Is It Possible to Beat Super Smash Bros Brawl Without Moving?

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Super Smash Brothers is probably my most played video game franchise and if I had to put a number to it I'd say it's fun around uh give or take 52 of the time Honestly though even though these games are mostly known for their multiplayer I feel like this series really peaked with brawl's Adventure Mode the Subspace Emissary as I've always been a bigger fan of story based Platformers than fighting games and you know me if I like something then I gotta break it so today I'm gonna be running through this entire thing without jumping all the way uh okay uh never mind uh let's see here maybe maybe a pacifist challenge what about what about no attacking hmm 30 second video that's not a good sign okay yeah no super not good um uh what about what about no moving then huh that could be cool hey and no one's done a video on that one yet either so this should be nice and easy now the rules here are pretty self-explanatory I'm just not allowed to use the joystick and although this obviously means that we won't be doing too much moving anytime soon it also means that we can't do most attacks Dodge enter doors drop through platforms or climb ladders just to name a few things or at least that would be the case if it weren't for this guy if we play with a GameCube controller or this thing apparently then we gain access to a second joystick which I'll be referring to as the sea stick we can bind the C stick to a few different things which will allow us to do attacks that usually require directional input without needing to hold the direction and although we could use smash or tilt stick which would not only give us access to smash attacks or tilts respectively i instead opted for special stiff this gives us access to every character's special moves which are generally much more unique and interesting than the normal moves depending on the character having access to specials gives them actual movement options or at least some other interesting mechanic that may be useful in a challenge like this however on that same note some characters get literally nothing so we'll just have to figure it out as we go along one thing the c-stick does forever every character however is let you roll if you tilt it while shielding however I thought it was just a little too powerful to give every character a solid movement option and a challenge that's supposed to constrict movement so I decided that rolling with the c-stick is banned so with that let's stop talking and actually play the dang video game we start off in non-descript Arena land in a duel between Mario and Kirby we can choose which character we play as during the fight so I obviously went with Mario this guy ain't great or anything but his upbeat does Propel him forward just the tiniest bit which makes him at least usable additionally he can shoot fireballs and as a motionless entry to a projectile is a pretty good thing for a character to have in this challenge because of my limited move set I ended up killing Kirby here with a back throw something you're usually only able to do with the joystick but much like rolling the c-stick for some reason works just as well following this we had a boss fight and a horde fight neither of which were too difficult the boss fight though was at least a little interesting as we have a choice between either saving Peach or Zelda and we actually get to play as whoever we save in an upcoming level this means that we have a bit of an important decision to make luckily the so it's not too difficult of a decision although Zelda can transform into Chic which nearly doubles her moveset neither of these characters do literally anything so it looks like we're saving Peach instead we'll talk about pizza later though because now we're in sky world which marks the first level that doesn't give us a choice of who to play luckily pit ain't too bad his side special which is really cool and not annoying gives us short bursts of forward movement when we use it on the ground however as we see in a very short bit and come across our old friend the massive wall it does nothing when it comes to moving in the air and this is going to be a recurring theme for a lot of characters now although this seemed pretty hopeless as none of Pitt's other special moves help out at all when it comes to movement he does have one other strange ability an ability that he shares with only two other characters in the entire game gliding by holding the jump button after flapping his wings in the air pit will enter gliding mode with the joystick you actually have a lot of control with what you can do with this but even without it gliding is a pretty good way of traveling forward through the air so with this we can still not make it over the wall gliding his weakness is its startup as you actually lose a lot of height in the air before it activates making it seem useless here however if we use what movement options we do have to make our way up onto this ledge we can start gliding from up here and use the initial height to fly right on over allowing pit to soar over the wall and earn his spot in the goddang annoying deer that was actually a pretty close one I thought we were already done for but we really lucked out ah shoot wait a minute like I mentioned at the beginning of this video entering doors usually requires tapping up on the joystick but with no joystick it seems pretty clear that we won't be making much progress in this level wait what never mind I guess the sea stick once again somehow comes to our rescue alright that's it if you're like me you're probably wondering at this point why the C stick which is supposed to just do specials is for some reason capable of inputting roles throws and what entering doors now not only that but it's also really inconsistent which seems to indicate that these aren't intentional functions of the c-stick but rather side effects of some Sinister underlying curse behind the spaghetti code that holds this thing together so let's talk about my theory as to what's going on here so the c-stick input is actually what's called a macro which just means one input that turns into multiple inputs for example here the game sees me tilt the c-stick to the right and translate it into a right input and a b input in order to do a side special yeah yeah it's all coming together in your head isn't it if that b input can't be processed such as for example when Shield or when grabbing someone the game only sees the directional input and says yeah I mean I can work with that now although that all adds up tapping the c-stick up to enter doors makes a lot less sense some way or another the B input must just get lost or something or maybe is just a little late to the party somehow leaving behind a rogue up input that the game like a goddamn idiot thinks is just a normal up input and uses it to go into the door whatever whether the c-stick is broken or not we can at least use it to continue on in the level we pick up Mario halfway through but I of course stick it out with Pitt who's proven to be pretty dang useful the level also started to introduce enemies who can knock you around out of your control and be General nuisances but they're not too big of a problem for now I did however die near the end of the level and although I could have just killed Mario here to respawn back his pit I decided