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last summer with the help of kevin smith and tony angelo we 2jz swapped my 1968 dodge charger and then shipped it to snoqualmie washington for an episode of roadkill where we blasted around dirtfish rally school and no it really didn't survive that too well but now we're gonna fix everything make it better and go have some more fun on the street don't do me like that again oh don't take off after that doggie okay got to chase you down to the back street in the rain their mission is not the other dog it's to fix the car see the car that way boom all right that car the loud one this is this is sad it's very sad so you you hadn't really seen this since because it got delivered i don't think you were home it got dropped off i just yeah he parked it over here i threw a cover on it because i just felt kind of bad for it but i haven't actually looked at it yeah it's got new graphics oh yeah so that's new yeah so oh so here's what you missed yeah because i don't know maybe you're like me and you don't have time to watch roadkill or finnegan's garage for that matter um so you and i did a bunch of work to this thing put a rear end in it thank you quick performance and uh drift handle and then we sent it off to chappelle's house and when we got there uh angelo and i made closeout panels for the front fenders to stop the rocks from hitting us in the face oh yeah and that is a steve dulce fender flare job right there it's not bad legit uh problem is the car was so low the tires rubbed all the way there if you look there's a buffed line all the way around the tire so when we got to dirt fish tony and i raised the car up we took the lowering blocks out the back and raised the front torsions but as usual with this car raising the front end up via the torsions only lasts for about three minutes before the front of the car falls back down so um i had the time in my life i'm sure if beau was there bo would have loved it but um i slid it sideways through a puddle and because there was no inner fenders in the car the 2j inhaled a bunch of water and shut off okay so before we can go have fun with this we need to check the oil and also i might have driven it through a ditch and taco'd the radiator um and by might have i mean that definitely happened so we need we got some things to fix you know but in general this is the best the car's ever been even though it looks horrible right now see what i mean oh dumb oh yeah yeah this right here is too it's too tall yeah and it always was we knew it and we were gonna fix it and by fix i mean get a shorter one in there and put a new valance in and shorten the grille and we just didn't have the time bo's got the time clearly for you um so yeah i mean it's broke we might as well make it better so today we'll get a radiator that fits a little better we'll put another valance on it that we got from matt nab we'll shorten the grill and then uh drain the oil and change it and hopefully it roars back to life and we go have fun with the car again the new inner fender thing in the air filter right there is uh yeah you know the thing i thought was going to burn us and the thing i totally fixed with cardboard and gaff tape was we had no upper cover for the pulley i don't want rocks to go in there and lock up the timing belt oh so i made that real quick and that seemed to be fine but this right here even with pantyhose on it didn't stop the water damn yeah totally weird didn't see that coming you know you want to do a fix for that like the mud trucks turn that running inside the inside of the cab oh yeah i was going to build inner fenders but you're right we could just make an air intake that goes in the cabin we kind of build a cool looking one and just go right there and have the filter be under the dash solid yeah all right problem solved so let's pull the dipstick and then go from there where's the dipstick all right that was the other thing i did i forgot we um we did put some new strut bars oh and while we were driving it the it was the drag link broke and we had to put a new one on the side of the road like the whole thing the ball part of it just like this it just fell apart dude it was so wore out um that within like three miles of driving it when we left chappelle's all of a sudden it was just like shaking it had death wobble like i've never experienced so we fixed that during the trip we put new strut bars in and you know we did stuff but in the end after driving general mayhem this thing is a pile compared to that car i like this motor way better and this trans way better but the chassis and suspension of death metal is so basic and so functional and so well sorted that car is way easier to drive so at some point we'll address the chassis and suspension of this because although interesting looking still deadly very so let's flip this back and we'll find the oh engine oil it's labeled because japan oh is it over there yeah it's fine sweet no milk okay so then i think what happened was this just ate a bunch of water and when it was wet it just didn't want to run so let's do this i'll uh i'll air up the back tire and then you see if you can make this run this is weird i don't know what i'm looking at there's a holley fuel regulator i do recognize that why did this get so flat that's what i want to know i hope it even airs up because like it's sitting on the rim i'm gonna assume it was much dirtier because there's like looks like somebody took it to car wash and