Is it Possible to Beat New Super Mario Bros U Without Touching the Ground?

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one thing that I feel people tend to forget about is the boost block mechanic which is exclusive to New Super Mario Bros u using the gamepad you can create blocks that can be used to save your friends from falling down pits and all that fun jazz but what if you were to beat the entire game without touching the ground for some quick ground rules before beginning I'll be using the gamepad to control the blocks and Nico BB Q will be controlling Mario that's right this is a collab is it possible video so the only times we can actually touch the floor is at the very beginning after the flagpole and going through pipes or doors since that's just to go from place to place but with that said let's get started with the first level in the first world starting with one one playing like this took quite a while to get used to we thought beforehand that this would be a breeze to play but trying to coordinate where to place blocks and where Mario was going to be was a lot harder than expected we died way too many times just trying to get Mario a mushroom after several tries we just gave up on the powerup and just beat the level by staying near the top after that we moved to one two and our first obstacle was this yellow pipe the issue was of course getting around it bouncing up the goombas to get around was one idea well they wouldn't line up properly for it to work we even built up a boost our to kill the piranha plant in the pipe but still no luck after some tries we decided to go back to 1-1 and grab a super acorn to get across using the acorn suits gliding ability we could just barely make this jump around the pipe but believe me when I say that this is just the beginning after that was a tilted greeny yellow pipe and that also required a stupidly precise glide jump with a block to follow it this whole level was really narrow so it was extremely challenging to get through most parts of it after a few minutes we ran into a large section of bricks and weren't really sure what to do after testing which blocks had coins in them and trying to route we realized taking the bottom road and flying around the breaks was a lot easier than going up tough we were getting close to the end of the levels finally and got to a point with a bunch of colored rocks and needed it to move down to proceed unfortunately there was no way to get past this without touching the ground of the rock even while using the boost star we tried using a pipe that possibly skipped this area but it dropped us right in front of the same rock and we tried grabbing the tip of the side of the rock to see if that would activate it but no luck was found our last idea was to take this secret alternate route but that would also require us to touch the ground at least once this is our first and only required touch to complete the level but at least we got this really insane glide jump over the blue rocks we were really hoping for a break going into one mid castle but instead we ran into these giant cogs with really precise spin jumps we were able to get around some of them with some practice but that was only one at a time what was next was a series of three cogs that intertwine with each other and at this point there was no way we were getting through this without multiple ground touches after dozens of tries the best option ended up being to go back to one - and take that alternate path - one blooper we did have to sacrifice an additional jump but we felt it would be less jumps doing it this way after all that nonsense one blooper was thankfully a much simpler level to tackle as Nico simply swam through and I poked bloopers and stopped pipes from blowing air completing this level let us skip all the way to world 5 and with 5-1 we already knew this would be doable because there's a challenge with this level in the challenge mode where you're supposed to avoid touching the ground by bouncing off enemies in 5 2 was also pretty easy with nothing much to say 5 mid Castle is a snake block level so we were thinking that this would be free Nico had to make sure to run across and stay at the bottom so the snake block wouldn't get in our way before making any progress we got through the first half albeit a couple of close calls here and there and we also figured out spikes destroyed the boost blocks and almost learn that the hard way the second half went a lot smoother and boom-boom was a cakewalk considering Mario could claw to the wall and never need to touch the floor after that West 5 - ghost house and despite all of the hallways and doors it was surprisingly possible earth so we thought entering this first door required us to touch the moving floor in order for it to move down since this was only one ground touch we'll finish up the level but possibly come back later and take the alternate route and see if we could save ground touches moving along was 5:5 we chose this route because it's mostly a water level and barely had to worry about the ground I helped with the light but that's about it we took the secret level to move forward and next was 5 6 which was also really easy and finally we made it to 5 - Castle which was pretty simple until the bus for Iggy we had to really carefully place blocks in the middle as it was really easy to touch the ground by accident Iggy could also knock away our blocks when spinning into them plus we had to worry about his fireballs disintegrating the blocks despite all the dilemmas though it was possible despite had taken quite some time the final hit was insane considering we got hit but also somehow hit Iggy at the same time and that wraps up world 5 so it's time to tackle world 6 6 - 1 was super easy and 6 - 2 wasn't too bad either now 6 - mid castle was very challenging because all the paths were really narrow and there