The Pacifist Challenge - Beating Hollow Knight Without Collecting Soul [CHALLENGE]

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hollow knight is a beautiful game full to the brim with the beautiful creatures of hollow nest so during this ongoing drought of silks on content i decided to come back to this game one last time just to bask in its beauty however i'm not gonna lie it's kind of hard to admire all the fantastic art when the vast majority of hollow knight's gameplay consists of murdering nearly every single living organism that comes within a few inches of you which is actually a decently large distance if you think about it my point is what if i didn't want to kill everything i see is there a way to still play through this game without having to constantly resort to violence is it possible to beat hollow knight as a true pacifist this is the question that i am setting out to answer but before anything i gotta define what i actually mean by being a pacifist now usually this is the part of the video where i intentionally bend the rules such that it makes the challenge a lot easier or at the very least possible however i unfortunately can't cheat this time around since the game already has a mechanic that tracks whenever you hit enemies the soul gauge every time you damage an enemy with the nail you gain a bit of soul which essentially acts as mana so you can use spells which then do more damage and then potentially cause more death oh the horror so you know what no soul that's the only rule in this challenge this will ensure that i never hurt enemies with either the nail or any spells that i collect throughout the game it also has some side effects however like now i can't get soul through any other method like hot springs and i can't use spells for purposes outside of damage the big one being healing however there's also a tiny bit of leniency in this rule like the fact that it doesn't explicitly ban the use of the nail in general so although you definitely can't hit enemies you can hit walls you can hit levers you can hit your own shade after you die thank god and you can even hit that subscribe button below none of those things give you soul so you're free to smack to your heart's content so with all the preliminaries out of the way let us answer the question of the day is it possible to beat hollow knight without hurting a single bug [Music] it might seem a little odd to devote an entire chapter to the king's pass a starting area that lasts like three minutes and doesn't require killing anything but being a tutorial area we learn a lot about what this challenge is gonna be all about not all the moving and jumping things i already know how to do all that stuff for the most part but specifically we learned two very valuable lessons here one money is everything since we can't get this game's currency geo from killing enemies we'll have to make the most of gathering geo from these nodes strewn about if we want a chance at buying potentially crucial items in the future and two accidents happen and although i'm certainly making a point to not directly hurt anything that doesn't mean i'm required to prevent enemies from dying entirely death is an inevitability in the land of hollow nest and you know we might actually be able to use this fact to make our journey a little easier and with the king's past past and our two lessons learned it's time to officially start it [Music] we start our adventure in the forgotten crossroads not before of course talking to elderbug for a bit this is a pacifist run alright i'm not a monster but once we're thrust into this first real area it slowly dawned on me that this challenge was not going to be an easy task sure traversing around isn't terribly difficult all it takes is a little bit of maneuvering but the map of this place is just riddled with battle arenas that lock us in and require us to commit horrendous acts even just figuring out where to go at the beginning here is a major challenge one area in particular that sticks out like a sore thumb is this battle arena which completely blocks off access to this entire half of the crossroads unless i'm willing to murder some innocent flies if you're like past me here you might be thinking oh wait but it looks like there's a secret path you can use to just skip right over it doesn't that solve the problem nope absolutely it doesn't in fact it just makes the problem way worse because now that i sat at the bench in this room in order to restore my health i've effectively cornered myself by setting a checkpoint in a literal dead end with the only exit being the battle arena that locks us in until we show our might so whether we like it or not we're gonna have to do exactly that but how are we gonna kill these bugs if we're not allowed to kill well like we learned in the first area accidents happen so all we theoretically gotta do is wait for an accident to happen and then i won't have to do anything i'll regret okay this isn't gonna work that's it we gotta kill this guy or more accurately we gotta get him killed there's a stalactite right up here on the ceiling that falls if i get close to it similarly this bug guy moves away from me whenever i get close to him so if i direct his movement up to where the spike is i can make it fall killing the bug while at the same time making it look like an accident and although moving this guy around is extremely difficult after a little bit of finesse i was able to make it happen oh man that really was an unfortunate event for him to just go and die so young and ah great now there's two this is an issue cause with one spike already used to kill the first guy there's only one other spike left in this room meaning i'm gonna have to kill two bugs with one spike and if indirectly causing one bug to die is extremely difficult directing two of the dudes at the same time is nearly impossible but luckily we don't have to entirely rely on gravity to do the job for us instead it's actually possible to hit the spikes as they're falling in order to send them flying in the direction we hit them this means that with good timing and positioning we can