Ivy League vs Community College: Which Education Is Better? | Middle Ground

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👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/BanjoBison 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey guys thanks so much for tuning in to another episode middle ground this episode focuses on education speaking of Education a big thank you to our sponsor Skillshare for those of you don't know Skillshare is a super cool online community where you can take thousands of courses and learn like creative skills and all these other different skills stick around after the episode to learn a little bit more we'll see you after but how much better is it for you when they say oh where do you go to school and you can go I go to Yale and then they go oh my gosh that's so cool you must be so smart for me when I go oh I go to lbcc and they're like oh immediately I feel like maybe a money the upper climes of the East Coast there's as much of a need for Ivy League as there is for every University I did gen - all eight Ivy League schools people might think that it's really expensive which it is I personally have respect for anybody who does something in their life to try to advance themselves to make themselves succeed going to Princeton is a big part of my identity right now and I hope that through this discussion I can kind of break that a little bit and I'm curious to know what it's like for them going to school paying tuition I'm open for a bit of education about the Ivy League today [Music] hi I'm Cassandra I'm a student at Yale hi I'm Cory I also go to Yale I'm Emily I go to Princeton I'm Trinity I go to lbcc I'm so I graduated recently from Santa Monica Community College I'm Aidan and I currently attend or vine Valley College yeah so in high school like everybody knew me as the guy who wanted to go to Yale I'm surrounded by people who all are affiliated with you who lift me up who support me and what I do who support me in my job search who support me in my career who support basically my entire life so yeah my life right now revolves around my school and I love it I love this question because I struggled a lot with us going into Princeton I think well I played soccer my whole life and I got recruited to play soccer Princeton and then going into Princeton and being a really good soccer player for my hometown and then being on a team with girls who were all the best in their hometown is like oh now Who am I I'm not the best anymore at this through Princeton I've tried to reconstruct my identity and another part of that is that I am Christian and so like combining my faith with being an Ivy League student has been incredible Community College in itself is like a very it feels very temporary like no one really has that madhuri that you guys have like you know in like 30 years you're gonna see somebody you're like oh you went to Yale and it's me I don't know your mascot is what is it Bulldogs Bulldogs it's like this thing and it's like forever some like oh why Kings like whatever my school mascot when you have multiple identities when you identify with a lot of different labels you might not find that community at your school like as a whole but you might find it like within that small subsection like I'm queer and trans and I found a small community of like LGBT like the LGBTQ Club at my school being able to find a community of some kind is still nice even if like like you said it is really temporary I've been around long enough to realize that there is nothing school service in the army none of these things I think define us they are a part of us but what defines us is what we accomplish in life maybe that's some of the wisdom I've been able to pick up in 85 years but that said you are what you do not necessarily what you attend I agree with what you're saying and I think it's very valid that you're defined by how you are as a person by your character by what you do but I also think that it's Yale that built my character that makes me like the person I am yeah but Yale you're the one who got into Yale right it came from here and you Yale didn't put that into you it wasn't really a choice for me when I was in high school my grades were really bad and just in general like kind of the stigma against community college students and going to a community college there's a level of resentment towards Ivy League schools kind of just in general because I think it's also because I did used to want to go to one when I was younger [Applause] don't everybody rush forward when I first decided to go to Santa Monica Community College I spent an hour on the campus just looking at who was there and I realized that there had to be something extremely fair about it because of the diversity I was seeing I was seeing people of every color of every age obviously I was welcomed there nobody questioned my being too old for a college an argument yeah I did my entire application process online it took like 30 minutes for me to just send in my name my information and suddenly like hey congrats you're a student here like community colleges are really really forgiving but comparatively universities like that's a whole other ballgame I think why I was so hesitant on my answer was because I was grappling between this system itself versus the results of the system there are ways that people can help themselves get in like you're recruited athlete a lot of people are children of donors a lot of people have legacies that is I guess inherently unfair because that doesn't put everybody on the same playing field the scandal was that there was this one guy who had this I guess fake company and then he had certain relationships with certain coaches at schools and then he would have the coaches designate them as recruited athletes to get them in I might like to say this yeah it's public it's public so our soccer coach he was involved in the scandal I think that it is