to try and Salvage my lives and use some of Mario's other movement Tech to continue on however his upbeat isn't nearly enough to make it across these gaps so he instead had to use his fully charged flood to propel myself backwards to get across them oh yeah I'm not moving but I'm definitely move in moving on or uh not not moving on soon Pitt and Mario were out of there so it was time for Kirby and the newly rescued Peach to make their debut in an actual level it's worth noting here that Kirby is the default choice of who to play and for the first time in the challenge is not a viable option as he straight up can't move this means that we have to select Peach but isn't the joystick required to move the cursor around and select the characters no no no you're not catching me slipping I'm using the dang d-pad for menuing unfortunately it's not quite as broken as the c-stick but at the very least has this going for it oh yeah speaking of peach is actually real good for this challenge her side V sends her a decent distance forward both on the ground and in the air making for quite the versatile movement option [Music] oh yeah and also our rugby moves her forward a little bit like Mario which is really nice to have since it lets us do more precise movements and after about a thousand hotshaws to get through this level it was goddamn monkey time as much as it pains me to say it DK is absolute garbage can't do anything little DK on the other hand has some really nice options Diddy's side B is obviously his primary selling point as it not only sends him flying but can also be either normal inputted or Smash and put it depending on how fast you flick the c-stick this sends him different distances providing an extra bit of control in addition The Recoil from his peanut gun can be used for good old-fashioned microspacing the only challenge in this level was not dying as doing so would forcefully switch me to DK who's so bad I can't even kill him but Diddy ended up being just enough to pull through next up we got the most exciting level again we get the choice between either pit or Mario so you already know what time it is and yes I just flew through the whole thing I lied it wasn't a very exciting level anyway some story thing must have happened that killed off DK cause he's been been replaced by Fox and although this guy's side B is a viable movement option and its length can be controlled if you're insane Diddy is still generally more usable heck some of these clips make it look like I'm not even doing a no moving challenge this however was all about to change as next up is the ruined Zoo where we're finally introduced to some new blood unfortunately though Lucas is kind of stinky and not only that but we're also immediately thrust into an auto scroller which expects us to constantly be moving it's not hard to see why this is an issue so as a result I had to pull out some nonsense threats Lucas's only movement option is PK Fire which sends him backwards a little bit but I can put an extra bit of sauce on it by using it in the air and following it up with the PK magnet which carries out the momentum just a bit further getting even more distance this is called magnet pulling and I don't know how or why it works what do you expect from me with this movement Tech I was able to just barely conserve enough lives to survive through the auto scroller and beat up Porky however rather than continuing this garbage to the next level I decide to switch off to the newly introduced Squirtle who despite not even having a downbeat yet has a whopping four movement options he has the equivalent of Mario's flood and upbeat a side B that goes absolutely nuts and the first example of a jab combo that inches them forward while on the ground and guess what none of that saves him from being the most annoying character to use of all time I hate him so much his biggest problem is one he shares with a lot of the cast and that's the fact that turning around is a dang chore without the joystick sometimes all I want is to cross the tiniest little Gap but options that aren't his side B only work when you're facing a certain direction and although characters like Mario or pit have nice and easy ways to use the c-stick to spin around my guy's Squirtle here can't manage it without flying across the entire screen there is a technique called be reversing which allows you to use non-side Beast to turn around but although it can be done with the c-stick it's not very consistent either that or I'm just bad at the game couple all that with the fact that getting blasted by enemies constantly turns you all sort to directions and it makes these seemingly great moves like squirtle's side B actually much more trouble than they're worth okay so I think a Genie or something heard me say all that cause now that we're out of that level we gotta play as Marth in the longest flattest most open level of all time and what's this guy's best movement option technically is upbeat and neutral B also propel them forward like an inch but his side B was the fastest of these options and hey at least I can turn around real easy while we're waiting if you're wondering how I managed to make it through brain rotting sections like these without losing my incredible intellect it's because there was actually a constant stream of knowledge and entertainment being injected into my brain throughout the entire challenge in other words I was just listening to an audiobook through audible audible is this massive library of literally thousands of titles so it's pretty much got everything you'd ever want if you're like me and you want to learn about how video games work and how they're made I just finished Blood Sweat and pixels during this Challenge and it's everything I've ever wanted they even gave me a shout out how cool is that and for all my students out there uh yes you can crank up the audiobook speed to say I don't know catch up on any reading assignments I'm just throwing out ideas how's Mark doing oh okay he's barely moved I'ma keep going then get this if you click the link in the description it's sample and you get to try out Audible for 30 days free with no strings attached that effectively just a free audiobook for a month my personal favorite audiobook that I've ever listened to was Stephen King's It I listened to it about a year ago it's a dang Banger so if you need something to do while traveling or just while hanging out dude you could have 44 hours of free entertainment again links in the description if you're interested and oh my God how has he barely gotten anywhere to make this whole experience a little less painful I began to utilize three New Movement techniques that can be done with any character two of them involve getting hit by enemies straight up damage boosts can be pretty great as they cover a lot of distance but they're also pretty risky since I don't have any control of where I get launched and dying too much is obviously not ideal shielding attacks however is much more manageable as I don't get launched nearly as far and I don't build up any damage in the process the third technique is much more Niche but I thought it would be worth mentioning that landing on slopes can also push you a little in the direction the slope is facing which is great when you can only take one step per second but after that Breezy 10 minute stroll we were finally introduced to Meta Knight a character who is common