Is It Possible To Beat Stardew Valley Without Earning Gold?

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stardew Valley is a game about a great many things it's about goal setting it's about time management and it's about giving back to the community but most of all it's about getting that goddamn bag nothing feels better in this game than seeing the fruits of all your labor emerge in the form of Cold Hard Cash baby however if we're all gonna be honest with ourselves the kind of money you can achieve in this game doesn't quite fall under realistic profit margins for a guy who picks berries for a living so to make things a little more challenging and a whole lot more interesting today I'm gonna try and beat this game without ever earning any gold but before we get into it let us first discuss some semantic nonsense so we're all on the same page here not earning money is pretty simple we get 500 gold at the very beginning of the game and that's all we're ever allowed to have we can see our total earnings whenever we pause so we just got to ensure that that number stays at zero beating stardew Valley on the other hand is a bit undefined there are generally two agreed upon goals that could be considered beating the game restoring the community center and achieving Perfection however given that Perfection requires obtaining multiple items that cost way way more than 500 gold alongside the fact that you have to sell literally everything in the game which obviously is impossible to do without getting money the community center is much more reasonable restoring this bad boy requires us to complete what are called bundles which are collections of a huge variety of items that we'll have to gather with our limited funds there's also the vault which has four bundles that just straight up Force us to pay money but we'll deal with that when we get there so with the rules laid out plain to see it's finally time to answer the question is it possible to restore stardew Valley's Community Center without earning gold [Music] foreign [Music] Valley file you don't actually get immediate access to the community center at least five days have to pass until mayor Lewis introduces us to the place at which point another day has to go by before the wizard gives us instructions on what to do there yeah there's a wizard in this game don't worry about him anyway since it'll be a short while before we actually start making progress towards our primary goal now is a good time to acclimate ourselves with the basics of this challenge So within these first few days I established the Ten Commandments of being poor that must be followed at all times and they are as follows commandment one Thou shalt do it thine self since we won't be earning money in this challenge the 500 gold we are graciously gifted with in the beginning here is incredibly precious and unnecessarily spending it is a major No-No this means that any convenient products that we would have otherwise been able to buy will instead have to come to us through hard labor wooden Stone now we got wooden stone at home Oren Cole please we can get that ourselves easy and Seed packets yeah no forget about them indefinitely we run on mixed seeds in this household which will talk a little bit more about later for now let's discuss commandment 2 Thou shalt hoard which is in direct response to the fact that we can't ever sell any of our stuff anyone who's played this game knows that your character will just constantly accumulate random garbage from who knows where and although we can't just siphon it all into the shipping bin like one normally would we can achieve the same effect by just slapping it all in jests this seamlessly leads us to commandment 3 which is of course Thou shalt not hoard as it turns out the inventory upgrades in this game are ludicrously expensive meaning that we'll be dealing with this one piddly line of inventory space for the entirety of the challenge so managing what we need and don't need while we're out in the town is pretty important commandment 4 is Thou shalt not press the F button not only because I want to avoid paying for things but also because doing so opens up the journal which is where you can redeem monetary rewards for getting certain achievements or doing certain favors for people while we're at it we have commandment 5 Thou shalt not talk to people in general since some of these guys just start straight up sending money to you if you get too friendly with them which is a major issue commandment 6 is Thou shalt not murder you know just generally not a great thing to do but we also got commandment seven which is thou shall not get murdered as doing so loses you money which is honestly equally essential while we're at it we may as well also cover commandment 8 thou shall not get robbed as doing so is generally an indivisible lifestyle choice but of course we can't forget commandment nine which is Thou shalt totally Rob others as giving things back to people usually results in them giving us a reward and although I'm pretty sure that Linus guy doesn't even have money to give I'm not risking it all right I'm keeping his Berry basket and last but certainly least we have commandment 10 Thou shalt not win the egg hunt twice in a row dang it okay you get the point all that nonsense was