Is it possible to beat New Super Mario Bros. Wii WITHOUT A COIN?

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the time has come we have to dust off the good old wii get that new super mario bros wii disk and finally play this game without a coin can you believe that after three years of making these coinless videos i still hadn't done a proper playthrough of new super mario bros wii yeah yeah i know maero did one on their channel but they mainly focused on the fastest path to beat the game and i will as usual try to beat as many levels as i can so my video is gonna be different okay stay here the rules are simple we cannot touch a co wait a minute i'm a plushie introducing the brand new official nico plushie look how cute it is with this plushy by your side you'll become an epic gamer and because of its amazing fun size well you can bring it with you anywhere you go wait a minute though is it touching a coin you take that off that's right the plushie comes with a removable coin and since it's using velcro well you can replace it with literally anything you want the sky's the limit check the link in the description to get yours today so yeah as i was saying the rules are simple we are going to try to beat new super mario bros wii without touching a single coin we're going to start with world 1 and we'll hopefully make our way to the final level without having to skip one just for the record i'll be using my file that has all levels unlocked but it's only because it's easier for me to save my game in between each level and just makes everything faster so do not mind the star tokens being all collected okay now that everything has been set grab yourself an eco plushy and let's just jump into it world 1-1 starts off with a bunch of annoying coins on the way but with some high jumps and some spin jumps we can thankfully make it through without touching them gotta admit that this was a rough start to this challenge but it's all good 1-2 on the other hand starts off with this green pipe that leads to coins are you serious is the quest already over two levels in that would be very cringe i tried spin jumping using a propeller suit and nothing seemed to work up until i started timing my wiimote shakes differently and what i did it well okay i can't really explain how i did it and what the exact timing actually is but i can assure you it is possible and the rest of the level is thankfully way easier 1-3 is also a very easy level that does feature a couple of coins but if you're being careful you can easily dodge them all for one dash tower you're going to want to have a propeller suit trust me as there are lots of yucky coins on the way as you climb up the tower your biggest enemy here is the camera that never seems to scroll high enough making coins appear out of nowhere as you move up keep jumping to make that camera move up faster and by being careful you'll reach the top and beat the bus easily 1-4 is the first underwater level and while it does contain a few annoying coins they can all be avoided by swimming around the mall so no worries 1-5 takes place in the sky and features lots of moving blocks and coins on the way but by timing your jumps just right you'll be able to clear it quickly 1-6 starts off with this big circular platform full of yucky yellow coins and while you can avoid them with some well timed very difficult to do jumps i still suggest getting a propeller suit instead to fly above them all one dash castle is kind of easy as most of the coins in the level move along with the cogs and gears so you can just plan ahead and avoid them all quite easily world 2-1 starts off with a very annoying sand geysers with coins over it and without a propeller suit you'll find this part very hard 2-2 is thankfully way easier and none of the coins are on the way watch out for those annoying fishy boopkins and you'll soon reach the flagpole 2-3 is a very nerve-wracking level and it's because it takes place in an underground cave and everything is dark in here so seeing coins is almost impossible this means that you'll want to move slowly and do short hops only scary but possible 2-tower contains a lot of coins as you make your way to the top and i suggest staying small mario to be able to avoid touching the coins while you climb up the fences 2-4 features gusts of wind that make yucky coins fly your way yo that is gross these coins move in a pretty random pattern so avoiding them is not always easy but with a bit of luck you'll clear this level fine 2-5 contains lots of coins and lots of pokeys which makes this stage quite annoying once again i suggest having a propeller suit for this one to avoid all of the coins on your path 2-6 does look very difficult with all of the floating dancing coins in that moving pink block but if you're being careful and you plan your jumps ahead you can clear it without a coin 2-castle is an auto-scrolling level where you are meant to go through the correct path or else the level loops endlessly and while the first two sections can be done coinless when you reach the third part you are meant to go through this middle path there and as you can see it is blocked by well bricks and normally you're meant to hit a p-switch and turn those into coins to go through but we don't want to do that cause coins are yucky there is not much we can do here unless we have a penguin