Kingdom of Heaven vs Kingdom of God - Dr. Gene Kim

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[Music] today we will be talking about the kingdom of heaven versus that kingdom of God the kingdom of heaven versus the kingdom of God all right what is the kingdom of heaven and what is the kingdom of God people will normally tell you that they are the same all right and normally you would think that to that's not true in the Bible the kingdom of God is very different from the kingdom of heaven all right let's look at several scriptures to show that there's a difference with the Kingdom of Heaven and the King of God let's go to Romans 14 please Romans chapter 14 Romans 14 okay what is the kingdom of God the kingdom of God is a spiritual Kingdom it is a spiritual Kingdom alright this will be a very fun study by the study because you're going to see how it operates in the Bible and that's why it's so important to know this doctrine if you don't know this doctrine that's why a lot of people are going to end up with wrong doctrines the kingdom of God of the kingdom of heaven is a doctrine that goes from beginning all the way to the end even today that doctrine is still ongoing the King not have an in kingdom of God king of God is a spiritual Kingdom with in Romans chapter 14 and verse 17 verse 17 for the kingdom of God is okay so the king of God is what it's not meat and drink you see that so it's not physical but righteousness that spiritual and peace that spiritual and joy that spiritual and the Holy Ghost well that's definitely the spirit spiritual you see so notice right here that the kingdom of God has to be something that's a spiritual Kingdom it's definitely not a physical Kingdom let's also look at Matthew chapter 6 Matthew chapter 6 so when you hear these preachers saying oh we're building the kingdom of God on earth we're building the kingdom of God on earth let's hide more money to the church buildings and filled up the king of God even bigger and bigger and bigger they got their doctrine wrong that's not what the mob God is the Christian Church is not build on a king no God that's physical you see that it's spiritual is spiritual that's why we don't make a big deal and go I come by on you know money money money decorating the room and getting a nice church building and then we go in debt to pay all the bills and all axes we don't do that because our kingdom of God see is invisible spiritual it's us church see it's us here this is a church it's not this room right here all right all right let's also look at Luke Matthew 6 verse 25 therefore I say unto you take no thought for your life what ye shall eat physical or what you shall drink nor yet for your body what he shall put on is not the life more than meat and the body than raiment behold the fowls of the air for they sow not neither do they reap nor gather into barns yet your heavenly Father feedeth them are you not much better than they so notice right here verse 25 jesus take no thought on these physical things there's 28 take no thought on your physical raiment clothes notice that in verse 30 got Jesus Christ he says you should have faith in God not be so concerned over these physical things now here's a key look at verse 31 therefore take no Thought saying what shall we eat physical what shall we drink or wherewithal shall we be clothed for all these things so all of those physical things eating drinking clothing physical or what do the Gentiles see you see that non-christians are concerned about physical things for your heavenly Father knowing that you have need of all these things but okay so there's an opposite toward all these physical things see key first what do you see first the kingdom of God why because it's opposite from those physical things the kingdom of God is spiritual and His righteousness you see that that spiritual see so the king Oh God there's no doubt it's spiritual let's also look at the Book of Luke 17 Luke 17 let's assume the kingdom of God is literally it's literally a physical Kingdom all right how are you going to fit a physical Kingdom right here look at Luke 17 Luke 17 verse 20 Luke chapter 17 and verse 20 and when he was demanded of the Pharisees when the king of God should come he answered them and said the kingdom of God cometh not with observation you see that so the king of God is not something physical that you can observe and see you see that neither shall they say lo here or lo there so you can't pinpoint the physical location of the King of God for behold the kingdom of God is what within you that proves it spiritual so the kingdom of God is something inside you see spiritual paint some kind of physical kingdom have fun fitting all those buildings inside your body that doesn't fit let's look at John chapter 3 John chapter 3 alright now here's the important part you want to know here's the important part you want to know okay so the spiritual so the kingdom of God is something spiritual how do we get into the kingdom of God that's the question right so this is how you enter into the kingdom of God how you get it is through a spiritual process and that is what the spiritual birth which is salvation so you see that so when you have the spiritual birth or salvation then you get into the king of God look at John chapter 3 we're going to look at verse 3 jesus answered and said to him verily verily I say unto thee except a man be born again you see that if he gets that spiritual birth born again he cannot see the kingdom of God you see that then you can see that he no God the spiritual Kingdom it's by spiritual lenses the