just to say that there are a lot of things in this challenge that we simply can't do either because it's too expensive or because it makes us lose or gain a certain amount of gold however with the knowledge of these Ten Commandments I was able to make a little progress in farming fishing and Mining before finally unlocking the community center on Day six giving us access to our first set of bundles now before we get too in depth on how we're gonna go about tackling these things I actually was able to First knock out two bundles immediately right off the bat the first was the spring foraging bundle which I was able to complete by turning in a bunch of garbage that I picked up off the ground and the second was the sample bundle which just required clicking on that subscribe button below which is obviously free and very easy as well as clicking on the audible free trial link in the description and although spring foraging just gave me a bunch of spring seeds that I'll literally never use the sample bundle actually rewarded me with a free high quality audiobook which is sick completing those bundles unlocked you guessed it more bundles and it's at this point where you may notice that the community center might look a little different than usual so I guess this is a good time to talk about why that is which means we're gonna have to rewind a bit back to one of the biggest roadblock in this entire challenge which I had to overcome before it even began see I'm just going to give it to you straight The Vault isn't even close to the only problematic set of bundles in the community center in fact I'd say about half of these things basically require us to be way more Rich than we'll ever have the means to be take the animal bundle for example which requires us to gather a variety of animal products the items we need here don't seem super insane at first Until you realize that getting them involves not only buying the animals themselves but also buying multiple farm buildings and upgrades for those buildings in order to feed and house them which just simply isn't in the budget luckily however there is a way to get around having to do some of these more problematic bundles and that's by starting our file with remixed bundles checking this box can randomly change which items you need to get to complete certain bundles and in some cases it can even swap out entire bundles for completely different ones now although this initially sounds like an easy out for this entire challenge there are two big issues with the solution firstly there aren't Limitless possibilities with what can be remixed so sometimes all it can do for us is turn a band situation into a little bit less bad but still not great situation and secondly the remixing process is completely random so even if you were to I don't know spend two hours rummaging around the wiki trying to determine the best possible combination of bundles that would ensure the highest likelihood of success actually getting that ideal combination in practice isn't exactly something we can just do at will so with the probability of getting exactly what we want being so low alongside the fact that it can take up to two in-game weeks to even see what bundles you got I had to resort to this nonsense this is The Game's save data file which if you're using an XML editor can allow you to view or even edit certain aspects of the game including what bundles are required to complete the community center now although it would have been possible to just plop in whatever bundles that I wanted and move on with the challenge it also would have been possible to replace every item in the community center with grass or just delete the entire Vault so because I didn't want to accidentally create an illegitimate Community Center I for went editing the save data and instead just used it to quickly determine whether or not a file would be playable so I wouldn't have to replay those first few days if I got unlucky I'd make a file check the bundle data and immediately reset if I saw anything stinky in particular these were all the bundles that I was confident were impossible at least at the time and with enough poor guys and exactly one poor girl the game eventually spat out a file with bundle data that according to my research seemed reasonable enough it wasn't my perfect combination but it seemed workable and that's how we got to where we are now so with a sufficiently optimized Community Center a couple bundles already complete and a healthy amount of preparation days under our belt I'd say it's about time we run through these rooms one by one to see what bundles we can manage to complete with our very shallow Pockets I'll run through these sets in order of easiest to hardest so without further Ado let's tackle the Boiler Room The Boiler Room houses three of five potential bundles that are all based on getting work done in the mines and I'm pretty sure it doesn't really matter which three you get in fact it doesn't really seem like any of these things are hard at all we're just mining rocks and killing enemies like usual so nothing is really affected by the fact that we can't earn money however things changed as soon as our environment did although these two guys are easily completable without even breaking floor 40 the Frozen tear and fire courts