just striped it with the pressure washer up here on the vinyl because there's like white black white black so at dirt fish they have an outside lift outside the shop and a pressure washer and after you go bomb dirt fish like this car was brown it had sweet mud graphics the whole car in and out here we go cross your fingers bo just knew he's like that's going to make noise isn't it he's preparing himself okay ready bo and now we wait did the drift right work oh yeah did it oh yeah it just needed to be broken in okay and it had a lot of grip like it's way better in the dirt than it is on the pavement but yeah yeah man this thing was gray [Laughter] like just mud oh whoa yeah i hope that sealed good that was the entire car looked like that dude [Applause] yeah inside and out that's what this car looked like that's an aluminum fuel cell people yeah like there we go there we go we need to hose all this off before we even take these loops or anything yeah shout out to matt nab because this is gonna look amazing see we just cut the grill right here get our proper radiator and put that in there the front of the car is gonna look sick that's 18 pounds i'll just stop at 20. we'll take it home be good enough for now thank you milwaukee tools no they didn't pay me to say that this is just a genuinely awesome tool it runs off the same batteries that uh the cordless tools in my garage run off of which is super convenient and you just set the pressure you want and it goes to it i stopped that one early i only put 20 psi on the wheel because i'm you know i'm impatient and uh we'll top it off at the garage but it'll be enough to get it home oh oh wow that needs like a shower yeah when it's cold it doesn't idle very well so we'll let it sit here and run for a minute yeah okay just be ignition and starter everything else should be controlled all right fuel pump's running hey that's cool yeah right oh battery's dead try it [Music] all right keep it running it's spitting something all over the windshield [Music] this thing sounds so weird and i'll never be able to get used to it it may run good but man i missed the sound of the 383 that was in here for sure i need one of these in the 57 not the motor the full handle she's island she seems okay rpm is your friend rpm is your friend this car won't take off from a stoplight under four grand wow [Applause] wow [Music] clutch is aggressive cool all right well you did all right other than get me dirty [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] whoops i watched death metal in the driveway defense wife's gonna be pissed [Music] [Music] all right so here's the story and sadly i don't have video to support this because it happened during a roadkill episode but uh we took this car to the dirt fish rally school and we had the time of our lives roosting around the gravel rally course so much fun steve dulces drove this car tony angelo drove this car david frybreaker drove this car i drove this car just like a complete idiot on the rev limiter everywhere i went using the drift brake like the whole nine yards and at some point i had to make a 90 degree turn into a building and i went wide into some grass to make the turn easier but in that grass was a ditch i couldn't see and taco'd the radiator through the ditch and then when the back of the car went through the ditch peeled the rear valance backwards on it so the body's not as good as it used to be but uh more importantly our ford taurus radiator which by the way shout out to my neighbor robbie who used to live with me next to me um he recommend this for an engine swap because it flows a ridiculous amount of air like it has a giant electric fan on it but it's a very tall radiator it always hung down too far on the car eventually it was gonna get smashed and i finally smashed it so this is gonna come out today and we're going to put in something else that hopefully fits better and doesn't require one two three couplers to mate it to our 2jz engine which has really small inlet and outlet hose diameters so i'm going to get the wires undone i'm going to you're going to make them attempt to drain it somewhere hopefully there's a drain on this late model radiator i don't know [Music] have fun sorry so it's all good just don't look under the car it is trashed like i feel sorry for the transmission and there's there's a giant hole in the in the bottom of the transmission right through the bell housing that i'm just sure this gobs of sand and water went in there to the clutch oh wow why is that there i don't know that's weird okay there's a pet on your side over there there is i see it yeah oh the good news is there's no water left in it it all came out i forgot about that that's why it overheated oh well great yeah i forgot about that that was the reason that the shoot ended for this car was uh i broke the radiator all the water came out and the end oh well so yeah we're good it's a lot easier all right much much cleaner pat myself on the back for that that was forward thinking i knew it needed to be replaced so might as well get all the water out of it ahead of time i like how you tapped the water pipe here for the mount i'm good nothing but the best for death when it's quarter inch thick i mean you can do that yeah when your roll cage is made out of water pipes you can tap it pretty easily where do you see these radiator hoses because uh not only are there a lot of adapters most of those adapters are made up of hose wrapped over hose nice so i have a friend