Is It Possible to Beat Kirby and the Forgotten Land Without Jumping? -No Jump Challenge

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well well well i thought i might never live to see this day but it finally happened kirby has gone full 3d and it is glorious perhaps my new favorite kirby game in fact that or the amazing mirror i'll need some time to simmer on it and make up my mind properly but anyways point being the game is great now if you are unfamiliar with my channel then you should know that i have attempted to beat loads of kirby games without jumping two various degrees of success and i can't wait to see how such a challenge plays out in a 3d space so let's not wait is it possible to beat kirby and the forgotten land without jump me [Music] oh [Music] okay now before we start exploring this new world we need to establish what exactly we mean by not jumping i'm defining specifically and exactly the moves jump and hover as the moves we're borrowing for this challenge we are not however just outright banning any use of the a button so we can still for example talk to people and use moves outside of standard jumping like the slide or later upwards slash without breaking our rules i hope that's clear and acceptable to you all honestly it would have just felt wrong to me if our rules had somehow ended up banning the upward slash which is a move that has served us so well in the past anyway outside of jumping and hovering we can use any mechanics present in the game to hopefully make our way all the way through the game to the final boss and see the credits roll now let's get started our favorite pink puffball awakens on a mysterious beach and we get to for the first time experience kirby gameplay in 3d moving's all good we can still inhale blocking and dodging is present and swimming seems pretty straightforward okay let's venture into that jungle here we encounter the game's jumping tutorial now typically encountering a jumping tutorial without a copy ability is game over for one of these challenges well that's because typically the moves we rely on instead of jumping or jump replacements as i like to call them are derived from copy abilities so i guess this is jump number one then but not so fast this is 3d kirby neat i remind you and kirby's dodge has been greatly upgraded for the third dimension see when you dodge now you actually gain a little height with this little hop here which acts as a small jump replacement i highly doubt its meager height alone will be able to get us through the rest of the game but for this obstacle specifically it works just fine next the game gives us a bit of a taste of combat just before the hovering tutorial but fear not before that hovering tutorial the game kindly gives us access to a copy ability sword sword has historically been a great cop ability for these no jump challenges thanks to its upward slash luckily for us that move has survived the transition to 3d though it does need to specifically be done out of a drill stab which is fine that isn't really a difficult combination of moves to pull off so we can still use it quite easily it seems to get about as much height as a normal jump which should be sufficient for most obstacles though it's not great at clearing particularly wide gaps additionally there's no way to fly with it in this game the only follow-up you can get out of it is a slam straight into the ground but is it enough to get past the hovering tutorial without jumping seemingly not the upward slash's height is a bit more than a kirby short of what it would need to be to reach the roof we're aiming for i looked around to see if maybe we could use a short platform somewhere as a stepping stone to the roof but they were all too far away to be of use part of the issue is that the drill stab always stops at the edge of the platform you're standing on which is great if you're trying to not fall off a ledge but not so great if you're trying to maximize the horizontal movement of your jump replacements that's what normally happens anyway but this barrel is a bit different this part right next to the wall for whatever reason doesn't stop your drill stab from going off the edge that allows us to activate the upward slash in midair closer to where we're trying to go which still isn't enough to get us onto the roof but it is enough to land us on this sign right next to the roof from there we can dodge onto the roof thus overcoming the obstacle we're then presented with another terrace of the roof to get to which is again just out of reach of an upward slash subverting this one is a much simpler matter though you just have to upward slash from the nearby railing i then foolishly trade my sword for bomb which doesn't have any jump replacements luckily we don't need any to get to this garage and experience our first taste of this game's chief gimmick mouthful mode in this case kirby acquires a car now the moves the car has access to is the ability to go turbo and jump obviously we'd like to abstain from participating in the latter activity and luckily for us at least in this introductory car area jumping is entirely optional we dodge our ways through the rubble in the next area before blowing up some beasts and meeting with elfin and bendeno waddledy that marks the end of the tutorial area so yes we actually made it through the entire tutorial without jumping this time i'm liking our odds already alright let's get into the first real level downtown grassland here we try out qatar which proves disappointing in the jump replacement department i mean i guess technically the final cutter might be able to be used on occasion but let's be honest it's not going to we come across a vending machine briefly but honestly not much comes of that we then come across a ledge too high for us to dodge up it's at times like these that you really wish you hadn't abandoned sword earlier but actually as it turns out if you get the right angle right near the edge of the world you can make it up i don't question it after some nice flatness we encounter another mouthful power-up the cone now the cone i like cone has one jump replacement the spike downward in which kirby rises up into the sky