Is This Still Baldur's Gate 3's Most UNSTOPPABLE Party?

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I on a quest to prove just how strong the least played class the cleric is in bold escape and to do that I have respect every character in my party to be a different type of cleric and plan to play through the entire game with a full team of god-loving battle demons aka the Army and they put it in the words of joat bust down Tat's door and demand her lunch money we have just finished act one and ready to step into act two if you want to see how act one went and want to see the events that led up to act 2 check out the video link in the description below now since act one was considerably easy I thought we should ramp up the difficulty of act two to tactician just to give the amen a real challenge now let's not waste any more time in the pleasantries and jump straight in what's on your mind so one of the first things I did before we continued on was respect everyone and change their ability Improvement score and ensure everybody is left with even numbers because I found through the comment section on my previous video that leaving everybody on odd numbers or leaving ability points on odd numbers doesn't do anything for your character unless you intend on upgrading it later so I ensured to round everyone down to even numbers and so in order to do that I changed tier Gail will and carac wisdom to 18 and Constitution to 14 and just to throw it out also ensured Gail was now worshiping mistra which obviously just makes makes sense for him thanks for pointing that out uh comment section now let's continue on this adventure I decided that I'd go back through the mountain path I actually hadn't gone through the mountain path on my my very first run so I wanted to see what was there so we ran into lady Esther who wanted us to steal a Gian egg and once inside you could simply P an egg we declined and said that we we weren't going to let her do this cuz you know this doesn't really line up with with what clerics do so you know she attacked us it was five against one because we had scratch there with us and you know it was a little bit cruel we ended up using holds on her and yeah we uh she couldn't do anything and we just just killed her we looted her and then continued on our way we went up this hill which was covered in repulse mines and then we were attacked by these Ghouls and a couple of death Shepherds now at first I was a little bit cocky and I wasn't quite really mentally prepared for the fact that we're playing on tactician and nearly lost the fight straight out of the gates because I wasn't paying attention and wasted a lot of time and concentration spells canceling each other out and I wasn't really focusing my efforts on attacking and killing the Shepherds so they kept Reviving the ghouls on top of each other which was really just stripping us down of our spell slots I even messed up and got carac [Music] killed luckily Spirit weapons were able to save the day and I had to use my first scroll to revive carac can bring her back to so I realized now that tactician was going to be a lot harder than what I was used to so couldn't afford to make any silly mistakes like this again next we explored some more and I ran into elminster who told G mis's plan for him I'm here on behalf of mist the message and the charge I bring you are hers which pretty much meant that he had to go nuclear and take out the absolute next we ventured forth and found this lift however instead of taking the lift across the way I decided to go underneath it you know just in case there was any cool loot to find along the way but unfortunately we found nothing but this really annoying bird the drunk lizards day aren't hard to catch we then continued into the church where the giank had established their crash instead of going through the front door though we crept around the side and found a hord of drunk Cobalts with the upper hand we attacked now Our intention was to use some fire and attack this barrel and cause an explosion however there was actually a cobal inside of it which unfortunately woke everyone up and started the attack however with spe weapons and lots and lots of fire we managed to clean them up and move on and we continued to explore the outside of the churches and found our way in we walked into this room to find it full of not so Invisible Cats now thinking tier might be able to talk to them I walked in however they ended up attacking us now this was an interesting fight because they did strange things when we used magic like spawn other big cats now I initially thought it might not be best to use magic but the damage was kind of already done the big cats were already spawned and I really need to use some AOE magic to take out the numbers thankfully we managed to take them out pretty easily and then we harvested all their tals sorry cats we continued through the church and made our way inside we walked into the Gian camp and we'll stopped at the door State your purpose quickly luckily we're able to convince them that we're friendly and they let us through very well perhaps Inquisitor wgaz could use the aid of an adventurer we witnessed their training exercise and decided