- Hello, I'm Shayne. And we're back with more "Reddit Stories." Today's theme is cheating or insecurity or paranoia
of being cheated on. A real juicy one today. With me are two of the
biggest cheaters I know, Angela and Spencer. Just kidding. (everyone laughs) - Rough. - But they're both wearing the same hat. - I was gonna say, we both
look like we're waiting for our flight at an airport. (Shayne laughs) - Look... I got nothing to add. That was good. (everyone laughs) - This is gonna be fun with you, bud. - I know. - Yeah, I didn't check
on what the theme was until we like got into
the studio and I was like, "Oh, it's cheating. Oh." - And I actually found out
what cheating was this morning. - You did? (Shayne laughs) - Turns out I've been
doing it for 30 years. (everyone laughs) All right, are you guys ready? - Oh, I'm so excited. - Okay. Here we go. - This isn't "Cheaters
Monopoly," you know what I mean? - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Just saying some games to get him awake. (everyone laughs) - Xbox, Xbox. - First story. "I, a woman 24, found red
hair in our, male 32, shower. "I'm blonde." - I knew you were gonna say that. - "I, a 24-year-old woman, left our house "for about five hours last night, "leaving my boyfriend,
who's 32, home by himself. "Not too long after I got home, "my boyfriend told me he was
finding balls of black hair, "so he swept the house. "I thought it was weird,
but didn't say anything. "Once I went to shower,
I noticed my shampoo, "which I don't keep in the
shower, was on the shower floor. "And when I picked it up, "I found a piece of
hair that looked black, "but once in the light,
it was very obviously red. "I have blonde/gray hair. "Then when I got in the shower, "there were a few strands
wrapped around the shower handle. "Still didn't say a word "and just started to
observe everything else. "There was a charger on my side
of the bed that isn't mine." - No! - "Doesn't use that outlet
or go on my side of the bed. "And then there was nail polish remover "that he asked if I left
it out, and it wasn't me. "I decided to change the bedding "and was taking my time because
I knew I was too bothered "to go to bed anytime soon. "He kept making comments
about me looking for something "and he knows how long
it takes to make a bed, "so I'm obviously doing something else. "Oh, and this phone holder we have "that was above our bed was moved "and placed at the head of our bed. "How can I get the truth out of him? "Because I can already hear
this, 'I'm not doing anything,' "and how everything is just a coincidence "or something like that. "What would you do?" - Dude, she sounds paranoid as hell. (everyone laughs) No, dude, like the hair
alone is like a red flag. - The charger to me is an army of flags. - And that's like, that's insane. It's like, "Bro, I don't know, man." - I don't know what that is. Well, who's that lady over there? Your husband's cheating on you. (everyone laughs) - They were (beep) and
her phone was charging. (Shayne laughs) - [Spencer] Yeah. - Oh no. Yeah, it's- - That's crazy. - It's laid out as clear as- - It's like, "And then I saw footprints." - Yeah. Saw footprints. And then there was several women. - Yeah. (laughs) - I just wanna read these comments first. "Maybe she left the
hair, moved the shampoo, "and left the charger on
purpose so OP would know. "Sounds like an escort." OP said, "No, he definitely
doesn't have money like that. "And I know that for a fact, LOL. "He doesn't even have a bank account." - Dude. And she's 24 and he's 32? - Yeah. Maybe he doesn't have a bank
account that she knows of. - Yeah, that's a good point. - Not having a bank, can you do that? - Yeah. Can... Don't you get one when
you become a citizen? (everyone laughs) - No. I mean, you don't. - No. Like... What the (beep)? Like, how do you... Do you just write a check? Like, how do you pay your rent? Just like in cash? - That's kind of wild. I will say- - Okay, maybe we're really outta touch and a lot of people
don't have bank accounts. And if that's the case, I
will go on record and be, that is a surprising fact to me. - I think a lot of people don't, but I think in this scenario where she's talking about this guy, to get to 32 without a bank account- - Oh, it's crazy. - Yeah, like I think if I met someone in their early 20s and they're like, "I don't have a bank
account," I'd be like, "Oh yeah, you should get one."
- It's okay, yeah. What I'm obsessed with is
this like alternative theory that whoever he's cheating on her with is leaving signs for her. - I know. - That's wild. - I'm like, no, I think
they're just careless. Like, I think they're
not thinking about it. - If I was the guy, I would try and convince her
that red hair isn't real. - Yeah. - That's awesome, dude. - I think that could work. - That's so cool, dude. - Like, well, there's no such thing. (Angela laughs) - "I find it crazy that you
were gone for five hours "and someone most definitely
had sex with your boyfriend, "but then charged their
phone, did their nails, "and took a shower. "They were not acting like they
were on a time crunch, LOL." 2,400 up votes. Someone said, "You posted in r/Swingers a few days ago "saying your boyfriend found
that lifestyle appealing. "What more do you need to
know to make a decision?" - Whoa! - Yeah. - Bro. - It's clear this guy is just kinda- - There's the smoking gun. - I think this guy is not
thinking or concerned at all. - I love when these Reddit
people recognize each other out in the wild out there. - Well, no, you can go to
this person's account, right? - Okay. (Spencer laughs) - I think I saw you in r/Swingers. - Oftentimes people will
click on the account- - Yeah, you click the username. - And you can go and you
can see their history. - And then you see everything
they've ever written. - If they've ever commented,
you get to see it all. You know, which is nice. Can also be bad for people. There was a guy, Ken
Bone is the famous one. - Ooh. You ever heard of that? - He was this guy back when the
2016 election was happening. He was this kind of sweet,
like just silly looking guy in a red sweater and like a red tie. And he asked a question that was very like a neutral question for both Hillary and Trump. And people just thought
he was kind of charming, and he became really famous
overnight just as like a meme. - Oh, on the debate? - [Shayne] On the debate. - Yes. Okay, okay, okay. I think I know who you're
talking about, yes. - And he became super famous. He decided to do an AMA on
Reddit, an ask me anything. And he goes on there, he
is like, "Ask me anything." And they're asking him questions. But then people went to his profile, now that he had revealed
what his profile was. And they found that he had commented on a bunch of pregnant porn, like women who are pregnant, having sex. Like, he commented on all the time. There was a famous quote where
it was two women in a pool and he said, "Two beautiful
submarines." (laughs) - I don't remember that. - His stuff was everywhere. But also, unfortunately,
he had like some takes on- - I do remember it was the takes. - Extreme societal political things. - This is great. - And people were like, "Oh..." Like, his whole like charm was shattered. - Dude, "two beautiful submarines." That's kind of poet. - That's literally, that's so insane. - But it's like, you know,
people can see it all. - Okay, as someone that's
been on this show listening to the insane things people
comment on each other's Reddits, the fact that there's a book of it all and you can go to a catalog
of it makes me surprised that people are still this feral. - Yeah. - And like even when you delete stuff, there's like archives of all, like pretty much everything deleted. - Yeah. No, you can't... It's on the internet forever. - And people are still mean. - Oh yeah.
- People are still just literally like pouring their like... - It's the myth of
anonymity is the problem. Well, I mean, you are anonymous, and it allows for a different kind of- - Up until you're like,
"I'm 32, live in Los Angeles "and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah." - People find you. People find you.