spiritual birth of a Christian let's also look at verse 5 jesus answered verily verily i sin today except a man be born of water and of the what spirit he cannot enter into the King of God you see that so you can't enter into the kingdom of God without getting the Holy Spirit in you it's by being born again you see salvation so once you have that then look at the book of 1st Corinthians excuse me 2nd Corinthians 2nd Corinthians 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 7 Corinthian chapter 4 second Corinthians chapter 4 we're going to look at verse 4 Sankranthi ins chapter 4 we're going to look at verse 4 now notice right here how do you get the image of God the image of God how you get the image of God is by this spiritual birth that's how you're going to get the image of God so if you have the spiritual birth and you also have the image of God remember that let's look at the book of 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 verse 4 in whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not so if you don't believe on Christ for salvation then what happens less the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God should shine unto them you see that the image of God is found in the gospel of Christ you see so when you believe on Jesus Christ for salvation you see that that's where you receive the image of God let's also look at the book of Colossians Colossians chapter 1 colossians chapter that's why it makes sense right remember Luke 17 what did Jesus say the kingdom of God is within you right how is that possible because see the spiritual birth you have in you so because of that that's automatically the kingdom of God spiritual now let's look at the book of Colossians chapter 1 verse 13 who hath delivered us from the power of darkness you save Christians got delivered from darkness right and hath translated us so he changed you transformed you into what the kingdom of his dear son you see that right now you are in his kingdom you see that you are translated into his kingdom spiritual you see it makes sense perfect sense that salvation is a part of that let's also look at chapter 4 chapter 4 verse 11 chapter 4 and we'll look at verse 11 and Jesus which is called justice who are of the circumcision these only are my fellow workers on to what the kingdom of God so these certain Christians that Paul named they are working with him in the kingdom of God so right now we Christians are working within the system of the kingdom of God so that makes sense now let's look at the kingdom of heaven Matthew 11 don't you chapter 11 Matthew chapter 11 alright so the kingdom of heaven should not be difficult to recognize basically it's a physical Kingdom you see it's a physical Kingdom so any physical Kingdom that you can think about alright that's on the earth so that's considered the kingdom of heaven that's considered the kingdom of heaven let's look at Matthew chapter 11 and we're going to look at verse 12 Matthew chapter 11 we're going to look at verse 12 so I'm not going to be able to draw the world accurately right here you know but they quickly this is so then the kingdom of heaven it has to do with with the earth okay have to do with your bunch of flat earthers are going to get better because anyway okay just sympathize with you okay whether you believe it's round or flat to sympathize with me I'm just drawing this to show its ear okay I'm just drawing this to show it's you so the king of heaven is basically a physical Kingdom on the earth right so look at Matthew chapter 11 we're going to look at verse 12 how do we know that the kingdom of heaven is a earthly physical kingdom that it's not talking about heaven right a lot of people will automatically think that's time about heaven right but look at Matthew 11 verse 12 and from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by forth force so how can heaven right now have chaos that doesn't make sense you see if that's talking about heaven what's being fought with violence it's on earth right everyone on earth is fighting for a physical Kingdom you see so notice that the kingdom of heaven is an earthly Kingdom let's also look at several more passages that show this interesting thing let's go to Matthew chapter 3 Matthew chapter 3 Matthew chapter 3 once you have Matthew three I want your other hand to go to Isaiah 40 Isaiah 40 now this is proof that when the kingdom of heaven was first mentioned okay first mention okay when the kingdom of heaven was first mentioned it was referring to an earthly rule earthly kingdom earthly establishment alright when it was mentioned for the first time Matthew chapter 3 we're going to look at verse 2 it was preached by John the Baptist King no I haven't mentioned the first time Matthew 3 verse 2 and saying repent ye for the kingdom of heaven is at hand all right now this is important to note all right first clue how do we know that this kingdom of heaven is earthly it's not something up in heaven because notice that he says the kingdom of heaven is at hand meaning it's there available for you you see for you to receive it it's coming it's coming for you you see that it's coming for you well it doesn't make sense that heaven will automatically come down and come for them you see that's not what it obviously means it obviously then means an earthly kingdom is coming for them you see why if you read your Bible what were the Jews looking for what are you familiar about the Jews were looking for a messiah to rule a kingdom on earth right today's Jews believe in that still see that's why it makes sense that kingdom of