What is the Lowest Possible Score Required to Beat Super Mario 3D World? -Low Score Challenge

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super mario 3d world the wii u's 3d mario game that many refuse to call a 3d mario game i mean seriously guys if the amount of dimensions on display in this game isn't three then i'm afraid my grasp on geometry is sorely lacking what oh i see apparently it's not the quantity of dimensions that have people saying that but rather because the game's design is much more akin to that of prior 2d mario games than 3d mario games that i definitely do see i mean you've got super mushrooms flagpoles unnaturally blocky terrain and up in the top right corner of the screen a score counter every 2d mario games favorite vestigial design element from the arcades now i save a schedule because i'm not really much of a high score seeker myself just not something i have much interest in but maybe i could go for a low score instead now that i like the sound of so come along viewers we've got a pressing question to answer what is the lowest possible score required to beat super mario 3d world [Music] all right as stated earlier our goal is to beat super mario 3d world i get all the way to the end of world 8 and beat meowzer with the lowest possible score as such we should try to understand exactly which actions add to our score and therefore should be avoided as best we can here is a non-exhaustive list defeating enemies touching coins getting power-ups destroying boxes destroying bricks getting stamps activating p-switches activating floor switches going through coin rings getting checkpoints getting green stars touching the flagpole defeating bosses and like i said that's not an exhaustive list [Music] if you don't remember all of that don't worry i'll mention them again as they become relevant one other thing to discuss before we get started in earnest is a weird quirk of 3d world where your score for a given level is wiped away upon your death that means that theoretically one could get the checkpoint in a level then intentionally die to wipe away any score that they have acquired up to that point that to me though comes across as a tactic akin to shooting star bits in super mario galaxy as a loophole for a no star bits challenge which in case you're not aware i don't support we are not going to be using such a tactic here either the way we're handling this is as follows if we get points we either start level completely over or we just add those points to our total score and move on no shenanigans with the afterlife to be found here with all that addressed let's get into it starting with 1-1 super bell hill some of the most consistent score sources we'll be trying to avoid throughout this challenge will be enemies and coins both of which are present in the first part of this level though not in a way that's really all that difficult to avoid it's not long though until we come across a slightly more interesting feature found in this level as well as all others a green star these cosmic collectibles yield 4 000 points upon their collection so we just shouldn't get them then right wrong here's the deal super mario 3d world's level progression is not strictly based on beating levels it also requires the collection of a certain number of green stars to unlock some of the world's final levels including the game as a whole's final so essentially we need to acquire 170 green stars at some point in our journey to beat this game that'll end up equating to 680 000 unavoidable points from green stars alone by the end of the game that's a lot of points but unfortunately it can't be helped for now though this level will only contribute to 12 000 points in green stars as all three green stars in this level can be obtained without need for extra points outside of the 4 000 inherent in getting a green star but that's not the only thing we've got to consider getting here one other decision we have to make is whether or not we get a power up on the face of it it seems like a pretty bad idea we're talking about an extra 1000 points for the privilege of being a cat and being a cat while certainly beneficial is not necessary to beat this game but being a cat doesn't necessarily need to be mandatory for it to be worthwhile in this instance all that must be true for the catsuit to be a net positive is that possessing a cat suit later in the game will save us at least one thousand points i already have a few instances in minds that'll likely make that the case as such here in one one we do snatch ourselves up a cat suit for an extra 1000 points added to the score right now hopefully it'll be worth it so here we are 13 000 points in the hall and we're not even through the first level yet yep there's one more score based obstacle that this level has yet to put in our path the flagpole which can threaten us with points in two ways firstly is the flagpole itself which gives you points directly correlated with how high you are on the flagpole and unlike in other mario games where getting to the top of the flagpole gives you a one up instead of points in super mario 3d world you get a one up in addition to ten thousand points needless to say we'll be aiming for the lowest part of the flagpole which is made a bit more difficult by the cat suit we've acquired the reason it's more difficult is that if your left analog stick is pressed essentially at all while your cat's self is on the flagpole you start clambering up it which just so happens to be the exact opposite of what we would like to happen in order to mitigate this we need to somehow move to touch the flagpole without using the analog stick this is where the cat dive