named mark who's worked in the automotive aftermarket for a couple of decades now he saw our last video and was like did you know i work at super winch i was like no info would have been great before i went out and bought them but i tell them i'm like so in the future when they break again i'll just call you because you know the harper freight winch is probably going to break again but only because i didn't buy the extended warranty right i see where you lost all your fluid yeah oh yeah it's right here it's pretty amazing what was this for a nissan altima or something well i forget what it was for something along those lines that joker is a half inch thick hey but it's almost as tall as the other one no we measured we were gonna be like oh man this is so much smaller it's gonna work great this doesn't seem smaller and look how thin it is so there's the bottom of our old radiator uh this one's down here dude the top of the this one the one that's in there is right here oh all right maybe we're all right then i'll reserve judgment until we get it out that's not that's that's the same size as it was in there it is right yeah that's weird we measured we did the summit website lie let's get it out and find yeah clearly this isn't our fault no professionals there don't worry you can't break it any more broke than it already is my plan here is not only fix the radiator but also fix the cosmetics we're gonna cut the grill flush with the bottom of the bumper and then we're going to put a new valance back in there well new to us it's old balance but we're going to make the valance fit because hopefully we're not going to have a radiator hanging down did you know that dave's charger is the same color as this charger originally they both have that same color red firewall who general man oh oh yeah same color same ear same color meant to be oh my god this is all welded welded all the way across what is the thing all this [Laughter] oh all right well i guess we're uh here i got this part though that'll be enough to get it out and then we'll we'll cut that out whoops whoa really good look how big it is yeah but it broke here that's where all your fluid came out it's all busted off yeah plastic well before that happened that was one hell of a fan damn [Applause] i was one hell of a fan until it broke good radiator too this car never ever ran hot that's like the only vehicle in our fleet that's never ran hot that's true until now they tend to run a little warm when there's no water in the cooling system i'm really proud of this this is still holding on i need to find that cover all right so wait a minute am i crazy or is this the same yeah it's the same height it's the same height wait a minute i don't understand why this look it's the same height but it's an inch and a half narrower which is going to suck so does this hang down just like the other one did well yeah what did you do what did you order i ordered the thing you told me to order oh crap no i was drunk that day oh my god well if these bars were gone the front end's gonna fall off if these bars were on a different angle how about that aluminum radiator back there what's that look like that's no this is tall it's the same height so we need the siracco radiator i have one in my house this is shorter it's probably overall height the see the aluminum part of that it's probably that height then grab tools and cut off the grille and the valance at the bumper and we can at least get that fitted on yeah and then deal with the radiator tomorrow this is water pipe we could run it we could just ride it through the cage to the trunk shoot i'm lined right up oh yeah [Music] dude that's nice like that we're totally hooking these up oh yeah all the lights dude that's so much better gotti bolts yeah let me get some i'm gonna get some matching hardware if you just wait [Applause] [Music] all right so you got there's three washers on the bolt and then you've got flat washers and then lock washers and nuts boom let me see yeah so much progress look how good it looks this looks way better he's the bumper yeah but we've never had the outer lights going we've never had a balance or at least not a complete one this looks killer it needs a bumper but uh right now we're gonna drain the oil out of the 2j because it's probably contaminated from all the water and mud that this motor inhaled at dirt fish so that's next thing we need to uh drain the oil out go online try to find an upper timing cover and get rid of the cardboard put the bumper back on radiator in fans and then road test i wish we had turn signals i'd wire up the little the marker lights on the bottom but for right now we'll just make them running running lights one of those motion race works turn signal switches the one on the c10 is not even wired up we could just rob that one and put it on here for now perfect what wait oh do you put in this thing i don't remember i'm sure it's like 5 30 right or something weird yeah this is more like zero it's pretty it moves too quickly it's still got oil there that's good and it is you know it's not black it's brownish i've seen much worse yeah it's not bad like it's not it's not opal funny car kind of milkshake yeah which you guys want to know what that means because the episode of fascia finnegan is not out but we made milkshakes that day all right that's not too bad i'm not even going to cut it open and look for metal because i don't want to know the answer to that uh you're fine the truth is that's a 500 