How Do I Receive the Baptism of the Holy Ghost? | Beginner's Discipleship #40 | Dr. Kim

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[Music] all right tonight tonight we're gonna be talking about the baptism of the Holy Ghost the baptism of the Holy Ghost so just in case make sure that the boundaries and the volume they're all good for both cameras okay so we're gonna be talking about the baptism of the Holy Ghost so we hear quite often in churches did you get baptized with the Holy Spirit did you get baptized by the Holy Spirit but a lot of people don't understand what that means so as we cover our basic doctrines it's going to give you foundational doctrines fundamental doctrines so you can understand them and once you understand these fundamental basic doctrines trust me when you go into deeper doctrines it's gonna connect more easily once you know the foundations that's why we strongly believe not just teaching me but milk because you can't eat the meat without the milk to begin with that's the same thing with deep doctrine you can't get deep doctrines more without the milk or the basic doctrines first so again I've repeated this over and over again so our outline is in our website BBC English org theological studies outline it's free for you and they'll give you all the different doctrines of theology that we're covering and if you've kept track you'll notice that we're almost done so I think we'll be done within a month or less or maybe maybe a little bit over a month but somewhere around there so we're almost we're almost finished so that'll be a blessing okay so baptism of the Holy Ghost let's first talk about the explanation for this okay so let me explain what the baptism of the Holy Ghost is if I don't explain it then we can't even understand it when we go through the verses to begin with so first of all we have to understand the term baptism until we understand this term first then we can understand the other elements baptism what it means is immersion now this is to be very helpful for you you might say why is that pastor because what you're gonna find out then is that whenever the Bible says baptize it does not mean water okay so remember that if the Bible ever mentions baptize don't you dare think that oh it's referring to water baptism that's why people are going to get you that notice here it says baptism is required for salvation no that's not what it's saying getting water baptized for salvation that's not what the verse is saying it's how do you not know it's being immersed under something else so look at mark chapter 1 verses 6 through 8 mark chapter 1 verses 6 through 8 notice that the Bible already proved to you that there has to be a difference of different baptisms there's a distinction of different baptisms so whenever you see that word baptized don't automatically assume water it could be something else look at this verse and John with clothed with camel's hair and with the girdle of skin about his loins and he did eat locusts and wild honey and preach saying there cometh one mightier than I after me the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose I indeed have baptized you with water but he shall baptize you with the what Holy Ghost look at that see so the Bible already told you that there's a different baptism so if the Bible talks about baptize for salvation it could be referring to Holy Spirit covering you immersing you keep that in mind they'll be very helpful when you do future arguments okay so then how do you receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit how you receive this baptism of the Holy Spirit is becoming part of the body of Christ becoming part of the body of Christ huh wait you're serious pastor that's right wait I'm not supposed to speak in tongues and stuff like that well we'll cover those things later but what you're gonna find out is no it's actually by becoming part of the body of Christ look at first Corinthians chapter 12 verse 13 please first Corinthians chapter 12 and then we'll read verse 13 now pay attention to all the wordings here notice what the Bible says about receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost is when you become part of Christ's body so 1st Corinthians chapter 12 and then we're going to read verses 13 and 27 notice the word of God reads right here for by one spirit are we all baptized see you get baptized by the spirit how into one body see it's becoming part of the body of Christ look at verse 27 verse 27 now ye are the what body of Christ so notice when you get baptized by the Holy Spirit that is when you become part of Christ's body there is absolutely no doubt about that all right then pastor how do I become part of Christ's body it's by getting saved by the gospel now one of the verses that you can look at is Colossians chapter 2 verse 6 9 through 10 17 and 19 but people online don't worry about writing all those things down because here's a better verse you can use Ephesians 2 Ephesians 2 so people who have the notes this is not in your notes you're gonna notice that so I want you to go to the book of Ephesians please the book of Ephesians and it'll be chapter 3 actually excuse me it will be chapter 3 chapter 3 verse 6 so this is a better verse notice that how you become part of the body of Christ is when you receive Christ for salvation it's by receiving Christ for salvation by the gospel that's found at Ephesians chapter 3 look at what the Bible says right here when you become part of the body of Christ it's by the gospel not speaking in tongues nothing else Ephesians chapter 3 and verse 6 that the Gentiles should be fellow heirs and of the same what body okay how do you become part of the body of Christ it reads and partakers of its promise in Christ by the what gospel so it's when you receive the gospel of Jesus Christ you automatically become baptized with the Holy Spirit so if this charismatic