pretty solid result here with 88 FPS on average and some respectable percenti lows the textures are set to normal of course because of that vram limitation moving on to cyberpunk and now we have 1080 P once again but with FSR 2.1 Ultra performance I'm surprised that this card can run this game at all to be honest as I thought the drivers did reach end of life status or Legacy status last year last June with the 22.6 point1 release you will get a warning in some games about the drivers being out of date but even here well the game is running and it does support FSR in a lot of titles this card that is which is going to be very handy moving on to fortnite 1080p with 100% 3D resolution I didn't go with the performance mode I just stuck with the low preset FXAA was also enabled here for an average of 102 FPS there were a few issues as you can see um with that. 1% low but that tends to be the case in fortnite and overall the experience was very playable I like to try and get as many frames as possible in this one so I don't really feel the need to turn the settings up with a lowend card like this Vol Horizon 5 1080p with a very low preset now very low performs a lot better than just low with this GPU I'm surprised that we got as higher frames as we did 51 here considering the VR limitation we do get a warning when we fire up the game and there will be instances where we do drop to the low 40s that said the percentile lows are pretty decent pretty consistent overall with this one when it comes to Marvel's Spider-Man remastered not even FSR 2 .1 can help us here whether we enable FSR or we turn the resolution down to 720p it's not going to make much of a difference though we will still just about scrape by with at least 30 frames per second I think for a fast moving game like this though 60 FPS is definitely ideal but if you have an R7 370 and you want to play this game you can if you don't mind a bit of a sort of staty blurry mess moving on to the Witcher 3 the next gen version of the game running in dx12 mode here with FSR 2 set to ultra performance and we saw 47 FPS if we stick to the normal performance mode as opposed to ultra performance we do get a slightly reduced frame rate but there will be a lot more dips below 30 in those busier areas I certainly don't think the 2 gigs of RAM help these days but this was more than enough when the card came out in 2015 it was a solid mid-range Choice finally we have Counter Strike 2 103 FPS on average here with the lowest settings again just like fortnite there were a few moments where we did see some severe dips and drops but this can be the case with a lot of older Hardware overall though I think the experience was certainly playable and considering the age of this card I think it did all right I wouldn't necessarily buy one in 2023 or recommend doing so because of the age of it and the Legacy driver status but this was more about just buying because it was listed on Amazon warehouse deals and I was quite sort of intrigued as to what would turn up and who thought we would get a brand new card if you enjoyed this one leave a like leave a dislike if you didn't subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already and you want to of course let me know what purchases you've ever made from the Amazon warehouse and whether you got what you expected and hopefully I'll see all of you in the next one
Channel: RandomGaminginHD
Views: 142,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QLcjw9t5DJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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