Is It Ever Too Much Makeup? | Middle Ground

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for me honestly putting any amount of makeup on my face is too much excessive contouring where girls literally look like they're changing the bone structure of their face like that's talent but like also that's not you i'm passionate of makeup because it allowed me to showcase to the world at a very young age the woman that i always was a lot of people think just because i wear makeup i'm really stuck up and i feel like i'm the best at everything we're just normal people that like to look good in person and just look good for everyone i think that the beauty industry really prioritizes eurocentric beauty standards even in pursuit of trying to be beautiful and love myself or be loved by others i will never fulfill those eurocentric beauty standards i stopped wearing makeup either during my freshman year of college or my sophomore year of college and i feel more like my authentic self when i'm not wearing it people say it's too much or try to say they're going to wipe it off or you know just judge you for wearing it but maybe don't know why you do my mom expected me to just always look dolled up that would be her idea of looking beautiful i think that kind of turned me off a little bit from from makeup and i just like how i look naturally [Applause] [Music] my name is sabrina and i'm from the bay area and i can't wait to learn your guys's opinion about makeup my name is chris and i'm so excited to talk with you guys about makeup i'm la demi and i'm excited to debate with you guys my name is theo and i'm excited to have this conversation with all of you guys hi my name is bryn and i'm just excited to hear some different perspectives hi my name is alina and none of my friends really wear makeup so i'm excited to see what everyone thinks about it and where their opinions come from women are oppressed by today's beauty standards it praise or it being the beauty industry and the cosmetic industry preys on the insecurities that women and men as well feel for example with aging wear this foundation use these eye creams do this that the other thing so that way you don't look like you're aging and i think that the aging process is a beautiful thing and it should be celebrated and it just shows like all of the life that you've lived and our skin and our faces they all tell a story the way that i see it oppressing women and men alike is shaming them into thinking that they have to present themselves in a way that's deemed the ideal or the standard i think the sole fact that there is a beauty standard in general is just so damaging because i just see beauty in a lot of people there shouldn't be a standard for your natural self that you are i don't necessarily think beauty standards are oppressive but i think sometimes they're unobtainable so for example like i've always struggled with acne scars and i was like looking on social media and everybody's skin looks like so even and so clear but then i learned that there are a lot of filters that will actually do that like i only discovered this two months ago and then i used one and i was like wait no i look like everybody else and i thought everybody just had like beautiful poreless skin and i was the only one left out when you guys will post like your makeup look do you guys use filters on them i've always been open with all my followers that i edit my pictures and face tune them just because it just gives them that extra like feeling to the picture but not like enhanced like nose or eyes or anything like that that's the same thing i'd smooth the texture unless you see me in person honey you're not going to see these scars or this texture or anything like that i'm going to filter it out but sometimes photos are clearly it's obvious that i'm using a filter so i would hope that someone doesn't think that i look exactly like this because it's clearly a filter if it's becoming too challenging being online seeing you know the different types of beauty that's all over the world then maybe social media is not for you right now because you're still discovering who you're meant to be i used to be uh i had a little self-esteem so i was really crazy with like you know the photoshopping and everything and as i grow into myself i just grew to love but as far as filtering like my makeup looks or whatever um there's always going to be a little smooth here and there a woman's hair is full it's cooling it does something a little smooth here i guess the reason why i asked that question is because in a lot of like makeup ads they'll do the makeup look and then change the makeup look in photoshop but it just seems like it sets unrealistic expectations a for the product and b what it's going to make you look like makeup has changed how i'm treated by people pre-covered days i love to go out to dance and stuff to go to the club just men tend to just give me a lot more attention when i'm wearing makeup and i don't know it just doesn't feel it doesn't feel good to me and i swear and i'm not wearing it not a peep comes no one no one comes my way i think i like the ladder i like no one coming up to me or they just come up to me just because they like my energy or something like that but i've just gotten different treatment for wearing makeup and it hasn't ended positively sometimes since i am like all over social media and like tv and stuff when people expect me to show up and show face they expect to glam and they expect the makeup and if i do show up without any of that it's just like no one was like where's the star where's the star power where's la demi you know i kind of feel the same way on social media all i have on is makeup and then on my normal days i'm like just a regular boy so when i go to like sephora or makeup shopping they're just like oh is he going to steal something because you know something that's what they mostly think of when you're not like in full glam or you look bummy or he's going to steal something because he's looking suspicious looking at the makeup products but once i like go in with like a full face they kind of leave me alone because i'm going back to that point where oh he knows what he's doing because he has a full glam i don't know if you've read about the attractiveness bias what's the idea that pretty people are like