Is it possible to beat Super Mario 3D World While Carrying Luigi?

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[Music] I've been pushing the luigi wins by doing nothing mean quite far these past months what started as a thing in Mario Party turning to a challenge that I attempted in many 2d Mario games the thing is there's actually a 3d game where we can attempt this challenge as well and that game is none other than Super Mario 3d World for the Wii U the rules are simple we are going to try to finish super mario 3d world starting with world 1-1 and hopefully reaching meowser on top of the big tower the thing is we're going to have to carry Luigi around with us in each level I'll be playing as Mario with the Wii U gamepad and a second controller will be added for Luigi but I am not allowed to touch it at all in this game if a character is left behind for too long he turns into a bubble and follows the lead player but we're obviously not going to be allowed to use that as this would be considered cheating entering a green pipe and then waiting for Luigi to be teleported is allowed as it's pretty much the only way of entering pipes without having to press a button on the second controller now that everything has been set let's see how far we can get whirl 1-1 is where you'll get used to your moves you can push Luigi around the level but that's pretty slow so you'll definitely want to hold down the Y button to grab him and carry him around you'll also need to learn to throw him as this is quite helpful to collect power-ups or simply to throw Luigi on the other side of a bottomless pit Luigi can be thrown and pushed in clear pipes so this is also pretty good to know use those brand new moves and you'll soon reach the flagpole and complete this level world 1-2 is taking place underground but there's always more than enough room for both Mario and Luigi to fit everywhere so it is a pretty easy level throw Luigi in the clear pipe cannons to move from one section to the other and this level will be done in no time 1 - a is a mini bus fight against two charging trucks just for the heck of it I tried throwing Luigi on those guys to defeat them but it is easier said than done in world 1-3 you normally collect a catsuit and climb them many walls but with Luigi in our hands this move is now restricted and cannot be used you have to jump and throw Luigi on higher grounds and blocks if you want to make it to the top it makes the level a little bit more difficult but not that much world 1-4 is a plessy level and to be fair once you throw a Luigi on her back and hop aboard she controls exactly like she would in a single-player game so no worrys whirl 1-5 wants you to walk on the many question mark tiles to activate them and open up the next part of the stage and having Luigi on our shoulder doesn't change anything to that fact you can even use the jump pass without any problem world 1 - castle is pretty easy and doesn't have any part that requires us to drop Luigi or anything heck even the bus fight against Bowser's pricey car can be done while holding loogie basically you have to kick those soccer balls bumps back into a car to break it and well our hands might be busy holding down green Mario but our feet are not easy victory world 2 - Juan will not be the most difficult level as most of the Conch door enemies are not fast enough to hurt us we'll need to drop Luigi at some points to collect green stars but that's about it in world 2 - - you'll need to use the gamepad touchscreen to tap on some blocks to make them expand and allow you to reach higher grounds and I gotta admit that tapping the touch screen while holding down the Y button to hold Luigi can get quite annoying and could potentially give you hand cramps but those are real-life problems so we're not here to talk about those world 2 - 3 is home of Team B beacuse favourite Bob the piranha plant sadly we cannot bring the guy around with us for this challenge as we are already carrying something Oh goodbye Bob this level is not particularly difficult if you take your time and time your jumps this stage even contains a 2d section at one point and that reminded me a lot of previous challenges in the series world 2-4 is really similar to 1-1 at first except this one contains some rolling hills it doesn't make it any harder though during this cave section you have to drop Luigi to defeat the squibs quick there in your way but that's all there is to this stage world 2-8 pits you against three evil Galoob us but as you can see right now this level is ridiculously easy world 2-5 introduces the super cherry a powerup that can create clones of whoever touches it for this quest I recommend cloning Mario and not his brother as we now have two babysitters for one lonely non-moving green boy and that's pretty useful world 2 - tank is an autoscroller stage full of ugly bullet bills cannons and other enemies this stage wants you to become a war machine and gives you those cannon boxes that turn Mario into a bullet shooting machine but if you grab one of those you won't be able to carry Luigi anymore because of your brand-new lack of arms obviously you'll want to avoid touching those if you plan to reach them mad lad himself Lord boom boom and the feeling this guy is as easy as it always was even when carrying Luigi around with boom boom out of the way we can reach world 3 3-1 is a lovely snow themed level featuring icy pokies and lots