suit because with that cool power up equipped we can just run and slide through the bricks breaking them all and allowing us to clear the stage nice world 3-1 is full of penguins ice and coins so it's quite difficult but if you have a propeller suit equipped you'll be all good 3-2 is very easy and doesn't feature anything difficult for the quest 3-3 has a couple of very scary jumps especially in the first part of the stage but by being careful you can clear it coinless 3-ghost house is a maze type of level with invisible and hidden doors everywhere it's super annoying to navigate but if you have a propeller suit you'll be able to clear it be extra careful when taking the elevator down at the end and you'll be all good for 3-tower you're going to need a mini mushroom to be able to fit in between the coins over there because there's no way to fit in between those coins otherwise 3-4 is an easy stage that does contain one very difficult section that will absolutely require a propeller suit but that's about it really 3-5 is also super easy if you're being careful while making your way to the top just use the propeller block to your advantage 3-castle is a very difficult level with lots of coins to avoid and you'll have to learn the snake blocks path if you want to make it to the end of life world 4-1 is thankfully way easier as the only real annoyances come from those cheap sheeps trying to eat you alive 4-2 contains a few tricky jumps and some coins hidden behind clouds so be careful with that 4-3 does contain a lot of coins but by being careful you'll be able to dodge them all and beat the stage in no time 4-tower is pretty much impossible if you don't have a propeller suit because if you do have one then you'll beat this one without any problem oh also shout outs to this tower level for actually crushing those yucky coins at the start ah this feels so satisfying 4-4 is a very annoying underwater level but not because of coins no because of those annoying bloopers coming out of nowhere they are quite the pain in the butt let me say 4-ghost house is an easy level if you know where to go because it's yet again another maze to navigate and there are hidden doors everywhere thankfully 4-5 is very easy and doesn't feature any coins on your way to the end 4-castle is also quite easy just get ready to do this very epic gamer slide over there to dodge those coins and then you'll be all good 4-airship is up and the level is not that difficult until you reach this part where there is no way to fit down there without touching a coin so grab a mini mushroom and you'll squeeze right through world 5-1 is a level full of annoying piranha plants but this level also contains an ice flower that you can get from that block so with that bar up equipped well you can just freeze the plants and walk all over them cool 5-2 takes place in a cave underground and you'll absolutely want to have a propeller suit once you reach this part with all of the evil coins once you clear that gap everything's going to be good 5-3 is home to those annoying bramble enemies i truly hate but it's also home to that lug that is filled with yucky coins so make sure to use a propeller suit to fly over those five dash tower is kind of annoying with all of the moving spike walls on the sides there you'll have to do some very scary and precise jumps to avoid all the coins but it is thankfully possible to do it 5-4 is a way easier level and you'll have a good time clearing it just chill on the raft and avoid the few coins this level has and that's it 5-ghost house will definitely force you to use a mini mushroom because of those annoying coins over there be extra careful and you'll be good 5-5 is very easy and those flying jumbo rays will be quite helpful on our quest to avoid the coins up above 5-castle is also not that difficult and contains very few coins so you'll be able to clear it without any difficulties world 6-1 on the other hand is a very difficult level and you'll definitely want to have a mini mushroom equipped to avoid the coins that are scattered all over the stage this jump in particular is a nightmare but once you get the timing right it's all good 5-2 isn't that difficult if you're being careful but be very careful as once you reach this part you will be randomly awarded one yucky coin well simply put this spiny up there falls down and hits that block that collects that coin for you oh wow great thank you make sure to bring a fire flower to defeat the spines before they do collect the yucky coins and you'll be good 6-3 will force you to have a mini mushroom because it is full of coins you cannot dodge otherwise you'll have to be very careful and the last section where you need to hit the switch and swim quickly to the exit is really scary and timing is everything but it is thankfully possible 6-4 is very easy and will be done in no time and i'm quite happy about that because the last few levels were not that nice to us 6-tower is easy and if you take your time and avoid taking risks while making your way up the tower it's going to be good this giant middle spike is very dangerous though so be extra careful 6-5 is an easy level although i do have to say that this big fish can be quite annoying 6-6 is easy if you just chill on your raft and wait for it to reach the end of the level don't do anything stupid and you'll beat it