Is It Possible to Beat Kirby Star Allies Without Jumping? -No Jump Challenge

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👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/CrAzYiNsOmNiAc210 📅︎︎ Feb 15 2022 🗫︎ replies

Please bote that this isn’t my video. I just happen to really like the mysic in the intro sequence but i don’t know what it is called! Can anyone help me with it?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/just_jimmeh 📅︎︎ Feb 15 2022 🗫︎ replies
man no Jim Kirby might be my new favorite way to play Kirby now I mean it's just such an interesting challenge and also add some much-needed difficulty to your standard Kirby experience and honestly I haven't had enough yet so today let's continue our Kirby no jump journey by finding out together is it possible to beat Kirby star allies without jumping [Music] [Music] [Music] now if you haven't already seen us I already attempted this challenge on Kirby's Return to Dreamland and the rules here are basically the same no using the Move jump slash hover anything else in the game is acceptable the main difference in the rules this time around stems from the fact that since Star Allies is all about the power of friendship and thus features AI companions following us around for most of the game we need to decide if them jumping is against the rules and I say no our friends can jump to their heart's content so long as no human controlled characters jump we're good so yeah just like last time our first priority is getting a copy ability that yields us a jump replacement so let's start level one and get on that oh we can't get past the jump tutorial without jumping Kirby's default rips that doesn't have any moves that get us the height we need to get over this obstacle and this being the first obstacle in the first level we don't have access to any copy abilities that might help us I tried using multiplayer but you can't actually join in a second player until you've made a friend which we can't do yet I even tried using amiibo but they just give food and puzzle pieces which doesn't help us here is it too late to change this video to what is the minimum number of jumps required to beat kirby star allies [Music] okay okay we don't need to go through that again unfortunately it would seem that this first jump is unavoidable and the second one what about the third one here we can finally start pulling out some tricks allow me to present to you the art of pushing and being pushed you see in Kirby Star Allies when a Kirby collides with an enemy they both get knocked away from each other this knock back is useful on two counts firstly it allows us to affect the position of an enemy and put them in the most advantageous position for our purposes in this case in otherwise stationary waddle deep secondly when Kirby is pushed by an enemy he experiences a small amount of upwards movement which is enough to clear obstacles approximately 1 Kirby top I'm sure you can see where this is going if we run into this waddle dee we can push it right next to this block with waddle dee in that position we can utilize the dodge ability to get on the right side of the waddle dee and get pushed onto the block from here if we stand on the very edge of the block we can once again dodge this time to clear the gap there's now only one more jump left between us and our first copy ability and compared to the previous one this one's easy to skip all we have to do is get on the right side of this patrolling mushroom then wait for it to push us up onto the ledge now we can consume the blade knight and finally we have our first copy ability sword [Music] sword gives us access to the upward slash and Grille stab as well as a few other useful moves but these two are our bread and butter with soul the upward slash allows us vertical movements comparable to the height of a regular jump while the drill stab can get us over relatively small gaps feeds on the surface it seems about the same as it was in Return to Dreamland however there is one major difference this time round we can't jump infinitely with it anymore we can use it while in the air in order to cross some of long gaps but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't manage to gain or even maintain height in the long run it's still useful for clearing simple platforming challenges but no flight is sure to be a drag going forward moving on was level our next major obstacle is deep flying tutorial it's slightly too high to get over with a single upward slash but I found that if you spam the move while holding up and right it is possible to clear as a flying tutorial not long after the fogging tutorial comes these chain things we have to grab and guess what they're just out of reach of an upward slash no matter how many times I spam its luckily if you do a Down attack immediately after an upward slash you perform a sword dive which before diving to the ground gives us the extra height we need to pull on a chain and reveal a ladder that's even higher up [Music] look guys I tried a lot to make this work I tried going Infinite's but you just can't I thought that maybe I could try riding in a lie but as it turns out you can only ride in a lie if you jump on to them you can't get on by falling from an upward slash or a higher platform I tried blindly upwards slashing while the barrier fell but could never manage to grab the ladder so that is this jump number three it seems like it and it really is unfortunate because with some better copy abilities this obstacle would be no problem but alas this is still level one so we are very limited in what abilities we have access to if we could use a dream house this would be easy but right now we don't have one of those unlocked as it stands we only have access to bomb sword and cutter there is simply no way to clear this obstacle without jumping by using these abilities but are those really the only copy realities we have access to have you ever heard of a copy of building mix as you probably already know Kirby games allow you to gain copy abilities by eating enemies which possess set abilities but what happens when you consume two enemies with different abilities at the same time in most Kirby games star allies included a copy ability mix occurs during which Kirby is granted a random copy ability from a pool of every copy ability in the game if one were able to reliably set up a scenario where this happened then you could just repeat the process until you get the desired copy ability so the question that becomes can we engineer such a scenario in this level now it's tough because up to this point all enemies we've encountered that can grant us copy abilities have been stationary and a bit of a distance away from each other but it can be done on the second screen of the level rights where the hill that the circle stands on flattens out use a drill staff if you do a drive you should hit the circle with the final strike of the attack which won't kill the circle but will launch it a significant distance to the right next dodge through the circle and the blade bites once on the right side of the blade knight run into it twice making sure that you let the invincibility frames wear