I tried to beat Super Mario 64 without touching a single coin!

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[Music] hey what's up everybody welcome to Peach's castle a wonderful place full of beautiful paintings gorgeous architecture and coins you that's gross everybody knows money is the dirtiest thing ever which is why I try to avoid the coins all the time when playing my Mario games and today we're actually trying something new a full-fledged 3d Mario game and there's no best way to start off then with the game that revolutionized the gaming industry when it was released Super Mario 64 the rules are simple we must avoid any coins that are in our way Super Mario 64 keeps track of your maximum number of coins and every courses so we need to keep this lovely number to zero now as you probably know there are tons of crazy glitches in Super Mario 64 meaning that you could technically beat the game with 0 stars but I always try to keep my challenges glitchless so that anyone can attempt them this means that we are going to be collecting the minimum required amount of stars to complete the game the intended way this minimum is 70 stars super mario 64 features 4 Bowser doors that are activated by collecting a minimum amount of stars opening those doors bring you to a Bowser fight which gives you a key to access new areas and new courses every course in Super Mario 64 has 7 stars to collect but one of those stars is obtained by collecting a hundred coins meaning we won't be able to get that one plus there's always a red coin star in every level in the game and in Super Mario 64 collecting a red coin means getting two regular coins so you know we're going to have to skip this one too so this means that we can collect a maximum of five stars in each courses obviously there are some secret levels like Princess Peach Castle slide which could get us more stars and there will obviously probably be stars we can't do so we'll see if we can get to that beautiful 70 stars mark without collecting a single of dough dirty coins let's begin shall we the lobby in Peach's castle contains four coins directly next to the staircase when you enter it but why will we collect those we're not dumb but bomb battlefield is up and it teaches us that it's actually possible to defeat enemies in this Mario game as the coin they give you appears when their death animation is over so we can easily dodge the coin before it touches Mario getting up the mountain is quite easy as there are not a lot of coins there and defeating King Baba is not difficult at all the next star is a race against Koopa the quick which is literally the same thing we just did so yet this one's a piece of cake shoot to the island in the sky requires you to open up the cannon and shoot yourself to the floating island the only problem I could see is this lonely red coin that you don't want to touch but it's pretty easy not to aim at it the fourth star is called find the eight red coins and you know we won't be able to do that one I try to see if we could get a chain jump star but there's a red coin on the platform we need to ground pound so this is not gonna happen today the only other star requires you to fly between circles of coins and I'm not trying that one no way once fortress is next and there's actually quite a lot of coins in our path to get to the top I had to make a side jump to avoid those five coins here and then here I couldn't use the wooden plank to cross to the other side so I had to jump from here it's actually quite easy defeating the one King is not difficult so that's a star failing those really precise jumps usually mean you'll fall down and take some damage and in Super Mario 64 you heal by collecting coins so sadly we won't be able to do that in this quest climb up the tower once again to get another star this next one usually requires you to use the cannon to shoot to it but there's a lot of deadly coins there so we're actually going to have to find another way to get that star thankfully a wall jump under here just gives you barely enough high to reach the star the next star is the red coin star but you know we can do some other stars beside that one so let's grab that all in that tree and drop into the cave containing the UM I said drop into the cage containing the star there you go next up is the star where you use the cannon to break the wall and then you just grab the star really the only difficulty here is entering the cannon without collecting that little annoying coin there but if you jump without grabbing the ledge you'll be good those are all the stars we can get in once fortress so let's move on to the peaceful Jolly Roger Bay swimming down to the sunken ship is actually quite easy and doesn't feature any dangerous coins the inside of the boat doesn't have any coins at all so we're good this next star requires you to town to the eel so that leaves its own only to collect the star and once again no coins in here getting inside the ocean cave requires you to dodge this ring of coin but as you can see this is not a challenge at all open up the cannon and shoot ooh this thing here to get another easy star the only remaining star we can get requires the metal cap and we'll have to come back later let's move on to the next level for now cool cool mountain two stars in cuckoo Mountain require you to enter the chimney at the beginning of the level to go to the secret slide but it isn't possible to enter it because of all of those coins I tried many ways of entering but sadly I always collect a minimum of two coins no matter what I do let's just bring back the baby penguin to his mother for now shall we and there we go they're both reunited and we have the stuff wait what are you doing Mario oh my god are you for real wow this is so sad the next star we can get is located under here and the only potential coin you can get are from those two spindrift over there so just jump above them and you'll be good to go to be fair we can't collect any more stars in here as the other ones are the red coins and a snowball thingy but the snowball thingy only appears when you select it from the menu and since we can't complete the red coins we can't choose that one now that we have played all of the four courses located near the lobby let's open the first