- Yeah. - Anyways, yeah, that... He's not even trying to hide it. I think if she asked, he
would just be like, "Yeah. "Yeah, I had like five ladies over." (Spencer laughs) - It's also just like kind of crazy. It feels like this woman is on the go. She's like got her charger. She's like, "Oh, I need
some nail polish remover." She's just like living in there. - Yeah. I do still agree with that comment, even if she thinks he
doesn't have any money, it's like maybe he doesn't have money 'cause like he's just spending
it immediately on things. I don't know. Next story here. This is a recent story as
of reading this right now. This is from Relationship Advice as well. "I, a 24-year-old woman,
think my husband, who's 30, "is cheating on me/meeting
up with somebody "under the guise of getting me coffee." - Whoa. - "Literally never
posted on Reddit before, "but I feel like I have no one to talk to. "I don't want to accuse him
without being 100% confident, "but I don't want to tell
anyone without asking him first. "Please help. "Basically, my husband and I have fallen "into an accidental
schedule on Sunday mornings. "Basically I like to sleep in, LOL, "and I will sleep until
sometimes 10:00 to 11:00. "11:00 AM. "My husband is a morning person, "and every week he gets up
at 7:00 AM, goes on a run. "I hear him return at
7:30-ish, get in the shower, "do whatever he does for a few hours, "and then he goes to a local coffee place "and gets us breakfast. "He wakes me up every Sunday at 11:00 "with coffee and breakfast. "It's been going on for
like over a year now. "A few weeks ago though, I
happened to wake around 9:00. "My husband was literally already gone. "I checked his location. "He has mine too. "And saw he was at the coffee shop. "I figured he just went early, "except he did not return
until 11:00 like usual. "When he got home, "I asked him if the shop
was busy/did he stay "and do some work. "And he was just like, 'No, not really.' "That was weird, but I
didn't say anything more. "Until the following week, "I heard my husband doing his routine, "and I stayed awake
until I heard him leave. "This time around 9:45. "The coffee shop is 10 minutes away. "He didn't come home until 11:10. "I asked him again, "and this time he did
have his work laptop. "He said he worked for like an hour. "I was so paranoid now "that I asked to go with
him this past Sunday. "He said, 'No, just stay in bed.' "He wasn't nervous, just
more being thoughtful. "When I was persistent, he got mad. "I said, 'I don't care. "'I want to come.' "And he eventually
groaned and said, 'Fine.' "On the way there, he sent several texts "with his phone turned away from me. "Am I being crazy or does that
sound like cheating to you? "I don't want to accuse him, "but I just can't shake
that horrible gut feeling. "How do I even approach this?" - Whoa. - [Shayne] Yeah. - I feel like we need more info. - Yeah, I definitely
need more info on this. - Before I'm about to blow
these people's relationship wide open, I think I
need a little more info. (everyone laughs) - Yeah. - This is crazy though. That's crazy. - Yeah. Now look, it's a little sus. - It's a little sus. I totally understand her
spiraling a little bit because it's like, "Whoa." - Yeah, especially when things like, one thing kind of like, you
know, it was like a little thing and then, you know, when
you try and push back, then you get a little resistance. It's like, I can see where... It's really hard. Once that like thought has
been like put out there, it's really hard to like shake it. - It's true. And there's so much... You know, people communicate
through body language more than even verbally. Like, we communicate in
ways we don't even realize. - Like, this is crazy. - And I've realized in relationships, the communication with your
body language with your phone is so intense. Like, there's a simple art of just like putting
your phone down face down versus face up. - Yeah. - It says so much more
than you could just say in a conversation. - Especially if you believe that something's going on, right? - But what's also tough,
'cause I've been there, where you're fully suspecting and then you just start to
see the signs everywhere, and then you're like, "Well, wait, am I looking
into this too much?" that's a tough spot to be in. And I almost can't blame
her for coming to Reddit because I'm like, you do just want just
a completely outside. But also what's tough
is we don't see this. We're getting the transcript, so we are visualizing something different. - We're getting her POV. - Oh, if I walked into
that coffee shop with him, I'd be like looking at every single person that looks at him, and I'd be like... - I'm bring my sniffing dog. - Yeah, I'd bring some dogs. Yeah, I'd bring a pack of 'em. - I bring my boys. (Angela laughs) - My huskies. - So comments here. "Let him go the next
two weeks like he was, "let the routine seem back to normal, "then go spy on the third Sunday, "follow 10 minutes after he
leaves and see what's up." Someone else said, "It sounds
like you're being paranoid. "Do you think he's having sex with someone "in the coffee shop bathroom? "He may just enjoy some quiet
time out of the house to sit, "enjoy a coffee, and
scroll through Facebook. "Unless he is done anything
else to make you suspicious, "I think you have zero
grounds to not trust him." I could see that. But like why not just say that? - Talk about it. - Why not just be like, "I'm gonna hang out
the coffee shop alone." Like, I don't know. - When she's like, "Oh," 'cause she knew he was
there for two hours, she's like, "Oh, were you there
for a long time, whatever?" He is like, "No." Like, well that's weird. Why are you lying? - I think he has a crush
on a barista and that's it. - Whoa. - That's my idea of this is
that he likes going there a lot- - By himself. - He likes hanging out. Maybe he has her phone number now, and they talk a little bit. But besides that, I think it's
just a little bit of a crush. - Maybe he spends like, you know, maybe the cheating hasn't happened yet. - Yeah. - And maybe he's like
meeting someone there like... Maybe there's some, yeah. - Yeah. The Nerfs are in the gun. - [Shayne] So there's an update. (Angela laughs) What? - Like the Nerfs- - The Nerfs are in the gun. Oh, okay. The barrel's loaded. - Thank you. - But you said the Nerfs are in the gun. - Like, yeah. - That's crazy. - The Nerfs are in the gun. - You said the PG version of- - Yeah. Yeah. (laughs) - [Shayne] Okay. Cool. - I was thinking, you know, yeah. - We have a little update. - Oh, I love these. - A little one. "So because of these
comments, I waited two weeks "and then asked my sister
to spy on my husband. "I know how that sounds." - It's okay. - "She was down for it though. "Also, some context I should
have added is that my husband "and I live in a big city
where there are apartments "above places like this
coffee place, for instance." - Oh my god. Is there an apartment above the... - Holy (beep). He didn't account for the y-axis. (Angela laughs) - "Anyway, my sister went, "and she said he definitely
didn't notice her, "but he definitely wasn't
doing anything suspicious. "She said he got coffee and sat down "and was scrolling on
his phone for a while. "Then one of the barista girls
talked to him for a while, "but she said he seemed
more annoyed than anything." - Shut up. - "He sat there for about
an hour and then left. "So yeah, that's literally it. "I think I was overreacting. "Sorry for the underwhelming post." - I love her going, "He definitely didn't
recognize my sister." She's in there with a huge trench coat and a mustache going... - Yeah, he clocks her
immediately, and it's just like... - He clocks her immediately. - And then when the barista that he has a crush on comes over, he is like, "Ew, gross! "Get the (beep) away from me." - Get away. I'm just sitting here reading
the Bible on my phone. - [Shayne] Okay. - I'm scrolling on Facebook. (everyone laughs) - So yeah, maybe this guy truly does wanna go to the coffee shop, be alone. I don't love that he can't
just communicate that to her. - Yeah. - Like, I think this
pattern will continue, of him not communicating shit
and then her being paranoid because she has a void of information. - Yeah. - And he's being weird. - Yeah. - So I think that's... - He could be going to that
coffee shop to text someone that's not even at that coffee shop. But that's when he like
sexts somebody or something. - The tough thing is, 'cause, you know, I've been cheated on, once you get into that space of paranoia, it's like you can just
find all that reasoning. But I also am of the belief of like, if you're in that space
where you're paranoid, you have to find, like
if you can't solve that and get outta that space,
that relationship won't work. - Yeah. - Like, you should have trust on a level that you're not thinking about that. - Him getting upset that she
wanted to go to the coffee shop is like something that's bad. - Yeah. - I would say I'm seeing red
flags for this relationship, even if he's not cheating. Like, they need to communicate. I don't think he's respecting her. - Yeah. - In a way is my thought. - Yeah, I think he wants some alone time if he's not cheating on her. And for that reason,
something under the hood is just something going on. - Yeah. And it's tough- - Well, I think it's
okay to want alone time. - [Shayne] Oh, for sure.
- 100%. - It sounds like you
said, no, I'm kidding. Yeah, just like, you know,
it's just so important that you like communicate
like, "Hey, like," you know, so it doesn't feel like
you're dodging your partner. - Yeah, that's what I
think it sounds like. It's like he's trying to avoid her. - Yeah, and that's bad. It's like, 'cause like
alone time, nothing better. - Nothing wrong with that. No, no, no, no. - I'm a very introverted person, so every time I'm in a relationship, yeah, I try to communicate of like, "Oh, it's not that I don't
want to be around you. "I don't wanna be around anyone." - That so happened to me. - Like, I truly just want to, yeah. - Or sometimes in
relationships I've been in, like I love doing errands alone. 'cause I wanna be quiet, right? And like I've had relationships be like, "Hey, I'll come with you. "Do all those errands." I'm like, "It'd just be more
fun if I'm just like silent." - Yeah. - It's like, no problem. I ain't cheating.
- It's valid. - Yeah. - It's valid. Yeah. - Red flag.
- Red flag. - Red flag on the play. - What? - Flag on the play? - Oh, there you go. Nerf guns in the gun. - Nerfs in the gun. Flag on the play. - There's no red flags. - Video games. - In football, but- - Mario. Luigi.
