How To Break Super Meat Boy Without Jumping

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Super Meat Boy is one of the most influential indie games of all time and secondarily I guess it's also one of the hardest games of all time so to flex my gaming superiority as usual in today's video I will be answering the age-old question is it possible to beat Super Meat Boy wow wait a minute I'm a challenge YouTuber when did this happen here's the thing not only is this game already a challenge on its own but it's also a pretty mechanically simple game which only makes things harder for us I know that beating games without jumping is generally my go-to but with this game being a hardcore Precision platformer with jumping as it's one and pretty much only mechanic what would it even mean to try and play it without the jump button well as we'll soon see it makes the game very very interesting [Music] [Applause] [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] we start off in the forest and we're immediately looking a little bit rough without the jump button the only things we can even do are Sprint and run back and forth neither of which are too terribly productive when it comes to gaining height luckily however we don't have to worry about this too much for you can actually play these levels in any order that you want and you only have to complete 17 of the 20 levels in order to unlock the boss and move on so although the first level here might have a little too much verticality for us right now all we got to do is sift through these other levels and hopefully find a little bit more luck alright second level's worse third level's better uh still not great yeah it's interesting yeah no probably not this one either or this one oh oh look I'm getting getting some height here you know some some High Ground that's good at least I can die in this one yo is that sample of fast and free way to not only get access to a ton of great audiobooks but also support me at the same time yes sign me uh no hold on got that block out of the way now check this out there we go that's progress baby yeah that's it for that one you know I'll just go out on a limb here all right you get the point we don't have anywhere near the amount of resources we need to do literally any of the levels here let alone 17. so at this point we really only have two options to get those additional resources that we need one could be to try this challenge off of an already completed file so we could use an unlockable character like Niger here to gain height and complete levels without having to use the jump button the issue with this Avenue however is that every boss fight and the entirety of the final world requires you to play as Meat Boy Who as we've seen probably doesn't have what it takes to cover those levels on his own so it looks like we'll have to give Meat Boy himself some new options via the Second Avenue which might be a bit more Sinister okay so I know it looks like I just made a jump cut from the beginning to the end of the level which would obviously be against the rules of the challenge but I promise you that's not the case take a look at this Replay in the unaffected timer up in the corner as you can hopefully see this apparent teleportation of meat boy is actually entirely possible in game through the use of what I like to call the time stop glitch by pressing and holding the key on a keyboard or in my case clicking on the games tab in Window mode the game will appear to completely freeze up although it looks like nothing is happening during this time the game is actually doing a bunch of calculations in the background to try and determine where Meat Boy will be after the game unfreezes for example if you jump for example geez anyway if you stop and resume time while mid-air the game will take note of the fact that meat boy is Airborne and use it to determine how far down he would have fallen had time not been stopped this also works when moving horizontally when stopping time the game will calculate meat boy's change in horizontal position by taking the direction being pressed whether or not the sprint button is being pressed and how long time was stopped for and putting them all in one big equation this effectively allows us to kind of move around even though time itself isn't moving which as we've already seen can have some weird effects obviously you usually can't just run across thin air but the game doesn't consider this when time has stopped since we start off on flat ground the game doesn't even think about changing our vertical position and instead just focuses on moving us horizontally in this case across an entire Gap it gets even weirder though check out this level oh yeah not only were we able to run across this Gap while time was stopped but we were also able to completely pass through these walls and saws again the game isn't looking at the level at all when time has stopped all it knows is that we were running to the right for a certain amount of time and it just assumes that we were allowed to do that this is clearly an incredibly powerful trick to have in our Arsenal as it allows us to completely cheese through many many of these four levels we can do four levels despite the time stop glitches clear utility it still doesn't solve our problem of gaining any height as we can't really trick the game into calculating a position higher than our starting position this means that we can really only complete levels in which bandage girl here is either at the same height or lower than Meat Boy which is four levels obviously four is a significantly smaller number than 17. and although I did also do a few of the Dark World levels which are unlocked after completing the normal ones they don't count towards our level completion goal so here we are yet again scrambling around this world hoping to find anything we can work with with no hope to be found sure we could turn this into a minimalist Challenge and try and count how many jumps we'll need for each level but even that seems pretty daunting at this point we're gonna need another breakthrough and I think I might just have the exact right thing oh okay uh let me explain although it definitely looks like I'm just straight up jumping here I'm actually not even touching the keyboard at all these jumps are just passively happening courtesy of the auto Jump glitch this glitch is activated by holding down the jump button pausing letting go of the jump button and then unpausing doing this incredibly simple string of actions for some reason confuses the game so much causing a jump input to occur on every single frame making meat boy bounce all over the goddamn place now obviously this breaks the rules of the challenge in at least some capacity