is a safe Christian and then he asked you a fellow saved Christian did you receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit then you can ask the charismatic this question are you saved and that guy might take offense obviously I'm saved I'm I received use Christ for salvation then you tell them this that is when you get baptized with the Holy Spirit oh no no you got to get some kind of experience and speaking in tongues that's not what the Bible says okay let's look at stages for the baptism of the Holy Ghost stages of the baptism of the Holy Ghost so the baptism of the Holy Ghost consists of several different stages the first thing that you want to notice concerning the stage is the death death of Jesus Christ we're gonna look at Rome 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 please 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 now your second hand is going to be Romans 6 now remember this Romans 6 you're gonna keep your hand throughout this whole section concerning stages in the section of stages your hand is gonna be in Romans 6 the entire time alright 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 21 and then Romans chapter 6 and verse 6 thank God there's not another 6 after that so then let's look at 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 and verse 21 notice how the baptism of the Holy Ghost is symbolized with the death of the Lord Jesus Christ when he died for our sins why is that because what happens is that the old nature dies that's why it consists of the death so it's simulator with the death of Jesus because it's referring to the flesh that is dead so when you get baptized by the Holy Spirit that means your outer shell your outer man your flesh is considered automatically dead to you wait a minute pastor then that means that no matter what I do with my body of seeing it's considered dead to me so that means it doesn't infect my soul then right yeah correct because this is considered dead to you so it doesn't matter what I do in my body of sins I'm still going to heaven absolutely see so baptism of the Holy Spirit automatically proves eternal security or Oh si s once saved always say it doesn't teach that some people teach that if you lose the baptism of the Holy Ghost that's what they teach you can lose it so you need to regain it again how about that they also go so as far to say that you lose salvation but see this is a one-time thing where you're eternally secured that's the complete opposite so you notice that so many people misunderstand this teaching of the baptism of the Holy Ghost second Corinthians chapter 5 verse 21 the Bible says right here for he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him so notice right here that Christ became sin for us so that we can be made righteous 'no sin him now compare that with romans chapter 6 verse 6 please romans chapter 6 verse 6 alright so Christ became sin for us correct so that we can receive his righteousness correct okay notice what is assimilated with this we're going to look at Romans chapter 6 and verse 6 knowing this that our old man the old man is a flesh right is what crucified with him it joins Jesus with his death on the cross where the sin nature is crucified let's keep reading right here that the body of sin might be what destroy wow what a blessing that henceforth we should not serve sin look at that so notice how sin is destroyed the body of sin is automatically considered destroyed by God destroyed by God okay let's also turn to Romans chapter 6 verse 4 Romans chapter 6 verse 4 the burial of Jesus Christ the baptism of the Holy Spirit is also liken to the burial of Jesus Christ how so pastor how it's assimilated with that is because you're all nature of sin is buried in the ground so it cannot come back out to haunt you ever again it will stay under the ground and it'll never creep back to haunt your life praise the Lord alright Romans chapter 6 verse 4 therefore we we are what buried with him but look at this by what baptism into death see how that's similar assimilated with the baptism of the Holy Ghost right here so notice right here that the baptism of the Holy Ghost that it's within the context of the burial so it's a simple it's symbolized right here let's keep reading that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father even so we also should walk in newness of life Colossians chapter 2 verse 12 please Colossians chapter 2 and verse 12 alright notice right here that when you are baptized with Jesus Christ that that the burial is definitely included right here it symbolized right here let's look at Colossians chapter 2 and verse 12 buried with him in what baptism see the burial of Jesus Christ is symbolized with his spiritual baptism wherein also ye are risen with him through the what is this by water baptism no it's done through faith of the operation of God so if some cultists tries to use Colossians 2:12 where a baptism is required for salvation you simply can jump all the way back here no no no how do you not know it's talking about a spiritual baptism right here but not only that the verse told you it's not done by water baptism it's done by faith that's the means of salvation let's also turn to Romans chapter six verse four again and then your other hand to go to second Corinthians chapter five verse 17 second Corinthians chapter five and then verse 17 let's go back over here now let's talk about the third stage which you all can guess what is it the resurrection resurrection okay you're gonna notice right here that the baptism of the Holy Ghost it is symbolized with his resurrection because the new nature the spiritual nature is resurrected made alive within you while the old nature the fleshy nature is dead and buried let's look at second Corinthians Romans chapter six verse four first therefore we are buried with him by baptism right so note the spiritual baptism is