comes in if we arrange ourselves at the proper distance from the flagpole we can jump straight up and then activate the dive to get us on the lowest part of the flagpole without pressing the analog stick at all thus netting us only 200 points which just to be clear is the minimum amount of points that touching the flagpole gets you okay we're on the flying pole so we're done with the first level now right not quite you see we don't just need to worry about where we touch the flagpole but also when we touch the flagpole this is because upon touching the flagpole you get 50 points for each second left on the clock luckily after a bit of research i found that it is possible to touch the flagpole with exactly zero seconds left on the clock it's not even all that difficult really doesn't change the mild annoyance of having to sit around at the end of the level until the timer runs out though oh well ultimately we leave 1-1 with 13 200 points now let's take a look at one two in terms of green stars the first is extremely easy to get without gaining any extra points the second requires defeating enemies which of course would gain us points so we'll be ignoring that one for now and the third is in the middle of a stack of goombas which can be nabbed by peach using her float ability another thing we can do here is gain another power up the fire flower taking this power up would add another 1000 points to our score but just like with the catsuit i believe that the firefly will likely end up saving us over a thousand points over the course of the rest of the game and yes we can have both of them at once as when you get a powerpin super mario 3d world when you already have one the old one gets saved for later use and of course switching between these power-ups once we already have them doesn't cause us to incur any more points okay that's 9000 points crude in this level so far now on to the flagpole except in this level we've got another option a certain red warp pipe which achieves two things for us firstly this secret exit doesn't cost any points to use which right off the bat saves us 200 points in addition to that benefit taking the warp pipe here doesn't bring us further along in world 1 but instead ferries us all the way to world 2. that is a huge amount of points saved potentially over 16 000 points in fact and one other thing i'd like to mention is that the catsuit was instrumental in getting the secret exit so it's already paid for itself and with that we are off to world 2 with a current total of 22 200 points getting to the flagpole in two one is not much of a problem at all there are also two green stars that can be gained no problem and one that requires killing a conk door so we'll pass on that one that's eight thousand two hundred points from the slope [Music] from there two three is our only option at the fork ahead as we don't have enough green stars to unlock two two the first green star here is laughably easy to get not much further into the level a giant shadow piranha plant stands in our way jumping on this plant is one way past it but it is a way that gives us 400 points i tried side flipping over the piranha plant but that didn't quite give me enough height to get over without touching the creature the other options would be running through the plant and just taking the hit i'd really rather not do that and lose the catsuit or fire flower as they're quite useful and reobtaining them would add a thousand more points to our score so we can't get over it or through it but someone else can yep the time has come to call in multiplayer if we bring toaden as the second player he can take the hit forth and get us through the door then almost immediately we have an opportunity to try to get the level's second green star at first glance it would seem that hitting a p-switch which would give us 100 points is required to get the green star as it turns out though the green star is accessible without hitting the switch the p-switch just helps us to see it so it's completely unnecessary to actually get the star what is a bit more problematic is the fact that the mystery box drops us directly on a coin after we've gotten the green star collecting a coin yields 100 points so we can't get this green star without adding additional points after all but what if the coins weren't there well then we'd be able to get this green star no problem but the fact remains that the coins are there and the only way to make that not be the case would be by collecting the coins which gives us 100 points a piece that would be logical but it leaves out one important fact this my friends is a wii uk and that of course means that there are loads of obligatory little gamepad mechanics that you barely even notice exist when you play through the game normally but can nevertheless be exploited for our game today in this specific case touching the coins on the gamepad collects them which yes i just stated we don't want to do but under these specific circumstances it's different since if the gamepad isn't joined in as a player nothing the gamepad does produces points we can take advantage of this by using the gamepad to get those coins out of the way before going for the green star the gamepad then has one more time to shine knocking down this browser cutout to get the third green star of the level and with just a little touch of the flying pole the level is cleared with twelve 12 200 points which is actually just about the perfect amount of points to get into level since it means we're getting all three green stars in the level without requiring any points other than the ones from the flagpole and green stars themselves next up is 2-4 which has some slip