- There should be. - There's a red card in soccer. - Football- - Red card. Yellow card. - "Ocean Avenue." - Scene. (laughs) - Okay, next story. - Someone give me a word. (Angela laughs) - I'm sensing a pattern here. "I, a 24-year-old woman,
caught my husband, "a 33-year-old man, coming
home from the neighbor's, "20-year-old woman,
coming from their house. "How do I confront him?" A lot of 24-year-old women
writing into Reddit about the 30- - It's like a lot of like 30 plus. - 30-year-old husbands. It's that tweet, the- - Oh, the A24. - Dudes in their 30s love films so much they date a 24-year-old. (laughs) - That's is- - It's insane. - So stupid. - It's so dumb. Oh man. Okay. All right, so a 24-year-old woman caught her husband coming
home from the neighbor's house where a 20-year-old woman lives. "How do I confront him?" - She's got a house? - "I'm at a loss for what to do. "I've been married for two years, "and my husband Chris has been amazing. "I know there is a large age gap, "but he looks young for his age "and honestly kind of acts young as well." Oh, then okay. Then it's fine. - Yeah. (everyone laughs) No, dude, it's chill. - Oh, oh, actually, sorry, it's chill now. - Officer. - Yeah. What the (beep)? - It's just 24 to 33? - 24 and 33. But they've been married for two years. - So they probably got
married at 22 and he was 30, and so they probably
started dating when he was, I don't know. It's just like- - No, I get it. I get it. - The age gap I think like
smooths out the older you get, but like when you're like 20 and dating like a
28-year-old, I don't know. It's not illegal. - No, but it's one of those
things where I'm like, I don't know. I question. Especially now that I'm in my 30s. - Yeah. - Like the way I see like
people in their early 20s, I'm just like, oh, the difference. I'm like, I question the intention. - Totally. - I just question it. - Understandable. But he looked young, so... - Yeah, but he looks young. - I was just hanging out with my 20-year-old female neighbor, bro. We're playing... - Name, a game, any game. - I have to be honest, I'm biased now that we've
read so many Reddit stories where there's just patterns
that start to occur in this. And there's such a pattern
of like men in their 30s who are dating younger women, they often exhibit controlling behavior. - Yeah. - That's based on the
stories we're reading. So I'm biased in that way. Okay. "We met at a bar on my birthday, "and it's been an amazing time until now." - Which birthday? - Yeah, so I'm guessing
they met when she was 21. That would make sense. And then they got married
a year later and... Okay. "Yesterday I came home early from work. "Usually I get home at 4:00, "but I wasn't feeling
good and left around 2:30. "As I was driving down our street, "I noticed a man leaving
our neighbor's house. "It's a family with a
college age daughter, Rachel. "I see Rachel give the man a kiss goodbye "and figure it's her boyfriend. "When he turned around-" - No! - "When he turned around,
it was my husband. "I immediately pull over and
park, so he doesn't see me. "Honestly-"
- Smart. - "I didn't believe it was him
until he walked to our house. "Once he was inside, I drove
to a park and just cried. "I pulled myself together, did
my makeup, and returned home, "acting like everything was normal. "Chris was his normal loving self. "He made me dinner, rubbed my feet, "did everything that he usually does." - Disgusting. - "That before yesterday "made me feel like the
luckiest woman alive. "Now it feels so dirty and gross. "I don't know where to go from here. "I have no proof of what's happening. "I don't know how long
this has been going on. "I'm just thankful that we don't have kids "in case we divorce." In case we divorce?
- In case we divorce. - "How do I confront him on this?" - Okay, here's what you do. You hit him with your car. - Jesus. - But we figured it out before that. - Yeah, I mean, this
plays into the pattern that I'm talking about. It's like, okay, he has a
very clear like intention for seeking out young women. - Because like when we hear these stories, like in my head I'm like, "Oh, you should just pull
over right there and be like, "'Hey, bitch!' and like yelled." But like I wonder like
if my body would be like, "Run away, run away," because that's really sad and
scary and very vulnerable. But she's talking about
how does she confront him and I mean, she saw it. There's no- - Saw it. - There's no- - I don't know if I would be able to like confront the person. But that's just me. I have like confrontational issues. But like it's like, you know, I would almost just
wanna like pull out like, just like wait till they go to work and then just pull all
my shit out of the house and just like, be like, "Okay. Bye." Like, "You know what you did." Like, don't even like give
them the satisfaction. - I think there's a lot of
situations where the advice, and though this is
usually more in situations where things are, there's threat
of like danger or whatever, where it's like, just speak to a lawyer, get all your stuff
ready, and then get out. I don't think I would judge her for that. I mean, she has her answer. - She could do whatever she wants. - She has her answer. Don't be married to this person. You witnessed him cheating on
you in a very disgusting way. - Yeah. - And he's a creep. Like, and so just get out. - Yeah. - Some comments here. "Don't confront him. "Call a lawyer. "Do what the lawyer says. "Get your stuff together "and leave when the lawyer tells you to. "Don't confront him. "He'll deny it all anyway." I agree with that. That's very much- - But also I totally understand
wanting to say something. - Oh yeah. - And just watch him see
you see that he's (beep) up. - So there's another comment. "He married a teenager when he was 31. "Now he's messing with
the teenager next door. "You need to dump this loser immediately "and never look back." OP responded, "I had
some friends warning me "about him being so old. "They were right. "Unhappy face." (Angela groans) Yeah. Yeah. - Are you ever gonna get
the reaction you want like when confronting
someone about their cheating? - I think healing is
different for everybody. - Yeah. - And I think sometimes they want closure and they wanna say something. Some people don't. Like, you're right. Confrontation is so
specific to each person. Like, I grew up in a household where confrontation was normal. But like my best friend, like
they don't like confrontation 'cause it makes them feel a
little unsafe, which is fine. Like, it depends on what- - I'm not typically confrontational because I view things in the way of like, what's going to make my
life better a year from now? - Yeah.
- Yeah. - And I also view it of like, I sometimes can be pessimistic
with people where I'm like, if someone disrespects you that much, I'm like, "They're never
gonna respect you." - See, but I- - And you're never gonna get
that response outta them. So I'm like, I'd almost say
it's something more (beep) up in me where I'm just like, "All right, detached from you completely. "And I'm gonna remove you from my-" - I disagree too though because it's not a
response I'm looking for. It's just me responding to what I've seen. I don't need anything from you. That's why in a lot of
situations you see her be like, like the whole, this
is a Vanderpump thing, but I don't know if, but
like the whole Scandoval, she's just like, she says
her stuff and she's like, "I don't need to hear a word from you "because this is just me
taking back my power." - That's cool. I like that.
- So there is that too. - I get that. And I totally respect that. - It depends on the person. - I've never judged people
for doing it, for confronting. I'm like, "Yeah." And in fact, in a lot of ways I'm like, "Oh man, that's really awesome." But yeah, I think I am of the viewpoint of like what's best for me, and they're doing what's best
for them in that situation. I've just never seen someone
actually change from it. It's sad to say. I'm just like, when people
are that far gone, I'm like, I think they can change. It's just gonna take a decade. - I agree with like the
sometimes when it's too far gone. But I also do see like, you
know, there have been times where, you know, not to
get too like specific, but like, you know, even like here when it's like someone
does like confront me about something like
earlier rather than later, and like it does help you work through it. - And it changes behavior. - And it helps you like- - But you're a good person. - Well, thank you. - And you respect the people who are bringing that to your attention. - No, for sure. Like, and it's like, and
I think it is figuring out that like communication style, 'cause like confrontation was
never my communication style and, you know, so when
I do encounter people whose communication style it is, it always like kind of scares me. - Yeah. - But then afterwards I'm like, I'm glad 'cause it's like, well, you know, that helped you kind of
like talk through it. - It's just a familiar thing. Or if it's not, it's- - Confrontation amongst
people who respect each other, I don't even view that as confrontation. - Yeah. - I view that as communication. - Yeah. - Confrontation in this regard when someone shows they're lying and disrespecting you to such a degree where they can actively cheat on you and then come home and be
rubbing your feet and like, when it's at that level, I'm like, "Oh, so we are not in love, "there's no connection
here, there's nothing." Like, that's where my mind goes. But I completely agree with what you said. - Yeah. - I do think confrontation can be valid. I think she's allowed to
do whatever she wants. - Yeah, she's allowed to
show her hurt just like he, you know, yeah, she could
do whatever she wants that's healthy for her. But that's hard when
you're that heartbroken. Gosh, that sucks. - That's a bummer. Yeah. All right. Moving on. "I, a 34-year-old man, failed
a TikTok relationship test "and my wife, a 32-year-old
woman, is upset with me. "How do I make it up to her?" - Let's talk about the
problematic age gap first. - Yeah, two years. Whoa. This comes from Relationship Advice. This guy's just seeking
advice on what to do here. "My wife and I were
recently at a local mall "when we were approached
by a couple of younger guys "with a microphone and
a camera filming content "for a TikTok channel. "They asked us if we'd be
okay answering a couple "of questions about each
other and being posted online. "It sounded fun. "And I've seen videos in this vein before, "so I said, 'Sure.' "My wife said okay as well. "They asked us questions about each other. "First basic stuff like
eye color or favorite food, "but quickly getting
more specific and niche. "I don't know if it was
being put on the spot "or just me being off my game so to speak, "but there were several
questions I couldn't answer "immediately or correctly, "like our anniversary
or her parents' names "or if she has any allergies. "My wife is beyond upset "and says it's clear that I
either don't listen to her "or don't care. "I know why she feels that way "and I totally understand,
but she's wrong. "I do care and I do listen. "I just couldn't remember
those answers in the moment. "I'm planning a trip for
us over spring break. "We're both teachers. "But now I just wanna solve this "before I surprise her with a trip. "What should I do? "How can I show her that I do care?" - Well, he's clearly cheating. - I was gonna say, I get served
the TikToks where people, they're at the mall and they
have them switch phones, and they look through their
messages and stuff and- - Whoa. - My theory is often that I'm like, "Oh, this has gotta be staged." But I guess not. I, being in this industry,
would never agree to being on camera from some
random people at the mall. I would just be like, "No. No thanks." - They're at the mall. Wow. - Can we go over the questions again? - So the questions that he failed- - Parents' names. - Parents' names, their anniversary. - Her name. No, I'm kidding. - Yeah. Her name. Their anniversary, her parents'
names, and her allergies. - Parents' names? - [Shayne] That's pretty bad. - That's kind of crazy. - That's pretty rough. You're, you know... Yeah, they're married. It's like, "My wife and I." It's like, you probably should
know her parents' names. But what he's saying is maybe
he was just put on the spot. He's nervous.