heaven that was preached to the Jews when it was preached to the Jews it makes sense that was an earthly kingdom you see but not only that here's something very important when John the Baptist preached about the Kingdom of Heaven what was it a prophecy from verse 3 a prophecy from Isaiah about the voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare ye the way of the Lord right so let's look at that verse Isaiah was saying look at Isaiah 40 Isaiah chapter 40 Isaiah chapter 40 verse 3 the voice of him that crieth in the wilderness prepare ye the way of the Lord make straight in the desert a highway for our God so that matches with Matthew 3 right okay so remember this John the Baptist was preaching about the Kingdom of Heaven which was prophesied by Isiah okay that's what Isaiah prophesied now Isaiah when he prophesied about when he prophesied about John the Baptist preaching the kingdom of heaven what did Isaiah think Isaiah thought of it as in earthly Kingdom he didn't think of it as something like like he's talking about heaven because look at the rest of the verses right here verse four every Valley shall be exalted and every mountain and Hill shall be made low and the crooked shall be made straight and the rough places plain so that's earthly verse five and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it you see that everybody on the earth flesh will see God you see that so that's definitely earthly let's keep reading verse nine no sign that bring it's good tidings Zion see that's located on the earth notice the letter part the latter part of verse nine say unto the cities of Judah see the cities on the earth behold your God see look at God you know why because God's going to be on the earth right you're going to notice right here that at verse 16 Lebanon and earthly area is conquered verse fifteen the nations of the earth are conquered they're done you see that verse 23 the princes of the earth they're done you see that so notice right here that everything here it's definitely there's absolutely no doubt about it it's talking about an earthly conquest and earthly Kingdom that God's going to establish on the earth that's what was prophesied you see a messiah who will rule over the earth so that's why when John the Baptist preached about the Kingdom of Heaven to the Jews the Jews knew what that was about an earthly Kingdom earthly Messiah you see that's why a lot of the Jews what did they say they said to Jesus when he entered Jerusalem Hosanna this is a king we want to make him king over us this is a messiah he's going to conquer the Romans right you see that so this is something very important to know where are you going to see right here that the kingdom of God you can see that mainly focus on Christians you see that and then the kingdom of heaven it's mainly focused on Jews so this is where doctrine becomes important whenever you see a certain doctrine that talks about the Kingdom of Heaven and it seems like you can lose your salvation then or talks about tribulation and times you already know what its meaning before right see that Jews not to save Christians if you see the king of God where it talks about doctrines that seems to match up with Christian doctrine salvation by grace through faith alone without works eternal security spiritual spiritual you already know right so already addressed to Christians you see this kingdom is throughout the entire Bible you gotta understand that's why it's so important to know this doctrine so that you can find out which doctrine applies to you or applies to Jews all right let's also look at several more verses in Genesis chapter 1 Genesis chapter 1 alright so castor you keep saying that these two kingdoms were throughout the entire Bible can you explain that to make sure so we're going to have some fun right here so the first part that it happened was during Adam okay so it happened with Adam so what we're going to notice right here that there was a kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God okay so what we're going to do for the kingdom of heaven I'll just abbreviate it okay you know heaven and then I'll abbreviate king of God at the bottom so when Adam was here there was both a king to heaven and the king of God how do we know that because look at Genesis chapter 1 verse 28 and God blessed them and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and what subdue it see God gave Adam and earthly area to rule and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth you see that Adam had a physical reign physical rule so we can see right here where the kingdom of heaven started an earthly physical rule is started with Adam you see that that's where the kingdom I haven't started what about the king of God why did it start without him because look at verse 27 verse 27 so God created man so when God created Adam he created him in his what in his own image in the image of God created he him Adam was in charge of a spiritual Kingdom king of God - why because he already had the image of God in him you see that so because Adam had the image of God in him that's why he was considered to be in charge of a spiritual realm as well so he was in charge of physical and spiritual areas full dominant control that's why this was perfection you see that creation was in full perfection physical and spiritual perfection but what happened to Adam look at first Corinthians 15 and Genesis 5 Genesis 5 and first Corinthians 15 Genesis 5 and first Corinthians 15 the wrong doctrine that Christians teach are teaching people who are not by the leaders is that they think that