coins which can certainly catch you off guard as well as these annoying hamster dudes which are normally quite nice to cat dive through of course we can't do that since that would give us points no matter though they're not that hard to avoid with regards to green stars the first and third are pretty easy the second one though is a bit of a doozy to get the star you need to run around lighting up these the catch lighting a panel gives you 100 points and there's a lot of panels here good thing we can light them up with the gamepad for a cost of zero points of course that isn't made easy by the fact that when exiting the warp pipe that gets you in this room you land immediately on an unlit pan which then of course becomes lit and gives you 100 points but in the end we do prevail here just by sheer speed in touching that panel with the gamepad another level cleared with 12 200 points next thing i did was take a look at the world 2 mystery house which is all about defeating enemies good thing it's optional something that's not optional though is the big galoomba blockade which is also entirely about defeating enemies these three golumbas yield 800 points each to defeat plus a total of nine coins worth of points among the three of them that you get automatically after defeating them with a melee attack like a jump or catclaw we can however ground pound to these gloombas which doesn't remove the coin points but does remove one of the hits required to defeat them and therefore reduces the amount of points itself gives us to 6100 points the next level is 2-5 in which given our limitations we unfortunately cannot engage with the main gimmick of the whole of the double cherry oh well what actually matters is the fact that while destroying boxes typically yields 10 points a touch from a playerless gamepad can give us access to the green stars within without need to receive those 10 points then every other green star in the level is gained by using multiplayer in lieu of the double cherry this level doesn't present us with the best case scenario of 12 200 points though as at one point to advance we need to kill fiber using the fireflower method clocks in at an additional 1000 points leading to a total of 13 200 points from this level then comes to tank the first green star here is a bit tricky because of all the piranha plants surrounding it it's very easy to accidentally take damage or kill a plant in pursuit of the green star the second is hiding in a box just like the first from the previous level and can be gained in the exact same way without issue the last is behind a wall that when destroyed grants 10 points and this time the gamepad isn't powerful enough to destroy it so for now we'll ignore it and move on to our first proper boss fight boom boom is an easy fight albeit one that necessitates a lot of unavoidable points it's a three hit fight with the first hit being worth two thousand points the second being worth four thousand points and the third being worth eight thousand points there's not really anything we can do to mitigate this aside from fighting as few bosses as possible and unfortunately this is one that is mandatory that means two tank hands us another twenty two thousand two hundred points bringing our total coming out of world two to ninety 9 6 300 points three one features these goombas on ice which are really annoying to deal with without killing due in large part to the ice physics just an annoyance though the first green star requires a bit of multiplayer to get and then after that the other obstacles are easy as well as the next couple of levels the magikoopa blockade isn't difficult but does yield 7000 points including the ones inherent to the green star itself 35 has two easy green stars in it and one locked behind a wall which would cause us to gain 10 points so we don't get that one 8 200 points from this level we can get every green star from 37 but it's not a complete pushover due to a fair amount of coins in the left that's another 12 200 points three terrain is once again a level that lets us get all three green stars without gaining points outside of the green stars themselves one element of strategy i used to make this level a bit easier was by freezing these bonsai bills because otherwise i was finding it very easy to incidentally defeat them the level also features a boss fight with pom-pom which unavoidably inflates the score received in this level inflated to 26 200 points in fact and with world 3 cleared we move on to world 4 with a total score of 186 500 points but first we get ambushed by histocrats it's a boss fight with a green star and a flagpole and thus gets the standard amount of points for such a level eighteen thousand two hundred points so we're really going into world fourth two hundred four thousand seven hundred points the first level in world 4 gives us a very friendly welcome by giving us easy access to all three of its green stars sure it eventually throws some coins at us but those are actually pretty fun to avoid then after that the level proceeds to kick us in the teeth how you ask a couple of unknowingly placed ants that's how somehow this hasn't come up yet but the flagpole has another awesome power to reveal it kills everything in its vicinity upon being touched and gives us all the points for those kills thank you flagpole how magnanimous of you adding insult injury is that we also get the coins from the enemies killed and of course the points that come along with that the only way to avoid these points that the flagpole is bestowing upon us would be to get rid of the ants and given the extremely simple ai of these ants the only way that's going to happen is with