before well spiking downwards it provides decent height and is a pretty good attack what more could you ask for we then have a boss fight against wild edge which goes quite well and even lets us get our sword back then with the combination of sword and cone the remainder of the level is relatively simple next up is through the tunnel where we get a taste of fire unfortunately only turn into a redless fireball if you're already in mid air when you press the attack button and even if you do that it can't really be used to gain height we get through most of the level though with bandana watery sometimes being called upon to grab some cages and the like until this ledge stops us dead in our tracks now you may be thinking that bandana waddle dee could help here but unfortunately bandana waddle dee's utility is severely hampered by the fact that the camera does not follow him at all and kirby has no way to warp to him so in spite of how good his spear copter is and it's certainly great for grabbing items he really can't help as much for obstacles that kirby has to physically get past which is what this obstacle is oh well guess we'll need to go back and use sword here instead and man having access to the upward slash really is a world of difference even giving us access to some secrets that we were barred from with fire the level culminates with the stairs section that proves no threat to our jumpless run next up rocky rollin road here we're introduced to spike which has no jump replacement utility and honestly very little in the way of general utility as well as ranger which can shoot but not provide a jump replacement that's not to say we can't use it remember basically all copy abilities have access to dodging and if we need to reach some item very high up there's always the option of summoning in bandana while d with multiplayer to grab it for us anyway ranger proves sufficient to get us to this car section which mercifully requires zero jumps and we even drove without falling off the edge which as it turns out gave us a free wobble d sweet i suppose now would be as good a time as any to bring up the captured waddle dees if you're familiar with the 3ds kirby games then the captured waddle d's are effectively this game's standing for sunstones or code cubes you need a certain amount of them from each world to unlock that world's boss additionally the more you get the more establishments you unlock in waddle detail the ways you can get them are by beating levels finding them hidden within the levels and fulfilling unique objectives in each level which varies significantly whether not falling off a certain part of the level as we just saw in the last level leading ducklings to their mother or a myriad out of other tasks now obviously some of these waddle dees will be unable to get without jumping but there are so many of them and a lot of them we can get with only minor detours or by just playing the game how we were normally going to anyway so i don't think it would be all that interesting to bring them all up in this video for right now i'll only mention captured waddle dee's if either it becomes difficult for us to get enough of them to progress or i might mention some specific ones if the process of getting them is particularly interesting but do know they exist also no we aren't going to be focusing too much on them because they're relatively easy to get usually oh also treasure roads are a thing these are short challenges built around the use of a specific copy ability or mouthful transformation that reward you with money and rare stones upon their completion rare stones are used to upgrade your copy abilities so obviously we're going to want to pick up at least a few and we do just that luckily most of them aren't built around platforming with big jumps so thus far we've been able to succeed at even ones that feature copy abilities and transformations that don't really have good jump replacements it's never mandatory to beat any specific treasure road and we're definitely not aiming to fully upgrade every copy ability so there's really not that much pressure associated with them i'll just kind of be doing them as we go along and if any of them turn out particularly interesting i'll bring it up but really we're going to be focusing mostly on the main levels for this video like a trip to the mall which is actually an incredibly easy level you can tell because of the fact i ran around using needle for the first half of it we then switched to a more reasonable copy builder to finish it up that unlocks the brawl at the mall where we face gora mondo and this fight really hits home how useful kirby's dodge really is for combat if you time it right you even get some bullet time for a counter attack so all in all my assessment of the goromondo fight jumpless is that it's more interesting than kirby no jump boss fights normally are but certainly easier than markets out of the way out the way out the way oh my god before moving on to the next world we take the chance to upgrade fire to volcano fire which is certainly cooler but isn't any better in the jump replacement department now as for that next world it's a very water themed world which is a bold choice for a game with no underwater gameplay whatsoever i guess we'll see what it's like then so like i said kirby and the forgotten land does not have underwater gameplay at all instead kirby floats atop the surface of the water from a practical perspective this changes the physics of movement slightly and disables or modifies the use of certain moves one modified move is the dodge which no longer provides any elevation that's obviously a bit of a problem since we need some way to reliably get out of water luckily the drill stab and upward slash work the same way from the water surface as they do from land as such we make sure to bring sword with us into this water world in abandoned beach we encounter sleep and are super surprised to find out that you have no jump replacements while you're unconscious who could have predicted that hammer also is very jump replacement lacking honestly sword does a pretty good job getting us through this first level at the end of the level we are