Food Theory: Is MrBeast's Chocolate ILLEGAL? (MrBeast Bars)

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mr beast recently launched his own snack company feastables and to promote it in true willy wonka form he's using random bars of chocolate to give away boats bikes jet skis and teslas oh yeah and there's also the grand prize the chocolate factory itself no joke the actual factory dude only got into the chocolate game months ago and apparently he's already planning for his retirement as you might imagine the whole thing has been wildly successful with people online outright scalping the bars so with only a few days left to enter in order to win yourself an entire chocolate factory don't resort to this [Music] i'm gonna tell you the real way to win [Music] hello internet welcome to food theory the show that's given away a lifetime supply of free knowledge all you gotta do is peel that subscribe button and hey you may already be a winner you ever have one of those saturday mornings when you wake up to find a large mysterious package from the world's biggest youtuber on your front porch hashtag relatable i know well that's exactly what happened to me about a month ago so i woke up this morning and found this on the doorstep what's this about a box this is the thing that got me to turn on the camera knowing that he had just launched a new snack brand feastables i had my predictions my guess is that this is a giant chocolate bar nope with ollie's help i was able to break open the box and i could not have been more wrong take a guess as to what's in this thing this looks like a tv box it does doesn't i'm sorry is that a bicycle meanwhile held under locking well i guess there was no key it was just under lock was the chocolate i suspected that it might be a puzzle that i needed to solve oh game on i think the chocolate is inside but i have to figure out the code for the law i know they're sending it to youtubers it can't be that hard okay maybe i was a little bit harsh to my fellow tubers anyway it was a time to lock so no puzzle solving necessary and the rest of the morning was spent munching on chocolate and building a bike [Music] thank you mr beast let's go so that's how i first learned about mr beast's newest business but for the rest of the world it came in the middle of an escape room challenge where he leads them into a room ripped straight out of willy wonka gentlemen welcome to the next level drop the chocolate 10 random bars are gonna have a mystery ticket inside of them and if you get this mystery ticket we will fly you out to compete for a chocolate factory in one of our videos and on top of that chandler we're giving away over a million dollars in other prizes you wanted a custom pc a seadoo watercraft a new tesla those are all possible prizes but they pale in comparison to the grand prize winner who gets to go home as the owner of mr beast's chocolate factory because who doesn't want the joy of paying annual property taxes on a large warehouse and being legally liable for health and safety compliance for a fully operational food producer truly the grandest of prizes obviously i'm joking there's something that tells me that the winner is gonna own a percentage of the earnings of the company or something like that it's not like jimmy is pulling a willy wonka by trying to offload his business due to osha violations something that we actually explored heavily in the past film theory but both jimmy and wonka are two in a long line of wacky giveaways involving food if you grew up in the 90s you might remember this one don't eat that oreo if you find an oreo like this you're an instant cash winner uh excuse me oreos have a design guess i never noticed as i inhale them whole like a hungry kirby and this isn't just a relic of the 80s and 90s oreos decided to celebrate their 110th birthday by doing basically the same thing mr beast is doing right now certain oreo products contain codes that you scan to win prizes like a dream vacation or a lifetime supply of oreos last year red lobster gave away 1 million rewards points to people placing a to-go order mcdonald's monopoly is a yearly tradition with these sorts of giveaways but the most famous or perhaps the most infamous of all of them have to be the coca-cola magic hands from 1990. i mentioned this one briefly a few weeks back during our space flavored coca-cola episode but it got a lot of requests from you guys asking for more details so here we are while modern giveaways have you scanning qr codes or looking for winning bottle caps the magic hands were cans that looked like regular coke cans but were actually fitted with a spring-loaded mechanism that would eject a prize sometimes it was cash ranging from one dollar to 500 sometimes it was a coupon for vacations or merchandise and sometimes the whole mechanism didn't work because duh this was an insane idea now as you can probably figure out a lot of the weight of a can of coke is actually coming from the liquid inside of it so in order to make the prize cans indistinguishable from the regular cans they filled a separate compartment in the cans with water but it wasn't just any water to make it clear that this was water that you should not be drinking they also filled the can with ammonium sulfate the same stuff that makes your stink bombs smell like farts so you pop open your magic can and are greeted with the delightful smell of past gas nothing like the sweet smell of victory some of the cans started to leak and now you had yourself leaking fart gas water everywhere as you can imagine this promo stank anyway mega corporations like coca-cola don't spend millions on over-engineered fart cans for the funsies these sorts of giveaways exist for marketing and while magic hands may have fizzled mr beast's chocolate giveaway seems to have found the figurative and literal sweet spot people are outright scalping these things charging up to 15 for a single chocolate bar and people are buying them which honestly makes no sense since it's not like this is a limited quantity thing chocolate is still available via the official feastables website for its normal price what you do in internet for others though it seems like the chocolate is merely a distraction with people flocking to sites like ebay to sell mr beast feastables no codes trying to unload the chocolate after having already redeemed their chance for a prize to which i say guys it's chocolate what are you doing you spend three dollars on a lottery ticket to win and then you throw