Is Water Baptism Necessary? | Dr. Gene Kim

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[Music] we believe in the doctrine called dispensationalism in other words we believe in rightly dividing verses to the right group a group of people on the right time period because if you don't do that you're going to combine all the verses together and come up with majorie wrong doctrine now I've received emails and questions from people online and in this church and I want them to understand this okay I am not accusing you guys of hyper dispensationalism what I'm saying is that a lot of people because they give so much into dispensationalism which is a great thing amen they want to learn more they want to study more Satan he wants to take advantage of that so then he'll slip in wrong dispensationalism in there and then you get carried too far into dispensationalism you start to teach wrong doctor you so here's one of the infamous wrong doctrines concerning dispensationalism is that the Christian Church does not eat water baptism now here's something important to understand we deny water baptism for salvation we believe that was for the Jewish people okay that is a matter of fact if you look at all the verses in the Bible this does not mean however that because it does not apply to our salvation we throw out all the water out of the tub and we go dry cleaning together that's not what we do what you understand is that water back to some is a command by God for us to follow that is not required for salvation but for our obedience now the Hyper's really don't like that there are two things that they will scream their lungs about is water baptism and when did the body of Christ are those are two things they always fuss and fight about if you don't really hyper dispensational like Bullinger they will throw out the Lord's Supper to do that flower song why because he goes down to a trend I kid you not there are hyper dispensationalists who teach that Jesus denied Peter nine times they go that far and dividing cuz those three denials seem to be different from the other three denials at the other book of the Bible from the other three denials at the other book of the Bible so Peter denied Jesus nine times they go that far that's why you have to be careful of this dividing attitude did I say be careful of rightly divide no I say dividing you have to be careful yeah there is such a thing called wrongly dividing a man why else did the Bible say rightly dividing a man of God did not think there was such a thing called wrongly dividing okay now let's talk about water baptism here the most famous chapter the most famous books to sit though that we use to say that we do water baptism as a command out of obedience is Matthew 28 verse 19 Joey therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have did you know I am with You alway even unto the end of the world amen now the other one is mark chapter 16 but I want your hands to stay in Matthew 28 and mark 1628 in mark 16 we're going to compare both of these passages these are famous passages that we use to preach the gospel everywhere and that water baptism we do this as following obedience so we saw Matthew chapter 28 19 through 20 and then Mark chapter 16 verse 15 and he said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature and then you'll notice right here that this verse is used to preach the gospel to everywhere right it is used to preach the gospel everywhere so based on mark chapter 16 verse 15 and Matthew chapter 28 verse 19 through 20 we believe in preaching this gospel everywhere to all nations so notice it did not say Jews right it said all nations notice in mark 16 it says world right so this proves automatically that this baptism is for everybody it's not just for Jews now hyper dispensationalists argue this way they argue that if you look at Matthew 28 and you compare that with Matthew 24 and other verses at the book of Matthew this gospel is actually referring to Jews so the mid acts that's what hyper dispensationalists are they are mid acts roots they're also called grace church by the way you're gonna see this key word burying burying quite a few times now is there anything wrong with being a marine absolutely not is there anything wrong with grace absolutely not it's just that Satan starts to use those good terms like Christian Cigna likes to use the term Christian and automatically fool you into thinking I'm a good guy just because I used to work grace just because I used the word Berean just like how I use the word Christian when Catholics Christiaan durable witnesses say they're Christians and everybody says they're a Christian and so because you're a Christian you must be okay so these people they're going to argue that this is for Jews because based off of Matthew 24 Matthew 24 now are they right yes they're right but this is their problem here's another key you ready for this this is their other problem not only do they get one aspect of the Bible wrong concerning transitions which I covered in my previous teaching here's another key you ready for this this is how you catch Pipers double application there is such a thing called double application not just one application if you are a one application person you will not understand the Bible and you will mess up yeah you know what the greatest evidence is I can give you scores and scores of verses but I'm not gonna do it for time sake because I'm trying to prove baptism here all you have to do is look at all the verses Paul used from the Old Testament Paul use them to apply to Christian Church age doctrine but when you look at the verses that he used a lot of them were applied to Jewish doctrine and cannot apply to Christians reaction yeah you know why you can see double application there another easy example is not just Paul all the verses he use from Old Testament look at all the Messianic prophecies those are double application too because you're gonna find verses where David talked himself about being persecuted but what you're gonna see is that he was speaking by the Holy Spirit speaking about Jesus Christ amen but if you look at the whole context it's not about Jesus yeah it was King David see there's a double application if you don't believe me then either one you did not read your Bible enough because if you do read your Bible enough you'll understand what I'm talking about it makes a sense you know I'm right about them but then number two another thing this is because you're probably not that much familiar so