take matters into our own hands boom baby that's what i'm talking about get out of here i mean uh oh no what a tragedy sure maybe i did deliberately direct a spike hurling towards two innocent bystanders with the clear intent of double homicide but do you see any soul in that meter no i didn't think so so let's just treat this whole ordeal like it never happened and move right along okay so like moving along is actually a lot easier said than done here sure i was able to explore around and even save some grubs from captivity which in my opinion makes up for some previous events but uh where the heck do i go from here for an area called the forgotten crossroads a lot of the roads seem to just lead to blatant dead ends let's look at the map for a second so you can see what i mean the intended path for the beginning here is to go this way kill the false knight kill the beast in the ancestral mound to get the eventual spirit spell and then use that spell to get past another enemy to get access to green path see the issue with all that that's like five major no-nos and we're never gonna find a way to get through this guy man he's got nordvpn i bet he also used the link in the description with promo code sample to get a dang discount dude we're never getting in there the protection is just too powerful alright well it looks like we're gonna have to give up here however hollow knight's a non-linear game so there should be at least one other way to go initially right well maybe but since we have exactly zero key items like the dash or the wall jump this might not be exactly true let's take a meander at our other options the most promising alternative path seems to be crystal peak since there are whole two entrances however one of them requires the desolate dive spell which we wouldn't be able to use even if we did have it and as for the other entrance we need the lumafly lantern in order to see in the dark this item is actually one of the first accessible items in the game viable in the very first shop however we need to talk to the shopkeeper in order to actually unlock that first shop who is of course blocked by a whole dang mini boss with no potential way of bypassing it this boss is also what's currently blocking me from potentially escaping this area through the blue lake although that place is also beyond a massive wall so i'm not sure if that'd be a possibility even if the boss wasn't here speaking of possibilities that i shouldn't be considering but still am out of desperation there's the tram which i can't use without a tram pass and the elevator to the city of tears which is locked from the inside so with all those paths being completely closed off with not even a conceivable way to traverse them there's only one road i have yet to mention the road to the fungal wastes this area by contrast to the others actually doesn't seem to be completely blocked off in fact the only thing keeping me from entering this area is a gap that's just ever so slightly too big for us to cross we're supposed to use the dash for this gap but we get that from the mothwing cloak in greenpath so that's not an option and try as i might there's just no other way to jump over here through normal means which is why in lieu of any other options i resorted to some questionable means dark magic or what the unenlightened refer to as glitches are sometimes fairly taboo in things like challenges speed runs or really any form of gaming competition but since i'm currently backed into a corner here i've deemed it necessary to use my single use glitch punch card for this dire situation so with that premise out of the way there's only one ingredient we need to get the dark spell underway an item but not just any old item laying on the ground i need a floating item of which there are only a select few in this first area there's the vengeful spirit spell that i brought up earlier but that one's off the table since there's no way to get to it with that at the very least hurting the vault's night there's also one that appears after beating the brooding maulik but that's obviously not gonna work either however the two remaining possibilities in this area actually both seem potentially feasible one comes from the grub father who gives a mask shard for saving five grubs i've already saved four during my exploration of this area and there actually is one more here that just might be possible to save with a bit of a nest however the other item in this area another mask shard is much closer to the entrance to the fungal wastes making it a much better candidate for the glitch or i mean the uh for the dark magic the only issue however is actually getting up to the item which is just barely out of reach if you've played this game before then you know that you can bounce off of enemies and other things using the nail in order to deal with situations like this which i'm pretty sure is what you're supposed to do here but that's almost certainly not an option in this challenge right turns out that's not the case by dying in this room and coming back something called a shade will spawn which is essentially just an enemy that you need to kill in order to get all your geo back from dying however unlike most enemies this guy doesn't give you soul when you hit him this means i'm free to bounce off of him in order to get the height i need to access the mass shard we've been looking for and with all that preparation it's time to do some magic by opening your inventory as you fall on the mask shard the item collecting animation will be cancelled leaving our knight friend here floating in midair this is called the air walk glitch and it might just be exactly what we need in order to get to the next area however although it seems insanely overpowered to be able to fly in a platform game it's actually much harder to control than you might expect since going down can be a huge issue when gravity isn't an option luckily i can guess some downward force by moving horizontally into slanted ceilings which is what i use here in order to get out of this little area it might take a little while to notice but i actually am moving down here