away the best parts but think about what i just said three dollars for a lottery ticket we live in the united states a country where it's illegal for private businesses to run lotteries in fact u.s regulators have been cracking down on this sort of stuff since the 1970s so what gives this chocolate giveaway is gambling right you pay money for a chance to win a prize same thing with coke's magic hands or oreo giveaways or even the mcdonald's monopoly it's the sort of thing that seems on paper like it should get dinged by the government and yet like we just covered food sweepstakes promotions like this have been going on for decades is there some sort of special exemption for food is it because the lottery ticket is edible well today we're looking at the legality of lotteries which at first glance might seem like a random thing for us to cover here on food theory but by the end i'll be giving you your best and lowest calorie chance at winning mr beast's chocolate factory let's have someone from the fierce community take it home okay so when it comes to legally defining gambling there's a three point test the first condition is having a prize something can't legally be considered gambling if there's no prize for winning and this one kind of goes without saying anytime mr beast is involved there are definitely prizes at stake and this is no exception regardless of whether it's money teslas or chocolate factories so the second thing to define gambling is chance that is the outcome is randomly determined this means that a mr beast challenge based on skill like an escape room or an endurance test of staying inside of a circle or trying to hit a target with a basketball while dropping it from a helicopter do not count as gambling those are situations where you have control over the outcome based on your own abilities they are games of skill not games of chance though when you stop and think about it dropping a basketball from a helicopter into a basketball hoop at a certain point it does actually amount to random chance no amount of skill is actually helping you win that right got so many variables the odds basically amount to a lottery hey legal eagle can you do an episode about this where does skill end and chance begin when it comes to gambling because also like what about poker poker is a game of skill i mean yeah you're paying to get in and the cards are randomly given to you but there's skill involved with winning a game of poker the ultimate winner is not about who has the best cards about who plays the cards the best it's weird anyway stepping out of the gray area here games involving dice rolls coin flips spinning off roulette wheels those are gonna be where gambling laws start to enter ditto for any game where you personally don't have the ability to influence the outcome of the game like betting on sports throwing a basketball is considered a game of skill but predicting which team is gonna win is a game of chance since you're guessing on an event whose outcome you have no control over and so again the mr beast feastables challenge falls into this category unlike a lot of his other videos winning this particular contest is simply a matter of buying a candy bar that happens to have the golden ticket it is pure randomness no different from the roll of a dice or the spin of a roulette wheel in fact if you actually enter a code the festival's website outright has a roulette wheel it's not a real roulette wheel clearly it lands on no win way more than the odds the wheel would allow but just thought it was worth mentioning so that's two strikes against it but how does mr beast's feastable giveaway fare against test number three that would be consideration i.e that you're required to give up something of value in order to participate if you're paying for an entry then yeah it's gambling this means that all the giveaway challenges in mr beast's videos aren't gambling in his videos where he just randomly gives cash to strangers yeah he's giving away a prize and yeah the people don't have control over whether they win or not but it's not gambling because those people don't have to pay to participate in fact in most cases they didn't even know they were participating until jimmy dumps money on him but with feastables it's different the entire point is that you enter by paying money sure you get a chocolate bar out of it just like with mcdonald's monopoly and getting a large fry or with magic hands and you getting some fart water but the law doesn't care about that if you're paying money for entry into a contest where you can win a prize and the outcome is left to chance then yes it's gambling so it would seem like the chocolate factory giveaway is illegal here in the us right but it and mcdonald's monopoly and oreo giveaways and magic hands none of them are getting shut down so what gives how are they all getting away with it what is the loophole well it all comes down to three simple legally important words no purchase necessary remember that the last of the three legally required elements that we talked about for gambling is consideration the idea that the only way to win is by staking your own money to pay to enter the game but if it's possible to enter the contest and win without paying money then you're all gucci fam take for example the red lobster sweepstakes true a lot of people entered the giveaway by paying money to place it to go order but technically speaking you could win prizes in that contest without paying red lobster a dime by downloading the app and registering an account this means that red lobster could advertise the sweepstakes as no purchase necessary thereby meaning that they didn't meet the legal definition of gambling true the vast majority of people entered that giveaway by paying money to place a to-go order but technically speaking they could win prizes in the contest without paying red lobster a dime by simply downloading the app and registering an account this allows red lobster to advertise the sweepstakes as no purchase necessary thereby meaning that they don't meet the legal definition of gambling ditto for that oreo sweepstakes if you click through the official rules buried within the nine pages of fine print legalese you find the following statement quote there are two ways to enter and play a scan a qualifying product package with your device or b to enter without purchasing a qualifying product first visit 110 and then follow an entire paragraph of extremely detailed instructions that includes writing a 100 word