Natural Beauty vs Cosmetic Surgery: Is There Middle Ground? | Middle Ground

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I went in there with just wanting a nose job and my lips tongue and he made me feel like my entire face was messed up I left in tears because I thought I am so hideous my name is Jenna I do anti-aging research and consulting my name is Tanisha aka vitiligo queen I do a lot of advocacy for vitiligo awareness hi I'm Rena and I'm an actress my name is Carly I'm a healthy lifestyle coach my name is Sagar Patel and I'm a facial plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills my name is Nicola Lowry I am a physician assistant practicing aesthetic medicine I've been practicing for 14 years and I'm a national trainer for Allergan the makers of Botox and fillers my natural beauty folks on the left and my cosmetic surgery group on the right the cosmetic-surgery industry exploits people's insecurities I don't think the industry as a whole does its money right so I think there are there's motivation behind women not feeling good about themselves and I do think there are certain companies and individuals who would exploit that in order to make it more lucrative for them it just makes sense that's how businesses work some places where they tell you like bring out those insecurities because I want them to buy these products I mean like at a training they tell you right and I'm not gonna do that to someone it's like oh well you have this dissing this wrong maybe you want to fix it I'm not gonna do that to somebody and create an insecurity in them that maybe they knew they had and not playing on it or maybe they didn't know but now they do definitely I was only 18 when I called for my console I said I would like to have a console for a rhinoplasty and lip injections and he gave me that I needed cheek implants I needed to have my brow line shaved down because changing my nose would change the entire shape of my face and I felt very much so like he just saw me as money there's good doctors and bad doctors and in the end the important thing to realize is that doctors are trying to do good for other people there's exceptions but it's a professional society where our goal is to help other people and you know initially going in to the cosmetic world especially it's a multi-billion dollar industry and as a doctor you're always taught a couple of laurels from benevolence to do no harm the insecurity is inherent in all of us some of us have more some of us have less but it was already there and you know does the cosmetic industry capitalize on our insecurities sure I think that there is a piece of that but as all industries they're just trying to market to the people that are going to utilize their product I wish I could change something about my appearance yeah I feel like just because I want to change something about myself doesn't necessarily mean that I don't accept myself those are the thoughts that prompt me to work on acceptance of myself something that I come across a lot in my practice is not so much that someone wants to change the way that they look but they want to preserve it there's a lot of issues especially with women with the aging process it's not so much that they want to be somebody else so they want to look like somebody else but they want to stay looking like them I fully intend to do a facelift when the time is right and not because I want to look different but because I want to continue to look as young as I feel yeah I think for me major decision for me to get cosmetic surgery was that I was in my early 20s and I had had a massive weight loss I lost the weight I lost 175 pounds and my skin looked like a nine year old so for me I consider more like reconstructive and kind of getting back to what I was supposed to be before I did you know some damage to myself for me I spent my entire childhood into my early adult life wishing I looked different I promised myself that I would never ever tell myself I wish I had this I wish I looked like this because I found that triggered things for me that brought back places that I used to be with my eating disorder I think that's great and I hope you don't take offense to this but you're gorgeous thank you and I feel like if I was if I was naturally that like beautiful it wouldn't be that hard to like be like oh my god my face is gorgeous you know I'm gonna accept myself there are people who have facial deformities and embody deformities like we're kind of what I consider what I went through it's a little harder yeah oh definitely yes might have a pretty face but I was always the largest of all of my friends the largest of my family five years of my life I spent constantly constantly waking up in the morning and picking apart every single part of my body I can't continue this constant terrible habit of bulimia or I'm going to die so it was just I was horribly bulimic for a year now like it was awful yeah cosmetic surgery can empower you I do wish that every woman could wake up and look in the mirror and be like I am so beautiful just the way I am but I also think that if you can do something to give yourself that feeling then that's really great and that is a beautiful thing so one of the questions we actually asked on our questionnaires what are your motivations for surgery and someone who says I can't get a boyfriend you know I'm getting bad grades because I have this particular look they're a bad candidate for surgery and you know that's part of medical school training that's part of becoming a surgeon is understanding what these triggers are what