Mean Girls In Real Life w/ Sabrina Brier | Reading Reddit Stories

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- Welcome back to more "Bonkers Reddit Stories". I'm Shayne and we are joined today by Angela and a very special guest, Sabrina Breyer is here with us. (crew cheer and applaud) Thank you for joining us today. - I'm delighted to be here and I'm really, I'm ready to really like for us all to really sink our teeth into this, so yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah for sure. - Yeah, I'm absolutely ready. - A lot of people here at Smosh are big fans of yours. - Huge. - That's so nice. And I love Smosh. - Oh, thank you. - Huge. - That's so nice of you to say. Are you familiar with Reddit at all? - Yes. - Okay. - Do I have to like? - You don't have to. - I'm just gonna say yes. - You don't have to explain any more. - Okay. - That's fine. - Yes. - So we have a little bit of a theme today. It's kind of around friend drama a little bit. You know, it orbits that sphere. - Oh. - Love that. - All right, here we go. First story, "Am I the ass hole for refusing to call my friend's baby by his first name when she named him after my ex?" (Angela gasps) Right off the bat, what are we thinking on that one? - Wait. (Shayne laughs) - Oh my God. - Because I think there's an important distinction here. Like was the ex, it just, did that happen to be the name - I know, - that they always dreamt of? - we need so much more. - Or was it really like, no, like I love your ex? I wish you guys were still together. - That's true, that changes it. - And the ex now lives in my child kind of thing like, - Okay, okay. - 'cause those are, you know what I mean? - That's fair. - Yeah. - All right, let's see. "So one of my," this is a 25-year-old woman, "one of my closest friends who's 24 and her boyfriend, who's 25, recently welcomed a baby boy. Out of all the names they could have landed on, they decided to name him Luca after my ex, Luke. Luke and I broke up several months ago and it wasn't an amicable end to the relationship. However, Luke and my friend's boyfriend, Ben, are best friends and workmates and they used to live together before Ben moved in with his girlfriend. So they're extremely close. Apparently close enough for Ben to suggest naming his son after him. My friend knows our relationship didn't end well. So I was pretty hurt when I found out she was honoring him by naming her son after him. She told me that Luca was a name she'd loved forever and that Luke is someone who is really important part of Ben's life. So the name just made sense. I don't understand why they couldn't honor any other male in either of their lives, such as their fathers or brothers, or even just use Luca as a middle name, but I can't change their opinion, so whatever. I don't want to be reminded of my ex every time I see my friend's baby. So instead I decide to call him Jamie whenever I'm playing..." - What? - "From his middle name James. I even made him a blanket embroidered with that nickname. I don't see a problem because I think it's perfectly normal for people to have nicknames that are only used by one person. Even for myself, my uncle has his own nickname for me that no one else uses. But my friend got upset when she saw the blanket and heard me addressing him by that name, saying it was childish and disrespectful and it was erasing part of her son's identity. I asked her what she expected from me after naming her son after my ex. And she told me that I was being self-centered and that just because I had a bad relationship with Luke doesn't mean she or Ben did. So I can't expect her to take into account my feelings with everything related to her son. I think that not naming her son after a person who I just ended a long-term relationship with is not a farfetched request at all. And her violating that request is just an invitation for me to address her son by whatever nickname I choose. Also, it's worth noting that me and Luke were together before her and Ben were. So it's not like she had known Luke for a long period of time or had any sort of relationship or interactions with him before I started dating him. So am I the ass hole?" - It's so loaded. - It's fricking loaded, man. - This is dripping. - It's dripping. - It's insane. - Because also, it's interesting how she end or right? This female perspective - Yes. - Who knows? It's interesting how she ended with that she and her ex had gotten together before the best friend because that's actually the probably the most important piece of information. - Yeah. - Is you know, I feel like the origin of how you met someone. Of course things can change, maybe you get closer. But the origin of how you met someone came into your life, that's kind of the determining factor. - Yes, she's time stamping. - Second of all, I'm like, really, I'm like, I have a lot of thoughts on this. - Yeah. - Second of all, okay, my gorgeous nephew's name is Luke and I have like a friend with a brother named Luca and another friend with a son named Luca and to me, they're not the same name, sorry. It's different. - It's truly so different. - It's different. - Yeah, I'm a little confused by that too 'cause Luca and Luke, I... - Like maybe they just liked the name Luca, but then also they were like, and we love Luke, so we'll just make that connection. - [Shayne] Yeah. - Third of all, you can't rename someone else's baby. - Okay, the Jamie thing I think is the craziest part of it. - And you can't just be like- - If James is his middle name is the only defense. - Okay. - But James is his middle name, not Jamie. - I know. - Right? And now we're talking about four different names, by the way. Let's just also- - We're talking, Luke, Luca, Jamie. - James, Jamie. - And those are all different, right? So it's... - This baby's gonna grow up and they're gonna be like, what's your name? He's gonna be like, I have no (beep). - He's gonna have a serious identity crisis. - Yeah. - It's also so (beep) loaded to give a blanket with Jamie on it. - Yeah. - It's a lot. It's like you're putting in that extra effort while still simultaneously refusing to say the kid's name. Fun fact, in terms of popularity, Luca was the number 10 boy name for 2023. So very popular name right now and also that Pixar movie. - So on one hand the, you know OP, that's what they call it, right? - Oh my God, she's a Reddit girl. - You know that. - Internet. On one hand, you know, OP could say, hey guys, this is a popular name. Be original. Like pick something else, right? - Yeah. If you wanna be manipulative in a good way. - [Angela] Yeah. - I guess I'm just trying to put, I'm trying to put myself in her shoes. - Right. - Yeah, would you go full force? Like that's my ex. - I just can't, I mean personally, no disrespect to this lovely, I'm sure a lovely girl, but I would simply never in any way suggest to someone like, hey, my opinion of what your child's name for the rest of their life, we may not be friends a year from now and that child will live on, it's probably not my decision in any way whatsoever. That's how I feel. - Truly like the name of a child is like a forever choice. - It's forever. - Like this isn't just like copying an outfit. - Unless they change it. I mean, hey, they could change it, but like this is like - Yeah. - a huge thing. - Yes and I agree, it's fully nuts to me that she's this upset when it's like, okay, maybe a couple years from now, you're not gonna be like, time will heal things and you're not gonna care. But this is a whole new person. Last thing I wanna say though, I don't know if, I guess everyone's different, but they also did name their, they're saying at least that they named their baby after someone that they've like a friend of theirs that I don't know how long they've known for. That's a lot to me too. - Oh yeah, the whole like, we wanted to honor him. Like why? - Okay that's disgusting. - Why I wanted to honor my bro. - Yeah. - There are so many other men to honor. - Imagine being like... It's like again, I think everyone in this thread is forgetting like, you guys might hate each other in a year. - Exactly. - That's so true. - Like they might hate Luke and they might like all of these dynamics, it's like you probably shouldn't be naming someone unless it's like a really, like almost basically family member. - I think it's all, you could argue it's all a little shortsighted. - I wonder what he thought of it. - I know. - Meanwhile he has another thread, he's like, this is kind of freaking weird. - It's like, my ex's friends named their kid after me. - Yeah, yeah. It's like I really was never like, she says they were close, but maybe, we don't know what he thinks. He might be like these freaks her naming their child after me. Someone actually named their child after me. Yeah. - Were you pissed? - No, I was honored. I was honored. - We're honored - Okay, but here's the thing with naming with all that, right? It's like, I feel like there was never one specific reason you pick a name. So I remember it was a old friend of, like a friend of mine from kindergarten, we'd grown up together and her mom loved the name Sabrina. So it was more of like she was being introduced to the name via me and had a good association. She was like, like, yeah, I always think of you. You're so bubbly and I want that for my Sabrina. So like, it's not like she was like, I am obsessed with you and I'm naming my child after you. It was more of like, you're cool to me. I like your energy, I'll take a little bit of that, I also just love the name, want an S name, right? Like there's multiple reasons, but for these people to really, it feels like they're really sticking to this whole honoring Ben thing and I, Luke, and I think that's weird. - Now this is coming from her perspective, she's saying. - Right. - So we don't know if we talk to this couple, - We don't know. - they might've been like, oh yeah, it's not that heavy. It's just whatever. - First perspective is fire 'cause she even said, "they're erasing my son's identity" or- - They're erasing her whatever. - Sounds like maybe they all already, they were all already mad at each other. - Yeah. - This feels deeper. - This is the catalyst. - The verdict was ass hole. That she was the ass hole. A bunch of comments here, "Yes, of course you're the ass hole. You don't request that someone doesn't name their kid because you don't wanna be reminded of your ex. Move on, no? Sounds like you haven't. Also, it's that child's name. It has its own identity. It's not your ex. You are just a spiteful person. Are you going to avoid all Luke's and it's name variations for the rest of your life? Grow up." Op responded, "It's not about the name Luke, it's about the fact that they specifically named him after my ex. If someone who didn't know my ex named their child that, it would be completely different." 