The Top 6 Best USED GPUs to Buy RIGHT NOW (IMO)

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the top six used graphics cards for 2023 the cards I would buy and more importantly how much I would pay for them now today's list of course will have a huge bias towards drum roll resale value not just on the card itself but more in particular in a gaming PC for flipping purposes so let's get into this list right after to today's video sponsor if you want to get Windows 10 Pro activated for as little as $15 or Windows 11 Pro for as little as $21 then today's video sponsor SD Keys has you covered use that coupon code bftc for a big 30% discount and the link in the description below the GTX 1660 Super 6 GB coming in the bottom of the list this is a little Banger of a GPU and I'm consistently picking these up for around 70 to $80 and it's a great car for 1080p gaming it also has extremely low power drawer so for a lot of PCS even older PCS it would just slot straight into your rig and be a great upgrade now couple this in with an i7 even an i7 4770 and you have a recipe for a great solid flip with some easy profits now the card itself even though it was released back in 2019 with its lower power drawer I find the risk of getting hosed that that is where one was to sell a gaming card listing is working and it being faulty is extremely low I personally have bought quite a few of these cards and haven't even had one exhibit weird Behavior which is a great thing coming in fifth place is the RX 66008 GB or the XT variant if you can find it cheap enough this is a great card not only to buy used but also new it has great power efficiency out of the box solid 1080p gaming performance and if you want to play fortnite for instance at high settings this will get the job done want to play CS2 at high settings again this card has you covered and being a newer card it should have driver support for a few more years to come also since a decks City we do flip gaming PCs this one actually does quite well in budget gaming rigs since you have a gigabytes of video memory on the card you can always reference it to an Nvidia card if you're having trouble selling for instance better than an RTX 30 58 GB in your listing when selling your gaming PC now you can pick this card up for anywhere from 120 USD making it have great value on the used Market but also even if you don't want to buy used it goes consistently under $200 brand new make it just not one of my favorite cards but also in my opinion a staple for PC Gamers at 1080p also released in late 20 2021 it doesn't have much age on it couple that in with its low power drawer the risk of getting scammed here is extremely low for this card on the used Market great card coming in at number four might be a bit of a weird one but let me explain this is the GTX 1078 GB and this card is actually now over 7 years old being released back in 2016 though don't let that dissuade you from thinking about how not only reasonably powerful this card can still run games in 2023 but also how well it does at its current price point for you guessed it reselling a gaming PC I personally haven't had more interest on any of the gaming PCs I've had up for sale than one with the GTX 1078 GB in it and this was a PC selling for around $370 a tad cheaper than the RX 6600 PC that I sold though the difference was the interest in the messages I got coming in for the GTX 10 78 GB PC was through the roof people just must see Nvidia and then see 8 GB of vram and think it's an absolute steal and the funny thing is for this card it isn't made new anymore but you can pick it up consistently on the used Market I find from anywhere from now 70 usd to $90 personally I wouldn't pay any more than 90 USD for this card at this point in time but if you can get it for the right price then it will serve you very well yet this card does make it lower in the list just simply due to the fact that it is over 7 years old and even though the driver support is still there and it actually is still available for previous generation 900 series cards the fact is being so old there is a high risk of getting hosed if buying this card I would make sure to check that the card is not only working but also check memory sliders and cor Cox Sliders in MSI after burn it while you're running a benchmark like unige heaven for example though if you cannot check the card when buying it used do make sure you have some kind of recourse to get a refund and coming in at number three is the RTX 360 12 GB not to be confused with the RTX 360 8 GB I have talked about this in the past in a video I'll put the link up here but this card is coming in the middle of the pack and overall is a solid 1080p card even with dlss on you can stretch it in a lot of games to 1440p and sure it's the number one GPU on steam in terms of popularity it's the number one selling GPU even new and it sells extremely well in a gaming PC though I can't help to think that even on the used Market the going rate well at least now in Australia and both Japan when I've been used parts hunting is very similar to that of an RTX 360 TI and even RTX 370 and I consistently picked this card up for around 200 USD used and brand new you can snag it for around 270 to $280 making it a solid pick but I find the performance for the dollar isn't as good as some of the other deals that I've been getting though since this card was released in 2021 and the power draw is low and the efficiency is good I find the risk of getting hosed on this card is quite low as well now coming in at number two this is the list that I have personally made off my experiences this is going to be the RTX 2080 or the RTX 2080 Super 8 GB I do prefer the super of course being relatively newer and having better performance and this card actually makes it quite high in the list and a big if here is if you are gaming I find if reselling the PC people actually prefer the RTX 3060 12 GB so much to the tune where you can get even more money for a PC with an RTX 3060 in it over an RTX 2080 or a super even if everything