- That's what it feels - If he's not a performer. I think for us it's hard 'cause I'm like, "Oh, like whatever, you're there." But for a lot of people
they're super nervous and you kind of, when
you're put on the spot, you can kind of blank. - Adrenaline sometimes
hits people in weird ways, and then you're like,
"9/11 didn't happen in," you know what I mean? - Yeah, yeah. Exactly. - I have blanked on dumber things. - Yeah. - And, you know, being asked questions with very simple answers sometimes is not as simple as it seems. - Yeah. - Was that profound? - Profound, my guy. - I would say because
these sound so obvious, it's like, okay, yeah,
maybe you were nervous. And he feels really bad about it. - Yeah, like... He shouldn't be worried
about the trip he's planning. That sounds sweet. - Yeah. I just hope he can remember her birthday when he types in the plane info. - They show up to the
airport and he is like, "Oh, I forgot what planes are." (Spencer laughs) - Sir, is this your flight? I don't know. - I have no idea. I don't know who I am. - She's allergic to peanuts. He's like, "She'll take some." (everyone laughs) - Here. Take some. A couple comments here. "Do you struggle answering
quickfire questions? "Like, if someone asks your age, "you have to assess
what's been asked fully "before thinking about it, then answering? "Do you struggle with
auditory processing?" OP said, "Not usually." 415 down votes (everyone laughs) We're just like, "Boo!" (everyone laughs) - Just answering a question truthfully and everyone just be like, "No, dude." - Someone said, "Try
learning her parents' names "and the things that will kill her. "That's a good start." Someone said, "Dude, when you
said the questions were niche, "I was thinking stuff like, "what's her favorite okra based recipe, "or which member of the
Avengers does she think "is the best with cats? "Not when's your anniversary?" That is true. He did say like, "The
questions got really niche. "Like, what's her parents' names?" - No, this guy just sounds
legitimately just kind of dumb. (everyone laughs) Like, that's like the
ultimate problem is just like, yeah, I don't think
this guy's super smart. - Yeah. - Or this guy just like really
doesn't know what happens when you put a camera in his
face and he's like (stumbles) - It's one of those two things, right? Like, it's obviously... Yeah. Mm. He probably could have
saved himself in the moment if he was just like honest of like, "Sorry, I'm really nervous. "I'm blanking right now. "I'm struggling to-" - Yeah, if I were her, I wouldn't be upset if he answered those
once the camera guy left and he was like, "No,
obviously your mom's name..." - Right. - But like if he really- - Obviously your mom's name is (grumbles) (Shayne laughs) - Obviously I know that
you're allergic to (mutters) and I know that your
mom and dad's name is... - Obviously, your mom's name is ah... - Obviously your mom's
allergic to peanuts. - Obviously we'll say
your mom's name on three. One, two, three. Deb... - Deborah. Deborah. Right. Right. I don't know. That sucks. - Yeah. Best of luck to him. - Yeah, dude. Good luck, man. That's a bummer. - I don't think he's cheating though. - He's not. - No, I think he's too dumb. (everyone laughs) Couldn't pull it off. - She'd be like, "Am I your wife?" I don't know. - You got there. - [Shayne] Yeah. (everyone laughs) All right. - If I don't get to a
joke within half a second, Angela's like... - That's not true. That's not true. It's like when a football player's ball's like fumbling in their hands. (Shayne laughs) - Shayne, football. - Oh, I get it. - I'm sorry. - My ultimate takeaway is still, I'm like, if some TikToker with
a microphone comes up- - Walk away. - Just say, no, man. - Those small mics. Walk away - 'Cause the only ones that go viral are the ones that go bad. You're never seeing a positive one where it's like, "We traded phones. "Oh, looks like there's nothing on them." (Spencer laughs) They're not gonna air that one, man. - [Spencer] Yeah. Good point. - Anyways. All right, next story. This is from yesterday. - What? - Posted on Relationship Advice. - What? - So we could still solve this. - [Shayne] We can solve this.
- We can comment. Smosh comment. - Oh whoa, this title is crazy. Okay. "I, a 28-year-old woman, "think I just watched my
33-year-old husband cheat on me "during a threesome. "Is that what just happened?" - Whoa. - "I actually don't know
what to make of this. "I'm so confused and honestly hurt. "I'm not sure that anyone
will have any advice, "but please, if you do,
I need someone's help. "My husband and I for the
majority of our relationship "have been very open
to non-monogamous sex. "Never by ourselves, but with
each other and another person. "Over the years, we've had many
threesomes with other girls "and we've both very much enjoyed it. "For the past like two-ish years, "we've had one standard other
girl who we would see a lot. "We stopped seeing her "because she wanted to explore
more serious relationships "and that was totally fine. "Since then, my husband
had been very interested "in trying it out with
another specific girl. "I was open to it, obviously, "and we met with her several times. "She was very attractive,
kind, and confident "with this whole thing, which is important "because I hate the shy
personas some girls have. "It makes me feel weird. "I thought she was a great match. "Yet, when we had our first encounter, "I realized quickly I was more a bystander "than an active participant. "I literally felt like
that scene in 'Friends' "where Ross says he was just there "with Carol and Susan, LMAO. "She was all over my husband, "which okay, we're literally
having sex, so fine." (Spencer laughs) "But it was just entirely too much. "Every time my husband tried
to make her include me, "if you know what I mean,
she simply wouldn't, "even though we all said prior
that all of that is fine. "And when they were having
sex, I could have thrown up. "It was so intimate when it
never is like that with me. "The way they were looking at each other, "it brought tears to my eye." - Oh. - "I was literally
sitting there on the bed "completely naked, watching
my husband make love "to another woman, not
(beep) another woman "because that doesn't bother
me, but make love to her. "I asked my husband afterwards
what that was all about, "and he admitted that she
was a little too into him "and not enough into me, "which is his entire turn on anyway. "We both said she's
probably not a good match "and that sucks. "But he says, it's not that big of a deal. "To me, it's a big deal. "I feel horrible. "I mean, I know we have
an unusual situation, "but like you would feel
horrible too, right? "He's apologized, "but I just can't get that
image out of my head." - Holy moly. - Wow. - Y'all need a therapist. It's giving therapy. I fear this is beyond us. - Oh yeah, it is absolutely beyond me. - Actually, actually- - Let's talk threesomes, guys. I'm kidding. - Actually let me cook on this. I think I can fix this. - Let me a dude- - Wait, psychology degree. - Yeah. - Shayne's like... - When I was getting my
bachelor's in psychology and we took a threesome class. - Yeah. (Spencer laughs) Oh yeah. Those are- - [Shayne] No, I think- - They come in three parts. - [Shayne] Legitimately, I think... I think they could talk
to a sex therapist. A sex therapist would be like, "Yeah." - The only thing that made me go, "Hmm," is everyone else they met
together is what it sounded like. Their thirds were like sought
out by both of them together. And she said this was