presented with this ring which we mostly just ignore with that consequence before taking on the next level we bring hammer through this grueling treasure road yeah you'd better hope you're dodging gunpoint for this one anyway now for concrete isles sword serves us very well in saving the first quality after which we discover a new copy ability drill grille's move excavate is actually a pretty good jump replacement or rather the part where you resurfaces launching kirby a decent bit into the air you can even then activate a little extra dash sort of maneuver while in midair for some extra distance so it's pretty useful but it does come with one glaring flaw which is the fact that you can't use it everywhere such as on hard surfaces like metal or rock or importantly from an immediate perspective from the surface of water so yeah drill's not exactly useful right now but i'm sure it'll come up later later on in this level we encounter a scissor lift which doesn't even give you the option to jump unfortunately what it leads to is only accessible by drill and right now we're using sword luckily this is an optional secret later on in the level when the train becomes a bit more agreeable we switch to drill to find a secret which is in the form of a pipe that tries to force us to jump luckily it's optional aside from that misstep the latter half of the level is practically built for drill aside from the last jump which is over a pretty big gap from a metal platform thankfully kirby's dodge can get us just barely far enough to clear the gap and finish the level scale the cement summit introduces us to an interesting copy ability tornado one could make the argument that tornado doesn't actually have any useful jumper placements i mean the act of turning into a tornado gives a bit of height but not even as much as a dodge does and yes tornado can't gain height in a meaningful way so in general it's not a great cop ability for jump replacement purposes but what tornado can do is preserve height if you direct your tornado off a ledge it more or less maintains the same height as it had at the beginning of the move this means that if we ever find ourselves needing to cross a large gap where the side we're trying to get to is of equal or lower height compared to the side we're coming from in that instance tornado can shine for this level though we just use it to cross some spikes before immediately switching it out for sword and then the arch mass and just so you know the arch segments we can play entirely normally fast flow water works is a pretty annoying level mostly because of the fact there is a bunch of water which means we have to keep sword basically the whole way through you pair that with the fact that the flowing nature of the water can make it difficult to recover your compability if you lose it and yeah this one took a few attempts eventually though we run across a secret little known strategy called not getting hits which proves surprisingly effective the stairs part was pretty fun though and what do you know that unlocks the boss tropic woods which fire makes short work of just like in pokemon next is the first level of the third world no not that third world all right come on this isn't the channel what geopolitics is about video games anyway that level is welcome to wanderia which introduces us to roller coaster mode in which you can't jump at all yay we also get to use the water balloon mode in which you can technically jump but there are so many refill spots here that you never have to yay that's awful anyways next up is circuit speedway getting through this level is a relatively simple affair with sword until you get to the last car race that is which finally features a mandatory jump in a car section yeah i tried just driving off this cliff sans jump and it didn't work and before you ask no the upward slash is not enough to allow you to make it over but wait a minute what if we tried tornado well first we've got to get through the rest of the level without access to the upward slash which requires more deliberate thought out navigation but is possible and then when we get to the jump we just hop out of the car and tornado our way across no jumps necessary oh by the way we finally got an upgrade for sword from that level the gigant sword the gigan sword has a slightly higher upward slash though it's such a marginal difference that it almost never matters in practical use cases the giant sword's block is also improved though at the expense of removing dodging entirely from its moveset so it's not a straight-up replacement for sword but certainly does have its use cases like boss fights invasion at the house of horrors is next and features this light bulb section which is a real pain because we at some parts have to leave the light bulb behind on account of it not having any good jump replacements leading to us wandering around bon was pit littered areas in total darkness but believe it or not that's not the worst of it that honor goes to this timed platforming section in which we feel the pain of kirby's bouncing twice in his dodge but ultimately dodges are what we have to use here because upward slashes are simply too slow it can be done though so long as you're fast dodge from the very edges of the platform and pull back a bit once you've landed nothing else in level really can compare to that obstacle then the windaria parade is a relatively simple affair where we use all three of our main jump replacement copy abilities and the boss fight with claw rolling is a fun time with noble ranger before moving on to the next world we take part in the meta knight cup at the coliseum which gigan sword absolutely annihilates beating that cup unlocks the meta knight sword which significantly improves the utility of the upward slash by adding in upper calibers you can follow it up with by pressing b this improves the horizontal movement potential of swords significantly and does act as an objectively better upgrade to the normal sword in all regards we care about we also upgrade drill to pencil drill which isn't anything revolutionary but is just in general a nice improvement the first level in london is northeast frost street which