commonly regarded as the Far and Away no questions asked best fighter in the entire game and yeah he's mystery in this challenge he's got the same problem as Squirtle his side B Glide and even his downbeat to an extent can all be used to get massive amounts of distance but he's got no Precision no Grace with his movements and nowhere to freaking turn around despite his disappointing showing however Meta Knight still has plenty of good stuff to get through the rest of this level which means we're moving on to two more new characters Yoshi and Link now I initially assumed that Yoshi would be better here and to be fair it was a pretty reasonable assumption Yoshi's side B is clearly quite useful and additionally his grounded downbeat can also push him forward a bit however both of these moves crumble when it comes to Crossing even the tiniest gaps like this one as they both need to be on the ground in order to actually gain any distance and this is where my man link comes in most of this guy's special moves are just projectiles most of which are completely useless the exception however is his downbeat which spawns a bomb and if regular damage boosts from enemies can occasionally be useful than the ability to remotely blast ourselves across levels is a great tool to have outside of the fact that it's really hard to use now there are two important things to note here one is that the direction you get sent depends on where the bomb is relative to link at the time of explosion meaning then almost all cases I turn around with the boomerang in order to face away from the direction that I want to go as Link's idle animation holds the bomb in front of him the second thing is actually blowing up the bomb it is on a timer meaning that we could just wait half a minute every time we wanted to move but since that obviously sucks throwing the bond to blow it up earlier seems much more manageable unfortunately throwing items up or down requires the joystick and the c-stick for once doesn't actually help us here so I instead utilized a trick called z-dropping which involves pressing the grab button while you're in the air in order to drop Whatever item you're holding right in front of you however even with all these little bits of tech to optimize moving around with bombs this doesn't stop us from taking a stupid amount of damage which will eventually lead to our deaths if we aren't careful this effectively means that the number of bomb boosts that we can do is limited to a finite amount as we just have four lives per level of which only two are link stocks so bad planning can lead to a game over Honestly though this would all mostly be fine if it weren't for this section right here we have to press this button in order to make some platforms spawn but they only stick around for a couple seconds before they disappear my first go at this room involved using my insanely high damage to try and blast myself all the way up and land on this permanent platform but being this high in percent really takes away a lot of your control and damage boosting so instead I eventually found out that you can actually make it up these platforms without damage boosting by utilizing this ladder now although you can't hold the c-stick to climb up and down ladders like you can with the joystick I found that you can cling onto ladders by tapping this e-stick either up or down doing this refreshes your double jump which means this can be used to kinda sorta climb ladders once I got up to this platform with relatively low damage however I had to build back up to a little higher percent to actually get out in order to ensure that I didn't bounce all over the place and fall off the platform while doing this I used a trick called tekking which allows you to complete halt your launching momentum on a wall floor or ceiling so long as you press the shield button right before you collide with it so with that I was able to blast myself out of there and make my way to the end of the hardest level thus far but now we're out of there and we're into here where we are yet again introduced to some more new boys and girls the first is zero suit Samus who is just so good in this challenge her downbeat propels her a decent bit in the Direction She's facing which isn't a problem since her stationary side B makes turning around weight less of an issue she also has a moving jab combo giving her great access to precise movement and with the right setup she can even teleport look if this isn't the mark of a top-tier character then I don't know what is speaking of these elevators by the way it should come as no surprise that the c-stick lets us move up and down these things without any worries it wasn't long until we were introduced to Pikachu and although Samus is certainly very good I knew that Pikachu's side B could be an alright tool in this challenge so I decided to give him a try turns out the side b is all he's got not only that though but the c-stick inputs only last a few frames if not just a single frame meaning that although you can usually charge the side B to go varying distances trying to hold the c-stick in a direction doesn't achieve the same effect we can however use our understanding of how the c-stick works to our advantage since the input gets translated to a directional input and a b input what we can do is tap the C stick in a direction and then immediately start holding the actual B button this tricks the game into combining the B input from the c-stick and the B input from the B button and interprets it as one held B press allowing us to charge up our side B like normal and use it to get the precise distance needed to enter the door what I didn't know however was that Beyond this door would be our greatest obstacle yet an obstacle that first appears in this next room and then continues to be a threat throughout the entire rest of the game say hello to the latter on a platform that we're expected to go down yeah I don't have a name for it or anything now although I did say that you can kinda climb up ladders by using the c-stick to repeatedly refresh your double jump I said nothing about going down ladders like I would was just talking about with Pikachu's sidebeat the c-stick in pull only lasts a couple frames at most meaning that the most it's going to do for us is provide the directional input needed to climb down a single rung at which point touching the c-stick again in any direction will just make you jump off the ladder starting us back off at square one so what do we do here then we can go down a tiny bit but the only option to get off a ladder that we have access to is jumping and although some characters do neither Pikachu nor Zero Suit Samus have moves that immediately stop their aerial momentum so it seems that no matter what we do we're just gonna pop right back up every time we try to go down but not all hope is lost I went ahead and killed Pikachu here so I could switch back to Samus sensor model is a lot taller than Pikachu's going down a single Ladder rung actually places her much lower on the ladder and With a Little Help From a nearby Rob we were able to use this extra bit of downward distance to our advantage ah yeah although we can't get off a ladder without jumping on our own we can get knocked off a ladder with a little bit of help and with that we we were able to cruise right on through the rest of the level without anything to fear this next level starts off with