Cheating or Abusive Spouse? Can I Divorce and Remarry? - Dr. Gene Kim

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next comment can you do something on divorce and infidelity i am currently suffering through that so she also gives more personal information which i won't read but i promise that we would be praying for her and we are praying for you sister you're in our prayer list okay all right so anyways she's struggling through a lot right here so what do you do concerning divorce and infidelity so let's say your spouse cheats on you does a lot of things or there are certain abuses in the house or some things are going on in your home do you put up with that what do you do with divorce look at romans chapter 7 and we're going to look at verse 2 romans chapter 7 we're going to look at verse 2. there are actually three grounds three grounds for divorce god understands that so when preachers say you cannot divorce and that is a sin when you say stuff like that impudently without thinking you got to realize this there's going to be a lot of broken homes there's a lot of broken homes stressful situations that you got to understand behind the scenes with the husband and a wife so sometimes you gotta have divorce otherwise you're not gonna have a peaceful house but let me explain first of all go to romans 7 verse 2. for the woman which hath and husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth but if the husband be dead she is loosed so notice right here the first ground the very first round of divorce is death death so if a spouse dies you can divorce and you can even remarry as well you can also remarry so the first ground is divorce let's also look at another passage matthew 19 matthew 19 matthew 19. death and also it is infidelity or fornication so if your spouse cheats on you you can divorce look at matthew chapter 19. matthew chapter 19. notice what jesus himself said so this is jesus himself speaking so this is going to be important to hear he should know what the laws of divorce or not divorcing are look at matthew chapter 19 and we're going to look at verse 9. jesus said and i say unto you whosoever shall put away his wife except it be for fornication and shall marry another committeth adultery and whoso marrieth her which is not uh which is put away doth commit adultery so notice right here jesus says it is a sin when you divorce with the exception of fornication let's also look at another one go to first corinthians seven first corinthians seven okay this one i think will be more common and this will be more important desertion desertion so you got to realize this when there is desertion or separation that is another grounds for divorce as another grounds for divorce so look at first corinthians chapter 7 we're going to look at first corinthians chapter 7 and we're going to look at verse 10 verse 10. so obviously the bible's not saying to separate easily the bible says you should retain your marriage as much as you can but the bible does show if there is absolutely no choice but there has to be a one spouse or the other spouse deserves and there's a separation you can divorce look at first corinthians chapter seven and we're going to look at verse 10. the bible says and unto the married i command yet i yet not i but the lord let not the wife depart from our husband so the spouse cannot leave the other but look at verse 15 but if the unbelieving depart so let's say they do depart what did the bible say let him depart a brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases here's the key but god had called us to peace see that because god knows that peace is the ultimate thing that's why it's important now some people bring up this question man what if my husband abuses me see that or my life is in danger because of my husband so should i retain the marriage no you should leave amen you should leave you sh and that seed that's called desertion and during that grounds that's why you can divorce you might say well is that true well yeah because look at right here look what the scriptures show about this desertion look at the context of desertion right here look at verse three look at verse three the bible says right here let the husband render unto the wife what do benevolence and likewise also the wife unto the husband look at this the wife hath not power of her own body but the husband and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body but the wife see that their body should be treated right that's the rule and regulation of marriage that god demanded but look at this if that doesn't happen if things don't go so well look what happens right here we're going to look at verse 11 11 but and if she depart so let's say right here at verse 10 okay verse 10 god says the wife should not depart from her husband right but look at verse 11 but and if she depart see that showing that it understands and it can let her depart but that idea continues fully at verse 15 verse 15 continues that idea fully but if the unbelieving depart so it recognizes that it understands there's a departure and what did that verse say let him depart a brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases why that key word but god hath called us to what peace see that god wanted marriage to be peaceful not harmful dangerous worrying fear if that's the kind of marriage life you have why because the husband does not treat the body of the wife rightly and the same thing even with the wife to the husband what did the bible say if that person departs don't it understands that it understands if the person departs right here all right now let's also look at verse three verse three what you gotta understand though is this this should not be the first resort it should be the last resort because what did god tell you first he didn't mention this first you noticed you know what he mentioned first at first corinthians 7 he mentioned departure last he mentioned something else first and that is what it is fulfilling your obligation and duty trying to reconcile look at right here let's look at verse three let the husband render unto the wife do benevolence and likewise also the wife unto the husband so notice right here that