to accept their challenge our opponent surrendered before the fight but we had to stab him anyway though we did let him live we continued to explore and met the gith Yan scientist SL healer was still we told her about our Tad Poes and she said she could remove him if we sat in this janky thing it waits for something when we sat in the machine it started to do its work but things were not very good for tear I've got a bad feeling about this and then he couldn't escape however the chair suddenly exploded thanks to the stranger then we convinced castil we couldn't remember anything at all and then she leaves us alone but I have no use for gibbering idiots leave me next we met with a gith Yankee KRA thein who was really sus on us about the artifact do you have it so we managed to dodge the conversation I wasn't too sure if we could survive a fight against all the GI in this building so we promptly left and decided to start our journey into the shadow of cursed lands when we first stepped through we were greeted by a goblin who believed us to be true souls and we were meant to be guided through the Shadows with torches in hand we ventured into the darkness and met with the other absolute cultist apparently we were meant to have something to summon the guide which miara had on her did you bring the liar but honestly I didn't really know what she was talking about so we decided to leave it for the in before going there I knew it would be best to meet with the Harpers who are out on patrol so we found them and help them fight off the Shadows after helping the Harpers with the Shadows they L us into the Inn where jir greeted us she was very sus on us so we were forced to tell our story and with mole's help we'll let in he's the one who saved us after carac fangu we proceeded to sell a lot of stuff and buy everyone some new equipment and Potions plus some purple die for G's armor got to keep him fashionable we long rested where we were met with maora who asked the arrest an asset from moonrise Towers a devil and a powerful one at that so we convinced her the release will of his contract if we do hson also told us a bit about the boy named thanel Hills linked with the shadow curse we then looted every piece of food and alcohol I could find in the Inn because as you know we need as much food as possible on tactician long rests we also ran into Raphael who was playing chess with mul and had an unusual tendency to be invisible during the dialogue after speaking with Jiro we went upstairs and talk to Isabel then Marcus appeared we decided to protect our new cleric friend and combat started now I knew this was going to be a tough fight as I struggled it with it in my first run although you can't necessarily fail it uh I wanted to make sure that we protected Isabel however we did have one major problem I actually didn't pay attention to the new armor that I just bought to Gail and I didn't realize he couldn't use it effectively which prevented him from using magic so he had to embrace his in wrestler and fight in his underpants luckily they were pretty fashionable now the ability to heal everyone with healing word was very useful at keeping Isabel alive and we made great use of spirit weapons and spirit Guardians by the end of the first round Marcus was on half health so we're looking pretty good on the next round we used turn Undead and all the spirit Guardians to take out most of the ghouls that were up on the Upper Floor threatening Isabelle's life which pretty much left Marcus on his own so we all beat down on him and then finished off the remaining flying Terrors who were littered throughout the end after that fight I immediately got Gail's old armor back and died at the same purple because you know got to keep him fashionable then we upgraded heart which allowed her and tear to hug a so sweet that night though we were met with catus Fel again who wished us to kill Isabel now I for sure did not want to do that so we told him to beat it who knows who you might kill next if you do not satisfy your urge next it was time for us to Ambush the absolute cultists who were meant to guide us earlier I went separately to the Harpers at first to see what I could do to disadvantage them however they weren't there for us to engage with but I did realize that the object that we were meant to have was a liar that minara had on her and I had this in Camp storage I tried playing it at the location that we were meant to call the guardian but it no longer work so I figured the absolutist are probably already gone so we went back to the Ambush location and laid in wait once the Convoy had appeared I revealed myself to them and convince him to drop the lantern is your will we can have it then immediately signaled the Ambush Cal used Missy step to quickly get in there and pick up the Lantern and then we make quick work of the absolute cultist however the spider guy was quite annoying we had to wait for his protection to go away before we could hit him or hit him with AOE attacks unfortunately he was able to kill carac making this her second death but we used Revival P to get her back into the fight then proceeded to beat down on him we released the pixie and got her blessing to enter the deeper