- Welcome back to "Reddit Stories." I'm Shayne, and I'm
joined today by Chanse, and once again, MacDoesIt. Thank you for being here. (crew applauds) - Thank you for having me. - You're a fan favorite. People love you. - Yes. Everyone loves me. - And today is a bit of a party. We're celebrating because
it is our 50th episode! - Oh. (Shayne yells) (everyone screams) (crew applauds) - This had some... Like, a little bit of it
blew out this the small side onto my finger, and it
kind of hurt a little bit. - Are you okay? - Yeah. - Okay. - Do you need some ointment? - No. - Okay. I don't know. - No, but it was just interesting. I've never had that happen.
- He just wanted us to know. Okay? - I just wanted to tell you. - [Chanse] Got it. - But yeah, so this is our 50th episode. It's a bit of a party, so these are all going to
be party centric stories. Have you guys been to parties before? - We love a party, you know? - We love a party. - We love to party. ♪ We love to party ♪ - What is that? ♪ Party, party ♪ What is that? Is that a song? - It is. - All right, let's get into these stories. - Woo! - "Am I the asshole for
ghosting at parties?" - I'm gonna say no already. - It's like no. - [Shayne] Interesting. - Like an Irish goodbye? - Yeah. - Okay. "The other day I was at a barbecue "and was talking with everyone
when a friend said to me, "'I have a bone to pick with you.'" - Ooh. - "I was a little shocked "because I like to think I'm nice enough "and get along with people, "but I was keen to find out
what her issue was with me. "'You don't say goodbye, you
just leave,' is what she said. "And it's true. "I prefer to just leave a party
and let everyone keep going. "I do it because if I
announce I am leaving, "then people often ask me to
stay or ask why I'm leaving. "Sometimes it makes other people think, "'Yeah, I might go too,'
ending the party early. "I prefer to just disappear. "Anyway, I explained
myself to this friend, "and she said, 'No, it's super rude.' "We're Australian, so I told
her to go (beep) herself." (everyone laughs) "And we both laughed. "After that barbecue, "I made a point of saying
goodbye to her directly, "but I still prefer to ghost. "My wife isn't a fan of me doing this, "but she has long since accepted it." All right, it's a quick one
there, but I think it's- - Okay. - It's a common topic amongst people. And so you said right off the bat, you don't think they're
an asshole for doing that. - No, 'cause it kind of does take down, it one, take down the mood. It's like announcing, "I'm
leaving so the party is done." And that's not exactly what you're saying. But it kind of feels like that sometimes. It's like stopping the momentum. - Interesting. - Of a thing that's going. And people do make you
feel so bad for leaving. and it's like, no, I'm trying
to take care of myself. I need to leave right now. - [Shayne] Right. - And people will be
like, "One more drink." No, shut up, Karen. Shut up. (everyone laughs) Ashley, I don't want another drink. I just told you I'm going home. And I a lot times feel
like I have to come up with a valid enough excuse
to get outta the party. Sometimes I just want to go. And if my excuse is not
up to their standards, then they're like making
me feel bad for leaving. - Yeah. I get that. - This feels personal. - It is personal. - I feel that too though. 'Cause I'm someone who
feels really guilty, and social pressure
really like affects me. So when people are like, "No, don't go. "Like, what? "Why are you leaving?" I'm like (beep) and it makes me go home and then I feel like shit
the rest of the night. It carries with me a little bit. Used to be more so the case. I think I've gotten over that nowadays. I feel like nowadays doesn't bother me. I also feel like people aren't as affected as much when I say goodbye. But I guess it depends on the party. - It depends on the party. - I think it's the type of
gathering matters, so... - I simply do not care. If I want to go, I'm like, "I'm leaving. "I'm tired. "I'm going home." - But do you say goodbye? - Yeah, I say goodbye sometimes. - Sometimes to some people. - It depends on the party though. If it's like a lot of people,
I'm just like, I'm going. I don't need to say goodbye. I'll say goodbye to one person. Just head out. - I would say roughly if
it's like 25 or more people, if it's big where there's so many people that there's a bunch of stuff going on, yeah, it's like I can't
say goodbye to everyone. If it's a birthday party, I'll
try to say goodbye to them. - Yeah. - Usually. But otherwise... - I think it also changes who
you came to the party with. - That's also true. - You come with your girls,
you leave with your girls. Girls in quotes. - [Shayne] Yes. - But it's like if you're
coming with like a group, if you're like coming from a
place and rides and things, like you should say bye to
the people that you came with. - I agree with that 100%. - You can't just ditch them at a place. - Yeah. Fully. So the verdict was asshole. (Chanse gasps) - Ooh. - Yeah. - For leaving without saying goodbye? - Yeah. Like I said, I think context matters, like different situations. There's some edits here
that maybe affect this. - Okay. - They edited and said, "I should note that I do try
to tell the host I'm leaving "if I can get them alone "without causing a
scene by saying goodbye. "And if not, I text them to say thanks. "It's just everyone else
I'm trying to avoid." Edit two. "She was not the host of this barbecue. "It was my in-laws' barbecue, "and she was a neighbor that was invited. "I ghosted that event late into the night "because my house is a few
hundred meters down the road "and I was 15 shades of fucked up." Now people are saying, "You're
the asshole, not a big one. "You are the wrong one here though. "I understand you don't
wanna make a scene, "but at least say goodbye to the host." They said, "Fair call. "I accept and acknowledge that." Now, that might've been
before they added that edit. - The host is, that's nice. - I think that's important. - But also if they're doing,
if they're like hosting, if they're like doing the thing, you don't want to interrupt them. - Right. And once again, to me
that depends on the size. I've been to parties where
there's like 80 plus people and I'm just like, "I'm a blip here." Like, unless it's my best
friend or someone very close, I'm like, does it matter? Someone said, "No one's the asshole. "I think you are all well reasoned, "but at least thank the
host before leaving." And he said, "I do try to do that "if I can get the host alone
or without causing a scene. "Most of the time I text
them and say I have left "and thanks for the party though." - I think that's perfectly,
yeah that's great. - Yeah, some sort of acknowledgement. Someone did say, "Not the asshole. "This is called an Irish goodbye. "I usually do it too. "As long as you're not doing
it for some petty reason, "it's totally fine. "But I see why people would get upset." Someone said, "Funny, where I'm from, "it's called a French exit." Someone else said, "Where I'm from, "it's called the Florida
(beep) y'all, I'm out." (everyone laughs) Lastly, someone said, "An Irish
goodbye is leaving quietly, "so you don't get sucked into an, "'Oh, just stay for one more. "'It's early, sure,' round of pints, "which will inevitably
turn into five more rounds. "Source, I am Irish "and fully support this method of exiting. "If I'm at someone's place, "I'll just send a text saying
I left and thank them." - Yeah. - It also depends on how
early you're leaving. You show up and you're
there for like half an hour and then you bounce, I'm
like, you should let 'em know. For me, this really
depends case by case basis. Final edit. "Today I learned that this
is called an Irish goodbye. "Thanks for all the support
from fellow Irish goodbyers. "To all the people that think I'm rude, "I accept that with open arms "and will try to tailor my
approach a little differently "moving forward." So it feels like the asshole verdict is like a light asshole verdict. - Yeah. - I think to me, I'd have to know this guy and be at these parties that he's leaving to make that determination. That's kind of my take. - It just all depends. Yeah. - [Shayne] Yeah. - Doesn't sound like it's impeding on anyone else's happiness. - Well, I mean even this
person, they laughed. - [Chanse] Yeah. - They laughed about it. I think it's like a laughing,
like, "You're an asshole." Kinda whatever. Yeah. (Mac laughs) All right, moving on. - Woo. (Shayne laughs) - Yeah! My hand blows off. - No, Shayne! It's not worth it. - Yes, it is! "Am I the asshole for taking
back the beer I bought "for a party from which I was uninvited?" - Interesting. - So like no one drank the beer? - Well, they bought beer for a party and then they were uninvited, so they- - Oh, he took it with. Oh, okay. - Okay, from the title
alone, I'm like, no. - From the title alone, no. - You're not invited
to a party, you're not- - But let's see why they got uninvited. Maybe they should have offered
up the beer as offering. We'll see.
