GENESIS!!! Gap Theory, Cosmology & Firmament (Genesis 1:1-8) | Dr. Gene Kim

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commentary verse by verse bible study the goal is to make sure that you understand each and every word that we're studying here that way some of you who are struggling with your bible reading because the excuses it's too hard to read if you would to keep attending this class you'll get the common sense just eventually of the reading and then you'll be able to do it yourself all right let's look at genesis chapter one verse one in the beginning all right so notice that's the best place where the text starts in the beginning so what happens at the beginning god it is very interesting that when i went to uc berkeley class that when they talked about genesis 1 1 they criticized all the modern bibles but then they praised the king james bible and i was like uh i must be smoking marijuana or something so what's what's going on here and then but what i heard was true because the key reason was because it was an english class they obviously critiqued all the modern bible versions because their english language was very watered down and when then it started out the language in the beginning god as you find it in the king james bible it was appropriate next to beginning is god and if you look at the hebrew text they do the same thing too they deliberately put god with the beginning that is crucial that is key that shows the power of the king james bible text already against the modern bible versions whereas the modern bible versions don't start it out that way in the beginning god now in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth so god created what the heaven and the earth if you notice in the text here about in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth there are already several things of that make up all of your universe and the elements of science that you need right here you go with time time is found in the beginning so that one is time second is motion which is created third you see energy what god created god created and then you see space heaven and then you see uh earth right there the earth all the physical objects matter so notice that you already have all the elements of science in place just in genesis 1 1 alone all right you want me repeat that again in case some of you lost it in the beginning is time created is motion god created his energy the heaven that space earth is matter let me give an intro to the book of genesis as i've always done in my other reading so here are the introductions that you want to know about the book of genesis so the book of genesis was written by moses so notice if you look at the title of your king james bible the first book of moses called genesis so moses wrote five books for those of you who didn't know it's otherwise also called the pentateuch the pentateuch pentateuch is also known as the first five books of moses so genesis exodus leviticus numbers deuteronomy moses is the author it has 50 chapters 50 chapters 1534 verses 1534 verses 38 267 words 38 267 words all right go play with those numbers sean after bible study okay it is found first in the list of books in the hebrew canon and the english canon that's amazing so in the english canon of the bible or in the hebrew canon of the bible genesis is where it begins why because it is the book of beginnings genesis the word genesis is kin to generations see genesis that's why you'll hear some uh genesis uh genetics and other scientists where they like to use the word genesis for themselves why because it's kin to generations genes or generate that's the idea it marks the book as quote-unquote the book of beginnings it record and this is found at dr upman's data so i'm going to specifically uh quote from dr utman's data he says it records the beginning of the heavens the earth man sin redemption the races and the covenants its outstanding characters are adam and eve noah and enoch cain and abel lot and abraham isaac and ishmael esan jacob joseph and judah the types of jesus christ in the book are adam abel the lamb isaac the ark judah shiloh and joseph for some of you who might go wait i want to hear that again i can't repeat that again so just rewind the video the types of antichrist are ham nimrod laban ishmael esau and pharaoh every major doctrine in both testaments is found in the first 12 chapters that's what he claims and the book is a supplement to the book of revelation why oh you learn at wednesday making the bible an infinite circle isn't that amazing with neither beginning or ending in regard to its inexhaustible riches so that's a great introduction to the book of genesis that i quoted from dr ruttman now continuing on at genesis chapter 1 verse 1 you notice that the verse automatically debunks all philos philosophical beliefs out there and all false religions genesis 1-1 alone debunks everything you might say what well for example it debunks polytheism so in the ancient times they believed more than one god but the bible says in the beginning singular god so polytheism is out of the picture notice that atheism is also out of the picture the atheist will get a heyday just reading that first verse in the beginning god meaning that god exists it also debunks evolution notice that it says in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth notice that the heaven and the earth did not evolve by itself it was created notice that the bible also debunks existentialism you might say how so because there is a group who take the existential branch and existentialism you can find it in