as I am just straight up jumping but since activating the glitch only requires a single use of the jump button I'll just be minimizing how many times I use the glitch in this sense don't think of this as a minimum jump challenge but rather a minimum jump button challenge so with this new trick things still aren't looking too good to be frank even though the auto Jump glitch is a pretty cool thing to have it isn't preserved in between levels meaning the best we'd be able to do at this point is complete 13 other levels in this world with one button press each before unlocking the boss at which point we'll just keep having to use more and more of the jump button throughout worlds that are only going to get harder and more complex as we go on so you know what screw this challenge if we're already willing to walk through goddamn walls and farm infinite jumps in what is supposed to be a no jumping run then let's just toss all our inhibitions out the window and see how much we can truly Bend this game to our will if you're gonna give me an impossible challenge then I'm gonna give you an impossible solution and it all starts with yet another insane glitch bandage duplication strap a pin for this one it'll be pretty easy to get lost here okay so bandages are Collectibles that can be found in a select few levels that usually just unlock other characters and although farming infinite bandages to do so could certainly be useful the actual reason I want to duplicate bandages will become apparent after I actually explain how we're gonna go about doing it the first step is finding what's called a Warp Zone which are trios of bonus levels that can be found in some of the normal levels each world has four warp zones and we have to choose one as our candidate to do the glitch in a good candidate would be a Warp Zone that is accessible completable and has a bandage that I can collect over and over without having to jump too much immediately we can rule out this one as red warp zones are just for unlocking garbage characters like this guy and don't even have any bandages in them every other Warp Zone though has exactly two bandages and are therefore at least viable candidates for the glitch this guy though is looking a little sus and that's because he's actually a dark World Warp Zone like I mentioned a little earlier in the video Dark levels are unlocked by completing their normal level counterparts so accessing this guy would require using one jump press to complete the normal version of the level and then another to actually enter The Warp Zone this immediately makes him an inferior option to the two normal warp zones as these guys both only require one jump press to reach so now that we've narrowed down our options to two equally accessible warp zones let's look at the three levels they are comprised of in order to determine which one is best for our purposes although the first Warp Zone initially appears fairly promising as all three levels are actually completable without jumping the same cannot be said about either of the available bandages in the second Warp Zone on the other hand although only two of the three levels are possible jump lists the bandage in the second level is extremely accessible through the use of the time stop glitch this makes this Warp Zone an overall better candidate as one jumpless bandage is more valuable than one jumpless level since we're going to be collecting the bandage multiple times so with our ideal Warp Zone chosen let's restart the file and start getting to work immediately we ignore every single level and B-Line it to level 19 in which we first pass through some walls with the time stop glitch before using one jump press to get the height needed to enter the secret area with The Warp Zone we run through the first level like it's nothing before then getting to the bandage that we gotta start duplicating first we just gotta collect the bandage and complete the level normally or as normally as we're used to anyway from there we activate yet another godforsaken glitch The Warp Zone replay okay I'll make this one quick usually when you complete a level a little animation of bandage girl getting kidnapped plays out and a replay of all your attempts at that level begins however there's a built-in functionality that allows you to skip the bandage girl animation and immediately view the Replay by pressing on the jump button or the pause button warp zones on the other hand aren't supposed to have replays at all but the functionality that allows you to skip to the replay still exists for whatever reason allowing you to force your way into an otherwise unviewable Replay by simply pressing the pause button once you complete the level from here we have the option to play through this level again and since this isn't supposed to be possible in Warp Zone levels collecting the bandage again in our second run through tricks the game into thinking we've collected two bandages in this single level hence bandage duplication finally but we only have to do this once before then using another jump press to make it through this last level collecting a third bandage on our way out for good measure and there we go we pulled off bandage duplication with only two uses of the jump button that's not too bad but what did that actually do well although it may not look like anything terrible is happening know that behind the scenes us collecting that single extra bandage is currently ruining the game and in order to understand why allow me to introduce you to this guy bear with me on this one this guy's name is George everyone say hi to George he's the one responsible for keeping track of how many bandages you've collected in a Warp Zone he's initially just chilling in his cubicle at a certain memory address which indicates that neither bandage has been collected from The swarp Zone yet however as soon as we collected that first one George moved the memory addresses up a little bit this is so that if the warp zone is completed he can remind himself of which bandages were collected so that he can save them to the overall counter once we collected our second bandage then he again incremented the memory address business as usual but then we collected a third bandage warp zones are only ever supposed to have two bandages in them and there is no exception George doesn't know this though look at him you think he's paying attention instead he just does what he always does and pulls up yet another memory address even though this one's not supposed to be accessible and has nothing to do with bandages then we completed The Warp Zone and once we did George placed a big old negative one next to the two memory addresses that contain bandage data in order to indicate that they had been