a bit of fire flower extermination this approach still does give us 200 points per ant but does at least eliminate the coin based points that means 4 1 ultimately gives us 12 600 points four two is a very exciting level that's because it contains the second secret exit in the game once again we'll be taking it as skipping a castle is virtually guaranteed to be worthwhile as for the level itself it starts kind of annoyingly with this piranha creeper coming out of a warp pipe unfortunately to progress through this level we have to kill this poor creature and let's gain 1000 points after swallowing those points we can at least pick up the first two green stars in level no problem and then after that we rely heavily on the gamepad to get through this 2d section littered with coins we don't end up with the third green star though because it requires us to get green coins which we could actually get with the gamepad for no extra points but unfortunately can't make appear without passing through this green star ring thing which nets us 100 points in the end we take the secret exit world five with nine thousand points from this level and two hundred twenty six thousand three hundred points in total now time for five one a very rough opening to the world issue number one these key token things which are worth 1 000 points apiece are of course necessary to get through this level as for stars the first needs a little gamepad magic to get but overall is no big deal and this one with captain toad goes severely against my pacifist principles so we pass it up the plessy section just requires some avoidance this one part of it looks tricky from the outset jumping isn't really an option given the coin ring above but the solution is actually quite simple just ram the what are these things called again splounders okay where were we yes yes these uh splounders they sink down into the water after you run into them and then from there we can just slip under the coin so really not much of an issue and then there's the flagpole area which contains quite a few enemies and that means points these beetles are straightforward if annoying the best we can do about them is fire flower them so we at least don't get their coin points now the koopa troopa that guy gives us a bit more options with dealing with him what i decided to do was knock his shell off then pick it up after which he started chasing after me i then led him to a far corner of the platform where i throw off his shell and then freeze him in place with the gamepad i then manipulate the camera in such a way that i can keep him frozen in place as i get well out of his aggro range now he more or less minds his own business in the corner which puts him out of range of the flagpole's death which means this koopa won't be giving us any points unfortunately the level as a whole still does give us 14 000 points after that we take a break with a much nicer level 5 toad which is a level that lets us get 5 green stars for 20 000 points which is no more than the inherent cost of the green stars themselves yay for free green stars speaking of which how many of those do we have right now 50. huh we'll need to have 170 by the final level hopefully it's not too much of a hassle speaking of green stars 5 2 requires 80 to access so i guess that means we'll have to play 5'3 at this fork and the first star is pretty easy to get seconds no just no and third is another green coin based one so no 4 200 points from this level next up is charge and chuck blockade is back which as a level name makes no sense given the context i have available oh well uh we get a green star and six thousand unavoidable points here next up is five four which to put things simply has two easy green stars and one impossible green star for once the main challenge with this level lies not in getting green stars but instead it lies in just flat out clearing the level the clear pipe slash cannon section is where the difficulty comes in the intended way to get past this section is by using the clear pipes and cannons to blast through an invincibility star fuzzies and bricks the star and fuzzies can be avoided but once you go in that first clear pipe the bricks are doomed to break which as a reminder would give us 10 points for each brick block broken not to worry though the solution is quite simple step 1 use luigi for his great jump height step 2 use the catsuit to climb on top of the first cat step 3 climb then jump then dive back onto the wall to climb some more to get on top of the second cabin step 4 climb sideways along the walls and jump around the bricks to enter the last clear pipe see simple wait a minute as i'm writing the script i think i just realized a much easier way i could have done that step one go in the first clear pipe and launch carefully from the cannon making sure to avoid the invincibility star and fuzzies step 2 when they get in frame use the gamepad to destroy the bricks points free step 3 win all that work perfecting my climb up this wall for nothing also there's some infinitely spawning ants at the flagpole which means we're leaving this level with another 9400 points moving on five five is then a pretty simple level so long as you remember that the gamepad can activate pal blocks with no effect on score oh and i guess making the landing on this 8-bit mario safely takes some doing as well 12 200 points from this level then comes five seven which becomes an escort mission we carry toad as luigi all through the first part of the level in order to use him to get an extra bit of height to grab the first green star the other two wouldn't be too difficult if we could actually be a bit sneaky unfortunately the bubble