off before running into it the second time if you've done it right you should be left with a circle and a blade knight standing right next to each other ready to be in hit now all you have to do is repeat the process until you get your desired copy ability I went for cleaning not because cleaning is actually that useful but because I could then turn cleaning into a friend and use that friend to upgrade my sword to a bluster sword [Music] bluster sword is amazing it's basically the Luigi backflip of the skip with bluster sword we gets the entire move set of sword except all the moves give us greater mobility example one the upward slash which now shoots Kirby way higher than the floor also this upward slash actually does allow us to fly infinitely the drill stab now goes much further than before as well we even have some other jump replacement options in the form of the spins drankin upward spin strike and all that isn't even the best part we can now fly infinitely with just regular attacks in the air which if we do need some extra height can be easily comboed into an upward slash so in short buster sword gets us past this ladder and the rest of level one and most of the rest of the game [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so yeah Lester sword makes all those levels not only possible but easy we're now left with only five mandatory levels that can be considered challenging friendly filled heavenly Hall planets earth fall jam Bhadra bass and Kirby star allies these five levels can't be solved with bluster sword alone so we'll need to take a closer look at each of them let's start with planet Earth's of all planet as well as I'm mostly peaceful fall-themed level featuring leaves chests cleaning dudes and in old enemy of ours something with evil fused into its very being and components that's right I'm talking about keys if you're unacquainted the reason these keys are such a pain is because when you're holding one your attack button you know the button we used to activate our jump replacements instead arose the key meaning we can't achieve upwards mobility while holding a key to make matters worse it seems that Kirby has been skipping arm day since Return to Dreamland I mean just look at this pitiful throw and if that wasn't bad enough our old enemy Keys have teamed up with a new foe in this level slopes the Mario maker community may be rejoicing at these things as of late we most certainly are not because when a throne keel ends on a slope it bounces off of it as if it had hit a wall and guess where one of the keys we need to use to get through this stage is located if you guessed in a valley surrounded by slopes then you'd be right and I could not find a way to get this key up the slope into the door alone luckily for us the old trick of having a second player hold the key then be teleported to player 1 still works and so by temporarily snapping our controller in half we can get past this level jump less all right that's one of five down now which levels try next how much friends afield sounds nice enough welcome to friendly Field home of the worst nightmare of a no jump run a friend circle just looking at the control screen of a friend circle ought to clue you in as to the main issue here literally the only thing you can do as a friend circle is jump this is a disaster and as far as I know there's no way to skip a friend circle segments in a mandatory level which means the best we can do is jump as few times as possible to get through the segments in this case one to three times so now we're up to two regular jumps and three friend circle jumps why am i counting them separately I just think it's a useful distinction since friend circles are such a departure from the regular game play that's not to say I don't think they count as jumps but I would consider them as lesser jumps I suppose moving on I suppose it's time to reveal that friend circles are the issues in heavenly Hall and Jim Bhadra base as well leading to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 more friend circle jumps which brings us up to a total of two regular jumps and 35 friend circle jumps going into the final challenging level which actually happens to be the final level of the game for once kirby star allies here we are our final challenge the fight against void term our biggest issue here occurs during phase one of the fight when void termination is like Colossus form during this phase of the fight when a void terminus attacks is him jumping and sending out a shock wave in all directions normally you would avoid this attack by jumping but we can't do that instead we just take the head and hope we can deal enough damage quick enough to end this phase before we die and we can this doesn't leave us with much house going into the next phase of the fight but that phase has a bunch of food in it so we can heal to just fat fall before continuing the fudge all future phases drop the jump attack which means unless you count these QTEs in the finale as jumps which you shouldn't because I mean does this look like a jump to you we can be toured termina without adding any more jumps to our trip but let's not let the joy of overcoming the final boss without jumping over shadows a fact that's as unfortunate as it may be it is not possible to beat kirby star allies without jumping as far as I can tell the minimum number of jumps required to beat Kirby star allies is to regular jumps and 35 friend Circle jumps which isn't terrible especially when you consider that no regular jumps are required to beat the game after the first screen but hey we put in our best effort pulled out some neat tricks and achieved a respectable results and I am looking forward to the next challenge for us to test our mettle against and I hope you are too in the meantime you can try out this challenge for yourself and see if maybe you can shave off a couple more jumps and of course if you haven't already be sure to check out some of the other challenges I've already done like Kirby's Return to Dreamland without jumping or if you've got ideas for future challenges for me to attempts leave in comments this challenge was actually suggested by quite a few people so I might actually do it and while you're at it be sure to subscribe so if your suggestion be comes a video you can be notified that it exists but anyways guys until next time I've been SEMA craft and I'll catch you in the next challenge video I craft up good bye [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: CMeeCraft Gaming
Views: 1,135,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Is It Possible to Beat Kirby Star Allies Without Jumping, Can You Beat Kirby Star Allies without jumping, Kirby Star Allies no jump, Kirby Star Allies, Kirby, no jump, no jump challenge, is it possible, Is It Possible to Beat Kirby's Return to Dreamland Without Jumping, Kirby Star Allies no friends, Kirby Star Allies no allies, Kirby Star Allies no abilities, CMeeCraft, Mario, No Coin, Kirby's Return to Dreamland, is it possible to beat kirby triple deluxe without jumping
Id: 00r4vgaaUmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 28 2019
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