Is It Possible to Beat Mario Party 10 By Doing Absolutely Nothing? -Mario Party Challenge

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so anyone here remember the car based mario parties yeah them well as it turns out the higher ups around here have demanded that i make a video about one of them the thing is i really don't want to play any of those mario party games so how about i just won't is it possible to beat mario party 10 by doing absolutely nothing [Music] the rules of this challenge will be as follows and come in two parts firstly we are not allowed to do anything in any mini games for most of them that is as simple as not pressing any buttons there are however some motion controlled ones which could potentially be engaged with without pressing buttons for those ones our standard operating procedure will be placing our wii remote on a flat surface for the duration of the minigame the second factor to consider is the board obviously we can't get away with pressing literally nothing during the board portion of the game as that would result in the game being permanently stuck on our turn instead we'll press whatever buttons are absolutely necessary to progress usually a and no more in terms of implications that means we will not be able to use any special dice it'll also mean we have to go in whatever direction is selected by default at any intersections we come across as well as being unable to interact with most of those lucky mini star spaces among a couple other things to sum things up we can't do anything in minigames and can't make any meaningful choices on the board in spite of those limitations our goal will be to win at least once in the mario party game mode on each of the 5 boards in the game speaking of which i see no reason not to get right into it and take a look at the first board mushroom park alright then here we are alongside our rivals rosalina daisy and waluigi all set to be easy ai as a reminder in order to win aboard we'll need to accrue the most mini stars by the time our road trip reaches its final destination so how does our first attempt to go the first set of roles aren't earth-shattering but do remind us just how bad at minigames we are in this challenge this will almost certainly be a major issue going forward as many games are a major way to earn mini stars in that way many stars are kind of like coins in the early mario party games the major difference is the fact that many stars don't just give you the ability to buy the win condition they directly are the win condition when looking at it this way it certainly seems like at least on paper mario party 10 could end up being quite ruthless as coin collection was never a strong suit of ours in the other mario party challenges in any case life goes on and after grabbing some minus stars we find ourselves at the miniboss mini bosses in this game take the form of a glorified mini-game with increased prizes unfortunately each and every one of them is literally impossible for us to obtain a victory on as such we depart this miniboss firmly in last place the next thing that happens to our luigi is he gets a chance to stop the spinning blooper on the board this is something that we do actually have to do that being said i do believe this is something you can technically time to stop in an advantageous position for you as such to avoid influencing the game with my agency and timing skills i opted to look away from the screen when taking this action even so i was actually lucky enough to get the 10 mini stars on it this time while luigi then loses some stars at the hands are leaves of a piranha plant nice then we lose 10 mini stars in a battle minigame we had no chance of winning and then we lose a 2v2 minigame and then we get stuck going through an 8 minus star ring and then we of course end up losing the boss fight leading to us taking 4th place when all is said and done losing to daisy 79-14 well nothing to do but try again on the next attempt we find out that landing on the lucky space tied to the roller coaster does nothing but give our opponents free mini stars same applies to the pirate ship attempt 3 does give us a chance to double dip on this 10 mini star ring towards the end which unfortunately doesn't end up securing us a place above 4th during attempt 4 i released bowser who took half of my many stars which granted was only one but still did you really have to kick a man while he was down i'm already starting to get tired by the massive quantities of minigames i have literally no chance of winning or even coming in anything other than dead last i landed on this lucky space featuring brick blocks which ends up being a random chance of getting two four or six mini stars you know just like it normally is the only difference is we don't get that pesky illusion of control over the situation i was actually in first place right at the very end this attempt but got overtaken by rosalina getting the stars for reaching the final boss and the stars awarded to everyone else for doing better on the boss fight and the bonus star is going to people other than me as it turns out two of the five on offer the minigame and dice stars i have literally no chance to win the other three that can show up the far star slow star and minus star i can get but have no better odds of getting than anyone else so on average bonus stars are in that negative for us helpless minigames are bound on this attempt what is this a minigame i actually won well that is certainly a welcome rarity not that it helped much in the long run oh a reverse minigame i should be great at this i'm amazing at losing or i could take first place thanks what is there to even say about this attempt i lost badly oh wow i actually won a battle minigame on this attempt and close to the end too this might just work out oh you've got to be kidding me another battle minigame on literally the next turn and of