of ice there's also a couple of Goomba shoes that can be equipped to skate on the ice faster but you can't sadly use those for this quest as they make you drop Luigi will have to painfully walk on ice until we reach the end of this level where all three - - is a nodal scrolling level and this one is a little bit difficult as you have to jump above or under moving fences and if your timing is wrong you might drop poor Luigi and that's pretty sad just take your time and make sure to jump in between all of the obstacles and this one will be done world 3 - 3 is a spooky ghost house and you'll have to watch out for your step in here as there's plenty of ghosts moving floors and flying furniture at one point in this stage I dropped poor Luigi on a lit candle hope that didn't burn your butt my dude we're all three - four gives you only a hundred seconds to beat the stage but to be fair it's going to be more than enough just make sure not to drop Luigi in a bid though we're all three - a is a minibus fight against three magikoopas and you don't even need to move Luigi an inch to be those baddies world 3-5 is our first underwater stage hey you know this type of stage would eventually make its way in this quiz underwater stages are truly a problem in 2d Mario games for this type of challenge and usually mean the end of the quest but what about a 3d game well turns out you can actually push Luigi while he's underwater in Mario 3d World which is actually pretty nice it's just painfully slow and takes forever watch out where you push a plumber Hori might get stuck in a corner and you'll have to start over having a catsuit or a fireball power up is pretty necessary to defeat those enemies that will try to kill poor Luigi pushing him up slopes is particularly annoying as you'll always end up bouncing him on your head and that takes away precious seconds after the checkpoint you'll eventually reach this part with the Sun can ship the problem here is that if you push him next to the fences down there he'll get stuck onto the corner and you'll be in big trouble thankfully you can Crouch on this corner there to make Luigi bounce on your head and use this air time to push him on the other side of the fence it's really precise and takes time but it is possible you could also bounce him on your head starting all the way to the left they're moving him slowly to the right one inch at a time once you figure out how it works it's not very difficult it's just paint please slow I ended up finishing this stage with less than 15 seconds on the clock and that's with the clock resetting back to 400 seconds at the checkpoint mark after I ran out of time once that one wasn't he Deus World 3-6 is a classic Mario Kart stage where you gotta run super fast by using the boost panels carrying Luigi around doesn't slow you down or anything so this stage is the same as if you didn't have the guy on your shoulder in the first place where all 3-7 has those Aero platforms that you have to walk on in order to move you also have to hit those big red blocks to change the rails and proceed in the level and holding Luigi prevents you from hitting them as you're way too tall now and if you drop Luigi in the water down there by accident well might as well just quit and come back drop Luigi on the platform first and then hit the block with Mario afterwards later in the level you'll have to perform some epic Luigi throws in order to hit those blocks there and this is easier said than done as the platform is moving quite fast and it is super easy to throw Luigi in the pit below by accident it took me a couple of tries but eventually I did it 3 - train is pretty easy even though it contains its fair share of enemies and bullet bills pom pom is also pretty easy to defeat and won't be a problem at all but before we can reach world 4 will have to quickly make a stop in world 3 - B which is a bus fight against mr. Krantz bus is actually made easier in this quest as you can now throw Luigi on its head and defeated way quicker epic world 4-1 has lots of very narrow caves where you simply cannot hold Luigi so you have to drop him and push him quickly before he gets hit by those evil and end after that is done the rest of this level is really easy it only requires you to bounce on those giant hands world 4-2 is really easy up until you get to the underground part down to there there's a lot of evil water and if you go there with Luigi well you won't be able to leave this part and Luigi will be stuck underwater forever is this the end of the quest well no as there's actually another path that skids this entire on the water section by simply going above it all world 4 - a fits us against a little bolder enemy so easy I don't even need my boy Luigi for that what three more little rocks I am an epic gamer I don't need Luigi for that anyways world 4-3 contains lots of double cherries so it means we'll get multiple Mario's to protect the one lonely Luigi this makes this level a little bit easier world 4-4 has lots of bouncing mushroom platforms and thankfully we can bounce on those even while holding down Luigi so this level is really easy world 4-5 will force you to dodge the evil fishy popkins attacking you with their spiky things but having Luigi with us doesn't make it any more difficult world 4 - Castle is a pretty simple stage and having Luigi around is actually quite useful to hit those switches without needing the little ruk