in the geologist bundle requires us to go a bit deeper making progress in the mines involves finding ladders which usually requires breaking a good amount of rocks on each floor the Rocks however get harder and harder to break the further down you go and since we don't have the funds to ever upgrade our pickaxe this makes both time and energy a limiting factor for how deep we can make it but luckily there is a convenient sensible and free way to deal with this issue yeah it's bombs regardless of what level you're at these things just obliterate everything in their path and they're perfectly easy to make so long as you have enough or in goal which we won't be in a shortage of any time soon this makes traversal through the minds possible and Beyond just getting to the floors where they spawn in neither of these two items are difficult to find and collect so with that and a bit of time we've already got an entire set of bundles completed without any problems however like I said this one was the easiest and therefore only just the beginning [Music] like mining fishing is largely unaffected by this challenge making the fish tank which consists of mostly fish fairly simple if not a little bit more annoying than usual we're given a free fishing rod on day two but since we can't earn money we'll never have enough gold to afford a better one meaning we'll never be able to make use of either bait or tackle luckily however neither of these things are actually necessary so we're only missing out on convenience which I've never been a big fan of anyway so then let's look at what we're working with the ocean lake river and night fishing bundles are all always the same regardless of bundle remixing and are all not even close to being problems as long as you know where and when the fish spawn it's really no hassle to Wrangle them up so these bundles were very easy to clean up over time the Crab Pot bundle is also unchanged and very easy as you just need to make a crab pot to catch these goobers however just because I needed to feel something anything I decided to do a mini challenge by foregoing using a crab pot for these things and instead opting to NAB most of them from the beach oh and those rock crabs in the mines yeah they're free you can just take them and with that there is only one bundle left in the fish tank which can actually be one of three three potential bundles among these we can find the first instance of a bundle that might just be impossible the specialty fishing bundle as the sand fish required to complete this one is only available in coleco desert which is only accessible after unlocking the bus stop which is done by completing the Vault and yeah it's just going to be a later issue luckily I ended up getting the easiest of these options the quality fishing bundle which is nearly identical to the other fishing bundles and therefore not any kind of issue making this already the second set of bundles I managed to fully complete we were making great progress but like I said like a minute ago this is still only the beginning [Music] all right it's not really the beginning anymore uh when's this challenge gonna get hard most of the bundles in the craft room are foraging bundles which require like 10 minutes of effort each even the Exotic foraging bundle which seems like it could be hard as these two items are locked behind the seemingly impenetrable wall that is unlocking the desert it's actually perfectly manageable since we only need to get five of these items as opposed to all of them the cave carrot in these two mushrooms are pretty commonly found in the mines and all of these things are easily obtainable for free by tapping trees giving us a lot of options this then leaves us with only one bundle left in this room and although it could have been the sticky bundle which would have taken exactly zero effort to complete i instead got a little unlucky and got the construction bundle wooden Stone aren't even close to problems it's the 10 hardwood in here that I'm a little worried about I'm getting my hands on some might be a little complicated here let me make a diagram for you so you can see what I mean foreign so hardwood is usually obtained by chopping these dead tree stumps and logs that appear on your farm the issue with this however is that breaking these things requires an upgraded ax something that we are far too poor to even think about so with that option ruled out we're gonna have to look at the other various sources of hardwood of which the most reliable by far is mahogany trees which can produce hardwood even with our garbage starting ax the main problem with this Avenue though is actually getting our hands on a mahogany seat as they're usually collected by other chopping stumps or by chopping a mahogany tree and I don't think that's going to work too well there is however another way of potentially getting mahogany seed and that's by killing slimes in this place called The Secret Woods unfortunately though getting to the secret Woods requires us to chop down a log which requires the X so yeah it's just kind of a messed up situation all this stuff seems to stem from getting the ax upgrade but if we could find some entry point some way to break into any of these cyclic steps then we should be able to find a path that leads us back