that we keep towed in for the rest of the level activates the searchlights just got to not get hit or accidentally kill one of the bolts easier said than done but not impossible in the end it's a 12 200 point level five castle has two green stars we can get one we can't and a boss fight twenty two thousand two hundred points here that means we're going into world six with three hundred twenty six thousand five hundred points six one starts off with a couple of green stars annoyingly locked away in clear pipes behind coins and therefore unobtainable for us it does have one that's fairly easy to get but the level as a whole doesn't get much love for me on account of the return of these key tokens which once again add five thousand points to the left that means this level has a total of nine thousand two hundred points for us six two goes much better thanks in large part to the fact that we can push bullies off for free with the gamepad which at one point helps us get a star and at another point helps us just flat out progress through the level 12 200 points here at the intersection we must take six four which is overall pretty easy the one difficulty we have here is the fact that the level second green star is once again a green coin based one 8 200 points from this level next thing we have to do is face the prince bully blockade which is just a boss fight so we've got 14 000 unavoidable points here plus 4 000 from the green star or 18 000 points from this blockade then at the next intersection we pick 6 6 as 6'5 has enemies at its flagpole which give us points that we'd rather avoid 66 on the other hand easily gets us 3 green stars for twelve thousand two hundred points not six seven then proceeds to be a similarly simple affair even in spite of its auto-scrolling nature and tricky coin placements once again we've got a level that grants us all three green stars at the expense of twelve 12 200 we take a visit by six mystery house and can then nab the first two green stars and without issue for just the cost of the green stars themselves or 8 000 points six tank is a bit of a gamepad extravaganza we've got to use it to throw bombs collect coins freeze bros all while trying to make sure our actual player character doesn't get hit by a stray hammer this is another three green star level although this one does have a boss fight at the end meaning that it gives us 26 200 points before we get to world castle we've got another boss to take care of motley boss blob the trick with this guy is just making sure you defeat him without accidentally killing any of his little blob dudes this was actually fairly easily achieved by taking a bit of a detour to distract the little blobs ultimately the boss fight doesn't cause us to gain any more points than other boss fights so 18 200 points it is which means we're headed into world castle with a total score of 450 900 points castle one is the first level we've played where not a single green star can be obtained without adding extra points on top of that we have to kill the spire bro to progress through the level which is worth 1000 points there's actually another fire bro later on in the level that you have to kill to progress but i was able to get him to jump into the lava because that's where his goomba stack went for some reason eh works for me oh also at the end there's this fire bro that looks like he might be trouble but a quick tap on the block he's standing on neutralizes him easily 1 200 points from this one castle 3 is fast paced has lots of coins and features some clear pipes at the end that have the potential to really screw you but it can be overcome with two green stars and 8 200 points [Music] next up is an intersection the choice here is between two boss blockades which would both give us the exact same score so our choice here doesn't matter right wrong this branch doesn't end at these blockades in a way this branch will echo through the rest of the challenge that's because while the blockades are equivalent the levels they lead to most certainly are not the bully blockade leads to castle 6 which is a level that can get us two green stars but also contains enemies at the flagpole that upon completion of the level will add an extra 3000 points to our score on the other hand the brolder blockade leads to castle 5 which will also grant us 2 stars but this one has those key tokens which by the very presence add 5 000 more points to the score gained in that level so that makes castle 6 the clear winner then right i mean it's got the same amount of forward progression and green stars for less points it must be the better option seems that way but there's one more detail we haven't addressed yet castle 5 unlocks a captain toad level one which can give us five green stars for no extra points that means the calculation isn't between two green stars one way and two the other but instead three thousand two hundred extra points for two green stars or five thousand two hundred extra points for seven green stars that means the cost of the green stars on castle six's paths is 1 600 points per green star whereas the cost of going down task 5's path is only about 743 extra points per green star so in a world we're getting as many green stars as possible at as low cost as possible is what we're after which just for the record with only 85 of the 170 green stars we need to have by the end of the game collected at this late stage it is something we are very much after so in that context castle 5 looks to be by far the better choice if you take a very narrow view of the decision that is let's not forget that these two levels aren't the only places to get green stars while yes castle 5 743 