philosophy psychology but mingling up with theology as well it's a very interesting branch i actually did my uh final uh paper for my uh master's degree on psychology on existentialism which is a mingling of philosophy and psychology it was the toughest but i was so interested in that and then the lord blessed me with a good grade after that so existentialism i've done some research onto that and psychology and a master's level and let me tell you something is that existentialism the idea is where they believe that god where some group of people from this branch believe that god after he created something it's up to mankind so god left it be and then mankind would do things themselves that's where you get some deist from some dies from uh if you recall the founding of america sure it may have started with god but it's built within a pagan philosophy too and that's deism that time a lot of the founding fathers believed in deism for some of you who didn't know so it debunks existentialism because man has man didn't do anything about it it's god god created it god didn't just create it and leave mankind alone another thing that it also debunks is that it debunks the eastern religions it debunks the eastern religions concerning about uh becoming one with the universe so it debunks brahminism uh well let's put hinduism here and eastern religions so we'll just put eastern religions hinduism buddhism brahmanism etc etc eastern religions they believe that everything goes back into the universe that if you keep repeating this cycle of reincarnation the entertainment and the enlightenment is to go back into the inner universe itself universe is the origins of everything but no that's not true god is the origin of all the universe the beginning itself is not the universe by the way you notice that atheist and evolutionists would kind of believe with eastern religions on that aspect the universe always existed no universe did not always exist god was the beginning god's the beginning and he's the one that put the universe into existence it has not always been here so notice how the bible just debunks uh point after point after point of all your pagan philosophies beliefs and religions nowadays so god created everything so i hope that this thing has been helpful to you it debunks all kinds of philosophical branches genesis one one alone jason so you notice that the higher education system they'll automatically hate your bible automatically as soon as they read genesis 1-1 why it debunks and just uh destroys everything that they believe in let's continue reading on so we know that in the beginning god created the heaven and then he also created the earth but something happened the bible says and the earth was without form and void so notice that void it means empty without form so it has no form to it and darkness was upon the face of the deep so notice over here that there's a deep and then there's darkness covering it now the question is uh what happened here a lot of creationists they'll teach that well the lord was uh putting the earth at the preparation stage for his creation that's not true the but uh you read the verse as it says at verse one it didn't say god prepared he said created when he created the earth it's created where it is inhabited and it has form did it said created past tense yes or no yes if it's past tense and created it should have formed and it should be inhabited but why is it without form and void that contradicts scripture go to isaiah isaiah and then we'll look at chapter 45 isaiah we'll look at chapter 45 this is why we believe in the doctrine called the genesis gap the genesis gap what is the genesis gap it's also called the gap theory but i hesitate to say theory because i don't believe that it's a theory i believe that it is a fact the gap fact the reason why we believe in the genesis gap is because of the scriptures it's simple and it's played you might say what does that teach the genesis gap teaches that god created the heaven and the earth but notice that this is before adam this is before the other six days of creation so then what was going on here what was going on here was that god created the earth and the heaven but then the sons of god the angels were the ones living in there as well as lucifer but then because of their sin against their maker god had to send a universal flood that drowned out and filled out the universe the earth and then god had to start from scratch because there was darkness and the deep right look at verse 2 darkness and the deep that's not creation that's chaos that's not order that's disorder so because of that god had to send some kind of catastrophic event this wasn't a preparation created stage one in the world so god had to send a chaotic event that would wipe out the sons of god civilization and start from scratch beginning with mankind a lower form of creature not this angels isn't that what doesn't it make sense why lucifer and the fallen angels will hate you and try to attack you that makes a lot more sense why you're you've taken over their civilization that the lord once gave to them and they hate you because you're far weaker than they are all right look at isaiah chapter 45 verse 18 for thus saith the lord that what created the heavens god himself that what formed the earth and made it he hath established it he what created it not in vain if he created the earth not in vain then what he what formed it to be inhabited that's very important all right going back to the main text going back to the main text so notice that this supports the fact that if you don't believe in the