are the signs that tell you as a surgeon this is not going to be someone who's going to be happy afterwards whether or not you are inherently truly happy or not I think that's hugely important but what if you're a happy person but you hate your nose or what if you're a very happy person and you were born with a cleft palate and you want to be able to project your image to the world that's congruent with how you feel on the inside and maybe you're experiencing negativity because of the way you were born naturally every day I experience stories of empowerment with patients but for me a particular one comes essentially from someone who was so unempowered by her experiences this girl she was 23 at the time was beat by her father when she was younger and significant trauma to her nose and helping her and fixing her nose and the gratitude she showed and realizing that you didn't help her for that day you didn't help her for that week for the rest of her life she can start moving on and that empowerment is one of the perfect example of what cosmetic surgery and that truly was that it was just a cosmetic surgery it was not so she could breathe it wasn't so she could move around better it was to make her look a certain way so she doesn't have to remember that experience there is too much pressure on women to look a certain way we live in a instant life now with you know we have dating apps or you can swipe hundreds of people a day and you know you can go online and post a good selfie of yourself and get you know hundreds of likes and you feel like there's so much pressure to look and be a certain way like you can never fall if you just kind of look at the way that things are changing around pregnancy a lot of women now want to go and have a baby with a beat face like everything is perfect it's about the perfect picture I have to have my makeup in my brows now I understand some things you just want to be perfect I get it I want to I want to be able to just embrace the moments with my child and not worry about all this makeup I have one right now I think we've been kind of comparing you know say the 25 year old to the 25 year old but then let's think about the women that are middle-aged and are having to keep up with the younger girls to try and still feel attractive and relevant and I do see that a lot even with my clientele I have women that are married to very wealthy men and that their greatest fear is that they will end up becoming the second wife because the new-and-improved wife is on her way in and she's on her way out so this pressure to maintain youth and beauty and relevance is so huge for not really realizing that it's that man there's a jerk it's not us it's really the person that you're with and so I think that always having to keep up with the Joneses and I always wanted to just like I have to look this way because this person has to love me and if this person doesn't love me I might have to I have to make myself be who he loves to take it it's a lot of pressure I am beautiful okay so I'm gonna go first because I woke up this morning and I really loved myself with me having vitiligo it took a long time when I first was diagnosed at five no one knew what it was everyone thought Michael Jackson made it up like it's a real thing no one knew that it was real so a lot of people's first time encountering what it actually looked like a person was me I took a long time for me to get to this point to where I'm just like oh I love Who I am I'm super beautiful for things that I do not particularly how I look I'm you know how cute but I feel so beautiful for the way that I make other people feel and just how I love myself one of the the things that happened with me gaining the weight really fast and then losing it really fast asite have a lot of stretch marks I have a friend who's really into body positivity and she's a photographer and she took pictures of these ugly parts of me and she's just like wow that is so beautiful and like I could see through her eyes like I'm starting to see myself in that way even those things that will never get fixed there is no way to fix them there is no way to replace my skin with other skin it's different but it's beautiful you know there's one message that I want to get out to men today a simple thing like someone telling you you look beautiful without being creepy of course but someone just telling you you look beautiful all of you guys look beautiful that makes a big difference to everyone tell people who you make yourself because men are beautiful too correct I thank you guys for this experience you guys are amazing [Music] hi guys my name is Aaron and I'm from Jubilee media I really hope you enjoyed this video and took something away from both sides we really try to encourage people to listen to others because we believe that's the first step to change and so check out our other work tell us what you think below and we hope you will watch another video of our soon [Music]
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 4,022,357
Rating: 4.9416556 out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, live for something greater, blind devotion, love language, middle ground, middle ground jubilee, plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, natural beauty, should i get plastic surgery, natural beauty vs cosmetic surgery, natural beauty vs plastic surgery, is there middle ground, plastic surgery debate, natural beauty debate, discussion, how to debate
Id: cukT6xi-8Ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 17 2019
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