to hardwood and as it turns out there's an entry point right here that's right by bringing a chair that spawns in our house all the way to the entrance of the secret Woods we can place it behind the log that we're supposed to chop down then all we got to do is take a seat and with that we're in the secret Woods which lets us kill a slime which gives us a mahogany seed which can then grow into a mahogany tree that we can then chop down with our dumb baby x which finally gives us Hardwood now I bought a whole bulletin board for this anyway with that we were able to finally finish off the construction bundle and subsequently the entire crafts room and that means that we're technically halfway through the community center wait really we are cruising through this challenge but although I have been joking about it a little now is when things actually get difficult see I'm organizing these bundles by room in order to talk about them more fluidly and have a bit of a difficulty progression but in practice I was splitting my work among all these things simultaneously and as you may have been able to tell by my constantly dwindling gold count throughout these last three chapters things aren't going too well beyond those first few rooms [Music] Welcome to The Pantry where dreams of completing cool challenges go to die at this point there are no free bundles everything in here is a major step up from what we've seen so far either in the amount of work we have to invest or in the amount of gold we have to spend let's start with the three crops bundles as no amount of remixing can change these at all so we may as well get them out of the way like I mentioned near the beginning of this challenge buying seed packets from Pierre is not a great strategy as 500 gold is simply not enough to buy everything we need instead most of my farming work throughout this run is fueled by mixed seeds which can act as a decent alternative to seed packets in the context of this challenge we can find mixed seeds for free by cutting grass and planting them spawns in a random crop from whatever season you're in now although this sounds like a catch-all solution so long as we get lucky with what crop spawn it doesn't quite do all the work for us as mixed seeds can't just become anything instead they randomly choose from a surprisingly limited pool of crops which may or may not actually have what we need in particular they can give us parsnips cauliflowers and potatoes or spring crops corn eggplants and pumpkin for fall crops and only hot peppers for summer crops everything else that they can give us is literally useless which means that we're kind of on our own for the rest of the required crops it's not all bad though yam for example can actually drop from these digging enemies in the mines without us having to plant anything so that's a bit of a freebie additionally although we can't get melons from anything directly we can actually get melon seeds as one of the rewards for donating items to the museum now although that seems great filling up the museum is a little harder than you may expect for nearly every donatable material is only obtainable by cracking open geodes which costs money this means that out of the 95 items that can be donated only 54 are actually accessible to us for free this doesn't really matter though because you only need to donate 10 things to get the melons which is super easy but I thought it was worth mentioning and with that there are only three more crops left to find but with mixed seeds off the table and no apparent way to find these things or their seeds out in the wild how are we expecting to get them well it's actually pretty simple we're just gonna buy them 60 Gold for a green bean starter 50 for a tomato seed and 80 for a blueberry seed although 190 is a pretty a massive hit to my already low amount of gold it's not too bad considering we only have to buy one of each of course this means that we have to really make sure that these plants don't die to crows or weeds or anything but those are generally easy things to avoid allowing us to cap off the main three crops bundles with as much damage control as possible there's also a fourth crops bundle although this one can be remixed like crazy so it's not nearly as much of a threat I ended up getting the quality crops bundle although the rare crops bundle should also be manageable by finding and planting an ancient seed from the mines as far as the quality crops go however I only need to do three of these things and it turns out that three of the four available options can come from mixed seeds so naturally I did corn eggplants and melons hold on wait a minute yeah although I only got nine melon seeds I was actually able to ensure that at least five of them were high quality by doing a little saves coming the quality of the crops that you harvest is random but it's determined at the start of the day meaning we can Harvest all the crops keep track of which ones were high quality and then restart the day to only Harvest those crops it was absolutely unnecessary since I could have just drawn from my infinite supply of cauliflowers for this bundle but I felt a lot cooler doing it this way alright moving on to the fifth bundle in this room we have a bit of a rough situation like I mentioned way in the