Is That A JoJo Reference?

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[Music] [Applause] meantime it's me time it's beam time friends it's time the only cure for sadness hole would you look at the time it's mean time also my watch is telling me that I need to stand up I am standing call me out wash I like sitting on my fat ass let's go back onto the subreddit this week and see what you sweet baby me me dreamers cooked up this time can you dance like this Shawn oh let me see it let me see those talents let me see those feet look at them go [ __ ] late fair place you get it you sit here clambake of course I can dance like that every Irish person can it's built into our blood please last place haven't danced like that in years I also think I pulled my hamstring an Irish Rubik's Cube come on is this just a potato where the [ __ ] did you get this honestly I kind of want to try it how did you make that mad yeah that's a grand old looking sport a grand oh look and tuber if I do say so myself fair play to you lad no stop you think just cuz I'm Irish that everything has to be about potatoes Irish dance and whiskey and just cuz you're right doesn't mean it's true what can you [ __ ] off you can still do it you hit this many calories out whatever okay I'm having a lazy day I'm having I don't want to be held accountable for my actions my cousin what's your PC password me two seven seven three five three my cousin what hentai you wouldn't get it first of all as a gamer and a hentai lover excellent great top quality meme but also why would he say what after you said two seven seven three five three they would just put that password in and be like oh cool I've into the Internet or into your password your PC whatever I'm an old man oh wait a minute said me say what after say two seven seven three five three makes no sense I like proper logic and discipline in my means you can't just be coming out here throwing out he sort of [ __ ] her to wall and calling it in the [ __ ] Jackson Pollock okay you need to have some sort of logic to this this is why you know create memes they're hard to make when you and when done right they're beautiful it's like sending your kids off to school for the first time and you finally have the house free to yourself a therapist to make me less sad meantime okay I know I say meme time is your only cure for sadness and a meme a day keeps the depression away okay those are jokes all right do not actually take that seriously I don't want anybody out there being like oh well I just need to make memes and jokes and laugh and then I'll get rid of my sadness no a therapist is very very important it's very crucial in your mental health journey you can't get a therapist then speaks to somebody please I said I don't want anybody going out there being like well jack said that memes cure depression please actually take care of yourselves okay your big brain it's very very important it's very much needed in life please take care of it memes are a great way to laugh but they are not the be-all and end-all cure I know the tagline is false advertising smash that like button the killer searches through the house where could he be he ding ding ding top morning found them you could probably say the first half of anything in the house and I'll yell it out like a [ __ ] [ __ ] and get myself killed I'm pretty sure if I ever caught myself murdered it would be for being too loud just walk into my house and smack the whiteboard and you're just here Oh somewhere in the house it's like trying to find your iPhone oh there it is I found it thank you phone at least you're not telling me to stand up next charity livestreams Shawn should do one for the Australian bushfires our leader Scott Morrison went on holidays to Hawaii so maybe an Irish potato can do more to save our beautiful country than our own leader not my artwork but I can't find the OGS or live credit in the comments did you I hope so yes I am doing one I say two like a week ago that I was going to do one on the 25th I'll be doing a charity livestream here on YouTube I didn't plan on doing one for this month because I said I wasn't gonna do them every month again this year but I think that the Australia one is in dire need of some attention and some funding put their direction so we'll do one on the 25th I should have a sponsor that will match one of the donations as well or help fund our goal - so we can put some really great money towards helping out Australia because they badly badly need it right now how many animals have died in the bush fires professor Chris Dickman no jokes this is serious he released the statement explaining how he had reached a figure a statement which he refers to the numbers of animals affected rather than necessarily dying as a direct result of the fire to be 480 million 480 million animals it's probably even it's probably twice that since that was reported because it just keeps going they've been going since September so I think that it's it's a really great thing to funnel money towards right now because the last I heard the firefighters weren't being paid for it it was all volunteer work and so much of the country now has been burned so many homes are affected so many animals are affected entire ecosystems are being destroyed so I think it's really important that we all come together for something like this it's an emergency cause but there's there's a lot of good that we can do for it so the 25th we'll be doing a stream and we will try and raise as much money as we can for this cause on that day so I hope to see a lot of you there this is a picture I took oh my god that's so well edited I got very long arm look arm I'm too big arm can't even fit in frame of camera that's how it works my arms are just so long they're actually wrapping back around and let's put you in the back of the head right now this is a sign I took a picture of in front of in LA right before the Emilia Clarke stream this is the original picture the original picture actually said my book is down here I can't even remember what they were