course it's one that i have zero chance of winning so much for this attempt and of course when i land on a bowser jr space it does something like take half your mini stars but hey at least that gets me a slow dice block going into the last third of the board that i can't use followed by a mini game i can't win and then rosalina taking some minus stars i guess that's okay then bowser jr takes half of daisy's mini stars and then half of waluigi's mini stars and next thing i know i'm grabbing the 10 mini stars at the end of the board and going into the boss fight in first place is it happening no waluigi won the boss fight and both bonus stars and the game as a whole it really is something to be reduced to zero mini stars by passing through a minus star ring twice in one turn isn't it somehow i managed to end this attempt with three mini stars in total that is literally the fewest it is impossible to have at the end of the game in some ways i guess that could be considered an achievement in and of itself you know something's wrong when i'm happy to have wasted a minute of my life to end a mini-game in a draw wow am i actually in first place at the mini boss fight that's a rarity not that it ended up mattering [Music] it's amazing just how little the first two thirds of the board actually matter take this attempt as an example i'm in fourth place at this final checkpoint and then what happens there's a three-way tie for first on this battle minigame which is broken by a dice roll which i win yielding me 26 mini stars that puts me in first place going into my turn which is an opportunity to gain 5 more mini stars my opponents very nearly forced me to take some minus stars but ultimately fail on that aim and instead put me in a position to gain 10 mini stars twice unfortunately it looks like my second place competition waluigi is going to get that same opportunity luckily he rolls a 1 on the backwards roll the next turn daisy triggers the boss fight with me still possessing an 11 mini star lead going into it hopefully it holds while luigi my closest competition does take first in the boss fight which doesn't exactly bode well come on bonus stars the minus star goes to rosalina okay and the slow star goes to daisy which means ultimately luigi wins and by one mini star that my friends is victory on one of the five boards we need to beat for this challenge maybe things will get easier from here on out let's certainly hope so [Music] welcome to haunted trail a slightly longer slightly spookier board let's see how the first attempt on it plays out this first part has quite a bit of mini stars to pick up if you get lucky on the turn order and die rolls if you get unlucky however you may find yourself getting stuck with the boo which siphons off five of your mini stars every turn there are a lot more intersections on this board which is bad for us since the ai can strategically use these splits in the paths to either snag many stars for themselves or leave us stranded right in front of minus stars we of course can't really strategically use these since we always go the same direction no matter what for the second round of ghosting of the course i am unfortunately the one to pick it up on my next turn i unleashed bowser luckily he didn't take any many stars for me because i didn't have any i got eight immediately afterwards though and then bowser took pity on me and gave me ten more my next turn featured boo taking away five only for them to be replaced by 10 and a chance to steal unfortunately i only ended up stealing five ultimately though all of that wasn't enough to get me out of last place by game's end i guess we'll need to try again at least on attempt number two i wasn't the only one haunted by boo still got fourth though it's insane even in the rare event that three of the four of us lose the mini boss fight i still lose the most somehow i was actually quite competitive for much of the opening half of this attempt then bowser organized battle minigame for half of the mini stars which i lost and never fully recovered from though if this theft had been for half instead of 10 i might have had a chance don't you love it when you land on a bowser space one space out from an intersection and you know what i'm going to go out on a limb here and say that i wouldn't be surprised if i'm the first person in the entire world to have landed on that bowser space because like seriously why would any intelligent thinking person choose to land on a bowser space one space out from an intersection like that is you choosing to land on the bowser space at that point [Music] you know what annoys me the most about these mini boss fights it's not that i have zero chance to win them it's that the easy ai is so bad and slow that they drag on way longer than they have any rights to it's always annoying to find ourselves stuck competing in a battle minigame for half the stars that's impossible for us to win it's then also annoying though honestly not all that impactful to get stolen from while in last place as it turns out much to my chagrin staring down a tree doesn't really do anything those browser space events can be quite impactful towards the end of the game after a couple of those i'm only one mini star behind first place going into the final boss which of course is in reality a terrible position to be in since bonus stars are on average and that's negative for us and the boss always showers many stars on everyone but us welcome to another loss [Music] this attempt features a very early bowser release which might be beneficial for us he does add a lot of chaos which might benefit us and then i somehow won balloon blast bash i mean i'll take it i'm also able to gain a considerable amount of mini stars from the mini star rings this time around the battle minigame bomb combo by sheer luck goes quite well then soon after i get to double dip on the final mini star ring daisy