Is it Possible to Beat Super Mario 3D World While Touching Every Coin?

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money is important we all need a little bit of coin to survive but Mario is one greedy guy and today he's on a quest to collect every single coin in Super Mario 3d World for some guidelines green stars and stamps don't add to the coin counter but we're gonna need to get green stars anyways since they're required to make progress also the hub world coins and infinitely respawning enemy coins aren't going to count and finally using the stars to get coins from enemies that don't normally produce coins will be emitted because you can only access this item in certain levels but anyway it's time guys Mario wants to bring home that spaghetti and let's get started one one was a smooth start but it did take a while to break all the blocks on the bridge I also realized just how many invisible coins there are in this game but thankfully by rubbing your finger on the touch screen you can easily check suspicious areas and not miss any when entering one two I decided to grab this Koopa shell and pull off an infinite 1up trick I might as well so I don't have to waste time with getting a game over right while underground I did some digging and found a golden pipe this made me freak out a bit but thankfully all the coins came from these shells and that was it I also learned for the first time that trees and flowers may have coins in them so I need to check every single one now something tells me this is going to get tiring real quick moving on to one a you fight this enemy and you get the coins to save you guys time all these enemy theme levels are obviously gonna be possible 1 3 was the first level to have a p-switch but it was a breeze all the peace witches in this game are designed to be 100% collected unlike games like Super Mario World and on to our first plessy level at 1/4 this may seem like a walk in the park and it is but not when you're trying to touch every coin there's branching paths each with their own set of coins now don't worry guys this level is optional because the game at some points branches paths so we can just try 1 5 instead and outside of some tricky and visible coins it was overall an easy level so onto one castle it was going okay until this explosive soccer ball decided to blow up these goombas and the coins dropped so I had to reach and get these goombas before the soccer ball did and that there wraps up world one it was a bit rocky but we're making good progress so on to world two now two one was going rate it really was and then I found this gold pipe sinking my way down the room had a giant hole in a golden piece which it was at that moment that I realized I was in big trouble I hit the p-switch and watched hundreds and hundreds of coins go down the drain and even worse these coins stopped coming down after about ten seconds so that means they don't infinitely respond and I must grab them to move on but I wasn't ready to quit despite all odds so I grabbed Luigi and put him on the very edge to see what would happen he grabbed a few measly coins and that's about it so I got another character and attempted to wall jump with Mario and Luigi while the coins fell and keep in mind I'm just one person so the coordination to do this just wasn't working as I hoped it would now I'm not gonna lie guys I'm really sad that we're already stumped this can't be it right that's right there's a secret warp pipe in world one - I don't know where it's gonna take me though maybe I'll maybe I'll go to world five I don't know maybe I'll go to world 3 [Music] goddammit okay so I have one more idea about this dilemma but it's gonna require the boomerang suit which we can't get for a while so for now we'll grab the rest of the coins into one and move on to two is that one level that requires heavy usage of the touchscreen and microphone at one point I almost blew off these goombahs I needed four coins but luckily they held on for me when entering to three I discovered that when the Piranha Plants eat enemies they don't make coins so that basically means that I have to do this whole level without using the plant and just jumping on them instead and that wasn't a big deal it was more than doable now - four had a crap ton of coins to collect but it was pretty simple and the same goes for two mystery house now - five made my blood rise just a smidge due to these block steppers not only did I have to squish all of them but I needed to do that without losing more than one peach clone since I needed them for the third green star not that the green stars matter for the counter of course but I want to get the easy ones before the levels get harder now to castle was a pain in the booty because it was an autoscroller that means I couldn't take my time which is a real problem when you need to step on all these blocks tempers that like to scramble all over the ground now the bullet bills do have coins but they do respond so thankfully I don't have to worry about them and after a bit of struggle and a bit of pull I was able to knock out world - now upon entering 3-1 I was given the cold shoulder when I realized how much the timer was freezing me up there were so many trees to check in so much ice that slowed me down and it's not even like getting any of these coins were hard it was just doing it all fast that was challenging after several attempts I did complete this level with barely enough time to spare and things weren't gonna get easier with three two now if you've played this game you probably remembered this coin block that has a billion coins in it but is there really that many in there [Music] did you hear that that was the sound of an empty coin block so what that means is I have to run up to this block as fast as humanly possible spam like a madman and the second I hear that fella sound I have to book it before the screen kills me it took a few tries but I actually survived and got all the coins and thankfully the rest of the stage wasn't too bad now when I saw that 3/3 was a ghost house I was a bit concerned that I would get lost in there and miss coins I needed but it was surprisingly straightforward but then horror bestowed my eyes entering three for 100 seconds this is the last thing I want to see brannad it's a short level but that is not a lot of time to work with my first attempted test I accidentally missed a lot of invisible coins so I had to do this over a few times at the end there's a coin block that I'm 99.9% sure actually does have infinitely respawning coins I got over 200 coins without