- Ooh. As an offering to the gods. - Yeah. - "This happened just a few hours ago. "I'm a 19-year-old man, "and the people calling me an asshole "are 18-year-old men and women." - A 19-year-old with beer? - I'm 19 and they're all 18. - Right. Sir... Already. - Think about that. "On Thursday, a person
I had a major crush on "in high school, but who rejected me, "messaged me outta the blue. "She had never contacted me
without my contacting her first. "And at one point I realized
she had had me blocked "on social media, "and so I found it odd that she
was suddenly being friendly. "After sending a couple
of greetings/questions "about how I've been, "she said that she was going
to have some people over "and wanted to know if
I would get the beer. "The drinking age where we are at is 19, "and she and the people who
were going to chill were all 18. "The liquor stores in my area all card. "I thought it was silly "that my being a month older
meant I could buy liquor "and they couldn't, and so
I said I would love to go. "She said, 'Thanks, I'll
pick you up at 7:00.' "Seven o'clock rolled around, "and she texted me to say
she was in front of my house. "I went out dressed and ready
to chill with some people "and she drove me to the liquor store. "When we got there, I asked
what beer she wanted me to get "and she told me to get Budweiser. "I hid my disappointment
as well as I could, "but it was her party, "so I went in and bought two cases of 24. "I got back in the car and
she said, 'Let's party.' "And she was eerily quiet. "I noticed that she wasn't
driving towards her neighborhood, "but rather back towards mine. "I thought she had moved or something, "but didn't wanna press the issue. "When she turned down my street,
I finally figured it out. "She was being purposefully
vague about the invitation "because she wanted me to get the beer, "but she wanted a way out "and she told me I wasn't actually invited "in the first place." - What? - "She stopped in front
of my house, leaned over, "kissed me on the cheek
and said, 'Thanks,' "in her best voice. "I deadpanned her "and asked when she was going
to tell me I wasn't invited. "She feigned surprise and
said that she never intended "to invite me in the first place. "I sat in silence for
a long, awkward minute, "picked up the beer, and
walked towards my front door. "She got out of her car "and frantically tried to
re-invite me to the party, "but I told her that what she did "was the most humiliating thing "that has ever happened to me. "I opened my front door,
slammed it a bit too hard, "and came back to my room. "Now I'm sitting here "drinking absolutely
unpalatable piss water." (everyone laughs) "And I have text messages
from all of her friends "and her asking me why
I'm being such a dick. "I don't think I'm the asshole
for reacting the way I did, "but if you haven't figured it out, "I'm not amazing
socially, so I'm not sure. "Am I the asshole here?" - Oh, I feel bad for him. - Yeah, that's like a movie
type of scene, you know, where I'm like, are people
actually that shitty? - Damn. - Yeah, she just sounds like
a piece of shit unfortunately. And he is a month older. You know, there's a
part of me that's like, don't buy beer for minors. - Also that. - I'm not gonna get too much into that. I guess he's like a month older than her. It's just like he- - Guessing this takes place in Canada? - I don't know. It's not something I can really relate to because in America, you know, the drinking age is so different
that if you're doing that, it's like super sketchy. - Yeah. - But I feel bad for this guy. I mean, the idea of trying to use someone for a party they're not invited to, that whole basis feels wrong. - I probably still would've left the beer. - Really? - Yeah, I think it's just not worth it. Just like- - Interesting. - This means so much to you. I think this was a shitty thing to do. Here's your beer and I hope you enjoy it. - [Shayne] Yeah. - It's a curse almost. A curse and a blessing. - I can certainly say that,
I'm not proud to say this, but if I was in his situation,
I probably would've too, because especially when
I was like a teenager, I had no self-esteem. - You guys are so nice. I am petty. - It's not nice. But it's not coming from a place of nice. It's coming from a place
of just like, okay- - Defeat? Okay. - Take it. - I would've simply opened the beers and poured them onto the ground. - Oh my god. - I'm petty. I was a petty teenager. Oh. - But what she did was already
so petty that it's like- - I would've been even pettier. - No, I would've left the beer with her, and then years later have been like, "I wish I hadn't done that." - Oh really? - That would've been my, it
wouldn't be a nice thing. It would've been like, "Damn, I really got (beep) over there." - Yeah. - Whatever. But yeah. - It's an L. You'll just take the L. (Shayne sighs) - Yeah. I wouldn't do it now. Well, obviously, but... (Mac laughs) - You saying you wouldn't buy alcohol for 18-year-olds right now? - Yeah. Guys, crazy opinion, I wouldn't do that. - We got him. - Verdict was not the asshole obviously. - Yeah. - Comments here. "I originally commented
asking for more information, "but decided it really didn't matter. "Not the asshole. "To be completely honest, "it kind of sounds like you
weren't actually invited. "She just asked if you would
get beer for her for the night. "That being said, it's
definitely an asshole move "for her to reach out to you
after a long period of time, "seemingly outta the blue "just to ask you to break the law for her, "and then not even invite
you to the party after. "From my understanding, "you bought the beer with your own money, "so you're absolutely not in the wrong "for taking it with you "once you realized you weren't
being invited to the party. "You didn't yell at her, call
her names or do anything rude. "Just took your beer and left. "I actually don't think you
could have handled this better "than you did. "If there was a stronger
judgment than not the asshole, "I'd give it to you." Someone else said, "My thoughts too. "I got the impression
she was just asking him "to get the beer. "That's it. "She's still the asshole
for everything else." OP said, "Kind of. "The thing is I made it very clear "that I thought I was going to be joining, "and she never tried to correct me. "She knew what she was doing." Yeah. - Give them the beer
and then call the cops. - Oh. - Too much? No? - But then wouldn't they- - Gas everywhere. - They would find out you bought it. He'd probably get in the
most trouble out of all 'em. For legally speaking, he (beep) up of just like don't do that. - Yeah. - So we got some more comments. "FYI, if you have a decent skillet, "you can cook some
bratwurst in those beers, "cook down the remaining
liquid into a syrup, "and add it to some mustard
for a really tasty meal." - Hell yeah! - (beep) yeah. - Hell yeah!