start reading it start reading it and looking through that and see if I'm wrong or not okay but double application is a matter of that I can give you even a strong verse at the book of Kings I believe that no no at Samuel where God was specifically talking about David's son Solomon about his promise but then he switched it to Jesus but the context had nothing to do with Jesus I have to do a Solomon I can give that to you but anyway so a double application is a matter of fact so yes there is no doubt that you have to believe there is something Jewish here now those who are anti dispensationalists there they go onami it's not to the juices for us it's for us is from you see how Satan always uses two extremes so that you can't find right doctrine mmm you got to be careful the anti dispensationalists are wrong because look at verse 16 okay you believe in that baptism for salvation come on not only that verse 17 and 18 that's where charismatic Pentecostals come in some Baptists who are anti dispensationalists they don't believe in that so see right here obviously we know that these things are applying to what the Apostolic era the Acts of the Apostles were ministering to Jews so there's no doubt there's Jewish application and that's very plain I'm Matthew 24 he can't deny that in other passages in Matthew where Jesus said that this gospel is going to be preached to all nations and he was specifically referring to Jews in the tribulation he even said the word tribulation there yeah are you gonna do about that yeah you're gonna do about that so you see right here that there is no doubt that there is a Jewish application but it's a double application okay so I'm not going to prove Jews okay we know one Jews will just take that for granted okay because I'm addressing Hyper's here not anti dispensationalism but now we got to prove that this is for the Christian Church so this set world all nations so I'm trying to prove that this is referring to as well as to us today the Gentiles so how do we know this applies to us as well the remaining people okay so let's see how the disciples thought about that this is important anyone can interpret this passage and take it either way they might say well in May it doesn't apply to me or it doesn't apply to me let's see what the disciples thought about this command how it applied ready okay let's go to the book of Acts chapter 10 first chapter 10 this was only for Jews only for Jews really only for Jews hmm let's see what the Bible says in Acts chapter 10 and verse 34 then Peter opened his mouth and said of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons but in what every nation okay maybe I didn't say he is maybe just maybe Peter thought when gia said all nations that's what he meant at verse 35 but let's just assume for now okay this option is going to be solidified even more let's just keep reading every nation he that feareth him and worketh righteousness is accepted with him the word which God sent unto who see Israel okay there's no doubt about that this was Jews preaching peace by Jesus Christ that word I say you know which was published throughout all Judaea and began from Galilee after the baptism which John preached how God did anoint Jesus Krum Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and we're gonna look at verse 39 and we are witnesses of all things which he did both in the land of the Jews and in Jerusalem right because he went to the Jews now look at verse 42 and he commanded us to preach unto the and to testify that it is he which was ordained of God to be the judge of quick and dead to him give all the prophets witness that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins remember Peter said this did you pay attention Peter said Jesus commanded us to preach this gospel to every nation but he meant you notice right here he prioritized Jerusalem right you know why it was going from Jerusalem because it was primarily Jewish but see they don't think what do you know what I'm about to say again remember what it what is the hyper dispensation was problem again transition it was one from Jew two Gentiles so yes if you look at Matthew 28 March 16 there are Jewish elements what because they have to start with Jews but there is no doubt there are things that had to apply to Gentile because he was transitioning and Peter took this command to go to Gentiles keep your hand in acts 10 I'm gonna show you an acts 10 later on go back to Acts chapter 1 Acts chapter 1 we're gonna go back to acts 10 but keep go back to acts 1 we're going to look at verse eight but he shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you and ye shall be witnesses unto me see they're gonna be his witness remember what Peter said in acts 10 he was saying I'm being a witness to you I'm supposed to be a witness and I'm preaching to you and about the gospel unto me both in where Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria and unto where the uttermost part of the earth he was going from Jew - Gentile now go back to acts 10 and you don't believe me what happened after this while Pete in verse 44 while Peter yet spake these words the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word and they of the circumcision see Jews which believed were astonished as many as came with Peter because that on the who Gentiles they receive this okay so Peter took the command from Jesus as to address to Gentiles - not to Jews that doesn't include water baptism oh really really look at verse 47 can any man forbid what water that these should not be what that this is water baptism which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we well it's just an option not a command no look at verse 48 and he what commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord it's a command folks water baptism is a command from God you got to get that in your head Peter took it that way I don't think Paul did doesn't matter if Paul didn't think so this is Scripture Word of God Peter up right there but um let's look at our beloved Apostle Paul shall we as the phrase goes look at the book of Romans chapter 1 Romans chapter 1 what did Paul think about the gospel here we the Romans chapter 1 verse 16 verse 16 for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ remember the vitus's preach the gospel to every creature alright then jesus said to all nations Acts chapter 1 jesus said it will be preached from Jerusalem to all the world Peter took it that way now look what Paul thinks about it