503 down votes. Someone asked for some info. They said, "Aside from the obvious, why did he dump you? I'm really curious." Op responded. Good information to know. - Reddit. - I like how they're like, why'd he dump you? Op responded, "He cheated on me emotionally and always blamed me for everything wrong with our relationship and I dumped him." 48 down votes. Someone else had for some info. "Is this real? You're the ass hole and you sound super immature. Luca and Luke are not the same name. Even if they were, you respect other people and the names they choose for their children. Have you not moved on from your ex? Your relationship problems are yours alone and it is ridiculous that you're getting other people involved." Op responded, "We broke up a few months ago and it was really a bad end to the relationship. How do you expect me to feel when the man that broke me is honored by having my close friend's child named after him?" - Oh my God. - "All that says is that she values Luke more than me." 240 down votes. Lastly, "You're the ass hole and you need to grow up. What if you get a new boss and his name is Luke? Are you gonna call him something else too? Luca and Luke aren't even the same name. You really need to get over it." Op responded, "If I had a new boss named Luke, then he wouldn't be named in honor of the man who made my life a living hell." 39 down votes. Bro, Luke is still living in her head fully. - I think she's not at this couple for naming their son after her ex. She's at this couple for still being friends with her ex. - She's mad also that these friends like her ex more than they like her. - Yeah. - It's also a, yeah, it's a loyalty. - How long have they been together? It's like, you know, just because she was originally dating this guy, maybe the friendship that Ben and him end up having is in their lifetimes, ends up being so much more significant than that relationship she was in. And also it's like sometimes we just have to let people like run free. Like maybe sometimes you introduce people and they have a better vibe with each other than you do. And like, it's okay that if it wasn't meant for you. - That always touches me a little bit. - I have like a weird thing about me where I'm like, I'm like, I want my friends to just all be friends with each other so badly 'cause it's just more convenient for me. - Yeah. - So I'm always like, you guys should hang out. Like you guys live in the same neighborhood. Like, you guys should hang out and that makes it easy for me. And then I can be with both. - That's sweet. See, I'm like petty. I'm like, you guys met 'cause of me. - Well sure, you can always hold it over their head. - Yeah, okay, great. - Absolutely. - Oh, you can gain power still. - Absolutely. - Yeah. - Yeah, it is a question of loyalty, but I don't know. I think everyone has a different idea of that in their head. That's not something I relate to 'cause I've never felt like that sort of thing where I'm like, you're my friend. I'm just like, as adults, I'm like, we're all adults. - Let's all vibe. - All let's all vibe. - Absolutely. - Yeah, some people vibe more and that's- - [Sabrina] Yeah. - But it's not even a matter of oh, they vibe more. It's like, I don't know. Like it just doesn't matter. - No, I get it, I get it. - She's probably pushing them away though now. - Sounds like she just is like, over my dead body are you guys gonna be friends with my ex and I will literally not look at your newborn child. - I will knit a blanket with a new name on it. - And that's how much I'm committed to you guys not being friends with my ex. Which, you know what? All of the power to her. She knows what she wants. - She's gonna call that baby Jamie. - 100 bucks says they're gonna choose Luke over her and they're gonna stop hanging out with her 'cause this is in insane. - I think they already did. - I think that's probably, she probably is the ex. Yeah. - Maybe this is their way of pushing her out. - Like hey, sorry. - Hey look, our baby is gonna be named after your ex. We understand if you don't want to come around anymore. - That's wild. They're like, how do we stop hanging out with her? - All right, started off with a good one. Let's move on to the next one. So this is a preemptive one. They asking, "Would I be the ass hole for suing my friend after she wrote a book about me?" Wow, okay. "I, a 29-year-old woman, have a friend called 'Maya'." In quotes. "Maya and I have been friends for nine years after meeting at university. Maya went through a lot of mental health issues in her early mid 20s, which impacted her career prospects. But a couple of years ago she found an outlet in writing and now writes and publishes her stories online. They are sort of the spicy romance variety. I've never read any of them because they're just not my thing, but I know she has a lot of regular readers. Recently Maya shared that she had been contacted by a small publishing company, which publishes eBooks, who were interested in publishing one of the stories she had been sharing online. I was ecstatic for her as it is a move towards making writing a profession, which is what she really wants. About three weeks ago, a mutual friend of ours, Amy, contacted me and asked if I had read any of Maya's current story as she had looked it up online and she thought it had some eerie similarities to my life. (Angela gasps) I looked it up and read a big chunk of it and it was more than just similarities. It was basically a melodramatic reimagining of my life, specifically about my relationship with my fiance and my complicated relationship with my father. I don't know how relevant this is, but she also altered their characters in certain situations to make the plot pretty toxic. I was devastated and disgusted to say the least. I met up with Maya and asked how she could do this to me. Her explanation was that she was so inspired by my life and the things I'd told her, that the ideas just came to her. I kept saying they weren't her ideas, they were sensationalized details of my real life. She didn't have a single original thought in the whole story. Maya apologized profusely for hurting me and that she was embarrassed by how much she had taken from life, but she really loved writing the book. I told her I wasn't comfortable having my private life aired like that. Maya said nothing in the book was identifiable as me, so it wasn't like she'd done anything illegal. And I said, well, we'll see about that. I've contacted lawyers and they've said suing her would be largely pointless in terms of stopping the book being published, but starting legal proceedings might scare a small publishing company enough to drop her as an author. I am seriously considering doing this. Worse case, I can't do anything to stop the book going ahead, but I've caused her an iota of the stress and hurt she has caused me. Best case, this creepy project never sees the light of day. A couple of my friends are saying I shouldn't sue her because at the end of the day, this is her work and an opportunity for her to make a career for herself and take care of her child after all she's been through. I know this could ruin things for her and I might be acting out of anger, but I really think it's justified after she betrayed my trust like this. Would I be the ass hole to go ahead with suing?" That's also a loaded one. - She can't sue her. She has a child. (Shayne laughs) - And she went through stuff. - You can't sue a mom. Yes. - A mother. - And also if that were me, I would be like, I feel if that were my friend, I'd be like, okay, what are the things in this story that you really want her to change? Like certain things you're like, okay, I will be more comfortable, this detail, that detail. Please just for me, if you really are my friend, do that. Let her go ahead with it and never speak to her again. That's what I would do. That's what I would do. - Yeah, no that- - Just no, like that's not my girl. That's not my girl. - That's not your girl. - Yeah, but like at a certain point it is. If she, if the other friends and if it really is true that there's nothing truly incriminating for the girl who's details it's about, just like maybe mildly embarrassing for her within the in crowd, but no one else is really gonna know. - Yeah, it sounds like she's writing about her friend's sex life and also