steals half of rosalina's mini stars catapulting her to first place then waluigi gets 10 000 mini stars actually it turns out he only got one but you know still that passes the turn to me and thus allows me to claim the 10 mini stars just before the boss narrowly putting myself in first rosalina ends up winning this fight just as i had hoped but will it be enough let us look to the bonus stars to find out the slow star is awarded to waluigi and the dice star goes to rosalina which means the ultimate victor is a tie between luigi and waluigi and you know what i'll take it a tied victory is still a victory but hey i guess it turned out just like they always say 59th times the charm in any case time to dive into the next board [Music] whimsical waters is in some ways theoretically our ideal board as it's all about lack of control the good bad intersections are completely random the chest lotteries are the same way in fact outside of choosing the die you roll i don't think there is actually any opportunity for a meaningful choice on this board that's great for us since we can't make meaningful decisions anyways so hopefully this will prove to be a great equalizer that of course doesn't necessarily mean that this board is an instant win though unbridled randomness can cut against us just as easily as it cuts against our opponents but it does give us a real chance even if we're in fourth going into the last start of the board we can still get a jackpot and steal from second place on our last few turns setting us up quite nicely going into the boss fight which we obviously don't win but we did earn a bonus star and had a decent enough cushion to secure a win here in whimsical waters on attempt number six that brings us to the fourth board on our journey airship central and let me tell you the three parts of this board are very distinct from one another let's begin with part one here we find a fleet of airships constantly shifting around in the skies the gameplay application of this is that dice rolls and the ability to influence them becomes paramount on most of the other boards you can find many star circles in those cases when you're nearing one of them there are only two real outcomes that can happen on your roll either you get them or you leave them for one of your opponents to get which can either be positive or negative depending on if they are mini or minus stars here though there are even more possibilities one of them is of course just getting them for yourself which is the same as ever where things get more interesting is when you don't reach the stars because often there will be two ways to miss those waves would be either failing to get onto the next ship at all and getting on the ship but missing the stars take this example here rolling a 6 will secure luigi 8 mini stars obviously that's pretty good if a bit unlikely the next best roll though would be a 1 because that would keep the vehicle on the current ship thus allowing the golden ship to move out of the way and be replaced in our route by a much less valuable ship for our opponents to experience arguably the worst roles to get here would be a three through five because a roll like that would get us no mini stars as well as leave our opponents the opportunity to cash in on the wealth from the golden ship now of course we can't really do anything to affect our odds here since we always just roll a standard six-sided die but this still matters because our opponents can make such calculations and act accordingly putting us at a disadvantage the second third is all about this aggressive airship whose whole thing is targeting various spaces and making it so that if you land on them you lose half of your mini stars when it's our turn to go we generally have a 33 chance of landing on one of these spaces and our opponents of course can bend those odds to be much more favorable with their dice so technically we're at a disadvantage here however in the events that we do just end up coming out luckier than everyone else such a severe penalty for misfortune can help tilt the game back in our favor finally the last third is a bit more standard and calm sprint to the finish that's not to say it can't be extremely swingy though the mini star rings are pretty big here and there normally isn't a shortage of bowser spaces and theft seriously between competitors losing half of their mini stars as well as things happening to luigi like double dipping on the 10 mini star ring and winning a battle minigame for half of the many stars a luigi can go from 4th to 1st in time for the final boss pick up zero bonus stars and then still win the board overall only one remains now chaos castle this my friends is not a very generous board if you're looking for mini star rings around every corner you won't find that here in the beginning it's lava bubbles which to keep my personal timing skill out of the equation for i looked away from the tv when i was having to jump over them and then just jumped at a random time in the middle it's skewers which knock you back and take 10 mini stars in the process then at the end it's bowser himself and his destruction of half the many stars belonging to anyone unfortunate enough to end their turn in his sights it is certainly a chaotic board which you would think would be to our advantage but here's the nasty thing about the type of luck this board calls on since most of its events aside from freeing the toad are so negative it means for us to have a fighting chance what we really need is for bad stuff to happen to our opponents here's the thing though to have a shot due to the luck of something good happening to us that just requires a good thing happening to one person however if the basis of your success is tearing down your opponents you need each and every one of them to be affected as well as for the bad luck to not spill over onto you the odds of that are considerably