genesis gap then you're going to contradict scripture you have to believe god created it and then he sent in a disorder in chaos let's also look at the book of job at the book of job notice that as soon as god put the foundation foundations of the earth sons of god were right there look at chapter 38 job chapter 38 the companion passage you want to turn to is second peter three second peter three so then second peter three and job thirty eight my recommendation is to watch my uh video the gap theory uh i would do a more thorough analysis and defense of the genesis gap right here i'm not going to spend too much time on it but i'm going to give you enough where it should prove that there is a gap that there has to be a gap look at job chapter 38 the bible says here at verse 6 whereupon are the foundations that are fastened or who laid the cornerstone thereof verse 4 where was thou when i laid the foundations of the earth all right where were you job a man you weren't there but the sons of god were at verse seven when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of god shouted for joy look at that as soon as god put the foundation of the earth why were they shouting for joy that time because it was created for them that time they were the ones there not mankind god puts it as the opposite of verse four where were you mankind we weren't in existence all right go to second peter three second peter chapter three if your hand's already there i'm going to read it immediately the bible says at verse 4 and saying where's the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were what's the timeline from the beginning of the creation so notice this is not going to be noah's flood that i'm going to be reading to you this is a different flaw because the timeline is from the beginning of the creation compare that with genesis 1 uh one and two in the beginning what the earth and then there were waters now doesn't that go hand in hand when you look at verse five four and five beginning and then five all of a sudden waters for this they willingly are ignorant of that by the word of god the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water and in the water whereby the world that then was being overflowed with water perish notice that this is a universal flood because it says heavens plural and notice the wording the earth standing out of the water and in the water like this this is a huge submerging of the whole universe itself you might say well i don't think it's universal i think it's just global no because look at the uh verse seven context context what does the bible mean by heavens and earth universe but the heavens and the earth which are now by the same word are kept in store reserved unto fire against the day of judgment why do you you know what that is if you study revelation 22 revelation 22 god gets rid of the old heavens and the earth and he puts a new heaven and a new earth we all know that's universal we know verse 7 is undoubtedly the companion text of revelation 22 the universal destruction so then why can't you follow the context of verse 5 and 6. scripture triumphs you have to understand that scripture triumphs now there are a few uh uneasy feelings because of genesis 1 2. the first the first reason that there's an uneasy feeling to accept the genesis gap is because of evolution so because of evolution they have a fear of believing that so then you're caving into evolution saying that the earth is millions of years old and then that's when god did the six days of creation no we're not saying that well where does the bible say over here that the earth is uh millions of years old it never said that where does the bible talk about evolution it actually destroys evolution at verse 1 through 2. verse 1 it destroys evolution as a matter of fact genesis gap if you accept it it would destroy evolution not support it you might say why now creationists don't realize this when they argue verse 1 and verse 2 god uh created uh the earth and he put it in a watery state at verse 2 as a preparation process for his creation that's what creationists teach because they don't want to say verse 2 is destruction they want to say verse 2 is preparation for his creation that's a creation stage why wait a minute then if they teach that evolutionists teach that evolutionists they take genesis 1 1 and 2 to teach that genesis 1 2 is the earth in a hydrological stage it's in a watery aquatic stage and then through process of time that's where life was formed life was created we don't believe in that we believe no that water is not creating life it's destruction creationists should know that too by the way creationists use the argument about the water and then about sunlight and other aspects and elements in the universe how it's impossible for light to form just like that so how in their right mind would they use this water as a creation process in stage so who's the one caving into evolution you notice that another thing that people feel uneasy about this is well that that's just too much of a story to put at verse one and verse two the bible never said lucifer and the sons of god and to put all of a sudden where god created the heaven the earth and then there's a destruction and then verse three is the six days of creation that's too much to believe no it's not too much to believe in that's why we call it the genesis gap verse one and two compared to verse three there's a gap there's a gap in between the gap is where this fills in the gap the lucifer and the sons of god and the universal destruction so verse two to verse three there is a gap