"Don't Get Caught Smoking"

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[Music] let's welcome them around the world as they tune in and watch this today on our broadcast I thought much about being the last service for 2019 and what I feel like God would have me to bring concerning our people and those that are listening around the world this may seem like a little bit of an unusual subject to close out of year but I pray you'll stay with me give me the benefit of the doubt that encouraged me while I try to deliver the message that God has burdened me with in Matthew chapter 12 and verse number 14 then the Pharisees went out and held a council against him referring to Jesus how they might destroy him but when Jesus knew it he withheld himself from thence and great multitudes followed them and He healed them all and charged him that they should not make him known that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet saying behold my servant whom I have chosen my beloved in whom my soul is well pleased I will put my spirit upon him and he shall show judgment to the Gentiles he shall not strive nor cry neither shall any man hear his voice in the streets now watch verse 20 a bruised Reed shall he not break a smoking flax shall he not quench till he sent forth judgment unto victory and in his name shall the Gentiles trust that'll be all the scripture I'm reading I'm going back to verse number 20 in just a moment but I want to give you the title of my message so you can all start hiding your cigarettes because I'm preaching on don't get caught smoking brother snap said a man anything that good ought to be chewed and not smoked right brothers now when you read chapter number 12 it shows us the vivid hatred and vengeance that the religious crowd had towards Jesus religion has always been an enemy of God they faulted him in this chapter if you'll read it earlier they faulted him he cause on the Sabbath day he was walking through a cornfield with his disciples and they were hungry and he allowed his followers to eat corn out of the field on the Sabbath day and bored that upset that religious crowd if they'd have just read Deuteronomy 25 they would have found out that under the law that was legal anyway but they held their peace because they followed him knowing that his next stop was to go inside the temple on the Sabbath day so when Jesus goes inside the temple he finds a man with a withered hand it's there on the Sabbath day that Jesus asked him to extend his withered Anne and the Bible said when he did immediately it was made whole and restored as the other and not only did Jesus eat on the Sabbath day but he healed on the Sabbath day and upon those two actions these Pharisees lunge into their much rehearsed accusations ingredients is that said stored up against Jesus it's then that the writer in Chapter number Claire chapter number 12 declares the attitude and the framework of the Son of God and he doesn't by giving us two illustrations from which one I will preach from the Pharisee said you've come to do damage you've come to destroy the law and Jesus declared I've come to fulfill the law and when he healed on the Sabbath he said one of you if she didn't have an ox in the ditch would not pull it out on a Saturday how much more should I have released this man from his infirmity and so the writer wanted to suggest to us very vividly the attitude of Jesus in his ministry he said two things in verse 20 the bruised Reed will not be broken and the smoking flax shall not be quenched and what the writer was telling us is how delicate Jesus came to this earth to be to put broken lives back together he didn't come to destroy man man was already destroyed Jesus came to put the broken lives back together yes he did to set at liberty those that are in captivity and one of the things he illustrated through showing us the concern of the compassion of Jesus was this thing called smoking flax it'll be honest with you it's only found twice in the Bible once when it was prophesied that it would happen here in Matthew chapter 12 out of the book of Isaiah chapter number 43 I didn't even know what flax was to be honest with you so I've studied it till I'm sick of it and I'm glad today I can put it down and never have to worry about it again flax is a plant that grows to be about four feet high at the top of the plant it produces a blue beautiful bright blue flower that only opens up during the daytime they've harvested seeds from the flacc plant for many years it's called flax seed they also squish the seed and get what they call flax seed oil and you could read on the internet and it can explain all of those uses it's to you but to end the stalk of this flax plant it was used to make linen I did not know that even today everything you own that's made of linen comes from this little plant called flax so I begin to find out where does this come from out of the Old Testament so I decided I would study out of the Old Testament what was made of linen to do so I borrow your imagination and I take you inside the tabernacle of God that Moses built that was instituted by the priesthood of Aaron the Levites when you went inside the first section of the tent what we call the holy place there were three things inside there made of linen or this flax stem they take the stem and they shred it apart and it comes apart like hair then they weave it together very tight and it makes probably the sheets that are on your bed when you walk inside the tabernacle there were three things made of linen number one is the large veil that hung from the top of of the tabernacle to the bottom that separated you from the holiest of foley's that was a minimum of four inches thick and it was hand-woven by the women of Israel four inches thick that was solid linen the second thing that was made of linen in the Old Testament Tabernacle was the white garment that the priests put on prior to going behind that veil into the holiest of Holies and getting in front of the Chicana powerful magnificent glory and presence of God his his