were groves all over the place we quickly decided to grab an acorn suit and were able to just barely get through this initial pathway with a crazy wall jump in a well placed block and after that we had to avoid these growls and pipes and somehow managed to pull it off but this next part is a problem as you can see this that way is just as tall as Mario even with a well-timed jump Mario still couldn't get through without touching the ground so once again the game is trying to force me and bendy to touch the stupid ground why you do that game Nico and I decided that we should just go back and try out 5 ghost house and see how that alternate exit fares it got a little nerve-wracking with all these boos but believe it or not with some clear maneuver we were okay and thankfully this path was more than possible without the ground however this narrow section required well-placed flux to get through it because of that we can get rid of one of the required touches and skip right the five Beatle for this level we had to be careful of the bonsai bills but otherwise it was free going into world seven it was definitely hard having to avoid all the plants and making sure to avoid the fast moving bricks we even had this really clutch moment where we almost fell to our death but I somehow saved Niko with a block at the very bottom despite that it was a doable level 7-2 was going fine until we got to this tilted platform that required Mario to stand on it thankfully we could just try 7-3 instead and this was a pretty fun level there was this one jump where we had to do these two well-timed wall jumps to make it but with some attempts we were able to pull this off seven mid castle was insanely hard we had to do a ridiculous amount of hard tricks and Niko somehow managed to wall jump off the same side twice in a row don't ask us how that happened just the fact that we had to climb up vertically so much forced us to play extremely well to get through this magic koopa wasn't that bad we just had to stay near the top with the blocks and it worked out next up West 7 - ghost house and this level was a pain in the butt we had to keep carefully landing on doors without running and so many rooms were just autoscrollers unfortunately we had to touch the ground one time because it was required to move forward with the level but besides that we could beat it 7:5 had a few hard parts here and there but overall was possible and the same goes for seven six four seven Castle Nico and I thought this was going to be impossible because of these fast-moving blocks but we attempted it anyway and this happened after that we were thinking okay that was lucky we're not going to get that lucky again and then there was this I guess this teamwork really has fada those were the hardest parts of the level and after the boss we were done with world 7 and were able to move on to the airship this level was interesting because I discovered you can block the giant hand with a boost block but besides that it was simple enough and just like that we've made it to world 8 here's to hoping we don't have to touch the ground for the rest of the game 8 once beginning required a very precise jump with the Acorn suit but since I could break up the lava balls we were able to get across the whole level pretty seamlessly 8-2 wasn't that bad however we had to react quickly to all of the enemies falling through the sky I also told Niko to not hit this P block but he hit it anyway just to spite me it was totally worth it dude but moving on to a3 it was way easier than we inspected and 84 wasn't too bad until this big pile of bricks we tried while jumping up at at first but that didn't work out so I just destroyed some forum and then it was a lot easier for him to get up and after that we were at the final level it was time to take out the B Gold Bowser so Bowser jr. was incredibly annoying to avoid since there wasn't really anywhere to run when trying to hit him so we decided to grab an acorn suit and with this we were able to get through the level really quickly especially when Bowser jr. pushed us along but then there was the final boss no not that one the real final boss we needed to basically get ourselves up top to hit Bowser jr. then hit Bowser and after that was the tricky part we had to immediately glide to the other side to avoid Bowser shell then at just the right time I had to give Nico a blocks we could land avoid Bowser and glide to the other side all in one perfect run this was way harder than you think but we have to do it three times to win if we got hit at any point during the fight then we'd have to restart entirely but despite all odds we were more than prepared after playing for so long and we actually freaking did it we hit Bowser three times and he was toast we actually went into this thinking this challenge would be a breeze but we didn't take into consideration the narrow pathways and all of the enemies we had to avoid so is it possible to beat New Super Mario Bros u without touching the ground you know the answer sadly it was not possible our grand total of ground touches though was three which isn't too bad honestly this was a ton of fun to work on with Niko and if you enjoy this you'll definitely enjoy this video from the BB Q man himself but with that said thank you guys so much for watching and we hope you have a great day until next time [Music]
Channel: Nathaniel Bandy
Views: 2,727,980
Rating: 4.8938355 out of 5
Keywords: New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe, Super Mario Maker 2, New Super Mario Bros U, New Super Luigi U, Super Mario Boost mode, new super mario bros, new super mario bros boost mode, new super mario bros u deluxe speedrun, is it possible, without a coin, all coins, super mario, mario, nathaniel bandy
Id: g9o0xve8nfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2019
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