a couple normal fights which I promise you are not interesting after that we got the boys together which is both a good and a bad thing on one hand having a lot of character options is better than having no choice at all but on the other hand half of these guys aren't all that in addition since I have to pick four characters here all of them get one stock a piece this means that unlike previous levels I can't just cycle through my lives to get back to a good character that died and I'll instead have to work with whoever else comes down the line even beyond that though this level is still quite the doozy in particular this Auto scroller is pretty brutal although these guys are at least pretty alright they're also really slow which doesn't make them great fits for an auto scroller this leaves us with pit and his dodgy gliding ability as our only good option luckily I discovered a pretty neat way to make his Glide even better for us in the form of momentum conservation there are a few ways to cancel the Glide before landing but the most interesting is the Glide attack as using it right before landing cancels all of the Glides Landing lag if we jump immediately after doing this then we can retain some of the glide's momentum in the air allowing us much more freedom in our movement now although this trick did work great for the auto scroller this next level with these guys seemed to really want to highlight the weaknesses of this Glide the ceilings here are just so low making even initiating a Glide way harder than it needs to be and the ceiling in this spot in particular too low to initiate a Glide at all trust me I tried this section with pit for a while and it just doesn't seem possible luckily we do still have access to the other boys here but they all suck in their own special little ways link seems to be our next best option as he certainly wouldn't have any problem blasting through this locked door section but the knockback that he receives from his own bombs is too vertical to feasibly make it through the tunnel right before the section one thing you can do is slightly change the knockback angle after you get hit by using a technique called directional influence or di it sounds fancy but all it is is holding the direction you want to go after getting hit unfortunately we can't do this with the seasick because as we all know at this point the sea stick doesn't do constant directional input what we can do however is something called smash directional influence or SDI which actually is kind of fancy whenever you get hit you experience what's called Hit lag a handful of frames where your character just Vibes in place for a little bit during this time you can tap the joystick or in our case the c-stick in order to kind of nudge yourself in the direction you want to go before getting launched much to our dismay however this isn't nearly as useful as regular di would be and it doesn't seem to be enough to get us through here I tried Mario next since he's already proven that he has what it takes to cross tiny gaps but he too struggles to get the horizontal distance needed to make it through this tunnel before even getting there this left us with Yoshi our only option remaining since this guy doesn't count I had to coerce the fish enemy to damage boost me over to the entrance of the tunnel but once I got there his side B ended up being a great way to make it all the way through without any trouble that being said though yeah you can't make it over this Gap either jeez this is rough but don't worry cause I had a plan instead of unlocking this top door to access the the rest of the level i instead unlocked the middle door which gave me a second key which I could then use to unlock the top door alright I know that sounds insane but now I had access to these flame geysers which could eventually kill me unlike these things which seem to just do set knockback upon dying I could respawn as Mario use him to make it through the top path and then very slowly inch my way to the end of the level yeah I didn't even need these guys for this one quite fitting that Mario's most impactful moment in the entire run involves using Yoshi as a step stool anyway this next level brings these two guys back and honestly I know I put Squirtle higher on the tier list and that he's the character that I'm actually using in these clips but if any of you guys try this challenge yourselves just use Lucas he's way easier to manage and Squirtle is just not built for precision platforming for some reason though we only had one level of this before we were back to the squad I chose pit again in another area with low ceilings because I'm pretty sure I'm dumb but it's still perfectly possible to make it through no problem which is great because any other character in this specific spot would just be absolute pain and I was even able to show off some more Glide canceling stretch on these platforms later on so I'd say it was easily all worth it Pitt did eventually die halfway through the level however switching me off to a link and this was when I started to implement some brand new link movement Tech I call it the link bomb Z drop Shield push combo or the old business coup this little Tech lets us move very slightly horizontally without having to take any damage which makes using this guy much more reasonable also here's a cool section it's not hard or anything it's just that if I press this button then the ceiling starts coming down and we don't move fast enough to get out of the way so I just thought it was funny that my best option was to not press the button and just slowly inch my way through the poison gas and take a billion damage after that doing damage boosts of any kind just made me super die so I had to use Mario again to finally close out the level hey look we're back to these goobers again and yeah I chose Squirtle except this time he might actually be necessary pretty much this entire level requires you to go fast and that's honestly this little dude's specialty we also technically unlocked Ivysaur so some point apparently but this guy's pure filth in this game in absolutely every context so he's completely irrelevant it would have been nice to have a better character here too because this horde fight is the first one in a while that really gave me a run for my money with such a limited move set Squirtle is just so bad at killing enemies and him being hard to control definitely doesn't help and it's not like Lucas is great either sure it's definitely easier to kill stuff with him with his stronger moves and projectiles but he's just doomed as soon as he gets launched off stage I'm pretty sure that you need to keep Squirtle around anyway because there's another speed section immediately after these fights that Lucas would not have a very fun time with but after all that alongside a slit kill on Charizard we were finally out of there finally we get to play some other characters although Marth still ain't all that and I honestly didn't even notice the hike was an option here making Meta Knight our best bet especially considering that we got wind and auto scrollers to deal with I did eventually die and to my surprise respawned his Ike and hey this guy's actually pretty good he's got a chargeable side beam much like Pikachu and his upbeat pushes him forward just a little bit overall pretty alright character I feel bad for mistaking him for someone else so these next two levels