Candace Owens Explains The Biggest Problem With Women Today
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Channel: The Roommates
Views: 1,944,603
Rating: 4.8679962 out of 5
Keywords: candace owens, the roommates, the roommates podcast, understanding women, men's frustrations, dealing with damage, dating advice, relationships, femininity, femininity influencer, modern women, dating advice for men, dating advice for women, online dating advice, online marriage advice, independent women, high value, candace owens daily show, candace owens debate, candace owens daily wire, candace owens daily wire show, candace owens interview, problem with women
Id: QBf3lwjqvgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I mean, more like our grandparents stayed together because of societal norms, the fact that personal autonomy is a relatively new concept in our day to day lives....I respect Candace Owens bc she’s a Black Woman Speaking. But she’s also missing the crucial point of the hypersexualization of Black women that has already relegated us to bitches and hoes and sluts and whatever else. When has raw femininity been a bad thing?? In fact, historically, the sexual education of white and black boys has always been predicated on the black female subject. Y’all talking about they can’t turn a ho into a housewife...?? Baby has done that and more and men STILL disappoint. You can be the purest of Madonnas or the filthiest of whores and you still won’t get anywhere. Why? It’s not because of the hyper-masculinity of black women, but their hyper-femininity. That’s why Kylie did all that shit to her face. Women, black women in particular, are mortal GODDESSES. THATS the cancer Candace is missing. This is not an exaggeration. When you consider the scope of the rap game currently, you see a particular power that has been denied to Black Women. You know what runs the world?? Pussy and money. Black women have pussy to spare, and our labor is so valuable that you’ll often find a black woman (or multiple) next to powerful white men. To marry? No. To guide? To lead them? To play mommy when their mothers/wives/mistresses are too tired to wipe their nose?? This is not to say you gotta go out an pop pussy for the next nigga who asks, but y’all have to realize that Black women recognizing their power (ALL aspects of it) is detrimental to western society. The biggest problem with the woman today is that they wanna BE US!!! Without letting US BE US!! Imagine having your image constantly controlled by outside forces, and only able to have piecemeal understandings of yourself and where you fit into society...
These are just my opinions, and I always get excited to see Candace!! And then she starts talking...
Additionally, that ting/yang system she talked about is bullshit. Don’t tell me your mom hasn’t been mommy AND daddy before. Been a man and a woman before. That’s what people want. Black women have straddled the two worlds for centuries (literal 11th century monks in the Church talking about black women’s sexual desires and how special they are)....