her weird relationship with her dad. - Yeah 'cause she said she writes spicy romance, which could mean a multitude of things, but these are online stories. Spicy romance, they often get pretty spicy. But what the reality is, she can't sue her. Like there's no like, and if lawyers are telling her you can't sue her, it's gonna be pointless except maybe scaring her. That's the reality of it. I think it comes down to now their friendship more than the legal aspects and it's like, 'cause this friend is not gonna stop. Like this is a huge success. - She should have asked permission. - Oh yeah, that's crazy to me. Just being like, hey, I'm really inspired by some of the events you've talked to me about. I'd love to write a story about it. - That is wild. - But like, otherwise, you're this happened, you write a whole story, you don't even tell your friend that you wrote it and then your friend finds out and reads it. It's literally is this (beep) play about us? Like it's that situation. - It is that. It is a great reference. - Is that quite literally. - Yeah wow, you nailed that. - You really nailed that one. - Yep, thanks. - I'm thinking, I'm trying to put myself in like, okay, like I... I'm remembering, like I had, I made a TikTok once that was heavily - Oh my god. - replicated by an experience one of my best friends had. And you know, it was about a guy who I hate on her behalf and you know, and we even talked about as it happened, we were like, this is a good vid but like, not now. Like it was too fresh for her all these things. And then at a certain point, I remember I texted her like a bit later. I was like, hey, I'm ready to make that. Can I proceed? And she was like, yeah, fine. You know what I mean? - Good for you. - You know what I mean? - You got the go ahead. - And that was like prob, it seems like probably less, way less detailed comparatively, but you know, it sounds like this girl was really taking a risk. Like she was like, this girl might hate me forever, but I'm trying to get my dime with this publishing company. Which like, do what you gotta do as a mother. - She's a mommy. - She's a mother, we can't forget that. - I think what I'm also trying to, I'm trying to remove from my head is that out here and amongst all my friends, we're all creators. So I'm like, that'd be really (beep) up to do. Like if you did it to another friend who's a creator of any sort, actor, writer, director. It's like, oh, you're probably gonna use that story for yourself maybe someday. But this person's not a writer as far as we know. She's not mentioning that this is something she's gonna use. - Yeah. - So if it's not identifiable, it's very loaded, I'm very curious what people are gonna say in the comments about this, but I think the friend should have asked. - I have a hot take. I think she should have just dedicated it to her friend and then you're done. - [Shayne] I don't know, that makes it identifiable. - Really identifying her. - But then she knows it. - For my friend. - You're like, let the cats outta the bag - At the beginning, for my friend, who all this (beep) happened too. - I'd be like, I was really inspired. This is for you. Like when people write a song about someone's life. - The verdict was that you would be the ass hole for suing. And I think I agree with that. - Yes. - As mother. - She's a mother. - She's a mother. - With child. (Shayne laughs) - Yeah. - You can't, she's with child. - You can not. - Bear, bore a child. - Yeah. - Bunch of comments here. "No one's the ass hole. You're both in the wrong basically. I would come to some sort of agreement with her that she used different names, places, et cetera, to help with keeping some anonymity. However, art is usually derived from real life, sometimes good, sometimes bad. And if this is truly her passion, who are you to squat and take a big dump on it because your life story is entertaining?" I assumed that all the names were probably changed anyways. - Yeah. - That would be insane if they weren't. OP responded to that comment. "Maybe I just have my back up because what she derived was really offensive. Apart from the fact that she's using a variant of my actual name, she wrote a fictionalized version of my relationship in an exceedingly toxic way using details I told her in confidence to make it sorted and gross. She wrote from my fiance's perspective and turned him into a predatory weirdo. This man literally paid for her to come on vacation with us because she's my friend and she turns around and does that and then write about our sex life? I feel so violated. I don't understand how her passion can be writing a very (beep) up version of my life." 32 up votes on that. - Okay, I don't think we even like really broke it down like she's writing like sex shit. - Yeah, the vibes are weird. - Like maybe she's in love with her. I think the other girl should write a rival book about the other girl's life. - Oh my God or she's like, here's my story. - And she writes it, - Yeah. - she writes it about the other girl's life with her details and she says, queen, how do you like this? But then the other girl will be like, and that's art, I love it. - And the friend's like, I (beep) love it. - She's like, this is brilliant - Every night. Yeah, the sex aspect definitely adds layers to it. - I could not imagine writing my sex. - She should have asked. - Yeah, should have - She should have asked. - [Shayne] for sure asked. - She made her boyfriend a predator? - Well my only defense, I'm not gonna defend it, but my only understanding is like if a writer's taking something from real life, they are going to alter things and enhance things and stuff. Like you're not gonna write word for word, you're not gonna write her biography. You're are taking that inspiration and amplifying it. - It also could just be that this girl feels so exposed that it's the type of thing that no one else is gonna notice. But she just is like, well yeah I do have daddy issues. I didn't know that, but now I have to confront it 'cause it's in your book. You know what I mean? - Oof. - It's like she's just like - Right. - bearing it all. - I totally understand her discomfort. - Oh, I would hate that. - I would feel so uncomfortable. - I'd feel so weird. - I also would read it. - Yeah. - Oh, I'd read the shit. - Oh my God. - You'd be like, wait, I'm so interesting. Like look at my life, it's fascinating. - Oh my God, be like, you're obsessed with me, bitch. - Okay, okay. "You would be the ass hole. Should she have been more upfront and spoken to you? Yes. Should you sue her? No. She didn't write a book about you, it's not a biography. She was inspired by the lives of those around her. What will you gain by doing so by suing her? Some money, maybe. Is it worth it?" OP says, "I don't want money. I want the publishing company to back outta publishing it so that she can't make a living off writing a predatory and sexualized retelling of my life and things I told her in confidence. I understand that's not necessarily what will happen, but it feels worth a try. But I don't know if I'm acting too much on emotion considering this could have implications for her financial stability." 18 up votes. I also understand if you tell someone a secret about your life and then they turn that into a book, that, I would end a friendship over that. - Yeah. - Like I would fully be like, wow, I told you a super secret about my life, my relationship with my partner or something and then you went and wrote it and are publishing it publicly. That's so (beep) up. - She has every right to be like, so I actually don't trust you anymore. - Yeah. - Yeah. - But you also, I think the karma of getting in the way of someone's livelihood, you can't do that. - Yes. - Like we live in - I totally agree. - a capitalist society and we're all just trying out here and you can't really ever stand in the way of someone like financially supporting themselves. - Yeah, I honestly, I agree with that especially because this is her first published work. Like she's a writer and she she just hit it. - Yeah. - There's also the aspect of if you sue her, you are going to make it very apparent to everyone that it is your life. - True. - There is the option right now to be like, we're no longer friends, but you do everything in your power - And don't write about me again. - to never make this known that this is me. Ever mention that 'cause if you do, then I will come after you. - Yes, yeah. - 'Cause if you clarify that, then I will try to make your life hell. I would then be like, yeah, that's fair. But at this stage I'd just be like, I'm no longer your friend, but alright. - I'd be like, I'm never telling you a single thing again. - Yeah. - "So did she name you? If not, I can't see what grounds you have for this at all." Op says, "She used a variant of my name", like Luke and Luca. - Luca. - She could have been a little more creative with that part. - Oh yeah, for sure. - "But as I said, if I went ahead with taking it to court, I probably wouldn't win. But small publishers a lot of times don't want to pay the legal fees of a court process and would rather drop the project." 