collected nah yeah but see now he realizes his mistake he knows there isn't supposed to be another address here but what do you expect him to be able to do about it he's just a bandage counter dealing with this is Way Beyond his pay grade so he does the only thing he knows how to do and places another negative one here just like the others and hopes that it'll just happen to work itself out in the end it does not turns out the memory address that George just put a fat negative one next to had nothing to do with bandages and instead determines the current chapter that meat boy is in yeah we're in chapter negative freaking one now George buddy what does that even mean naturally Clyde from the chapter data department has absolutely no clue what's going on because he just got the memo that works supposedly in chapter negative one which isn't a real thing he's currently working with a memory address that stores chapter 1 data so with no better ideas he just Scrolls through memory addresses until he finds where chapter negative one data would be stored if it even existed meanwhile on our end we go ahead and enter level 111 and beat it through the use of yet another jump press much like George since it's Clyde's job to keep track of chapter data he goes ahead and increments the value at what he thinks is the chapter negative one address to indicate that a level had been completed but that's when Beatrice shows up and is all like bro Clyde what in the world are you doing at my address I've only been gone for like five minutes and Clyde's just like your address I thought this is where chapter negative one data is stored and Beatrice is like dude chapter negative one doesn't even exist you idiot what are you tired talking about this address is supposed to determine the level type that meatboy is in see now Clyde's also freaking out because he doesn't even know what he just did so he's just like oh okay so like hypothetically then what would happen if I say incremented this level type by one and Beatrice is like nah that'd be bad news because any value of one or above would indicate that meat boy is in a Warp Zone level yeah bad news indeed Beatrice cause now we're back over to freaking George who's looking in horror at the memo saying that level 111 here is a Warp Zone level which he knows isn't the case but in a panicked attempt to try and write his wrongs from earlier he again just tries to improvise with what he's got by going back to his starting address and treating this level as if it's a Warp Zone we go ahead and spend three more jump presses to repeatedly replay this level collecting the bandage every time again triggering bandage duplication the bandage isn't disappearing like it's supposed to because George over here like the failure he is isn't counting the bandages as we're collecting them but is instead just continuing to pull up more memory addresses from the void as if we're in a Warp Zone including this little problematic guy from earlier once we exit though he doesn't put negative ones on all the addresses like like he did last time this is because we got to the map by exiting the level so the bandages we collected are actually going to be counted because that's how warp zones work and someone decided that we're going by Warp Zone rule it was actually climbed he accidentally did that by changing the level type if you remember anyway rather than putting a negative 1 on all the bandages to indicate that they've been collected George instead puts the number corresponding to the level ID of each bandage not collected which is usually so he can remind himself of which levels still have bandages that have yet to be collected so since we were in level 11 for all three bandages he puts a fat 10 on all the addresses including the one that determines our current chapter so you know what that means Clyde gets another memo and there's no way he's happy about it because chapter 10 much like chapter negative 1 shouldn't actually exist but he sucks it up and Scrolls on down to where chapter 10 data would be stored if it was real before coming across something peculiar there's already some data there he looks over at Beatrice but this address is way out of her jurisdiction she's just as clueless as everyone else at this point Clyde then doesn't really know what to think of this so he interprets this one as a little bit of chapter 10 somehow already being done namely this bit represents the chapter's glitch level being unlocked glitch levels are kind of just like warp zones but they're usually only available after completing the entire chapter thanks to Clyde's misinterpretation though we can Waltz on over to the wrongly unlocked level use another jump press and complete the glitch level way earlier than we're supposed to Clyde watches this all happen and like he usually does he turns over to the address that stores chapter data and prepares to flip the bit that would indicate that the chapter 10 glitch level had just been completed however he hesitates for the past couple minutes everything has seemed like chaos and it seems like that chaos is sourced from actions just like this one changing data and memory addresses whose purpose he doesn't actually know he's just assuming that this is where chapter 10 data is stored just like he assumed the level type address was where chapter negative one data was stored and just like George assumed that the current chapter address was where Warp Zone bandage 3 was stored Clyde knows this is a bad assumption though after all there was some inexplicable data already in there which doesn't make any any sense if this actually was a chapter 10 data address heck chapter 10 still doesn't even exist so why would there even be a memory address for it at all but alas he's got no better ideas with very little faith in himself he flips the bit so then what was that address why was there data in it and what did Clyde's little change just do well to answer all three of those questions the address he mistook for chapter 10 data actually stored data for unlocked chapters there was a one already in there because we obviously have chapter 1 unlocked and from that you might be able to guess what Clyde's little change ended up doing folks this is the Super Meat Boy wrong warp the weirdest and most complex glitch I've ever had the luxury of researching and explaining and although it did take a few jumps here and there to set up skipping over four entire chapters seems well worth the effort to me it might be possible to reduce the number of jumps used in chapter negative one here but I seriously tried as many things as I could think of and nothing yielded any worthwhile results but that's fine by me because now we're in the end with only five required levels in