in between or verse one and verse two there's a gap in between so a lot of people don't believe in that uh why didn't god make mention of that well it's pretty simple the lord a lot of times if you read the scriptures the lord doesn't make mention of a lot of things and he'll put yeah look at the book of daniel chapter one daniel chapter one daniel chapter one all right i better wrap this up now that way you can hear the other good stuff in genesis let's look at daniel chapter one now notice that there's a gap here when we look at verses one and two of daniel just like genesis one two and three daniel chapter one in the third year of the reign of jehoiakim king of judah came nebuchadnezzar king of babylon unto jerusalem and besieged it and the lord gave jehoiakim king of judah into his hand with parts of the vessels of the house of god which he carried into the land of shinar to the house of his god and he brought the vessels into the treasure house of his god and then all of a sudden notice and the king spake unto ash panas the master of his eunuchs that he should bring certain of the children of israel and of the king's seed and of the prince's children in whom was no blemish but well favored that's talking about daniel and the uh other children of israel but you'll notice that at all of a sudden if you were to look at verse 1 verse 2 verse 3 and verse 4 that all of a sudden that there's a gap in between there's a lot of information that's missing but god jumps ahead as a matter of fact if you start from verse one in the third year uh of the reign of jehoiakim and then go throughout the process of time with daniel that's a long time and there's a lot of information that's missing in between okay let's go back let's go back to our main text now there are three major captivities this is just a background info i'm just gonna say it briefly for some of you who don't know within uh about daniel so then they go they see the conflict and there's some debate about the count of the year with daniel chapter one because there's like a huge time jump or time conflict but then there are basically three major captivities 606 bc by jehoiakim and then there's 598 bc by jehoiachin and 586 bc by zedekiah so notice that there are three major captivities and then that's when we can see that the total destruction of jerusalem happened etc so then some people they just only look at one thing in the bible and assume it makes a conclusion but sometimes the lord will only give partial information and steam if it to skip a lot of the other information to go down to the next point that's important to understand same thing with genesis one all right let's go back to genesis chapter one genesis chapter one now let's continue reading at verse two the bible says and the spirit of god moved upon the face of the waters now notice here that the spirit of god is starting to move now so where if there originally was destruction now spirit that means basically like yuma it's like breath that's where life is received so god is coming down here and he's moving on the face of the waters he's about to do something the spirit of god is about to do something it moved upon the face of the waters now i find it interesting that god's spirit is now moving upon the face of the waters why is that because there were spirits that departed now we're going to look at several passages we're going to look at the book of jude or actually it would be first peter excuse me we're going to look at first peter let's see here we're going to turn to our bibles to the book of first peter chapter 3 first peter chapter 3. first speeder chamfer three and we might need to compare that with another text that way people can understand what this is gonna go for so we're going to look at first peter 2 peter 2 as well 2nd peter chapter 2 so then it'll be first peter 3 2 peter 2 that way we can fully understand and the last text the last tech your text you're going to go to his ecclesiastes chapter 12 in ecclesiastes chapter 12. we're going to look at second peter 2 first peter 3 and ecclesiastes chapter 12. you know i find it interesting that the spirit of god moved upon the face of the water because there's death all over so because there's death all over then the spirit of god has to start creation why because death means basically that the spirit departs for some of you who didn't know a lot because of this universal flood spirits were departing who are these spirits these are the fallen angels so there's an amount of fallen angels who got affected by this universal flood and then these spirits went down to hell now let's look at the book of ecclesiastes chapter 12. look at verse 7 then shall the dust return to the earth as it was and the spirit shall what return unto god who gave it so notice that at death at death the spirit departs and the lord uh does whatever he wants with the spirits well he sure did with these fallen angels look at second peter chapter two verse four and five verse four and five the bible says for if god spared not the angels as sin but cast them down to hell and deliver them into chains of darkness now look at this remember genesis 1 2 darkness was upon the face of the deep now when god prepared the darkness he did not spare those angels cast them down to hell look at verse so then notice here that the lord he sent these angels down to hell now look at uh first peter 3 first peter chapter 3 notice what they are worded as notice what they are worded as first peter chapter 3. and then we'll read verse 19 by which also he went and what preached unto the spirits in prison so notice