drill does pretty well aside from this instance of metal stairs that we had to call a bandana waddle d4 and this stairs section which bandana waddle dee can't solve for us back through the sword we go which actually goes much better in metronics we're really starting to face some more precise platforming which upward slashes and spikes downwards likely are still able to get us through until we reach this gap in case you're wondering no we can't just swim across as this water will get us frostbitten so unfortunately we can't upward slash across this gap successfully but what we can do is climb to the secret area and just run off the cliff there which proves to be enough of a height advantage to grant us safe passage windy freezing seas is not fun this is because it forces a ring boat section now you find this ring down here and while you can manage to get it up the first stair without jumping getting it up the second stair in my experience is impossible just due to the height difference try as you might the second stair is simply too high for you to be able to suck up something from down below to get it up there so unfortunately that seems to be one jump required to get the ring or is it look guys honestly i have no idea how i managed to get this to happen but as i continued to throw myself against the wall trying and trying and trying to get out of this pit without jumping somehow during one of my times i spit out the ring it actually got caught on the edge above me outside of the pit again i don't know exactly what precise geometry caused that to occur but it did and that let us progress through the level without jumping in this instance unfortunately the boat section that is immediately thereafter does require one jump for you to dismount out of the boat and that one as far as i can tell there is no way to support then later on we are faced with this massive gap which as we know sword isn't exactly great at dealing with we do know that tornado is good at dealing with it but i don't have tornado and it's not anywhere in this level what is in this level is fire with fire we can actually use its uh fire dash ability to go across the gap and land on the second platform of this cliff over here now fire can't do anything to get up further on the cliff from here but luckily we are just close enough here to summon in bandana waddle dee who can then helicopter his way to victory that just leaves a mini boss rush left before the world's main boss fights and honestly the highlight of this level is probably the patience required from this vending machine section anyway now to fight king of ddd like all the other boss fights it's not jump heavy so volcano fire works just fine for defeating him completely jumpless now for the next world starting with the wastes where life began getting this first bottle d without jumping requires a bit of sacrifice or damage boosting as you might call it but it is possible rings come up a few times in this level but aside from that first time we mostly ignore them and finish the level pretty easily searching the oasis has this fast-paced relatively tricky watery section which almost traps us luckily bandana waddledy is there to save the day also lots of water spraying but nothing requiring jumping a level maul staff said actually goes quite a bit better than i had expected the platforming never becomes crazy and while it may look like you have to jump to insert the mouthful items into these walls that's actually not the case this is because you actually gain a slight bit of height in the process of spitting them out which is just enough to break through the walls moonlight canyon starts off interestingly to say the least it begins with us scaling a cliff face at least the initial few terraces are a small enough increase in height for the upward slash to have no trouble scaling this one though is a different story its height is reminiscent of those platforms from the hovering tutorial as such none of our three different types of swords is able to overcome the obstacle with their upward slashes and upward slashes are still the highest jet replacements we have access to still the only recourse we have in a situation like this is to try and find some higher ground to platform our upward slashes from and in this case the only thing that comes even close to filling that bell is this rock which seems too far away to actually be of use it's certainly too far from normal and gigan swords meta knight sword might have more of a shot with its upper calibers but ultimately either you position yourself in such a way that you go off the rock with your drill stab in which case you make it to the cliff but without the height necessary to make it up or you perform your drill step so that it stays on the rock granting you sufficient height but stranding you too far away to actually make it to the cliff unfortunately there is no way to get the best of both worlds here but what can be done this is the best jump replacement we have well yes that's true but that doesn't mean we can't modify it like by patronizing this waddle dee's establishment to make it faster what you don't get how upping our speed is supposed to help us here it's quite simple really we need this move to travel a further distance and the distance something travels is a simple function of the speed at which it's moving multiplied by the duration of time it moves at that speed for if we assume that this speed power up does not increase gravity's effect on kirby then we can infer that the duration of time kirby has to make it to the cliff will remain the same this while kirby's speed increases thus allowing kirby to travel a greater distance than before and hopefully make it to the cliff but that's enough theory let's see if it works in practice [Music] yes we made it thank goodness we do of course still have the whole rest of the level to go so uh let's press on and hope that was the worst of it so next up is a light bulb section luckily wandering around in the dark is at least a somewhat viable approach here it also helps that the light bulb likes to just sort of teleport to you the level then ends with some more precise yet certainly possible platforming