Advanced EYE Zoom TRANSITION | Davinci Resolve Fusion Tutorial

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have you ever want to make a sick I assume transition but not know how to well look no further because in this video I'm going to show you how to make an advanced aizen transition in DaVinci Resolve all that stuff coming up but first my name is Billy Ripken and if you're new here hit the subscribe button and the Bell notifications to be up-to-date on the newest DaVinci Resolve tutorials put out so if you guys want to follow along click the link in the description to download all of these files for free so let's just get into it alright so now that we're in DaVinci Resolve we have our Clips out we've got our timeline everything looks nice and pretty and stuff the only thing we have to do before we jump into fusion is to grab this clip right here and drag it on top above the eye and shorten it to where it matches the length of the eye then we're gonna highlight everything and create a new fusion clip and then just jump into fusion so now we have our media in one in our media into our media in one is our eye so I'm gonna hit f2 and rename it to eye and then our media to is the forest now we're gonna disconnect the forest from the rest of the node tree so our next step is to track our eye and then connect that tracking data to of the masks add in our tracker we're not gonna add in the planar tracker a lot of people love the planar tracker but the planar tracker doesn't really work with the method that I'm going to use so we need to use the normal tracker here so now under the tracker node you're gonna go to the operations tab and under operation you're gonna go to matchmove and then just pretty much leave everything the same go back to trackers so we're gonna grab this little tab here and we're gonna move it over the center of the eye so we have two boxes right here this box is the search area this is the area that if your tracker gets off of what it was tracking it's going to look inside this box to try to find that object you were originally tracking and this itself this is the tracker so I want to track the eye itself so I'm gonna make it a little bit bigger than the eye and then I'm gonna position it in center and see it'll zoom in and also it'll show you what your tracking and the position of it right here so you see right down here that it's actually almost Center you just have to go down a little and it should be perfect and now just track forward so as things tracking it's going to show you if there's any movement down here this is real-time tracking right here so you're not seeing any movement here so that means we're getting a good track if the center was everywhere all over the eye then we would be getting a really bad track and we would have to be doing it again so now we're gonna grab our lips mask right here and we're gonna connect it to our merge node grab a background node and we're going to connect it to the merge node and now you see that our mask is showing up like this we don't want that to be happening so once again click on your merge node and hit ctrl T and it's gonna invert everything right here and then you're going to go to your background and drag the Alpha all the way down is that under your lips mask invert it so now we have this right here and then just resize it by using these little areas around the corner and put it in the center once you have a position to over the pupil you're going to grab the soft edge and you are just going to feather the heck out of it move the border width up just a little so you can see it's too soft and it's actually taking away your eyelid so to fix that we're gonna click on our ellipse mask and we're gonna add in our polygon mask so now we're gonna trace our eyelid out with this polygon mask and it doesn't have to be perfect because we're just going to feather the heck out of it so bring it up just like this and connect it over there we're just going to soften the edge just a little so the transitions not as drastic and then add a little border in there alright so that's looking pretty good so we're just gonna drag our masks up and we're actually gonna add a transform node right here and the reason for the transform node is that we can't actually stick our tracking data to of these masks right here we need to stick it to the transform node so under the transform node we're gonna right click on Center and go to connect to and you got tracker 1 and then under tracker 1 we're gonna go unsteady position and now when I play it you can see that our masks are actually moving but looks like we have to reposition our mask just a little somehow it got off so I'm just gonna copy everything and I'm going to just move it around to where it's it's about good right there I would say so the next step we have here is to duplicate this eye so on the inode we're gonna hit ctrl C and go over here and paste it with control V and now we're gonna add it in with a merge node so just drag the merge node in connect our eye to the merge node and now under this merge node we can just control the blend so in the beginning if we want just a little reflection we can have it but then if we zoom all the way in it's fully transparent so for right now under the blend we're just gonna bring it all the way down to zero we want to be able to see right through it then we're just gonna add two transform nodes here and position the pivot for both of these nodes in the center and if you keep having this thing we're like it slips and it goes way too far just like this hold ctrl it'll make it so much easier and it won't move as rapidly and crazy I don't know why that happens in DaVinci Resolve it's super annoying but just hold ctrl and it'll make micro adjustments so now we want to add in our forest so just add an emerge node right here connect our forest make sure that our forest is in the background and our eyes in the foreground so under this merge just ctrl T and it'll shift it to the background I like to add in a transform node right here just in case I want to scale things in move it around do all that stuff so now we're gonna make the zoom animation so in transform to under size just grab this size and just drag it up the reason why we're doing that is because we can't actually zoom in as far as we want but if you combine two transform nodes and have one zoomed in all the way and then the next one can zoom in farther so now you can see that I can zoom in as far as I really want to so nerd' transform 3 grab our size and actually scale it back down to where it fills the frame so this transform is actually going to be our size so I'm going to name it size so now under frame 0 I'm gonna add a key frame and then I'm gonna move forward about 20-25 frames and just zoom in a little so I want that like slight zoom in the beginning and now we're gonna do our main zoom so go forward to like frame 80 and we're just gonna punch right through the center of it like this all right so now we have our zoom but we just need to fix it because really it looks slow and it looks ugly and I don't like that so we're gonna open a spline tab and just expand a little and under our size I'm just going to highlight everything and hit s s just means smooth and now under this first keyframe here this is where we're pushing into the eye I want to be very smooth so I'm gonna grab this handle and hold control and bring it in just like this and then under the top I'm going to do the same and bring it in and have it be a really nice ass just like this so that looks pretty good to me so now we want to go back to this merge right here and mess with the blend so in the beginning because we're zooming into the eye I want the blend to be like almost maxed out so I want it to be kind of like this to where we're just seeing the reflection of it so wonderful we're just gonna grab the blend and we're gonna make it pretty strong towards like there's a reflection in his eye and then add a keyframe so on frame 30 I'm gonna bring the blend down just a little and then I'm gonna jump forward to about frame 50 and I'm gonna bring it down all the way so now the last thing to do is to add motion blur so under our merge three we're just gonna add one more transform node right here and then go to our settings and under motion blur we're just gonna bring the quality up and then the shutter angle a little more so now we're gonna have some quality motion blur that's gonna hide any imperfection that we don't want the viewer to see so there you have it the advanced a zoom transition in DaVinci Resolve so if you thought this video was helpful give it a like if you liked me hit the subscribe button and if you really like me hit that Bell notification so since it's Christmas time and you know you got gifts and all that good stuff what is one piece of gear that you would like let me know in the comments below for me it's a new camera at the moment I shoot on a GH five but I'm actually have to switch back to and I'm 50 because the gh 5 is not mine so I'd like a new camera something that is either the gh 5 or of like the quality of the gh 5 possibly when Sony comes out with it the a7 s3 so anyway as usual the video on top is a video all about the stutter shift effect in DaVinci Resolve it adds energy into your videos it's super cool super sick check that out and the video on the bottom is video that YouTube thinks that you would like but until the next one peace you [Music]
Channel: Billy Rybka
Views: 101,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: advanced eye zoom transition, eye zoom, eye zoom transition, eye transition, davinci resolve fusion, Fusion Tutorial, davinci resolve transition, davinci resolve transitions, davinci resolve, davinci resolve 16, billy rybka, davinci resolve tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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