star door and go to the dark world to fight Bowser this stage actually features a couple coins and those five here can be quite annoying to Dutch you need to do a triple jump followed by a nosedive to dodge them all as you know crawling next to them actually collects them even though you don't even physically touch them come on Nintendo there's a lot of coins on those moving platforms but just stand on the corners and you'll be okay grab Bowser by the tail and so long King Bowser we now have the key and have access to the basement of the castle but just before we go there let's go to the courtyard and enter big boozehound the first star here requires you to defeat all of the booze in the mansion but there's a bit of a problem those boosts have a blue coin inside of them so you'll really have to defeat them and quickly dodge the coin they drop it's a little bit tricky but easily doable fight big boo and the star is yours next up is a quick visit to the underground - once again the feed boos avoid their coins and then they feed a big boo to collect the star the only difficulty comes from the fact that the floor is moving but the coins that the boos drop are not moving so you'll have to be really careful the secret of the Haunted book is super easy as it contains no coins at all get to the top of dimension defeat the big boo again and another star is yours the next star is the red coin star so we're not going to do that one and the other one requires the vanish cap so you know we'll come back to this one later let's go down the staircase to the basement grab that bunny steal his star and we can now proceed to hazy maze cave to be fair this cave doesn't contain that many annoying coins because most of them are not on your path follow the way go down in the cave get on Dory's back and the star is yours just in the center of those annoying coins grabbing more stars is pretty easy in this cave and doesn't really require any special effort at all just follow the path over and over again to get to the many stars in this cave and you'll be able to collect everything but the Red Coins star the metal cap challenge only has this one annoying line of coins over there that requires a long jump to dodge and sadly we cannot get the star in here because we can't collect red coins let's jump down the waterfall and on that note this level is done lethal level and is next and although some coins are kind of in the way you can easily dodge them if you wait for the lava to leave those platforms defeating the big bully is quite easy but after that defeating the three little bullies is actually a little bit more challenging because of all those coins in the center of the platform this means you can only fight around those but once that is done the star is yours the log star is pretty easy as it features no coins so just get in the boat get on the log roll it and there you go the next two Stars require you to go inside the volcano and this volcano actually contains a couple of annoyingly placed coins for the elevator star you want to do a double jump followed by a dive to get to the star for the other one you'll have to jump in between those coins here and there and then you'll probably want to skip some of those platforms as they contain some of those main coins this course is done and we can move to the mandatory desert level that I hate shifty Sandland the first star requires you to hit klepto the bird and to do so you'll want to stand on top of this pillar but make sure to get to the very corner of it because there's a coin that is dangerously placed on top of it the star is now yours and if you want another easy one to get just triple jump to the top of the pyramid from the outside and here's another one for you getting inside the pyramid reveals a much more difficult segment in this quest you actually need to get up to the top of the pyramid and there's a lot of coins that stand in your way the great mobility of our boy Mario will be put to the test but despite how difficult some of those jumps seem to be they're all possible to do eventually you'll reach the top of the pyramid and grab the star to get the next star you first need to stand on top of those four pillars to open up the secret entrance to the pyramids I actually made my quest much more difficult here by doing ground pounds on top of each one because I thought this was the way to go but apparently just walking on them was enough oopsie get inside the pyramid defeat the bus and this star is yours the final star requires you to collect some coins in order to uncover the secrets of the pyramid so I think this one is out of the question as we don't want those coins let's enter the star door and we will reach dier dier ducts to be real this level features a couple of coins but they're all placed in a way you can easily dodge them the only thing that could be considered difficult in here is the fact that you'd usually grab some coins to replenish your health because you lose health by holding your breath underwater but just swim back up and you'll always be okay one of the star in here requires the vanish caps so I think now is the perfect time to actually go grab it the vanish cap level doesn't feature annoying coins so you'll be all good to go let's use that newly discovered bar up to grab the final star in this level and while we're at it we can actually go back to big boozehound and use this new power to get the final star we can get in there with 40 stars in hand it's time to go see our boy Bowser who's hiding in level and going up to meet Bowser is actually easier than the first time because most of the coins in here can be judged by just going around them the only difficult part I could see is this part over there but as you can see there's a way around going up this last part will require you to walk on this little wall here to dodge the coins but that's all there is really it's Bowser time and a quick throw is all that is needed and this bad boy is gone once again before going up to the second floor let's do the princess secret slide shall we this slide is quite annoying as it features tons of coins you have to memorize where those deadly coins are located but after a couple dozen of tries you'll reach the star but sadly as you know there's another star we can