16 down votes, the same commenter responds to that says, "I think perhaps I don't have a handle on what the issue is here. She can't be that good of a friend to write about your life and not tell you she is, or even after she has. I'm also still not sure exactly what makes you think the book is about you. Lots of people have sex and difficult relationships with their fathers. I don't think you have any grounds to sue at all, but try if you want." Op responds, "Evidently she isn't a good friend, but we were close for a number of years when the things in my life were going on that she later chose to write about. It's definitely about me, she admitted it. But even if she hadn't, it's obvious. Everything from the age gap in my relationship to how and why we got together to money slash legal issues I told her about before and after my dad passed, all the same." - Yikes. - 26 up votes. Someone said, "Have you talked to your fiance about it? You should do it before someone else does. You are not to blame for how she portrayed your relationship, but be the first to tell your fiance about the issue." "He knows, he's creeped out by it. He's not really a litigious person, but he is not the type to let it slide either. He's not angry about her writing that about him because she's not his friend. So he doesn't care about her opinion, but he's pissed off on my behalf because of the betrayal of trust. He just thinks she's trash and that she shouldn't get away with it. She might think he's a creep, which is fine if that's her opinion. That's obviously not how I feel. But it's the fact that she's been in our home, he's paid for her to come on vacations with me, paid for dinners, et cetera. And I think it's (beep) up to take things from someone if you consider them toxic and creepy. If you heard the backstory of our relationship with no context, without knowing us as people, then yes, you could twist it into something weird, which she has done. But I don't think anyone who knows us could in good conscious think he did anything predatory." OP never shares the ages of her and her fiance. Writer is calling OPs fiance a predator. OPs comments are really weird. - It's like, look, did we murder some people? Yes. Is it her business to write about that? Absolutely not. (Angela laughs) - It's always weird to me when I'm like, this is anonymous, you're posting on Reddit anonymously and you're refusing to give us details. - Yeah, why? - Why? - Why are you not telling us more? Like she's keeping it so perfectly vague, that I'm like, okay, well now I kind of, you're making everyone in the room start to think you're husband's a predator. - It's also like maybe if you guys were doing some weird things out here, you should have been more aware of who you were letting into that. - Yeah. - Because ultimately if you're revealing something that's private about yourself to someone, it was your decision to do that and it's your responsibility if you trusted someone who you shouldn't have trusted - 100%, especially if it's like, if it's close to the heart. - Close to the heart. - There's an update. Little update. - All right. - Did she get her money? - "For everyone talking," it's more of an edit than an update. - Okay. - Okay. - "For everyone talking about the Streisand effect, an unintended consequence of attempts to hide, remove, or censor information where the effort instead backfires by increasing awareness of that information. I am not in the US court slash legal records, here are not something you can Google or access easily. That being said, I realized Maya could publicize a lawsuit herself to get publicity and that ultimately I'm more concerned about anonymity and it's not worth the risk. I will not be proceeding with the lawsuit. Some people suggested reaching out to the publisher privately, and I'm going to look into that. But either way I won't drag it into a court process." Okay, so she's not gonna sue her. Look, I think regardless, like absolute betrayal of trust. I like writing myself. I know a lot of writers. It would be insane to me for anyone to do this, like, to write a story of like, about secrets. Like if someone vents to you and tells you something about their relationship and then you go and write a (beep) story about it and get it published and don't tell them about it, I'm like, you are a bad person. - Yeah. - I think that's bad. I think it's a bad thing to do. They're both displaying unhinged behavior. - Oh 100%. - For sure. - And honestly, luckily there's like a lot of books in the world. you know what I mean? - Oh, there's a lot of books and it's-- - Like it's gonna get lost in the sauce. - I love books. It's a hard (beep) gig. And it's a small publishing company, it's not gonna make the best sellers list. Like that's what's likely gonna happen. It's gonna fizzle out and she's not gonna hear about it unless you're obsessed about it. - You're like, queen, no one cares about you. You're like, don't worry because no one cares. - What if it sells, it doesn't sell and she's like, well- - Yeah, what, my life's not interesting enough? - We should (beep) read this book. - It's crazy because my sex is cooler than in the book. Hotter. - She starts like promoting it. She's like, I can't, can you believe this (beep) book out there? You should read it. It's (beep) crazy. - Yeah, that's actually true. If it was my life story and they stole it, at some point I'd be like, but it's awesome, right? - Yeah. - Oh my God, this is a insane story. Alright, - Yeah, I don't think they're gonna hang out again. - No, I think that friendship is over. - No, yeah. - Yeah, it's not like a wine night. Let's catch up. - Drama friends. Friends that are just friends to hear about each other's drama. - To space things up. - Yeah. - Oh, I have some of those. - Well, you might have a book coming out. (Angela laughs) All right, here's our next story. "Am I the ass hole for last minute declining to go to a friend's wedding that is dry on New Year's Eve?" So this was posted on December 27th of last year. So they canceled probably around then. So like a few days before this wedding, they're canceling. "My buddy, a 33-year-old man is getting married to a girl that our friend group is not in love with. He loves her though, so we support him. We have known for months this was a New Year's Eve wedding. I RSVPD yes months ago with my wife. Several friends and I operated under the assumption that there would be booze at the wedding, especially considering it is on New Year's Eve. Well I found out yesterday that it is a dry wedding. Turns out it is because of his fiance and her family. I asked my wife if she knew this and said no and was pissed. I texted the groom's buddy and asked, he confirmed this. I told him, this is something you should have told us a long time ago. I told him that wife and I wouldn't be going, we wanna spend the night drinking. I texted the rest of my friends about this and oh boy, the group chat went off. This led to several more people backing out. This is not how a bunch of us expected to spend New Year's Eve. Really the only ones that didn't back out are the four members of our 12 person group that are in the wedding. Groom buddy reached out to me and went off. Pretty much he is now overspending on catering. He's having 20ish less guests show up than planned and this is all last minute. I've been called an ass hole among other things for leading the charge in people not going to the wedding. Am I the ass hole?" I'll read it, well, there's one comment here really quick I gotta read. "Whatever happened to the throw a few back before hitting the church and or saying goodnight at 10? It's always nuclear options." Someone else said, "Well, the couple wants everyone to stay for the countdown so they're not allowed to nope out early." Someone else said, "Or what? They'll get spanked?" Someone else said, "Might stay for that." Some typical Reddit there, there. So, okay, there's a couple things here. One is they planned a wedding on New Year's Eve, which I've never heard of before. - I've heard of. - I've heard of it. - Huh, I've never heard of that. - It's bold. - It is bold. - It's actually, but it's actually could be a very good thing 'cause no one ever knows what to do on New Year's Eve. - That's true. - Everyone's bored on New Year's Eve. And so if it's a really fun wedding, it's kind of the most fun you could have on New Year's Eve. - I will say it's ballsy to be like, spend your New Year's Eve with me. - Yeah, it's like you really have to know you're popular. - You have to know - You're like, these people - you're a good time. - are obsessed with me. They're not missing my wedding for anything. - Yeah, yeah. - I... - Which obviously these people are not obsessed with it. 