the way of us reaching the end of our journey yeah this level is pretty rough though and although I did find out that you can travel up a single tile at a time by extremely precisely using the time stop glitch it didn't end up saving this level from adding to our counter the second level on the other hand oh yeah we're in there level three though is just a tad bit more complicated these moving platforms move even while time is stopped meaning they aren't safe to stand on while teleporting so making it all the way across this level took a lot more Precision than you may expect that being said though it is still miraculously possible jumpless yeah this one isn't though not much I can do here and despite how it may initially seem this next level is also unfortunately impossible although bandage girl is below meat boy's starting position which is historically the one condition to make a level possible jumpless she's actually too far away to reach her with the time stop glitch for longer levels like this you can't just hold the glitch for as long as you want to teleport across the entire thing for at some point meat boy's intended next position once time is resumed will be completely off screen and if you go off screen in this game you die this means that I had to use another jump press to get more initial height before canceling the auto Jump glitch to do some teleports it's worth noting that canceling this glitch requires pressing the jump button again but it doesn't add to the overall counter so long as I continue holding the jump button until the next time I have to activate the auto Jump glitch again since it only requires holding and releasing the jump button so yeah it's a half button press there you go I said the line you happy now anyway as I just implied canceling the glitch in this level isn't a problem because I can just use that same button press to activate the auto Jump glitch in the boss finally defeating Dr this guy and with that we only have one more final stretch before we make make it to the end of our long perilous journey and although the trigger for the ending cut scene here is a little above Meat Boy spawning position which would usually discourage me from trying a jumpless we might be able to use a little trick we discovered earlier to help us out a bit see we could use the time stop glitch to teleport to this platform here but we can actually do better by repeatedly running into this Rubble to our right it might not look like it but since the time stop glitch can allow us to travel up one block at a time we can actually treat the rock layout over here as a bit of a staircase and sure enough with enough steps climbed we can use this initial height to teleport all the way over here with a significant height increase from where we were without this climb this gives us way more options regarding how we approach the end of the level which as I kind of mentioned earlier is just a big box this time I need to be close enough to the box to be able to teleport into it but I also need ground to stand on in order to actually do the glitch since getting the height needed to reach this upper area seems unfeasible given that this potential staircase is nowhere near as useful as the first the most promising area here seem to be this little bit of ground here but as I soon found in my attempts to get there at wasn't quite enough now here you might be thinking yeah obviously it didn't work you missed the end of the level by a mile but the end game trigger actually does extend all the way out to here instead the issue is that I'm a single tile too low to activate the trigger which is obviously a problem this means that we need to find some ground to stand on in this final area that is at least one block taller than all of these platforms but in that same sense we can't get enough height to access the platforms that are all the way up here and as I'm sure you've noticed this doesn't leave us with many options but there is in fact one bit of ground here that might just fit all of the criteria we're looking for this thing a tiny tiny hole in the wall as I found out over in this area it is actually possible to stand in these types of holes in the wall so long as I can teleport into them and conveniently there just so happens to be a random platform all the way over here that lies at the exact same height as the whole all we needed to do at this point was get to that platform and pray that the Gap is small enough to teleport all the way over no matter how many times I tried though I just couldn't make it I would either stop time for too long and die off screen or or not hold it long enough to make it all the way in the wall it seemed so precise that I actually decided to pull out the task tools to pull some of the weight for me invite test tools I mean I used an auto hotkey script like a caveman but with this I was able to tweak how long I would stop time every time I went for the trick I kept changing it and then testing it and changing it and testing it until I finally honed in on what might just be the perfect in-between value [Music] this isn't what actually happened turns out the Gap really is just one tile too large to cross even if you do go as far as the time stop glitch allows and as far as I could tell there's no other way to clip into this wall and land on this platform there are so many things here that have changed just the tiniest bit would make this last hurdle possible but alas that's just not the case in a lot of my other videos things can end up turning out so perfectly that it almost feels like the challenge was meant to be possible but it's situations like this that remind us that no this isn't how the game was designed to be played at all but even if we didn't get that cinematic ending that we feel like we might deserve the fact that we've even made it here with so few jumps goes to show that even when implying in the most broken and absurd way possible we can still make the run our own and at the end of the day that's all that really matters [Music] hey you welcome to the end of the video if you liked this video you can go ahead and do all the YouTube things to let me know about it if you want to see more videos from me you could probably subscribe I assume that helps you find videos when I make them I don't actually know but you can't hurt to try it audible is also in the description if you want to support me it's a free way to do that and you get the entire library of audiobooks it's pretty sick and yeah I don't really know what else to say so I see you
Channel: Sample
Views: 1,349,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _cTsB61hO04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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