everyone is is right now created in the image of God wrong what did I show you church as 2nd Corinthians 4 how do you get the image of God it's through the gospel of Jesus Christ right remember 2nd Corinthians 4 it says if they don't receive the gospel of Jesus Christ they are not in they don't get that image of God remember and so saying Corinthian is for shows so it shows right here that the shows right here that second Corinthians chapter four that lost people do not have the image of God but say people do so when Adam lost his salvation see when he lost his perfection he's when he spiritually died at the Garden of Eden what does that mean obviously none he lost the key no God you see that all right but let's look at first Corinthians 15 this proves Adam lost the image of God 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse 45 verse 45 and so it is written the first man Adam was made a living soul the last Adam that's Jesus Christ was made what a quickening spirit so the first Adam okay was didn't was didn't have a lively spiritual realm but the second Adam does why because verse 46 howbeit that was not first which is spiritual so the first one Adam he didn't have that spiritual thing but that which is natural physical and after that which is spiritual the first man Adam is of the earth earthy the second man that Jesus is what the Lord from heaven as is the earthy Adam such are they also that are earthing mankind that follow Adam and as is the heavenly see that Jesus such are they also that are heavenly those that are of Jesus those that follow Jesus verse 49 here's the key and as we have borne the image of the earthy adam adam has the earthy image we shall also bear the image of the heavenly scene the image of God the heavenly image which Adam does not have so that verse shows that Adam lost it you see that because it contrasted Adam with Jesus and Jesus Christ had it the image of the heavenly the image of God but why did it Adam had a habit because he lost it you see look at Genesis 5 Genesis 5 that's why mankind today mankind today they do not have the image of God they are not made in the image of God then who are they in the image of the image of man the image of the earthy remember first Corinthians 15 said that so when Adam sinned the kingdom of God was lost so right here they lost the king of God kingdom of God gone and then the image of God was also gone so during after the fall they lost it let's look at Genesis chapter 5 we're going to look at verse 3 and Adam lived a hundred and thirty years and begat a son in what his own likeness after whose image his image and called his name Seth you see that so all of mankind that was after Adam they are after the image of Adam you see so the kingdom of God was lost during the fall so all you've got left is his kingdom of heaven still ongoing you see that the king of heaven is still ongoing alright that's also look and several more verses in Genesis chapter 9 Genesis chapter 9 so the king on I haven't continued after the fall but what happened well well what happened was that mankind corrupted the earth right so because mankind corrupted this earth the kingdom of heaven was corrupted you see that so the kingdom of heaven was corrupted during the fall so what did God have to do God he had to wipe it out too so he had to wipe out the kingdom of heaven he had to wipe out all of mankind but there was one exception right who was that person that carried on the inhabitants of the earth Noah so when God drowned it out with the flood all of this was wiped out so the king not having keno got wiped out but he can carry on through Noah that's why look at Genesis chapter 9 verse 1 and God blessed Noah and his sons and said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth and upon every fowl diera into your hand are they delivered you see that so notice that Noah in Noah's hands he has charged over all the fiscal themes of this earth you see that so you'll notice right here that Noah was in charge of the physical Kingdom alright so Noah he had to take charge over the kingdom of heaven so the King know how many continued on with Noah now what happened though is that the kingdom of heaven do you think that Noah and his inhabitants can keep it going know what happened mankind corrupted again right so you have the Tower of Babel so during the Tower of Babel it just messed up everything look at Genesis the book of Genesis chapter 11 chapter 11 look at verse five and the Lord came down to the sea the city and the tower which the children of men builded and the Lord said Behold the people is one and they have all one language and this they begin to do and now nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined to do go to let us go down and there confound their language that they may not understand one another's speech so the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth and they left off to build the city notice that mankind after Noah they still sinned against God so because of the tower mankind sinned against God and the king of heaven cannot continue with them well then who is God going to choose for his earthly rule that if he can't be mankind - Noah again he's going to choose a race look at Genesis chapter 13 Genesis chapter 12 excuse me Genesis chapter 12 verse 1 now the Lord had said unto Abram get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father's house unto a land that I will show thee and I will make of thee a great nation you see that so God's gonna bless him with his own nation his own rule so Abraham is the one who carried on with the