'Cause they're like, oh no, we literally cannot be anywhere near you without alcohol. - The group thread. - Yeah, no, that's what it sounds like. It's like you have to kind of acknowledge something in yourself of like- - No, the like, I actually plan to spend my night drinking. It's like, I don't know. - You are saying I like drinking more than I like you as a friend. - Right. - That is what you are saying. - And hey, that's your prerogative. - Yeah, there's a lot of layers to this. I mean, do I think... I don't know how I feel about informing people that it's a dry wedding. I think maybe like- - You've gotta tell people. - You have to tell them. - You tell 'em when in the save the date. - Yeah. - Oh you tell them. If the jacket is itchy, they must know before putting it on and buying it. I don't know what that was. - You have to tell them because these people feel blindsided. - It's true and I think they probably didn't say because they were worried they wouldn't come. Do you think they were trying to trick them? - Yes and that's manipulative. - Yeah, that is true. - And it's like, 'cause if you told your people it's a dry wedding and you know your friends are gonna be upset, they could do something about it. They could pregame. - Yeah. - They could have little flasks. - She could also say to them like, look guys, I get it, but like, you know? Go in the bathroom, you bring a flask. - Yeah, like it's sometimes a financial thing, some people can't afford. - Yeah and or she's like, my family is really not into it, so can you just like be good and like not, you know what I mean? You can always find a way to moderate that. - Based on the wording he says, "they said no because of his fiance and her family." That makes me think that it's like that there might be alcoholism here and that's, you know, I mean there's a lot of valid reason. Any reason is valid. It's your wedding, you're allowed to do not do what you want. - Yeah. - My assumption on this is that this has to do with alcoholism. That's my assumption. And with that being the case, like that makes perfect sense to not have any there. - Or like a religious thing. - Yeah, that's also possible, but as of this posting, it's 12/27/23. So there's days leading up. So now they could instead go, yeah, we should figure something else out. We have time to figure out, do we want a pregame? Do we wanna leave early? Whatever, but instead they're just like moping out of it. They're also in their 30s, which, you know, I'm around the same age as this guy. And if I'm like going, oh no, I care so much about drinking, I'm not gonna go to this wedding of my friends, I would probably have a moment of like, why am I thinking that way? You know, like I don't know if I think that's healthy. I think that's depends on how good of friends they are. If you're not good friends with them, then whatever. But you know? - I mean, you're really, really not supposed to RSVPs to a wedding and not go. - I know, that's so true. - It costs people a lot of money. - It's people's money that you're playing with and when you do that, you're really, I mean I hope the people who are like sayonara, we need to go drink our New Year's, I hope they know that they're probably never gonna be friends with these people. - Yeah. - Right. - You're giving that up. It's like a huge F you - And at 33, you've had plenty of New Year's Eves where you've probably gotten drunk. - Yes. - This is a wedding that you're gonna miss out on. This is a huge moment. - Yeah. - It's gonna be more memorable. That's probably could still be really fun. - It's like, guys, why do we care so much? This New Year's, I did not stay up until midnight and it was awesome. - Truly, I was gonna say like in my early 20s, New Year's Eve, it was like, I have to do something huge. - The biggest thing ever. - And then you finally year after year, you're like, I'm never gonna do something as big as I feel like I should do. And you just kinda like let go. - Yeah. Well this New Year's Eve, I did, I drank too late. I didn't drink a lot, I drank too late and I woke up on New Year's Day super hungover and I remember being just like, I hate that I'm starting the new year like this. - Yo, yeah. - And so like the thought of honestly, a sober New Year's Eve also sounds kind of dope in that way. - Honestly, it's - It's like, wait, I get to start like this. - kinda like Sunday night. - Start it like a Monday. I mean I'm always stuck with my cousins and I love them and it's like whatever. - You spend your Christmas at LAX. - Truly, I'm like- - Spend New Years Eve with your cousins. - I think we just have to stop putting New Year's Eve on such a huge pedestal. - Totally. - I do think it's overrated. Okay, let's get into these comments here. The verdict was ass hole for this guy. - Yeah. - Meaning ass hole for? - Like the person who is not going to the wedding. - Yes. - He's an ass hole. - He's an ass hole and I agree. You're an ass hole. - That's just for changing your RSVP. - You should send them a cheque. - Someone said, "Info, just to be clear, the invitation did not indicate it was a dry wedding?" Op said, "No, this was never mentioned to any of us in the friend group. Not in person, not on the invitation, it was assumed by us there would be booze as our buddy drinks. I found out via a mutual friend that was also invited. Nothing directly told to us by the bride or groom." Someone said, responded to that saying, "Are you really telling me that you and your friends can't go without booze for one night? Or is the fact that the fact you don't like her more relevant than you're letting on? You don't support him by the way. Not if you're not willing to go part of one night without a drink." Op said, "Look, we are in our 30s now. Many of us with kids, not me yet. Nights where we get together and hang out drinking and having fun are not as abundant as they used to be. To use one of our nights together on a dry wedding is honestly a buzzkill." 583 down votes. Yeah, I disagree with that one 100%, that's insane. - I mean, it is a buzzkill, but it's like, you know, you do it. Guess what, a lot of aspects of going to your friend's wedding can be a buzzkill. - Oh everything about weddings. - Be a bridesmaid wearing some dress you hate, - Yes. - that you had to spend so much money on, could be going to destination wedding where you're like, I'm traveling so far. This is so insane. That's why every wedding that you say yes to, you are really in a way making a statement about how close am I to you and how much am I willing to kind of like commit to our friendship as you enter this next phase of life. And once you make that commitment by saying like, yes, I'm coming to your wedding, like you've made that commitment. - Yeah. - That being said, they definitely didn't tell these people because they knew they wouldn't wanna come. And that's also like sad. - It's very bad. - That's very telling. - Yeah. - It's giving no trust within these friendships. That's kind of a theme of all of these stories. - All these friends are bad. - We need to circle of trust, we need to all gather around, hold hands, do some trust falls. - Yes. - 'Cause if we all just communicated more, you know, none of these issues would be happening. - Oh, it would've been so much more respectful to find a way to still show up and find a way to drink in other ways. - Yeah. - But also I wouldn't wanna drink if my buddy who is the groom wasn't drinking, I would then feel weird getting drunk if he's sober. I'd be like, no, I'm not gonna do this. - He only has so many free nights with his buds. - I love how he was like, some of us have kids. Not me yet. - Not me. - It's like you have tons of time. - Oh, that's so funny. - Like, dude, relax. - I didn't catch that part 'cause it really is true that, it really is true that once, you know, especially if you have little kids and you're in your 30s, like you really have such, like, it really is a big deal to go out, to hire babies or not. That's money, that's again, every aspect of this is spending money that is really, you know, you're really spending it for these other people to show up for them. But again, it's like, it just, it's giving you guys are not real friends. - Oh, they're not friends. - This also like kind feels like this like happened because of the group text, like egging each other on. Like it feels like maybe all of these people were so pissed and that no one really like, I don't know. Like sometimes if I'm on a group text and we're all venting about something, it feels like we're just like firing each other up for no reason and they should have just, someone should have been like, - It's true. - guys, we should put wine in a sunscreen bottle and drink it outta there. - Like it's fine. - Group polarity can happen. - Yeah. It's also like if I was in that group chat and everyone was dropping like flies, like, I'm not going to this wedding, I'd be like, you guys, we can't do this. - Yes, I would say the same thing. - Like it's maybe one person cannot go but to like, now we're ruining a wedding. - "Info, what time is the wedding?" "Wedding is at 05:30 p.m., reception till 12:15 a.m." - Oof. - Yeah. "Info, why don't you like your friend's fiance and why is it a dry wedding? Is there a history of alcoholism?" Op says, "Someone that puts her morals on us and we don't always allow. She and her family are religious and is the reason for the dry wedding apparently. We've never seen the bride drink, the groom drank with us last month, but has slowly curbed that behavior in the last year since the engagement. The bride and her family are religious, that's the impetus for the dry wedding." Someone said, "I love drinking and hate a dry wedding as much as the next guy, but you can show up to the wedding ceremony, spend an hour or two at the reception and then go get blackout drunk if that's an absolute must for you. Backing out at the last minute and letting your friend know he's not worth two hours of sobriety means you're the ass hole by miles and miles." I agree with that. Wedding at 05:30, you could hang out till fricking 10 and then go somewhere. - That's a pregame. - That's truly a great pregame. - Yeah, yeah. - Get fed, get some salmon and go off. Get some cake. - If you're not good enough friends to even go to this wedding, then like, what's wrong with that? I don't know, it's just weird. - These people care way too much about New Year's. - Yeah. - They really think that this night is gonna impact the whole year and it's not. It's not. - It's not but it's their one night to hang 'cause of the babysitters. - Absolutely. - Honestly, I think I went to a Christian dry wedding and I think me and my friends figured it out. - Yeah? - Like I think in between the reception, the ceremony and the reception, we stopped off for drinks. Like I don't remember it that clearly, but it was, I remember us just being like, no