Top 10 Worst Mario Games

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is there even a bad Mario game out there now of course there's plenty of instant classics and a handful of mediocre titles but today we're gonna scope down the absolute worst of the worst if the game is on a Nintendo console it can be put on this list so that means no hotel Mario sorry guys but without further ado let's ago mario party island tour mario party start rush the 3ds had a pretty man lineup for mario party games but then mario party the top 100 was announced to bring 100 of the best minigames into a giant collection and man was i excited and then the game came out you booted up to find a decent selection of mini-games it was nice to see classics like bombs away bumper balls hexagons he books squirm and pushy penguins but then you've got garbage like tug of war hide and go boom button mashers and all sorts of other ones that really weren't that great looking back it makes zero sense that Nintendo didn't have their fans vote on what minigames they wanted to see the most I think that would have not only been a fun thing for the community but also would have given us better minigames overall and once you're done with the mini-games that's it that's basically the whole game because there's only one board to play on yeah just one and that gets boring after a couple playthroughs this board just isn't very fun everyone moves the same time and it's random when you play minigames and why on earth are there only eight characters they couldn't have added at least I don't know like 12 or 15 now yes there's a couple other modes like the minigame island and the deck Lathon but boiling it all down it's still just playing the same minigames and while there is local multiplayer there's no options to play online considering how late this game came out in the 3ds life I can't imagine anybody getting together to play this game locally when there's several other Mario Party titles to play instead the top 100 needed a handful of boards for this to feel more rewarding and it ultimately came out to be one of the most disappointing Mario Party titles of all time it had so much potential and could have even reused old boards from the old Mario Party titles to keep with the theme but instead laziness took over and ruin the experience but the top-100 is not the worst mario party game that award goes to mario party advance quite possibly the most forgotten about title in the entire franchise i remember owning this as a kid and was so excited to play this with my friends until i realized that this is not a standard mario party the game starts you with a single-player mode and that's right we have four whopping characters to pick from only four that is pathetic then you go around this place called shroom city and have to collect all the minigames and gadgets since bowser scatters them all around this city so really we're actually playing Mario fetch quest party and it only gets worse from here you have a limited number of roles and you only get new ones by winning mini-games if you lose the minigame you don't get extra roles and will eventually get a game over and have to restart now I've heard that some people like this focus on single-player and that it only made sense for it to focus on that element since this is on a gameboy after all while some of the quests are kind of fun this is not a mario party game they remove the core of the game and replaced it with this instead which kind of stinks plus the minigames aren't that great a lot of them control poorly or they're just not memorable collecting the gadget is kind of fun but they're only entertaining the first time through and that's it there's just not much value to come out of this Mario Tennis games have always been a fun spin-off distraction from the main games the handheld titles had really cool RPG stories attached to them and the console ones have really solid gameplay with a bevy of game modes and then Ultra smash happened the Wii U was dead out of the water and Nintendo had to be aware of that seeing how lackluster this game is ultra smash his biggest gimmick is that the characters can grow big and there you go I'm serious that is the only unique gimmick you'll find there is also mega ball rally where you rally a big ball but that's not anything special there's no story there's a huge lack of game modes and even the courts are boring to look at well you do have a handful of course to pick from the stadium's always look the same this is one of the few Mario games where you play it for about 20 minutes realize this was made to cash in on some holiday and then you never play it again the lack of substance is mind-boggling not even the online mode was any good it's hard to even test it out considering nobody is playing this even when the game launched yep I'm going there Super Mario Bros 2 or the Lost Levels depending on where you're from is a bad game it's not mediocre like New Super Mario Bros 2 no this is straight-up garbage right off the bat The Lost Levels does absolutely nothing to stand out from the original it looks and plays exactly the same aside from a couple new sprites in Luigi yes Luigi is now playable and placed differently but he's slippery is all can be in his horrendous to control I know his jump is better but that doesn't mean much when he's sliding all over the damn place the biggest problem with this game has to be the levels themselves they were created purely to be sadistic to the player right from the first level yeah you see that nice little mushroom well guess what it hurts you what kind of powerup in a Mario game hurts you that sets the tone for the whole game a lot of the levels requires stupidly precise jumps or there's BS wind physics or you're forced to find invisible blocks to clear jumps the Lost Levels feels more like a rain to mash up of bad Mario maker levels and that's a pretty gnarly precedent one thing that's cool is that there's secret a through D worlds but the only way to unlock them is to beat the game eight times was the point of these worlds to actually be lost levels I'm starting to believe that I think you knew we'd be reaching Virtual Boy territory at some point Mario clash is the consul's big Mario title and guess what it's just Mario Bros yeah remember that really old game you could play in the arcade or the one attached to the GBA mario ports it's basically that but play it in a different perspective you'll use Koopa shells to knock out enemies some of them you have to hit from the side while others require you to hit them farther away that is basically the whole thing and it feels more like a minigame than anything else which believe it or not this was supposed to be a minigame in Mario Land for the Virtual Boy but that game was sad