smaller nevertheless we can't stop now as such we shall press on and hope ladyluck is indeed on our side and very very kind to [Music] [Applause] [Music] us [Music] [Applause] [Music] i present to you by means of a 10 mini star ring and a subsequent theft a rare attempt where i was in first place going into the home stretch what followed was about the most comical sequence possible of all four of us double dipping on another mini star ring followed by my closest competition for first losing half her mini stars and then triggering the final boss the fight ended with me involved in a three-way tie for last place which was decided by a die roll which i lost clearing the way for everyone except me to get bonus stars and waluigi to win and i was so close [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] here on attempt 33 the opening is i guess fairly standard we do end up collecting from a couple of mini star rings but we also end up losing some to the lava bubbles of course based on previous experience it would seem that the first third of a given board is generally pretty inconsequential as we try scaling the walls we are lucky enough to trigger toad and consequently gain 20 mini stars in general this whole scaling the wall process actually goes quite smoothly for everyone and culminates in me being able to steal half of waluigi's mini stars putting me in first place going into the final third or so i thought would be the case before a battle mini-game triggered right before the home stretch which takes the form of fuzzy flyers a mini-game we have never won outside of the context of a reverse minigame which in that context was still basically a loss because the goal was to lose in any case i certainly am not very optimistic about the outcome of this one but as it turns out i guess i should have been because right here right now we did actually end up winning for the first time ever thus cementing our lead even further rosalina starts us off here on this next section by getting completely roasted i'm next and also feel the heat oh and what do you know i've landed on a turn order shuffling space which gave me another turn causing me to lose half of my mini stars again and putting me in third place my rivals then play around with this mini star ring completely safe and when my turn rolls around i end up in the line of fire again leaving me with only 10 mini stars to my name i ask the very serious question now what is even the point of the first two thirds of this board if bad roles in the final section completely take you out of contention regardless of how well you were doing before it's ludicrous anyway adding insult to injury would be the fact that the space i landed on was specifically a bowser space i guess it is a battle for half the mini stars though so technically we might be able to come back what's the game oh bomb combo we can technically win this so let's not give up hope just yet and see what happens 38 that is not bad and in fact does win us the game nice waluigi then double dips on mini stars before daisy races to her own destruction and another bowser space this one brings about a reverse minigame specifically bob combo again well we can technically lose this so let's not give up hope just yet and see what happens 36 is pretty high i'm not exactly optimistic here nor should i have been as it turns out luckily the loser or winner the person who obtained the mini stars was rosalina who was in last place before the minigame she then lost basically all of her winnings at bowser's hands the very next turn then daisy loses a similar amount on her next turn rosalina could very easily get to the boss and end this board on this turn while i am in first place that likely wouldn't be good for me as i'm tied with waluigi right now who would likely gain more mini stars from the boss fight and bonus stars than me luckily rosalina rolls a one which leads to her losing 75 percent of her many stars in a single turn leaving the door wide open for me to trigger the boss and go into that fight with a 10 mini star lead unfortunately as per usual i get dead last in the boss fight and my closest competition waluigi wins it it's all down to bonus stars now the slow star goes to me and the far star goes to daisy meaning that the winner of this final board is luigi so after nearly 140 attempts when you add all the boards together we finally have an answer to the question posed at the start of this video yes it is possible albeit extremely unlikely to beat mario party 10 by doing absolutely nothing am i proud to have achieved such a feat today no not really all i'm particularly left with is a creeping dread that i could have spent all those hours just infinitely more meaningfully nevertheless i took on that task so that the rest of you don't have to and if you appreciate that sacrifice i made for the sake of your entertainment then please feel free to repay me in the form of likes comments and subscriptions and until next time i have vincent craft and i will have to consider how i'll specifically be trading my time to make the next video for you all to enjoy [Music] [Applause] goodbye [Music] you
Channel: CMeeCraft Gaming
Views: 310,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Is It Possible to Beat Mario Party 10 By Doing Absolutely Nothing, luigi wins, mario party 10, luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing, super mario party, mario all coins, super mario, mario challenge, is it possible, while touching every coin, without touching a single coin, mario party not doing anything, no coins, no jump, all coins, luigi, mario, mario party superstars, is it possible to beat super mario party by doing absolutely, mario party 2, CMeeCraft, mario party
Id: HWayo5gCPf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 10sec (1750 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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