long block other than the turbo and the motec there's nothing really of value there on those brian cams are pretty sweet too but uh the long block itself not very nice i mean if you had metal in it's not like we're gonna do anything about it we're just gonna keep driving yeah yeah i mean it's a lot of work to take that out of the car and then what rip it apart no you just go get another 500 long block not worth rebuilding i mean it is worth rebuilding if it's not catastrophic but when you can get another 500 long block you don't bother rebuilding the 500 long block you have you set it aside for much later when you run out of 500 long box then you take it apart alright so what is the difference between this one and like a turbo motor so i'm not an expert on this at all but here's what i can remember from the research i did and talking to jmr at real street performance this is a 2jz inline 6 ge motor the ge is non-turbo from the factory and there were two variants of that there was ge with variable valve timing ge without it and then there's gte which is the turbo motor if you can afford it the turbo motor is the one that you want because it has better connecting rods better pistons the compression ratio is lower it's made for boost problem is if you try to buy one of those right now the prices have gone through the roof a motor that used to be like 2 500 years ago is now five six seven thousand dollars there a lot however the ge is cheap i paid 500 bucks for that long block and that's because it came in more cars like you could have got this in like a lexus sc 400 yeah because then this one have a lexus right here yeah that came out of a lexus and so this motor not built for boost you want to be careful with it because the connecting rod is the weak link of this motor but you can safely boost this to like 12 13 pounds of boost and make 450 at the tires and it'll live all day long all we did to this motor was we put some brian crawer cams in it some valve springs we put the turbo head gasket in it which is a little thicker and it drops the compression ratio a little bit and then we added a precision turbo and a motec to control it the motec i think is the key to the fun in this motor in this car because this is not a light car this is not a motor that makes big torque down low a because it's small and b because it has a turbo but with the variable valve timing being controlled by the motec we get a good amount of mid-range and low torque out of this and so the long block is cheap the efi is expensive but i think if you have a heavy car and you're used to v8 torque you want the more expensive efi to control the vertical lap timing so that you can have the torque um and it takes getting used to like coming from a v8 and then driving this like you have to get used to when you take off from a stop light rpm is your friend like it's gonna sound like you're that jerk next door just revving his motor for no reason but you need 4000 rpm to get this thing moving you know otherwise it just kind of you know just kind of bucks and stalls and you know you look like an idiot um and once you get used to the fact that this thing is totally happy being on a rev limiter dude fireballs are your friend like when i went around dirt fish i just kept putting my foot to the floor and just bouncing it off the red blender and eventually you know coming from the v8 world i don't want to hear a v8 on a rev limiter it just sounds like it's going to be bad news i did that all day in this car and it did not break like eventually you go oh all right that's kind of fun yeah so that's why i swapped the 2j like if you guys at home if you're wondering why did i put a 2j and a 68 charger i'll tell you why the 383 was heavy it didn't make great power and it was unhappy from the get-go when i bought it and so it needed to come apart this was cheaper it weighs about 100 pounds less and it makes about 200 horsepower more than that 3d3 that was in here and so now i have a car that doesn't look like every other charger out there it doesn't sound like every other charger and it's really fun to drive how big is the turbo i don't remember 70 something i'm guessing 76 i don't know i'd have to go back and watch the roadkill episode and this made how much at the tire we made like 5 20 at the tire and then we turned it down um and so it's making like 450 or 60 right now at the tire so it's a 600-ish horsepower motor right now with bolt-ons which is sweet and if we put it if we put a set of connecting rods in this long block we could turn it up to like eight or 900 and it would be happy so maybe one day maybe that's next or maybe we fix the suspension of the steering so it's you know less deadly let's do that first because i know the trans will probably take it the rear axle will definitely take it so yeah so once we get the suspension lined out let's let's turn it up yeah yeah because it's a handful right now like it doesn't need 800 horsepower it's better steering home stretch we have changed the oil we've removed the old radiator which is way broken uh put on the new valance cut the grille in half remounted the front bumper so it actually fits right we are waiting for our new radiator to arrive so in the meantime a little more maintenance uh this is the old k n reusable air filter that was on it it's filthy even with sunglasses on i can i can tell this needs cleaning so we're gonna clean it and then long term i think we need to mount this inside the car like make a 180 out of