please grant and as a small side game this is okay but this is a standalone title and there's Jack squat to do in this mario has shoved himself into basically every genre you can think of one of those being pinball I have to praise Mario pinball land for having an interesting premise peach gets turned into a ball in a shot towards Bowser's Castle so Mario also turns into a ball to saver because just you know writing to the castle is overrated silly story aside the overall gameplay and the boards are nothing short of a disaster you basically have a bunch of different pinball worlds and have to collect a bunch of stars to proceed these stars open up doors to get to different parts the level this is a great concept but look at these boards and how they're shaped why on earth is the layout so spherical half the time do you realize how hard that is to navigate and then the enemies are such a pain in the butt you can kill them all to clear your path but they'll just respawn solving none of your problems and if you fall down the game does not save its progress you have to climb back up and trust me when I say that you're gonna fall over and over and over and over this had to have been done on purpose to pad out game time and further doors if you hit all them and don't take any of the paths they all closed up again for literally no reason Mario pinball land does have some bosses and you can buy items to help you out but there are way too many flaws to be had in this game graphically this is one of the prettiest looking GBA games I've ever seen but it's what's on the inside that really counts if you thought Mario Tennis ultra smash lacked in content wait till you see Mario's tennis on the Virtual Boy you've got a selection of seven characters you can play in singles or doubles and there's an option to play in a tournament that's it that's the whole game no other modes or any other characters you can't do specific types of shots like top spins and lobs but that's just standard tennis the freaking gameboy color version of Mario Tennis had way more to do than this one now granted that version came out a few years after but the Virtual Boy shouldn't have had games that were as fleshed out as a basic demo and actually playing it isn't super great either it feels a bit awkward to move around and trying to guess the depth of the ball is really difficult it's too bad that this was the first impression of married tennis but at least the series has improved significantly well for the most part so I'm technically wrapping three games into one because they all play the same I'm talking about Mario's early years the games are fun with letters fun with numbers and preschool fun looking at the menu you can tell they're basically carbon copies of each other and boy oh boy this game would have bore me to death even as a five-year-old there really isn't much of an objective in any of these titles it's all about learning various things like letters numbers or shapes and claiming that this game would teach you anything is almost up parity it certainly doesn't teach you how to speak in a proper sentence considering every word is cut into little chunks like this for most of these games you'll wake up Luigi and he tells you to click a certain thing and then you click it that's it every one of these games are as shallow as they could possibly be and again I know that this is meant for little kids but the age demographic would learn more by playing something like Pokemon I know as a kid I learned tons of new words playing Pokemon well Mario's early years somehow manages to dumb me down the title of this game Mario is missing sounds promising enough Mario gets thrown into this bag and it's up to Luigi to save them this intro looks promising it seems like this could be a fun little platformer but then you enter the first pipe and realize that this is not a typical Mario game instead of running around levels to get a flagpole now you're talking to random NPCs and asking them questions you're stuck running between cities and then you have to find artifacts by stopping on some random Koopas and answering random historical facts which by the way a lot of these historical facts aren't actually accurate and are just lies what kind of educational game doesn't fact check what they're talking about moving around doesn't feel good either you're either moving way too slow or too fast and most of the time you're just bored out of your mind there's multiple versions of Mario was missing but the NES one has to be the worst because it has the least amount of characters and less cities to check out compared to the snes's ms-dos variants to think that this is the first game that Luigi takes the starring role and really makes me feel bad for the guy but don't worry Luigi you aren't part of the number one worst Mario game you know what sounds like a great idea for a Mario game time-traveling when I heard that a game called Mario's time machine existed I was pretty excited about what could come out of that and just like Mario is missing I played this for about two seconds and all my hopes and dreams were instantly crushed once again we're going to random cities returning artifacts and taking history lessons like I'm still in school there's multiple versions of Mario's time machine and the snus one has to be the worst because it has the least amount of platforming in it and there's less cities to check out so you'll use the time machine to go from place to place and in between that you have to surf on this random water and collect mushrooms having to do this multiple times is one of the most tedious experiences I've ever had and on my first playthrough I had no idea or clue that I had to get all these mushrooms and then go through the Whirlpool to actually time travel why that's required I had no idea but the educational portion of this game is mind-numbing ly bad look at how much crap I have to fill out and this is multiple choice - and just like Mario is missing tons of these historical facts are straight-up lies which makes the entire point of this game completely pointless you know what I've had enough I can't play this anymore with all that said guys I hope you enjoyed today's video thank you all so much for watching and I hope you have a wonderful day until next time [Music]
Channel: Nathaniel Bandy
Views: 2,160,134
Rating: 4.8346224 out of 5
Keywords: worst mario games, top 10 worst mario game, bad mario, bad mario games, worst mario game, worst mario games ever, top 10, top ten, Mario Teaches Typing, Paper Mario Sticker Star, Hotel Mario, Super Mario, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Wii U, Mario, nathaniel bandy
Id: rl6aIVU1838
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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