over here that there are spirits in prison so it shows here how the sons of god these fallen angels when god prepared hell why did god prepare hell for the devil and his angels matthew chapter 25 right so then when did hell begin when did hell start it's for these fallen angels well then if you get rid of the genesis gap how are you going to put that origin of hell it makes a lot more sense when you put the genesis gap it was at that time when god said darkness isn't that what the verse says a second peter that god put them under chains of darkness why he prepared hell that time he prepa through this universal uh catastrophic event i mean there was fire there was water and there was darkness it was total chaos it was such a huge chaos i mean noah's flood was a small example of that with volcanoes erupting coming out of hell uh and then water falling down and then a huge uh worldwide flood spreading etc that's only a small portion of this universal flood right here see this makes sense the genesis gap it makes a lot more sense that it exists especially following the pattern of noah you can see a cycle that's repeating now these spirits they departed affected by this universal flood went down to hell they went down to hell so because of that the holy spirit had to come down here the holy spirit had to come down here and then why because spirit means life when a spirit departs it means death so what's going to happen creation is about to begin and this is where next to the greatest story ever told jesus dying on the cross is the next most greatest event is the creation of man you and i are born and if you and i weren't born we wouldn't uh there we would have no story we would have no story the bible would be much more different the bible says at verse 3 and god said let there be light and there was light so notice that god speaks that there's light why does god speak because spirit means breath see that that's why the spirit of god moved upon the face of the waters why because god's about to speak something into existence it's very interesting that i could be wrong about this but there are some phys physicists and even lost uh atheist or agnostic scientists that try to discover the origins of the universe and they believe it's done through vibrations they believe there was something about vibrations that just put the universe into existence and i'm like well hey stupid it's the voice of god the word of god and he spoke it into existence go to john chapter one john chapter one why do you think that the bible says that the word was the one who created the universe in the beginning was the word how about that in john chapter one and verse one the bible says in the beginning was the word and the word was with god the word was god the same was in the beginning with god all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made notice that's the word that created everything all right go back to genesis chapter one verse three so basically when god says something it must be created god said let there be light let there be light and guess what and there was light just like that just like that now it is interesting that if you go to the berkeley campus and then you look at their famous seal it says let there be light and they're the most left-wing atheist type of bunch that you would ever meet in this world it's so amazing it's so amazing that even some form of the bible is so powerful and alive that even the most hardcore liberal atheist type of school that you would think of would even have to put it on its plaster okay so there was light verse 4 and god saw the light that it was good when god created light it's good and god divided the light from the darkness now it's simple as that god saw the light it's good but he divides this light from the darkness hence you see the half half here but this is metaphorical okay so don't just take it too literally that all these trees are in the dark or something like that so but the half half part notice this part is light this part is dark why god literally divided the light from the darkness so then notice that this is before the sun this is before the moon so then there is light that exists before the sun so where did this element of light come from it's very simple go back to john 1 again john 1 the word is what created everything right but also it's light go to john chapter 1. john chapter 1. notice at verse 4 just keep reading on in him was life and the life was the what light of men and the what light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehended not there was a man sent from god whose name was john the same came for a witness to bear witness of the what of the light that all men through him might believe that's apparently jesus christ that's apparently jesus christ so the light is god some of the cree some of the creationists and sadly even i think yeah larkin and scofield sadly some of the people bow down to science but it's science falsely so-called so-called evolution where well there must be a scientific explanation for this so it's some kind of light that's within the universe and etc or that there was a light over there but it was just covered by darkness and then the sun came out uh at the fourth day and that was a different type of light look you're just stretching things just make it simple with scripture god's the light it's that simple now go to revelation the bible even shows you at the end look at revelation and we'll look at chapter 21 revelation chapter 21 now think about this notice that god didn't create the darkness then did you notice that the bible never said god