what it is you know it is a shame that it happened but also the person who was involved in it the family did not know about it it was this was an example of this guy taking an advantage of people who didn't speak the language who didn't know about the American admissions process you say it is what it is but at the same time is that person who gets in because somebody paid $100,000 under the table means somebody didn't get in who far more deserved it definitely also makes you think if this is just one Ivy League how many more like prestigious schools this is happening to if you're like okay well then how many students are really there because they deserve to be there so I actually found out that I did know that girl who was ultimately kicked out and this like led to a lot of discussions among me and my friends should Yale kick her out she'll not and also like the USC students as well I feel anger when I think about like my friends who Yale was their dream school and they didn't get in and someone might have unfairly taken that away from them because of their privilege like that just makes my blood boil but then again I feel I feel really sad for this girl in particular because like she didn't know all she wanted to do was like attend college I think the college admissions system in general is is very unfair and and a lot of it comes down to luck right it depends who's reading your application that day are they in a good mood or are they in a bad mood do they have a really great lunch or was their lunch order late I definitely did I mean like if you calculate the percentages of so I got I applied for 17 schools and got all 17 schools and I think that like certain things I did in high school definitely helped me stand out maybe from like the see of applicants but it's not something that you're like if I do X Y & Z I will certainly get in it doesn't work like that I think a lot of times they can think brilliant intelligent sometimes privileged it's not always a positive connotation that goes along with I believe yeah it's that's just kind of how it is when you go to Community College especially nowadays there's just so such a stigma yeah like that makes me so sad like I'm getting my education like I'm bettering myself why do I feel like I'm lesser than just because I don't have a fancy name school on my like resume you know what I mean yeah I think just like the stigma that you guys mentioned I think there's a stigma in the opposite direction to where people who aren't in the Ivy League they think like oh they must think that they're better than us I don't think people we don't think like that I don't think like that if you are proud of the school you go to I'd be proud to show that off even if other people would look down upon you for that that's the people are gonna be like that but I know and you probably know that the people in your life that care about you the people in my life they care about me they don't care where I went to school they'll support me no matter what but there's also family which is the thing and especially because I'm I think the only one in my family who is attending Community College when I go to family reunions they're like how school and I'm like it's going great and they're like how are you transferring soon and I'm like no it's very it's like at best it's awkward and at worst I feel like I'm the family embarrassment absolutely and you said that stigma around Ivy League students I do believe there is one and I totally get it but how much better is it for you for someone for when they say oh where do you go to school and you can go I go to Yale and then they go oh my gosh that's so cool how is it like you must be so smart for me when I go oh I go to lbcc and they're like oh that's that's cool I think you're incredibly well-spoken and intelligent and if you think that your time going to Community College is well worth it then you should be really proud of that and not listen to what people are saying or speculating about you because where you go to school well I think they're undervalued I think they're known as the feeder to the universities but I think one can get an excellent education at a community college well my parents paid for my college tuition in 1952 I was only 17 like maybe some of you were when it happened with you to know that I have parents who love and support me enough where they say hey if you want to go to Community College we will help you and we will guide you and I know that I'm really really lucky to have that and because I know not everybody who even goes to the same school as I do has that growing up agent American as a first generation my parents came from China and same same as your deal you know my mom very much emphasized education from a young age and yeah when I got into Yale she was super super ecstatic and she was super excited to what was it super excited to pay for it but she would happily pay for it because she knows that above all it is the best for me my Community College pays for the first two years so I don't have to pay you to ition which is great and I have five brothers and sisters so it's like where do I fit who's gonna make the sacrifice to go to Community College to to pay for their own tuition pay for their own expenses and I just that was always the option for me it was close it was like five minutes away from where I live and it was financially just a really good option for me and I had a few friends that went there a fair price at one point in American history college was free or like practically nothing and in a lot of countries outside of the US tuition is really really low or you can attend college for free but given the current circumstances of where our education system is now the tuition that I have to pay is pretty low compared to some of my friends who are attending university and they have to pay thousands and thousands of dollars for me at Princeton I'm I'm very grateful for the