essay telling orio what your most favoritest thing ever in the world to win would be if you can complete your homework assignment then you're entered to win all without spending a dime of your hard-earned money on chocolate sandwich cookies and hey you could probably repurpose that hundred word essay for class or something what you'll see is that all of them have what's known as an alternative method of entry an amoe allowing them to advertise the contest as no purchase necessary thereby circumventing the whole illegal gambling thing which brings us back to feast bowls if you've been salivating over those prizes including the chance to meet jimmy in person he's a great guy you'll love him and appear in a video viewed by millions of people well you can do it all without paying a cent to those scalpers charging 15 a bar or winding up in a situation where you're trying to resell chocolate over on ebay viewing the official rules on the festival's website we can see a section labeled with the legal terms that we just talked about no purchase necessary alternative method of entry amoe to participate without purchase all you have to do is hand print your personal info onto a three by five inch piece of paper just mail it in and what's more you can do this up to 2340x per person i mean that itself sounds like a mr beast video in the making i submitted 2 000 letters by hand to win a free chocolate factory now mind you this will be an endurance test tier penmanship since in order to be eligible each request has to be mailed separately in a hand-addressed envelope with no photocopied or mechanically reproduced entries but hey at least they're not requiring an essay seriously get some friends together this weekend and do it well some people are entering like at most 100 entries thanks to the hundreds of dollars on chocolate that they're buying for a few hours of your time you're gonna be submitting hundreds more entries for next to zero cost no joke instead of at minimum a three dollar buy-in for a single chocolate bar you're spending around 60 cents per entry and these sorts of things do work when i was a kid my family actually did this for baseball tickets there was a big giveaway for world series tickets and my family spent an entire evening just handwriting envelopes in total i think we submitted like a hundred i was eight so i contributed about five of those but hey we won and we got to see a world series game and for years i've been convinced that it was one of my five entries that got selected to be fair though it was probably disqualified for being illegible but still child can dream like i said time is wasting as this video goes up you have like three days to get this done everything needs to be in the mailbox by april 12th but that's still plenty of time in fact send me videos of you and your friends doing it at matpat gt over on twitter or the game theorist subreddit i'd love to showcase your guys's efforts in a future video or over on gt live or something like that who knows maybe a theorist can in fact be the one to take home the factory and like i said getting that factory for free perhaps that is the sweetest victory of them all but hey you know what's even better than a fraction of a chance at winning your own chocolate factory a guaranteed chance of getting 16 free meals thanks to our sponsor for today's episode hellofresh hellofresh could get you the meals mr b's chocolate can get you the dessert gotta be honest with you don't have a lot of time in my life between the youtube channels and being a dad there is no time to plan out meals make shopping lists go to grocery stores and prep the food i feel guilty for taking the time for a shower and you expect me to do all that for my healthy diet ain't nobody got time for that but hello hellofresh understands that problem that all of us have and practically does all that footwork for us all we have to do is pick out what style of meals we want and boom everything i need is suddenly delivered straight to my door perfectly portioned out and ready to cook at most i need to like chop and mix a few things which as you've seen on the channel is just the right level of skill i have we've been using hellofresh for a while now and we've been getting a lot of the meat and veggie dishes that are perfect for steph and i but we decided to mix it up this month with the family friendly plan so now we're having some awesome burger and chicken nights it is super easy you get exactly the recipes that you want when you want them and best of all true to the name it's fresh hellofresh has worked hard to ensure that your food gets from the farm to the table in under a week it's also sustainable pre-portioned ingredients mean less prep work for you and it also means less wasted food they're also the world's first carbon neutral meal kit company right down to the packaging they use which is almost all recyclable the tldr here is that your time is valuable let someone else worry about the shopping and prep that way you have more time to eat and enjoy so if you want to give them a try you'll get yourself 16 free meals no that's not a typo people you are getting up to 16 free meals all you have to do is go to or just click the link down in the description and use the code food theory16 for up to 16 free meals and thrown in three surprise gifts look you clicked on a video about mr beast i know you're the type of person who loves surprise gifts and getting things for free food included in short that is or click the link in the description use the code food theory 16 and congratulations you are a guaranteed winner of free food delivered straight to your door not too shabby thank you hellofresh for sponsoring the channel and as always remember friends it's all just a theory a food theory bon appetit good luck i hope one of us wins that factory
Channel: The Food Theorists
Views: 5,048,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mrbeast, mrbeast chocolate, mrbeast chocolate bars, mrbeast contest, mrbeast money, how to win, mrbeast winner, mrbeast chocolate bar, mrbeast chocolate winner, chocolate, chocolate bar, chocolate bars, mrbeast bar, mrbeast chocolate factory, chocolate factory, mr beast, mr beast chocolate, mrbeast golden ticket, mrbeast win, food theory, food theorists, matpat, game theory, film theory, eat the menu, babish, budget eats, without a recipe, feastables, mrbeast feastables
Id: 2NFDajQyliU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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