problem, okay. - Where there's a will, there's a way. - I just can't relate. Like I am the type that I'm like if I'm getting married, the thought of putting it on New Year's Eve, I'm just like, that's asking so much of people. I'm like, I don't feel I'm that important. Moving on, next one. These have been good, real good/ - Bad people, good stories. - "Am I the ass hole for confronting my friend for taking our picture out of his wallet to replace it with his girlfriends?" What? - Wait, can you say it again? - Oh, took me a second. "Am I the ass hole for confronting my friend, for taking our picture out of his wallet to replace it with his girlfriends?" So from my assumption, he's got a bro, his bro had a photo of him. - [Kiana] It's a female OP. - Oh. - Oh. - Oh. - Okay, here we go. - Oh my God, I can't wait. - This 22-year-old woman, "My best friend John, a 23-year-old man, and I have been friends since we were kids. As kids, we were very close and we had a fake wedding when we were seven and eight. In high school, we recreated the fake wedding pics and he had one of those pics in his wallet. Since he got with his girlfriend, Dina, who's 23, around two years ago, John has distanced himself from me. We still hang out, but I feel like he always makes time for Dina first instead of me. The only way I can see him now is if we go grab coffee once every few days. But other than that, he won't come to my house when we used to have sleepovers and movie nights and won't invite me to his house either. I feel neglected and hurt because we've been inseparable since we were small kids. A couple of days ago, I grabbed coffee with him at a coffee shop and when he opened his wallet to grab his card and pay, I noticed he had put a pic of him and Dina in the place where he had our fake wedding pic. I asked him about it and pointed out how I noticed, to which the only thing he said was, 'What about it?' I was like, 'Really? Why did you have to take our picture out and replace it with him in Dina?' He said, 'Dina is his girlfriend and he doesn't understand why I'm making such a big deal about it.' I reminded him she might be his girlfriend, but he can't just throw me away. I've been his best friend since primary school. My pic existed in his wallet first and he threw it away to replace me with someone he knows significantly less. He got annoyed and told me that once I stopped being an immature, annoying brat, he'll talk to me again. Until then, I better leave him to his peace because he's not dealing with my childish tantrum. Am I the ass hole here?" - Well, she's in love with him. - Yeah, I mean, well yeah. - She's like the fake wedding, the fake wedding, the fake wedding. - She's like, yeah, I know you have a girlfriend, but you like me more, right? - That's basically what she said. - And then eventually she's gonna be like, yeah, I know you have a wife and children, but like we are gonna go on vacation together. Like I do think that this, that she needs to start to, this is maybe the first of, you know, a journey into real realizing the new level of friendship she's going to be having with him. - Yeah, this is like a great first step it feels like. - It's a first step, it's a first step and I bet you, Dina doesn't like her. - Oh, I bet Dina threw that photo away. - I bet, oh, she burned that photo. She burned that photo. - Yeah. Yeah, that I agree. Some comments here. Well, the verdict first was ass hole obviously. Comments here, "OP, you're the ass hole. It doesn't matter who knew him first, it's not a competition. For all you know, she could be his future wife. If I were him, I would absolutely cut contact with you solely because you don't respect his relationship." Op said, "I feel sorry for your friends if you treat them like expendables once you're in a relationship." 303 thumbs down. - Oh my God. - But she's basically saying they hang out every week. They get coffee once a week. - She's lucky to see him once a year. - Okay. - She's like, we get coffee at least once a week. 'cause she's saying every few days, but they don't have sleepovers anymore. - Honey, he's having sex with Dina and not you. She's gonna be in the wallet. - [Shayne] Yeah, I feel like she- - I hate to be crude. - She should have recognized her feelings that before. - Also are we in the '80s? Who put pictures in wallets anymore? - Yeah. I don't know. - True. - Unless you're going off to war. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I'm not doing that shit. Like "Cast Away" and it's like, oh my friend. - You're not gonna remember my face if it's not in your wallet. I can just store you. - Yeah, honestly, we have phone lock screens. Figure it out. - Yeah, Jesus. No, this is a lot. I think she didn't, she needed to be more introspective sooner about her feelings and be honest with him and she didn't, and she's missed the opportunity and that's what that is. - I hate calling her an ass hole though 'cause she's really in love and doesn't know it. - She's in love but, or she just maybe isn't in love and she just is like, you're my fake boyfriend and you have to remain that way until I find my real boyfriend. - That's also there. - That is such a real possibility. - Which is selfish. - But also someone, I think people often are ass holes when they're in love. That's usually when I think people often become ass holes. - That was beautiful. - Huge mic (beep) drop. (crew laughs) - It makes 'em do stupid things. - And you smiled 'cause you knew that was gonna be profound. - You were like, (giggles). - I'm adding that, I'm writing a book soon. - Yeah. - Tell me more about your life. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - "You're the ass hole. Why would you think a childhood photo of you pretending to get married should take precedence of him with his actual girlfriend? Properly bizarre expectation on your side." Op said, "It's not about the childhood photo. It could be any photo of me/us and it'd still make me react that way." 230 down votes. "You're the ass hole. Family always comes before friendships. You are growing up, you'll get a family of your own at some point. You'll start to neglect your friends too, or your friend too as your priorities shift. That's how life works." Op says, "She's not his family. Let's start there. She's just his girlfriend." 159 down vote. Someone said, "Info, serious question, do you have feelings for your friend?" Okay, she goes, "Yes, platonic ones though. Not what everyone else assumes here. Nothing more, nothing less. I'm just upset he puts someone else he knows for less time over our almost 15-year-old friendship." 110 down votes. Dude, okay, you are such a piece of shit. - I love the, hey, maybe we need to talk about this. Maybe you have feelings for me. And she's like, I am in love with you platonically. - Platonically. - And that's completely fine. - I'm going to agree with that. - And we're gonna have a sleepover. And Diana has to be okay with it. - Also, I think he should have picked up on it when she went, let's recreate that picture of us when we were kids getting married. I would've been like, uh-oh. - No, she's, this is, she's bad. (laughs) - It's also like very much a sometimes painful, but very typical part of adulthood that as sometimes you get a friend and you're like used to them being the single person, guy or girl. And then they enter a relationship and you kind of have to like go, oh okay, my expectations of the amount of time I can spend with this person, of the amount of one-on-one time I might be able to spend with this person, that's gonna change and you have to adjust to that because the reality is like, then if you're in that position, you would hope that they're gonna grant you the same grace. - And it's truly like, like I think everyone, their first time losing a friend to them getting a partner, like early on, I remember like early 20s, I remember being like, uh, that's my friend. And then it was like, oh, this is gonna happen all the time with all of my friends. And if I start getting upset now, it's just not gonna be easy. - Yeah and I mean, I'm someone, I have a lot of friends who are women and like when I'm in relationships, it's important to me that I am still allowed to be friends with these people and hang out with them. And I feel the same way for people I'm in relationships with. Like, I think it's weird if you're like, you can't hang out with that person or I'm uncomfortable with you spending time with a person. But of course when you're in a relationship, that's the person you're gonna spend the most time with. And yeah, stuff like photos in your wallet, you're gonna choose your partner in those situations. That's the obvious stuff. - It's very similar with the book thing and with the baby naming thing, it's like, why is everyone trying to control other people? Like you can't control what picture he has in his wallet. - That's true. - You can't control the fact that he is going to live his life and end up with someone and that's gonna take its own path. Like I feel that all three OPs would just be happier and have more peace within themselves if they could accept the things they cannot change. - It does. - Huge. - Speaking of people trying to control other people, "Am I the ass hole for asking guests if they had sex?" (Angela laughs) - I'm sorry. - "Two very close friends came to my Christmas party the other night. After finding out that they intended on sleeping in the same bed together, I jokingly wrote, 'No sex' on a bit of toilet paper and placed it on the bed. After they left, I was cleaning the house up only to go into the