the testimony of marriage see your testimony of doing your duty your obligation it should be stellar so if you act like some dumb american today today is doing where oh it's because of this and this and this so i'm just gonna divorce that's why they divorce easily nowaday america it's a horrible situation they don't look at their testimony first and when they look at their testimony they realize hey they're the ones responsible for this divorce not the other spouse's fault see that so it's testimony first notice also that another thing right here is reconciliation you gotta reconcile first see that that's what the bible says okay so look at the uh the next verses right here we're going to look at verse 10 i believe verse 10. verse 11 the bible says but then if she depart so if she's gonna depart see divorce let her remain unmarried or be what reconcile to her husband and let not the husband put away his wife see that it says try to reconcile so when there is this departure separation or even divorce you should try to reconcile see that so if you've done these two most importantly i think this is a no-brainer you'd be surprised god could solve the problem and you don't have to do it so did you even pray about it i doubt it that's good i highly doubt you even pray so if you've done these three things first then go for this if you didn't then you're not right with god you gotta understand that's why we condemn divorce because people are divorcing just so easily so divorce is a sin but god understands so that this is a last resort see that this is a last resort let's also look at several verses right here notice at verse 16 verse 16 for what knowest thou o wife whether thou shalt what save thy husband or how knowest thou o man whether thou shalt save thy wife see that paul recognized that your marriage could be saved so you don't have to go for this it could be saved if you've done these things first not only that look at first peter this is a powerful verse for women this is a great verse for women first peter 3. there's no verse on this for husbands i don't think so i don't think there's a verse on this for husbands but for wives so it seems like that god understands the wife situation and could be more pressuring so god gave this verse more specifically for women so if you're a woman you want to listen to this this is a tremendous blessing look at first peter 3. god mentioned this for wives not husbands there might be one on husband but not to my knowledge look at first peter three verse one likewise he wise be in subjection to your own husbands so fulfill your role your duty as a wife why that if any obey not the word so let's assume that husband is not even uh right with god they also may without the word so even without the bible to get right with god in be won by what the conversation of the wives while they behold your chaste conversation coupled with what fear see that because of a stellar testimony of that wife it can even put the fear of god on that man and they can even get convicted and right with god see so do these things first but here's the thing that you've got to understand and i want you to hear this all right if you've done these things and that man is not being won then by all means you should do this all right on these three grounds you should divorce especially look especially if um concerning this case you're facing some kind of domestic and violent violence you should leave you should definitely leave because god said what he's all for peace is all for peace and if that husband doesn't treat your body right or even the wife not the husband for all i know there could be a husband out there whose life is very psycho and dangerous so even in that case too see god calls it peace divorce there's one more thing i want to mention about divorce so some people might get confused and say is it okay that i can remarry so look at first corinthians 7 again first corinthians 7 again i don't know if you noticed this before but at first corinthians 7 it actually suggested not to get married again it's suggested not to get married again however god does allow it god does allow it and he says it's not a sin it's not a sin so i'll explain why a little more look at verse 11 but and if she depart so if she does divorce him let her remain what unmarried huh look at verse 27 look at verse 27 the bible says art thou bound unto a wife seek not to be loosed so don't divorce reconcile the marriage but let's say you do divorce art thou loose from a wife so let's say you do divorce what happens seek not a wife so don't remarry but look at this verse this verse explains why but and if thou mary thou hast what not sinned it's not a century mary so if you were divorced before and you remarried remember this if someone's putting a guilt trip on you that you sin that's not a sin all right all right then the question is why did god say don't get married here's the answer okay here's the answer notice right here that at this verse right here verse 28 but if but and if thou marry thou hast not sin and if a virgin mary she hath not sin nevertheless such shall have what trouble in the flesh but i spare you because here's an undoubtable fact everyone knows this and everyone can agree especially if you have kids divorce and remarriage always have consequences there is always consequences in divorce and remarriage so because of those troubles that's why god suggests don't get remarried again however he does understand he says hey if you were married then go ahead thou has not sinned you
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 203,038
Rating: 4.7378621 out of 5
Keywords: Tony Hutson, John R Rice, Charles Lawson, Zion4131, Robert Breaker, David Peacock, Bible believer, King james bible, Peter Ruckman, Phil Kidd, Jack Hyles, CT townsend, Steven Anderson, Sanderson1611, Donnie Romero, Roger Jimenez, Sam Gipp, bryan denlinger, husky394xp, vigilant christian, vigilant citizen, ruckmanite, kenny baldwin, danny castle, david hoffman, gail riplinger, Chicktracts, Gregory Miller, Paul Begley, Kent Hovind OFFICIAL
Id: 8uWYzi9VPsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2017
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