beginning of this video the animal bundle and in fact getting animal products in general is completely infeasible in this challenge luckily we have not won but two options for what this bundle can potentially be remixed into unluckily though the fishpond bundle isn't a pretty similar boat although we can get squid ink for free in the mines both row and aged row are only obtainable after buying you guessed it a fish pond which costs a billion dollars this leaves us with the garden bundle as our only hope and it's also not great tries they might mixed seeds just cannot produce flowers and there's no alternative source for any of these things or their seeds this means that we have to buy our way to all of these items and although tulips Jazz and Spangles are all pretty cheap both sunflower seeds and fairy seeds cost 200 gold so either way we're spending an additional 300 gold on this one bundle putting our wallet in absolute critical condition or at least that would be the case if it weren't for the joja Mart it's not that deep it's just that sunflower seeds are a little cheaper here so I was able to save about 75 gold hey where'd all my money go and finally the last bundle in the pantry is yet another choice this time between the Artisan bundle and the Brewers bundle and I hate to say it but the Artisan bundle is yet another completely impossible one jelly and honey are easy to find for free but these four guys are all refined animal products which we've been over at this point and these are all fruits if you didn't notice you can usually Farm fruits by planting fruit trees but something tells me that's not gonna work there is however another common way of gathering fruit that actually involves a fairly significant part of the game the farm cave at some point in your first spring or summer Demetrius will show up at your door to completely overhaul this empty cave on your Farmland get the choice of either growing mushrooms in there or how's bats which can occasionally give you free access to nearly every tree fruit in the game this can be incredibly useful not only for the Artisan bundle but also for a variety of other bundles as what I would say if he ever showed up turns out Demetrius doesn't just arrive at some point in the early game but instead only approaches after you've earned 25 000 gold oh I'm sorry I'm not rich enough for you Demetrius unbelievable anyway you guys want to see my man cave it's pretty cool in here I'm not gonna lie I sweetened it up a bit got a bunch of plants and stuff don't worry about where I got those if you look closely you can see I actually have two Chimneys in here just you know it gives a little bit of depth to the place honestly having bats in here would just be a hassle more than anything I wouldn't want it dirty on my rugs anyway back to what we were doing since the Artisan bundle is off the table the Brewers bundle is our only option which involves making a bunch of beverages in order to make literally any of these though I need a keg which we can get through one of two ways we can craft them which doesn't seem too bad Until you realize that we need to reach farming level 8 in order to unlock the crafting recipe we can level up farming by harvesting crops but since our access to seeds is pretty dang limited this is not a great option luckily the second way we can get a keg is really easy as it's actually a free bundle reward for completing the uh so yeah anyway about that farming level like I said although we can get mixed seeds for free we can't really get them in bulk they're actually kind of a rare drop from grass and grass is known for taking its sweet time to grow back after we cut it however this rule does not apply to mines Grass Grass down here grows in like a second so you can repeatedly visit a floor cut all the grass and then resurface to respond at all so long as you choose the right floor my go-to being 81. on a good day you can get about 20 mixed seeds from doing this strategy which makes the road to farming level 8 a much shorter one the leveling up and crafting kegs is only half the battle because now we actually have to make at least four of these guys wine and Juice are first up as they're both real easy all we need is one of any fruit and one of any vegetable respectively and since I've been hoarding every single crop I've ever harvested I have no shortage of fruits and veggies meat is also pretty easy as we just need to slap some honey in there we can get honey by either crafting a bee house or by getting one for free after completing the fall crops bundle from there we have the choice between either making a pale ale or a green tea which require Hops and tea leaves respectively hops are only obtainable by buying a hop starter and although it is technically within our budget it's not ideal tea leaves on the other hand might be a bit more manageable with a little work we first have to befriend Caroline a little bit and I did that by giving her a bunch of these gems that I don't know what else to do with at that point she'll invite me to her sunroom where uh something happens after that Caroline will give you a note in the mail the next day with the crafting recipe for tea saplings attached so I went ahead and promptly made 50. keep in mind when you watch this that you only need one Tea Leaf to