created the darkness and it was good darkness was already there and here's a second thing that supports the genesis gap if you think that verse 2 is his creation process then why didn't god put darkness as the first part of his creation why did he make light the first part of his creation how about that so then darkness is a sign of not creation but chaos see that it's chaos it's something negative it's something destructive and bad light on the other hand is a sign of something positive and something that's good connected to god i mean even the eastern religions saw that way ahead the devil's people saw that way ahead light and darkness good and evil yin and yang both elements must exist so that the universe can come into existence well that's baloney because obviously at revelation 21 god is doing fine without evil when all of it is cast into hell all right he doesn't need the universe to exist with evil but these easterners they have a partial knowledge of something the partial knowledge is they're getting it from genesis 1 1 through 4. basically there was evil right there because why of the destruction not because the universe needs it it's because god had to destroy the universe destroy the wicked ones because there was evil at the beginning but then also good at the beginning too because god had to put light so you see where these greek pagan philosophers get their idea from the easterners greek pagans they believed in some kind of god uh in the english word would be chaos that chaos had to exist so that light or whatever wording that they like to put at these greek that these greek pagans did that the gods were able to create the universe and the worlds how about that all of them are grabbing things from the word of god the bible satan is trying to copycat the bible so then if that's the case darkness is not created it's always been there light was the one that was created then the idea is this darkness is not good and light is connected to to god well then at the end then if god cast all of evil into hell and that's out then what would be left over no darkness but just light and the light is from god look at the book of revelation chapter 21 notice that the verse says verse 25 and the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day for there shall be what no night there now remember that look at verse 5 of chapter 22 chapter 22 verse 5 and there shall be no night there and they need no candle neither light of the sun for the lord god giveth them what light okay this is called in revelation 20 1 and 22 day is that right it's day and then revelation 21 22 calls this night is that correct all right it calls darkness night and it calls light day and it also connects light with who god is that correct is that where the light comes from all right then you know that genesis 1 the light comes from god because look back at genesis 1. what did god say what did god call light and what did god call darkness see that they don't compare scripture with scripture look at genesis chapter 1 verse 5 and god called the light what day matching with revelation 21 22 that's from god then and the darkness he called what night see matches revelation 21 22. so we see right here this is not some kind of darkness is not a good thing and this is not some kind of scientific aspect that you have to put in there no put out a created aspect it's from god the light period it's not some kind of natural thing that the lord did it is very possible though which is very interesting if that light comes from god and not from the sun or any other else then when scientists talk about the fastest thing and they try to measure things they're very dependent and they make a god out of light and einstein did the same thing too why because light is god it could be it could be that the natural elements of light where people try to grab it for themselves it could be a portion from god's own light it could be all right but the point is the origin is from god it's not something natural by itself that creationists and scientists and evolutionists try to do all right if god divided light from darkness that's important he divided it where is the light from well i it's in heaven it's in heaven that's apparent that revelation 21 22 right the light is from god and god is up in heaven so this is up in heaven then the darkness is divided off of heaven so it's landing all over here on earth and in the universe there's the division right there that's the division it's from heaven the third heaven compared to all of the universe and the earth down there now watch this now okay that's going to be important you might say why is that important because of verse 6 and onward and then we're gonna at least finish this part that way you can understand the full thing the bib uh the bible says at the latter part of verse five and the evening and the morning were the first day so god now puts time so now god puts time in there why because he have light and darkness so because he has light and darkness but he didn't go up by a sun and moon system see of evening and morning all he had was this division of day in heaven and night throughout this universe and then he just puts evening and morning so he hasn't have some kind of sister uh he doesn't have the sun and moon built the clock in yet the fourth day will mention that the light replaces it then okay let's keep reading onward at so this is the first day so this is the first day of god's creation if that's the case that this is the first day of god's creation and it's called this day is called what evening and morning theistic evolution is a