Is it Possible to Beat New Super Mario Bros Wii Backwards?

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] 2d mario the game on the wii of nintendo's we played new super mario bros ds backwards earlier this year and now it's time to finish the rest of them the only rule is we have to complete the levels backwards and try to beat bowser and we're allowed to use canon to skip ahead if we get stuck anywhere i got help from meatball 132 to get this mod to work so a big shout out to him i also asked everyone to check out scalo's channel a good friend of meatballs the link is in the description so with that said smash that subscribe button and take a seat we're in for a wild ride immediately i love that this first level was a breeze i basically just sped ran and got myself back into the groove of this game and finished 1-1 with no sweat i did run into one issue at the end of one two i wasn't able to reach this pipe lucky for me aguma was waddling his way over so i just jumped on his head and was able to get up and clear the level something about these hammer bros were really annoying to get around but after a couple of dumb deaths i managed to finish one three for one tower oh no oh god we're stuck already and we can't even get to a cannon oh i hate to say this but this might be the fastest i've ever had to call a challenge impossible ha ha got em it's new super mario bros you know we've got that pocket alternate exit by using yoshi in one three we can flutter jump to the very top and this takes us to a hidden pipe after clearing the stage you'll unlock this cannon which lets us skip our way to world 5. is it just me or do we have to use this cannon every time we play this game moving on to world 5 though on the second screen of 5 1 there was a vine that was pretty far away i jumped at it and got pretty close but it didn't seem close enough to grab so i climbed up to the top entrance and it turns out i can't enter this pipe so i tried again from the bottom with more speed and a spin jump and i was good to go the rest of five one just required a lot of careful jumps but it was nothing too shabby besides getting hit immediately from this wiggler 5-2 is a cakewalk and the same can be said for 5'3 then for 5 tower of course of course there's another roadblock right at the beginning in this time there is nowhere for us to turn there's an old exit in five ghost house but we can't go there yet so for real this time it is not possible to beat new super mario bros wii backwards but we're not done yet of course let's head back to world 1 and figure out which levels can be done about halfway through 1-4 there were two pipes perpendicular and blowing air which basically trapped me since i couldn't swim fast enough so i tried to level again with a penguin suit and within a couple seconds i went through the pipes it's kinda crazy just how fast you swim with this suit on one five was a breeze as was one six but one castle pits us to a quick stop i don't know what it is with the castles in this game but this spinning wheel is impossible to get around the lava at the bottom is instant death and there's no gap at the top to go around i even tried this as mini mario and while i got farther there's just no way and that's all of world 1. so far the only impossible levels have been towers or castles under world 2 2-1 was really easy and so was 2-2 up until the halfway point i fell down this pit only for a platform to slowly push me up this platform doesn't go back down and i can't seem to get around this part i busted out the propeller mushroom and tried to fly over but it wouldn't let me deeming this level unbeatable 2-3 was a little annoying because the plant's fireballs kind of stayed on the screen for the whole level but you could beat it still for two tower i want you to take a wild guess will we get stopped by a tower level once again congratulations if you said yes tune in next time the nsmb we tower levels backwards the vote on if any of these levels will ever be beatable onto 2-4 i was being a big dumb and we'll get to why in a second the stage gimmick is that wind blows every 5 or so seconds and this is really annoying when the wind blows against you i got to this part with a huge gap with seemingly no way to get around with propeller mario i could wall drip off this wall but i didn't need to get up here i had to get to the other side on the left so i switched the mini mario and tried this jump dozens of times the closest i could ever get was while jumping off this wall but that was about it before the wind started to blow me away and then i came to a revelation i can walk back down the ladder i honestly thought it was inaccessible because it was underneath this platform but nope you can actually use it once i learned that 2-4 was more than doable 2-5 was pretty simple but with 26 you can't make it very far since this is an auto scroller that requires a spinning block to get through it geez there's so many levels so far that just aren't beatable and now we're at yet another castle and wait wait a minute is that a door oh my god we can actually beat a castle level the curse has been lifted this one is actually possible under world 3 though 3-1 was a piece of cake the same goes for 3-2 but i did need a propeller mushroom to get over this jump 3-3 was nothing to sweat over but three ghost house doesn't go so well since we're stuck at the bottom of a pit we can't escape we normally start at the top and a platform slowly falls down but now we're just kind of stuck down here and then for three tower like usual we're stuck near the beginning this is beyond frustrating but thankfully 3-4 was doable and 3-5 was dumb because he just fall down and win three castle unfortunately has a snakeblock section at the end so i have no way of getting past even the first section big surprise there i guess let's just hope world four serves us better so next was world four and four one was doable as long as you had the propeller to get past this blowing pipe four two as well as four three were simple but i did have a couple tricky jumps to pull off like here i needed to perfectly triple jump to get up here but otherwise it wasn't much trouble for fort tower seriously why do i even bother trying the castle levels almost all of them have been failures 4-4 was extremely annoying because the bloopers pop up and some of the worst spots possible but with careful swimming you can complete this one after a couple rooms and four ghost house i opened a door to only be sealed by a bunch of brick blocks there is an old exit in this level but i have no way of getting to it and of course there's no way for me to break these bricks either lucky for us though 4-5 was easy enough and surprisingly so is for castle and even for airship that right there wraps up world 4 so back to world 5. 