get in here which requires us to beat the slide in less than 21 seconds it's usually not really difficult at all but now that we have to slow down to avoid coins it much more difficult after a lot of tries I eventually managed to get the impressive time of twenty point six seconds whoa let's open up this door and move up to the second floor of the castle snowman land is next and the first star is actually located on top of the big snowman there's a couple of annoying coins that force you to do some double jumps to dodge them and the hardest one is definitely the coin located after the ice bridge the difficulty here is that if you stand on the corner of the wooden platform you still get blown away by the big snowman I decided to dive and skip all of those coins and I got the star that way fighting the bully is pretty straightforward same thing with the ice maze which doesn't have any coins in there bounce on the spindrift and you'll reach the next star without collecting a single coin the last star we can get is inside the igloo but it's protected by deadly coins so you'll have to go around the mountain and triple jump above that wall to reach it once inside the star is yours this level is complete and we can move to wet-dry world my least favorite course in the entire game to be real all of the coins in here are super easy to dodge so you rack up the stars in no time there's one on top one inside that cage one in that box one in the city and there's one star that requires you to find secrets but I hate that star so much I actually forgot about it no joke I just skipped it without even realizing tall tall mountain is next and get ready to climb up the mountain using the long path as the shortcut is full of deadly Red Coins we'll need to avoid those five coins on this narrow bridge require a long jump to dodge them all same thing over here do it and the star is yours knowing those three danger spots with coins just be careful and you'll rack up lots of stars the most difficult one here is hidden in the secret slide where you'll have to dodge bouncing purple coins ready to touch you at any point the other difficult part is over there where you need to take the right but it's full of evil coins eventually you'll reach the end grab the star in this world is now done tiny huge islands first star requires you to kill giant piranha plants which isn't very difficult just make sure to touch the coins they drop and this star is done the second star requires a double nosedive jump to avoid those pesky coins on this wooden bridge there the race against Koopa too quick doesn't feature a lot of coins on your way so you'll beat him easily getting on top of the mountain as giant Mario is quite tedious as I didn't manage to triple jump there and the bridge with coins is impossible to cross in that state I eventually did it by doing a triple jump from this point here yeah that was weird find the secrets grab the star drain the water defeat wiggler and you got everything that this world has to offer we've done every courses the second floor has for us so we'll go to the top floor but just before we do this let's talk to the toad to get some easy stars and let's catch the rabbit a second time for a second star we are now on the top floor meaning we have two courses left to collect six more stars to make this quest a success tick tock clock is next and it's actually a pretty nice clock that doesn't have any coins that will bug you if you're being careful all of the coins are super easy to judge getting all five stars will prove to be quite easy meaning that we now have 69 stars they only require one more to get to Bowser three let's visit rainbow ride probably one of the hardest level in any Mario game ever because in here if you fall down your gun most of the coins in here are super easy to dodge because of how wide the platforms are everywhere and there we go let's celebrate with a little dance as we get our 70th star we can now go to Bowser three and hopefully finish this quest but let's just see if we can gather more stars in here before relax on the flying carpet and you'll reach the top which features and others take the other carpet and you'll reach the boat and a star these pyramid-shaped platforms will lead you to another one and finally blasts from the cannon to the final star we now have seventy four stars Wow and I'm sure we miss others that we couldn't get earlier in the game if we can finish Bowser 3 the quest will be over let's go just like Bowser won and Bowser to this level does contain a couple of coins but they're all easy to avoid if you're being careful the final Bowser fight is upon us and don't ask me how but I defeated him in like 30 seconds I actually managed to get all my throws on the first try this never happened to me before the final star is upon us and now the quest is over we did it we have completed Super Mario 64 without collecting a single coin it is possible to do it and that is without any glitches or anything really playing it the legit way if I have to be honest here this quiz was actually the easiest one I've attempted so far as most coins are super easy to judge and I don't think there's a difficult part at all in here so if you want to attempt your first coin less Mario game I'd suggest starting with this one to get used to the idea of touching those pesky coins thanks for watching this video guys I hope you enjoyed it if you enjoy what I do and want to support me you can now click the join button and become an official sponsor of this channel it will give you early access to my videos before anyone else in the meantime hit the subscribe button tab the cards on screen to check out all the previous challenges that attempted and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Nicobbq
Views: 2,488,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario 64, Super, Mario, 64, Mario 64, Super Mario, Super Mario 3D, Nintendo, Nintendo 64, N64, Super Mario 64 Nintendo 64, SM64, Coinless, No coins, Mario challenge, Super Mario Challenge, Ceave, Ceave Gaming, Impossible, Hardest, Level, Ever, Gaming Myths, VG Myths, gamechamp3000, gamechamp, Nicobbq, Coinbbq, Nico, Coin
Id: FNWNdf4dgAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2018
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