perceived as like more welcoming more educated um so i've definitely gone into interviews or like heard my employer talk about people and it's not that they'll say like oh she wasn't wearing makeup they'll say like she didn't seem as ready or like she wasn't as put together i used to only wear makeup pretty much for interviews or if i was on camera i didn't want to give them a reason to not hire me i used to wear like a lot of makeup i was never good at it like oh you guys look amazing i was never good at it but i used to wear a lot and then ultimately at some point makeup comes off you know and beneath that you're still you it's not easy to accept that sometimes in the moments that i was kind of transitioning to not really wearing anymore i really didn't notice any difference in the way that people treated me maybe that's just because the people that i'm surrounded by are really accepting and i know that that's not the case for everyone else i'm trying to love myself without makeup in kind of my default state i guess and makeup certainly makes me feel very like empowered and beautiful but then i almost like resent myself more when i take it off so i don't know what that's been like for you i'm a competent person so i can still go without and still feel for her it's definitely like a like a superpower i always say makeup because when i when i'm in makeup i just feel like i have a cape on and i can do anything and without it it kind of humbles me down to maybe not be that person in the room to ask a question or you know it's kind of like my backup dancer yeah i agree on with la demi um when i have makeup i just feel like i could conquer like the whole world and i'm just like that person that can do anything that's like the main reason why i go into makeup because it just makes you feel good into a sense wearing makeup you kind of have to have be confident for someone that puts makeup on to feel good about themselves or whatever but at the same time you need to be confident because it's going to attract that attention right i don't know how i feel about that to be honest because i think like for a long time like when i didn't wear makeup i would be like i feel so bad that people have to look at me when i choose to wear makeup it's not because i feel confident but i'm almost like can this make me feel confident objectively i look better like i look brighter and so in the moment of being transformed physically maybe emotionally i can say like let me go out into the world with more conviction as much as makeup empowers me i also want to be empowered in my authentic form as well i have felt uncomfortable leaving home without makeup i don't feel uncomfortable about leaving home without makeup now but i think it took me a while to get to this point there's still a part of my brain in my subconscious that's like well maybe just a little bit maybe maybe just just a little something back in the day it was more based on just insecurity that i wasn't good enough without any makeup and now i think i've i've worked pretty hard to get get to this point um sometimes for me i do feel uncomfortable because you know i just want to have like nice skin like out in public or like a full glam out in public but something i don't want to deal with like people just staring me down or like little kids coming up to me and be like why are you wearing makeup that's for girls so i just sometimes don't even go out with makeup that much when i started to wear makeup and i was you know being perceived to the public as a woman without it i wasn't you know so it was like really hard to adjust to even leaving my house without a lash without an eyebrow without some kind of lip gloss or blush or something to give me that touch to feel like you know i'm not going to get misgendered out there in the world i am trans and i definitely know what it feels like to not be able to leave the house without something to validate me as a woman to society i think the only time i used to regularly wear makeup is like if i thought i'd see my ex or something like that um but also when i was going on a lot of first dates before i met my girlfriend i would like it would pretty much be the only time i'd wear makeup like i wouldn't wear it to work and i would come home and put it on but then i started to realize like these people like if it goes further they're going to see me without makeup and i'd almost rather have them know that up front and actually the first date i went on with my girlfriend was like one of the first first dates i didn't wear makeup because i just felt like i trusted her i just knew that i could trust her so funny to like bounce off of that i went through like a phase two where like i would like spend the night with a guy and i would not take off my makeup like i was sleeping my makeup and even like 10 minutes before like waking up waking up i'd run back to the restroom touch up put on a lip stain so i would wake up like i used to before we were boyfriend and girlfriend i used to sleep in my makeup and makeup all over this dude's pillow so on valentine's day he asked me this girlfriend and i was like i'm about to wash my face because i want to just take it all off and see what happens and so i did that and i'm like still kind of trying to hide but i he saw me and then after that i'm just like on facetime now i'm just comfortable for me it was kind of the opposite when you're a gay guy trying to get a boyfriend out there most of the guys don't want a guy that's wearing makeup so i would hide everything about me like wearing makeup um when i was talking um with my boyfriend at that time i was trying to hide them like my pictures on instagram i would literally delete them so he won't know that i was wearing makeup or into makeup but then once i told him he was like really accepting and now like he actually helps me like film my youtube videos i asked him if it looked good he was like oh my god you look so bomb altering your skin color is cultural appropriation okay right yeah it's the act of blackface black fishing and all of that i don't understand why people are doing it they're blaming you know no i'm darker in the summer i'm all but just like you're literally using compared to your face to your body a whole different shade different people's skin tones will change throughout the year depending