extra points per green star is a steep discount compared to castle 6's 1 600 points they're both laughably high compared to the 10 extra points it would take to grab those green stars hidden behind walls or the 100 points to get a green coin based green star we need to be looking at the whole game here to make this decision properly and realize that going for castle 5 only makes sense if we end up so starved for green stars that 400 extra points for one which is how much we would in effect be paying for those five captain toad stars legitimately becomes our best deal i don't think that'll be the case but before making this choice i have to be sure it's time we do some serious routing up until this point we've been trying to get to the final level while playing as few levels as possible sticking strictly to the critical path if you would and collecting as many green stars within those levels that could be attained without needing to get additional points like by defeating enemies or something similar the reason we were doing that is because even just the act of clearing levels gains us points every flagpole we touch is a guaranteed 200 points and i guess part of me foolishly hoped that even playing so few levels we'd have enough free green stars to beat the game that sadly is not the case as such now is the time where we need to start compromising on green star points we've only got about half of what we need by game's end with only about a world left to go going forward we are going to have to accept the fact that some of the green stars we get will have extra points attached to them what our job is now is to discover which green stars give us the least points and in order to do that we need to compare the points required to get each green star with every other green star in the game to be confident that we're making the right choice here we need to know everything and the first thing to figure out is what exactly we missed out on by skipping worlds 1 and 4. before we invest too much time and resources into actually investigating these worlds i figured it would be a good idea to run a simulation and see if the extra points required to get the green stars in worlds 1 and 4 are even competitive if we assume the best case scenario of all levels giving us a beautiful score of 12 200 points and three green stars for simplicity's sake i'm going to be ignoring the points of the green stars themselves in this analysis for the routing at the moment all we care about are the points outside of the green stars here is world 1's best case scenario 200 points from getting the flagpole in one two 1 600 points and one green star from the charging chuck blockade zero points and five green stars from one toad two hundred points and three green stars from one three two hundred points and three green stars from one four two hundred points and three green stars from one five and 14 200 points and three green stars from one castle now obviously the castle isn't going to be very points efficient but in the best case scenario stopping just before the castle would leave us with 160 points per green star that doesn't seem unreasonable but we'll have to compare it to everything else before we decide for sure as for world 4's best case scenario it is as follows 200 points for getting the flagpole in 4-2 800 points and one green star from the brolder blockade 200 points and three green stars from four four zero points and ten green stars from four mystery house 200 points and three green stars from four five two hundred points and three green stars from four three and fourteen thousand two hundred points and three green stars from four castle that best case scenario is 80 points per star again leaving off the castle which we can do since having taken the secret exit we don't need to play it for progression purposes anyway that points per green star number seems really good we'll definitely need to look further into world 4. now it's time for me to do some research and make some comparisons with the rest of the game see in a bit [Music] all right time to answer the question that got us started down this rabbit hole is 400 extra points for a green star ever going to be a good deal to figure that out i compiled together a spreadsheet of what i found to be the 80 cheapest green stars for us to get taking into consideration everything not just the points required right then and there to get it but also if it's a new level the points from the flag any levels and by extension green stars that would be unlocked along the path of getting it playing with how many green stars to get from a level when multiples require extra points among other factors and this is what i came up with a spreadsheet of levels sorted with least points required per green star levels at the top and the most of this selection at the bottom now we do actually get some pretty high numbers towards the bottom of the list but all of the 200 and over levels are either levels necessary to beat the game or make up for it by unlocking future levels in world 4 which while the best case didn't exactly pan out there it actually ended up being close to 150 points per green star it does still ultimately make the cut even if only barely mostly due to that 10 star mystery house they have there anyway the spreadsheet also shows that venturing further into world one wouldn't be all that useful and that 400 points per star is quite the extravagant price so at this intersection which i'm sure a bunch of you have forgotten is what this whole tangent was even about in the first place we'll be taking prince bully blockade onward and through castle 6. those two levels give us another 29 200 points and three