Is it Possible to Beat New Super Mario Bros Wii While Touching Every Coin?

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(natanea bandy) have you gone out of your way to collect coins in Mario? You probably haven't and why should you? Most Mario games put them in hard to reach spots or hidden inside blocks and when the game rewards you with so many 1-ups actively going for one hundred of these things for one extra life isn't really worth it. But what if you tried to collect all of them AND beat the game? That's what we're here to find out today The goal is to play every stage until final bowser, and we must grab every single coin including those inside blocks, P switches and any surrounding coins it creates, red coins, and every star coin. The only coins we won't count are from enemies (right...) simply because there's so many inconsistency's with coins respawning and certain enemies having coins and others not. So let's get to it with 1-1 30 seconds in I pondered if this was going to be a cake walk or not But then I hit underground and saw my mortal enemy: P-Switches! *Dramatic sound effect* Okay, it really wasn't that bad it did take a couple try's to nab all the coins, but it was all good. Then I ran into these coin blocks you have to pound over and over and remember that you get a burst of 5 coins when you empty the block out That doesn't sound so bad, right? Well try doing this with 2 death pits side-by-side. *triggered* No matter how quickly I moved, I always lost a couple coins and I thought I was stumped at level 1-1 from a block. But alas, Mario Bros. Wii has a feature to save the day. Multiplayer! Now, I don't have anyone nearby to play with, but I whipped out another controller Played the whole level again Got to this block an then... What the fu... okay, So now I get God-like luck?! After all of that, I discovered the flowers on the ground also have coins in them! So that means I had to go all the way back to the beginning to get the coins I missed and finally beat the level. 1-2 involved a ton of brick breaking since I didn't know which bricks had coins and which didn't. There was a P-switch room, too, but it was pretty easy. 1-3 was no problem as well but I've come to the conclusion that these flowers suck. Having to constantly stop to get 1 measly coin from every flower is just monotonous and boring. After getting the alt. route in 1-3, I unlocked the cannon, and decided to check if there were coins there because, I've never really paid attention until now and lo & behold there are a few stragglers. So to keep things moving smoothly, every single cannon level in this game is possible if that wasn't already obvious. Next was 1 mid-castle. Around the end there was a split path: the left side had a few regular coins, while the right had a star coin. As one player its impossible to get both at the same time. But I just used Luigi and swapped controllers to nab them all. 1-4 is a slow going level, but also pretty simple. And the same goes for 1-5. A lot of these levels just don't have a lot to write home about. 1-6 has a P-switch that I thought was gonna spawn a million coins and ruin my chances, but no, it spawns like 20 and its easy peazy. 1-castle was simple enough, until I went for the third star coin. I used the P-switch and got all the coins, but now there's a bunch of coins hovering right above the lava. For 1 guy, this makes this impossible, but Luigi was nice enough to volunteer and basically jump into a few coins, Die, and repeat the process 'till he got all of them. what a nice guy! And that's it for world-1, so now onto world-2. 2-1's only struggle is with this coin block since the spray of coins kept falling down the death pit, but with good r&g and putting Luigi in the right spot I was able to nab all these eventually. 2-2 seemed to be okay too, until I hit this P-switch on the way to the first star coin... *coin collecting* Yeah... let's come back to this later... 2-3 is a really dark level, but with some patience, it's pretty easy to grab all the coins. 2-mid castle was more of the same, nothing too challenging. Upon entering 2-4, there's huge HUGE problem: Not only is there annoying wind to deal with, but there's tons of coins flying through the air. And, even with 4 players, it would be a crazy task to grab every coin in the air, on top of the ones on the ground. So, is this it? Is our journey of collecting every coin end here? Well, I'm actually gonna say NO, and that the coins in the air don't count. And I have a reason for this, trust me. The fact of the matter, is that these coins infinitely respawn, unlike all the other coins in the game. So, not even a TAS(k?)-bot can complete this. For the sake of playing through more levels, and for those that still think that my journey should end here, or I should just take a cannon instead, I've made a compromise to avoid all the coins in the air, while also collecting the coins in the ground. And my god, was this stupid hard. I can't even begin to explain the frustration I had to pull this crap off. It was so easy to mess up, because the coins in the wind always seem to get in my way, no matter what I did. But after hundreds and hundreds of tries, I did eventually beat this. So after that nonsense, 2-5 was a lot easier. Lakitu was kind of annoying to deal with, considering how many coins there were in the sky, but it was a simple level. 