combination of theism and evolution basically they believe god used evolution for all of the universe to exist well that's baloney okay that's baloney because they teach that throughout billions of years and through long processes of time the six days of creation or each day of creation is supposed to represent a long age of time that's what they teach uh they'll use scripture for that one like ii peter 3 for example but that's easily debunked because they didn't even read genesis 1 it the day is described as what evening and morning 24 hours there you go evening and morning we're the first day that's what god perceived a day as when he created the world literally six days then not a long process of time and a day represents thousands of years that's bologna you're in la la land for phd professors who know how to do research and to critique and find limitations to research and grow through the methods and the discussions and find all the devices and go through all the statistics that they've learned about uh regression and pearson's correlation d and all this kind of stuff it's amazing how stupid they are when they don't even read verse 5 idiots amen all right yeah i just felt so smart just now all right let's look at verse six verse six and god said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters okay so we know there's waters everywhere now but now god has to put a firmament whatever firmament is let's just put it that way all right now this is what you want to hear this is going to be the most interesting part of your bible study and i better make this real quick so whatever god does he puts what he calls a firmament in the midst of this water so it's in the middle here some people don't realize that so let me draw this that way people can get it so whatever this line is it will be called firmament that's all we'll say for now it's in the midst of the waters right so in other words it divides the top water and the bottom water all right let's keep reading here and let it divide the waters from the waters see i told you so so you just read the scripture as it says the rest will play out it divides the waters from the water see that let's keep reading and uh let me go to the other side that way people can see this part so divided the waters from the waters and god made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the firmament firmament so god made the firmament and he divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the ferment so i hope that the onliners or maybe some of you saw me pointing when i was reading that that way you can understand and it was so and it was so it's done it's done so notice it the bible says and it was so it didn't say and it was good that's right did you notice that it's kind of like today's language so it's not hard to understand oh it's so so right there's a difference with that's good compared to oh that's so so right why did the lord say so so not good if you notice all the other parts of his creations the remaining days days he says it's good it's good it's good except the second day he said oh it's so so-so why because there's nothing good about the darkness here that shows it there's nothing good about the darkness why because this the darkness is where god created something negative for the devil and his angels remember the bible says the angels were what reserved to darkness they were reserved to chains of darkness now remember there's water and there's darkness here right god divided the darkness he took care of the darkness but now it's the waters so god had to divide the waters now so then what's going on here is that just read the next part of verse 8 and god called the firmament heaven so this is called heaven wait a minute but then god already created heaven at verse one ah see that so this is a a second heaven oh i don't believe in multiple heavens you don't know bibles second corinthians chapter 12 paul says he went to the third heaven there are three heavens in your bible and i'm not going to turn there for time sake so the point is is that notice that there are two different heavens so we know first clue this firmament is called heaven okay here's the second clue just keep reading your bible that's it it's so simple look at verse 7 uh 16 and god made two great lights the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night and he made the stars also sun moon and stars and where did he put them at verse 17 and god set them in the what firmament of the heavens see that so oh then we know the second heaven it's referring to space it's referring to outer space in the universe out there uh the latter part of verse 8 says and the evening and the morning were the second day so all of this was created at the second day 24 hours evening and morning so we know that this is referring to outer space now what happened to these waters so these waters above we know what happened to them go to the book of revelation revelation and then we'll look at chapter four revelation chapter four okay if this is okay think about this let's use common senses if this is the universe okay and then the waters are above this universe what's above the universe isn't it heaven okay then if the water is above the universe and heaven is above the universe then could those waters be right here at heaven yeah it's the footstool it's the floor of heaven itself look at revelation chapter 4. the bible says we're going to look at verse 6 and before the throne that's the throne up in heaven there was a what sea of glass like unto crystal see that that's the floor of heaven where did the where did heaven