the first one he brought to her attention. - "Trying it out with
another specific girl. "I was open to it, and we
met with her several times." They met with her several times. - Yes, but he brought. I mean, I don't know how
the other ones started, but that would be my only thing is like, moving from just aside of
what went down in the sex, but it's his relationship to her, and if there's any validity in that. - Yeah, it's tough 'cause, you know, I'm a monogamous person, so
like my viewpoint on this, like, I know a lot of people who are
in polyamorous relationships or relationships where they're
open to this type of thing, and, you know, a lot of people
really can make it work, but they make it work through
just so much communication. I think that's what's needed here. I mean, he was very fine
afterwards of being like, "Yeah, she was way too-" - Yeah, and if she trusts
that and believes him and he doesn't show anything sus after... - Yeah. - Yeah, I mean, it's like, how do you, it's such a subjective experience. - Yeah. - And it's really something that they kind of need
to communicate about. - Right. - Her feelings are so valid. - Yeah, no, 'cause it's like
you can't deny when like, even when something's really
subjective like to you, it's like, "Well, yeah, I
still felt that feeling." So it's like- - You can't deny. You felt that way. No matter what that's valid. - She was hurt. - But at the end of
the day, I'm just like, make sure he is not going
to the coffee shop with her. That's it. - Yeah. Make sure he's not scrolling
Facebook in the coffee shop. - Yeah. - Yeah. Some comments here. "Why didn't your husband call it off "after she wouldn't include you?" OP said, "You know, I was
thinking the same thing. "She was still trying to
include me and so was he. "And he did, but it was just so off." Someone else said, "I thought you said earlier
she refused to include you?" OP said, "I don't wanna say
anything specific sexually, LOL. "I mean, she was including
me in some ways, touching me, "and not in other ways, "what we actually all want and agreed on." (everyone laughs) 167 down votes. - That's the funniest joke. - What? - He goes. - Yeah. Yeah. Someone said, "Yes. "Good to keep explicitly sexual remarks "out of a conversation
about, checks notes, "your husband having
sex with another woman "in front of you." Someone else said, "Unfortunately
this is a risk you take "when you bring another
person into the bedroom. "You should have said something
while it was happening. "I'm so sorry." OP said, "Yeah, I guess
it is just the risk. "Thank you though." - Yeah, like you're batting range- - Yeah, but thanks, bro. - Yeah, I mean, yeah. - If you're like having
a lot of threesomes, I feel like you're batting range for one being kind of weird makes sense if you're doing it a lot. - I mean, the thing with like, I mean, sex probably
generally, but also threesomes is like there isn't
really like a rule book. And it's like a lot of
it's like subjective, and it's like, you
know, your communication with that other person and it's like, you know, what
are you comfortable with, blah, blah, blah. - Right. Yeah, most of the threesome
stories I've read on Reddit are people trying it for the first time and it goes horribly. It's become like a joke
on subreddits of like, well, here we have another one of these. But this one's very different 'cause it's like they've
done it a ton of times. - Yeah. - It feels like that person's not meant for her and her husband. - Right. And he has
seemed to agree to that. I mean, if they both trust
each other, it's like, okay. - Yeah, this is a problem
if he brings her back or he keeps talking to her or their threesomes only exist in a world where this woman also does too because this woman's
clearly a trigger and has- - Right. It wasn't a fair exchange. - Yeah. - I think she needs to
talk to her husband. I think they would benefit
from talking to someone else. I don't think it's hopeless though. I think like- - No, it sounds like he- - I think they can absolutely communicate and figure this out is my opinion. - Hey, best of luck. - I do think it's funny that she's like, "I don't wanna talk, "I wanna keep explicitly sexual remarks "outta the conversation." It's like, well, then we don't really know
the situation too well. But her feeling- - I get the vibe. - Her feeling is valid. Her feeling is valid, I think. - Yeah. - Damn. That's tough. - Yeah. - Yeah, I've rarely read,
actually, I don't think I've ever, nobody's gonna come to
Reddit talking about- - Threesome worked out perfectly. Everyone felt loved and included. - Threesome was sick as (beep)! - Submit. - Yeah, no. - That's on r/Threesomes. R/ThreesomesThatWentWell. (everyone laughs) - I bet you it exists. - 'Cause why type it out, you know? - Okay. Next story. This comes from Petty Revenge. - Hell yeah! My favorite chapter of the book. - "My boyfriend cheated, so I
ruined a childhood friendship. "I would like to start this off by saying "that this isn't something I am proud of. "It was the one and only time-" - They might be a little proud of it. - But I am posting it on Reddit. (Spencer laughs) "It was the one and only time "I had ever done anything like it. "I told my partner from the
beginning of the relationship "that if he ever cheated on me, "I would sleep with his best friend." - Okay. (Shayne laughs) - All right, you had us
in the first half and now- - That's just like crazy. - Now we're in an early 2000s movie. - Okay, if I, I would never, and I never have and I never
would cheat on someone, if someone said that to
me, I'd be like, "I'm out." That's a crazy thing to say. - That's a crazy thing to say! - I'd be like, "All right, what?" "I told my partner from the
beginning of the relationship "that if he ever cheated on me, "I would sleep with his best friend. "He had mild insecurity towards
his friend being into me, "so I figured it was the perfect revenge "as they hung out almost every single day "and were friends since
they were children." - Lord. - "Every time I would say that to him, "he acted very shady a lot, "so I was suspicious
he would get all weird. "Nine months into our relationship, "I found out he was cheating
on me the whole time. "I of course went through with my threat "and messaged his friend
asking to hang out. "I slept with him that night
and ruined their friendship. "They haven't spoken since
and that was 2.5 years ago. "Please don't message
me inquiring about sex." (Angela laughs) I hate all of these people. - Yeah. - I truly hate all of them. - I don't know, I think
they're all awesome. No, I'm kidding. (everyone laughs) - Except the third
friend who was just like, "Dude, she wants to bang." - Dude. Our friendship means nothing. - That friend waited no time. - Part of me is like, you know what? She gave the threat, and
she did what she threatened. - But she also threatened it a lot. - I'm kidding. I'm kidding. This is bad.
- She didn't just say it once. She threatened it a lot
and she threatened it because she knew he was
insecure about his friend. - Those are two people that
shouldn't have been together. - Don't be with someone! If you're in that space, like break up. What are you doing? - Whoa. - This is giving they're
all like 18, and it's like their first relationship.
- That's true. Like, these are young people. - That's true. - It's giving like they're
excited to do something wrong. - Yeah. - Just zero commitment, zero
like actual, but that's crazy. - That's crazy. - That's all crazy. - She messaged him that night. - Yeah. Yeah, and he slept with her that night.