stopping and like we've established respawning coins do not matter and now on to 3/5 this one was very slow going because it was mostly in the water but this level is more than doable 3 6 is my favorite level in the game the Maurya car styled one even with the branching paths all I had to do was avoid most of the boost panels and I was able to easily grab all the coins I needed 3 7 had this one part where I had to freefall and grab all the coins and that made me a wee bit scared but I got them all my first try because I'm just that good or I got really lucky anyway moving on to three castle and thankfully all these boxes don't have coins inside them too so I was able to skip this pile and get the other coins I needed on the other train I even played the level over again just a double check and I was right so this was an easy level to wrap up this world is 3 B our first dedicated boss level mystic rat is my favorite boss in the game and while there are coins on the little plates you stand on to reach his head they respond soap they don't matter the only coins I needed we're at the end of the fight and boom we've knocked out world 3 and just to save a bit of time all of the dedicated boss levels are also possible as you would expect but now to world for I started off by wasting a lot of time trying to kill all these ant troopers it took me a while to realize they respawn and their coins matter but after that hiccup the level went pretty smoothly the second green star has lots of and troopers to take down and they don't respond so it takes a while to get them all but the level is more than possible things are about to get messy with for two though right away these Piranha Plants are giving me issues after killing them they spew three coins and one or two always landed in the poison even with good timing and floating with peach I either die trying or always missed a coin or two so I tried using the Tanooki suit and it didn't actually help but instead I had the greatest luck mankind has ever seen like seriously how did these coins not fall in the poison well whatever everything was chugging along until going for this first green star now the green star is easy to get but the problem is killing all the Piranha Plants there was no way I could kill all four of them and get the green star so I tried grabbing a second character and using one just for the green star and the other for the plants but that didn't work but then I had a revelation I don't need that Greenstar dummy was thinking way too hard so I grabbed the cat suit and well even with a perfect one ten seconds wasn't enough time to get all the coins so I tried it with toad since he's faster and my jumps weren't getting high enough and then I tried it with Mario and his jumps still weren't getting high enough so my last option was to try it with Luigi and after a couple tries I got every coin but one so I knew that this was possible and then this happened yeah I only did that because the coin orangy was being nice and after all of that I thought this level had chewed me up enough but we still aren't done I had to deal with these freaking plants once again and their stupid coins kept laying in the poison so you know what I grabbed a gold leaf and was able to get all the coins that way you may call it cheating I call a strategizing because this level is just evil but with this suit as a last resort I prevailed and actually beat for two it was pretty intense but 4/3 was much more straightforward the only part worth mentioning was the room with all the p-switch coins but with five peach clones it made it a breeze now for four was going well until the very end there's a crap ton of Biddy buds to get and I needed to stop them because using fireballs would take too long to get their coins the problem was I kept running out of time or dying trying to get all these Biddy buds so after tons and tons of tries I eventually figured out that the best strategy was to whip the tail and hit for these guys at the same time now thank god this mushroom platform goes back and forth after some tries I managed to grab every coin and make it to the end but at the end I had to check six trees for coins with very little time left but thankfully I had just enough time to make it now moving on to four mystery house it was going okay and till this part with the spikes I knew there was no way I was gonna get all their coins on time but thankfully this level is just optional 4 or 5 also had a lot of spikes but obviously a more generous time limit so this level was easy to knock out and the same goes for for castle the brawler's weren't too much of a nuisance and that is everything in world 4 and now to world 5 5 1 puts us on a nice relaxing bee after all that stress and then I went through the pipe to find Plessy after our last encounter at 1/4 I thought this was the end but thankfully there's no branching paths and there was way less coins to grant and now we finally had access to the boomerang so you know what that means it's time to revisit to one's gold pipe so here was my final idea I got four players all with boomerang suits on because of this I can control all four of these characters on my own because all I have to do is push one button on each controller and I already know that boomerangs grab coins so after practicing that for a while I put it to the test and guess what happened these godforsaken coins for no good reason are immune to being grabbed by the boomerang this strategy should have at the very least grabbed a good chunk of coins but this is just ridiculous since these coins are so stubborn and different from the other coins I'm gonna say that they don't count now if you think they count then by all means that's perfectly fine but I want to play more levels for this video and just I'm so done with this gold pipe now 5 2 + 5 3 were a cakewalk both of these levels had nothing to worry about 5 4 has plenty of ant troopers but most of them responds their coins mean nothing to us 5 5 was a simplistic level to do and 5 6 required a bit of patience with the flippin platforms but was also no trouble there was a scary part in 5 7 where there was coins on this breakable bridge and I had to grab them before the bridge was completely destroyed but despite that it was more than possible and now for five castle the hardest part was strangely getting the coins after the boss there was 4 circles of them and I was like half a second away from missing a few because all these coins were getting ready to de-spawn from the level and that right there is world 5 it was surprisingly easier than most of