spare room and find stains scattered across the sheets of the guest bed. So I texted my friend and asked if they had sex. She denied it at first, but after asking again, she admitted it. She then told me that it was none of my business, which is fair enough, but I don't appreciate that they didn't even strip the bed and weren't planning on telling me that it was soaked in various liquids. I do feel bad for asking, but like, I also had to clean it. So, you know, just wanted to confirm the origin of the substances found on my sheets." - Oh bitch, you're gonna clean it no matter what. What? - Yeah, well that's what it comes down to. It's like, you can't say to someone, hey, you're gonna sleep in my guest bed, but there's a limitations of what liquids can get on. You could spill water, like you could sneeze but you can't like, no. - Also, like, I just love someone like cleaning the sheets being like, I need to know if this is (beep). Is this (beep)? Text me back. Did you get my note? Did you get my note? - Did you get my note? - Did you see that the toilet paper was for? And I had one little sheet of paper and that was for the (beep) and you didn't use it for that. - I'm only asking because I have to wash the sheets. That's what I wanna know. - Should I give you more squares? I feel crazy. - Like what, is there a difference setting on the dryer that's (beep) specific so she needs to know? - Okay, can I- - This is none of your business. - Can I say, there's so many thoughts going through my head, but one of like just like basic human psychology I feel like is you put a note that says, "no sex" on the bed, that's gonna make people wanna have sex way more. - Yeah. - They're like, wow, it's forbidden in this room. We should have sex. - Well also like what a weird thing to do. - But also it's weird to be like, it's like "Love Island". It's like you're gonna be in the bed and you cannot do these things. - Yeah. - Like, uh. - That's literally the premise of a reality show on Netflix. - No, that's "Too Hot To Handle". - That's "Too Hot To Handle". - Yeah, "Too Hot To Handle" - It's "Too Hot To Handle". - She made it "Too Hot To Handle" in that room. - It's "Love Island" in some ways. Emotionally, if you get, you get it. But technically according to the rules, it is "Too Hot To Handle". But you know, again, you are giving them the power by giving them the bed. - Yeah. - You cannot control what's gonna happen in the bed. - Also, why do you care? - Why do you care? - No sex. - Oh yeah, well also like imagine texting your friend, like, did you hook up in any way? Except like, and then, did you hook up? And then she be like, did you hook up like in this way? I would be like, this is weird now between us. - Oh yeah. - And she's like, there's stuff on my sheets. I just need to know. - Oh my God. - I would totally just, if I wanted to know if that's what they did and there was those stains, I would just be like, oh my God, how was your night? - Yeah. - And like kind of ask but not ask in like a, like you're way. - Yeah, let's all live guys. - Also, also I will say a toilet paper that just says "no sex" with an exclamation mark, I don't know if that reads that serious. That almost reads playful. Kind of like, haha, don't. You guys better not. - In her mind, was that like a legitimate rule? She was... - That's all she put. - Okay, so like, 'cause she didn't even really- - It reads a little jokey. - It definitely reads jokey. - Then like get a piece of paper, you know what I mean? - Yeah, emailed them beforehand. - Of course it's a miscommunication. She wrote it on toilet paper. - Yeah. There's no verdict on this. They couldn't figure out where they stood. There's varying responses. Someone said, "Everyone's saying you're the ass hole, but am I the only one that thinks it's strange to have sex with your partner at your friend's house and then leaving stained bedsheets from it? To be honest, that is just gross, LOL." Someone said, "I don't think having sex in a friend's spare room is that strange, especially if you're staying there because you're drinking. Things happen. But I do find it crazy to not strip the sheets after staying over at someone's place, whether you have sex or not. Regarding OP, to be honest, a note saying no sex would probably embolden me to definitely have sex in that bed LOL, but I don't think that makes them the ass hole. I'd say no one's the on this one." Someone said, "Not the ass hole with a sprinkle of everyone sucks here. The note is just creepy and weird. You should have told them upfront. That being said, it's the sheer amount of disrespect that she lied to you at first when you found those disgusting stains all over the bed. And the fact that she wasn't even gonna plan on telling you about it is even worse. What kind of person doesn't strip the (beep) bed after doing it? They did it in your house. You shouldn't have had to deal with that shit after they left. I wouldn't have invited them over ever again if that was me. The fact that she lied pisses me off. I think you should have a conversation with her over this and explain your feelings because this is just wrong and disgusting." I agree about not stripping the bed. If there's stuff visible on the bed, I'd be like, holy shit, we gotta (beep) hide this. - You're kind of supposed to strip the bed no matter what. - Yeah. The lying, the only defense of that is if someone was like, did you have sex last night? I think I would be like, what? What, like? - You're like, I'm in trouble. - That's such an uncomfortable question. Like, so she probably lied just 'cause she was super uncomfortable. - Yeah of course. And then she owned up to it. - Yeah, she did own up to it eventually. But yeah, I do kind of agree with a lot of this. Like everyone's kind of weird. Damn, that's a story. Let's just move on from that. - Yeah. - Yeah, I think it's clear, no sex. - I think we got it. I think we got it. - I don't think that couple's gonna be staying there again. - Yeah. - No. So this comes from relationship advice. So this isn't a person asking if they're the ass hole, just they're relaying some of their story. "I, a 25-year-old woman, notice that I have more chemistry with my friend's boyfriend, a 24-year-old man, than her, 26-year-old woman. How should I bring it up?" Okay. - How do you bring it up? - Okay. - How do you bring it up? - She's like Queen, there's something I've been wanting to talk to you about. Your boyfriend's obsessed with me. We have incredible banter. What do we do about that? - Yeah, it's still early days, love. - [Angela] It's early day. - No but like, keep going. - [Shayne] That's awesome. This is awesome. - Keep going. - "So I'm in a complicated situation. My friend Camie has been dating this guy Tim for two years. I never interacted with him much. Recently, my friend did a cabin trip for her birthday in the mountains and I actually got to interact with my friend's boyfriend. While I talked to him, I realized we had a lot of chemistry. Our values are more similar than him and Camie. Camie is always posting and caring about her image, but Tim and I just enjoy the moment." - Oh. - "Camie always has her phone out and never enjoys the moment." - Oh bitch. - "Tim and I both had a more intellectual conversation. I'm sure Tim noticed too. I don't know how to go about this or if I should bring it up to Tim first." Whoa, okay. Not only is she not Camie's friend, she is Camie's enemy. - Oh no, yeah. - This is like, she's your rival. - She's like, I genuinely, genuinely like, I don't know what to do about this. It's such a difficult situation because like he's obsessed with me and she's so dumb and I'm so smart. - 100%. - And they can't intellectually connect. I feel so bad for him. This man I just met at the cabin. - She's like, she's always on our phone and we're always looking at the mountains together. - Yeah, we're different, we're smart, we're intelligent, we're hot, we're obsessed for each other. She's kind of like lesser, doesn't really deserve him. - She's kind of like a weird little Gremlin, - You know, and I just - the stupid little idiot. - feel so bad. It's like, what do I do? What do I do? It's like such an impossible situation. - It's like, how do I talk about it? What? - It's just so tough 'cause my friend is just a stupid (beep) piece of shit. - Right. - And her boyfriend is the best and we love each other. - And I'm the best. - So that's weird. - And I love the mountains, he loves the mountains, we were looking at 'em for hours and we're smart and she's stupid. - We have the same morals. - And also maybe he wants a girl who doesn't look at the mountains and looks at her phone. - Okay, maybe she's reading something important. - Or maybe she's taking a selfie and he's like, yes, my queen. - He's like, yes, you look stunning. - I'm a mountain man, you're on Instagram. It's the duality of life. We're meant for each other. - Yes. - Some comments here. "What's the end goal here? To steal your friend's boyfriend? Why do you need to bring this up with Tim?" Op said, "Steal isn't the word, but it makes a lot more sense for us two to date than him and her." 234 down votes. - But steal isn't the word. - But steal isn't the right word. - No, honestly, she's a queen for the POV. She is like, honestly, she's like, look, I am just like HR in this situation. It's nothing against you, it's just if we're looking at the pieces, (Amanda laughs) I should be with this man. - Exactly what she's doing. - You should be alone. And then eventually you're gonna find someone as dumb as you and we're all gonna be happy. And I