Is This The Best Worst Ramp Truck Road Trip Ever?

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
boom this time on finnegan's garage we upgrade lincoln hawks towing status it's so big dude it's giant i don't know if it's legal but it's all it's starting to rain perfect [Music] it's exactly where you want to have your first test drive it's the middle of a rain storm [Music] yo do me a favor and subscribe to this channel so you know every time i drop another hit this video is made possible by the folks at omaze an organization dedicated to providing once-in-a-lifetime experiences like entering for your chance to win a 2021 ram trx 4x4 want a chance to win this truck go to forward slash finnegan to find out how we've already driven this truck from here to arizona and all the way back and i gotta say totally impressed with it i know it doesn't look like much and if you're not a fan of square body trucks you probably could care less about this thing but i love square body trucks and this truck really didn't cost me much and yet it's paid huge dividends in terms of increasing our capabilities of going from point a to point b while hauling precious stuff however we feel like this would be better served as an rv completely renovating the inside of it so that we can live and work and play and just be comfortable while on the road so we've decided at some point we're going to redo the whole inside of this talking sleeping quarters bathroom kitchen the whole thing which means we need a trailer that'll go behind it that will fit everything we own whether we need to haul the cadillac or one of the drag boats whatever it is and that's a tall order because that means we need an extra wide door finding a trailer with an extra wide door is not easy right now however one popped up on facebook marketplace the other day and it just happened to turn out to be the exact same color as this faded pile of crap and so we are about to drive to kansas city missouri to pick it up but before we leave we need to fix a couple things on this truck our new trailer has an air ride rear suspension which is awesome so we're going to go under the truck today tap into the air brake air tank which is behind the axle and run a hose and a fitting out here that we can connect to our new trailer we are also going to pull up the carpet and floor mat in the cab so we can put some heat and sound barrier material down there make that thing just a little bit better and then we are gonna head to kansas city to go meet our new to us trailer the ad is gone already because we've basically bought it but that's it it was built to haul a competitive truck pulling tractor pulling what do you call it sled pulling tractor pull machine was turbine powered like a helicopter motor or something like that or a jet engine in a tractor meant to pull weight across a dirt field uh competitively and so this is taller than a normal trailer it's almost 10 feet tall it's wider than a normal trailer the back door is 96 inches wide and it's got 27 feet of floor space which means any of the drag boats we have should fit in here which means if you can fit a boat on a trailer inside there you can fit a cadillac in there you can fit you know game over you can fit blasphemy anything we've got should go in here i think it's perfect and i mean look at this let's go back to this it's faded red just like lincoln hog it's like it was meant to be [Music] one of the things i like to do before every road trip is take five minutes to upgrade my tow vehicle no matter what it is even if it's just you know fresh fuel something to make that next trip a little better than the last one and one of the things i noticed about lincoln hawk the last time out was the floor is almost bare we have a piece of carpet that drops in it's actually molded to the shape of the floor which is nice there's nothing under it it's just bare metal underneath there there's no sound ending there's no heat barrier there's nothing so what we're going to do before we leave right now and this is one of the easiest ways i can think of to upgrade my vehicle is we're going to install and that term i use loosely because this isn't much work we're going to install a 2x3 square of heat shield products stealth floor shield now what this is is a quarter inch thick material with magnets at each corner that will stick to the floor of the truck and it'll go between the floor and the carpet and it will reduce the cab temperature inside so when you're trucking up a mountain and that transmission on your floor is on fire less of that heat is going to be transmitted into the cab of the truck and to your precious feet and like i said it's got magnets in each corner so no adhesive for this super easy to install it comes in two by three two by four four by four and even rolls of it that you can use spray adhesive to install say you want to do your headliner or your floor the rolled stuff i think is only like an eighth of an inch thick so when you put it in there it doesn't add hardly any weight to the vehicle it's not going to screw up the way your carpet fits it's just that easy so all we're gonna do right here right now is pull up the carpet drop this down put the carpet back on and hit the rip step one take out the door still [Music] it looks nice since you vacuumed it yeah that's clean all right door sill is out carpet lifts up now i am going to go the extra mile here and vacuum out all the sand from the last trip before i put this in so bear with me here a lot of sand in there and that just comes with driving out west it just is going to happen if you drive out west all right so then start the corner right there like that right there we're going to tuck this up here all right and then carpet back down the other stuff that comes in a roll cuts real easily with scissors because this is designed to go in with a magnet mount and the edge is finished i'm not going to cut it i'm just going to tuck it up here and although that means it's not going to lay perfectly flat in some spots let's be real this truck isn't perfectly flat