- Okay, Gordon Ramsay. - Let's go. That's awesome. "Not the asshole, blatantly. "How did she expect this to go? "You'd happily go buy her beer,
then take it to the party, "then leave without partying
or drinking your beer? "They have to all be a
bit cracked in the head "if they believe that
was ever going to work. "I'd take a Snapchat of me
pouring that down a toilet "before I ever gave it to them. "I'm so sorry this happened to you. "I hope you can move past "what a nasty piece of work
this girl, not woman, is." 31K up votes. - Couldn't ya know that was
me typing that. (laughs) - They could be crazy to
think that it could work or they could have done this before. - [Shayne] Damn. - And that's probably more the case 'cause she had him blocked, so this is probably not the
first time that she's done this. - He was probably like the
last resort, probably, yeah. - It's just so sad just
to view people as like, just to fully use them.
- Tools? - Yeah, truly just a tool. I'm like, that's so sad. - Yeah. - What a sad way to view the world. - [Chanse] Yeah. - I mean 18, you know? (Shayne laughs) - Yeah. Yeah. Hopefully they change. The last thing, this is kind of side note. I was talking to some
of the crew yesterday, funny enough, about
Budweiser, and I'm like, I've never seen someone
drink a regular Budweiser. - No. - I've never seen it. I've never once in my life seen someone drink regular Budweiser. It's always Bud Light. - Yeah. - I don't know. Observation. Let me know in the comments if you have had a Budweiser before. I wanna know that it's real. - Are you weird? (everyone laughs) Comment down below. - Hey, comment down below
if you're (beep) weird, man. (Shayne laughs) - Bud Light is the light
version of Budweiser? - [Shayne] Yeah. - Is it? - Budweiser's got the, is like the more- - [Chanse] The red. - Yeah. - Yeah, I think Bud Light is
the light version of Budweiser. - I never knew this. Wait. - Yeah. - [Shayne] That's how little- - Yeah. - That's how rarely you see Budweiser. - That's how little you see Budweiser. - That's insane.
- They sell it at stores, but I walk past it, I'm like,
they are always fully stocked. - Who's buying it? - I don't know. - Who's buying it? - I don't know. I've been to football games
and it's only Bud Light. - [Chanse] Right. - It's just a dusty pack in the corner. - Please pick me. - Can I get the Budweiser,
and the cashier's like... - Everyone in the store just turns at you. - Nobody's bought
Budweiser here in 50 years. (everyone laughs) (Shayne blows air) (everyone laughs) There's an ancient curse on it. "Am I the asshole for ruining
my friend's birthday party "by taking back the cake I baked for her?" Okay. So it's not beer this time. It's cake. - Okay. - Cake is different. - [Shayne] All right. - New rules apply. - Yeah. - I like how this one starts. "My friend is quirky." (Mac laughs) Okay. - You said you like how this one starts? - It's just funny. That's just a funny first sentence. Like, "My friend is quirky." - My friend is quirky. - [Shayne] Okay. - She's different. - "My friend is quirky. "I've had to spell
things out for her a lot. "A few months back, she
borrowed a dress of mine. "I really love that dress. "There isn't any sentimental value, "but I got it when we were
on vacation a few years ago. "She also loved the dress, "and one day just transferred
the money to my account "and told me that she
was keeping the dress." - Oh. - Okay. - "Told me." - "She told me." - It's mine now. - I have purchased your dress, just so you know.
- Okay. - "I spoke to her, "but she just told me
that it doesn't matter "as she has paid me." - No. No.
- Okay. Wow. - "Her birthday was a week ago, "and her mom asked me to
bake big cake for her. "I usually sell cakes cheap, "little more than what
the ingredients cost. "On her birthday, I went over to her house "with the cake 15 minutes before
the party was due to start "and decided to talk to her mother. "Like I said, sometimes my
friend is really clueless, "and I was hoping her
mom would speak to her "and get my dress back. "I was very shocked when she, the mom, "also said that as long as I
was paid, what does it matter? "She told me to just move
on as it was just a dress "and that my friend really liked it. "She told me as long as
the dress was paid for, "what am I complaining about? "I got really pissed off "and pulled out the amount
she had just paid me, "put it on the table,
picked up the cake and left. "She got mad and started yelling at me, "saying that I was ruining the party." - Uh-uh. As long as you're paid,
what does it matter? - "I kept walking back to my house. "She kept telling me to give back the cake "and that I couldn't take it back "just because I wanna be petty. "I just asked what was
she complaining about "as I had paid back the money." - Right, right. - "My friend ended up having
a cake-less 16th birthday "because of this." Yeah. That's a fascinating way to do things. - She got her real good
with her own medicine. (Mac laughs) She got her real good. - That's a bold move. Borrow something from a
friend and just be like, "All right, I paid you the money." - But it's also like a lot of the things that are my favorite articles of clothing, I can't buy again. It's not like I can
just go out and buy it. Like, where would I buy it from? It's gone now. It's gone. Like, there's no- - Yeah, a transaction also requires like consent.
- Consent. - Yeah, it requires being like, "I would like to purchase this." - I will sell this to you. - I will sell this to you, good sir. They just completely
negated that part of it. I'm always blown away, like
it's one thing, you know, 15-year-old turning 16. It's like, okay, I guess I'll
give a benefit of the doubt to teenagers. But the mom then doubling down
on it, always blows my mind. - I mean, gotta figure where did she learn it from?