make the one green tea that we need for the community center you know just something to think about but with that the Brewers bundle is done the extra keg is thrown in the garbage and every bundle in the pantry has finally been completed man that was a massive jump in difficulty but hey we were able to make it through now is not quite the time for celebration however we have by far the hardest bundles ahead of us not behind us and we were only able to survive some of those last ones by digging into our supply of gold our chances honestly aren't looking too great but we aren't going to make progress by sitting here and thinking about it so let's start the bulletin board the bulletin board can consist of any combination of five bundles from a selection of eight and if you're wondering how I decided which five to go for allow me to give you a glimpse into my thought process these three have animal products in them so not those and with that we have our bundles no matter how hard or potentially even impossible they are these are what we're stuck with for everyone's sake let's start simple with the foragers bundle and yeah it's actually super simple we have to get a ton of each item sure but both salmon berries and blackberries have a short period of time where they spawn on bushes allowing us to collect them in bulk the field research bundle is next and although it does have a little bit more going on it's actually also quite simple I already have a ton of chubs and Frozen geodes stored up from doing a fish tank and boiler room and a nautilus shell can easily be grabbed from the beach during winter and purple mushrooms I mean come on I found this one in the trash these things aren't rare unfortunately though our progress is about to come to a halt because as all things do it goes south as soon as children arrive we already talked about salmonberries those are easy attack but finding two of these three things might prove to be a little Troublesome I ultimately decided to try and find a cookie and an ancient doll for ice cream seems impossible to for one it's mad expensive for some reason and two making it ourselves requires buying a whole dang kitchen technically it's possible to make recipes with a cookout kit instead of a kitchen but even then we'd need the ice cream recipe which requires talking to a military wife for a suspicious amount of time and milk which is an animal product you know I probably could have started with that one anyway with ice cream off the table we're gonna have to find some way to find these two goobers I at first thought cookies would be fairly trivial as I remember from my casual playthrough of this game that my mom will occasionally send me some in the mail so long as I've been a good boy however this apparently only happens after you've earned 5 000 gold so I guess I'm just a disappointment then well at this point we may as well Embrace this fact by instead getting our cookies by digging through garbage searching trash cans in this game can actually net you a pretty impressive variety of items and depending on which trash cans you search you can pull from different item pools in particular the trash can outside of the grandparents house has a tiny chance of dropping cookies which just made it a matter of time before I was able to get them sure I could have also you know gone inside the house and talked to the people at which point they probably would have eventually given me some cookies but that's far more effort than checking this trash can a hundred times but with that we just had the ancient doll left to find which is an artifact artifacts actually aren't hard to come by at all they can be found while fishing mining dumpster diving whatever the issue is when you're actively looking for a specific artifact as there aren't many good methods for finding these things quickly I ended up deciding that my best option was farming worms which are actually called artifact spots these guys can spawn pretty much anywhere on the map on any given day and despite their name actually give you a lot more than just artifacts when you dig them up more often than not they'll just give you a lost book or some dirt and the probability of finding an ancient doll in any of these spots never surpasses three percent which ain't great when we're only finding like three artifact spots a day the way they work is that they randomly choose a bunch of tiles on the map to try and spawn on and if the tile they choose is possible to be tilled with the hoe then it will succeed because of this I decided to start my ancient doll grind in the winter for a sense the ground is covered in snow a lot more land is tillable which makes artifact spot spawn much more frequently and much like the cookies it was just a matter of time at that point and sure enough after a couple hours of digging worms and getting every other dang artifact multiple times the ancient doll finally showed its face finishing off the children's bundle three down down two to go but we're not slowing down the die bundle is next and it's absolutely brutal every single one of these items has the chance of being remixed into something else and although this does give plenty of options many of these options are not very friendly let's start easy this item can either be an aquamarine or a