extremely slowly which i was able to do by using a super shallow angle in this ceiling with this i was able to sneak right on out of here and make my way to where i need to be hopefully this now gives a little perspective as to why i chose this item over the grub father one since you know that's a lot of down that i would have to do anyway with just a few huge jumps and a few more extremely slow descents i was able to finally make it into the fungal wastes but we're not quite in the clear yet see i would love nothing more than to not be floating right now for moving down is way harder than it needs to be especially since getting hit stops you from going down potentially getting you stuck in the air with no way out luckily after the most stressful descent to my life i was able to make it into this little area with a bench i saved quit re-entered the game and voila gravity has been turned back on but more importantly we're finally out of the crossroads now although we have made some fantastic progress and by that i mean any progress at all our future is still very unclear right now we're in a completely new area with its own set of potential problems we don't have the dash which we're definitely expected to have at this point we still don't have a consistent way to deal with enemies or bosses we don't have any uses left on our glitch punch card in fact we just straight up don't have any actually useful items still so wait a minute what am i thinking we haven't made any progress we just brute forced ourselves into the only area we could think of without actually considering whether or not there was anything we could actually get done here but despite all this there might still be hope because the fungal wastes houses one of the game's absolutely necessary items the mantis claw which would grant us the ability to jump off of walls in addition where most key items required for progress are guarded by bosses the mantis claw is not and is instead kept safe in the confines of the mantis village we wouldn't even have to kill anything for it all we'd have to do is sneak our way in [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right gang let's map out our plan our goal is to bust into the mantis village take the claw and sneak on out of there without so much as leaving a trace here's how we're doing it we all move south from the safe house at precisely the break of dawn you stay behind and keep watch and if anyone fishy gets curious you know what to do from there the west path is going to be brimming with guards so instead we'll head east to stay out of sight from there we'll put on a front with the locals in order to fit right in this should give us enough leeway to eventually make it to the target's entrance which will be crawling with guards the front entrance is almost certainly a bust as it's here where the place's security is at its best with every corner being as impossible to maneuver as the next so it's here where you random mushroom enemy will come into play if you shoot a projectile in the exact right spot we'll be able to bounce off of its explosion twice in order to get the leverage needed to sneak in through the ventilation system from there we'll be able to crack the place in no time now this part's important guy all you got to do is brute force your way through the guards and hit the leftmost lever in order to disable the security system and unlock the vault it might be a bit dangerous but i promise you you'll make it out of there because that's where i come in while the guards are distracted by your whole scene they won't even notice my presence all you gotta do is hoist me over to the vault's entrance and i'll be able to grab you on my way out and at that point it's a straight line to our target but the plan isn't over yet now we gotta get the heck out of here after tripping one last alarm for good measure we'll bust out through the way we came in backtrack through the vents do some of the scariest escape maneuvers i've ever done in my entire life and finally reconvene in the public park nearby anyway so yeah that's how i got the wall jump it's honestly pretty miraculous that it's even close to possible to get this thing not having the dash really makes moving around in this area much harder than it's ever intended to be however now that i can climb walls tons of new options arise and it's probably time to start thinking about how i'm actually gonna beat this game there are many different combinations of items that i can have in order to beat the game so figuring that out will take a bunch of planning but there's exactly one item that is 100 necessary no matter what the dream nail this item among other things will allow us to wake up the three dreamers which then unlocks the final boss area as a minimum completion requirement however before heading over to where the dream nail is at it's probably best to first see if there are any other potentially useful items that are available with my newfound wall jump over here there's a charm that could potentially do passive damage which would be huge as well as a path into the queen's gardens the fog canyon and potentially even a back route to greenpath i could also go back the way i came to climb these walls and see how that works i could also see if i could well i guess this is what i'm doing now [Music] deep nest is the last place i want to be right now this area is shrouded in darkness full to the brim with enemies everywhere and almost entirely consists of close quarters in other words it's not the ideal spot for a person who can't do damage or even heal i'm not sure how obvious it is through this footage but i was big time panicking when i fell down here one half of my brain was trying to think of a potential way to maybe make some sort of progress down here while the other half was concerned over whether or not i'd actually be able to escape and if i'm just stuck unless i reload the last checkpoint and while those two halves of my brain were fighting a third half of my brain that i didn't even know about was already in the process of sitting in a bench and saving in an area that i potentially wouldn't be