- Where did she learn it from? (Chanse squeals) - Yeah. Yeah. (Mac imitates squeal) (everyone laughs) Dude. She treated her like a library. That's kind of funny. It's like, oh, well, if I
pay you the money, it's fine. - Treated her like a library. Okay. Read her. (everyone laughs) - Verdict, not the asshole. - [Chanse] No. - That'd be shocking. - Unless she went there knowing she was gonna pull that cake shit. - Interesting. - Unless she knows she's
gonna pull that cake shit from the beginning and then
I'm like, I don't know. Like, you taught 'em, you
got 'em, you did get 'em. But at what cost? At the cost of the friendship now. - Right. But would you wanna be
friends with someone after they did that to you? - Maybe not. But you're the one who
pulled the last trigger. I don't know. Did the last, you pulled the last- - You pulled the last cake away. - You pulled the last cake away. - I'd say at the very
least that that's even. Like, you're just kinda like,
"All right, we're both there." I don't know. - The stakes are higher. It's her birthday, and
it's 15 minutes before. - And it's her 16th. - That's a big one. - I would say no, because she went there and she talked to the mom, and she tried to, she said,
"I went there and I was like, "hey, can I get this dress back?" So that gave 'em a chance. And the money, the mom, she didn't have the exact
amount of cash on her. - No, the mom just refused. The mom was like, "No,
she paid you, so it's..." - Yeah. - So then she was like, okay. Oh, but you're saying she had
the exact amount of money. - Yeah. She did it. - That's a backup plan. - Yeah, exactly. The mom gave it to her,
so she just gave it back. - Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know. - If she would've come in having
the exact amount of money. - Right, right, right. Comments here. "Not the asshole obviously,
but I'm dead laughing at this. "They can have the so what
it's paid for mentality, "but if it comes back on them, it's petty? "LOL." Someone said, "I would
just get $200 in singles "and go shopping in their house. "I would collect the TV remote "and leave 20 bucks in its place. "Grab the laptop charger
and leave another 40. "Frames of family photos, drop another 10. "Handles to their kitchen
cabinets, two bucks a piece. "Caps to all their pens, $5." Are TV remotes really 20 bucks. - No. That's a nice ass TV. Maybe Apple TV remote. - That's the one from "Click." (Mac laughs) Someone said, "It was not for sale. "It cannot be replaced. "End of discussion. "She did not have a cake-less party. "They just had to go to the store. "Not the asshole. "You are openly disrespected
and stuck up for yourself. "Petty? Yes. "Asshole? Yes. "Justified? Also yes. "It wasn't the kindest or
most mature thing to do, "but hey, you don't let
people walk all over you, "so respect for that." Yeah. - It's kind of giving like 1800 salesmen. I'm gonna give you $20
for this fine property. I'm sorry, it is not for sale. What? $25. - It is now! - No. No, sir, it's not. Your entitlement baffles me. - There's been a couple Reddit stories about people taking cakes
away at the last minute. The other one was three days before, and people really like throw
a fit and they're like, "We don't have a cake now for our party." I guess I'm saying my
personal point of view on this of like, if it was my birthday, I don't mind grocery store cakes. - Yeah. - [Shayne] So I would
just be like, all right. - 100%. Especially nowadays, a lot of
birthday parties that I go to, if they're not like
classic birthday parties, if it's just like a get
together but for a birthday, sometimes there's not cake. - Yeah. - There's a lot of cupcake stuff. A lot of ice cream stuff. You know, changes. But I'm also not like, it's
just not a huge part for me with a birthday, so I can't... - What kind of flavor cake
was it, I wonder, you know? - She baked it. And she bakes these often it sounded like. - So it could be- - Good. - Could be really good. - Yeah. - I'd have a fit, you know? - I know it's important
to some people, you know, but yeah, I don't know. Don't piss off people before
you ask a huge favor of them, I guess. - Don't piss off the
people that cook your food. - Yeah. Moving on. - Moving on. (everyone laughs) - A moment of silence for that. Yeah. (everyone laughs) - [Chanse] Tea. (everyone laughs) No, Shayne! Shayne, stop! - Not again! - My hair's just like... (everyone laughs) Okay. "Am I the asshole for not
inviting my friend to my party "because she would ruin the aesthetic?" - Oh my god. I'm gonna say you're the
asshole based on that sentence. - The theme is winning, and... (everyone laughs) Sorry, you're- - The theme is hot girls. - And you're just not. - Oh God. Okay. "Alt account because I don't
want my friends to see this." Okay. "I, a 29-year-old woman,
started a small online book club "for book lovers in my
city about a year ago. "I know it sounds a little
nerdy, but it's not like that. "We're all just some
girls who like to read "and share our thoughts,
especially on historical fiction." Nerd. (everyone laughs) - Shayne. - I like historical fiction, okay? "Well, I've been seeing
a lot of those book balls "on TikTok recently where
people throw huge parties "where everyone dresses up
extravagantly in ball gowns "and those intricate masks
and parasols and whatnot, "and thought it looked super fun. "Only there weren't any
being held anywhere near me, "so I decided to hold an intimate one "with the girls from my book club. "There are about a dozen of us, "and we've met up multiple
times, so we're all good friends. "One of these girls is
a close friend of mine. "I'll call her Sam. "She's 29. "And she does not like to dress up at all. "She's always in sweats
or athletic clothes. "Never does her makeup or hair. "Just doesn't really
care about her appearance "even for formal events. "I remember she skipped our prom "and wore jeans to our
ceremony, which is fine. "She's a beautiful girl. "But I didn't want that at my
ball, so I didn't invite her. "I sent out beautiful invites "that I spent a good chunk of money for, "rented out a small hall
that fit my budget, catered, "and only asked my friends
to pitch in about $20 each "to cover some costs. "Everyone bought beautiful
extravagant gowns "and accessories, and I
got even more excited. "Well, eventually, word
somehow made it to Sam, "and she asked me about the event. "She asked if I was
really hosting an event "for the book club and not inviting her. "And after hesitating I said, yes, "but only because I know she
would never wear a ball gown "or put effort into looking good." - Ooh. - "She said she was upset that
I wouldn't want her there, "even if she wore her regular clothes. "And I told her, that's not fair, "that I put in all this
effort for a beautiful event "where everyone can be a
little extra for one day, "and I didn't want her
to ruin the aesthetic. "She hasn't spoken to me since then. "And the ball was two days ago. "A success, by the way. "Everyone looked amazing. "Am I the asshole for not inviting her "because she would ruin the event?" (Mac laughs) (Shayne laughs) Damn. - Should I not invite my raggedy friend? (everyone laughs) - She didn't even tell her. - That's the problem. She removed the choice. - [Shayne] Yeah. - She thought so little of the friend that she didn't even ask,
"Hey, this means a lot to me. "I would want everyone there to dress up. "I'm going to invite you,
but I need you to dress up. "If you don't wanna dress up,
I would prefer you not come "because these are the terms
of my party that I'm hosting." - Right. But to remove that choice. And I mean, if she worded it
like that, that's so (beep) - Yeah. - You know? - And she's like, "I know
you wouldn't dress up." Well, you didn't give me a choice. You actually don't know that. - Exactly. Yeah. I mean, yeah, I think
she's the asshole for sure. I think also there, you know, people have their different vibes and different ways of dressing and stuff, and some people aren't comfortable with dressing certain ways. I think it's a matter of, it
could also be a matter of like, hey, I know you don't
wanna be in a ball gown, but what's the heightened
version of what you like, you know? - Or can I help you find
