Is it Possible to Beat Mario Party While Doing Absolutely Nothing?

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[Music] everyone's seen these videos Luigi beats Mario Kart 8 while doing nothing Smash Bros while doing nothing Mario Party minigames while doing nothing it's pretty entertaining to see this beat done but let's take the idea a step further let's try to get first place in an entire game of Mario Party could we do it well I think we can but it's gonna require a ridiculous amount of luck the rules are as simple as can be we simply aren't allowed to move at any point we can't hit a to go through menus and dice blocks but that's it if we run into chance time I'll complete it by blindfolding myself so I can't rig the game in my favor and so we don't softlock ourselves and of course I'll play as Luigi for tradition the hardest part is gonna be picking the best board DK's jungle adventure has too many splitting paths which is a problem since I can't aim which direction to go peaches birthday cake isn't a bad choice since the star never moves but I can also be sent to Bowser pretty easily Yoshi's tropical island would be okay but the star moves more frequently than any of the other boards Luigi's entered room has loads of splitting paths so it's kind of the same issue as DK's board Mario's rainbow castle would be a good choice but if you get to the star location and Bowser is there you lose 40 coins which is way too harsh Bowser's magma Mountain is one of the worst picks because every space can become red and it's a luck in the draw getting the star most of the time eternal star is similar to Luigi and DK's board considering there's too many branching paths so our best option is probably Mario's battle canyon well the cannons do shoot us in random spots at least I'll have some sort of attempt to land close to a star now before beginning we're gonna do 50 turn so that if I do end up in first the bonus stars will be less likely to screw me over since I doubt I'm gonna be winning any of them and with all of that said let's do this thing immediately we have a bad start getting the lowest dice roll it doesn't really matter that much who gets the roll first in fact in some case that's kind of a good thing but I don't like going last my first turn was actually pretty ridiculous I ended up getting a 10 and taking the cannon to the top right portion of the board I landed two spaces from the shy and had to talk to him that's what I realized I'm not allowed to move my cursor so every time I land on shy guy I'm gonna be forced to pay ten coins and go to Bowser so that really sucks so I end up talking a bow and since I'm already broke he shoots me right back to the beginning although funny enough I landed right before Koopa so I got my coins back so it's as if I roll the 1 instead of a 10 now I'm not gonna go over most of the minigames because frankly they're pretty boring to watch all that usually happens is I die in some way and the computers play for a bit and that's it not only does this take me out of getting the game star as a bonus at the end but I'm also not gonna be really getting any coins from the minigames which is you know kind of a problem when stars require coins so on turn 2 I got a 9 which was another pretty nice roll this time I didn't land in front of the shy guy so I could take the next kin in which just so happens to be near the star I landed right in front of the Buu which was perfect because I needed some extra coins anyway it looks like yo she's always gonna be my victim since I can only push a through these menus and no hard feelings right buddy so I ended my term with 24 coins and I was next to the star and honestly I can't believe how good my luck is so far the next minigame was shy guy says and as you can guess things didn't go swimmingly on turn 3 peach got to the star before I did but didn't have enough point Mario also landed near the star but ran out of moves so just like that I managed to get the first star by doing absolutely nothing unfortunately for me Mario won the next minigame facelift which brought his coin total to over 50 coins and guess who Mario's in front of yep he's right next to Buu and the stinky plumber stole my star while I was upset about this it's only the beginning of the game and a lot can still happen the fifth and sixth turns were pretty uneventful not much of anything happened tipsy tourney was interesting though because the computers can't even finish the mini game it what's funny about that is that this is actually a win for me since nobody gets coins welcome to the club guys please please keep losing unturned 7 peach got her first star but in fact I wasn't even that worried my best strategy might be praying that the computers gets a ton of stars and then by some stroke of a miracle chance time does a star swap with me and that's how I win the following minigame was Bowl over and it turns out that Yoshi sucks at bowling frickin idiot and you know what I'm fine with that I'd rather get zero coins than minus five for getting hit on tourney I was shot right in front of booze so I could take Yoshi's measly amount of coins you know it kind of sucks that I can't pick any other players besides him yo she's probably got a vendetta against me but anyway I had enough coins for another star which shot me into second place the ninth turn was pretty boring but the mini game was such a tease I mean I'm just standing there praying some money comes towards me and then I see a money bag oh this is it I'm gonna snatch this right up after all this time of patience I got gypped oh my god oh well and after that nothing interesting happens in the 10th turn at this point I'm only gonna talk about the interesting turns and minigames turn 11 has our first chance time and believe me they're only gonna get more and more frequent this one sucked because I had to give all my coins to Yoshi and that's kind of a problem since I already don't have a lot of options for collecting coins besides blue spaces and passing Koopa at the beginning I did get this one player minigame which is normally a great resource for coins but again I can't move so this is useless and also this minigame is kind of creepy when it remains dark for so long moving on though turn 12s minigame turned out pretty well Here I am as Luigi just sitting in the boat doing nothing and Mario manages to knock Yoshi right off the tightrope all by himself and with that I was rewarded some coins for participating hey I'll take what I can get by turned 15 peach and I got a star so we were in the lead it's a promising start but everyone at this point has loads of coins except myself and I imagine lots of visits to the boo will be had turn 15s minigame was pretty hilarious see I'm supposed to choose a pipe for the chest to go down but obviously I can't move it and as it turns out thanks the stupid luck I end up getting the chest anyway