dues from before although this stage is quite simple the bus is actually made quite difficult you see to defeat the dude you need to grab the little boulder dudes and throw them at the bigger one the thing is while you are holding one of those little boulders Luigi is left alone defenseless in the corner and can be attacked by other enemies you'll quickly need to attack the bus - Dan quickly grab back Luigi and bring him to safety tedious but possible world 5-1 is an easy Beach level just make sure not to throw Luigi onto a tree because if he grabs onto it well he's stuck there you can't even interact with him anymore he just kind of loves the tree so much that nothing can move him out of their world 5-2 introduces those circus trapeze that you normally have to swing on but we can't do that now if you go on a trapeze both Mario and Luigi will grab it and although we can let go of it as mario luigi will be stuck there forever now this is a big problem as this level doesn't seem to be possible thankfully it is located on a split path and we can immediately reach world 5-3 instead well we could if we had enough green stars you see to unlock certain levels you need a set amount of green stars and at that point of the game it appears I didn't collect enough thankfully there are a couple of captain toad levels which are a single player and can be done without Luigi and there's also a couple of mystery boxes level you can complete with Luigi without any issue so getting enough green stars for 5-3 won't be too difficult speaking of world 5-3 is a very tiny level as we can see the and flagpole right as soon as we enter it this level is really easy to complete world 5 - a is a rematch against charging chucks and once again this will be done in a matter of seconds world 5 - 4 was kind of a problem during my coinless run so hopefully it will be good to me this time around oh oh how do I get Luigi up that pipe don't tell me this level will be the end of me again oh wait you just push him into it ok well that was easy well 5 - 5 is not very difficult although it might require you to push Luigi around in those narrow paths world 5-6 has those tiles that flip sites every time you jump but having Luigi doesn't change anything to this stage even this part where you need to go up has enough room to fit both Mario and Luigi at the same time world 5-7 contains lots of bullet bills and annoying bricks that are on your way most of the level can be done without a problem that is until you get to this final part here with those broken bricks there is no way to fit while carrying Luigi you'll have to throw the guy on this lonely brick to then jump and grab him back all of this while dodging the evil bullet bills it is a very scary level 5 - castle has those spiky square enemies that love to flip on their sides as tall mario and luigi you don't always fit in between them and will often have to wait for them to start flipping before you jump inside of them the bus is pretty easy though and is way bigger so you won't have a problem with it world stakes - one has lots of clear pipes with evil spike bombs inside of them you can thankfully walk on top of the pipes for this first section and once you reach this next part where you need to go up you'll probably want to throw Luigi up ahead as you can't really control which way you'll decide to go if you throw him into a clear pipe finally this section once you took like all five key tokens to open up the way so my trick here was to put Luigi on top of the clear pipe over there while I collected all of the key tokens this protects them from enemies and won't turn him into a bubble so you know we're good world 6-2 is a pretty easy stage you'll just want to be careful not to drop Luigi and the water inside of the boat and you'll be good to go world 6 - 3 features those goombahs that give out a Goomba mask make sure to avoid collecting one of those because just like the cannon bucks from world 2 - tank if you have one of those things on your head you won't be able to carry Luigi around anymore for world 6 - 4 just relax and enjoy the raft ride down the poison water so peaceful the fight against Prince bully in world 6-8 doesn't require Luigi at all so the guy will simply wait down there while Mario does all of the hard work it's an easy life and there's not much to say about world 6-5 eater as it's a pretty standard snow level that doesn't feature any difficult part whatsoever world 6-6 is a vertical climbing stage which could prove to be potentially lethal to the quest but there's more than enough platforms and clouds to get to the top even when carrying Luigi world 6-7 is scary and full of narrow passages but you can thankfully fit in all of them even with Luigi on your back so this level scared me for no reason it's actually pretty easy world 6 - tank might be a slow autoscroller with tons of enemies and the bum's but if you defeat them one after another you'll soon reach the mad lad and victory will be yours before reaching the next world oh we have a fight to do in world stakes - see and it is actually super easy if you don't drop Luigi if you do get hit and drop him though well this clown enemy will make the poor green dude suffer Oh leave Lukey alone welcome to world castle & castle - one has its fair share of clear pipes and those can be quite dangerous so make sure to defeat the enemies before throwing Luigi in those world castle - - is a tub down