able to escape from why do i keep doing this well great i suppose now is probably a good time to start thinking of ways to get out of here because otherwise i might have to straight up restart the entire challenge i can't go back the way i came since i fell down here like a dang well so let's take a gander at our trusty map again this is where you're supposed to enter deep nest through a door that opens once i beat up some mantis dudes however since i have still yet to beat them up the door is still locked from both sides blocking this path off as an exit these two exits over here being this thing and the stag station are also possibilities but they require that i'd move through this room which is actually completely pitch black without that lumafly lantern i mentioned earlier and being blind and defenseless at the same time isn't quite at my wheelhouse so those two are out as well so that just leaves us with this path as our only escape through the tram but wait you say out loud even though i can't hear you didn't you mention that you can't ride the tram without the tram pass well if you use your dang eyes you would have noticed that the tram pass is literally right here which would not only allow me to escape this place but also give me access to a ton of new areas so boom there we go that's our route we can make our way up through this non-dark room grab a bench on the way and after running for my life get the tram pass we need to get out of here now this is an issue see i'm not sure if i mentioned this yet but i still can't dash and since i also can't bounce off these enemies with my nail this ledge just simply doesn't seem possible to get to in my current position however rather than find a cool or interesting way to solve this problem i just did the classic quit in return to get back to the bench definitely could have also done that with the mantis claw but hey i'm trying to keep it a little cinematic but just riding the tram doesn't quite get us out of the woods it just thrusts us into yet another confusing situation here's the deal i'm much farther into the game than i'm supposed to be right now i don't have any of the items or upgrades and i'm expected to have and oh yeah i still can't deal damage so my main goal is still to do everything in my power to get the heck out of here and back to some even footing luckily this route through the city of tears has a pretty clear path to a stag station which i can then use to fast travel my way back and of course by clear path i mean i had to do a damage boost here in order to cross this otherwise uncrossable gap and i relied on the fact that bouncing off of these guys's shields doesn't give me soul but after a bit of a long trek we made it and i was finally time to formulate our game plan so far in this challenge all we've really been doing is well the only thing we could find to do the first area had really only one way to go and from there we've just been improvising routes on the fly but now that i finally have a tiny bit to work with i actually have more than just a single option to go for so it's probably a good idea to actually think of what the next best course of action is as opposed to just doing whatever i see first however like i said the primary goal for beating this game is collecting the dream nail and waking up the three dreamers of these only hera seems possible right now since she isn't guarded by a boss unlike the other two but before we do any super long-term planning it's probably a good idea to first start heading over to the resting ground so he can get the dream nail luckily getting there is no problem now that i have the tram pass so before long i finally got the most important item in the entire game but no i'm not talking about the dream now instead i'm talking about a secret hidden item that's also in this area an item that will permanently change how we tackle this challenge an item that opens the door to the entire game this is a charm and by equipping it at a bench we can immediately see its effect being a shield this item can block things like projectiles and enemies from hitting me at whatever angle the shield is in however it also has a second much more interesting effect yup that's exactly what you think it is the dream shield can deal damage to enemies without us actually having to hit them ourselves and if you think this is for some reason cheating even though we don't get any soul let's ask the gru's mother for her opinion on the whole ordeal uh-huh oh i see wow you know what that really is interesting isn't it as it turns out not even the game considers this damage as us hitting enemies and instead seems to consider it as passive damage that doesn't even make enemies or bosses flinch so with this newfound method of doing direct damage the grass mother dies peacefully in her sleep we can finally find this shopkeeper dude and we can now look at the map with a set of fresh eyes now that i could actually get past bosses my first goal was to get into green path so i could finally get that dash i've been missing out on however the dream shield still doesn't help at all with these guys in particular so i decided to instead make my way back through the tutorial area in order to make my way in through the back door and although i did fall into a trap on my way here which literally made it impossible to escape i was finally able to get into what was supposed to be the second area i found oops the good thing about getting into green path through its exit is that hornet the boss i need to beat for the dash is literally just right here so after quickly saving at a bench we were finally able to fight our very first real boss of the challenge the dream shield deals the same amount of damage as one nail swing which since we have no nail upgrades at this point is not very much at all in addition the shield takes a bit of time after hitting an enemy before it recharges and you can use it again so wearing a normal run you can use the down time in between boss attacks to get a few hits in the dream shield can really only ever get one all that alongside the fact that bosses don't flinch from passive