green stars after all that routing we get to then relax a bit with castle 7 and i have to say the two green stars that we get without adding extra points are quite easy to get using peach this gives us 8 200 points that level then brings us to the foot of bowser's castle we need 130 green stars to enter and at the moment we only have 90. the time has come to put that spreadsheet into motion it may cost a bit more points than i'd prefer but let's get some green stars the first two we get are the ones hiding behind those destructible walls we can destroy these walls with our cannon boxes and so long as we keep our collateral damage at zero both of these stars add four thousand ten points to our total we then get five from three toad for 20 100 points the 100 comes from this p-switch next up we play some levels that we skipped over on our first pass mostly due to not having enough green stars to unlock them at the time three two three six and two two all three of these levels allow us to get through with three green stars and twelve thousand two hundred points then we head to world four first thing to do here is get the flagpole in four two and while we're here let's go ahead and get that green coin based green star like i've said prior we can collect the coins themselves with the gamepad for free but getting them to appear in the first place costs 100 points also since in order to both take the secret exit and the normal exit we would necessarily have to play this level twice so those mandatory piranha plant points get counted twice therefore we leave this level with 5 300 more points from it next up is the brolder blockade which we defeat and get a green star from for four thousand eight hundred parts we then retrieve all three of four fours green stars which are pretty easy to get the actual challenge of this level comes in the form of not jumping on buzzy beetles and pulling off that lure an enemy to the corner before getting on the flagpole trick we used on that koopa little while ago all in all 12 200 points endured here that makes a path to four mystery house which is certainly tricky in light of the coins littered everywhere and with the short time limit there's not much opportunity for gamepad shenanigans to help us we do end up cleanly getting 10 stars for 40 000 points though with the world 4 stuff taken care of let's revisit castle one and get all of its green stars yes it does mean we have to collect these two coins and the points associated with them and that's not even to mention the p-switch one or the green coins one which i just mentioned uh that's another thousand four inch points gained due to this level and while we're at it let's get some more green coins green stars like the one in castle three and one castle four and the one in five four and the one in five six which may actually be the most difficult green coin green star we've done i mean there's the shock wave dude which we can freeze but if we're freezing it that means we're not collecting coins jumping and dodging also isn't great due to the whole holding two controllers at once thing combined of course with the flipping floor oh this level also has a laughably easy green start to get as well as one that we're not going after because it would require too many points to be associated with it these four levels are together responsible for an additional 20 600 ports what do you know with a current total of 665 920 points it seems that we're up to exactly 130 green stars time for bowser's castle this isn't the final level as such we're still on the hunt for green stars green star 1 is very easy green star 2 is also very easy though getting to the next part of the level without lowering the bridge is a bit of a leap of faith and green star number 3 is a bit annoying it requires some self-sacrifice from a player two as well as leaving our power-up housing character vulnerable to this annoying helicopter dude we then move on to these hammer rows which require us to put on our best dodging skills to avoid hit then followed up with another big leap of faith after that it's time to fight bowser which is a boss fight and therefore causes 14 000 points it would be nice if player 2's bubble wasn't constantly obscuring my view though anyway this level gives us a score of 26 200 points but wait there's more that's right we've got one more world and 37 more green stars to overcome let's go we'll start with the critical path levels browser one starts us off with an enjoyably tough level there's coins throughout that make things a wee bit trickier but the real challenge of the shovel is the dry bones they're relentless and man it can be so hard to not accidentally tread on one in terms of green stars one and three lie down relatively simple detours while the second one hides in a mystery box with a p-switch which is an auto 100 points it's also covered with coins but those can be dealt with using the gamepad so a three-star run of this level costs 12 300 ports neither bowser 2 nor browser 3 are very good places to get green stars cheap in fact i believe both of them would have a price of 200 extra points per green star the difference is that bowser 2 commits us two less at that price sports this was certainly the most demanding plessy level we've faced with so many coins to dodge beetles to jump over and the like there's just a lot more going on here even so if you captain plessy writes you can walk out of that level with one green star and 4 200 points bowser train is next and man its highlight has got to be this green coin green star set during an auto scroll while having to avoid these swinging spike bars a tasty challenge to be sure we also get to sacrifice