5-4 starts off as an absolute banger though immediately it looks like a dead end because there's no rav to take me across the poison but there's also enemies falling from the sky or pipes which means i can theoretically bounce off them with the propeller suit i got to work and started to figure out the patterns the bob almost fell about every seven seconds but at first i just tried to avoid the bobbums i tried to jump again with a bit of a running start and i almost got to the bottom that time i just need a bit more of a boost before using the propeller jump so the solution was to bounce off the first bobbum soar across the poison and propel at the very last second this was easier said than done since most of the time i couldn't get this stupidly precise jump off the first bobbum but eventually i pulled this off what i got that close all right so i've been at this for a long time and i only just realized that i should have switched to the mini mushroom a long time ago the problem with this is that it's much much harder to time bouncing off enemies i did try a blind jump to see how good he'd be and sure enough i was able to bypass that question mark block which means i can definitely reach it if i bounce off a bobbum before doing that though i wanted to see if a wall jump would help since that would not only give me more initial height but also a bit more speed yes oh thank god that worked i knew i could get there somehow the next jump was much easier i just need to spin jump a bunch in the air and i made it to the pal block after that was another very careful jump to another question mark block and i knew i was getting close to that raft i also discovered i can't cheese the rest of this level because you can't go around these giant vines so i literally have to do this from the bottom another careful jump and another question mark blog landed on i wanted to see how much farther i had to go so i did this massive jump and lo and behold the raft actually isn't too much farther but on the way to that raft you may have noticed that i am now out of question mark blocks to land on which makes this 10 times harder than it already is my only idea now was to bounce off the goomba on the left and land on the top and by some goddamn miracle i managed to hit the goomba after hundreds of attempts and land safely on the top how the so are we close enough to spin jump to the raft now no we're still not close enough the only thing i can do is bounce off a koopa troopa and hope that works [Music] i'm honestly still kind of shook after doing that but uh yeah you know five ghost house that was a breeze to complete five five is also an auto scroller with enemies for platforms and it's impossible without a propeller suit after this first jump there really isn't anything too terribly hard to mention although this other jump further along is really scary because we have to land on this p block and there's not much room for error and then with five castle it's all a horizontally based room so you can actually complete this one world five went pretty well all things considered so let's move over to world six six one was a good start as it wasn't really challenging to finish and the same for six two six three and six four but of course six tower has another roadblock right at the beginning in other words the sky is blue and you've already smashed like button that's just how it is moving to six five there's nothing to note here but six six was very claustrophobic i forgot to bring a fire flower so i just slowly swam in the water while avoiding cheap cheaps and barely seeing anything six castle was also pretty easy and so is six airship so onto world seven and we started off strong with an easy level from 7-1 and 7-2 however 7-3 wasn't in the same regard i had to make a particularly tricky propeller jump in which i had to propel as high as possible and by doing so i could barely float down to this green mushroom but once i hit the checkpoint it was all over i tried propelling from the top and bottom and there was absolutely nothing close for me to land on but 7th tower was a nice break because i just had to fall twice and that was it and then 7 ghost house leaves us trapped at the bottom of a massive pit you know i'm just noticing that this is a recurring theme and that's kind of disturbing 7-4 had the weirdest death i've ever seen when i left this red pipe there was no ground underneath and i died i gotta admit i never would have seen that coming but with a propeller mushroom you could easily survive this fall it's just super interesting to have an obstacle like that 7-5 was easy as pie and so was 7-6 7 castle has some promise up until the halfway point once again some platforms are blocking the path pitting us to a stop but now on to world 8. 8 1 was not the greatest start ever considering the poison gas cloud cuts us off almost right away that's where a2 comes in with a smooth sailing level and a3 was no different but of course a tower stopped us in our tracks yet again another day another dumb castle and h4 isn't much better at the very end we're stuck at the bottom of the stage with no way of getting up top but look at that eight five is a pipe that we can't get into because there's no ground underneath it which is just lovely unlucky for us eight six perhaps us at the top of the floor good lord this is four levels in a row we can't finish oh but eight seven that's the snake block level and of course we can't play that backwards and for eight airship we need the screw to open up this path so rip on this as well so boy oh boy final castle time will this one be impossible like every other level from this freaking challenge well believe it or not you can actually do this one the level itself is super short so there really isn't much blocking our way now that we know we can make it to bowser there is one more world to go the elusive world nine nine one was a strong beginning since it's not too difficult to get through 9 2 was definitely harder and it was longer than i remember it being but you can easily complete it and for 9 3 as long as you have the propeller mushroom it's no problem at all 9-4 was really terrifying around the end because of all the bob-omens but with careful movement it's nothing to sweat over 9-5 seemed like it'd be okay until we ran into a roadblock about halfway through big sad but 9-6 didn't really turn up the heat and believe it or not 97 was immensely easier than it usually is i'm not really sure why but i knocked this out on my first try and on to our final level 9 8. i kept getting hit by the king bills but i eventually figured out ways to avoid enough of them to be able to survive and with that you can beat 9 8 but what about the secret level 9 9 well to get there you just have to pause point your cursor at every item twice back out hit the plus button go to the bottom and then to the top and then the game will fade away three seconds later you'll come back to an epic audible sponsorship you've heard of them you already know it's the best place to get your audiobook fill and they don't just have thousands of titles to pick from but you can also listen to 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of 77 stages 23 were impossible that's 29 almost one third of the levels couldn't be done that has to be the worst luck we've ever had all i can really say is i hope new super mario bros 2 goes better because that's coming up very soon thank you all so much for watching i hope you have a wonderful day until next [Music] no no no no time
Channel: Nathaniel Bandy
Views: 737,540
Rating: 4.9248405 out of 5
Keywords: new super mario bros wii, new super mario bros, new super mario bros wii backwards, is it possible, mario without touching a coin, mario touching every coin, new super mario, super mario, mario, new super mario bros 2, luigi, new super mario bros u, nathaniel bandy
Id: wSgbVSwlTxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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