coinless 6-castle is also quite easy well that is if you have a propeller suit because that thing allows you to fly above all of the lava and dangerous coins 6-airship does feature some very scary jumps on rotating platforms so make sure to do short hops to avoid touching the coins world 7-1 is up and you're going to need a propeller suit right from the get-go as there's no way to climb up there without collecting coins once you're in the sky well there's gonna be a few coins here and there but nothing too difficult to dodge 7-2 has a bunch of floating water bubbles and most of these contain yucky coins so you'll have to watch out for that but do not worry 7-3 is home of the evil fuzzies and it does contain a couple of coins on the way but you can avoid them all thankfully 7-tower is kind of tricky because it features a lot of coins but you just have to tilt the elevator left and right to dodge them all and you'll be good 7-ghost house is very annoying and you'll absolutely have to get a star from this block there as you make your way down because without a star you'll be killed by those boos and going in the middle is not an option because of all of those coins 7-4 is a bit annoying because of those dancing coins in the sky but it is thankfully possible to beat it coinless 7-5 will force you to get a mini mushroom if you want to fit in between all of the dangerous coins over there very scary looking but possible 7-6 is way easier in fact i don't have anything special to say about that one just ride the para beetles to the end 7-castle is a very easy castle level that doesn't contain that many coins world 8-1 is a very annoying level that features coins appearing out of nowhere and coming at you at full speed which is pretty cheap let me say 8-2 has more circular platforms with coins moving alongside them thankfully you can avoid them all by timing your jumps and moves 8-3 contains more coins that move with the rotating wheels yet again but sadly this section over there has way too many of these coins so you'll absolutely need to get a mini mushroom to reduce your hitbox and use your low gravity to fit in between all of those coins without touching a single one a dash tower is possible but trust me you'll want a propeller mushroom to avoid all of the coins moving along with the platforms coming in and out of the walls once you reach this point you might think the quest is over and we are forced to collect a coin but should be wrong as there's an invisible path over there yay 8-4 is a level taking place in the dark and it is very difficult to beat because coins can appear out of nowhere sadly once we reach the n over there well this pipe is protected by three evil coins i tried jumping up there but i always ended up collecting those and that sucks but thankfully we can try going through the secret path on the world map instead and if that works then we can skip this level and we'll be all good 8-7 is an insanely difficult level that takes place on a school coaster platform moving at high speed you'll absolutely need a mini mushroom for that if you want to avoid the bazillion coins on the way and this will take all day to do so but by playing this level over and over and over again and learning the ins and outs of it well you'll be able to beat it coinless a dash airship is easy but bring a mini mushroom to clear this gap under the ship because without it while dodging all of those coins is pretty much impossible we have now reached world a dash castle the final stage of this quest and this level ain't that bad really i mean it does contain a bunch of coins sure but nothing that we cannot dodge by being careful once you reach this second part make sure to avoid all of the coins as the platforms fall down and you'll reach this pipe that is yet again protected by three yucky coins what i tried making my way into the pipe without collecting a single one but alas it is impossible for a big mario just bring the mini mushroom do the level all over again and tada we can go down the pipe and trigger the animation without touching the coins it looks completely broken and whatever it works i'm happy beat bowser by hitting the switch and then make sure he breaks walls that don't have coins in them and you'll soon reach the big button and flush him down the drain see ya so is it possible to beat new super mario bros wii without touching a single coin well yes it is it was a very difficult quest containing a bunch of annoying coins to dodge but with the power of the nico plushie by my side i was able to beat it yay we did it plushie thanks a lot for watching this video my dudes i hope you enjoyed it and if you did well make sure to subscribe to smash like and do all that fun stuff and i hear ya you're wondering if we can also beat the secret world in this game without touching a single coin well wonder no more tap the cards on screen right now to watch this video and as for me well i'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Nicobbq
Views: 600,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nicobbq, Gaming, Nintendo, Challenges, Top 10, Countdowns, New Super Mario Wii, NSMBWii, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Mario Wii, No Coin, Challenge, Coinless, Nintendo Wii, Wii
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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