either however it is now going to be a lot more comfortable to drive so that side's done i'll grab another two by three piece put it on that side and we are out of here all right this side is looking good newbern is tackling the driver's side and on this side we are going to cut it just a couple of slits to get it to lay flat in the back right around our fire extinguisher and seat mount very nice there very nice i like it oh dude it's a good looking floor okay now i think we're gonna do the middle of the floor here right around the shift boot since that's where the majority of the heat is coming from right up through the floor from the transmission it's an eaton five-speed with a two-speed rear axle a lot of people on the internet have been telling me to float the gears they don't say what that means wait you say you can't hold on talk to me goose uh so they're they're saying don't use a clutch just pull it into gear but this transmission i don't know if it's been driven wrong its whole life or if there's problems with it but you can't it won't go from gear to gear without touching the clutch right it won't do it it's hard as hell to get it out of gear and then you try to go to get another gear it just grinds so right so the floating the gears guys we've tried it it doesn't work double clutching that is the move in lincoln hawk okay next level move right here we got one layer of stealth floor shield and another layer right on top of the transmission tunnel and then another layer on the driver's side floor and now we're going to put the carpet over the whole thing perfect then we hit the road imagine no no we're going we're going i'm hungry we gotta go all the fluids are good there's no food here we gotta go [Music] well we made it concordia missouri 13 hours of driving no problems now we check into our glacial motel see you tomorrow morning sir oh i just want to apologize to advance for where we stayed last night there was no other motel or hotel uh it wasn't the greatest but how how bad was your room kind of dirty like i i like to think i have fairly low standards for lodging you know we've slept in this thing but dude the floor was sticky there were like chip crumbs everywhere there were random stains like i put a towel on the floor of the shower to shower like that's how funky this place was um and i guess at 77 bucks a night you know that kind of goes with the territory i feel like we got like a 30 room i do like this feels like vintage roadkill like where like fryburger and i checked into a place tried to sleep and checked back out because there were blood on the walls and stuff so um let's just go let's just i i have money we're like one mile from this place let's just let's go get a trailer and go i haven't filmed we're about to see it it's gonna be around this corner no did we get catfished again oh no don't no we've been car fished before i don't even know if we have any of that footage but he and i once drove to kentucky we drove to kentucky to go look at a dodge charger and got ghosted five minutes five minutes from the destination the guy just stopped talking to us and we were just sitting in the parking lot and he was very angry so we just we just came home yeah we turned around drove home and felt thankful we didn't get stabbed there it is i see it over there behind that truck oh this is a tall trailer see it there oh boy that is a tall trailer oh yeah there it is oh there's a they have a red toader they have a bread are we about to become best friends i think we're about to become best friends about to meet this is so cool hetero life mates right now our trucks taller than theirs you think so oh yeah definitely should we have a contest should i park right next to him measure up this is funny it is the same color as our ring dude it was meant to be back up next joe this is destiny i'm gonna i'm gonna back right up next to him and try to flex on him yeah but you know about the cat 3208 yours has more power more reliable it's nicer ours is taller dammit all right we made it we are still in concordia we didn't go very far maybe six blocks to this truck stop uh where fred and kyle were smart enough to just stay in their toter home in the parking lot as opposed to checking into that fleabag motel we checked into and um i haven't looked inside of it i'm already going to pay the man because i'm so excited because here's your money sir it matches that's the important thing in life when you go shopping if it matches you you don't test drive you just pay you just pay for things and then suffer the consequences later um but i trust fred because he does tractor pulling and how can you not trust a man who puts is it a turbine engine turbine turbine engine in a tractor just to haul butt across dirt yeah yeah anyone that does that that's somebody you trust so when you're shopping you look for guys like fred and kyle now finnegan's a smart guy because coming all the way up here seven eight hundred miles he makes us come 275 to make sure at least that trailer will go 275 miles it wasn't an accident it really wasn't hey i need to get back home but i thought well if they're willing to drive it a little while that means we'll probably make it back home so there's there's look for a tractor look for tractor pull people selling things and then you know ask them politely to drive a little bit towards you you get a free test drive well finnegan you ready to check out the trailer i really want to see what you bought i really am i am painted or vinyl wrapped i painted it looks like uh it's the same as yours it is colored aluminum you purchase it this way really okay hold on we were talking about tractor pulling you're talking about riding a tractor contractors yeah that's a big popular thing out in this part of the world really tractor training different events so and when you say tractor like like regular type farm tractor like yeah yeah 500 miles on the seat no covering uh we had an umbrella nine nine nine days for our centennial nine days on a tractor you got springs under the seat i mean oh yeah yeah wow we put 