kingdom of heaven and who is Abraham the father of the Jews right that's why the Bible says through your through your generations is this physical earthly promise given so the Kingdom of Heaven carried on with the Jews that's why it makes sense why the king of heaven will be aimed - who is these people no it's mainly aimed toward seek Jews that's why it would make sense because the earthly rule it's going to have to be carried on by somebody so then the tower ruined all this as well so I have to carry on with Adam excuse me I Adam with Abraham through the nation of Israel all right now do you think that the nation of Israel kept serving God the right way absolutely not they kept messing up messing up messing up right so what did God do well you know look God grounded out one so he can't drown them out again okay so then he says lawd let's just start with the fresh nation let this nation just messed up well he can't just start with the brand-new nation again cycles just going to repeat so he was giving them chance after chance he was giving them chance after the chance look at the book of Judges look at Judges chapter 2 and we will look at verse 15 whithersoever they went out the hand of the Lord was against them for evil as Lord had said and as the Lord has sworn unto them and they were greatly distressed so the Lord just punished his nation of Israel you see nevertheless the Lord raised up judges which delivered them out of the hands of those that spoiled them but then what God did was he sent them judges to rescue them from his punishment where those foreign nations conquered Israel but look at verse 17 and yet they would not hearken unto their judges but they went a whoring after other gods bowed themselves unto them they turned quickly out of the way in which their fathers walked in obeying the commandments of the Lord but they did not so verse 18 and when the Lord raised him up judges then the Lord was with the judge and delivered them out of the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge for it repented the Lord because of their groanings by reason of them that oppress them and vex them and it came to pass when the judge was dead that they returned so they went back into sin again and corrupted themselves more than their fathers and following other gods to serve them and to bow down unto them they cease not from their own doings nor from their stubborn way so notice right here what happened to the nation of Israel the nation of Israel it had to continue through judges so the judges were the one that could the nation of Israel on the straight path and whenever Israel sinned against God the Lord just kept staring them over and over again alright so when they sinned against God God said for nations to punish them they repented but then when the judge died then they went back into sin again then the Lord raised up the foreign nation to punish them again and then they repented and God sent them a judge to rescue them but guess what after the judge died they went back into sin again then the Lord sent them foreign nation to punish them again and then the cycle just read the book of Judges it went on and on and on I kid you not read from the book of Judges all the way to nearly the end of the Old Testament that's the cycle of the nation of Israel oh pretty familiar with this bunch of spiritual nation huh you see what mankind does mankind repeats itself you see so now what happened I'll tell you what happened now look at 1st Samuel for Sam you know who was the king of that Kingdom of Heaven all that time even though God gave men to take control and to take care of it the ultimate king was still the Lord Jesus Christ it was Jehovah God but look at 1st Samuel chapter 8 so what happened Israel they're going to reject it so the kingdom of heaven is going to have to be carried on by the kings so then it went to King Saul and during this whole time the king no God was absent you see that it was absent look at 1st Samuel chapter 8 verse 5 and said unto Him behold thou art Oh Samuel the judges old and thy sons walk not in thy ways now make us a king to judges like all the nations you see that they wanted an earthly king because they never had an earthly King but the Lord Jesus Christ the judges Adam and Noah all they were was they were in charge but caretakers but the king was still the Lord Jesus Christ however they rejected him verse 6 the thing displeased Samuel when they said give us a king to judge us so that's why the Lord said but at verse 7 for they have not rejected thee but they had rejected me you see that so God realizes it wasn't the judges see that they rejected because they marked the ones who is the ultimate king of the kingdom of heaven it was who it was God Almighty you see that so that's when God was done so God the king was kicked out and they replaced it with an earthly king and it started with King Saul so God the king is gone and then now it's going to King Saul but what happened with King Saul King Saul when he was chosen to be king by God he was also rejected we're going to look at 1st Samuel chapter 15 verse 11 it repenteth me that I have set up salt be king for he is turned back from following me and hath not performed my Commandments and in grieve Samuel and he cried unto the Lord all night so notice right here that the Lord said that I repent of making Saul the King look at verse 26 and Samuel said unto Saul I will not return with thee for thou has rejected the word of the lord and the lord hath rejected thee from being king over israel so King Saul had to be rejected so then Saul was out and