garment his gown was made out of solid white linen but the third thing is the one I want to talk about this thing called smoking flax they would take the flax and they would spin it with their hands and that's what they made wicks out of in the Old Testament they could not use cotton brother Denny because cotton was not readily available like the flax plant was all through down in the valleys and on the mountain sides you could see the solid blue it looked like blankets where the flax plants grew in the Old Testament days and they would take that flax and string it and then they would spin it real tight and they would make a wick out of it it was that wick that was put in a basin of oil and seven of them were put on the top of the candlestick as you entered the tabernacle on the left-hand side there was a candlestick of God the incense was burning in front of you and over to the right was the table of showbread this is a type of being filled with the Holy Spirit it was a it was a wedge of gold that had been made into a candlestick and it had seven arms coming off of it and at the top of each arm was a little vessel of pure beating olive oil and they would take that wick and put it down in that olive oil and the priest would light all seven of them that was the only light that was in the Old Testament tabernacle and God commanded them in the book of Exodus brother Collins that that candle light would never go out anytime day or night that the Israelite passed by the tabernacle they could look inside and see that candle burning it was for two reasons that candle light was burning to illuminate the priest where he could see to do his priesthood and also to let Israel know they was serving a God that did not sleep he did not slumber and he was always available and so every morning and every night the priest would have to go to that candlestick a one solid wedge of gold no telling what it would be worth today and his job every morning and every evening was to trim that wick and the refill those seven vessels were that pure beaten olive oil he did that every morning and he did it every night if he failed to trim that wick the wick would burn and would begin to smoke inside the temple or the tabernacle what brought me to this message is I'm a candle holic I burn candles all the time not as a ritual I just like candles I'd rather smell it than you so I love candles and I'm a Kelowna holic I love good fragrances and I was in my office here a couple of weeks ago and I was studying and I lit a candle and man that thing wasn't burning 10 minutes my eyes got the burning I thought man is somebody smoking pot in the Sun let's go room or something my eyes had never burned like that and what had happened brother Hill is the the wax had burnt down but the the wick had stayed high and because I hadn't trimmed it the whole time I used it now instead of being a big burning bright light it was dull and fading and black smoke was protruding out of my candle that's why God said I want that trimmed every morning and every night because I don't want things getting smoky and dim and weak and frail in the house of God by the way a preacher's got to cut things back every once in a while and I wouldn't sit under a man that wouldn't cut things back every once in a while you said man I ain't going back here that fella preaches rough I ain't preaching rough I'm just preaching from a rough book I tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna trim this thing down every once in a while where to be the light of the world my smokehouse this is smoke house it's a church now if you'll study this and this is amazing to me you'll find that this wick made out of flats is a type of a flash see if you run out of oil and you burn in the flesh it's irritating it's corrupt it's dirty in its dark this wick is the type of flesh in three ways number one it's because it comes from dirt you come out of dirt and because we're cursed and we came out of dirt we're cursed to go back to dirt everything about us in the flesh is cursed that's why we're all going to die in the flash we'll live forever in the spirit but our flesh must die because it's under the curse of God and we'll never be redeemed until the rapture when Jesus gives us a brand-new body fashion like thunder here's out the only begotten Son of God number two I want you young people to get this this week is the type of the flesh in the fact that it becomes and absorbs what it's around see that wick is dry and within itself it would burn up in just a matter of minutes but what you do brother Danny's you stick that wick down in the oil and because the wick is surrounded with oil guess what it does it absorbs the oil pulls the oil up in it and now it's the oil burning and not the wind see that showing us something about our flesh and that is whatever you surround yourself with whatever you immerse yourself in is eventually what you're going to become you might as well say amen to that you're not going around run around with a bunch of fornicators and stay a virgin you're not gonna run around with a bunch of drugs for long and stay sober you're not gonna end around a free and smoking pot and not have one in your pockets because we're made to absorb God made us to absorb what we're surrounded by that's why back in the garden God walked with Adam in the cool of the day he wanted Adam to absorb himself so it's a type of the flash number three it's the type of the flesh in that if it's not filled with something else it symbolizes corruption it runs out of oil and it starts being an irritation instead of a blessing now I love a candle I'm gonna be honest man I got them all through my house you'd think I was a Catholic priest if you come to my house I got candles in the bathroom I got one by my jacuzzi I got a final three or four in my bedroom my wife said we got the only bedroom we can turn all the lights off and it's still just as bright as it is with the lights off I love candles but son when that wick gets out of hand there's nothing more irritating to me than a stinking