the silly dillo fight is intense but oh so satisfying to beat with wild hammer that unlocks the sixth and final world it's first level enter the fiery forbidden lands is where we get to try out our newly upgraded double drill and really it does great work here leading to us uncovering many a secret and collectible conquer the inferno road is a relatively simple romp with sword until we get to this little boat section at the end that is unfortunately the only way past this part is by way of the boat which necessitates one jump to disembark and believe me i tried to see if we could skip this boat and tornado just was not up to the task it just stops moving after a certain point now dragon fire on the other hand that can get you across if only barely the only issue is you need to then get fire to the end of the level and it's not anywhere in this level so you've got to bring it in there are loads of obstacles in this level that just simply cannot be dodged out of that being said dragon fire is better than regular fire in the sense that you can gain at least a bit of height out of the fire dash it's not a purely downwards trajectory which means if you have perfect and by perfect i mean just downright near perfect angles of attack on all these jumps you can technically use dragonfire to get past them get it all the way to the end of the level subvert the boat section and come out of here zero jumps required burning churning power plant is next on the chopping block it's quite fast-paced fun and requires a bit of outside-the-box thinking to get by certain of its conveyors but ultimately it's of no real threat to our run gathering of the beast council is a boss rush and therefore easy right wrong yes the boss fights are little more than a formality but the in-between sections are where they get you take for example this car section which would have required to jump if not for the car's propensity for teleportation or these cliffs which are just too hard to scale with upward slashes the first at least can be cheesed a bit by applying some speed and activating your upward slash from this nearby rock similar to what we did in moonlight canyon though it's a lot harder to get on this rock than it was there unfortunately there are no helpful rocks we can stand on to edison reaching the second cliff i know those rocks over there might look promising but they're firmly invisibly walled off from us and don't even get me started at this friends circle i mean pipe mouth section which is for the first time in the whole game mandatory and requires one two three jumps to get through bringing our total to five and for the beast packs final stand we start this level off with a fairly standard sword routine but soon find that this room traps us on account of this platform being too high to upward slash onto luckily these nearby canisters give us the stepping stone we need to get up without jumping this vending machine section is quite fun and then this boat section has been quite worried luckily this boat ends up getting destroyed so we don't have to worry about disembarking unluckily this room doesn't have any canisters in it to help us escape i even try summoning in bandana waddle dee to help us out but for some reason he can't actually get through the door so is this jump number six not so fast there was an enemy just outside this room that could give us tornado and a tornado instead of sword here we can easily tornado across from this platform to the one with the exit then after some arch fun we replaced tornado with drill now our goal becomes to get to this cone by way of this i-beam it's an incredibly precise jump especially for the somewhat clumsy drill to have to make but after several attempts it proves possible unfortunately as it turns out the i-beam is made of metal so we can't drill again from there to make it onto the platform the cone is actually on it's certainly too high for us to be able to dodge up onto but that doesn't mean we can't dodge anyway and just swallow the cone mid-dodge thanks to the slight height boost that dodge gives us and with the cones swallowed the last bit of the level falls easily jumpless all that remains is to fight king dedede and lyanna and fectoforgo and facto l phillis certainly some very nice dramatic compelling cinematic fights even but ultimately why would you need a jump when you've got dodge rolls and semi-trucks oh really as part of the coup de grace for this final boss they slip in a quick time event jump in the final cut scene now i don't know if anyone working as hal has seen my kirby no jump videos but in this moment i can't help but feel personally attacked well not going through with it isn't really an option so jump number six it is it's one of our last acts in the whole game so is it possible to beat kirby in the forgotten land without jumping unfortunately no in my experience it requires at least six jumps to beat kirby in the forgotten land but hey i mean that's not too bad of a result i'll be honest going into this i expected much worse but yeah i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did there's no shortage of kirby no jump content for you to enjoy on this channel among other types of video game challenges and of course if you've enjoyed your time here likes comments and subscriptions are always appreciated but anyways guys until next time i have been stevencraft and i'll catch you in the next what the heck is that wait kirby no huh perhaps our work isn't quite finished here after all [Music] [Music] you
Channel: CMeeCraft Gaming
Views: 108,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kirby' and the forgotten land, Is It Possible to Beat Kirby's Return to Dreamland Without Jumping, is it possible to beat kirby and the forgotten land without jumping, Kirby's Return to Dreamland no jump, no jump, Can you beat Kirby and the forgotten land without jumping, is it possible, kirby's adventure, CMeeCraft, super smash bros ultimate, kirby challenge, kirby, smallant, sample
Id: hAJzF3-BofA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 31sec (1891 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 01 2022
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