it had to be replaced by a different line of kings Saul's generation was out the different line of Kings now was through David it was through David so through David's kingly line that's why he is during his genealogy where does the King Messiah come out where does the king of the Kingdom of Heaven the Messiah Jesus Christ whose line is he going to come out from whose line of kings King David see that's why Saul was not part of that because he he messed up the King messed up so now to King David so look at the book of 1st Samuel chapter 16 chapter 16 and we're going to look at verse 1 the Lord said unto Samuel how long without mourn for Saul seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel so who's he going to choose till Vienna horn with oil and gold I will send thee to Jesse the Bethlehem I why I had provided me a king among his sons you see that so that's through David that's true David so you're going to notice right here that King David was the one who carried it out now human nature they just never seem to learn their lesson okay he gave it to everybody through Adam he messed up alright he gave them a chance they messed up because of the flood alright so he started freshman Noah because of the tower paddle God gave up the whole world it say okay I'm going to use a particular nation these stubborn groups of people they just kept messing up over and over and over so then they rejected God the king so he gave them a king Saul but then a human king messed up too so then God goes with King David and guess what with those human Kings did it get any better no they messed up - for crying out loud man mankind never learns a lesson you see alright let's look at this passage here we're going to look at the Book of Lamentations go to the book of lamentations chapter 5 lamentations chapter 5 so through David's line of Kings they still just never seem to learn their lesson they just never seem to learn their lesson look at lamentations chapter 5 and once you have lamentations 5 your other hand to go to the Book of Jeremiah Jeremiah we're going to look at two places the Book of Jeremiah and the book of lamentations chapter 5 Jeremiah we're going to look at chapter 22 chapter 22 so did King David make anything better well through his line of kings it just kept messing up so then from right here this is where the kingdom of heaven finally they lost their empire it was through Kanaya he was the last king saud was done ruling over israel he gave it up so with King Kanaya that was it the last straw look at Jeremiah chapter 22 we're going to look at verse 30 thus saith the Lord righty this man Kanaya childless Amanda shall not prosper in his days for no man of his seed shall prosper sitting upon the throne of David and ruling anymore in Judah you see that God's considers her ruling reign done this was a last straw from Kanaya and onward gone that's why lamentations chapter 5 that was when Israel lost their Kingdom their physical Kingdom and they never had their nation until 1948 so over a thousand nearly two thousand more than 2000 years that almost you see that that's how long they lost their kingdom of heaven look at lamentations chapter 5 this was the this was the weeping the wailing the lamentation of Jeremiah recognizing they lost their physical Kingdom verse 16 the crown is fallen from our head woe unto us that we have sinned you see Israel lost its physical crown so then the Kingdom of Heaven which was carried on from the judges then to solve but Saul messed it up Danny was carried on through David's line of kings but David lines of kings they messed it up too so then the kingdom of heaven yawn so then they lost it so without a king not having King no God then came the day that changed everything in Cain the Messiah the one they waited for the Lord Jesus Christ look at the book of Matthew look at the book of Matthew in Cain the king Matthew chapter 4 Matthew chapter 4 and once you have Matthew 4 go to mark 1 mark chapter 1 Matthew 4 and mark chapter 1 so during this entire time they had no Kingdom so after King Kanaya this entire gap it was under the control completely who are the fiscal kingdoms belong to now see there wasn't a scrap left of God's physical kingdom who did all physical Kings go to now Satan you see so during this time it was considered the times of the Gentiles and during the times of the Gentiles Satan was in charge of all the physical kingdoms during this gap so let's look at Matthew chapter 4 we're going to look at verse 17 the Bible says from that time Jesus began to preach him to see repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand mark chapter 1 verse 15 and saying the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand so Jesus Christ he offered them what he offered them the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven so here it is the kingdom of God and He now I haven't available Jesus offered it to the Jews look at Luke chapter 4 Luke chapter 4 during the mix this was a very pinnacle period you see during a very pinnacle period look what the Bible says you know I want to start with Luke chapter 3 because I want to build up the drama so they lost their kingdoms it was the times of the Gentiles belonging to Satan who is in charge of the physical kingdoms the Gentiles and it was under the control of Satan look at Luke chapter 3 now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar Pontius Pilate then being governor of Judea and Herod being Tetrarch of Galilee and his brother Philip Tetrarch of in umeƄ the region of tap tinnitus and licinia's the tetrarch of abilene and