the worlds we've gone through andand a 6-1 it was a relatively easy level I found it to be more than possible 6-2 has a lot of bricks to break but it was also an easy level and the same thing goes for six three now six four seemed like more the same but then I ran into this piranha plant and of course he's right next to this poison god I hate these poison levels so screw it were busting out the gold leaf but now we know that the level is more than possible and 6/5 is going well too until I found this mystery box normally you just take the shoe and run into the Greenstar but there's three gunas you need coins from and you can't just ran through them because you won't grab the coins automatically so I tried using the gold leaf and was able to get coins automatically that way but I wasn't able to get to the end even with toad I still wasn't able to get there but for some strange reason I just couldn't stop trying this I felt really motivated to do this specific part so eventually I learned that when you gain enough speed on the ice and jump you go a tad bit faster in the air i optimize my route to where I jumped at the beginning did a long jump to kill the Goomba then did lots of perfect jump inputs and made sure to stay as low to the ground as possible since going too high would slow you down then I would hit one Goomba touch the star for an extra second of time immediately turn around hit the other Goomba and how the hell did I just do that and with that we know that six five is possible now six six has a lot of invisible coins to find but it was easy enough and six seven was one of the easier autoscrollers to complete and then I tried six mystery house yep I'm definitely skipping this level within a few seconds of playing six Castle I knew I was in trouble I set off these block stuffers and oh boy half of them jumped off the stage and fright my only other option was to use the boomerang and after tons of tries in good coin orangy I was able to complete the level and that was world six we're really getting close to Bowser now so for some reason this world isn't called world 7 like you'd expect but it's officially titled world castle so keep that in mind as we go through castle 1 was a breeze until these block stuffers I messed up the first time realizing that the PAL block shot coins into the lava but if you carefully time your fireballs none of them will fall and you can get all their coins castle 2 is a pretty fun level but it's vital that you have a fire flower the whole time since you need coins from the spy knees now I thought that castle 3 would be really challenging but there was barely any coins to grab at the end I did have to go on all three levels to get coins but otherwise it was a walk in the park and the same goes for castle 4 castle 5 both of these levels took little to no effort to complete and now to castle 6 and even though it was going relatively slow it was chugging along this was our first time running into these little mad pool guys too and for some reason after you killed them all they spawned 50,000 coins all the way down here I don't know why that happens but the coins are only there for a very short amount of time so you know what that means guys we're bustin out the boomerang once again and it barely helped it all I wizened up a bit by lowering this last mad pole as close to the coins as possible then I strategically put peach in a spot that would grab a couple coins use Mario to hit this last tadpole then use toad to run like a mad man with his boomerang now was this crazy plan enough to get all the coins [Music] [Applause] apparently yeah I barely did this in time so there you go castle 6 is indeed possible for castle 7 I had a clutch call at the beginning with this lava but otherwise everything went fine and finally castle castle was a really simple level as long as you didn't lose your boomerang suit because you need them for two coins but anyway after a couple tries World Castle is done and we are on to the final world like previously this world isn't labeled with an 8 but instead just a Bowser head so starting with Bowser 1 it was an enjoyable level to get through with no issues and the same goes for Bowser too so let's jump into Bowser 3 this one has a ton of enemies to stomp on but as long as you're careful you can nab them and grab them all and now for our biggest hurdle yet Bowser train not only is this an autoscroller train level but there's coins all over the place from several different enemies after a bit of practice I got fast enough to get every enemy in coin but the end could honestly make this impossible there's a room you have to go in with goombahs and coin blocks but on top of the room is ant troopers four sets of them in fact I can take out the first set but not the second because of the auto scrolling screen now technically I can get the third and fourth set because there's a coin block that takes you to the ceiling but that doesn't really help us here so yeah this is seeming pretty gloomy but I have one more trick up my sleeve and nasta utilize multiple characters the plan is to have toad and Mario stand in place with the gold leaf to hit the first two sets of ant troopers and then peach can quickly scurry inside for the coins and take care of the last two sets but there's one major flaw yup we can't be in two places at once now I know this happens when you're traveling through pipes but even in the same level every character has to be either inside or outside this room which honestly really sucks so with that I've come to the conclusion that it is not possible to be Super Mario 3d World while collecting every coin and technically my game ended at world 2-1 but those coins were so stubborn that I still don't count them well I gotta say Super Mario 3d World did not treat us well I mean we did get pretty close so at least there's that so hopefully the next game we tackle will go over a little bit better maybe we'll actually beat the game one day who knows thanks a bunch for watching guys and I hope you have a great day [Music]
Channel: Nathaniel Bandy
Views: 4,878,461
Rating: 4.8291254 out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario 3D World, Super Mario 3D, Is it possible Mario, Is it possible Mario 3D, Super Mario 3D World coinless, mario coinless, no coins, super mario, Is it Possible, mario, nintendo, nintendo switch, mario challenge, super mario challenge, impossible, ceave gaming, hardest mario level, nathaniel bandy
Id: GmXpxga2huc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 20 2018
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