Is It Possible To Beat Kirby Super Star Ultra Without Jumping? [CHALLENGE]

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hey what's up my name is sen so as apparently everyone knows i'm pretty fresh off making a task for one of my favorite childhood games kirby superstar ultra if you don't know what that means i basically just played the game in slow motion for a good few months and when i play it back in real time it looks like i'm a god gamer naturally when you play through the entirety of a game like this you eventually get to know the ins and outs of pretty much everything the game has to offer and as it turns out everything the game doesn't have to offer as well so as of late i decided to challenge my own knowledge and skill by pulling the ultimate disrespect and attempting to beat this entire platformer without even jumping now hold on before we get into anything let me quickly define what i mean by jumping because believe it or not what actually counts as a jump is always a hot debate in these kinds of challenges here's my definition any a or y button press that gives you height is a jump this obviously forbids jumping off of the ground but it also forbids other things like puffing or flapping wings in the air etc etc this means that a or y presses that don't give you height like for slide kicking or menuing are a-okay as well as any method to gain height that doesn't involve these wretched buttons oh also i'm banning mixing not because i think it's cheating or anything but i think it just adds a bit more spice to the challenge so without further ado let us answer the incredibly important question to all of our lives can you be kirby superstar ultra without jumping or mixing that that's also been [Music] we start off with spring breeze and what is formally known as a major yikes situation the only thing i can even see is a massive wall and the prospect of getting beam which is like the most mid-ability you could ask for in this challenge the only benefits this thing provides is its aerial dash attack which i kinda need to be in the air to do and being able to create a helper out of it helpers are actually potentially going to be very powerful in this run for a couple reasons one unlike me they're actually allowed to jump so they might be able to get to areas that i can't and two helper jumps yeah i know they have jump in the name but they only require that i hold up on the d-pad while i'm landing on them so it's more like a bounce really of course none of this actually matters because i still have no way of getting any amount of height right now sure i could use a single jump here and just do some helper jumps to get over but that sucks and is it even worth doing a challenge that fails on literally the first obstacle in my opinion no no it's not so it's a good thing that's not the case okay here's the game plan helper jumps are 100 my best bet to get up there which means i'm gonna need some way to both get a helper and put myself in a situation where i can land on the helper given the very few resources that are immediately available the obvious solution to meet these conditions is for me to be up here with a helper down here now for the next question how am i actually gonna do that well i can wait for this guy to jump over me and then slide kick into him in order to get up there but then he dies meaning i can't use him to create a helper similarly if i immediately create the helper then there's no guy to use in order to get into the right position this may seem like the classic paradox puzzle but luckily for all of you i am an omega nerd and i know way too much about this game than i'll ever need to here's how it's possible waddle dudes have just enough health to be able to tank one slide kick in exactly one block anything more will kill him this means that theoretically if he decides to jump over me on his first attempt then i should be able to get up here without him dying here's the issue though this guy's movements are random both how long he walks and whether he does a beam attack or a jump are based on luck so requiring him to both walk to the very edge of the platform and initiate a jump on his very first try is something that i'm just not willing to reset the level over and over to get so i'm just gonna take this into my own hands here's where that tasting experience kicks in true randomness yeah that's not actually a thing especially not in programming so hypothetically if i can know what specific actions will lead to certain events then i should be able to find out the exact sequence of inputs i need in order for the correct luck to come my way so by making kirby do what looks like a ritualistic raindance i can make it rain now despite all my efforts he actually still jumped pretty early so if i hold blockier he'd still get launched right back onto the ledge but i can avoid this by crouching so that he has a bit more time to move to the left before i have to block sending him in the right direction then all it takes is one last slide kick and a quick inhale to get the ideal situation that we were looking for we're not done yet though not until we're over this dang wall by barely moving into my brand new helper's collision i can slightly push him off the ledge finally giving me some sort of leverage over him and from there i can initiate a