damage and therefore never get stunned like they usually do this makes boss fights in this challenge absolute marathons so after about three straight minutes of fighting and dodging hornet finally got tired and just straight up left leaving me with the mothwing cloak at last let me remind you that although i did do this fight first try while only taking 2 damage it's also only the first main boss so fights from here on out are only going to be longer and more difficult but luckily i've got a few ideas to make these fights just a little more bearable so after leaving with our newfound dash ability i was able to immediately put it to good use by moving around some thorns to collect another charm thorns of agony this one although not nearly as useful as the dream shield also does passive damage and although it only does so whenever i get hit it does a significant amount more damage than a single dream shield hit so it definitely doesn't hurt to have it and wait a second what the heck are you still doing here why i also spent the next 20 minutes or so using the dash ability to collect some artifacts so i could sell them to this dude in the city of tears and what are you also doing here please leave already although i can now technically earn geo by killing or letting enemies die by my shield it's much faster to earn geo in bulk this way once i got my riches i headed right on back over to that shop i just unlocked so i could finally purchase the lumafly lantern that's right it's finally time to put our recently collected items to good use and enact our plan to grab our first dreamer however on my way back to deepnest i decided to take yet another quick detour since i was in the area anyway by making my way through here and unlocking this secret area i was able to collect the weaver song charm yet another charm that does passive damage except this time it's through these little guys who attack enemies automatically you could argue that just being a bystander and sometimes even an accomplice to this murder does in fact make me a bad person and therefore goes against the spirit of the challenge but i'm just gonna go ahead and direct your attention to the soul meter and leave it at that and finally with all the pieces to the puzzle we can tackle hera the beast and yeah there's no boss here or anything i just walked around in the dark for a bit went into hera's dream smacked her up a bit still no soul and then that was that it honestly wasn't bad at all but with that we are officially one third through our main goal and given the progress we've made recently in terms of the items we've been collecting i'd say we're on a hot track towards succeeding in this challenge [Music] now we kind of have to make a decision see hero was a pretty obvious choice for the first dreamer to wake up since there wasn't no boss we'd have to be and we didn't have any form of dealing damage at the time now however we can fight bosses in fact i even got some nail upgrades to indirectly strengthen our dream shield and i got another charm notch so i can actually use all the useful charms i've found so far so we're actually stronger than we've ever been however the two dreamers left don't just have bosses guarding them but they also require certain items in order to even get to the bosses in the first place in addition each of those items could also require some other items to get them and so on and so forth so with that i chose to go for lurian as my second dreamer because isma's tier the item required for monomon appears to insist that i get a bunch of different items including the spell that i'm straight up not allowed to use so that must mean that the monarch wings which are required to reach lurian must just be easier to get then right well yeah but also consider this yeah so that's actually the only spot where the game checks if you have the double jump and you can just skip it by bouncing on a statue so yeah i guess that was pretty easy no item required from there all it took was some careful maneuvering around this area before i eventually made it to a bench and soon after the boss guarding lurian or i guess bosses cause now we have to fight the infamously difficult watcher knights before that though i actually managed to thoroughly convince one of the watcher knights to die before the fight even started so i suppose that lessens my load a bit here even then however this fight still requires that i make it through five of these dudes just as a reference for how long it takes to beat up just one of these guys both my dream shield and thorns of agony charm currently do 13 damage per hit and each of my spider dudes do 3 damage per hit on their end the watcher knights on the other hand have 220 health each and since dealing damage is a relatively rare occurrence with my build this fight was going to be grueling or at least that's what i would have said if i wasn't apparently cracked at this game it only took like five tries to get past these dudes and on my winning attempt i still had more than half of my health left once i got it down to the last night of course i almost completely choked it from there but i made it out alive although the fights certainly take longer it seems like this challenge generally makes it much easier to avoid damage from bosses since we can focus more on evading attacks than dealing damage as fast as possible which i guess is why this fight was a lot less of a problem than i anticipated going into it that being said it's still very possible to get greedy especially with the dream shield so the primary name of the game seems to be patience and with just a little bit more patience i found lurion smacked him up and collected our second dreamer wow i'm gonna be honest i didn't expect to already be two-thirds of the way through this game at this point especially considering how this challenge started but ever since we got the few key items we desperately needed this thing really took off however with that now we have a bit of an issue monomon the last dreamer to find and awaken is locked away deep in an area that expects us to have a bunch of stuff we don't have and frankly