152 tractors around the nebraska state capitol in lincoln so it's you guys holding up all the traffic one thing you'll probably like about this too and i think you know that is the air ride i'm excited about this because our truck is the worst riding thing ever and someday i need to learn about air ride for big rigs because our truck needs air ride bat it's hard it's spring there's no other way of doing it for now yeah the drag boat it's on the trailer it's probably three thousand pounds something like that it won't even know it's in there right yeah this is exactly why we can put our boat look how wide it is dude dude this is cool i don't know if the cadillac will go between these yeah that's a big problem well we might do it do the rams build some over ramps yeah and then put the cadillac in here like a foot off the ground then and can you drop this lower because it's on air standby oh hold on about to go for a ride oh that's cool wow if you want a winch you have a roller here okay i'll flip that open so you got roller up over over the top here then when it comes up and in gets in then we can flip everything close the door so a couple cabinets another cabinet yep so you got a few outlets hose reel it's not top end but you got a hose reel give you a tour of the truck oh all right we're going to get a blueprint for how to build our toter right now i can already see a television this is great oh wow okay so did you guys go to an rv scrapyard and get everything out of there to build this we bought the cabinets out of the box store we built the booths all of ourselves all of this we built in our shop bathroom with a walk-in shower yeah there's nothing worse than getting an rv where you sit on the toilet and your knees hit the door can you remember the layout oh you got a video good because i won't remember and this is perfect let's take a moment to celebrate the baddest production 4x4 ever conceived by man shall we the ram trx is no ordinary people mover this beast will go zero to 60 miles an hour in under four seconds let that sink in a moment this is a truck people not a supercar but it's just as fast as some of the supercars that are out there it has 702 horsepower it has 650 foot-pounds of torque long travel suspension it's amazing and it's sold out everywhere if you want one of these good luck finding one at a dealer and if you find one that dealer is charging way over the 116 000 sticker price so why not take a chance at winning right best part of this whole deal is omaze will not only pay the sales tax for this truck but they're also going to give you 20 grand in your pocket how do you enter to win go to forward slash finnegan right now and enter for a chance to own a brand new trx okay so what we got here we'll plug this into the outlet for left right turn break oh and then we try them all and then it tells us if it's going to work yeah i'm scared yeah well we've never used it 12 volt dave rewired the socket so uh if we got some of it no pressure dave hit the brakes all right right turn brake both things should go on all right we got tail lights so we need to eyeball the wiring for the left turn signal slash brake light oh my gosh this trailer is so nice they have unhooked their toter and i am now gonna back up lincoln hawk and uh hook up our new race trailer the trailer seems perfect the sellers are awesome people and so far the only hiccup to this whole deal is our light connector and our brake controller connector in the back got one circuit that's not functioning that we need to look at we're low on air because we hitched the trailer which has air ride suspension to our rear air tank and that depleted our rear air tank to lift up the air bags in the back of that trailer all right we now have 70 pounds of air and building it is 712 miles back home we have a 32 foot long trailer hitched up between behind a 39 foot long rv 71 feet which depending on where you're at is totally legal all right 90 psi i feel good uh we can no longer just go where we want no this ate up the entire parking spot here we fit in with big rig trucks now we can't just wheel into a fast food joint and get food anymore we can't just make u-turns we can't make wrong turns no ooh can i still take off in second gear now let's find out oh yeah no problem second gear question is when do i start turning so we have those tall mirrors the whole mirror is trailer top to bottom so far so good i was really hoping it would ride a little better but i can already tell you no it might be worse now because it's how are you getting i think it's bucking the back of the trailer because it's a bumper pull trailer third gear merging on the highway uphill let's see what you got lincoln hawk dude you can tell it's back there i'm on the floor yeah and it's empty it's either really windy or i'm feeling the trailer behind me yeah we're going 60. the speed limit is 70 and i used to just mob down the road at 68 or 70 in this thing like it felt good now i feel like maybe this is your sweet spot we've made it five miles only 709 more to go i texted my wife a photo of this setup and i said my love for you is this big it's a picture of this rig she responded with profanity they just say big things like they feel like they feel like this truck is a penis extension and i i suppose it could be interpreted that way but for me this is a utensil this is a tool we're moving things from point a to point b we don't need to damn peter's existence right no we do not do not oh oh my god so they make this thing it's an airbag that goes on a trailer hitch for tag trailers to stop them from doing this we might need that or you know we just need air suspension on lincoln hawk that was gnarly i'm in an air ride scene my the seat bottomed out my head hit the headliner dude and then the little dingle ball on the top of my hat oh that hurt i'm taking it off god that hurt got me right in the top of the skull they should make hats without that on top just stitch the hat together we don't need the little ball on top can i miss the kick in the big game feel my driving chest