level kind of like an old-school Legend of Zelda game it's pretty cool but there's not much to talk about castle - three is kind of difficult because of the speed you can't really control your direction while jumping so falling down is quite easy and if Mario touches an obstacle he'll drop poor Luigi and this will be really bad for both the Mario Brothers it will take a couple of tries but you'll be able to beat this level eventually the ending is pretty funny though as Luigi runs automatically while exiting the clear pipe so it almost looks as if I was playing with two controllers at once but I promise you I'm not Castle - four is a little bit tricky but not because of Luigi at all so you know no need to talk about it castle - a is a rematch against the evil boulder dude from before except this time around there are some rolling balls of love that move around the battle arena and this makes the fight way more difficult but thankfully if you grabbed a boulder only to throw it immediately to then grab back Luigi and bring him to safety you'll be good castle - B is actually super easy castle - v is quite easy up until this part where you need to quickly go down this tower before the evil purple gas gets to you and game ends you I suggest taking damage and becoming small Mario if you want to easily fit everywhere on time castle - six is another one of those annoying underwater levels I don't think it's possible but since it's on a split path and we already beat castle - five it doesn't even matter castle - seven has lots of fire lava and other crazy scary stuff you'll want to be very careful welcome to world castle - castle yep that's really the official name for this level anyways it contains lots of evil enemies but it is actually quite easy and the Bowser car fight is the exact same one as the first world so no need to drop Luigi to win this one and there we go we did it we have completed the gate what hey Bowser come back with that welcome to world Bowser oh it looks fantastic world Bowser - one contains lots of spikes and timing is keen here if you want to make it out alive world Bowser - - is a plessy level so once again it's super easy world Bowser - three has lots of delicious looking cookies yummy you'll have to move from one cookie to another climb up go to the left go to the right but it's actually possible world Bowser - train is quite easy and only contains two trains that could potentially be dangerous there's this first one that is filled with water and you'll absolutely want to walk on the sides and not touch that deadly water because if you well good-bye Luigi there's also this second one with doors that you want to enter right from the side or else Luigi will be left behind and could potentially be attacked before being teleported but besides that it's pretty easy defeating pom pom is super easy as always and with that done we can move on to the next stage world Bowser - for forces you to walk slowly on the invisible paths normally you could ground pound to show yourself the way but with Luigi in our hands we'll have to simply go slowly instead and wait for the path to appear world Bowser - 5 is another impossible on the water stage but luckily for us it is once again on a split path and we can actually skip it wow we're actually quite lucky with those World Bowser - 6 takes place in this dark haunted house and normally you'd get a light box to defeat the ghosts but with Luigi on our shoulder we'll have to skip those and just play the level normally it makes it a little bit more tedious but not that much world Bowser - 7 is kind of tricky if you get hit as you'll drop Luigi and he'll burn in the hot flaming lava so make sure this doesn't happen ok world Bowser - a and Bowser - B are both rematch against previous bosses such as this wizard dude and also history crap but you know just like the previous fights tipping those dudes is really easy world Bowser - Bowser is the final stage and the level in itself is actually pretty easy you'll soon get to the bus from meowser and this is more of a stage than it is a bus battle you'll have to jump from platform to platform to reach the top and this will force you to throw Luigi up above at times for example to avoid this evil trapeze there keep moving up and you'll soon reach the big POW block and defeat meowser once and for all and there we go we have saved the spritzee's Kingdom so is it possible to beat Super Mario 3d World while carrying Luigi and with him not doing anything well yes it is it's actually surprisingly simple to do so as well as this game is not very difficult and having Luigi in your hands barely restricts your moves so it's actually a cakewalk thanks for watching this video my dudes make sure to subscribe and to hit the notification if you enjoyed it smash liked for more challenges and make sure to grab the very dream BB q March that is only available for 10 more days don't waste a second tab the card on screen right now to get yours before it's gone forever alright guys I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Nicobbq
Views: 1,413,334
Rating: 4.9046688 out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario 3D World, Carrying Luigi, Super Mario 3D, Mario 3D WOrld, Luigi wins by doing nothing, Grab Luigi, Luigi on Shoulder, Challenge, Is it possible, Nicobbq
Id: aPNp0ixjb1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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