an eiephant caiaphas being the high priests so here God names all these big shots here comes a Roman Caesar Tiberius and then here comes a king ruling over Israel under the puppet of the Roman Empire Herod here comes Pontius Pilate the Roman governor who'll take care of this here are the big shots of the Pharisees and the Sanhedrin the Jewish religious leaders and a niacin Caiaphas and then what did God say in verse 3 in verse 3 then God sent a man who just dressed up in camel's hair and linen garden eating locusts and wild honey telling all those people to repent and accuse and preach against King Herod preached against the religious leaders why make way for the real king because here's the real king folks and then all those big shots and then now Jesus his time came that's why what did Satan say to Jesus look at Luke chapter 4 Luke chapter 4 look at verse 5 and the devil taking him up into a high mountain showed unto him so Satan showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time and the devil sent unto him all this power will I give thee and the glory of them for that is delivered unto who me and not only that and to who whomsoever will give it you see that Satan realizes that the kingdoms of this earth see were delivered to him God gave it to him and Satan has the power to give it to whomsoever he will write that's why he gave it to who the Gentiles Tiberius Caesar the Roman Empire all those guys but then Jesus offered it then what did they do with their king what did they do with their king they rejected him look at the book of John chapter 19 John chapter 19 Jesus offered them a chance I I bring back the kingdom and what did the Jews do the Jews they rejected Jesus their king and they chose this instead they chose Satan with his Roman King a Gentile King John chapter 19 verse 15 but they cried out away with him away with him crucify him Pilate saith unto them shall I crucify your king the chief priests answered we have no king a who Caesar the Jews made their choice and they crucified Jesus Christ so they lost their chance now what happened I'll tell you what happened Acts chapter 1 Acts chapter 1 once you have Acts chapter 1 then your second hand to go to the book of Romans chapter 14 Romans 14 x1 and Romans chapter 14 Jesus when he raised himself from the dead what did you say Jesus was told by the disciples the disciples were saying aren't you going to bring back the kingdom of heaven aren't you going to bring back the kingdom that you gave to Israel restore again the kingdom to Israel but jesus said it wasn't time right Acts chapter 1 verse 6 what did they say Lord wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel showing that Israel had a physical Kingdom before restore it but what did Jesus said he said unto them it is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the father had put in his own power Jesus he didn't reject it he said it is Philip he didn't disapprove of it he actually agreed but he showed that it wasn't time yet you know why because it was a different Kingdom Romans chapter 14 what was it Romans chapter 14 look at verse 17 for the kingdom of God is not meat and drink but righteousness and peace and joy and the Holy Ghost for he that in these same serveth Christ is acceptable to God and approved of man you see that when Jesus came to the scene they lost their king of heaven but he gave them the kingdom of God and that was given to Nooh that was given to the Christian Church anyone who believed on Jesus Christ for salvation the kingdom of God was continued for the Christian Church but the kingdom of heaven was lost all this time it's under the control of Satan so if Christians said the Lord Jesus Christ they are in the kingdom of God how did you get that pad why is it still continuing because of this he gave them salvation his spiritual birth and is still continuing today and if any of you out there have not received Christ for salvation that would be a great time to do it move look at revelation 11 now let's close in to your revelation chapter 11 and then what happens in the end in the end the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God will be restored look at Revelation chapter 11 we're going to look at verse 15 and the seventh angel sounded and there were great voices in heaven saying the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign forever and ever in the last day revelation what is Satan going to do he's going to make his last stand again Shane is going to give his last stand again to keep his world Dominion that's why there has to be a one-world physical Kingdom one world empire underneath the rule of the Antichrist and then what's going to happen is that under this rule of the Antichrist who is actually of Rome and what did the Jews say we have no king but who Caesar so here is a Rome Caesar last shot but this time the Jews receive the okay and when they received the real King then what happens the kingdoms of this world right King 11 is now become what the kingdoms of our Lord why will the kingdom of God be restored - because God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth and the king of God is spiritual thus when God comes back here comes a king of kings and Lord of lords and when the king of kings and Lord of lords comes down here on the earth you end with the kingdom of heaven and the king of God both restored on the earth and that is the amazing doctrine of the king of heaven versus the king no God it is truly a doctrine that goes from beginning to the end of your Bible and if you don't know this doctrine no wonder you get messed