an outfit for my party that I want you to come to? - That you would feel comfortable with. - That you would feel comfortable in. - Right, right. Yeah. Oh, that's so sad. - So yes, she is the asshole. Not for not inviting her. For thinking so little of her friend that she wouldn't even
try or not offering help. - Assuming makes an ass out of you and me. - Oh! - There you go. And the verdict, the verdict... (everyone laughs) The verdict is asshole. Some comments here. "You're the asshole. "I would've sent her an invite "and said that the attire was mandatory. "That way she could have chosen "whether or not she wanted to attend. "And if she didn't, no loss to you. "If you two are as good
of friends as you say, "then you should have at
least told her about it, "so she didn't hear it from
anyone else and feel left out." - Oh, yeah. - That's so true. I don't understand the concept
of not inviting someone and being like, they're
not gonna hear about it? They're always gonna hear about it. - And then also that could be
a conscious choice as well. A lot of people, I feel like, don't make big decisions like that. They make subtle decisions that say like, "This is how I feel about you," without having to say, "This
is how I feel about you." - Yeah. You know, this is another
one of those stories, I've said this before, where, you know, I mean, the contents of this
story makes her the asshole, but there's a lot of times
where even if she had asked her, the way she's writing about her friend also makes me just feel like- - Yes. - You're an asshole. You don't respect your friend. Like, is this your close
friend or not, you know? Another comment, this one's interesting. Someone said, "Everyone sucks here. "You should have at
least given her a choice, "an opportunity to dress
up by inviting her. "And she needs to understand dress codes. "It might've been a you're the asshole "had it not been for her
reply where she was upset "that I wouldn't want her there "even if she wore her regular clothes. "People can cry people aren't
aesthetics all they want, "but if y'all are paying for "and creating a whole event
dedicated to dressing up, "she needs to understand she can't show up "in jeans and t-shirt. "It's not appropriate
and it's disrespectful. "Don't wanna follow the event
themed dress code, don't go. "You wouldn't show up to a wedding "in swimming trunks and a tank top." Yeah, I mean, that's, sure, but we're dealing with a what if there. - Yeah. - You know, I mean, we also
don't know the exact wording of this conversation, what she said back and like she was so hurt. She was probably just like, "You just didn't want me there at all?" - Yeah. - Lastly, someone said, "Not the asshole. "Not everyone gets invited to every event, "especially if it's an event "that not everyone would be all that into. "She didn't attend prom,
presumably because she didn't want "to get dressed up for it. "And since the dress
up/costuming was the major theme "for this event, "it's okay to not invite those "you didn't think would enjoy the event." I still disagree. Like, you're all part of this book club. The whole theme, the whole
basis of this is like, oh, these book club
people do these things. Invite them, but just let 'em know. - [Chanse] Yeah. - I agree of just giving them that choice. - These are the terms. - How do you guys feel about
dress codes for parties? - I love a dress code. - Yeah, I love a good dressing up moment. I love a good party. - It's also so annoying when people blatantly
disregard the dress code. - 'Cause that's
disrespectful in its own way. - It is disrespectful. - [Shayne] Yeah. - And the dress code is
there for a lot of parties as a topic of converse, like, I went to a wig
party a couple weeks ago, and every time someone comes to the door, it's so exciting to see their wig and get to talk and you feel so free because you're like, "I'm wearing a wig. "And it's a topic of conversation. "Why'd you choose that wig?" So when people didn't
come through the door without wearing a wig, it's very like, oh, now not only are
you not adding to this, I feel self-conscious about
what I'm putting on my head now. - Interesting. Yeah. - 'Cause you get to look
like your normal hot self, and I'm wearing this
Jerry curl blonde wig. - You could be hot in a wig. - Yeah. - And, you know, I agree. And I'm someone who I
don't love dressing up. Whenever there's a themed party, I'm like, "I'm gonna look stupid." - [Chanse] Yeah. - And I'm not good at finding outfits outside of just my typical
three outfits I wear in Smosh videos. But I do try. You know, I'm like,
"Okay, this is the thing. "This is what's being asked to go. "I'm gonna try to do that
out of respect for them." But yeah, but at least invite people. - Yeah. - This episode of "Reddit Stories" is brought to you by Rocket Money. If you're like me, you're
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publicly telling this guy, "'This is a college party. "'You are 26,' and kicking
him out of my party?" - Ooh. (everyone laughs) It's funny because- - Get out of here, old man! - But it's also like, bro, you're 26. - What're you doing there? - Get out. Get out. Like, no one should have to- - Why are you partying with a 19-year-old? - You shouldn't put
yourself in a situation that someone even had
to yell at you for that. - God. Oh shit. Okay. - Oh no, I'm scared. - "I do fencing in college and I-" (Chanse laughs) - Sorry. I love that. - Did he stab them too? Get out of here. Hya! - You heathen. Back! Back I say! (everyone laughs) - Back, foul beast! - Parlay, parlay. - "I do fencing in college, "and I'm on a team with
women and men together. "We have house parties sometimes. "And this year since two of my teammates "and I rented a house together, "we became the obvious
choice to be the party house, "and we're happy to host. "I'm a junior in college, "and my friends/roommates
are a junior and a senior. "We invited the whole
current fencing team over "along with some friends
and people's partners. "There's this guy Pete, who is 26, "and has been out of
college for a few years." - Oh, Pete. - "But he keeps trying to
come to college parties "and hit on the freshmen and sophomores." - What the hell? - We can't be too surprised. - Oh, I know these people. - Oh my god. (Mac laughs) - "As an underclassman,
it always pissed me off "when the people throwing
the parties would let him in "along with the other
guys who had graduated "because I and the other
underclassmen girls "just wanted to party with people our age, "not deal with creepy losers "trying to get with college girls. "It also pissed me off that
it was played off like a joke "with freshman girls
being called fresh meat." - Ew. - Jesus Christ. "So when I started throwing parties, "I decided I'd do it differently. "My parties would be for
current team members, "their partners, and
their college age friends, "but no random guys "who were clinging to their
old college sports team "to meet girls way too young for them." - Boom. - "And if anyone causes
trouble, they're kicked out. "So I threw a party and
put in the invite text "that this was a college party
for the current team members "and you could bring
a partner or a friend, "but if you wanted to
invite more than one person "or someone not from our school "to please clear it with me first. "It was super clear in the invites "that this was a college
party for college students. "And on the day of, I
get a knock on my door "and it's this guy who has
been out of college for years." - Good old Pete. - "I tell him this is a college party "for redacted state
university students only. "And he says he's an
alumni and did fencing. "I tell him, I've been in
the club for three years "and he hasn't been at one practice. "He said he graduated
the year before that. "I asked him his age and he said 26. "I'm getting frustrated. "So I yell, 'This is a college party! "'You are 26!' "And tell him to leave. "A couple guys on the team
felt like I was unfair "because he'd always
been invited to parties "in the past years when a few guys "who have since graduated hosted. "I was like, 'Well, just
because someone else invited him "'to their party doesn't
mean I invited him to mine. "'Like, why is he coming to my house "'if someone else invited
him to some other party?' "They said that these were
generally open house parties "and it was the norm