on the weather and the amount of sun that they're in but there's obviously a very sincere line and when the issue of black fishing comes into play when people are presenting themselves as more ethnically ambiguous because it's trendy that's not okay when i was in high school it was like a very white high school essentially and i remember somebody like wrote a note to me that was supposed to be nice and they said you have that beautiful tan skin that i long for and i was like what is this white girl saying to me like and i like i didn't even know how to react because i think it was meant to be a compliment like my skin is not like a commodity like my brownness is not up for you to take and claim as your own as you so please like let's say you're doing a shoot out in the like the desert and like you're doing like a warrior shoot it's just an example they're obviously gonna like bronze you up and like airbrush you and make you look more tanner because they're not gonna want you like not like bronzy in the desert because that just kind of doesn't make sense i always get spray tans to be you know better at looking on camera as to just looking 10 and you know when you're 10 you feel sexier you look slimmer but i think there's definitely a fine line between looking 10 and then taking it to extreme to you don't even look like you your race you know but i remember there was also a brand that they made a model look significantly darker because some but they had they had been asked to be like have more diversity and instead of actually finding a darker skin model they made a lighter skin person darker for this campaign a lot of the black fishing examples that i've seen have been young girls the intent for those girls comes back to the idea that they feel it's more like a psychological issue i don't think their intent is i want to appropriate you know the skin color of a different race i think it's just man for some reason right now in the media the trend is to be to be darker skinned i remember in the 2000s the fair skinned skinny girl look was in and trends have just changed so i believe girls have that idea that they just want to be that and be more accepted if they do something wrong at all in the media nowadays the backlash is they do not forgive that person i just don't think that the dialogue is is healthy or helpful and progressive for all people of different races to be united i think there was some commentary from like asians and asian americans about like the fox citroen even i feel like the name the make the eye shape that a lot of like asians have i definitely have heard people kind of be offended by that because they've made been made fun of been called racial slurs for being like whatever asian form of asian or asian american they are i had surgery obviously on my face ffs facial feminization surgery and i used to have really masculine you know sad hooded eyes and they did that fox lift on me to open up my eye and give me more of a feminine touch so for me it was you know stepping into my womanhood and also it comes along great with the whole beauty of you know the winged eyeliner and all of that so last time some person random person commented on my pictures and um you know when like editorial models just post like this and putting like their um sites someone was like oh can you stop imitating an asian person and i was like i'm just posing like a regular person but like you know enhancing like the brow um the fox eye i don't think a lot of people have the intent when they do the fox eye like how you were saying lifting your intent was not to offend or or appropriate asian culture if anything you were doing it because you found it to be beautiful yeah i think in a way it's not for me to take a stance on like i am asian but i mean you know remember asia is like a big continent so like i'm south asian i'm pakistani and so nobody has ever made fun of my eyes thankfully um but if i was east asian it would feel more hurtful i don't necessarily know what the answer is if it's offensive but if somebody from that culture says that they are harmed by it that it hurts them that it makes them feel lesser then i feel like that should be respected there is no harm in children using makeup so the way that i interpreted this question was children doing their own makeup not having it done by someone older or someone who's more experienced with it i think that makeup within itself is a self-expression and i feel that if a young boy or a young girl is drawn to that then it should be supported and treated with like love and kindness and acceptance i think it's totally fine if a kid has conscious parents maybe conscious friends mentors teachers around them and they're just playing with makeup and your their intent is not simply to please others i think it's completely fine i've just noticed that that doesn't tend to happen a lot of times in society i have three reasons why i disagree the first one is like i said my mom putting the makeup on me as a child and now you have this adult that feels like she has to be presentable all the time that's a problem yeah the second one is you know causing acne i don't even think that makeup causes acne but if it's unnecessary and you don't know how to take care of your skin then you can cause a problem the third one is because of herbs out here i wouldn't want my little sister wearing makeup so young because i wouldn't want her to attract the wrong attention that was basically mine too yes i would be so upset if like my sister was younger and drawing that kind of attention with lashes and making herself just look more of a sexual object online kids can use makeup as an art form too exactly so i wouldn't say to just not introduce it is there a certain age that you guys think it's appropriate for them to start wearing makeup i'll say puberty well i went through puberty at 10. i don't i wouldn't recommend it for me i think at 15 or 16 is like a good age because you're like becoming that woman i used to work at ulta so um there would be like little girls just coming in looking for foundation and they were like seven or six it was so weird because their parents were like letting them but i mean that's her kid i'm no one too right to tell her not to do it or not as a kid makeup came into play obviously i was a little boy at the time i had a