are just the same boss fight twice I did the second one with our newly unlocked Charizard who by the way wouldn't be half bad if I ever used him for a real level he's also got a Glide and an okay up B putting Pokemon trainer as an overall character probably in top tier but I also hate Squirtle with all my being so this is where he goes after another level with the boys which didn't really amount to anything special it was finally monkey time again man I wish it was always monkey time we also pick up Falco Midway through the level but for all intents and purposes this guy may as well just be a second Fox and yeah that's it it was an easy level next up we got another level with Samus and Pikachu which introduces the absolute worst thing in this entire challenge the semi-solid oh wait hold on let me turn the lights on there we go this semi-solid platform dropping through platforms requires holding down on the joystick and this cannot be replicated with the c-stick making this the most daunting obstacle we've ever seen oh wait what yeah I mean I guess I that also works there's nothing to explain here samus's downbeat just makes her go through platforms it's that simple if I got here with literally any other character I think I'd be ruined but uh it's no big deal for now and although it's pretty hard to see I went ahead and did another one of those newfangled damage boosts to go through a platform with a ladder which also just looked pretty funny but all was not what it seemed for once we made our way through this section and beat up some robots our Zero Suit Samus was upgraded to one Suit Samus which unfortunately for us is actually quite the downgrade with the suit equipped all Samus can do for movement is shoot the charge shot and get a bit of recoil something I didn't even think of until way later leaving all the upcoming work to Pikachu Farewell My Precious top tier you will be remembered well this stinks Pikachu's fine I guess but I just wish he had more than a single movement option especially since this next section requires at least semi-particular movement it wasn't until this section though where I had enough going through these portals and traversing tiny rooms is just not something I want to do with a character that can only move 10 feet at a time so let's switch up our characters yeah so apparently you can take off samus's suit by doing some weird button combination on the d-pad or something I don't know I just go crazy on that thing for a couple seconds and it'd usually just work unfortunately we still ran into a bit of a weird problem even with our resurrected queen I'm pretty sure you're usually supposed to just be able to walk into these portals to teleport but that just might be a result of joystick privilege I eventually figured out that you have to tap up on the c-stick while moving through them so they were just kind of weirder more finicky doors wait what you're telling me that this next level introduces new characters I thought we ran out of those I'm pretty sure Olimar can't do anything but I never tried them because Captain Falcon is a dang Terror let me run down the list here his side B is your standard go forward move on both the ground and the air his downbeat can go real far if you use it on the ground his upbeat boops him forward a little bit I think his jab combo does something I don't remember and even the raw force behind the Falcon Punch is capable of moving him a tiny bit easy top tier I just wish he could turn around easier one simple level later and we were back to the sword crew man Martha Nike are looking all weird these days this level is mostly vertical which honestly makes Meta Knight and his complete lack of subtlety a pretty bad option here once I inevitably died I found that the Ice Climbers definitely would have been a much better way to go their side B nudges you forward just the tiniest bit and if you initiate the side beat with the c stick and then mash the B button you can drastically change the height you gain from it making it a pretty flexible movement option doesn't help here though after a quick fight with the furry and a horde fight starring our favorite goofy group of gentlemen we smooved our way into the battleship halberd interior where we're forced to play as yet another new guy snake so for the first 10 minutes of this level I was for some reason adamant on only using his jab combo to move a singular nanometer at a time it's not hard however to find the exact moment where I gave up on that nonsense and started pulling out what really makes this character shine much like link snakes got bombs lots of bombs he's got grenades which eventually explode but my go-to option for movement with this guy was his downbeat C4 after placing C4 on the ground you can down B again to detonate it allowing us plenty of control and not only where we launch but also when this is incredibly important in the section immediately following this one as these falling platforms require us to be a little bit faster than we might be comfortable with in order to make it pastier I had to blow myself up jump and upbeat before falling to my Doom be reverse a down B in order to drop a C4 to the left of me detonate it in midair and then do it again for good measure this allows us to Breeze through yet another level with only one character available thank God jeez Martha Nike are looking real weird I of course chose Meta Knight here once more but his mid-tier status is really starting to show here and I probably should have just stuck with snake and endured the consequences the goal of this room is to press all of the big red buttons in order to unlock the exit unfortunately to Traverse this area in its entirety you have to make your way down four ladders okay this one on the far left technically wasn't necessary but I didn't know that at the time the worst part by far was this area here with two ladders back to back the enemies that I need to Dismount these ladders are pretty Limited in this level so I had to bait these guys from all the way up here to follow me down from there trying to preemptively position myself on the ladder would make them drop through the platform at which point they would no longer be able to hit me so I had to time pressing down on the c-stick at the exact moment they would start attacking in order to make it through the platforms and Escape it is possible to avoid doing any of this room entirely by clipping out a bound at the beginning and then navigating to the door from there not that it'd be useful in this challenge it's definitely way way harder than just doing it normally I just wanted to show you guys a cool trick is there anything wrong with showing you guys cool tricks anyway Meta Knight died so now it's show time but almost poetically we pretty quickly run into a problem that closely resembles that of the last snake obstacle we've encountered except this time there aren't even blocks to land on and break our fall meaning we're gonna have to pull out some nonsense for my first maneuver I blow myself up with the C4 such that I bounce right into this corner and cause what's called a slide off usually when you land after getting hit you get put into a knock down state at which point you can get up but if you slide off of an edge while in knockdown you immediately become actionable as soon as you go Airborne I use this here to upbeat while still experiencing some knockback in order to