else in the PC was the same and even if the 2080 super outperforms the 3060 quite significantly in games though the card can consistently be picked up in the used market for around the same price as the 3060 for 200 USD or even cheaper and this makes it not only a great option not just for gaming but taking advantage of DSS2 Ray tracing and RTX Studio makes it a very powerful card for professional applications too however the card is older than a 3060 with the original version being released in 2018 and then the super variant in 2019 I personally haven't come into however any bad examples yet and unlike the 2080 TI which did have some memory issues and in ways I am a tad nervous when buying a 2080ti for a good price for this particular reason that wasn't the case with the 2080 super though the biggest advantage to this GPU is also the card's biggest disadvantage and that is although it has great performance in games especially for the dollar it also has high power consumption so to mitigate this I would strongly recommend undervolting this GPU and and now for the one you've all been waiting for the final on the list number one this is actually going to be a tie between two different cards and that is the RX 6700 XT and also the RTX 370 8 GB being released in late 2020 for the 370 and then early 2021 for the RX 6700 XT these cards hit the market with an absolute bang and yet nearly 3 years later they find themselves coming up the top of my list personally where I have been able to pick up variants of of these cards for around $200 on the used Market sometimes even cheaper making it priced right around that 3060 12 GB used and in the case of the RTX 3070 yes it has 4 GB less vram but I personally never come into issues gaming with 8 GB cards though when it comes to 1080P and 1440p gaming the RX 6700 XT and the RTX 370 will wipe the floor with the RTX 360 and pretty much any other card at this price point with the exception of the 2080 super though when it comes to reselling a gaming PC the RTX 3070 does extremely well so for me personally I would pick it over the RX 6700 XT though if you are just wanting the game and want more vram the RX 6700 XT would probably be the better pick for you however keep in mind that both these cards were very hot picks for crypto miners in 2021 and early 2022 when buying used I would make sure you've got a Reco course for a refund as you could come into a faulty sample even though personally I haven't come into any as of yet though I do test cards quite a lot and I do have that recourse that we spoke of before and so that makes all the difference when buying used and with all that aside it's now conclusion time and I will say this any GPU can make this list if the price is right this list today however is basically the best gpus that I am more or less consistently coming into with terms of of good deals if we did this less last year the RTX 380 and RX 6800 XT would have topped it I was picking them up for under 400 USD over a year ago except now I can't find one locally for around those prices same with the RTX 3090 24 GB in fact I recently sold one for 25% more than I used to pick up that card for over a year ago so remember in the land of tech especially relevant tech there is no such thing as a bad product only a bad price and with that I will hit up the question of the day here which is coming from Cipher sarin and they ask genuine question what's a gtx960 going to play and it might be okay if you want to play GTA 5 on high but even fortnite requires 4 GB of vrm and I am looking at this video as someone who wants to play Ark and none of these seem like good deals to me where you can hardly get Arc over 60 FPS on 1440p with anything less than a 3090 TI and I kind of want to Future prooof my myself for GTA 6 probably won't happen for under 2.5k so to answer this question Arc has two variants right now there are survival evolved and survival ascended the ladder has been released recently and has incredibly High system requirements needing an RTX 390 TI to play 60 FPS at 1440p is a recipe for a declining player base in my opinion for any game and this has actually been already witnessed in the stats for this game in fact survival evolved is coming close to already beating it out in player base and that is over 7 years old now so what's a GTX 960 going to play well it will play the games that most people are playing fortnite for instance I found ran fine on a GTX 762 GB even in performance mode and I even power limited that card when I recently tested that in a flip up challenge video that I was doing and I'll put the link up here for that video If you haven't seen it NCS to was fine as well needing a flagship GPU that doesn't really have good prices on the used market and then criticizing the lower end cards because of two games mentioned one which we have no idea on performance requirements is reaching my man and I'm pretty sure you're not Jack Reacher and the last point on this topic is most people don't have $25,000 to spend on a gaming PC and if games are tailored towards those kinds of budgets then they are just simply going to be unplayable for most people it's self-defeating for game developers to do it and as witnessed in a game like the finals for instance you can have a game that looks great and plays on a lot of different Hardware so the GTX 960 is a fine little pickup anyway hope that answers that question and let me know in the comments your favorite gpus that you are picking up and I'll catch you in the next one peace out for now [Music] bye [Music] be
Channel: Tech YES City
Views: 65,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech yes city, tech vlog, best gpus, 2023, 2024, best graphics card, video card, computer, desktop computer, rtx 3060, rtx 3070, rx 6700 xt, gtx 1660 super, gtx 1060 6g, 12g, 8g, vram, cs2, fortnite, 1080p, high settings, best value graphics card, whats the best value gpu to buy right now?
Id: zS1trPzzKqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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