up everywhere hello this is Pastor jean kim of san jose bob baptist church have you ever asked this question that if you were to die today are you 100% sure that you can go to heaven my friend is so simple to guess saying you first got to realize that you can't go to heaven because you've sinned against God and God as a holy judge he has to judge Shin with a burning hell so it is very important that you feel sorry over your sinful condition and if you do there is hope for you you see Jesus who is God left heaven came down here on earth died on the cross raised himself from the dead why did he do all that so his blood can wash away the sins for you so you see that's your only way to heaven of what he did on the cross and not what you do in cleaning up all your sins and going to church getting baptized or doing any sort of good work it's faith alone in what Jesus did on the cross if you can do that then all you have to do is say that to God you might say well I don't know how to say it can you help me out sure you can say it this way dear God I am sorry for being a sinner I believe Jesus is God who died and resurrected so his blood can wash away my sins I trust in that alone and not my good works in Jesus name I pray amen congratulations my friend if someone were to ask you how did you get saved it's very simple right what did you do I just put my faith on what Jesus did on the cross that's it my friend congratulations on your salvation right now because Satan can't damn you to hell what he's going to try to do now is try to ruin your life and he did a very good job in this world that's why it's so hard to find truth and there are so many lies with a gazillion different churches different Bibles different beliefs different religions so my friend it is so important to grow in truth and get involved in a by a believing work that can save you from a lot of trouble there are four things we recommend for you to do which is found in the resources link below number one get involved in a bio believing Church near you number two study the King James Bible issue and have only that kind of Bible no other modern version Bible number three study dispensationalism so you can find the right doctrine and truth number four study only under by believing teachers my friend this is all explained further in the resources link below so please click on it and get to work in a by believing word because you only have one light to live for him and you don't want to waste it away by the devil and I'll be inside that great palace and the smoker be so thick I'll drop to my knees and I've dropped in my face like those Navy SEALs do and I'll start crawling I start coming and I look down then ivory I obey her and I'll see her a throne and I'll see some feet he got holds it up and they got jewel sandals on till I pull myself up to those feet and I'll cry on those feet like that woman that cried on its feet wipe their tears with her hair hey Gloria Pat you're gonna let him you're gonna say Oh God Thank You Darla lujah and the angels of worship and the chair of the worship and the sand in the worship and they've got an independent fabrica word friends will never see is another shower [Applause] I'll have a big deal kept there another song said once I was straying in sins dark Valley no hope within could I see they search from heaven and found the same God this without their my Sodom and he's go hey Jesus Saves we might I say for guys any preaching and our people that's ringing the bell baby up and he'd stand up and are and people walk up they said Wow Santa Claus Oh it's a name of Jesus Christ it's not your Mohammed he did not do anything for you he's not true Buddha it's not you the commandments it's only to pay in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ how are you mr. State Street home [Applause] preached on the TV you can turn the creature out [Music] [Applause] like your skin firm is gold or something on the what's going on he's about two more steps here that crowd hi how you doing hey mom way down there at the edge of that street there the water said glory and down he comes off that full heels would come down prisoners and he comes down there well done my good and faithful stripper in the doorbell oh not all boys Parklawn Dom it says forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever never any lay down on that table and dr. brace got out the scalpel and he removed that old cold stony heart out of my friend oh he threw the crash in and he put a brand new heart into my friends chest and when he thought he woke up they looked around they said oh my everything has been changed everything looks different oh I'm so happy now that a hand of the heart operation gave resolvers know the see you later [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah yeah [Applause]
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 50,259
Rating: 4.7808218 out of 5
Keywords: pastor schreib, bible, church, bible baptist international, king james, kjv1611, bible believer, bible study, sermon, preaching, second coming, baptists, dispensation, pastor geneha kim, san jose bible baptist, bible commentary, old testament, new testament, salvation, doctrine, truth, born again, street preaching, evangelism, Jesus Christ, revival, religion, peter ruckman, ruckmanite, christian, cults, mormon, jehovah's witnesses, joel osteen, steven anderson, rick warren, td jakes
Id: MlVIee2pp_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 37sec (3517 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 06 2016
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