stuff i don't want to have to get the aforementioned isma's tear required to swim through the acid that blocks every single dang entrance needs a whole laundry list of things to do in order to get it including getting a key to unlock the sewers going to the crystal peak to collect the crystal hearts beating up my favorite boss in the game to hit a dang lever and then actually making my way to the area with the item as you may have been able to guess this takes a non-zero amount of effort which is far beyond my pay grade but for now i guess i have no choice but to do at least one of these things uh yeah that one sounds pretty easy the crystal heart grants us the ability to do the super dash which is something that would not only be very useful for finding monomon but is also very cool and i wanted luckily we already have the lumafly lantern needed to pay my way into the crystal peak and in addition the crystal heart is yet another item that doesn't have a boss guard again unless you count this guy i don't count this guy and although it's still as annoying as always to traverse these areas without being able to hit anything that didn't stop me from making my way through and eventually picking up the crystal heart now that i have the super dash i can start making some headway towards the waterways in order to finally grab the item i need is what i would say if i wasn't a god gamer rather than swimming through this asset to make my way into the fog canyon i can instead use the super dash to just fly above it and then very quickly wall jump up before hitting the acid i also made sure to use this specific entrance for it's not only very easy to access right in the midst of the game's very first area but it also put me very close to the building where monomon is hanging out and after exploding a few times i managed to make it in however much like with lurion getting here is only half the battle actually it's definitely less than half the battle actually it's zero percent of the battle the battle literally just started umu which i'm pretty sure is how you pronounce this thing's name is an absolute pain to kill it's straight up invincible for the majority of the fight i had to rely on my man quarrel here to actually make it vulnerable this however is the main issue with this fight umu stays stunned for like a second before going right back to being invincible this means that i could often only get a maximum of one or two shield hits in every time depending on where it got stunned and with umu having 300 health this meant that i had to survive through something like i don't know a billion cycles of this dude's attacks in order to eventually beat it up this has almost nothing to do with the challenge but i thought it was worth mentioning that the task for this game kills umu by first killing one of these exploding jellyfish up here baiting the exploding projectile down to the boss and juggling it around before eventually using it to insta-kill it i bring this up because first of all it's so dang sick but also because this strat would have technically been viable for this challenge therefore making umu like probably the only boss that could potentially be killed without even needing charms however we're also talking about the guy who died just trying to get to the dreamer after the boss was already dead so maybe it's a bit of a stretch to call it viable anyway after a swift walk of shame back to the dreamer i was able to once again smack up monomon with no visible consequences and finish off the last of the dreamers you know what that means all we gotta do is get on out of here and soon enough we'll be staring at the entrance to the final boss of this challenge [Music] it's quite fitting that the final boss is absolutely the most difficult by a fairly large margin at that it's at this point where i probably could have benefited from oh i don't know maybe going back and collecting some of those items i skipped or more health or maybe more charms or more nail upgrades or really anything this dude took like two hours to beat but eventually death after death after death after death after a few more deaths led to one fateful attempt that resulted in another death but then after that one i had another fateful attempt dodging or blocking nearly every attack and surviving for multiple straight minutes before the hollow knight started to succumb to its infection and after a grueling final battle i the pacifist knight that couldn't even hurt a bug defeated the hollow knight and like sucked out all his juices or something i don't know the lore of this game i'm gonna be honest but what i do know is that now that the final boss has been defeated we can finally determine the answer to the question i proposed at the beginning of the video is it possible to beat hollow knight without hurting enemies without casting spells or without gaining soul well see for yourself wowzers a successful challenge that's kind of insane i'm not gonna lie i wasn't even close to expecting this thing to actually be possible i fully expected the rules to be broken at least once in the beginning or something but here we are if you want more challenges from me i've already done a massive series on beating kirby superstar ultra without jumping so definitely check that out if you haven't i'm loving doing these sorts of challenges and although i do have some ideas for what i want to do in the future go ahead and make challenge video suggestions in the comments if you have them i read all my dang comments so if i see something that grabs my attention it just might be a video in fact i might even continue with this challenge and try to get the true ending if y'all are down i'm sure plenty of you would love to see me die to the radiance like a thousand times but hey that's potential future hollow knight content what about the end of this video uh well it's here
Channel: Sample
Views: 1,763,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fVxK-2j3kwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 49sec (2029 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2022
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