helper jump a helper jump that doesn't clear the wall but it's not over because i'm falling at a greater height here kirby bounces off the ground when he lands giving me that last bit of height i need to bounce off my helper once again and finally get over this wall that's been plaguing me for the entirety of the challenge so far and that ladies and gentlemen was the first obstacle in the no jumping challenge dang it all right so the rest of the level isn't going to be nearly that complicated so don't worry now that i have my helper and plenty of enemies and ledges around i can fairly easily start helper jumping and stay helper jumping thanks to the bounce mechanic for now at least it'd be really nice if i could get my hands on an ability of my own but since i can't mix i only have the abilities that are immediately available to me you already know my thoughts on beam and cutter is uh yeah and that leaves us with only one other accessible ability in the first few rooms bomb bomb is a godsend and just in time too since this very next room requires me to get some sort of height off of completely flat ground something i clearly can't do but how does bomb which has zero movement based abilities do anything for me ever well all it takes is just a little bit of patience it's called bomb boosting you can even control what direction it sends you by facing in the direction you want to go when you pull the bomb which is a great extra bit of control the only downside is that taking heavy damage like this makes me extremely vulnerable to losing my ability which although not usually detrimental is still a potential problem and now with this new technique in hand i can beat up wispy and move on to the next stage yeah now what guess guess i'm invincible now and now with this new technique in hand i can make my helper beat up wispy and move on to the next stage there we go who boy and what a gracious next stage this is the very first thing we see is something that i will never ever pass up once in this entire challenge this is fighter aka what we will come to know as the savior the godhead or more accurately the only reason i ban mixing from the entire challenge because with a move like uppercut there is no way you can go wrong [Music] by doing literally nothing but spam this move i was able to breeze through these next two stages and ddd without so much as breaking a sweat truly the end game of every level in this run is to get fighter and clean up shot and with spring breeze completed with no jumps to speak of this doesn't even seem like too unrealistic of a goal it doesn't really matter what order i do these sub games in so i just went ahead and jumped straight into or i i walked on flat ground straight into dynablade hi yes now this is how you start a level moving downward easy ability access and no big wall in my uh in my way don't worry this time it's way easier to set up some helper jumps and parasol even helps a bit here by allowing me to float in the air a little bit but that's all it does by the way this right here not a jump that's just what happens when you're holding up when you exit water so it's fair game trust me and with bomb being easily accessible in this next room there's almost nothing that the game can do to hold us back the game of course tries this is too high of a ledge to bomb boost 2 but i can repeatedly move around to respawn this enemy which i can then move and use in order to activate a helper jump my helper comes in handy here too i was struggling to open up this door but he's got it covered moving on to the next level i adopted a fleeting feeling of optimism which was a bad idea because i got destroyed as soon as i tried the auto scroller see i can maybe do some shenanigans with this enemy and some helper jumps but the fact that the screen is constantly moving really makes anything like that unfeasible here luckily i still have some options my first thought was to try and find some way of hitting this big button there are two of these things in dynablade and they unlock extra areas on the map that has a bunch of abilities it's possible that i could unlock that area go to it to get a better ability namely fighter and then come back to finish the rest of the level unfortunately the ability with seemingly the best chance of doing this bomb isn't quite able to cut it meaning that i'm gonna actually have to make something of the abilities that i have at my disposal the only new ones that are given here are mirror and sword but those are both garbage in literally every context however i kinda lied there is one other ability here that we haven't quite seen yet but getting to it took something else using bomb i was able to dig down and hit this block without getting stuck in the hulk giving access to this door which houses one of my personal favorite abilities in the entire game ninja ninja's not only but it also has a surprising amount of options when it comes to this challenge you can bounce off enemies with its kick you can counter enemy attacks and although wall jumping requires the jump button and is therefore banned the wall cling is actually still potentially quite useful in addition uh don't tell anyone this but if you want to get real high you can just do this now that's the stuff right there with a combination of literally every single one of these strats