assimilated with that like as Christ was what raised up from the dead by the glory of the father so the resurrection of Jesus Christ is symbolized with the spiritual baptism let's also look at Colossians chapter 2 verse 12 excuse me second Corinthians 5:17 the verse says right here therefore if any man be in Christ remember are you part of the body of Christ yes if you're in Christ you also get baptized right spiritual baptized okay if you get spiritually baptized what happens he is a new creature see the spiritual nature is resurrected all things are passed away behold all things are become new that's a wonderful verse to quote it's a one of the greatest verses in the Bible so this is actually your life verses nearly all of you what was the old you back then you remember man when you're without hope without God what you were like and then now that you're a safe Christian there's like a total transformation is there not how the Holy Spirit worked in your life that's a big blessing that's a big blessing so you're gonna notice right here that like Christ was resurrected your new nature was resurrected so the old things are forever gone no matter what well what if I fall into the nature the old nature the fleshy nature remember Dodd considers a dead and buried so it doesn't matter what you do with your old nature it's too late it's considered dead and buried so that's a big blessing right there okay so we're going to look at first John chapter 2 please first John chapter 2 first John chapter 2 okay because you're such wonderful Bible believers who love each other and you're not sup and you're not selfish where you're gonna hog the notes for yourself you're gonna share with other people the notes that's right that's right you're not gonna say no I need the note from pastor I cannot share now don't be selfish let's share alright we believe in the word share at this church no I'm just kidding okay distinction of the baptism of the Holy Ghost distinction from the baptism of the Holy Ghost my advice is this is that maybe some of you could take photos of that so that way you don't feel like you really lost your note so you can take a photo shot of that one and then you can share it with your partner or give it to somebody else let's talk about the distinction of the baptism of the Holy Ghost good news is this I'm gonna give you guys my notes later okay so I'm gonna give you the one that I'm actually using later okay it is not to be confused with the unction or anointing of the Holy Ghost now remember this a lot of Christians confuse the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the unction and the anointing of the Holy Ghost they are not the same they are not the same there's a big distinction especially Pentecostals and charismatic and holiness people they're really bad at that they think that oh did you receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost they think that question is like did you get the unction from God yet did you get God to anoint you today no there's a distinction with those two let's look at first John chapter 2 verse 20 but ye have an unction from the Holy One and you know all things look at that there's an unction let's look at verse 27 but the anointing C unction and anointing go hand in hand they're the same the unction and anointing of the Holy Ghost is watch which he have received of him look what it's based upon abideth in you and ye need not that any man teach you but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things and his truth and is no lie and even as it hath taught you ye shall what abide in him so notice right here that the unction and anointing of the Holy Spirit has to do with the abiding presence of the Spirit the abiding presence of the Spirit so it's like when I'm preaching at a sermon or when you're going to a dead church it doesn't matter if that dead pastor or me are both safe Christians you can tell if the Holy Spirit is in there or not because you can tell if the Holy Spirit is abiding right there if it's hand a blessing is there so that's what it means the abiding presence of the Spirit that's what it should mean we get lousy days where we don't have comfortable chairs we don't have the rock concert to bring in all the people and we see the Holy Spirit moving like there's no tomorrow and we know the Holy Spirit is in the room compared to those huge churches where they have all the means and the resources and you don't see the Holy Spirit in there at all another thing is it is not the filling of the Holy Spirit the baptism of the Holy Spirit is not the same as the filling of the Holy Spirit now I already taught you about the filling of the Holy Ghost so I'm not going to go too much on this one I recommend for some of you to watch that one if you haven't watched it yet it is one of the one of the most important doctrines that will transform and change your life forever so I want you I want to recommend that to you I actually have to teach five different sermons just on the filling of the Holy Spirit that's how good it was so we're gonna look at these two passages go to Ephesians 5:19 through 21 in John chapter 7 verse 38 to 39 the filling of the Holy Spirit has to do with adding more hence fill see that it's not just Holy Spirit in you it's filling you so that's what you're adding more of the Holy Ghost in you adding more by what by works by your spruce let's look at Ephesians chapter 5 verse 19 that's why it's important to do more works for the Lord Jesus Christ so that you can grow visions chapter 5 we'll read verse 19 speaking to yourselves in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord and notice verse 18 and be not drunk with wine wherein is excess but be what filled with the spirit okay I don't know why I didn't put verse 18 so it should be 18 through 21 not 19 through 21 so correct that in your notes but in 18 through 21 notice verse 18 you get