move a significant distance through the air from there I attempt one of those B reverse C4s from earlier so I can land here and attack in order to find some stable footing but I missed time to the tech causing me to accidentally do a slide off and then buffer an air Dodge like an idiot luckily I went ahead and used another two percent of my gaming prowess to clutch it out no problem unluckily however this next room presented an even bigger obstacle like that one previous room we have to unlock this room's exit however instead of pressing all the buttons we have to kill all of the enemies let me present the situation this is the exit and this is the ladder will have to go down in order to reach the exit at which point the exit will be unlocked and every single enemy will necessarily be dead it'll be kind of hard to do damage boost with no enemies around huh now if you're like me you might be thinking okay yeah that seems like it could be a pretty big problem considering damage boosts are the only way to go down ladders but I've been damage boosting all over the dang place with snake without the need for enemies would that not work well the issue with that is the fact that both grenades and C4 send snake directly up so unless I was at zero percent which seems kind of unlikely damage boosting with these explosives would be no better than jumping off the ladder you want to know what does work though jumping off the ladder since when did this work it turns out the snake is the perfect combination of being tall and having a low jump meaning that he goes real low when climbing down a single Ladder rung and is able to jump off without popping right back up on the platform now this means two things one I wasted an hour of my life for literally nothing and two we gotta keep snake alive however much like with link existing at well over kill percent and having exploding as our primary movement option isn't the most stable state of being but with enough techs Shields and tactical nukes we were able to make it through just fine it was about 10 seconds of me being forced to play Lucario yeah I said I didn't blame any more than that look out cause this next section involves girl power okay bad example because this section might just be impossible see Peach's sidebee is really good for direct movement but with this Gap being fairly large alongside the wind pushing us to the left it's just not an explosive enough move to cover that large of a distance in one foul swoop especially considering how much height you lose when you use it in the air its weakness is spelled out so clearly here that it might be a bit confusing as to why I ever put peach in top tier to begin with well if you really want to know it's because Peach has a secret tool hidden up her sleeve that we've had no need for until now Peach's downbeat plucks turnips out of the ground which are just standard projectiles there's nothing special about these things until there is whenever you pluck a turnip it has a chance of having some different properties if you're lucky it'll be way stronger and deal way more knockback but if you're really lucky you can pull out some wacky stuff roll point six to five percent odds and you'll see this weird looking turnip which breaks Shields instantly roll the even lower point two one percent odds and you'll see an even weirder looking turnip but get a roll somewhere in between those two and you'll get something magical now that's the explosive movement that we've been looking for two bombs in about half an hour is all we need to get through this wind room and the rest of the level can be completed by just using Peach's basic movement techniques apparently the next level was another one with Samus and Pikachu but it's honestly all a haze at this point I assume it was easy this next level though involved a bunch more going down ladders but rather than being obstacles this time they were mere examples for the top tiers to show off why they're here Diddy's upbeat completely stops his upward momentum if you use it after jumping making it possible to tap down on the c-stick to climb down a bit jump immediately tap up on the c-stick and then hold the B button in order to fall all the way down and if you think that's a nice tool to have take a look at what falcon can do oh yeah it's that easy after that the Avengers finally assemble and Rob also shows up I guess I never ended up using him because like why would I but his side B can probably push him forward a bit and he's just a Nifty little guy how could I put him in bottom tier by the way I have access to way too many good characters for this next level to be a problem although there are some downwards ladders this level consists of mostly Auto scrollers so dying and respawning was an easy way past him however despite our great progress alongside this next level letting us choose pretty much whoever we want making it absolutely no problem disaster was about to strike unfortunately the only character in this game to have any apocalypse preparations in order was King Dedede which means our choice for this next level involves him and these two dweebs the king himself is absolutely trash and although I did find out later that canceling nessa's double jump with PK Fire makes movement possible he's not a particularly inspiring character leaving Luigi here as our only hope he's got Pikachu's side b and a moving jab combo so he actually seems pretty alright at first that is until this happens yeah so Luigi has a one in eight chance of just exploding whenever he uses side B which makes movement extremely unpredictable and it doesn't help that this level is a bit unique just getting through is 1 thing but now that everyone is dead we gotta collect these trophies throughout the game in order to revive them to use them later Luigi here isn't going to cut it on his own in the end game so I grabbed Samus pit Falco Marth for some reason Falcon and Mario who is just near the exit anyway and although re-unlocking all of these characters may have been a good way to set ourselves up for success in the future it's not gonna matter if we can't even get there to begin with for after trekking through Subspace with this wacky cast and crew we get to play as the only other apocalypse Survivor in the dang universe and although I've been getting away with completely avoiding him up until this point we're now gonna have to figure out a way through an entire level with only Kirby at our disposal Kirby has been in the dumps of the tier list for a reason alright he doesn't have a moving jab his neutral beat does literally nothing and all of his specials are completely stationary as far as horizontal movement goes and although there are some movement techniques that apply to all characters they usually require specific terrain or enemies to be around being forced to play through an entire late game level with what is quite possibly the worst character in the entire challenge is nothing short of a completely impossible situation but as the smartest person in human history once said everybody has got some shmoopman but if you judge a Kirby by his ability to move with special stick then he will live his whole life believing that he's bottom to your garbage that's right we are changing our controls although having our sea stick do special moves is absolutely the best option for the entire cast as a whole Kirby here clearly could use some change and as it