the turbo and go right back through the firewall like one of those mud trucks david always falls in loves with and talks about constantly like we should have one even though we don't have one probably not going to have one um but you know still cool i'll start cleaning and we're out of there i got you we will have one one day it's coming oh there we go right here you want to make sure you got your protective eyewear on you want to move in a conical pattern that's been scientifically proven by no one to be very effective at blowing out an air filter from the inside out trust me on this i haven't done the research at all which means i know what i'm talking about because this is youtube everybody on youtube's an expert i'm sure the folks at k n would love us to oil this when we're done do you have the oil nah all right okay not happening nor do i have any more pantyhose oddly enough how did tony angelo have pantyhose to cover this up is that weird yeah yeah we'll let the internet decide tony newburn has been fashioning a new air intake that's going to take the inlet of the turbo and move it inside the cab of the charger which is going to be great because although that is pretty well ventilated it's way better in the cab than it is the engine compartment inside the engine compartment when you go off-roading that port 2j is just inhaling everything dirt mud all of it so we're going to tig weld some aluminum mandrel bends here today this is four inch diameter it's about it's about 80 thousandths thick of course that could be a part where i'm just measuring where it got cut yeah it's about 80 000 sticks new tools and people don't want to shout out um this is a metal gauge from genuine metal works my buddy eric makes these he also makes these cool squares that you can use i don't have one in front of me but for building things that you want to clamp down to your table and make sure you've got right angles going you know like when we built our welding table it would have been really cool to have his squares um and so i got some of those he sent me this as well um i got a tungsten sharpener finally if you guys have been here since the beginning of this channel you remember i had a 20 grinder bolted to the wall that i got from harbor freight that thing finally wore out and died and they don't make them anymore so i broke down and i bought this i bought it for a couple of reasons i was tired of getting up from the welding table to go somewhere to clean and sharpen my tungsten after i dipped it into the puddle and since i'm a mediocre welder that happens fairly often and this is portable it sits here at the table it has several features it's got a billet head on here the top of it you can use to knock the end of the tungsten off and then the side of it you put it in here and you turn it and it's got a diamond wheel in there that spins off this motor and it will sharpen the tungsten it's fully adjustable i got it from ck worldwide i think i paid somewhere around i want to say 299 bucks something like that um with a battery a charger the tool and the head for it um and it works really great i've had it for a couple months and i'm stoked on it and hasn't worn out yet and it's the same brand of tool we have in throughout the shop so this battery works for everything else so ah let's see we're gonna be welding with the miller dynasty 280 dx ac mode obviously because this is aluminum uh like i said this is about eight thousands thick so i'm going to put it right at about 80 amps and uh we'll get this tacked together and mock it up on the car make sure it's good and then we'll burn it in finally after i fix the tungsten from the last time i dipped it watch this so just sit that right there it's got holes for various size tungstens this is 332nd so i just knocked the end of it off there i don't know if you can see it with an iphone but it's pretty blunt and i'm welding aluminum and there's two ways there's two ways to prep the tungsten there you can either ball the end of it um or you can put a fairly blunt tip on it um i used to ball it all the time and then someone turned me on to not balling it and just putting a blunt tip on it and that seems to work pretty good i think when you're learning to weld some of that stuff matters more than others like eventually so here's the tip i just ground off this is what it's going to look like after you start welding an aluminum it's going to ball it irregardless so like i said i've just been sharpening it and then welding and it balls automatically so there's that but if you did want to sharpen this more you know say you're welding stainless or something and you or you know mild steel and you wanted a sharper tip you would just put it in there turn it with your hands and it comes out sharper and you want it a little more push on it some more cool huh so i usually before i weld anything i'll prep two or three of these if i'm gonna be welding for a few hours because i know i'm gonna dunk this in the puddle at some point or run into the work piece and so this makes it quick and easy is it cheap no but it is effective and it does save a lot of time no more getting up from the table in the middle of a weld joint to uh you know fix your tungsten we also learned that the wire care zip tie holder is absolutely perfect for holding scrap pieces of filler out there oh yeah we add more than one of these and so one of them on the other side of shop is full of zip ties of various size this is full of leftover and scrap pieces