area of the curse in that coffin with no one but a rider and my own farts company and strangely will leveled up before everyone else for his level seven we made sure to give him guardians of Faith which basically will add another Ally into the battlefield now before we continue deeper into the curse land I wanted to make sure I had explored everywhere in the ruin Battlefield so we went into this abandoned house and with scratch assistance we found un covered some Buried Treasure and we continued to go under the house where we found the group of mean loocks I tried to sneak up on them to get the advantage but scratch gave us away so we ended up having to fight them after the fight the remainder of the party leveled up and ensured everyone had access to Guardian of Faith after that we continued to explore and I realized that I was down to one of my last lockpicks so I was really starting to get worried about lock all these lock chests that we're finding basically one of the downsides of not having a rogue or any one with high decks in your party this path led us to the cell underneath Inn and as you would expect it was filled to the brim with booze this will come in handy later once we had finished there we went back to the inn and found Council of Floric who was going to head back to Boulders gate and ask for help we also found this guy who was sleep singing and knew something about thanel so we went and got hson apparently we needed something further to help wake him up which was located at the house of healing we needed well done we set out to the ruin Battlefield once more and fought these two groups of Shadow cursed Roots which didn't stand much of a chance against Gail's [Music] fireballs we also long rested and will wanted to dance with tear you know tear is not really that interested in will so we had to witness the most gut-wrenching rejections I have ever seen oh I mean yes of course the sun only rests for so long honestly I have felt so bad for will we spoke to he who was who asked us to find this journal perhaps this one could assist us then we fought the ever annoying measles who like to teleport people all over the place luckily tier could see them because you know his invisible eye thingy so that allowed us to have first strike which gave us a huge Advantage Plus guardians of Faith made it hard for him to get the leash on us they did manage to make off with Gale so we chased them down and finished them off next we crossed the bridge and went into the toll housee and ran into Garing off Thorn I somehow missed this on my first run so I was actually quite interested to see how this would go out we started the conversation with with her but that didn't really go any way positive so we started the fight now I was actually quite worried because she has a substantial amount of health and she did Kill TI in her very first turn and like literally just wiped him out car revived here with a scroll and Gale banished her so we could gather our strength again now I thought that maybe the safe had something to do with the curse but it turns out it only contained a single piece of gold so that was a bit of a dead end Gango returned and killed tier again and brought all the skulls in closeup that made me realize that the skulls probably had something to do with her curse so we'd use turn of Undead AOE spells and spirit weapons to take them down as quickly as we could after killing them all her health had dropped significantly so I threw absolutely everything I had at her and then we managed to defeat her although Tia didn't really do too much for us in this fight afterwards we found the shield which worked perfectly with tear spell Chala thank you YouTube comment section if you've enjoyed this video so far I'd appreciate if you gave it a thumbs up and if you want to see more videos like this by me and subscribe to the channel so I also remembered that I should probably go find Oliver so we went to his house on the the hill and played hide-and-seek unfortunately we lost the game but we did beat his shadow family anyway with that squ away we went to the bar to find FAL Thorn now we refused to participate in his drinking game and decided to fight him instead Wills called lightning and spirit Guardians did some massive work on him so we beat him pretty easily after finishing off the remaining Undead we continued to the house of healing along the way we ran into Arabella who was looking for her parents we agreed to find them and went into the hospital where we found arabella's parents death arabella's father we continued inside to witness this doctor performing some surgery now on my previous run I actually didn't see this dialogue option as I attacked straight away so I was quite interested to see how this would go now after some dialogue he told us that he wanted to experiment on us but luckily being clerics we knew a little bit about Shar and law so he wanted the sisters to do some experimenting on us we rolled an that 20 and convinced him that he was the only one the sisters could perform their experiments on as he was the only true worshipper of sh in the room which led us of this [Music] scene come sisters soothe [Music] [Music] me honestly was not expecting that