- That night - They were just like immediately. - They're like, "Let me just
finish my algebra homework." - There's zero loyalty. I mean, yeah. I just don't love like the
whole like manipulation that like, oh, here's what's
you're insecure about, so I'm gonna threaten that. - No. And like- - That's so bad. - Don't be in a relationship then. - Sometimes we have to be very clear, like obviously cheating is bad in like a very like a known way, but this is like a different
surprising way of being crazy. - No, I mean he cheated. I don't like him either. - Yeah, no. - No. Everyone's bad. - Everyone is bad here. - Comments. "Well, you are a woman of your word, "and you can't say he wasn't warned." - Yeah. - Fair. - Yeah. No, sure. - Someone said, "Isn't that
kind of a weird thing to say "at the beginning of a relationship?" - Yeah. - "If you wanna make
your partner insecure, "tell them you've already decided
who you're going to (beep) "if things go bad. "I have no intention of cheating, "but would still hate being told this. "Something tells me
this whole relationship "was toxic from day one." - She goes, "This was a
really good first date. "I'm really loving what we're doing. "Here's a list of people I
will sleep with in your life "that will ruin you if
this doesn't work out." - Who are you most jealous of? Okay. - Just for me to know. - Like, I would be scared. Like, imagine you go
on a date with someone and they're like, "Hey,
if you ever cheat on me, "like I'm gonna (beep) your
friend or your best friend." And then I'm gonna be like, "Well, like even if I don't cheat on you "and just like we break up
or like something happens," I'm like, "So that's just like in your, "like you're just kind of okay with that." - Yeah, that's so true. - Yeah. - Starting any relationship
off with a threat, I wouldn't say is a good move. - It's bad advice. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't do that. - Yeah. - Another comment here. "I have one question. "How many times did you
bring it up to him and why? "Was it outta the blue or was
it brought up in conversation? "Technically two questions, I know." OP says, "Countless times, and
it would be either randomly "or when I would try and talk to him "about my suspicions of him." - Randomly? - [Shayne] 181 down votes. - Yeah. Okay. - I am hopeful that
this is all a fake story 'cause this just seems now nuts. But I also know that
people like this exist. - Dude, hear me out. Threesome? - Oh. (Angela laughs) Someone said, "No wonder he had insecurity "toward his best friend. "You kept telling him
you'd sleep with him. "I'd be out the door if my
partner threatened to sleep "with my best friend for
something I hadn't yet ever done, "especially if they threatened
it countless times." - I haven't yet ever done that, babe! - My initial thought
if that was threatened, I'd just be like, "Oh, so you
want to have sex with him." - Yeah. - Like, "You're going to cheat on me." - Yeah, I feel like she doesn't
even need to threaten it if they bring it up multiple times. - It's just not something you like- - No, it's weird. Weird as hell. (Angela laughs) Super weird. Especially bringing it up countless times. I'm just like, I don't know. This is my view now after so
many experiences in my life of just like if you're that suspicious, don't be in a relationship. What the (beep) are you doing? You're wasting your time. - Yeah, just bang their friend. - Just bang their friend. - Okay, we have another one. This is also from like yesterday. - These are piping hot. - These are from the oven. - People be cheating right now. "A 30-year-old woman has named her son "after my husband, male 32." So OP is writing that another
woman has named her son after her husband. - It's his sister. - That would be the only situation. - I know. (laughs) - "My husband is from Slovakia. "The last time we were
there visiting family, "his cousin took him out for
a drive around the village. "I had food poisoning,
so I was sick in bed "while they were out touring the village. "When he got back, "he told me his cousin took
him to this apartment block "and called some girl that my
husband used to hang out with. "She came out with a child in tow. "Turns out the boy is
named after my husband. "He was confused as to A, why
the kid was named after him "as he hadn't seen this
girl since he was a kid, "and B, why his cousin took
him to say hello to her. "Bearing in mind this is a tiny village "with no opportunities in Slovakia. "So I'm guessing as a kid he
made an impression on her. "I'm not sure how I feel about it. "I don't speak Slavic either, "so I don't understand
what they were saying "or even if they talked
about it when he got back. "He didn't have to tell
me about the encounter, "but I'm scared the kid could be his. "He was in that village without me in 2019 "and he said the kid is
about five or something." - The dates. - "I trust him, "and it's probably my anxious
pregnant mind in overdrive, "but what if that kid is his? "We have an eight-year-old-"
- She's pregnant? - "We have an eight-year-old,
three-year-old, "and another baby on the way. "I guess I'm posting to
see what others think. "If this kid was his, "then why isn't that woman
asking him for money? "He has no social media at all, "so I can't even check her out "to see if the child looks like him. "My husband didn't have to
tell me about this at all. "I'd never have known. "He thinks it's weird too that
the kid is named after him. "He said if I'm concerned, "he will arrange to meet up with her "and the kid next time we're in Slovakia. "Edit, the kid is 100% named after him. "According to my husband, "this was confirmed
during their conversation "when she introduced the kid to him. "Hence the title of the post." - This sounds like a crazy horror setup. - This is crazy. - Yeah, you're so right. Next A24 movie. - Yeah. - So he was in the same
area as that woman. - Yeah. "He was in the village
without me in 2019." - Bro, were you in the village without me? (Angela laughs) - Just trying to see if you
were in the village without me. (Spencer laughs) Uh-oh. - Okay. Two possibilities I
feel like is, you know, he's being very upfront with her. - Yeah. - Of just like, "She
named her son after me. "You know, it's weird." Whatever. Maybe if it is his kid, he's probably trying to
play 4D chess of like- - He's like, "Whoa! "This is crazy."
- If I'm super upfront and talk to her, she then will think like, oh, I'm on board with you. This is crazy, you know? - Oh. - [Shayne] But... - I want to go with you. - No, I want to go. Comments. "There's a big difference
between being named after someone "and having the same name as someone. "Did she specifically say, 'I
have named my son after you,' "or are you and your husband assuming?" OP, "Yes. "He said that the exchange
went something like this. "Husband: Is that your son? "What's his name? "Slavic girl: Yes, his
name is husband's name. "Husband: Really? "Is he named after me? "Just kidding. "Slovak girl: Yes." Wow. - Maybe they got different
humor over there. - Maybe extremely dry humor. - And she's like, "Yeah,
I named him after you." She's like, "You piece of shit. "Of course everything's about you." (Spencer laughs) What's crazy is there is a world in which she just liked that guy's name. - But she named him after him. She didn't just take the name. - I know. - She's not saying like,
"Oh, Charles is a great name, "so I named my son Charles." It's like, "I named him after you." - Maybe it was like her
first childhood crush, and you never forget that one. - The last comment. "Okay, so to recap. "The baby is specifically
named after your husband. "Your sister-in-law took your husband "to visit this woman
and child specifically. "Your husband visited in 2019 without you. "Yeah, if the dates line
up, I'd be suspicious too." - Yeah. I think so. - It doesn't... - It's a little crazy. - Unfortunately all... The element actually that
I'm most suspicious of is the sister-in-law taking him- - Taking him. You're right. - Specifically to meet her. - That's what got me just there. - I'm like, "Mm. That's weird." If I were her, I would
talk to the sister-in-Law. Sorry. Not sister-in-law. They wrote sister-in-law,
but it's the cousin. But the cousin took him specifically to go see this woman and this child. - Yeah, a trip specifically
to go visit a child. - Yeah. I would talk to the cousin. If I was her, I'd talk to the cousin. - Call the cousin. - And I'd be like, "What's
the deal with this kid?" - Why did you do that, man? - Why did you do that? - Yeah, a lot of unanswered questions. I'm hooked though. - Me too. I'm hooked. I'm ready for episode two. - Yeah, no, this could all be a cult, and they're about to get sacrificed. - Yeah, yeah, no, that's what like, it's like, that's like
how they get you in. They like have a kid and
they name it after you. - Yeah. - And the dates lined up. You were here. - [Shayne] Right. - Dude. - And then they go back
and the kid doesn't exist. - Yeah, the kid is actually
like a 30-year-old man. - And he looks exactly like you. - Yeah. - Yeah. And it's him. (everyone laughs) That's your husband. What? - William Defoe. - A lot of questions on that one. Hopefully we get some answers. - That's wild. - I want updates. - I want an update. - Okay. Next story. It's a 23-year-old woman. "My boyfriend, who's 25, sent me a nude, "but I'm not sure it was for me." ♪ Bum ba da da da, da da ♪ (everyone laughs) ♪ Womp womp womp ♪ ♪ Whah ♪ (Angela vocalizes) - "I received a nude from
my boyfriend yesterday "when I was outside. "Not to be too graphic, "but it was a pick of him
naked in the bathroom, "in front of the mirror." (Spencer groans) - I'm gonna be sick. - Gross! (groans) - Was his penis out? - "The thing is that in our
two years of relationship, "he never sent me any nude. "We've sexted from time
to time, but that's it. "It has never been an issue for me "since we have a pretty good
relationship and sex life. "What was very weird
also is that he wrote, "'In my bathroom, as you asked, cutie.'" Oh. - Got 'em dead rights, bro. - Oh no!