very strict stepfather it got beat for everything so my mom was just like my icon you know so she would be doing her red lipstick and getting ready for work and she would leave and i would run and get in front of her vanity and like i put it all on and then i would look at myself in the mirror and be like everything and then i would hear some footsteps coming down the hallway and which i would book it to them when i was trying to scrub it all off i was never able to do it obviously as a kid i guess i'm making up for all that time lost because there's not a day that goes by that i'm not glad yeah obviously there's a line of to which like the degree to which someone's doing their makeup with girls going to ulta and stuff buying like real like adult makeup is that a thing i don't know um as opposed to like play makeup like barbie makeup stuff like that you have like a six-year-old client for hair and she has makeup palettes like from the store and she's six for a six-year-old to have multiple yeah like no i feel like it's also more intense too though because like there's so many tutorials on youtube of like how to do makeup so these little girls are doing sickening makeup they are beat and powdered there is such a thing as too much makeup for me honestly putting any amount of makeup on my face is too much but i know for all of you three you guys enjoy it so much and so what's too much to me is by no means too much to you guys at the point where you start to not look like yourself excessive contouring where girls literally look like they're changing the bone structure of their face like that's talent but like also that's not you there's this growing tick tock who is a bad influence is it the one with the pouring and pouring and pours foundation on her face pours it and then rubs it in but her outcome is like normal yeah it's a normal outcome and i actually saw a tick tock of someone actually trying it and she kind of washed off her face after and breathed it on yeah normal face the everyday person is gonna go out and dump the foundation on rub it in and then go on about their day and look crazy i think it also plays into like being taken seriously like if you're going for a job interview or anything like this like sometimes you need to step in and be like hey sis you're doing your thing but that's too much yeah like it's way out of line like i'm a soccer trainer so when i had my interview they told me to show up in soccer clothes because i had to like run through some drills and stuff if i looked like any of you guys and you're like what are you doing like but obviously like if you guys are applying to work at like sephora or ulta like they want to see you know how to do this every person has the agency to decide what is too much or not enough when i'm wearing a full face of makeup i never wear foundation i only wear concealer but like 10 years ago when i thought i had to wear more makeup like a foundation was like my full face i think it's okay if it's kind of a moving needle for what you prefer is too much or not enough and people can give you their opinion but it's ultimately your choice to make people have their own reasons for wearing too much some people do it to troll you know like probably that girl that you were mentioning on tick tock just pouring on foundation she's probably doing it just to be a troll and just to be funny and that can be funny i probably wouldn't think it looks good but i don't think it's too much makeup if it sits right with them and they're doing it to get their laughs out or it actually feels good to them hey you know wear all the makeup in the world you know i think we're triggered because we're artists in our craft and it's our job yeah you know if you're wearing makeup we're gonna get we're gonna look at it we're gonna look at it and we're gonna look at what we would have done differently so when we see other people doing this it's like oh no that's too much how would you respond or how have you responded when people give you feedback about your makeup like oh it's too much or like this is too extra or something like that i just tell them to go [ __ ] themselves no seriously i have two sets of siblings a group that wears makeup and a group that completely doesn't i get harassed by the one that doesn't all the time my brothers they tell me i wear too much my sister she's like you got all that makeup even down to now my nieces and nephews comment on it we're like why does it matter to you guys like what are we doing to you yeah i feel like mostly it's people that don't wear makeup that are like oh my god you're wearing too much makeup or just have to something to find to fix for someone to sit there and you know basically say like they're against makeup and they don't have to wear makeup because they're just naturally you know gorge or whatever it's actually a blessing in disguise for them because out there in the world there's you know people that have their face burned there's people that have scars there's people that have um blemishes and all kinds of crazy things and they don't have a choice maybe if they don't want to wear makeup but they have to put makeup on to be presented and accepted by society even with skin care if i went to that side of the argument it's a lot of privilege to have the knowledge to do skin care to have the money and resources to do that i used to have and i still have like really painful hormonal cystic acne and i've spent probably thousands of dollars on like laser treatment like scarring ipl um and my mom is in that business so i'm able to like get it at a discounted rate but literally like thousands of dollars hours like driving i don't even have a car taking a bus down to where she lives i was asking her like when will those treatments end and she was like maybe never like maybe for the rest of your life if you want your skin to be clear like this is what it takes and not everybody can access that or even wants to [Music] two
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 981,779
Rating: 4.9197054 out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, versus 1, embrace empathy, live deeper, love language, blind devotion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 39sec (1539 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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