filled with the spirit right verse 19 we read how you get filled with the spirit singing songs giving thanks to the Lord verse 20 shows you have to give thanks verse 21 submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God see a lot of people don't like to submit and if you don't like to submit you will miss the filling power of the Holy Spirit now some of you got to realize this how I became the kind of pastor that I am today he did not this kind of I guess quote unquote fame or popularity did not come without me yielding in to submission if you see the feeling power of the Holy Spirit within me I just didn't get it like that I had to do a lot of submission oh how long pastor probably longer than you because I had to do it ever since I was a child I was raised in a Bible believing Christian home so you think that just one or two years that you can prove yourself that's not the right way that's why it's so important that's why I keep stressing about attending a Bible believing Church and submitting under pastoral authority why I'm not saying this to become the Pope you left the Pope to attend to Bible believing Church that's what you did the reason why is because I know what it's like to taste filling power of God you saw my fruits online if you want to taste a little bit of that why don't you start working on it right now I have to do it a long time ago look at John chapter 7 verse 38 to 39 John chapter 7 verses 38 to 39 notice right here that when the Holy Spirit fills within you that it can be added more it can feel so much that will come out of you and affect others around you look at this he that believeth on me as a script rest said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water see so when it goes inside you it can come out feel so much that comes out based on what verse 39 but this spake he of the Spirit which they that believe on him should receive for the Holy Ghost was not yet given because that Jesus was not yet glorified see that's why it is so important to have the Holy Spirit in you and in order to have the Holy Spirit to begin with what's the first part you read the verse you need to get saved first and then he fishin's five shows you that you need to do all these works to make it feel more and more within you okay so let's look at number three it's not the gift of the Holy Spirit it is not the gift of the Holy Spirit now I did a teaching on that one as well the gift of the Spirit so I recommend for you to watch that one as well so the baptism of the Holy Spirit is not these three terms here they're not the same the gift of the Holy Spirit is found in first Corinthians chapter 12 go to first Corinthians 12 verse 4 8 through 11 and verse 13 verse 13 again make sure I'm not out of bounds 1st Corinthians chapter 12 verse 4 8 through 11 and verse 13 now you'll notice that that's why can you understand why people think the baptism of the Holy Spirit requires some form of work or water baptism or speaking of tongs etc why because they confuse it with these three terms right here you see that that's right there's a distinction let's look at first Corinthians chapter 12 and then we'll read verse four now there are what diversity z' of gifts but the same spirit notice what the gift of the spirit is look at verse eight through eleven four to one is given by the spirit the word of wisdom to another the word of knowledge to another faith to another the gifts of healing verse 10 to another the working of miracles there's your charismatic that's why they confuse that with the baptism of the Spirit to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits to another divers kinds of tongues to another the interpretation of tongues so verse 10 is a perfect description of what the Karris Mattox confuse the gifts of the spirit with the baptism of the holy spirit so the gifts of the Spirit are something else that's different verse 11 but all these work at that one in the self same spirit dividing to every man severally as he will verse 13 notice for by one spirit are we all baptized into one body whether we be Jew or Gentile so notice write your verse 13 told you the baptism of the Holy Spirit by getting inside the body right that's totally different from what we saw the other verses the gifts of the Spirit right here the gifts of the Spirit is simply as it means certain gifts the Holy Spirit bestowed upon you whereas the baptism of the Holy Spirit it is based on becoming part of the body of Jesus Christ so there are differences but here's something else that's even more convincing you cannot get via gifts of the Spirit until you get baptized with the Spirit first so verse 13 showed you that for by one spirit are we all baptized into one body okay how do you receive all these gifts to begin with you can't because it makes sense the Holy Spirit cannot gift you or give you a certain task to glorify Him until you get saved first until you get baptized by the Holy Spirit first that's why it makes so much sense so that's why verse 13 is good to include it where it shows that you have to do this first before you get all these gifts let's look at Acts chapter 2 Acts chapter 2 now we're going to talk about the errors the errors of the baptism of the Holy Ghost so this is where it's going to be very important we're gonna cover apologetics right here we're gonna cover more doctrinal issues here so this is gonna be very important when you come across people who confuse the baptism of the holy spirit with other forms of wrong doctrine so we covered quite a lot already just in these three parts but this fourth part is going to be extremely convincing right here so let's talk about the errors concerning the baptism of the holy spirit and these are going to be based upon these certain chapters they're gonna be based on Acts chapter 2 Acts chapter 10 and Acts chapter 19 these are three chapters you want to remember cults will