at all we continued up the hill to the Temple of sha before entering Raphael appeared and asked us to kill the demon inside we agreed since we were going in there anyway once inside and after we managed to work out this very easily puzzle we ran into this door and my lack of lockpicks um was really starting to stand out so we tried to find other methods to get us through however tier accidentally stood on the Trap which set off all this Shadow around us which was slowly killing us after some time fumbling through the Shadows we managed to block off the vents which allowed us to live a little bit longer while everyone who could lowered the four lamp in the corners which seemed to make the fog disappear so after this we disarmed all the traps so this wouldn't happen again now I spent too much time trying to work this out at this point so I used one of Gail's Fireballs to blow up the door in the caves outside the temple tear spotted the cloaker with his eye so we attacked on it giving us the advantage and quickly killed it and moved on we busted down the doors to the next room and found a swarm of rats surrounding a sh Shrine TI talked to one of them and found out they were quite mean so we attacked them there were quite a few but you know Spirit Guardians pretty much exterminated that rat problem another one appeared and begged us for forgiveness and revealed to us a secret cash we continued on and was greeted by these Undead who believed us to be true Souls before we could meet with their Master we were attacked by Sharon ghosts now in this fight these portals appear which were super easy to destroy with guarding bolt though something strange was happening every time tier attacked one of the Sharon ghosts he will take damage too which did eventually knock him down after that we defeated them we met with basar who commanded us to find the nights on clear the path for me by blade cunning or whatever it takes we agreed to with the intention to betray of course we pressed on deeper into the temple and saw the rats again now I thought they were might have been leading us to the secret stash that we mentioned before but apparently we followed them into their den which pissed them right off so we ended up having to fight the hord of rats now of course this was pretty easy all the rats had one Health and we had Spirit Guardians all we had to do was walk around in circles and they would pretty much just die after killing them this Sharon dark justi here spawned apparently he was divided into many many rats he wasn't very happy about being human again so he wanted to find us after we killed him we continued to explore the ruins now I need to up on a long rest so I took this opportunity to tell Arabella about her parents she wasn't very happy to hear about this get away from me go next we went deeper into the ruins and found the demon and his followers we also found his fed displacer now I did hear that you could turn the displacer against the demon if you went through the right dialogue with it and after looking the spider Gail wasn't too pleased about witnessing that if what is happening is what I think is happening and it's because you licked a dead spider the time might just have come when you and I should split ways we learned that the displacer was being Charmed we revealed this information to it but failed the role and it attacked us initiating combat this turned out to be one of the hardest fights so far the displacer was hard fight in itself and we had the fight it before the demon yuger came into the fight now I was able to use tear Spike overgrowth to block the way in which likely stopped Yuga from coming through and a lot of his maragon followers this allowed us to bite the displacer without too much of a problem the displacer was tough and at one point did knock down will and teleported him into the spike growth which pretty much killed him at this point I thought it'd be best that we use potions of speed on tiar and Gale as our knew things were not looking very good for us after some time we managed to defeat the SP of a beast since it tried attacking and teleporting the guardian of Faith an idiot which melted it but we were not quite out of the woods yet yugu was still there not passing the [ __ ] growth and become distracted by the guardian of Faith allowing us to kill most of the remaining meron luckily most of them have tried walking through the [ __ ] growth which half the health making it very easy for us to kill them however at this point we're not doing too well and we're running very very low on spell slots we managed to revive will and then start taking Hot Shots at yuger he did eventually jump over the [ __ ] growth and begin to wreck havoc he incapacitated gal in one attack and finished will off again we used Mass healing will to revive Gail and healed carac and teer once more but on his next turn yuar knocked down Gail again we revived will once more and had carac get up close in personal will was knocked down again followed by car leaving tier the only one alive things were not looking very good and yugas still had a quarter Health left luckily there were still two spirit weapons alive one absorbed an attack which probably saved here from being