for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth to the Jew but first and also to the what ah transition ding-a-ling-a-ling got it makes sense that's why there is no doubt that in mark 16 of matthew 28 you can't apply everything to the christian church there has to be references referring to jews in the tribulation but here's another you can't just solely apply everything you can't put everything either on jews either in the tribulation or during the jewish dispensation you have to put it to these Gentiles - Wow how about that by the way why would Paul do acts 16 look at acts 16 our beloved Apostle Paul our beloved Apostle Paul if Paul is your beloved apostle to follow why don't you do what he did in acts 16 Acts chapter 16 what did he took take this s notice in Acts chapter 16 and verse 30 and brought them out and said sirs what must I do to be saved and they said repent confess and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and he showed us no that's Church of Christ on and they said what believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and thy house nothing to do with water baptism just believing on Christ and then while the Church of Christ is refuted here comes another group of heretic called hyper dispensation so you know baptism no baptism no look at verse 32 and they spake unto him the word of the Lord and to all that were in his house and he took them the same hour of the night and washed their stripes and was what baptized but look when he and all his when straightway immediately isn't this something that system that I should think between me enough no no no no they didn't think of that way now immediately hmm by the way read all the verses from the book of Acts about the Apostle Paul's ministry did you ever notice whenever he led people to salvation when they believed it also mentioned he baptized them yeah if you're gonna be a follower of the Apostle Paul why don't you follow him so you're just picking and choosing what you like from the Apostle Paul in reality you're not really a Pauline Christian you're just picking and choosing which Pauline reference that you want to yourself rather than taking as a command taking everything you gotta take everything of what the whole Council of God what it shows you not picking and choosing which suits your preference level okay but anyways let's look at first Peter first Peter now the hyper dispensationalist favorite reference I'm just gonna briefly say this because I feel like it's important their favorite reference is first Corinthians chapter 1 where Paul did not baptize people that's their favorite reference so I'm going to mention that real briefly about first Corinthians 1 so they claim Paul did not believe in water baptism based off of first Corinthians chapter 1 I'll read it to you quickly in verse 17 for Christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the gospel not with wisdom of words lest the God cross of Christ should be made of none effect verse 14 I thank God that I baptized none of you but Crispus and Gaius lest any should say that I had baptized in my own name and I baptized also the household of stephanas besides i know not whether i baptized any other so notice right here from verse 14 through 17 it seems to sure that paul disapproved of baptism no that's not what it's showing here what it's showing you here from verse 14 through 17 is that he's trying to show you her baptism he is not the gospel of salvation look at verse 17 for Christ sent me not to baptize separated but to what preach the gospel see he's separating the gospel from baptism he's saying that baptism is not a part of the gospel that's why he's thanking God at verse 14 and 16 that he didn't baptize all these people because people like Church of Christ for example a majority of religions and heretics they claimed baptism is required for salvation and Paul's trying to show right here nope I thank God I didn't baptize these people I was preaching them the gospel and they got saved by the gospel then what were they saved by if they didn't get baptized right here then see that's what he was trying to get his point across by the way this doesn't prove that Paul denounced baptism because look at verse 16 he baptized somebody to her look at that see Hyper's like to nitpick they like to pick and choose that's their problem another favorite passage is this is this is their favorite you ready let's go to Ephesians 4 this is their favorite day you will quote this Ephesians 4 there's only one baptism only one fact is only one baptism so let the Ephesians chapter 4 and then we'll read verse 5 there's only one baptism and it's not water baptism it's the Holy Spirit baptism believe on Christ so that's their resorting argument to prove that we Christians don't follow water baptism first by one Lord one faith one baptism see that's their reference that's their point but here's their problem their problem is is that if you look at verse three what's the context of this endeavouring to keep the unity of the what Spirit in the bond of peace there is one body spiritual one spirit spiritual even one hope of your calling spiritual one Lord spiritual one based spiritual one back to the spiritual one God and Father of all who is above all the spiritual the context is spiritually obviously there is only one spirit that is right that we follow all other spirits are wrong and that and that's why the Bible says God is a spirit not just spirit we're not this New Age stuff we're any spirit is fine no just one spirit that is the Holy Ghost that is gone that's why for us it's one spiritual so it's by one spiritual context here obviously he's not going to include water baptism here water baptism is not a spiritual thing it is a physical thing that you can feel in touch and you get wet that is not the Holy Spirit you're touching and feeling like some Church of Christ would like you to think that the blood of Jesus and the Spirit of God is in that water that you touch if that's the case that you should honor it and kiss it and don't throw it throw out the bathwater onto the ground after you get baptized so you see right here this is referring to a spiritual context of course there is only one spiritual baptism there's only one spiritual baptism that's a Holy Ghost baptism water baptism is not has nothing to do with your spiritual context your spiritual salvation has nothing to do all it does it makes you wet that's all it does now first Peter chapter 3 verse Peter chapter 3 here's something that boggles my mind are