that alumni are invited. "I got irritated and said, "'Maybe alumni need to not
piss off the fresh meat, "'lest the fresh meat grows up "'and tells them to (beep) off.' "I feel kind of conflicted "because on one hand I
didn't invite this guy "or want him around,
but on the other hand, "I did pick up the tradition
of hosting club parties "and change the rules just
because I'm the host now." - So who invited Pete to the party? - How did Pete find out? - He had the address,
he knocked on the door. Someone invited Pete. He didn't just- - Pete's in a group chat. - Know that there was a party. One of your friends invited Pete. Let's talk to that friend and say, "Hey-" - [Shayne] You get out too. - Get out. Don't invite Pete. You know I don't like Pete. - [Shayne] It's also funny... (Mac laughs) - Why would you invite him? - Yeah. Based on the wording, it's
like the other guys of course are like, "Well, it's fine, whatever." - It's just Pete. - All the women are
like, "(beep) this guy. "I hate him. "He's making us uncomfortable." I can't imagine this. Like, can you imagine, even at 26. - I wanna see Pete. I wanna see what he looks like. - Oh God. But can you imagine
you've graduated college, you've been out of college
for years, and you're like, "Oh, there's a college party happening. "I'm gonna drive over there." - Makes me kind of sad. - I live- - It's sad, but it's also like, dude, hang out with people your age. - Yeah. - I live around a bunch
of fraternity houses in my section of LA, and
yeah, I can't even imagine like just walking up being
like, 'cause I'm 27 right now, just being like, "Hey
guys, I brought the beer." - Yeah. - I got Budweiser. - No. - It's embarrassing. And then to hit on girls there is like, it's just another layer of embarrassing. - Go join a new fencing league. - That reminds me of- - I'm sure there's an
adult fencing league, so you don't have to hit on 18-year-olds. - 'Cause there's like 18 and up clubs too. And that reminds me of
like the 30, late 20 people that go to those clubs specifically
to hit on young people. Always creeped me out when I was 18. I was like, "What is going on?" - Yeah. You know, it was so common
when I was a teenager and early 20s, like actors,
like young actors hanging out, how common this was. There'd be a couple older guys,
and like everyone knew that. It was just like, "Oh yeah,
that guy, he hangs out, "and he's 20, you know-" - Good old Pete. - 25 to 27, but like we are all 18 to 21. And so like 26 isn't old. You know, I'm 32. I don't think 26 is old. But relatively, that's what
we're talking about here. And it's just weird. I don't know. - For an 18-year-old who just moved out of
their parents' house. - Yeah. - Who just graduated high school. - [Shayne] Yeah. - You're 26, bro. - Yeah. And you're like, you're seeking it out. - Yes. Actively. - Like, when I started the
story, I was like, is he like, just happens to be 26 living on campus. Just happens to be there. - It's not like an "Emily
in Paris" situation where you're like at a vineyard, and they live there and blah, blah blah. - Pete is just like "Emily in Paris." That's what I was thinking. (everyone laughs) Emily in college. - Pete in fencing. - The top comment is, "Wow,
when did 26 become old? "I must be a fossil." OP said, "Not old objectively,
just old in context." - Yes. - "Like in the same way 17 isn't old, "but 17 would be inappropriately old "to be in a relationship
with a 13-year-old. "26 isn't old in the context
of someone's lifetime, "but 26 is uncomfortably old "to be trying to sleep with teenagers." Yes, absolutely. Someone said, "Yeah, I had a
classmate who was 43 years old "and had not had the
opportunity to finish school "when he was young. "He was cool and never felt too old "to be at college functions with us. "He and his wife did not hit
on the teenagers though." Yeah. OP replied, "Oh yeah, that
would be so different. "I invited a few older students "who went back to school after some time, "and since they're still
students and on the team too, "they're part of the team "and welcome the same as anyone else. "I just get pissed when someone "who has no connection to
the school or team anymore "and is just coming by trying
to cling to teenagers." Someone said to that, "I
think it may be worthwhile "to be explicitly clear
that he is not invited "because of his age or alumni status, "but because of how he
treats other partygoers "and makes women uncomfortable. "Otherwise, you're leaving
people room to argue back "about alumni or older
undergrad students or whatever." Someone else said, "Not the asshole. "At 26, you are too old to
be going to college parties "to try and pick up teenagers. "I would also be creeped
out by these guys. "Your house, your rules. "If someone doesn't like it, "they do not need to attend your party." Lastly, someone said, "Not the asshole. "First, it's your house and your party. "Second, just because we've
always done it this way, "doesn't mean we keep doing it this way." - Correct. - "In fact, as soon as
someone utters that phrase, "I recommend taking a
good hard look at it." - Yeah. (laughs) 100%. - My question is like,
where are his friends from like his grade, you know? Why aren't they going to like the bars? Why is he free on the weekends to be coming around
college parties like that? - For real. Whenever I, you know, like, I
don't know, it barely happens, but like whenever I see or am
around like younger people, like 18 to 21, I'm just like, cool. Hanging out with you if it
was just people your age, I would feel so uncomfortable. I would just be, I'd look in a mirror, and I'd see myself like falling apart. - So TikTok. (everyone laughs) - So is everyone still dabbing? (everyone laughs) - Shayne. - What are you guys doing now? - Whip, whip. (everyone laughs) - Oh man. All right, let's move on. "Am I the asshole for asking my sister "what the (beep) she expected to happen "at her shit show of
a bachelorette party?" - Whoa! Whoa! Oh my god. Okay. (Mac laughs) - Damn. (everyone laughs) - And there's no story. That's it. (everyone laughs) Okay. All right, here we go. "For some reason," this
is a 32-year-old woman. "For some reason, my sister,
who's 23, and her fiance, 25, "decided that the very
best way to celebrate "before getting married "was to have a joint
bachelor/bachelorette party." - [Mac] Oh no. - "At strip clubs." - Oh. - "They also hired a bus
limo for the evening. "The aftermath was thus
far three breakups, "four people dropping
outta the wedding party, "one impending divorce, and one arrest. "The cleaning bill for the limo "was more than the
original rental fee also. "She was crying to our mom
at dinner the other day, "and I snorted. "I tried not to, I honestly did. "I was trying my best to
just keep my mouth shut. "She asked me what was so funny. "I said that I wasn't sure
what she expected to happen "getting a group of people
drunk, using illicit substances, "and getting horned up
watching exotic dancers. "She said that I was an asshole "for judging her and her friends. "I said I wasn't judging, "just that literally anyone
could have seen that outcome. "My mom told me to apologize "because my sister is having to replace "most of her wedding party on the fly. "I did, but I still think I'm right. "Am I the asshole?" (Mac laughs) Oh wow. Okay. First of all, I can't
relate to the story at all. I've never known someone who has gone through something like that. - A joint? - Three breakups, four people dropping
outta the wedding party, one impending divorce. But I think their wedding
is still on the way. So she and her husband
still still made it. They survived the night. - [Chanse] Wow. - That's a lot to unpack. - Did it say... It said drugs too? - Illicit substances. - Great.
- Okay. - I mean, bachelor and bachelorette party. From my understanding,
I'm not too big on like, I haven't been to any like
crazy bachelor parties or anything. To me, I've always thought
it's a little silly sometimes. Like, we're gonna go and go
to a strip club and go crazy. I'm like, I don't know. - Yeah, it doesn't sound like a fun bachelor/bachelorette
party in the first place. It sounds really lame if I'm being honest. - [Shayne] Yeah? - Like, you rented a bus limo and you're going to a strip club together?