misspelling my ex-girlfriend's name on the tattoo on my chest cause i can't do nothing right [Music] all right just put 170 miles on it total success granted both lincoln hawk and our new trailer are empty but still toad good i'm happy i don't think anybody around here that might have wanted the 12 parking spaces i just occupied are going to be happy but it's a big parking lot lots of room for them they'll be okay this is so rough now oh my god i don't think the suspension seat's helping much because it keeps bottoming out i swear to god i thought i could do the trailer to be a lot smoother [Music] so i'm sitting down this bar stool in this dirty downtown bar drinking yeah the volunteer state welcomes you with a bump i'm trying i can't oh my god [Music] oh my god are you okay i'm good truck ride's horrible we're almost home three hours from georgia we're gonna stop at chattanooga tonight tomorrow go see a truck wrecking yard and try to learn about air suspensions for big rigs so that we can do something about how horrible this truck now rides with a trailer hitch to it [Applause] [Music] do [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] i think it's called north georgia truck parts uh chickamauga georgia i think is where we're at and this is a diesel big rig wrecking yard and it's awesome because like for instance this thing's been crashed there was a crane truck there's no bed on it so we get to see what the underpinnings are like and this is crazy like this is what i think is called a tag axle there's no diff right and it's got air ride but look there's a giant bag on the back side of the axle and then a smaller one that you'd find in like the rear end of a one ton lower dually like that's the kind of bag would be on there and uh so that one is leveraging that side this side is leveraging this side like [Music] oh dude you know what this does this lifts this axle up off the ground oh yeah check this out all right so you ride on this bag but when you don't need the tag axle you inflate that bag and that pushes the axle up and you can see where it's touched the frame and it takes the axle off the ground completely this was a crane truck maybe they only put this down when they're like trying to lift something for sure this is not what we need but there's other things we could use like the air tank you know yeah that truck that's over there that doesn't have a cab on it has a really nice air tank really yeah i like to find aluminum though i like to find aluminum tank so we don't worry about rust anymore yeah it would be cool we could find some nice stainless gas tanks for our deal yeah that would be cool um unfortunately i've been told the genius of this place he's probably you know older i wouldn't know what we have is not here he's on vacation so i don't know how fruitful the trip will be but at least we're going to learn some stuff today yeah ooh there's a nice air tank look at that one yeah that's like the same size as what we have too all right that's clean yeah this chassis is clean do we need the truck are we gonna are we about to howl the truck out of here do i like the toolbox are we looking at this all wrong did we just put our box on a pete ready for real that'd be kind of cool i like our cab though i do like the kodiak cap i like our cab i don't like how it rides at all no the engine runs great kind of just rides horrible wait are you talking smack on the engine and loaded yet look i had it floored i was down gearing and everything i could do to climb that mount eagle last night mom eagle whatever it's called dude there's only one of those though oh yeah you got the whole country to not be floored we need bigger and multiple turbos you should never say an unkind word about lincoln hawk again uh we looking for pete i mean they got a nice one over here so for now here's where our story ends the local rv place we are dropping the rig off because we had some storm damage to the roof of lincoln hawk and it's leaking and we're gonna have the brakes looked at on the new trailer and while this is here getting that done we're gonna make some serious life decisions about whether we want to keep this combo together or look into something that's got more cajones to tow that trailer i don't know but uh i think in most cases this trailer works just fine behind this truck but man you hit a mountain forget it these things are empty right now you fill them up with stuff and you're gonna have a hard time going over big hills and mountains so we got to make some decisions of whether we want to turn lincoln hawk into a toter and if you do that we're probably not going to tow this trailer behind it because it'll just be too heavy and if we don't turn lincoln hawk into a toter we got to figure out what we want to do exactly with that because it's a great car hauler it's a really great car hauler but this trailer is a little too heavy to go behind her we'll figure that out and we'll see you next time on finnigan's garage thank you for watching i'm stoked about the omaze giveaway because it directly benefits team rubicon team rubicon is a veteran-led disaster response organization which mobilizes veterans first responders and civilian volunteers to help communities before during and after disasters and humanitarian crisis your donation can help provide ppe financial grants and temporary housing which can help stem the spread of coven 19 among first responders their families and their communities you can make a real difference here and get a chance to win the incredibly cool ram trx truck and 20 grand in cash by going to forward slash finnegan and entering right now [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Finnegan's Garage
Views: 525,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: road trip, roadkill, finnegan, freiburger, hoonigans, cletus mcfarland, turbo diesel, diesel, cat 3208, ramp truck, car trailer
Id: Jmgpu5_-AW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 32sec (1832 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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