- With a kissy heart. - Book him, boys. - Book him, boy. Send in the cops. - "I'm trying to translate
in English the best I can "because it's not our language. "That was so weird because
I never asked for it, "and he has never called me cutie ever. "He has a whole other nickname for me." - Uggo. - [Shayne] "Also why did
he say something like, "'In my bathroom'?" - Sorry. You have to hear
what Spencer (laughs) - What? - He has a whole other nickname for me, and Spencer goes, "Uggo." (everyone laughs) - (beep) ass. (everyone laughs) - My wife, in parentheses, who I hate. (everyone laughs) - Who is ugly as shit. - Who is ugly and who I do not like. (everyone laughs) - Okay. "Has a different nickname for me. "Also why did he say something
like, 'In my bathroom'? "Of course I know it's our bathroom. "We live together." (Spencer laughs) - Oh my gosh. Yes. - "I thanked him and told
him that I enjoyed it, "but he didn't respond. "When I got back home,
I talked about it again. "I just told him it was great to do that, "even if I didn't ask for it, as he said. "Honestly, he felt really
uncomfortable when I mentioned it. "His voice changed, and
it was almost trembling." - Yeah. - "He was like, 'I just wanted
to surprise you. Ha ha ha.' "But I know him well, "and I can tell when he is
nervous and uncomfortable. "That's exactly how he was. "This happened yesterday, "and even today, I feel
like he's being weird. "I don't know what's wrong with him. "Now I can't help but feel
like he made a mistake "and that the pic was
for another woman maybe. "Another part of me is
trying to convince myself "that I'm tripping. "Not sure what to think. "Is it suspect or am I
just imagining things? "I don't wanna accuse him of
anything without any proof. "Any opinions or advice?" - Yeah, he's cheating, man. Dude, that's rough. - That really sucks. - I hate to say it. I don't think there's
any other explanation. (Shayne laughs) - No, for sure. In my bathroom. - [Spencer] Yeah. - Do you guys ever, this happens to me and
my brother sometimes where my brother will
be like, "Yeah, my mom," and we share a mom, and I'm
like, "Why'd you say my mom? "It's our mom." - Yeah. - I don't know. Like things like that where it's like, that's very funny to
be like, "My bathroom." - It's the "my bathroom," but it's the, "just like you
asked, cutie" kissy, it's like- - It's like he completely
switched like languages, like to talk to this- - And then he didn't respond
to her when she was like, "Oh, thanks."
- That's bad. - Like, yeah, 'cause like
I would imagine any guy who's like if that's his intention to send like their partner a nude, it's like, "Oh, I'm sending my girlfriend "or my wife a nude," and it's like, and she responds, you'd be like, "Yeah, for sure! "Here's another!" (everyone laughs) - And here's my kitchen. Ha ha. Our kitchen. - And now here's my living room. (everyone laughs) - Here's my (beep) in our, in my living... - Here's our (beep) in my living room. - Here's our (beep). - This sucks. This absolutely sucks.
- This sucks a lot. - And she's also being like really like- - Yeah. Poor thing. - She's being like really
like, "I have no proof," which is sweet, but 'cause
you don't wanna like- - I get it, 'cause you
don't wanna believe it. - No. - Your brain will go into every mode of why it's not the case. But in this case that's- - But like "cutie," you never asked. - And everything afterwards. He's uncomfortable. He's not like... Like, if he intended to send that to her, I think his demeanor would be so obvious. - And the fact that he's
literally never sent one after two years. - After two years to send one and be like, "Just like you asked it," it's damning. Top comment. "This is an easy call. "He's cheating on you. "No question about it. "What you do with that info is up to you. "But any denials on his
part are just more lies." OP says, "I think you're
right unfortunately." Someone else said, "That
was for another woman. "He is cheating. "Don't gaslight yourself. "Just go ahead and break up with him now "and save yourself the headache. "If it's not that easy,
go through his phone "if you want more proof and
need to see it for yourself." - Yeah. - OP said, "I'm thinking
there's another woman too. "I know it's wrong and I never did it, "but I really want to go
through his phone now." I think if I'm hurt,
you can just break up. - Yeah. - 'Cause anything you see is just gonna stick with you forever. - Yeah.
- You're so right. - Like, look- - That's gonna be heartbreaking. - Having been through stuff, it's like I'm so glad for all
that I don't know to a degree 'cause I'm just like,
"I'm removed and I'm out." You'll always be like, "Was there more? "Is there more?" And like some people, yeah, maybe for their
closure they want to, but I'm like, you see it and that's gonna stay with you forever. You can just know that, oh, I shouldn't be in this
relationship and get out. - I'd be like, "I'm breaking up with you "just like you asked, cutie." (Spencer laughs) - [Shayne] Yeah. - Dude, you fired the Nerf gun. (Angela laughs) - The Nerfs were- - The Nerfs were in the chamber. - You're 23. You've been in this
relationship for two years. Like... - It's so sad. That sucks.
- [Shayne] It's so sad. - Hey, she's got her whole
life ahead of her though. - Yeah. - 23. In the big city. (Shayne laughs) - Any big city. - It's so devastating though. I feel so bad. - No, it sucks. - This is our last story. - Let's hope they're not cheating, but they probably will be. (Spencer laughs) - This is a 30-year-old woman. "My husband, who's 34, "keeps sneaking out in
the middle of the night." - Maybe he's a robber. - Okay. - Guys, maybe he's a serial killer. - Let's break it down. Maybe he's a robber. He could be sleepwalking. Maybe he's going to his
favorite coffee shop. (laughs) - "Throwaway because my husband "knows about my Reddit account. "As the title says, my
husband keeps sneaking out "in the middle of the night. "For basically as long as I can remember, "I've gotten up at around 4:00 AM or so "to go to the bathroom in
the middle of the night. "That's just how my body is. "And lately when I do so, I
won't find my husband in bed. "In fact, I can't find him anywhere. "He does have pretty bad insomnia, "and sometimes on really
bad nights I would find him "in the living room watching
TV or playing a video game. "Also, it's not every night. "It's maybe every other night
that he is sneaking out. "I'm trying not to let it bother me. "But this has been going
on for about a month now, "and I'm starting to get
really annoyed/worried "about where he is going "and what he's doing at such
weird hours of the night. "It happened again the other night, "and I stayed up until he
decided to come home at 6:00 AM." - Hell yeah. - "Mind you, I don't know how
long he was actually gone, "just that he hadn't been there "from about 4:00 AM until then. "I admit I was pretty cranky
and annoyed when he got home "and I asked him where he'd been. "He told me not to worry about it "and let's go back to sleep." Okay. "I kept pushing, and he said
he just goes out for a walk. "I wasn't satisfied with that answer, "but the conversation kept going back "to him just taking a walk
to burn any extra energy "or to clear his head
when he couldn't sleep. "So I decided to drop
it as I was pretty tired "and had to be up in an
hour to go to work anyway. "Well, it happened again
tonight/this morning. "I got up to go to the bathroom, "and I couldn't find my husband anywhere. "Again, I was really annoyed, "and I stayed up to see
when he would get home. "It was 5:35 AM so that's
an improvement at least. "When he got home, he looked
so sleepy and climbed into bed, "and without saying a word, "I got out and took my pillow and blanket "and came to the couch where I am now. "I know it's petty to give
him the silent treatment, "but I'm frustrated and I just
wanna be by myself right now. "I can hear him snoring,
so I guess his walk worked. "I'm not sure what to do now. "I'm exhausted and honestly
just wanna know the truth. "Should I confront him? "I'm not big on confrontation, "but at the same time I really
wanna know what's going on." I'm just like... - He's going to his goon cave. - Yeah, he's going to his goon cave. I'm like either like, yeah, either seems pretty obvious, like that's very questionable behavior. If you're gonna try to brush that off- - No, that's- - I'm like, that's nuts. - What did he say? He's like, "Don't worry about it." - Don't (beep) worry about it. (laughs) - Just go to bed. - Okay, Batman. (everyone laughs) It's like, what the (beep), dude? Like, you're out in the
middle of the night. - We didn't consider that option. - Whoa. I didn't think, wait. - What if he's Batman, guys? No, it's just like, "Oh, no, I'm going for a
walk at 4:00 AM at night." It's like- - Bro, that's dangerous. - Yeah, that's really bad. - I bet you can do that, Mr. Man. But I can't! - You must be careful. There's tapirs out in the woods. Some comments. "Okay, I've suffered
from insomnia all my life "and done what your husband's doing a lot. "Going for a long walk isn't uncommon, "but when you're living with someone else, "you owe it to them to sit down "and talk about what's going on." - Yeah. - "Not after you walk in
or before you go to bed, "but before or after dinner "when you're both thinking clearly. "He needs to talk to you." Someone else said, "Why should OP automatically
have to just take his word? "Would he do that if
the roles were reversed? "Even if he was just walking, "walking for two plus
hours seems excessive. "I would absolutely have
a conversation with him "and explain, though you shouldn't have to "unless he's just dense, "that odd behavior warrants questioning "and he shouldn't be shocked by that." OP said, "And that's basically my issue. "Why are the walks so long? "Am I crazy for thinking it's
weird to take hours long walks "at 4:00 AM?" It is crazy. It's crazy to do that and to not be communicating
to your partner. Like, super huge. - Especially when they ask. - 'Cause like I'm thinking if he is going for two-hour long walks in