of filler rod so this corner of the shop is getting good and i'm getting better as a result you know i'm not professional by any means and you know let's be clear i never went to school for welding everything i know i learned from friends and from youtube so take everything i say with a grain of salt but i am getting better i almost forgot you can also cut the tungsten off with this thing you just lay it in here on its side up against the edge of the wheel see that groove we're putting in there you can groove it and then you can break it off you put my gloves on cause it's getting warm we'll get over here [Music] like if you've really screwed up your tungsten you can groove it break it off because a lot of times especially when you're welding aluminum if you run this into the work piece and it blows up it's going to throw stuff further up the shaft of the tungsten then you can grind off so you break it off there and then grind it and then go sharpen it and you're ready to go again tungsten's really freaking hard i used to have all these other ways of shortening it and breaking it off you know i i'd hold it over the edge of a table and smack the end of it with a hammer and a lot of times i'd end up bending the tungsten as opposed to breaking it off clean so this is killer you know i now have tungsten that's clean and doesn't have stuff stuck to the the side of it from when i last time i dipped it [Music] [Music] there's a little update for you guys we're still waiting on a radiator that hasn't arrived mostly because i screwed up and ordered a fan and a shroud and not a radiator which did arrive so in the meantime we are finishing up our air inlet tube which is looking good new burner is about to punch a four inch hole through the firewall right there with that four inch hole saw right there and then that will allow the charge tube to bend down here and then our k n air filter will be inside the passenger compartment which it will get dirty i mean there's holes everywhere in here but the holes in here are much smaller than all the holes up here so it's gonna be better what would cousin any do in a time like this [Music] yep put a hole in the firewall of a 1968 dodge charger that's what he would do and then he checked to make sure that the pooper is not full [Music] it's impressive that you got that in there yeah you see how i did that right i won't remember but i got video evidence if i ever need to take it apart nice perfect big hole we are getting close to recap this is our old radiator this is for a ford taurus it has a monster fan and uh it was great it cooled really well right up until the part where the bottom part of it that hung under the bumper i smashed into the ground bending it in half and breaking this plastic radiator so clearly too big for what we needed uh so we went all the way to the other side of the spectrum there we went from a radiator that was way too big to a radiator that is arguably too small however fits in our charger this is made by griffin you can also get this from other suppliers like afco basically it's a vw sirocco style radiator real close to the dimensions of a volkswagen sirocco radiator but all aluminum with a fan this is really made for drag racing is it enough to cool the 2jz i don't know but we're going to find out because this is what we could find and overnight from summitracing.com because tomorrow we're going to go test the car and there was literally nothing else at all at our local parts stores or on summit that would fit in here and that we could also get today so we're going to custom mount this bad boy in the car we're going to wire up a clutch switch dave's going to stop coughing and then we're going to shoot fireballs and go drive this you got morona i could see the cobia coming right past the camera so we're going to um when dave stops being allergic to radiator installation we're gonna put this in we're gonna wire up a clutch switch and then we're gonna go test drive the car again um now is it gonna handle better no it's not it's literally the same stuff we had in the car before but it should stop overheating and look how much better it looks and a better looking front end sheet metal wise has to mean better performance wise for you know the front suspension right that's what i'm telling myself either way we're just going to shoot two jay-z fireballs and have fun i don't know i thought it was funny let's just roll with that whole thing just okay give the people what they want they want to hear dave's perfect they want to hear the exact moment that dave brought the rona into fit against garage that was it right there got it i've made it through two years without getting it yet it's all over it's amazing it's all over now it's amazing yeah you know what i like about this radiator it's welded together by people who are no better than me look that's where he that's where he ran his tungsten into the workpiece and look over here that's where they ran the tungsten to the work piece that's the giveaway folks when you see black soot right there that's where you're tig welding and you run your tungsten into the work piece or you've run the filler rod into the tungsten it looks like that we at least clean it after you do that yeah i mean i try to hide it yeah these people whoever made this griffin radiator were like whatever nobody cares um it looks okay though i mean it looks like i welded it i don't think it's gonna leak and uh should be fine you know i'm gonna leave that there people