occasionally go to these three certain chapters to show you that baptism the Holy Spirit might relate to water baptism speaking of tongs or something else that is not just salvation by faith alone we believe no it's salvation by faith alone you receive the baptism that's it but these people believe no there's something more to it so these are the three chapters that they will use so you want to keep that in mind first of all this is very important to remember baptism of the Holy Ghost does not mean speaking of tongs the baptism of the Holy Ghost does not mean speaking of tongs no did you receive the baptism the Holy Ghost when someone asks you that what they mean is did you speak in tongues that's what they're automatically thinking so that means then so I have to speak in tongues to get the baptism of the Holy Ghost they're gonna put that pressure on you so first of all how do we know that baptism is not the speaking of tongues based off of these two passages which you already wrote but you want to remember this one it's based on what do you remember 1st Corinthians chapter 12 as well as Ephesians chapter 3 what is the baptism of the Holy Spirit by becoming part of the body of Christ based on believing in the gospel and we already covered those verses now let's look at this other passage right here look at Ephesians chapter 1 verse 13 Ephesians chapter 1 verse 13 and chapter 4 verse 30 those two passages this is going to be especially convincing if you look at Ephesians 1:13 and chapter 4 verse 30 this is gonna be very convincing here okay remember Ephesians 3 we looked at it earlier it says based on what the gospel right okay now if you receive this gospel you're supposed to be immersed covered by the baptism of the Spirit correct all right we all agree with that once the Holy Spirit is in you immerses you covers you when you believe the gospel he cannot leave you after that he has to be sealed till the rapture that's why it's not like when you get baptized with the Holy Ghost that all of a sudden he leaves you so you have to keep coming to Sunday church then for your salvation because that's the time then when you can keep speaking in tongues because the Holy Spirit just left you the baptism of the Holy Ghost is not multiple times it's a one-time shot besides did you ever read in your Bible anywhere that you get baptized several times I think that's convincing enough it's only one time then it's only one time let's look at Ephesians chapter 1 and verse 13 these are two verses that you should actually memorize I recommend you should memorize these these are perfect verses for OSA s eternal security the Bible says in whom he also trusted after that he heard the word of truth the what gospel of your salvation right based on the gospel what happens in whom also after that ye believed this a baptized or believed did you say the right B word no I think he said baptized right believed or baptized Church of Christ can delight automatically said baptized not believe after that ye believed ye were what sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise so notice right here see based on the gospel you're sealed by the Holy Spirit until when all the way till the rapture look at verse 14 this is not in your notes but look at verse 14 which is the earnest of our inheritance until what the redemption of the purchased possession unto the praise of his glory that's the rapture also look at Ephesians chapter 4 verse 30 seasons chapter 4 verse 30 day of redemption praise of his glory that's a wrap and grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby ye are sealed right you're sealed by the Holy Spirit until when the day of redemption so unto the day of redemption you are sealed went based on the gospel the Holy Ghost is sealed within you so he doesn't leave you alright so I don't have to keep posting YouTube videos where I have to keep going blah every time I post a video so I can maintain the Holy Ghost so that y'all can get a blessing out of that if I actually did that you Dolf I know how you tubers are you'd passed forward you fast-forward the first five minutes of me going blah blah so I can start talking in English so that you can get some blessing that's what's gonna happen all right let's look at first Corinthians chapter 12 verse 13 first Corinthians chapter 12 verse 13 you do not speak in tongues you do not speak in tongues to get saved and to get the baptism of the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues does not equal salvation it does not equate with salvation and it does not equate with the Holy Ghost baptism that's why they think that you can lose your salvation so what we're gonna base this on is 1st Corinthians chapter 12 verse 13 look at that verse look what Paul says he says that there are saved Christians who are baptized with the Holy Ghost but guess what say Christians baptized with the Holy Ghost but who do not speak in tongues hmm so it shows right here that speaking in tongues is not the same as getting baptized with the Holy Spirit for salvation that's important that's going to be a good argument 1st Corinthians chapter 12 verse 13 for by one spirit are we what all baptized into one body so everyone receives the baptism of the Holy Spirit but not everyone speaks in tongues look at verse 4 now there are what diversity z' of gifts look at verse 5 differences of administration's look at verse 6 diversity z' of operations look at let's see right here the list of the gifts fort verse eight four to one see one person given the spirit of the word to another the word of knowledge verse nine to another faith to another healing verse tend to another miracles to another discerning a spirits to another divers kinds of tongues to another interpretation look at verse 11 but all these work at that one and the selfsame spirit so the Holy Spirit gives the gifts to every saved Christian but what dividing