turns out having smash stick instead changes the game completely not only does Kirby's forward smash allow him to travel decently fast on the ground but having smash stick also gives us access to directional aerial attacks of which Forward Air actually has the ability to push Kirby along just the tiniest bit with these brand new moves at our disposal we may actually have the smallest bit of a chance since our movement capabilities are still incredibly limited especially in the air damage boosting and even death warping are gonna become much more prominent in this level this means that our percent and life count are both extremely valuable resources that we can't afford to waste and this can be seen fairly early in the level there's a decently long Auto scroller in between these two horde fights that sorta acts as a toll bridge and the toll seems to be at least two of our precious lives this means that I not only can't die up to this point but it's also almost necessary to get an extra life to spawn right before it allowing us to reach the second horde fight with two extra lives at our disposal but our problems in this room aren't quite solved once we reach this fight after completing it the exit actually appears to be impossible to reach for there's no way to cross these gaps as Kirby without damage boosting and because of the fight being necessary to complete all of the enemies in this room are dead at this point but by hanging out next to this very last enemy in the fight it's possible to get extremely lucky and have him hit you off screen and then throw himself off the stage ending the fight and spawning the exit platform form right under you we're still not through the level yet though after a couple more rooms of forward smashing and damage boosting we get to this thing a timed platforming section this place is brutal and in order to even begin tackling it I went ahead and intentionally built up a ton of damage on Kirby so I can get launched further from these ball clone enemy things and after a good half hour of getting knocked around I eventually managed to get hit twice in quick succession on my way up here which was just enough to make it past Now spoiler alert this horde fight is very similar to the last one for once we finish off every enemy we're expected to do some platforming before we can finally finish off the level and get out of here there's a bit of a problem this time though although we can damage boost with the final enemy and have that enemy die by their own hands soon afterward it doesn't seem to be enough this time how far we go obviously depends on our percent so for too low we won't get sent all the way to the exit but on the flip side if we're too high in percent the damage boost is just gonna kill us well before the fight actually ends and as much as I hate to say it I don't don't think there's an in-between Sweet Spot percent that does what we want to do no matter what I tried at the end of the fight here the best I could do was get to the platform right before the exit one little jump is what stopped us from finally completing the level so close and yet there's nothing we can really do here it really sucks to have come this far in the level only to be hit with the roadblock so simple looking so much for conserving my health and lives huh yeah you bet I pulled out the depressing Vibes just to play with your emotions I knew that dying here would warp you to the door since the beginning what do you think I didn't make a plan for this level and with that Kirby skyrockets into the still bad but positionally above all the other characters because he deserves it here and we move on to the final level in the game the great maze and although this Labyrinth is an infamously huge level we have access to every character we saved in both of the Subspace levels and we're able to heal and switch characters at every checkpoint which means nothing was stopping us from flipping kicking and flip kicking our way through the entire thing with almost no issue almost no issue because as it turns out there is exactly one issue an issue that we have only come across once in the entire challenge so far an issue that seemed like such a non-issue at the time that I didn't pay any mind to it potentially being an issue ever again but in the deepest furthest corner of the great maze Eliza couple of required doors doors that are only accessible Beyond some semi-solid platforms oh no problem said past me completely clueless last time we saw one of these samus's downbeat could just go straight through it and we still got access to Samus so this shouldn't be an issue at all and although this line of reasoning was certainly optimistic and seemed logical enough it overlooks two incredibly important differences between these two situations and the first one became apparent immediately in more recent games Zero Suit samus's downbeat can be used to jump off walls if you press the jump button but in Brawl these bounces happen automatically this fact makes the extremely tight walls in this area for Sam is straight up no matter where or when she uses the move the only way to avoid this wall bounce is to either attack and end the move early which also makes it not go through platforms or not collide with the wall to begin with which doesn't seem too feasible but I didn't get this far into the challenge just to give up after a teeny bit of resistance okay I still had some ideas to make this work my first was to use co-op mode for the first time in the challenge this means that we can now control two characters once and although we can't hit each other or anything we can slightly push each other around theoretically if I can have Samus do her downbeat and have the other character push her away from the wall then she should be able to avoid hitting the wall entirely however my first attempt made this strategy look fruitless as although Mario here could certainly push Samus a little bit it didn't seem like nearly enough but that's when I pulled out the big boy DK is so bad at moving that he can even make other characters move significantly less so with this Apes big old Collision box we can set up our own roadblock to keep Samus far away from the wall which doesn't let her go through the platform and this is where the second important difference between these two obstacles comes into play the ceiling samus's downbeat only goes through platforms if you're actually in the middle of the move and it usually ends before you actually reach the ground the ceiling in this area then was actually very important as it reduced our height enough to ensure that we were still flip kicking once we intersected with the platform but with no ceiling this seems impossible but I was still not ready to give up on this lead sure a normal grounded downbeat ends up being too high to go through platforms but what about using down be in the air sure it sounds dumb jumping doesn't reduce height after all but take a look at samusa's position when she does a short hop as you can see she curls up into a bit of a ball and since her model is normally pretty tall this means that we can actually get lower to the ground when she's Airborne compared to when she's grounded and as it turns out using her downbeat the frame before landing after a short hop allows you to go through platforms so put these two things together to recreate the circumstances of the first time we've seen this obstacle and