- Together. - That doesn't sound fun. Like, it sounds like an AI generated bachelor/bachelorette party. (everyone laughs) - (beep) - Like, that's what it sounds like. - They asked Chat GPT. - They asked ChaT GPT what they should do. - Throw us a wild bachelor party. - Exactly. It's like drugs, strip club, bus limo. Bus limo? What the hell is a bus limo? It's a big limo? A tall limo? Or is it a bus? - I'm trying to imagine- - A party bus? What's a bus limo? - I have been on a party bus before. - I've been on a party bus too. I ain't been on a bus limo. That sounds like some AI shit. - Wait, hold on. A bus is a limo. - Exactly. What's a bus limo? I know a party bus. - An extra long bus where the belly of it scratches
along the road as you drive. - Girl, well, apparently
she rented a bus limo, so... - I'm just trying to
imagine like the ride back after the strip. Were the breakups during the strip club? - I think there were Ubers. - Okay. Because there's a lot
of different elements of this story, right? Is she the asshole for
saying that to her sister who's going through all
of this horrible shit right then and there? It's like you're her sister. - Yes, you are. - Probably should not say that. You should probably like... This was the decision that was made. This is how it's going. - Probably should have said
it before the party happened. - Yeah, if you're actually
gonna try to help her out, be like, "Hey, you know,
these people, I don't know, "like we don't know all
their relationships." - Bad idea. - This could cause turmoil for people. 'Cause I think there's
plenty of people out there who could go and do that
and have a great time. But to throw that and just throw a bunch
of couples into that, it's like you don't know
how that's gonna go. - True. - I'm speaking from inexperience. I've never been to a strip club, so I don't know what the vibe is and what that's like for couples. - I've only been to gay strip clubs. - Well, I guess we don't know what kind of strip club it was. - I know. There's men and there's women. That's what I'm saying. It's already dangerous. 'Cause you're seeing your partner there- - Jiggling some booty cheeks. And then suddenly, yeah. - Yeah, it's a brand new experience for a lot of people at once. - And it shows you get to see your partner how they would interact in that space. And usually I feel like
a strip club is the space that you are away from your
partner or like you're single. And seeing that probably
elicited a lot of feelings. It's like, "That's how
you interact with people? "Oh, that's not the
person I thought you were. "And now I don't sit well-" - It's an uncomfortable,
for a lot of people, I think it's an uncomfortable situation. I can understand how
insecurity arises and stuff. The verdict was asshole for the sister for saying that at dinner. But what the top comment
here was, "Not the asshole, "and I probably would've
said the same thing, LOL. "But you got to spill the beans. "Who did what to cause
a divorce, breakups, "and dropping from the wedding? "Cheating with strippers,
cheating with each other? "Come on. "This could make the
best of Reddit updates." OP said, "I'll give the tamest example." - Yes! Yes! - "My cousin is a talented singer. "She is single "and was supposed to sing
a song during the ceremony. "However, she hooked up
with the maid of honor "whom nobody knew had that in
her, including her boyfriend. "This happened in the bus." - Oh. - The bus limo. (Mac and crew laugh) - "He got arrested for
trying to break into the bus "while this was going on, "and several people were cheering them on "after locking him out." (crew laughs) Oh my god. - So wait, let me get this straight. The maid of honor- - Cheated on her boyfriend
with their cousin who was going to, she was going to sing the
song during the ceremony. - In the bus limo. - While he's locked out. And he's going, he's
like, "What's going on?" - And everyone else is like- - [Shayne] And the cops are arresting him. - Yes!
- Yes, girl! Infidelity. Oh. - Someone else said, "Obviously nothing in this
thread is gonna change your mind. "You come off as extremely stubborn. "Here goes. "Everyone sucks here to everyone, "including you except your sister, "unless she was literally
one of the cheaters "or directly told someone to cheat." OP said, "I'm pretty sure
I got voted the asshole. "I already went over this
morning and apologized again. "I'm taking over as matron of honor, "and my sister has been
reading these comments "and giggling." Okay. All right, so this is basically, okay. There's a huge update comment here. - Okay.
- Update? - It's a comment, but it's an update. - [Chanse] Okay. - OP says, "Fine. "The maid of honor and her
boyfriend did not break up." - [Mac] Okay. - Wow. So they got through that. - Just drugs were in the equation, so he is probably not in the mindset. - "The other bridesmaid who is married "was in an Eiffel Tower
with two of the groomsmen." (Chanse screams) (Mac laughs) - Wait, the who? - "The other bridesmaid," Emily in Paris, "who is married was in an Eiffel Tower "with two of the groomsmen. "The other bridesmaid who is
married was in an Eiffel Tower "with two of the groomsmen. "One groomsman has dropped
out along with the bridesmaid. "Her husband has left her "because I guess this
isn't the first time." - Oh my god. This feels like a movie. This needs to be produced by A24. - By the way, that's just the beginning. That's the first paragraph of like five. - Oh my god. Oh my god. - "The other groomsman in that
group has no (beep) to give "and will be attending. "We are lucky that by the
time the cops showed up, "everything illegal had
been taken, eaten, ingested, "or swallowed. "I stayed mostly sober and
stayed with my sister all night "so she could party and
not do anything too stupid. "My husband also attended, "and I had tasked him with
keeping an eye on the groom. "He decided the best way to
keep the groom out of trouble "was to get him pants shitting
drunk, which he accomplished "with the only casualty
being some underwear, a sock, "and a pair of Levi's." - Wait, wait, wait.
- What? What? - He shit his pants. - Oh. - "The only casualty being
some underwear, a sock, "and a pair of Levi's." So he shit his pants so bad
it got down to the sock. Just for clarification. "The bus/limo," pissing me off the most, "came out as the worst
victim in this whole debacle. "By the end," it was a bus. No, I'm just kidding. "It needs a biohazard cleanup and-" (Chanse screams) - "Upholstery replaced. "My dad is pissed. "After reading the comments..." (everyone laughs) "After reading the comments, "I went to see my sister this morning "and gave a more sincere apology. "She asked me to be the matron
of honor and I accepted. "If anyone here is free Saturday, "we still need someone to sing 'The Rose' "during the ceremony." - If anyone is free.
- I'll do it. I will do it.
- Bitch. - "We need someone to sing
'The Rose' during the ceremony "since my cousin is
currently persona non grata. "I only know about the
breakups from hearsay. "But suffice it to say that
getting a group of friends "who have a lot of sexual history together "and giving them drugs and alcohol, "then taking them out to see naked people "is a terrific idea "if you are not getting
married in a week." - A week? I don't think I realized it
was that close to the wedding. - A lot of bachelor/bachelorettes are like right then and there. - Oh, really? - Wow. Okay. - Reminds me of that, have
you seen that movie "Climax"? - No. - Like, a group of dancers
take a bunch of LSD by accident and like everything just goes crazy. That's what this reminds me of. - Wow. - It's a crazy film. I recommend you see it at
least once in your life. - I wanna point out a
sentence that I just heard. - Yeah. - A group of people who have a lot of sexual history together. Also, let's look at, never in my life have I been like, "The solution to my problem is
for you to shit your pants." Never in my life have I ever been like, "I know how to get us out of this. "Shit your pants." - Well, he got him so
drunk he shit his pants. - That was the, actively? Purposely? - Like, got him so, like,
shitting pants drunk. What was the wording? "Get him pants shitting
drunk, which he accomplished." - Read the sentence before that. - "My husband also attended, "and I tasked him with
keeping an eye on the groom. "He decided the best way to
keep the groom out of trouble "was to get him pants shitting drunk." - What? - Oh, it was the groom. - How? Huh? - I think a lot of dudes when
it's like a bachelor party, something in their mind clicks
where they're just like, "Oh, you're the bachelor. "I'm gonna get you so drunk." I think that's how a lot of- - To make sure he stays outta trouble? - To make sure he stays- - That's clearly a lie. He just was clearly like, "All right, I'm gonna
keep him outta trouble. "I'm gonna get him really-" - I don't know. Straight people... (Shayne laughs) Crazy. - No, baffling.