advertising but it was just a perfect picture and perfect mean template so of course you got to go with it so people made I got very long errand follow your dreams [ __ ] I love an aggressive positivity hey you you're [ __ ] wonderful okay you're beautiful and you're doing great and I'm very proud of you [ __ ] everyone else you're a beautiful butterfly you deserve love [ __ ] you're gonna love my nuts off Vince Vince with Slap Chop okay I have a Slap Chop I have one in my house it's somewhere out there I can't remember actually put it but we are going to do it in the video I'm gonna put this up shop in a video at some point we're gonna [ __ ] around with it we're gonna chop up some notes we're gonna chop up some vegetables we're gonna chop up some eggs you're gonna love my nuts I'm gonna go away from the whole like punching hookers side of the thing that Vince did that was kind of an extracurricular activity that Vince had to do kind of scumbag thing to do as well so I'm not gonna do that part I'm just going to do it the fully Mimi jokey part okay deal cool infinite Irish Jesus Christ I don't know if that's infinite I can't see infinitely down that I see like four or five max come on can't pull wool over my eyes and say that it's a thing shrek 2 was the best trick okay slander and lies shrek 2 is not the best trick i watched it again recently with some friends it's not as good as they thought it was it's very dated because they put in a lot of cultural references at the time like jokes from like commercials and [ __ ] that do not age well whenever you put in it's like these videos probably won't age well because it's all it means of the current time but they're only relevant to right now but when you have something like a movie you can't it's like scary movie 1 vs. scary movie 2 scary movie 1 I like to hear movie 2 more when I was younger I'll extract two more when I was younger but that sorry because I was like haha I get the reference no when I watched you to think oh God really someone thought that was a good idea to trick one time is classic it's perfect it's a great story perfect under the underdog hero story aren't find the beauty in sight alright doesn't matter if you're an ogre go [ __ ] yourself alright you're beautiful Shrek one is amazing it's so much better than all the rest of them if anybody else wants to fight me on it I will meet you on the beaches and I will fight every single one of you well I actually fight every single one of you because they don't know how many would actually show up and it's kind of like a whole like would you fight a hundreds that were sized dr. Shawn make shut the [ __ ] up I sure hope this doesn't cross the boundary that Jack mentioned this is awesome holy [ __ ] that's so good I mean terrifying that face so he said it looks like mr. Aizawa from my hero academia it really does that's awesome but I really like the colors of this it's really good thank you very very much I always know fan er thank you what what you guys are all beautiful thank you for drawing stuff about me all the time it's very very flattering t-shirt what are you laughing at me nothing my brain jack black playing blackjack with Jack Jesus Christ its back everybody I'm so happy McLaughlin means we're back again not happy I'm very disappointed but I let the slide cuz it's clever and I also like the cropping of the head oh my god I saw this on our crappy design but I don't see the problem Jesus Christ these Oh me anyone [ __ ] bought this well unless it's a joke no everybody think [ __ ] RedBubble it's full of stuff that people just make and then put up and then are like hey money please I'm not gonna like that's a sexy bed I would love to sleep in a bed of my head I hate bad if you were where people make it 38:53 on these on RedBubble when I could just make these myself and put them up on my website should I do that what kind of stupid [ __ ] should I do April Fool's is coming up we should make some stupid ass [ __ ] for that or to make pillowcases where it's like my mouth is the opening so it looks like I'm devouring the pillow what's next jacksepticeye body pillows ooh gross ooh stop I'm so nasty unless RedBubble and Etsy and all those things are wonderful resources and stores for people to be able to sell their own stuff but if you're just taking a picture of me and put on something and then selling it that's kind of shitty I mean there's there's arguments around all of this about like people drawing their own pictures and their that's technically your artwork then of something else so that's a different story but if you're just taking my thumbnail and slapping it on a picture and then selling it for $40 I searched jacksepticeye and RedBubble there's game grumps there's what is this got to do with me why is this showing up when I search myself oh my god there's tons of them holy [ __ ] Oh No who would want to sleep why I searched jacksepticeye throw blanket and I'm getting fork knife what my Jack's given the green light to be able to swear again ladies action [Applause] that is all I did try and do a thing without swearing for a while I did work I was like let's test it out and see if if ad revenue really is affected by swearing but I don't think it is I think ad revenues just [ __ ] from the beginning anyway it's just everything's a mess these days what ad rates because of all that [ __ ] that's happened over the last like five years it'll never be the same again there is certain words that I can't say there are certain words that will absolutely get me D monetized one of them begins with a C which you know very well I said it plenty of times before I don't want this video to get to monetize so I'm not gonna say it you can get to sneak it in every now and then or put it on a mug but you can't actually say it out loud it's the one word that gets me D Mon I'm sure there's other ones that would get me very heavily demonetized but the one that I actually used that got me t monetize was that one [ __ ] shittin balls all of that is fine balls is not a swear word it is the way I meant