think that if this is what happens, we're all gonna be more happy with this situation and it's for the best. - I think it's better. I think it's better if you end up alone and I'm with your person. - Right, also, I'm also like, how did this girl find him? Like, it's not easy out there. So this girl's gonna be like, what? Oh, I found him. Like give her a brokers fee at least. - Yes, I love that she's also like trying to talk, she keeps saying like, maybe I should talk to Tim. Like, she talks to him. - I love, I do. - What do we do here? - I love how she really like, at least the way she's describing it. She's like, I'm doing the right thing here. - "Are you really here asking for advice on how to cheat with your friend's boyfriend? Have some respect for them and don't do it." Ope says, I'm picturing this in your voice. "That's not what I'm asking at all." - That is not what I'm asking at all. (Shayne and Angela laughs) I'm not asking for help cheating. I'm asking for a solution to the problem that my friend is dumb and not worthy of love and I am. That's not my fault. (Shayne and Angela laugh) It's not and she's like, I'm actually a saint doing the right thing here in this situation. - Oh my God, that's 100% what she's saying. - Yes. - It's very, it's giving, yes, I do love him in a platonic way. - Yes. - Someone commented, "Pick me, pick me, pick me." Op responded, "Girl, bye." - Op, I literally wanna hang out with OP. - Girl I know. - OP is kind of dumb. - I know, I know. - Make sure you're not in a relationship when you're hanging out with her. - She does not care. - "There is nothing for you to do. This is her boyfriend, not yours. Verbalizing to them what you shared with us would throw a grenade on your friendship with both of them. This is a case where you just make note of your observations and move on. What are you hoping to accomplish anyway by telling me this?" Ope said, "Wouldn't he wanna date a woman he has more of a connection with? Girl, I get men. I could find my own boyfriend today if you wanted to. This is about an observation that I've noticed and ignoring it could lead to bigger problems." Okay, I have to acknowledge that this could be fake 'cause this is so insane, however, there are people like this. - I think this is more real, the most real story. - I dunno where to stand on this because like, honestly the one that makes me think it's real is the, girl, bye. Like that's just like, - Oh yeah. - just like that level of cockiness. And maybe this person's a little buzzed and they're on Reddit. - Well it's just- - I think it's just incredible what like it really is incredible what like a confident woman can do. Honestly. - You're so right. - It really is admirable. (Shayne laughs) It's like you can truly create a new reality and that's incredible, honestly. - It's actually so true. - It really is incredible. - She keeps just saying this is an observation. This is an observation. - She's like, I don't care. It's not that I want him, I could literally have anyone I want. It's just like- - These are facts. - Right. It's like he should be with me and that's literally not my fault. (crew laugh) - (beep) I feel like she's the villain, man. - It's also so absolutely wild to me the concept of like, we have a connection. It's like, didn't she say she just met Tim at the cabin? - This is the first time. She's like, they've, they've been dating for two years. - I think we all collectively in the dating world, this is something I hear my friends say a lot, it's like we need to all acknowledge that like, like the fact that like you are looking at a mountain and he's looking at a mountain does not mean you guys have a connection. - You have a connection, yes. - Well I guess people are saying a crush is just a lack of information. I've never heard that before. - But she's not even going far enough to say she has a crush. She's saying this is just an observation I have. - That we have more chemistry. than my friend who they've been dating for at least two years. - Yeah. - You probably do have more chemistry because you guys are not in a relationship with each other, so you don't hate each other yet. - 100% - Also, yeah, after two years, you run out of all the, like they've probably looked at mountains so much after two years. - This is someone- - He's like, it's just nice to have someone new to look at a mountain with. For all she knows, like that girl and they were looking at a lot of mountains. And now it's like, okay, we've been together two years looking at mountains, I can look at my phone now. And she's like, you're literally not one with the earth and I am. - Yeah, 100%. This feels like a girl that like when you say, oh, me too, she goes, ah, we're connecting. Like if she's like says a fact like she's like, I like mountains and he's like, me too, she's like, oh my god, that's a connection. And it's like, babe, that is. - No that's actually just a really small commonality in one really micro moment. - Like you just had a cabin weekend. - Right. - That's it. - And actually probably there were mountains probably within eye distance of like every window I would imagine. So what? Like what is the bar here for connection? This is what concerns me. - Yeah. - He was looking, I was looking at stuff. - And she was on her phone. - I blinked once, he blinked once but she blinked twice. (beep) Did you see that? Did you see that? - So how do we talk about it? - But what do we do about it? (Angela chuckles) - But I will say too, like I think she's a queen. - Yeah. - I do think if she spoke to Tim first, it would be so funny 'cause I just imagine Tim is just this guy who's just like, uh, yeah, what? - He probably doesn't know her name. - Oh yeah, Tim was probably like, yeah, I told you I liked the "Hangover 2". I thought that was a good movie. - The "Hangover 2" is- - She's like, I think we have something. - Yeah - Man, alright. Who do we think is the worst friend out of all of these people? Now she's a bad person, this last one. She's also I think the closest out of all of 'em to being a legend 'cause that level of narcissism, at a certain point- - You gotta give it to her. - At a certain point, it's like you're crazy. - Like you said, she's powerful. - Like I think, yeah, I think of this girl. If this girl said this to me, she's like, Sabrina like, what do I do? Like blah, blah, blah, it's boyfriend. Like what do I do? I would be like, I'd be like, look, I love you for that, but also like I'll never go near you ever again. But I do think though, like again, like the delusional thing of it, it's like she's a legend, she's a powerful queen, and she really was like, in her mind she was like, I'm so concerned about my friend. Like in her mind, from her perspective, I'm concerned about my friend because her boyfriend thinks she's trash and he's obsessed with me instead. And so at least there's that. - Yeah. - Whereas like to back out of a wedding three days before, it's like it's objective. - It's wrong. - It's objective. They knew what they were doing as well. - Yes that's true. - So I'm going with them as worst friend of the day. - I think so too. - And the book thing, it's like she's an artist and she has a child. - I think I think what I love about this last story is just more as like as an actor, knowing someone's like righteousness towards cheating. I've never heard someone justify cheating in this way. - In such a gorgeous way. - In such a like preemptive way. Like, I'm about to cheat on my friend and here's why I have to. - She's asking for permission. - She just wants people to make her feel better about what about what she's gonna do. - I think she's both the worst person but also kind of a legend in a way, if it was fiction, I love the character. If I watched a movie, I'd be like this- - I'd be like, I love that girl. She really thinks she's doing her friend a service. - Oh my God, yeah. - She really does. - All of them are pretty bad though. This was wild. I loved these stories. Sabrina, thank you so much for being here. You're hilarious. - Thank you guys. Smosh for life. - Oh my God, you- - Oh my God, Sabrina for life. - So fun. I hope I meet every single person from Reddit who these stories were about. And I wanna be in a room with all of 'em. - Okay, that would be great. - Oh my God. - I wanna know what they think about each other's problem. - Who all stares at mountains? - You playing OP in the last one, I think that was like my favorite role I've ever seen you do. - Oh my God, thank you so much. She really spoke to me. - I'm gonna write a book about that. - Okay, incredible. - There you go. - Steal it. - Gimme some credit. - Sabrina, where can people find you? I mean, I feel like they already know, but. - You know, on the internet, the Twitter, the X, the Threads, the Instagram and the TikTok. And just, you know, maybe around. - Okay. - Okay and Link. Here's the Link. Hell yeah. - Our producer's like, no, we're not doing that. - Oh yeah. - We'll put it down below. - Smash that subscribe button. (everyone laughs) - Smash. - Alright, well thank you both. - Thank you, guys. - And don't be a jerk, I guess, be a good friend. - Call people by their name. - Yeah, definitely call kids by their names. Your friend's kids by their name. Alright, we'll see you later. Goodbye.
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 1,051,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, smoosh
Id: Mdyz2sUgtlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 54sec (4314 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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