2-6 has a P-switch section, where you have to basically play perfect to get all the blue and yellow coins from the bricks, but, it's definitely possible. Now, 2-castle wasn't overtaking. There's a section where there's tons of coins near the lava, so, what I had to do, was use the propeller suit to very carefully grab them while staying alive at the same time. It took forever to learn the timing and to practice it, but I was able to grab them all. Thank god this level gives you tons of time to work with. And would you look at that, that's all the levels in world 2. We will come back to level 2-2 later, but now to world 3. 3-1 is a nice simple start, the coins are all easy to grab here. And the same goes for 3-2, as well as 3-3. 3-ghosthouse was quite the doozy when going for the alt. route near the end. There's a room where the floor slowly falls to the ground, but also was moments when it shoots down to the ground too. The coins are spread all over this room too, so, it's impossible with one person. So I had Luigi by my side, and I basically had to memorize where all the coins were gonna be to do this. And after some tries, I eventually got it. 3-mid castle wasn't too bad, I did have to be quick when the spikes came in, but otherwise, it was more of it doable. 3-4 and 3-5 where the levels where you'd have to play through with and without enabling the red switch, but both of them were a cake-walk. 3-5 did look impossible, because it's an air-based auto-scroller, but moving quickly denied my worries. And now, the 3-castle, and my god, this level was brutal. This is one of those snake-block auto-scrollers, and near the beginning is a coin block. This coin block is the reason I about went insane playing this. Trying to get all the coins INCLUDING the burst at the end requires stupidly fast and precise movement! What I had to do was jump early, twirl and hit the block perfectly, and land just as the block came in, then I had to spam-jump with perfect input, grab the burst of coins with barely enough time to spare, but we aren't done there, I had to grab more coins in the air, ground-pound on this block for a coin, and run through the spike part without completely dying or messing up. Urghhhh... And then after that, there's even more coins above this pile of spikes that I wasn't able to get without a propeller suit, which I had to sacrifice earlier. So what was I supposed to do? Well, I would have been screwed if I didn't have Luigi behind me, so I just used his propeller suit, and got the rest of the coins. And that is all for world 3 now before tackling world 4, we need to visit our old pal 2-2 I waited to do this, because i knew i needed the penguin suit to have a chance, and you cant get that power-up until world 3. what i have to do is emulate that CrAzY hint movie where you use four players to grab all the p-switch coins now me controlling four players, that cant be done, right? *game noises* *coin collecting madness* thats right, i ACTUALLY pulled this crap off on my own it was like a crazy science experiment doing this but, now we know that 2-2 is possible! so on to 4-1 it wasn't to shabby, but i had to move fast considering i barely made it in time. 4-2 was also easy, and one of the more fun levels to play. (i seriously have to do this for 6 more minutes?) 4-3 was a knockout too! until these last three coins their placed higher then they look. basically i had to do a triple jump off this tree to reach them. and honestly, the rest of world 4 is easy! 4-mid castle has very few coins, 4-4 has a stingy p-switch block, but its not that hard, 4-ghosthouse has some hard-to-reach coins, but their more then possible, 4-5 is an easy lakitu level, 4-castle is much easier then 3-castle, and 4-airship is also pretty simple. and that's everything in world 4! it was all just kind of a walk in the park so, on to world 5! 5-1 re-introduces those FREAKING FLOWERS *triggered* i mean its not like their hard or anything, but their just a PAIN to collect individually. but anyway, on to 5-2. its a cake-walk! even with all these wigglers around. 5-mid castle is also not a problem, as long as your patient with the spikes moving back and forth. 5-3 AND 5-4 were both pretty easy to knock out too. 5-ghosthouse was REALLY annoying to get through, because it has SOO many bricks to break. it took FOREVER to break them all. there was one coin block in particular that's put in a spot where you cant ground-pound it, and you cant jump underneath it either without dying. now it is possible with a propeller suit, but, even then, this level was just really tedious to get through (for me too. stop talking so much!) 5-5 may look intimidating, but its actually not that bad with a propeller suit. the ending with the POW block is a bit challenging, but its more then manageable. 5-castle wasn't an issue either, i just needed to watch out for the fireballs. and that's everything in world 5! (thank god, i cant do this much longer) again, most of these levels were a breeze but now onto 6-1 from world 6 (duh) there's a challenging p-switch section. but but besides that, its no problem. 