moving on to turn 18 Yoshi lands on a chance time and yet again I'm giving all my money away yep all zero coins truly a heartbreaking moment turn nineteen is a bad one peach has infinite money and takes a star for me following that however I land on chance time for the first time perhaps they get my revenge now like I said before I am allowed to jump and move in chance time but I won't be able to see anything with my face buried in my jacket nothing remarkable came out of this though you know she just gives 10 coins to peach the next minigame was pipe maze again and I just so happened to be in the right spot pipe maze is quickly becoming my best friend if I turn 24 everybody except Mario had two stars I'm glad that I've been able to scrape by and somehow keep up with everyone but I don't like that the star counter so even because I'm definitely not getting any of the bonus stars and I really need to try to get a decent lead on turn 27 peach takes another star for me and she got an additional one a couple turns earlier this was actually a good thing at this point all I needed to do was somehow get a star swap with her and get way ahead in the game after that I landed next to boos so I could get a whole two coins from Yoshi also I can tell that Yoshi is actually pissed off that I keep taking his money the man smashes a coin out of this brick during the mini game and he pummels me to ensure I don't rabbit over one freaking coin yeah Yoshi definitely hates me he's becoming sentient on turn 28 Yoshi and Mario both take stars from peach basically evening the playing field I'm starting to get worried that this is gonna happen the rest of the game and I'll never be able to get a lead the next minigame is keep-away quite possibly the easiest mini game of all time for some reason Mario throws the key to me and I just hold it and the computers do nothing but goof around and we lose the key after like 10 seconds we lost to keep away how does that even happen but then comes turn 29 and Yoshi lands on chance time and my god the dude did me the best favor he possibly could have by giving me a star from peach I almost feel bad with all the stars she's gotten stolen over all these turns but hey I actually got a star from chance time by turn 34 Yoshi had 5 stars tons of money and just the robbing and decides to take the rest of my coins as well now I don't blame him for all the coins I've stolen from him but why not go after peach and yes I know I'm in second place but still after that Yoshi lands on chance time let's just say that karma is about to bite back that's right this lad hands over his five stars to me and even better we're getting near the end of the game so my chances of winning have increased in a snap but unfortunately I was counting my chickens too early now that I'm the number one target everyone has cash to steal my stars starting with peach doing so going to a minigame handcar havoc was pretty fascinating because I learned something I didn't even know is possible after me and Mario fell off peach and Yoshi went so slow up this hill that they started riding backwards I had no idea you could even do that maybe it's common knowledge but this is new to me but moving on by the time we got to turn 39 the stars once again even themselves out with only 11 turns to go I really had no idea what I was gonna do not much happens in the next few turns but this game of hammer drop was cool because I was given a nice fat money bag of five coin arenas on turn 45 Yoshi steals a star for Mario and gets a star from toad I need to make a big play and fast or things are gonna go south so I hit chance time and hope the luck would ever be in my favor I first hit the star then myself and finally Mario and just like that I nabbed another free star it was much closer to first place now that we're on the final five turns Cooper predicts Mario's gonna win yeah we'll see about that pal on turn 46 i nabbed some coins from yoshi and i'm headed right for the star unturned 47 i nabbed the next star and nobody else even got close to it the luck I'm having right now is just insane although I'm really worried about this boost space since I'm getting close to first place again on turn 48 I land next to the star again but Yoshi is right behind me this ending is gonna be so stupid closed unturned 49 Yoshi doesn't have enough coins for the star and look at Mario's coin cow oh my god 200 coins I'm sorry but that's just absurd but anyway I end up grabbing the star but I also know Mario is gonna take it on the next turn because he's right now to the boo that's when I realized Yoshi still has more coins for me and the CPUs always take from the highest place character and I thought I might have a shot at winning this thing on the final turn Mario takes a star from Yoshi which puts me at first place at the best possible time it really is gonna come down to what the bonus stars are I just have to hope yo she doesn't get a bunch of them I managed to land in front of the boos so I could take some coins from Yoshi I got incredibly lucky and school enough coins so that my coin total was higher than his so now if we tie stars at the end I'll still end up winning and let's keep in mind if Peter Mario had the higher star count winning at this point would have been impossible but now we've made it to the moment of truth its bonus star time as long as Yoshi doesn't get more than one bonus star I should win first up was the game star and Peach took that one home next up was the coin star and a big surprise Mario took that one home and that's when I realized that I just won no matter what comes next the happening star was the final bonus and it was a tie between Yoshi peach and Mario so that means it is indeed possible to be Mario Party while doing absolutely nothing this will never happen again the odds of winning like this is so marginally low I'm just glad I was able to pull it off afterwards I went to the stats screen and it was cracking me up finding out that I only want three coins out of the 50 mini-games I played that's just ridiculous so what did I learn from all this well you guessed it absolutely nothing the only reason this worked at all was stupid luck with where I landed in the few times I got lucky with chance time and that's really all I got for you today I hope you enjoyed today's video and thanks a bunch for watching I'll speak with you all very soon [Music]
Channel: Nathaniel Bandy
Views: 1,602,140
Rating: 4.915904 out of 5
Keywords: mario party, super mario party, luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing, absolutely nothing, luigi, luigi wins by doing nothing, is it possible, funny mario videos, funny luigi videos, luigi wins by doing, funny mario moments, nintendo, nintendo switch, mario, super mario, nathaniel bandy
Id: 6fxLOz16mvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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