it doesn't work I don't know why I feel like it definitely should work but it just doesn't and in all honesty even if it did I wouldn't be able to do the same thing for the second platform as DK would have no way of dropping down himself even though everything seemed like it was going right it just wasn't enough and with Samus now off the table I honestly had no ideas left this was the only thing that I was aware of that goes through platforms which meant that all I could do at this point was try absolutely everything I tried damage boosting and using frame perfect SDI to go down I tried to maybe get out of bounds like you can in that one similar looking level and I even made another control scheme with attack stick to see if any characters tilts would be of any interest all to no avail at this point I was just doing random stuff with random characters hoping and praying to just stumble upon another trick to go through platforms like I did with Samus and when I ran out of characters to try I went back into the Subspace levels to unlock more one of these characters must have a useful move I was sure of it PK flash dimensional Cape Yoshi bomb Squall Hammer special stick smash stick attack stick try everything and even if it looked a little close try it again it got to the point where I was inputting so many different random button combinations that I started coming across some of the most deranged nonsensical Tech you can imagine did you know that in Super Smash Brothers Brawl if you play as Peach with a tactic and then tap down on the c-stick exactly three times in a a row then she does a downtill and then jumps backwards with full momentum and if you only tap down twice on the c-stick then you can input other things like Shield or jab also with backwards momentum I promise I'm not touching the joystick in these clips I don't even know how I'd replicate this movement with the joystick but through this rigorous testing I slowly began to build an understanding not of any particular character but of the c-stick that we've been relying on throughout the entire challenge clearly there is still some mystery surrounding it and as I cycled through all the characters trying every move I thought that might be useful my mind started to send around only a single possible Avenue of success see if the c-stick was capable of spitting out up inputs that could be used to enter doors then I couldn't help but think that it had to be able to give me the down inputs I need to drop through platforms I mean we've been using the c-stick for directional input throughout the entire game and through elevators and ladders we've even inadvertently proven that down inputs in particular are no exception all we have to do is somehow purposefully block the button input as we tap the C stick and we might be able to directly access that directional input and doing so is actually a lot simpler than you may expect what if we just hold the button if the game is already receiving a constant stream of that button's input then how would the game interpret a c-stick input would it just mold the button in with the already existing stream and just give us the direction well unfortunately for us the developers seem to have thought of this as tapping the c-stick while holding down the button that it produces just makes you jump seemingly is a Fail-Safe for this exact situation but then what if I also hold the jump button would I be able to access directional input then well the simple answer appears to be also no I have a tack stick in this clip I'm holding the a button and the x button and now the C stick just does nothing presumably taking the directional inputs and just trashing them giving us nothing except that's not true it doesn't look like anything is happening when I tap down on the c-stick normally but check out what happens when I tap down on the c-stick while in Shield a shield tilt something that is usually only possible with the joystick these directional inputs from the c-stick weren't disappearing they exist and now we just have to find a way to use them I racked my brain for a while on why these inputs seemed so insignificant that they were almost hidden until I finally landed on the answer I was using a tactic this particular c-stick configuration does tilt attacks which are not quite as simple as just a direction in a button input as you may be able to figure tilt attacks are performed by tilting the stick and attacking smash attacks by contrast are performed by Smashing the stick and attacking the only difference being the magnitude that the stick is tilted the reason why these inputs don't do anything outside of the tiniest little Shield tilts is because they are by Design smaller inputs so by switching off to either smash stick or special stick we can see what this input blocking technique can do with some stronger directional inputs you're seeing that right in every single one of these up down left and right inputs are all being produced by the c-stick I call this Strat the freak the challenge I'm just gonna move anyway technique now although running around with this Tech would definitely be banned had I known about it before the challenge as it is just straight up moving using it to conjure up down inputs is perfectly fine in my book so now that we can finally directly access down inputs we still can drop through the platform dude I'm seriously gonna cry there's no way this technique isn't enough how much further am I expected to go turns out not that far actually now that we have access to down inputs we can do the only other platform dropping technique that I know of Shield dropping Shield dropping requires you guessed it shielding and then pressing down somewhere in this area tap down too far and you'll spot Dodge but not far enough and it won't do anything but if we can manage to hit that golden sweet spot with our lost and confused down inputs while in Shield then maybe our single frame of downwards movement will finally be enough and I mean if it is then what challenge would even be left in this game getting past this platform wasn't just a simple obstacle where we had to come up with one trick it involved testing every single thing that we learned throughout the entire game everything about all the characters the mechanics and even its oversights everything we learned went into going through this platform with how much knowledge that we had to apply in this last obstacle the question of whether or not it's possible to beat the Subspace Emissary without moving the joystick can be answered in one single clip [Music] oh my gosh hi welcome to the end of the video I get it this was my longest challenge video by a large margin but I hope it was worth it and hey I needed a win too I've been failing some challenges recently so being able to successfully complete this one was so so nice if you want more from me you know the deal you know the YouTube things they're right there don't forget about audible either even just doing a free trial supports me tremendously and it is the only reason I'm still saying that that part wasn't a joke but yeah I think that's all the formalities and whatnot so I see you
Channel: Sample
Views: 1,245,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sOtQcGEO6lA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 59sec (2999 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2022
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