blueberry both of which are actually quite simple the aquamarine is obvious it's just another gem from the mines but didn't we need to buy seeds for the last blueberry we needed well yeah but after we planted them the subsequent blueberry plant ended up producing multiple blueberries so it could have killed two birds with one stone if I hadn't gotten an aquamarine instead the same also applies to this item which can either be a sunflower or a star fruit if it was a sunflower then I could have just made use of the fact that harvesting sunflowers gives you extra seeds which would have been great since I already needed one of those earlier but instead we got unlucky and now I have to find some way to get a star fruit however we're actually not as unlucky as you might think for much like melons starfruit seeds are awarded after donating 15 items to the museum unlike melons however we're only given a single star fruit seed for the entire file so if I plant it and it dies the challenge just ends what's worse is that you have have to grow it during the summer which has guaranteed intermittent thunderstorms during which lightning can randomly strike down any plant that at once killing it instantly obviously this is terrifying so I completely avoided doing any work on these days to minimize my chances of star fruit death luckily it only had to survive through two thunderstorms before it was done keeping the challenge alive these two items are in the same boat one of their potential forms is a crop that I can't get for free whereas the other is a forged bull that isn't a problem these last two items however are neither nice nor easy let's take a look at this one for example we're gonna need to find either a red cabbage or an iridium bar both of which are absolute chores the red cabbage is the same story we've heard a bunch at this point it's a crap that we can't grow for free although red cabbage seeds can actually appear as an enemy drop from serpents mummies or purple slimes all of which spawn in the skull Cavern in the goddamn desert dang it I promise I'll get to the vault at some point okay but at this point we don't even have the money to buy a bus ticket even if the bus stop was unlocked so the desert is just permanently off limits this leaves us with an iridium bar which really isn't much better now if you're trying this challenge yourself allow me to give you a little advice don't do what I did you can usually smell an iridium bar in a furnace so long as you find five iridium ore I assume that this would be infeasible as iridium ore is usually only obtained in the aforementioned skull Cavern I was both wrong and dumb iridium ore can also be freely and quite easily found in the main Overworld through fishing treasure chests panning the Quarry which I found out on my own and if I had any amount of foresight the hilltop Farm which I could have gotten when I created the save file but no instead I decided without reason to forego even attempting to find any iridium ore and instead skip straight to collecting the Iridium bar how'd I do that you ask well it just so happens to be the case that iridium bars have a 0.2 percent chance of dropping from one of these two guys 0.2 I have over 100 gigabytes of video on my computer that almost exclusively consists of killing hundreds upon hundreds of these God forsaken enemies I even went out of my way to also kill 500 dust spray enemies in the icy floor so I could unlock the burglars ring which might have doubled my chances but upon taking a second look it's also possible it just did nothing it wasn't until a solid five hours into my grind when I finally came across an infested floor in the mines which I could repeatedly reset over and over to speed up the process of finding and killing enemies and sure enough after resetting the day a couple times to keep this infested floor alive this happened foreign barley I don't even know what else you expected to happen anyway I was pretty excited about this and for a good reason as this leaves us with only one more item in this daunting bundle however this one's a little different a duck feather or a cactus fruit an animal product or a desert item throughout the entirety of the challenge so far these two classes of items have been Public Enemy Number One and Two but now we have no options left to avoid them and we're only left with trying to tackle them let's start with the duck feather it's usually just an animal product but it's also potentially available as a gift from Emily after marrying her however as any married person would know doing so is not very cheap as we need to spend money on a bouquet the mermaid's pendant and a whole house upgrade at which point I don't even think it'd be any cheaper than just buying a duck the cactus fruit on the other hand is similarly hopeless like I said even if we did find a way to complete the Vault right now and unlock the bus stop we're too poor to buy a bus ticket to the desert which means we don't have access to them or their seeds it is possible to get a cactus fruit from trash cans much like cookies but they only start spawning after we unlock the desert it's also possible to get gifted a cactus fruit from Sandy but she lives you guessed it in the goddang desert so now what while there is one last resort that I've yet to even