the health of player 2 to get a star again yay oh and also there's a boss fight which does its usual thing of having 14 000 points just show up out of nowhere we leave this level having gained 3 green stars and 26 300 points bowser 5 looked pretty tough at first given the coin rings in extremely tight spaces nothing to worry about though as tucking oneself away in the corner actually lets you get past them on scales outside of that there's not much interesting about this level since literally all of the green stars are just boringly and easily hidden on top of walls for the catsuit to climb 12 200 points from the soul bowser 6 features flying dry bones back again in force seriously these guys really gave me trouble here this level is also home to a green star that requires killing so many boos that it would be laughable to think it should be gotten in a low score challenge the other two are all right though leading to this level saddling us with 8 200 ports we then take a break from regular levels to take on bowser mystery house it's a bunch of climbing based challenges some with coins to dodge some with bricks for the gamepad to get out of our way and some that are just really easy but all 10 are most certainly possible 40 000 points for 10 stars granted here bowser 7 is another level we have to beat and it's pretty easy that extends to the placement of the green stars although one of them is a green coin based green star not ideal but all right this level adds 12 300 points to our score we then have some boss fight reprisals with histocrat and motley boss blob which go more or less exactly how they did last time each of those levels gives us one green star and 18 200 points and that's all the levels that have to be beaten to unlock the final now we just need to obtain 11 more green stars we find three at bowser four and once again the main threat here are dry bones they're so annoying and easy to simply kill in spite of the dry bones we do get two green stars flawlessly and one that is a green coin based green star 12 300 points are gained in the course of getting those green stars here speaking of green coin stars we also pick up one from five two we've gotta get the coins quickly since we're on a trapeze but it can be done there's also another star here but no just no we leave level with four thousand one hundred points for one more star we have a couple more green coin based stars to get from five castle and castle seven both of which are gained for four thousand one hundred points we also play four three which has a really easy green star a really easy green star with multiplayer and one that is no just no and finally six mystery house can give us three more green stars for only twelve thousand one hundred points if you make sure to use the gamepad that brings us to 170 green stars time to take on the final level one thing to keep in mind that is actually a pretty big shift in mindset is that we don't want green stars anymore we've unlocked what we need to unlock and have no need for any more of them as such we ignore all of them in this level the level plays out in a mostly normal fashion these stairs at the end did give me some trouble because i was being rushed while also having to avoid these coins luckily it was game bad to the rescue thank you soon we're at the top of the tower surrounded by meowsers and after hitting this pal block just a few times we beat bowser and in a very nice turn of events this is the one boss in the game that doesn't give any points for defeating us that means the final level only gives us 200 points from the flagpole to add to our total so after that long arduous journey it's time to finally answer the question we started this video with what is the lowest possible score required to beat super mario 3d world after all my research the number i've come to [Music] is 889 120 points and that is a very high number i guess it's just because the way it's structured super mario 3d world is a very high scoring game i shudder to think how high the score must get on a normal play through anyway that is the lowest i was able to make the score fall but this is certainly the type of challenge where missing little details or exploits very well may have happened and could have changed the outcome significantly so if you want to try to get this number even lower be my guest and perhaps if we discover enough methods to make the score fall considerably more i may make a follow-up video detailing those methods anyways guys if you've made it all the way to the end of this video thank you your watch type is very much appreciated and if you would care to like comment or subscribe that would be great as well i promise the next video won't take quite this long to make and until next time i've been seamacraft and uh do check back here after the mario 3d all-stars collection is released until then goodbye [Music] you
Channel: CMeeCraft Gaming
Views: 527,388
Rating: 4.9116197 out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario 3D World, What is the Lowest Possible Score Required to Beat Super Mario 3D World, super mario 3d world low score, no coins, low score, lowest possible score, What is the Lowest Possible Score Required to Beat New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe?, super mario, is it possible, super mario 3d world bowser's fury, super mario 3d world deluxe, super mario 3d world switch, Mario, CMeeCraft, The Most Unnecessary Level in New Super Mario Bros U, New Super Mario Bros, lowest score
Id: _pL71aDKpFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 12sec (2892 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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