think i built it it just just turns this up a little bit jay uh from real street performance who tuned this motor and installed the camshafts hasn't seen the car since we put the motor in and believe it or not it looked a lot better back then he's a little filthy now so before he sees it i'm just gonna church it up a little bit and uh great thing about stainless steel is you just hit it with scotch brite it's like brand new again um the steel tractor flappers and the steel gusset that got put there i can't do anything about that but this right here i can at least make look slightly better until we encounter more mud i want to keep him happy so that he'll put the verbal tune in it for when we want to shoot fireballs [Music] you wanna you wanna polish the intake as well yeah i might trick that up a little bit my mother may wanna go for ride this car you never know [Music] so people always ask i always see comments about this tube right here and like people don't understand that they think it's fake but this is actually the like the that's the puke tank the whole time tank for the engine right there so it's cool so this thing's cool right this is uh this is the door bar out of blasphemy a door bar that was 20 thousands too thin in terms of wall thickness so it was illegal so we took it out of the car lean it up against the wall and um i don't know at one point i did it but i just decided that door bar would make a great puke tank so we welded some tubing on it so we could clamp the filters to it welded in a bung there on each side for our dash 10 and when we had a v8 we had two hoses going to it and then if you look real close drain right there there's a drain right there so you unbolt one side of it swing it up and then drain it and then put it back down there that's the strut bar puke tank [Music] that's also the cardboard upper timing ever by fitting in speed and rain well i got some beauties of it you need a great marker it's holding up good petting that's holding up good it looks good i'll switch up the intake and then we can put the hood on fire it up and pack it outside what are you going to use no you're going to use that oh yeah oh god i mean well it was polished yeah i would just use some maybe some windex and some paper towels you're about to i was about to make it match that one yeah you were because that looks great the brush look i'm i'm into it oh i do like that you know it doesn't look good but i'll all right for now i'll just i wouldn't [Music] it looked great for when it was wet when it was wet and [Music] it's funny because like the people that worked on this car have pretty high standards you know this engine swap happened at the hands of kevin smith from ksr i wouldn't say he's perfectionist but he's got high standards uh jaymar from real estate performance real high standards and then there was me and tony angelo who put it all in there and then uh went all right see you guys we're going to dirt fish and we just bombed through mud with it and it's you know trashed the only clean shiny parts are the brand new ones we just put in there like the radiator and that's really the key to being happy folks is stop caring about the appearance of your automobile and if you want to feel better about yourself and your car just buy some new shiny parts and bolt them right next to the rusty crappy ones that are already there like that radiator which is next to and surrounded by a lot of rust look at this oh boy like i'm cleaning this knowing we're going off-roading tomorrow and it's just gonna get hammered i do the same thing with my side-by-side like my i power wash it and clean it up real good before i get there and then within five seconds it's destroyed see i never do this i'm only doing this because we're gonna see jaymar tomorrow and uh the guys you know got standards i did clean the bumper that uh that looks great it does see that's the difference like if your car is filthy don't wash the entire car just clean the wheels and tires oh yeah definitely that's like you clean the wheels and tires in the windows of any automobile it looks like you detailed the whole thing for the most part from 20 feet away there there's your tip of the week you gonna do the headlights i'm gonna do the windshield too that's the inside i already did the outside i'm not doing that every car is climbing back in that car and this is the worst car ever to climb you notice that's as far as i could reach this clean spot right here now that they all light up might as well make them clean so they work right oh my god dude there's so much foot on these lights we're here dare you to like spray wax that quick detail the whole car i'll arm roll the top the top's final i know do we hit this with tomorrow [Applause] and now i gotta know you're gonna know what you're gonna arm all the roof of the car yeah i'll watch well you know like a lot of off-roaders they'll spray armor on the bottom of their trucks and stuff and it keeps the mud from sticking i thought that just attracted the dirt and made it stick i mean i could be backwards maybe that's wd-40 i don't know i dare you to clean the roof i'll do it all right here's darren too and i'm doing it there she is new cooling system new air inlet pipe new radiator hoses dude it's it's legit now like a new valence on the front like the bumper's remounted the grille has been cut like we redid all this we've hooked up the extra headlights and now we it's gonna have a harder time swallowing mud and whatever else