consider an option that seems so useless in a no-goal challenge but just might be your only hope the traveling cart on Fridays and Sundays the traveling Merchant will arrive in stardew Valley with a seemingly infinite variety of items every day she switches up her stock to not only include different items but different items at varying prices I figured that if we got lucky enough it might be possible to get one of these items to show up for very cheap such that we would actually be able to afford buying it this however was a very short string to pull at although both a duck feather and a cactus fruit can show up in the traveling card stock both of their minimum values are still far beyond our budget so even if we did just so happen to find exactly what we were looking for there's just no way we'd be able to afford it oh wait yo there he is you like my farm why are there so many trees because it's been five years you want to see my man cave I'm pretty sweet oh this place is cool now my decorative Bowl you like my musical chair no look all right we all make mistakes okay Nobody's Perfect all right so you can't actually kill people in this game but what you can do is exchange money between players if the shared wallet option is turned off and since minnows 500 gold technically counted as starting gold much like what we started with taking it from him doesn't actually increase our total earnings at all meaning that by the rules of this challenge we still haven't earned any money and yet we're now able to afford the cactus fruit and finish off the die bundle leaving us with only one more bundle on the bulletin board but we're not done yet because the fodder bundle is in the same dang situation Wheaton hay can both come from mixed seeds alright I got them ages ago they don't matter instead we got three apples to deal with I'll keep it nice and quick here we aren't getting apples for free and the cheapest way to buy them is for 300 gold each from the traveling cart which means we're gonna need more gold which means we're gonna need more manpower I guess that also works I'll all hi welcome to the farm you want to come to my man cave no all right that's fair enough all right now follow me give me money should I send it to poor guy yeah that's me stupid we come back and record this yeah and then I just did all that with a third person through this multiplayer gold trading I was able to get my hands on an extra whopping 1 500 Gold without even making a dent in my total earnings allowing me to not only afford that cactus fruit from earlier but also all three apples so long as we're willing to wait long enough for them to be in stock and on sale which you know can take a bit but with that I with the help of some friends and also that third person was finally able to complete the last of the bulletin board bundles with not a single gold earned oh the wall it's honestly the simplest of all the rooms here in the community center and in any other playthrough it'd probably be one of the first to get done but now it's the only thing left and to be honest yeah it's absolutely impossible what'd you expect we have to pay thousands and thousands of gold we ain't got that we can only bring three extra Farm hands into our farm and unless there's some insane glitch or exploit that I'm missing out on there is no other way to get gold without increasing our total earnings so there's straight up nothing we can do here but you know I still let myself have hope I still let myself have faith that I could potentially find a solution throughout the challenge and I still let myself get excited as we got closer and closer to the end technically if I gave up on the Vault immediately then I could have actually completed it and bought a bus ticket way in the beginning of the run and access the desert and get a couple of those problem items completely for free if I had just started the challenge already accepting the fact that I was gonna fail then I could have actually gotten away with spending less money with the minimum being 41 725 gold if you want to be a nerd about it but man if we're gonna sit here and fail the challenge anyway then we may as well fail spectacularly foreign so is it possible to complete stardew Valley's Community Center without earning gold no it's not even close but hey at least for a little bit it really didn't seem too far off hey welcome to the end of the video I hope you enjoyed it I spent way too long on it hopefully I'll spend a little less time on the next one and by the way if you do want to see that next one you should probably click that subscribe button it increases your likelihood of seeing it and if you want to watch my other stuff uh also subscribe I don't think it helps with that but it helps me and it makes me happy also audible is still in the description it is a still a free trial you can immediately cancel it if you want to it's really just a free audio book it's a pretty solid deal in all honesty and it's a great way to support me and yeah I got nothing else to talk about so that's it
Channel: Sample
Views: 230,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YZ2gBai8xRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 0sec (2040 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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