to every man severally as he will but he doesn't have them all share the same gifts how about that so notice right here not everyone speaks in tongues yet they're considered to be baptized by the Holy Spirit so that doesn't make sense so use 1st Corinthians chapter 12 verse 13 and verses 4 through 11 I'll be very powerful another thing is look at Acts hmm John chapter 15 they'll be better John chapter 15 this is a very important point this will be extremely helpful so remember number three do you know why God when he baptized them with the Holy Ghost that he had them speak in tongues this is so important it's an outward evidence what do you mean by that pastor because God gave a promise to his disciples I'm gonna baptize you with the whole ghostwrite but here's the problem though the problem is how do we know this Jesus so Jesus he decided to give them a sign and outward evidence okay in order to show you that I that you do know that you've got the Holy Spirit I'm gonna give you the speaking of tongues that way you know oh what I got is the baptism of the Holy Ghost this is plainly evident go to John chapter 15 verse 26 and then we're also going to look at Acts chapter one verse five and eight notice that Jesus Christ told you that because you're going to receive the Holy Spirit you're gonna be baptized with it I'm gonna have you speak in tongues I'm gonna prove it outwardly to you so that other people can know about it look at John chapter 15 verse 26 but when the comforter has come who will I will who my will send unto you from the father even the Spirit of Truth which proceedeth from the father he shall what testify of me he's going to outwardly show it to other people where there than the siient acts so Jesus Christ promised he will give them the spirit look at Acts chapter one that's chapter one that's chapter one and we will read verse five Acts chapter one we will read verse five and verse eight notice for John truly baptized you with water but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost what not many days hence so Jesus Christ because look if you heard this for the first time you and I would be confused okay how do I know that I get baptized with the Holy Spirit then Jesus so Jesus told them some a few days later you're gonna know so there is a specific incident then a few days later that would prove it and if you read your Bible you know what it was it was them speaking in tongues and they spoke better tongues than Benny Hinn Oral Roberts and those guys all put together let's look at verse eight but he shall receive power oh they're gonna receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you look at that see so after they get the baptism of the Holy Spirit what's gonna happen is they're gonna manifest and show that power which they did at Acts chapter 2 right so based when people use Acts chapter 2 remember this the three passages are acts two ten and nineteen so when they use these passages to show see when they got baptized with the spirit they spoke in tongues you can easily say well it's because God had to prove it to other people you have to prove it to other people so they can see it because Jesus Christ promised it to them so acts 2 10 and 19 are temporary events that happened only to certain people not all as proof of Christ's promise and it never happened again how do you know that pastor because we already looked at tons of verses where when you receive the gospel for your salvation you're baptized by the Holy Spirit do you all remember you all spoke in tongues and rolled around the ground when you got saved by the gospel some of them now some people carry snacks are extremely emotional so some of them those people online they're gonna say oh yes I did that's how I got saved okay let's take it for granted I don't believe in this but I'm gonna take it for granted you guys got saved when you spoke in tongues and you experience the baptism of the Holy Ghost so then you're saying that I'm burning in hell then I didn't receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost I did not get that speaking of tongues how about that so it does it so it still proves my side of the argument that you don't need speaking of tongues to get saved to get baptized by the Holy Spirit and this also proves undoubtedly this has to be temporary event my side is enough alone sufficient to prove that because obviously it's not just me there are many of you I know you're all gonna admit this if you're honest there are many of you out there who got saved by the gospel and you didn't immediately speak in tongues after that and the Bible told you if you believe in the gospel what happened to you you get baptized by the Holy Spirit so you your beef is with Scripture not with me that's your beef okay let's look at Acts chapter 19 to Acts chapter 19 verse 2 here's a favorite passage this is a favorite passage that baptism of the Holy Ghost is based on believing in is after believing oh wait a minute I thought you said when you believe in Jesus Christ that's when you receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost that's right we teach and believe that but in Acts chapter 19 it's a favorite passage where it seems to show that even though you believed in Christ for salvation you didn't get baptized by the Holy Spirit ooh that's a problem so let's look at this verse so you acts 19 as a favorite passage you all want to remember that one okay acts 19 verse 2 notice it seems to show that the person is not really saved after he believed in Christ for salvation he said unto them have ye received the Holy Ghost since he believed whew well obviously you should but look at the next part and they said unto Him we have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost well that's the problem then so it seems like that after they believe on Christ they did not receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit ah but here's the thing right here what you're going to notice is compare that with Acts chapter 19 verse 3 and then compare that turn to John chapter 1 go to John chapter 1 look at verse 3 and then compare that with John chapter 1 verse 26 through 31 verses 26 through 31 this is gonna be a really good point right here it's gonna be more simple than you think Oh looks hard no it's gonna be more simple than you think look at John chapter 1 verse 26 to 31 here's the key these people were based off of John the Baptist not on Jesus Christ we're talking about believing in Jesus these people were based off of John the Baptist ministry remember what John the Baptist said this is gonna be extremely powerful what did John the Baptist say he said this well we're gonna read the verse I'll be better right verse 26 John answered them saying i baptize you with water but their standeth one among you whom he what no not so they don't know Jesus Christ like they should mmm keep your hand at John 1:26 we're gonna go back there look at acts 19 verse 3 and he said unto them up - unto what then were he baptized and they said unto what John's baptism see that means they did not fully believe on Jesus Christ like we did clearly as the clear Christian gospel maybe they believed some form why because John the Baptist's prophesy predicted about this coming Messiah but he did not tell them clearly the whole Christian gospel like we did otherwise why would John the Baptist say who me no not in my baptism it's something it's based I baptized you with water but this other person who's coming before you it's somebody that you are not familiar with yet let's go back to John 1 verse 27 he it is who coming after me is preferred before me whose shoes latchet I am not worthy to unloose these things were done in that the bara beyond Jordan where John was baptizing the next day John seeth Jesus coming unto Him and saith see here is this prediction or some form where John the Baptist was preaching about Christ behold the lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world this is he of whom I said after me caught the man which is preferred before me for he was before me so here's John the Baptist preaching about Jesus Christ but these people don't really know him as John the Baptist said now this is even stronger which was what I was going to say look at verse 31 and I knew him not but that he should be me manifest to Israel therefore am I come baptized seeing with what water now here's something that's very interesting is that remember what John said at mark chapter one i baptize you with water but Jesus will baptize you with what the Holy Ghost that's why I see it makes sense why these people Paul asked him did you get the baptism of the Holy Ghost obviously they didn't because based off of John the Baptist ministry John the Baptist said I don't baptize you with the Holy Ghost i baptize you with water now look back in acts 19 see it's a lot more simple than you think right look at acts 19 verse 4 here we go let's keep reading then said paul john verily baptized with the baptism of repentance saying unto the people that they should believe on him which should come after him see after john the baptist ministry remember what john the baptist said he it is that is preferred after me you remember that that is on Christ Jesus remember John the Baptist at based off of Acts chapter 19 and verse 4 based off of Acts chapter 19 and verse 4 we see right here that I'm running out of space now this matches with John chapter 1 verse 26 through 31 John the Baptist was preaching about Jesus Christ but he but they told them that they did not know him yet but John the Baptist was laying down foundations later on and once after John the Baptist's ministry because John the Baptist said after me Paul said after him then what happens then they can understand and believe the gospel of Jesus Christ and receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost because remember John the Baptist said I don't baptize you with the Holy Ghost i baptize you with water it is he who is after me after after John the Baptist ministry who can receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost verse 3 verse 3 these people were not after John the Baptist ministry they were at John the Baptist ministry that's why it makes sense they did receive the baptism of the holy ghost let's see right here notice verse five when they heard this they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus and when Paul had laid his hands upon them the Holy Ghost came on them and they spake with tongues and prophesied and all the men were about twelve so look at this verse four showed you that they had to believe first right after they believed then they were what at verse five they were water baptized then at verse six finally they spoke in tongues finally they prophesied Wow how about that so the baptism of the Holy Ghost by speaking incomes came much later it came after believing verse four and it came after water baptism and not only that verse six it had to come after Paul laid his hands on them that's a lot of things before you get the speaking of tongues based on the baptism of the Holy Ghost see you'll notice this is long long after speaking of tongues it's definitely separated from salvation and it's separated from the baptism of the Holy Ghost so again look at verse two he said unto them happy received the Holy Ghost since he believed and they sound to him we have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost that verse is not saying that oh after we believed on Jesus Christ we did not receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost no this belief is based off of the belief of verse three John the Baptist baptism so this will be very helpful concerning the baptism of the Holy Ghost okay so thus ends our study on the baptism of the Holy Ghost all right so