6-2 was a breeze until i got to this third star coin. the star coin itself wasn't the problem, it was collecting the coins surrounding it i mean, look how many there are! so i tried for, probably 15 minutes, and i always found myself missing a few every single time. and i was ABOUT to give up, until i decided to try it with a running start. and this actually made a subtle enough difference. after a few tries with this strategy, i managed to BARELY grab all of the coins. i'm still surprised this was even possible. 6-3 had some annoying piranha plants, but getting all the coins was simple enough. 6-4 was possible too, and it was a fun level to run through. 6-mid castle is more of the same. there were a few coins to grab. 6-5 had the Porcupuffer, but with well-timed jumps, he wasn't too much of a nuisance. now 6-6 was just EVIL. no pun intended. its a dark auto-scroller where you sit on the raft most of the time. now my BIGGEST hurdle, like MOST of these other levels, was a pesky coin block. this coin block in particular seemed to have more coins crammed in than usual. because my GOD, you need near perfect impulse(?)to get all these coins on top of the several others, while ALSO not getting stranded, because that raft is not stopping for ANYTHING. this level IS possible, but GOD DAMN it took so long, and it is SO unforgiving. on a lighter note, 6-castle was A LOT easier then expected. and 6-airship was also a pretty basic level. and THAT, is EVERY LEVEL in world 6. were really starting to get close to the end of the game now (thank GOD!)so on to world 7. 7-1 re-re-introduced THOSE DAMN FLOWERS. but the level's easy. 7-2 is also pretty simple to knock out. and 7-3 has some annoying coins to grab, but its more than possible. 7-mid castle has one coin block in the middle of a brigade of bullet bills, but even then, you can still grab all the coins. now 7-ghosthouse, like all the other previous ones, is a DRAG to finish. there's another one of those "floor falling sections", just like in 3-ghosthouse, except now, its even MORE extreme. even floating with the propeller suit, there was just NO WAY i could grab all these arrow coins. there's just TOO MANY of them! although i did manage to do it one time somehow, i think that was just dumb luck so i decided to use Luigi ONCE AGAIN, to see if i can control both of them at the same time. and LET ME TELL YOU, it took quite a while to figure out how to control them independently. its a lot harder then you would think but after SEVERAL attempts, i started to figure out how to use them, and EVENTUALLY managed to grab all the coins. so while this was devilishly difficult, it was pretty satisfying to ACTUALLY get all the coins in the end. after that MADNESS, we move on to 7-4, which has some annoying coins to get, but its MUCH easier then what we just did. 7-5 is ALSO a walk in the park! and for 7-6.. all i'm gonna say.. is i'm GLAD the propeller suit exists, or this would not be possible at all. 7-castle was ALSO a pretty easy level! and HOLY CRAP WERE AT WORLD EIGHT ALREADY! so this is it guys.10 levels to go (oh god. r.i.p me.) before taking out bowser. (this is harder for me, you know. try it. not as easy as it seems) Ohhh.. OHHH NoOo. 8-1 doesn't just have one coin block to deal with. there's SEVERAL throughout the whole level. now this NORMALLY wouldn't be a problem, but first things first, there's METEORS raining down destroying precious blocks that i need coins from. and SECOND, there's POISON GAS creeping from behind if i go too slowly. i tried this level for a LONG TIME. but i just could not make any decent progress. even if i were to try two players, or mini mario or something, the problem is that the coin blocks just take too long to collect. and the meteors come down so frequently, that i don't have the simplest chance at actually grabbing them all. soo.. *sighs* unfortunately..i have to say..that it is NOT possible to collect every coin in New Super Mario Bros Wii while beating the game. and it SUCKS because we got really, REALLY close. maybe if there wasn't any poison gas behind us, we COULD get lucky with the meteors, but this level is just TO BIG an issue. now, maybe there's a small chance you could do this, with 4 really talented players together, and ROUTING which blocks to get? but even then, there is just TOO MUCH going against you. And THAT is everything for today. Drop a like and subscribe if you enjoyed this and thanks a bunch for watching. Ill catch you all later. (hey.. its me. don't try to type Subtitles/CC. its INSANELY difficult. also sub to this dude who wasted a day of his life just to produce content. also, #SubToPewDiePie! xD peace out!)
Channel: Nathaniel Bandy
Views: 4,699,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New Super Mario Bros Wii, New Super Mario Bros, Mario, Nintendo Switch, nintendo, switch, Is it possible, Is it possible Mario, Is it possible New Super Mario Bros, mario coinless, super mario coinless, mario challenge, supe rmario challenge, nsmb, mario bros wii, impossible, hardest, all coins, nathaniel bandy
Id: pM224SZsBc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 09 2018
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