targeted the other one landed a crit on Yuga bringing him down to 17 Health this caused Yuga to scatter the ground with explosives T shot the explosives which brought yuger down to 5 health and to keep him safe we used a potion of invisibility while tier was invisible Yer did finish will and carock off thankfully because TI was invisible he was able to get the advantage and managed to kill yuger very very stressful after looting everyone we continued to complete the three Gauntlet trials plus fought the Sharon ghosts in the library and after that fight we turned to level eight giving us another feat now I gave each member a different feat just to mix it up a little bit and experiment with different Feats I hadn't used before but here I gave him warcaster gaale I gave him magic initiate wizard you know to line up with his Wizarding Origins KHAK I gave Marshall Adept which I felt worked well with her War doain background and will got Sentinel at this point we had all of the orbs and we could use the lift of the S down further into the ruins and into the waters where N Night song is after we emerged Bazar appeared and we followed him down now I know this to be one of the most challenging fights in the game in my first run it took me several attempts because they kept pushing my party into the abyss so let's see how we go with a full party of clerics your Patron will not hear your prayers when I add you to my undying retinue godling so I managed to get most of the party in the Middle with Misty step and managed to turn basar away which kept us safe from him for a couple turns terms however gal was pushed off by a skeleton though he had to be revived only to be put to sleep and incapacitated again will was able to make good use of coining shatter and I storm taking at large numbers of enemies while tier and carac used turn Undead and spirit Guardians to take out the undead who had gathered in the middle of the map without too much difficulty we beat basar and the undead although I really wish gaale could have had more impact in this fight especially because he has a huge array of AOE spells but well we did manage to succeed Once balar Was Defeated we released Night song who charged towards the moonrise Towers when we exited the temple Shadow heart confronted us and she was not happy mainly because we did all of this without her in the party and she wasn't very happy about missing out so ultimately she left the party which was a little bit sad because you know we like Shadow heart you would be wise to forget me I can only hope I one day forget you so next up it was time to charge in the moonrise Towers but before I did I wanted to make sure I squared a few things off we gave he who knows the journal and he performed his ritual on the dead halfling during the ritual we forgave her which he wasn't really too happy about so he attacked us after beating him I wanted to take the loot we found from malis Thor to hon when we got to the Inn we were greeted by Isabel at this point the urge was really trying to get us to kill her but tiar resisted the urge and we continue the wake up art color who informed us about thanel being alive whenever I saw thanel I always smelled lavender at this point I needed a long rest and celus fell appeared it wasn't very approving that we didn't kill Isabelle and he said that while we slept we were going to kill will who cotrus thought to be tier's favorite companion technically it would have been Shadow her but since since she left us so I guess will was second pick despite us heartlessly rejecting his advances I do not doubt you will act with a decorum befitting one of your rank a good night sweet Lord after celus fell left the urge really wanted us to kill will but we managed to resist the UR urge and do some great DTS rolls and woke him up we explained to will everything that was happening and he he was very happy to help us he tied us up when we passed out and we managed to resist the urge but does this mean that we've bested the urge I guess we will see all control is gone when we woke we had to protect hon as he fetched that manual from the dark shadowy area I still don't quite understand it now this was pretty easy we just got gal to use a firewall on this side of the map and pretty much all the enemies would run straight into it and burn themselves alive next I explored a little bit more and made my way into the of healings Mor fought the zombies inside and used some poison resist potions Misty step and Scrolls of flying to fly down to the pit where we're attacked by some Ooze and some armor we pressed on after a long rest and found this Shack by the water where we were ambushed by a large group of cursed kuur thanks to all the AOE spells that we have we made very quick work of them all we then explored the Mason Guild and fought the shadows in the secret cellers underneath now it was finally time to charge into moonrise Towers so after looting all the bodies on the way in we charged in through the front door with all the Harpers at the start of the battle G set up a wall of fire and tear set up his Spike growth to hurt any enemies that tried to advance on us however it had bit of the opposite effect as the Harpers would charge Into the