we encounter tomorrow we go to iron mountain off road park a place we've never been to and that as far as i know right now has a motocross track and i don't know what else i just hope there's some dirt roads and trails we can blast around on we're bringing all the goodies we're bringing this up aside we're bringing this we might bring a motorcycle we're bringing friends [Laughter] we're bringing somebody that can tune this thing if it needs it yep i don't think it's gonna need it but we now have a functioning clutch switch which we haven't had yet on this car which means once jay puts the right tune in there with the clutch switch yeah yeah bang bang bang bang fireballs hook up the sway bar i'll put this on and go for a test drive start hear a fuel pump [Music] [Music] all right we got 13 bolts 55 pounds fuel pressure it's alive it sounds cool ah dude i love this car i loved it when i bought it i fell out of love with it when the 383 started to suck then we put a 2jz in it i love it again didn't want to idle [Music] oh that tune needs some work when it's cold wipey's going to be so excited about all the smoke [Music] all right i think i can get out on the lift or oh yeah you got room i forgot how much the heat distorts the view through the windshield i'll laugh if you just plow down every snowman that would be awesome [Music] i can hear the air filter i'm like what's that noise i can hear it sucking right there oh yeah so the downside of the exhaust being right there is you're gonna inhale it yeah yeah yeah when tony and i took the road trip for the roadkill shoot we ended up putting dryer dusting on that putting it on top of the roof oh my i can see why yeah that's bad already in the first 30 seconds we'll just go to the gas station yeah as cool as that is we might have to change that at some point okay which is a shame because well there's a hole in the hood it's surprising your ride's good yeah dude the ride is really good the um the steering sucks it won't return to center and um and the handling is not great it understeers real bad but on the dirt it's a lot of fun yeah so that was like half throttle and it spun the tires dude whoa okay that was pretty cool holy crap i wasn't expecting that yeah once the boost hits just hold on no engine likes the rev limiter but for whatever reason this engine doesn't care when you put it on the rev limiter it's just like yeah whatever what else we got [Music] [Laughter] it's so crazy so it's so weird oh my god hello let's climb out our window i guess oh gosh i really can guess that's weird oh god it's leaking right there oh that's probably what i was saying right away doesn't look like it's coming from the fittings it almost looks like it's coming from the base gasket maybe right next to the battery that's fun wait hold on it's right there where is this correct that's what correct i saw a bubble yeah look i like the light up a little bit yeah right there here's what we can do though so this is a surge tank there's a little tiny pump right there taking the fuel cell and pumping it into this we just unbolt this and put it in here what i'm saying bypass the surge tank completely just make sure this is full okay [Music] because we don't have time to drain this fill it with water get all the fumes out and weld it tonight no yeah how cool is that thing it should always both be full it comes but overflows right here right right where does that go oh no that's the inlet that's the only where's the overflow go right here it comes oh oh yeah overflows to here and goes there except this is leaking so it's gonna fill up all of this like and then come out this wouldn't be better to have it in in there and come out there so it's not yeah like having to fill up all of everything above that yep that makes a lot of sense this is full i like the idea behind having the surge tank um the thing about it is there's just one more thing to go wrong you know oh yeah look nah it's coming out of here yeah i think this thing might be loose oh the gasket's gone look what oh i see what it is yeah he trimmed the gasket around this thing because this was in the way and that's what's leaking i always need to let's snug it real good and like i said if we just swap well either way either we can just put this over there just get rid of that all together or all right as long as it doesn't blow up on the way home you know awesome we can fix it i mean just because it's mounted directly next to the battery doesn't mean we're in trouble [Music] [Applause] [Music] at least you can see pretty good yeah these are way better than they were before oh yeah this works way good now oh oh oh steering radius is not as good as it could have been [Music] you have to wear a mask when you ride [Music] look it's done and we've gone outside of the garage we are here at iron mountain off-road park in delonga dalaniga dahlonegas how you saying georgia georgia i'm new to georgia i'm still learning this stuff and uh in the next episode of finnigan's garage you're going to see us rip this thing around this park in the meantime just enjoy the sights and the views of 2jz powered charger held together by bailing wire and duct tape [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Finnegan's Garage
Views: 887,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mvkSFA0Z1b4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 21sec (3441 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 09 2022
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