it behold my Jojo Oh C Jobin sceptic oh my God he's hideous and beautiful at the same time and I love him the neck angle doesn't even match up his head is broken I try now watch like two episodes of it and it was so [ __ ] bizarre I don't know if it gets better or if it gets worse or it's the same over and over again maybe I just didn't have the patience for it right then but I really want to get all the memes I want to get what's going on I want to understand what culture is when I uploaded the chase video the entire comment section was is that a Jojo reference Jojo Burnie I did however not realize that the to be continued meme came from Jojo I felt like a fool a foolish stinky I was watching like the first and second episode and suddenly the music happened I was like on my phone or something as the episode was ending and I was like hold on yeah Irish military getting ready for World War 3 that's a good picture I like this a lot joke's on you we would never get involved in the war the Irish military is more like come on bytes will go up against them behind the lights yeah but did you go up to the other army all right you guys want to go for a drink I need to say yes or no it's like that [ __ ] I'm going for a drink I mean to get to Ireland you need to go through England and if you've gone through England and their army then what are we going to do this is great I love it I love being tiny Keanu that's so much energy it's so so powerful regular-sized Kioto ain't got [ __ ] on tiny shark Yahoo and I'll agree Evelyn is breathtaking Jack looking at his tall dirt squeak wow your thought on Freddy also I get to be baby Yoda hell yeah [ __ ] love baby Yoda kick that [ __ ] like a football he'd go so far and then he probably used the force and kill you but whatever it'd be cool this has probably been done before but oh well l'm out [Music] [ __ ] dirty no he said it he said the world I'm not loud damn it it's written on his face amazing the best song I've ever heard I know well I came down to a crossroads in my head where I was like sure I still want the videos to do well and I don't want [ __ ] to get demonetized constantly and all that kind of stuff but then when I got to a point the less I was swearing the more I had to think about not swearing I was like this isn't me anymore if I have to cut out all the swearing then what the [ __ ] is the point goddamnit I don't think that swearing is the only thing that I do or the entirety of what I do in my channel but it is a very big part of me and being Irish in the way I was raised so why would I try and get rid of that parker's if Shawn was a beauty guru oh look it's a potato this'll it'll help me figure out how to do the makeup on my own face oh god such a waste of makeup everyone who uses makeup is looking at this right now being like please stop that costs $90 [Music] you're not just giving me smokey eyes you're giving it eyes oh that's great my god but seriously please stop lacing your makeup it's put the potato in a nice stew and be done with it being fake with your audience to get views I no no no being real and have an honest conversation about mental health oh yes yes yes the problem with this mentality and a lot of people have it is that they're not mutually exclusive you don't have to be fake to get more views there is ways of getting views by doing shitty things but a lot of people who do that are just shitty people that's nothing being fake I just want to do things my way be myself talk about real [ __ ] get it done otherwise what's the point I'd rather just stop if I have to do it any other way I mean I'm not perfect and I make mistakes and all that kind of jazz but still third my mistakes I'd rather [ __ ] up and be honest about it and get past it rather than [ __ ] up and denying it and then being like no I'm amazing did you guys know that I'm such an amazing youtuber look how high my horse's giddyup pony but thank you I'm glad that we can at least still be real and honest here and genuine and have proper conversations and you guys are still all hanging around I want to watch what I do and be part but it really does mean a lot it's it's something that Fame and money and things like that usually start affecting people after a while but I feel like the ways they've affected me are in positive aspects of my life they've helped me grow and do more things and just be able to like get a house for myself and be able to go and visit all of my friends and things like that so thank you for being here not allowing me to do what I want and listening to me ramble yeah it may not be perfect but his Honus work but thank you me me dreamers for watching another episode of meme time I love it I love what watching all the stuff that you guys take from the stupid silly [ __ ] that I do during the week and turning it into memes and just rolling with it it puts a big happy smile on my face and I'm glad that you're all having fun with it if you want to be part of it you can go through the subreddit and follow us there join the subreddit and have a grand old with a crack not crack cocaine crack is in the Irish phone also new cloak stuff came out recently the future was now I really really like it I think it's some cool stuff so if you want to check that out check that out as well you can go to cloak Francom I get some for yourself got some cookies until next time all I did was wrap myself up in my headphones
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,450,525
Rating: 4.9570861 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, funny, funny meme, memes, jacksepticeye memes, reddit, subreddit, community, community memes, community subreddit, jacksepticeye subreddit, reddit memes, fan, fan submitted, spicy memes, funny pics, reaction, react, green screen, funny memes, funny green screen, dank memes, funny mug, jacksepticeye mugs, jacksepticeye old band, jojo, jojo's bizarre adventure, jojo meme, jojo reference, jacksepticeye jojo
Id: GKOFson3Nq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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