then your homework assignment will be let's see right here it will be the fall of man the fall of man that will be your homework assignment fall of man so listen to that audio lesson and that audio link will be posted underneath this video Heavenly Father I want to thank you so much that you baptize me with the Holy Ghost and I trust everyone here has experienced the baptism of the Holy Ghost and that is based on believing on the gospel of Jesus Christ and not speaking gibberish it is based on what you did on the cross not what we do ourselves and we pray all of this in Jesus name we pray amen you out of all the wrong doctrines that's happening in our day and age at the last days of the church as the apocalypse is coming even closer the point of all this friend is that you won't be even able to grow in knowledge of the truth in Bible believing truth until you get safe first the most important question you have to ask yourself after watching all this is if you were to die today are you a hundred percent sure that you're going to go to heaven perhaps one of these wrong doctrines have affected you and you had the improper way of salvation as you have seen before the way to get saved is very simple it's only simply salvation by grace alone without works through the Lord Jesus Christ in this Christian day and age if you're not sure that you can go to heaven after you die it's very simple to get saved first of all you have to understand that because of sin God is a holy God and he cannot even allow one percent of sin into heaven so he has to judge sin with a burning hell so it is very important that you got to realize how serious sin is and you must repent you might say well then I guess I have to clean up all my sins I guess I have to go to church I guess I have to get baptized I have to I have to be a good person you know my friend good works can never save you Jesus is God who died buried and resurrected so that he can pay all the sins for you you don't have to pay a single sin for yourself so all you have to do as a repentant sinner is turn to what he did on the cross alone for your salvation you might say well pastor I do believe only on what Jesus did on the cross to save me that's great then all you have to do is just say that to the Lord you might say well preacher I haven't prayed much before in my life I don't know really how to say it to God can you help me out sure you could say it this way dear God I know I'm a sinner as I repent I put my faith that Jesus is God and that he died buried and resurrected so that his blood can wash away my sins I put my faith in that alone to save me not my good works in Jesus name I pray amen congratulations my friend if you meant it with all your heart that you put your faith only on what Jesus did on the cross through his blood to save you then you are saved it's that simple my friend now my friend it is important to grow in Bible believing truth you now know the truth what are you going to do about it as the apocalypse comes even more closer and Satan's about his to set up his kingdom even more there are many souls dying and going to hell and even many more churches out there who don't know right and wrong doctrine it is up to you now on what to do and go to our resources site WWB BBC English org and click on the resources link over there and it will give you everything that you need to grow in grace the next step of your journey now is up to you we've done our part giving you this movie all of it was done for free by the love of the people god bless you [Music] or should we just stick to the Sermon on the mountain a passage that is so radical that is doubtful that our own Defense Department would survive its application King James only ISM is double standards now there's a false doctrine out there called dispensationalism yeah I don't believe once saved always saved the god of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction jealous and proud of it a petty unjust unforgiving control-freak a vindictive bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser a misogynistic homophobic racist infanticidal genocidal phyllis idle pestilential megalomaniacal sadomasochistic capriciously malevolent bully [Applause] [Music] but you don't want to get identified with the reproach of what really believing this Bible is all about you know at these wicked left-wing liberal perverts want you to do legalized in the marijuana if the whole the church over the wages of sin is death we offer so many Gospels back if you're walking away and you see them and throw it on the ground that's not because they're afraid of what's in it they know what's in it no matter where you aren't going to turn to God and place your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ God Almighty got me through and got me through for 10 years 15 years 20 years 25 years 30 years 35 years 40 years you left that book on ass I'll mess with you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] give me your power Lord you know I just don't want their power double the Holy Spirit power then we'll see so saying then we'll see God do something with this truth then we'll see the Liberals and the homosexuals getting a pig then we'll see those apostate Christians getting that then we'll see all the world opening their eyes to the truth and they say we have not seen such a thing rather systems only one hope looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appear that man dog [Music]
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 17,513
Rating: 4.9095654 out of 5
Keywords: baptism of holy ghost, how to receive holy spirit, bible study, discipleship, bible study for women, how to be baptized, how to be baptized in the holy spirit
Id: eQd8xTizOPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 46sec (3466 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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