the middle of the night, if something happens to him
and he just doesn't show up and she just wakes up and she's like, "I don't know where the (beep) he is. "He disappeared in the night." It's like, that's why
you communicate shit. - I'd hire a really buff, sexy male actor to come in for the two hours he's gone. - Or she could (beep) his best friend. - Or she could (beep) his best friend, but then he would come
back and I'd be like, "Oh, he was just here while you were gone "because you have to go on that walk. "I'm not touching him or anything. "I just needed-" (everyone laughs) - He's just like, "How's it going, man?" (everyone laughs) He's like eating cereal. He's just like, "Hey." - Yeah, and he goes, "Who is this?" I'd be like, "Don't worry about it." - Don't worry about it. - Good, good. - Got him. - Update. - (beep)! - All right. - No, I don't want to hear it. - Do you think this goes good or bad? - Can you say, "Update, he
was building me a castle "in the middle of the night "and I'm actually so happy
'cause my castle is huge"? - Well, I wanna know what's
your, I haven't read anything. Is it good or bad? Do you think it's gonna be a funny thing? - My prediction is he's
training for like a decathlon. - Yes. - Does that involve walking? Which one has walking? - I think a decathlon has
a lot more than walking. - He's going out in
the middle of the night and finding dogs that need help, bringing them back to health,
and he's not telling her because one day he will
give her all the dogs. - All right. - [Angela] Oh no. - "Hello, all, I wanted to
provide you with an update. "Apologies for taking so long to update. "My life has been a whirlwind
for the past eight months-" - Because I have a bunch
of puppies in a castle. (Spencer laughs) - "And I honestly haven't
been in the best mental state. "Also, trigger warning, "this update touches on topics
of depression, drug use, "and cheating. "So about two months ago a
police car pulled up to my house, "and two police officers
knocked on my door. "They told me they were
there to do a wellness check "on my husband's name "because his girlfriend hadn't
heard from him in three days "and was worried about him. "They asked me if I was his sister "or what my relationship to him was. "I told them I was his wife, "and beyond that, I can't
even remember what I said. "I was in shock. "I just remembered them leaving, "and me closing the door and crying. "He was at work at the time, "and when he got home he
could tell I was upset. "I mean, it was obvious "because every time I
tried to speak I just, "I would just start crying again. "Eventually, it got to the point "that I guess he knew
he had to come clean, "and he told me everything. "So yeah, I found out he
had been cheating on me "with an ex-coworker of his, "not only this, but had been
supporting her and her two kids "because she couldn't hold down a job, "and he didn't want
them to end up homeless. "The reason she couldn't hold down a job "is because she was/is into drugs "and would go on week long benders "where she just wouldn't show up to work. "And he says that about a year ago, "she called him outta
the blue and cried to him "saying that she was about
to lose her apartment "because her husband was cheating on her "and had basically vanished. "Ironic, I know. "Leaving her with all the
bills that had to be paid, "and her two kids needed food
and new stuff for school. "He says that at first, "it was just financially
supporting her and her kids, "until he started doing the drugs with her "and that's when things escalated. "He told me he had to
cut things off with her "three days before the police showed up "and that's why they were
doing a wellness check. "So I asked him if that
was where he was going "when he was sneaking out. "He said, 'Yes, for the most part.' "He also said, 'To be fair, I
really would just go on a walk "'or drive around sometimes.'" Oh, okay. - Oh. (Angela laughs) Thank God. - Oh thank God. Sometimes you were just doing that. - Oh my god, dude, you have
no idea the wave of relief. - [Shayne] Thank God. To be fair. - Okay. - "To be fair, I really was
just going on a walk or drive." - Shut the (beep) up,
you (beep) piece of shit! (Spencer laughs) - "And I know there are
going to be questions "about how I didn't
notice the missing money. "So here's my answer. "We have separate bank accounts. "He pays for his bills,
and I pay for mine, "and our joint bills
come out of my account, "and he pays me back whatever
the total is for those bills. "And well, he never stopped
paying me for those bills, "and household things "that were in his name never got shut off, "so I never had a reason
to think anything was wrong "in that area. "I have been so emotionally
numb for these past two months "that he has been begging
me for about two months "to make a decision
about our relationship, "as in divorce or work things out "because being in limbo is
really stressful for him." - Yeah, babe, you're stressing me out. - He's like, "I haven't
been getting the best sleep. "I have to wake up in
the middle of the night "and do my other life
and then get right back." - "I honestly just don't want "to even put any energy into
thinking about the future "at all right now." - Oh. - "All of my friends and
family are telling me "to get a divorce, but I don't know. "Everything had been great
up until eight months ago, "and our lives are so intertwined. "That feels so stupid to say. "But I'm basically
paralyzed with numbness. "I did however make an
appointment for couples therapy. "So I guess I will see how that goes. "He seems up to it. "And I just want to extend a
thank you to all the people "that took the time to read
this and the last one." I know the like the typical
response for all of these, and it is my instinct, is to just be like, "Divorce, get out." But I'm like, really? Come on. Like, he has shown you so little respect. - Yeah, but I also get it. I've had in my relationships, it's easier, like what she said about
the shared community and the shared life. - Oh yeah, your life's intertwined. - It's so hard. And you're like, "I'll
lose so many friendships. "I'd rather just like keep
this and then not lose others." But like at this point
it's like financially scary to live with this person. - Oh my god. Yeah. - But I totally get it. She just needs to like be
reminded that she's not alone. - There's a lot of elements here 'cause not only was he
completely lying to her, and it's like sure, they
have separate bank accounts but like doing such a huge
financial thing and not, he cheated on several layers here. And she's like, "Things were great up
until eight months ago." And I'm like, I'm questioning that. I'm questioning that. Things were not as bad
as they are right now 'cause things are (beep) hell. - Or you weren't privy to. - It's entirely on him that he made your guys'
life living (beep) hell. - I can't believe he's like,
"Please, it's been two months. "Tell me what you want to do. "I'm living in limbo. "This is so uncomfortable." - Yeah, I also don't love that
it's like, "I'm exhausted. "I can't think of the future. "I did however make an
appointment for couples therapy. "So I guess I'll see how that goes. "He seems up to it." I'm just like, end it there. End it. Like, if he's not the one making
those steps to fixing your, like I do think like... I will say at the end of all of this, like there are cases
of people like cheating and they find a way. I do think your relationship is over and you have to start a new one. But I think if the person who cheated isn't doing
everything in their power to like fix things, it's like, no. The person who got cheated on shouldn't be the one trying to fix it. Like, get out. I don't know. But it's super complicated. If I was in this situation, I understand why you want
to fix it in your head, but it's like this guy
is gonna do this again. - This sucks. - Yeah. It's a bummer. Anyways... Out of all of these cheaters, who do you think had the
most like convincing guise? Who do you think like,
because most of them were bad. Most of 'em were really not even trying. - I was thinking the walk. - Just going for a walk. - Going for walks or
what were the other ones? It was like- - We had the nude. - Oh, the guy in the village. - Yeah, the village. - That was a crazy-
- You think it's weird? I think it's weird too. (laughs) - What if the guy who's going and getting coffee is just a master? And like he knew the
sister was gonna come, so he was like faking it. What if he like leaves his phone there? - I mean, I think that one's kind of crazy because the fact that the sister
saw him be mean to someone, I'm like- - Yeah, that's a crazy wrinkle. Dude, what if he's seeing the sister? - Whoa. - Whoa! - And what if the sister was
stealing money from everyone? - Bro. - All of us. - And they named her kid after... (everyone laughs) - Yeah, I think that one is
the most like, I don't know, but all the other ones, it's like, yeah. - Suspicion. - We'll be waiting for updates. - Yeah, we're gonna get a lot of updates. I mean- - Will we, you think? - We'll probably eventually
circle back to some of these. - That is so exciting. - Two of these are from yesterday, so... - Oh yeah. I do think that couple with the threesome, I think they could work this out. - Oh, they're fine. They're okay. (Spencer laughs) I think there's- - I think we fixed them. - I think out of all of these, they're the only ones that I'm like, I think they could work this out. - But also with just the
history of everything, I don't know. - Yeah.
- [Shayne] No clue. - I just hope to God he
doesn't text that girl. - Yeah. Anyways, well thank you
both for being here. - That was a lot of fun. - That was really fun. - Yeah, this was great. - Thanks for watching. - [Shayne] Wow. Look at that. - Didn't plan it. - Let us know what other
subreddits, themes you'd like to see on this show, and
we'll see you next Saturday. Don't cheat. We'll see you next Saturday. Bye!
- Bye!