you telling me throughout the dispensations ever since the ever since the timeline of the Apostles and Paul through the early churches all the way through the dark ages through all the Baptist's and many Christians during the Great Awakening revivals up til today all of a sudden the hyper dispensationalist got right during the 1900s somewhere or maybe 1800s if I'm going to give them that early that all of a sudden that we're not doing water baptism you're all wrong we all got it right it doesn't make sense okay first Peter chapter three that's why Peter said this he took this as a command look at verse 21 the like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us baptism for salvation that's what the Church of Christ will argue ah look at the parentheses not the putting away of the filth of the one flesh has nothing to do to save you from the sins of your flesh now people who don't believe me all you have to do I'll read it quickly you don't have to turn here if you don't think this has to do with your sin all you have to do is read second Corinthians chapter 7 and verse 1 it says having therefore these promises dearly beloved let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God see that this has to do with your sins so notice that this verse which supposedly proves baptism for salvation is actually attacking baptism for salvation it's a baptism has nothing to do with your forgiveness of sins washing away your sins then what is the saving you from but the answer of a lot good conscience toward God by the resurrection of Jesus Christ Peter knew why because he took the bad guy next 10 he commanded them he knew that this was something that they had to follow now a lot of people what they would like to argue is that well you know this is what so I'm just Hyper's they will always use this tactic if they find a Jew anywhere I mean you can find a Jew three chapters later or just one time in mentions a Jew and the automatic chop off the whole book and say that is only for Jews look if you're gonna do that you might as well chop up the Apostle Paul at the book of Romans because he said I'm a Jew what are you gonna do about that I thought that he was our beloved Apostle Paul so you got to understand this and say that's just that's that is not studying the scriptures that's actually okay I don't want to be offensive but I want people to understand this that's actually honestly being intellectually dishonest and lazy anyone can find a Jew anywhere in a verse and then divide it off that is your then you know what you're gonna get you're gonna come across major problems okay so what they would like to do is that claim that Peter was a book written to Jews only and that it was for the timeline the tribulation it's true you'll see Jewish references there it's true you'll see tribulation references over there but then again what is this what is this church double application now look if you want to say this is not the Christian Church look at verse 4 what did Peter say to an inheritance incorruptible undefiled and that fadeth not away reserved in heaven for you who are kept by the power of God through what faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time you see that say by faith eternally secured at verse 4 not only that look at verse 3 there's your gospel by the resurrection of the Dead there's your Christian gospel you're going to say that's only for Jews of the tribulation by the way look at verse 1 Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ to the strangers scattered throughout what Pontus Galatia Cappadocia Asia and Bithynia see why you didn't do about that those are Gentiles there those are Gentiles those aren't Jews what are you gonna do about that one can't do anything about that by the way what are you going to do with verse 23 being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the Word of God which liveth and abideth for ever see that born again what are you going to do over and over again with all these verses that shows a lot of Christian doctrine right here and it shows a lot of it shows a lot of Christian doctrine it shows a lot of references that does not have to be solely to the Jewish people okay but anyways I'm gonna close it off right here I want I can continue on and on but I'm just gonna stop it right here so this is an important thing you don't have this mess up I remember that there are a few members that mentioned to me about you know this interesting thing about dispensationalism and about different things about being born again and stuff like that and I was like the kind of sounds hyper to me but the members didn't know about that so then when I would look at the channels like I only needed five minutes yep Piper you might say how do you know that all you have to do is this all you have to do is look up at the person google that person's name and his ministry look at their doctrinal statement you'll find good acts grace body of Christ did not start until the book that yep okay hyper right there that's hyper so it's very easy to spot a hyper dispensationalists they will always they love so much talking about the body of Christ did not start until somewhere in the middle of Acts somewhere like that if you hear that and not only that you hear these strange references where they keep going juju Joo our beloved Apostle Paul that's there keep that said catchphrase our beloved Apostle Paul like he said beloved like why would you say that okay I know the Apostle Paul is is our apostle he's the apostle to the Gentiles but why do you have to book put colored beloved Apostle Paul and you say that repeat that over and over and over again strange spirit that's a strange spirit right there Paul didn't even want that he wanted you to set your eyes on Jesus Christ not on him you
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 26,967
Rating: 4.8400002 out of 5
Keywords: The Vigilant Christian, Israeli News Live, BP Earth Watch, Paul Begley, RichieFromBoston, Robert Breaker, The Watchman, conspiracy, End Times Production, SoulJa Of GOD, J.D. Farag, Acts17Apologetics, flat earth, antichrist, Trump, Obama, Rob Skiba, rapture, Jonathan Kleck, Sid Roth, Steve Cioccolanti, King James, Mark Dice, Ravi Zacharias, Wretched, bible believer, aliens, Living Waters, Doug Batchelor, Joel Osteen, Joseph Prince
Id: uWHJUaair_o
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Length: 30min 43sec (1843 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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