get that floor from that floor of water sea of glass right here genesis 1 read your bible what happened to the waters under the firmament it's simple just keep reading your bible genesis one has all the answers they just don't read okay go to genesis 1. look at verse nine look at verse nine and god said let the waters under the heaven be gathered together onto one place and let the dry land appear and it was so and god called the dry land earth and the gathering together of the waters called he sees why there's your answer verse 9 says the waters under this heaven turn to be seized today so we get our seas today that's where it came from all right now uh some people might use this as a criticism against the king james bible well if you look at the hebrew rock or rocket whatever okay i don't care so raquel you know so in the hebrew it means something strong and firm and solid it doesn't mean where we would use it as an ex an empty space so to speak so that's the criticism that they would use now this answer is actually pretty simple they don't look at the dictionary itself now i mentioned before that and i think this caused a little bit of a misunderstanding which i apologize for when i mentioned about i just said nonchalantly and simply if you looked up the word ferment it just means vault it just means space empty and then some people said no it means the opposite so let me clarify it here the idea with firmament just look at the word itself it just me it means a beaten expanse and it also means vault that's important now all you have to do is just look up an image of a vault how a vault is built so let me just do this poor example here so here's a poor example but the idea is is that it's like this that's the idea it's like this because why there's something solid here now do we agree with that yeah we we agree there's something solid but it's not uh where you just all of a sudden jump up in the air and boom you hit your head and you go oh i hit something solid and that's the firmament no it it goes much higher above and that's the floor of heaven right here the waters above that's the solid part but god says that he put uh the sun moon and stars in the firmament right so is there a contradiction no it's like me saying that uh there are flies flying in the vault or there are lights that you can see within the vault what does that mean it doesn't mean necessarily that has to be here it can be here now look at this is this a solid area or is this an empty space for a vault to exist it has to have an empty space which is longer than the solid part that's just common sense english so then there's this huge empty space and then you're going to hit the solid part up there and the solid part would be smaller or even thinner compared to the huge empty space itself why then it can't be a vault can't be a vault see there's your simple answer it's like that why because we believe and i'm not going to get into this but this is where it gets deep the bible talks about uh the shape of the universe where this becomes the roof so to speak this is the roof this is the top of the vault heaven you didn't know that why did the bible say mount zion up there concerning about heaven why did the bible liken to the shape of the universe to a triangle and the roof of it is heaven all right i'm not going to get into that all right for some of you who are like no talk about it just look at the shape of the universe we have a youtube video called shape of the universe but see there's your simple answer by the way the bible calls it heaven at verse eight see that it calls it heaven so it's not something where it has to be like some kind of solid roof that you all of a sudden you just jump in then you hit it means vault it means vault and why i mean by like space is because when you look up the definition of a vault is like it says above the space is a is this a circular roof pattern or this vault so to speak so it will include the word space in there if you look up the word vault so it's that simple it's that simple the bible explains itself and solves all contradictions to the scriptures alrighty and because it says the beaten expanse it's supposed to be something that's laid out see that why is it laid out see there has to be a space for it to lay it out that's the idea for it to spread so see this shows more that the ferment god knows what he's talking about there's an empty space part but there's no daily something that's rock solid up there that's hard and tough and that's that sea of glass that's why the bible called the sea of glass not just sea he called the bottom waters below seas but the waters above he called the sea of what glass and that book is amazing and then we'll end it here all right all right let's go to the third day of creation and other stuff later on god my father i pray that today's teachings were a blessing to the hearers dismiss us now with your blessing and i pray that we have grown much more knowledge in the scriptures to give you greater honor and glory in jesus name we pray amen
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 22,828
Rating: 4.9029126 out of 5
Keywords: dispensationalism, bible study, end times, revelation, revelation explained, conspiracy theory, biblical prophecy, king james only, bible believer, once saved always saved, rapture, kjv only, how to understand the bible, debunking false pastors, false preachers, right doctrine
Id: xgcDsjxZXGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 4sec (3364 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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