alongside a healthy amount of helper jumps this auto scroller is cake disclaimer not cake this took me 11 tries with that out of the way though we come across yet another new ability wheel although this definitely seems like the absolute worst ability since you don't go up even if you press the jump button it's the best ability for my helper to have not only can i still do the helper jumps but i can also ride him and then gain height by dismounting him no no not a jump i did that with the x button god who do you think i am well it doesn't really matter too too much anyway since i can just get fighter in the next level and yet the rest of the levels were easy fun fact i checked the second ability area out of curiosity and no fighter wasn't there so it definitely was in the first one meaning that my button strap would have worked if it weren't for someone somewhere meddling probably anyway dynablade's dead moving on next up we have great cave offensive and no i'm not collecting all the dang treasures i'm just trying to beat this game normally which could still prove to be quite difficult you never know what sorts of obstacles you run into when you start a sub game especially as one as expansive [Music] alright that was cool next up we have gourmet race with king dedede which for those of you wondering is the actual worst thing ever and i've been putting it off the entire time no enemies no abilities no hope for anything but i guess it'd be a shame if i didn't at least try it this first track actually isn't too bad it's pretty flat for the most part i was even able to get some height here by jumping uh i mean emerging out of this water but of course the entire track isn't flat the very last thing i would have needed to do was jump i ended up having to give over the first win to ddd and if the first track is considered unsuccessful then i don't even have words for the second try [Music] two wins for ddd out of only three tracks however winning the sub game doesn't necessarily require that i win the races but instead that i get a higher score than ddd at the end which depends both on how many races you win and how much food you eat during the races and i'm sorry i think i forgot who was it that just recently discovered the maximum possible score you can get in gourmet race oh oh yeah bad news out of the way first all right there ain't no way i'm getting to these abilities without jumping at least once so nope sorry challenge not possible this is now a minimum jump challenge cry about it but if i'm gonna tank a jump i might as well make the most out of it by getting the best ability that we have available of these abilities we already know a bit about these guys but jet and wing have yet to see an appearance thus far which actually is pretty crazy considering how insane they are in terms of movement jets are right it can cover a lot of distance and even some height with its boost especially when fully charged but its most powerful vertical options require the jump button so it ends up falling short here wing on the other hand is just about perfect [Music] one jump well spent because now we have the second best ability in the entire challenge dive bombs can give us great height and the ability to stay in the air for pretty much however long we want and forward dashes allow us to infinitely climb walls by repeatedly blocking into them with these tools in hand it's time to make up for lost time dtd got 20 points in the first track and 46 in the second add on the points he got from winning those races and he's sitting on 126 points plus whatever he ends up getting his hands on in this race me i'm at 27 yeah with no one in front however assuming i win this race i can preemptively add 30 on to my side meaning i only need 70 out of the 89 possible points here in order to just eke out the win however it's important to note that whatever food i don't get could be nabbed by ddd which would then require that i get even more food to compensate with all this in mind it's time to once again disrespect the absolute heck out of ddd [Music] even though i wasn't quite able to get everything i strategically chose to pass by the food i knew ddd wouldn't go for so that ended up being a complete non-factor and with tons of dive bombs dashes and just a few feathers i was able to just barely beat ddd by only three points and with just one jump and with that the video is over sorry this challenge is taking ages and i didn't expect the very first thing in the entire run to take like three whole minutes to explain but here we are part two is gonna happen you're not gonna wanna miss it so go ahead and do all those youtube things you know the ones so you don't miss out on the brand new gaming content if you need something else to watch you should probably check out my tasks if you haven't already or i beat the entire game as fast as theoretically possible faster than the current world record speed run by half an hour and i explain exactly how i'm doing it the entire way through as for this video on the other hand it's over
Channel: Sample
Views: 522,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: isitpossible, challenge, kirby, kirby super star ultra, yeehawbabyyyy
Id: fPOeNjqjenQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 23 2021
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