financial aid that they do give me and they are very generous with my family and I there were other schools that I was looking at that didn't offer financial aid and that wasn't a choice for me and my family but for Princeton they also offer students to have on-campus jobs which I'm working three and that has been really helpful I just paid my fall bill it was about thirty six thousand okay I think I got a go now every year it only goes higher and higher I mean granted we are at a great university with great like facilities and great amazing professors who like when Pulitzer Prizes but I'm not sure where every single aspect of that money is going to that's ed I think like you said earlier like they or at least Yale provides really great financial aid and definitely without that financial aid I'm not sure I wouldn't have been able to afford it and but the tuition itself what people who are not on financial aid have to pay I think is extremely high the the purpose of a community college is to provide an education for those who can't afford it frankly I couldn't afford it and they were they gave me a free ride for the year and a half that I spent there I wouldn't have been able to go to school without it and that's that makes me very grateful I think I want to go into the finance investment banking industry with a focus on technique about it earlier how it's like we both are interested in creative writing and it's like I want to be a novelist I want to be a writer and it's like that doesn't pay anything I'm gonna have no money I'm gonna be so poor I'd hate to tell you but you have a lot to worry about I'm an author I've written half a dozen hooks and you may wonder what I'm doing here who would need a job at 85 well you want to know something I wouldn't mind a job anybody out there got one I realized I want to change my mind we bumped them I realize you know I'm not in as difficult as a position you guys finance is the most popular field that people from Yale and Ivy League in general go into so because of that a lot of the stress that we have is self-imposed because we are competing against the best people for not a lot of jobs there is a fear of me that I'm not going going to get you know the best job or the job that I want but deep down I know that I will end up with a job I was kind of gonna say exactly what you were gonna say I was gonna call you to out like if the question was are you afraid that you'll get a job that you love that's well yes I am afraid and I'm afraid I'm not gonna get a job you know I think I will get a job there is a lot of fear that I won't meet the standards of where a Princeton student should be working as our college mentioning to people that I potentially wanted to be a teacher or a social worker or work at a non-profit and they're like you went to Princeton to be a teacher I'm like hang on that's not fair so I do deal with that pressure a lot but I do know I'm gonna get a job actually I don't like saying that too much please hire me but yeah I think because of the community there Yael really lifts up its artists and I really wanted to be part of that community that isn't competitive or cutthroat but rather comes together to support each other and collaborate more than what you know I've always said that when you pay for a school like Yale or Princeton or any any school you're not necessarily paying for the education I don't think our education is $70,000 worth more than your education but I do think what we are paying for is the opportunities and the connections yes it really helps to know the right people as an author which I've been for 20 years if I had the right agent and if I had the right publisher then I would be farther along in my career as a writer you don't get a chance to network with the same people that you guys and that that makes a big difference so it's kind of where you network as well as networking I hate the word networking I think like utility like you want something that person knows you want something from them so someone recently said to me don't view it like networking they said just go into the room and see who do you who are the cool people there that you want to be friends with it's not like oh I'm just talking to you because I want a job it's like I'm genuinely interested how did you get from point A to point B what do you do in your day to day and that's how you get to know those people another thing someone recently told me is that to be successful in this industry but also many others you only have to be two out of three things be really really good at what you do be on time or be very very kind like a good person only one of the three is about being good the other two isn't based on like how smart you are I don't know that kind of gives me hope [Music] [Music] that was so amazing Saul is so inspirational and he just proves that you're never too old to learn something new a big thank you to our sponsor Skillshare Skillshare is an amazing online community where you can take thousands of courses jublee loved the color grading for filmmaking course by dan dan leo it's good both for working filmmakers looking to improve their color correction skills as well as for aspiring filmmakers you just want to get the basics of 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Channel: Jubilee
Views: 6,124,305
Rating: 4.9404936 out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, live deeper, blind devotion, love language, middle ground, spectrum, ivy league vs community college, ivy league students, community college students, community college, pros and cons of community college, pros and cons of ivy leagues, how much do ivy leagues cost, yale, princeton, harvard, cornell, columbia university, dartmouth college, upenn, brown university, ivy league tuition, should i go to community college?
Id: EMpaw46kr2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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