Fire and the spike growth themselves which ended up killing a couple of them we summoned Spirit weapons which helped t a lot of the attacks and use our own range spells to thin out the crowds before eventually turning off the wall of fire and Spike growth and charging in ourselves now this fight did take some time because there were quite a lot of enemies in the room but we did eventually Whittle down their numbers to this one person and we all purged on her next I wanted to explore and gather as much resources as possible I made the mistake of heading downstairs to be jumped on by a large group of Undead I was very low on spell slots at this point so it was it was very risky fight especially since the enemies kept spawning more Undead and they had Fireball which pretty much decimated us however we did eventually manage to beat them although we were knocked down a couple of times after this fight I had to Long rest because I could not fight Krick with no spell slots when we long rested we were invited to sit with G which turn out to be a very platonic yet insightful night after this long rest we're finally ready to fight kth on the way up we made short work of the cultist at the top of the tower plus the mimic which left us all at level 9 now we had some awesome spells like Mass healing word flame strike wall of stone and insect plague we charged to the top to fight cck bow you Dog bow I use will and carlight to misp the cck and keep him busy while Gail and TI fought everyone else once the undead were taken care of the rest of the party collapsed on KCK forcing him to flee with a massive tentacle we then dive down the tower where the tentacle came from we killed and freed chop from his servitude and freed us from the cage we fought the death Shepherds and groups of wing Horrors G's flame wall was perfect here allowing us to create a choke point pretty much damaging anyone who tried to get anywhere near us most of the zombies died as they tried to walk through the flame War once they were defeated we set up the save zor and released the mine flares at the same time now this was a big mistake the M players almost completely decimated us with their AOE attack honestly this fight was so tough and had it not been for zor we probably would have died here with zor rescued we saved maora then found a small group of cultists now I wanted to get the advantage on them so we used Fireball and caught them by surprise after blowing them up it turns out they had a lot to do with the dark urge it turns out tier was once the cultists he was attacked by someone and then healed by the one he just helped kill so there's still a lot of unanswered questions it was now time to confront Krick one last time we stopped G from going nuclear and started the fight I'll Stand down before they knew we were here We snuck in I had Gale here and carlac hide up on the side ledge and while will turn invisible to release night songen once she was free we began our assault now stage one was pretty easy using our new AOE spells we got past the first fight pretty simply once Krick had beg merkel's projection KAC had a hard time staying alive as she kept getting targeted every time she was healed G and here spent most of the fight on the ledge throwing fireballs and guarding bolts at Merkel and will call lightning did some massive damage Gallant here eventually had to jump down to Merkel as he tried calling his Undead to heal him however before they could tier Ed turn Undead which stopped them in their attacks and with one last epic attack from carac merco Was Defeated well done everybody with cck defeated we caught up with Evon and witnessed Isabelle and alen's reunion now we had one last thing to do before we continued we had to go and see Oliver and convince him to reunite with thaniel we had to fight some more shades but you know this was pretty easy compared to killing a God why couldn't you just so that basically wraps up act two and I got to say it's getting pretty easy having a lot of AOE spells under our belt means that we can take out a lot of enemies very quickly we played act two on tactician and although my team has died a few times I haven't had a full party WIP requiring reload just yet the clerics with their wide array of spells AOE spells and like just Mass damaging spells is like just proving to be extremely useful probably the main reason why we're dying so much is just user error now I'm really excited to see how they do in act three and I hope you guys are too so I hope you've enjoyed this video thank you for watching and I'll see you for act three
Channel: TheJury94
Views: 60,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate, baldur's gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate Cleric build, baldurs gate cleric run, cleric build, cleric only, act 2, clerics, baldurs gate cleric party, baldurs gate cleric team, cleric party, clerics Baldurs Gate 3, cleric team, baldur's gate cleric team, Gameplay, Clerics, Baldurs gate 3 builds, Baldurs gate builds, let's play, Baldurs gate 3 let's play, baldur's gate 3 challenge run, Baldur's gate 3 Challenge
Id: 6YLVx8jNp0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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