- Can't relate. I'm glad I'm someone that when I get even just like beyond buzzed, like when I start getting drunk, I just get sleepy and I go to sleep. - Yeah. - I can't get to this level. - But once again- - Not shitting myself. - Once again, I'm gonna
say it again, the drugs. - Oh yeah. See, I don't, I don't- - Yeah, but that's what is keeping them- - I had the realization, like I was in my mid to late 20s when I finally had the
realization of just how I'm like, how do people keep going? I fall asleep. And then I was like, oh, it's drugs. - That cocaine. - Oh, wow. Huh. Okay. There is an update 2.0. (Chanse screams and sings) - The wedding was called off. - "As you may recall, "my sister had a co-ed
bachelor/bachelorette party "that went sideways. "If you were hoping for more (beep) "you will be sorely disappointed. "My father and husband had a talk "with several of the miscreants "that would be attending the wedding "and put the fear of God into them. "We found someone to sing 'The Rose,' "and my husband stepped in as a groomsman. "As I commented, I did
apologize to my sister "for my insensitive snort and comment, "and I was her matron of honor. "We also got a couple of girls to fill in "for the missing bridesmaids. "The wedding went off beautifully, "and when everything was said and done, "the only real consequences
were one divorce "that was probably going to happen anyway, "one arrest that will plead
to a misdemeanor most likely, "and one pair of underwear,
one sock, and a pair of jeans. "Sorry to disappoint, but
nothing much of note happened "at the wedding or reception." Well, thank God there. - No, that's a good thing. - That's good. Yeah, no, I can't handle anymore. - The fear of God. Ugh. - Yeah. - Like, literally, or like a metaphor? - Probably metaphor. Probably just they were like, "You're gonna go to this wedding." - He's like a pastor and be like, "Ah, Jesus will come down and smite you!" Okay. - But I'm glad the sister apologized, 'cause yeah, in her
sister's darkest moment, she was like, "Well, you had this coming." It's like, okay, you don't need that. That's a conversation you
have like 10 years later where it's like, "Well,
that was pretty funny. "What were you thinking?" You know? But right then and there... If you had to attend one of
these parties that I just read, which one are you choosing? - Oh. - 'Cause I know my answer. - Oh, I know my answer. - Oh, so now I have to go to this party. Okay. - Which of these parties are you going to? - Okay, so the first one
is just an Irish goodbye. - So that's a barbecue. - Oh, it's a barbecue. - It's a barbecue.
- Boring. - The second one is Budweiser. - Yeah, the second one
we're not invited to. - Oh, it's a bunch of 18-year-old girls. - Yeah, two of the
parties are like college and high school, so
probably ixnay those ones. I feel like the answer's pretty easy here. I don't know if we are all agreeing. I'm going to this bachelor party. - Oh no, Shayne! I'm not going to that. - If I'm not involved, no,
I'm going just to chill. I'm gonna have- - The problem with me
going to that, Shayne- - I'm just gonna have a single Budweiser, and I'm just gonna hang out in that bus. I'm gonna be in the bus just like... - Yeah, just having a glass of wine. Like, ooh.
- Shayne, Shayne, Shayne. - Can you imagine me at that party? - Shayne, my Gemini ass, I'm either taking care of everyone, which is me cleaning up
all the shit pants people and whatever liquids there might be or I'm gonna be the most ratchet one. (Shayne laughs) But either of those are
unacceptable for me, so I can't go to that bachelor party. I can't go. - If I'm somehow not fully
friends with these people, but I'm somehow on the bus,
then it's a great time. Then I'm just observing. - I think I might go to
the college fencing party. - [Shayne] Yeah? - I think it sounds pretty fun, yeah. - Okay. - [Mac] A fencing party. Okay. - Yeah. That sounds fun. I don't wanna have to deal
with the 18-year-olds of it all at the underage drinking party, and they're drinking
Budweiser, so like, ew. Second place is the cake party because I want to go to that
party and then like talk, I wanna be like, "Ooh!" Like, "Well, you took her dress." (everyone laughs) But I paid her. Well, you also took it. - I know. I want answers. That's what I want outta all these. I'm not going for the party. I'm going to interrogate.
- For the tea. - Yeah, exactly. Exactly. They're all a tea party. - 100% the strip club. - Yeah. - 100%. - Yeah, we're going to that. It's gonna be great. - That's the most chaotic one. I love chaos. Especially if I knew the
person people closely, I'd probably be emotional with it, but if I didn't know anybody that much, I'd be like, "Oh, ooh." - She's crazy. - Oh, is that shit? - Yeah, I remember the
first party I ever went to was the most chaotic party I've ever, actually, no, that's a lie. A chaotic moment I witnessed first party. I was a teenager. - It was last week. - Yeah. I was a teenager, and I'm
like a very sweet kid. Like, I do not get into trouble. I don't drink and I don't do anything. But I'm at this party. I'm just like, I'm like, a party, I've never
been to a party before. And it's a house party,
and I'm in the back, and there's a pool there,
there's a fire pit. Like, one of those portable
fire pits, whatever. And a fight breaks out
between these two dudes, and they are fighting. Fully fighting. Fists are getting thrown. They're wrestling. One of 'em gets thrown into the fire pit. He tumbles like into
the fire pit, gets out, his jacket's on fire. He's fully on fire, still going. And I'm there by the fire pit. I remember some like,
sparks got onto my pants, and I remember just being
like, "Oh, oh, whoa." Like, I kept watching. I was just intrigued. They keep fighting and then the guy who his jacket was on fire, he eventually also gets
thrown into the pool and then he gets out and
that was kind of the end. I think he knew all the
elements had been thrown at him. He was done. He had to take the L at that point. But I remember just being
like, "This is crazy." I wasn't scared. I was just genuinely fascinated. - My first high school party,
we took shots of tequila, and then I broke a door. (Chanse gasps) - Okay. - End of that story. (everyone laughs) - I like to think that you
took a shot and then you went and like the handle just came
off and you're like, "Aw." (everyone laughs) - I've been to some crazy parties. - What? - Yes. (Shayne laughs) Chanse. - I'll just give you some highlights. In college, one party ended up with me getting mustard showered. - What? - There was mustard. - What? - Mustard's like a condiment. It's yellow. - Oh yeah, no, I know. At first what that sounded
like was World War I. - Am I the asshole for
getting showered in mustard? - What the hell? What the hell? - And then since moving to LA, y'all, drag queens party like crazy. Like crazy. Manila Luzon, Scarlet Bobo, y'all crazy. Y'all crazy. That's all I'll say about that. - That's the end of
that conversation, yeah. - The end of that conversation. - That stays within the community. - That's for us. (everyone laughs) - Okay. Work. - No! (everyone laughs) - Yes. It came back. - I had to bring it back.
I had to bring it back. - Work. - Work. - Good, Shayne. Good. - Yeah? - [Chanse] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Got this. Thank you both for being here
for this special episode. This was really great. Once again, guys... - [Mac] Oh. - 50th episode. Are we ready? 50th episode. Let's go. (Mac grunts) (Shayne grunts) - [Mac] It's okay. - You can do it, Shayne. (everyone laughs) Shayne. - There we go. - Oh my god. - No! Our cameraman's like (screams) (everyone laughs) Thank you guys for being here. This was really fun. These parties were wild. Be safe out there. Party responsibly. - Or don't. You know, give us more stories. - Yeah. - Honestly, I don't need to party anymore. I'm done. I'm just kidding.
- Really? - Let us know where we
could rent a bus limo in the comments. - Yeah, what do you think is a bus limo. - Yeah, draw it for us. - Draw it down below in the comments. Figure out that technology
and do that please. Oh, and before we go, Mac,
where can people find you? - On the corner of Sunset- - No. (everyone laughs) - Sunset and Vine. - Not Sunset and Vine. - We're partying, you know. - Nothing good is happening there. - Jack Sparrow. - [Shayne] Yeah. - Find me anywhere if
you search MacDoesIt. Figure out how to spell it. (Shayne laughs) - All right, thank you guys for watching. We'll see you next week. Goodbye! (crew cheers)