smoking candle it'll drive you out of your ever-loving mind black smoke a porn out of that thing it stinks your eyes water it feels like you got that smell gets caught in your throat if you know what I'm talking about and I start coughing like a bunch of you smokers do trying to get that stuff out of my lungs and out of my throat I say to you when the flesh is given an opportunity to burn on its own it is an irritating thing to God it is a nauseating thing to god it bothers God when he looks at his people and they don't see us burning in the light of the fullness of the Spirit but rather smoking as the results of living in the flesh I will tell you when 2020 comes in this year I don't want to be a smoking Christian I don't want to get burnt out I don't want to lose my fire I don't want to be a used to be I don't want you still has been I don't want to be a yesterday I didn't get in this thing to quit I want to burn bright till Jesus calls me home now it's very important that we keep our lights trimmed and burning and let me show you something about getting caught smoking here's the negative things that happened in the tabernacle if he didn't trim the wigs and by the way there was one time in the Old Testament in 1st Samuel when he let the lamp of God go out Eli let it go out his two sons hophni and Phinehas they let the light go out and God so judged him he let the Philistines come down take the Ark of the Covenant the mercy seat the presence was gone a God was gone because he said I don't got any I don't have any people that wants to trim their life I don't have anybody in the church that wants to be filled with the spirit so they don't even appreciate my presence anyhow so he took it from them and God judged them and you know Eli's family was cut off and there was never another priest through the genealogy of Eli even up to this very day but it's so important that the children of God our spirit filled and absorbed in the power of the Holy Ghost here's why I've got to hurry and close when you walk into tabernacle this is the only light you have they didn't have healthy LED lights with motion detectors on them that came on when the priests walk did he's covered with four layers of different skins it's pitch black you can't see your hand in front of your face inside that tabernacle unless that lamps burning the unity of the people of God striving to be filled with the spirit and when you walk in right to the right is a table it's only 18 inches high it's lower than all the other tables and there's 12 loaves of bread on it six on one side six on the other and a vessel of oil in the middle it's called the table of showbread and there's a cake and all twelve of them are the same size and there's one cake to represent every tribe of Israel and this bread is a type of Jesus Christ jesus said I am the bread of life and brother you can go and look at the twelve tribes you got a little tribe called J Dan it's just a handful of people then you got Ephraim that was more than all the other tribes put together but it didn't matter if they came from a small tribe or a large tribe there was a loaf of bread sitting there for them and God was showing us that when it comes to getting know to know Jesus it doesn't matter if you're a big shot or a little shot the same Jesus had died for the big shots also died for the little oh yeah I feel like preaching the hell Hedden brother it took that light had to light the fact that the bread of life was being made available to man all 12 tribes were represented the wicked tribes were represented the Moral tribes were represented the big ones the little ones the dark-skinned the light-skinned he was showing us that Jesus is the bread of life for all humanity but I tell you if the church don't have some spirit-filled people with the Holy Ghost absorbing into their life the light will go out and people will quit getting say you know why most churches are dead as hammer and nobody ever gets saved I'll tell you why there's no power of the Holy Ghost there's no spirit shield Christians and the light has gone out light's gone out you can't offer the table of showbread it's the lights out you can't share the gospel number two is the lights out you can't shout the victory when you walk in that Tabernacle there was a there was a table there that burned incense there wasn't fire in it but there was hot coals and the priest would pour frankincense and myrrh and spices and as the smoke went up and it was a sweet-smelling savour in the God that was a type of worship that was a type of involvement that was a type of shouting that was a type of being connected to the earth but offering up something that'll reach the heavens all you'll never share the gospel if the light goes out in your life you'll never shout the victory if the light goes out in your life there's some of you some time ago a little boy come up to me and said why do you yell when you preach I said so if you had to look at what I had to look at what I'm preaching you'd scream your head off every once in a while two people digging their nose playing with their car key breastfeeding their babies and by the way we don't do that here you got to pull something out to feed your kid do it downstairs we sure to God don't want it on television some of you folks are absolutely crazy we're not a bunch of baboons we're born-again Christians breastfeed your kids in private don't do it in this auditorium but I tell your brother it's I can't tell you ain't never heard another preacher get breast feed now the tabernacle I pay that right now had brother the reason why some people stare at you like a gas at a new gate while others are shouting and people are weeping and folks are going to the altar and some are running across the back of the church and some are jumpin pews and some are lifting their hands and some are crying and some are shouting a man and all the time some are sitting there and they're disconnected and they're dead and they're not getting anything out of it it's not because there's anything wrong with me it's not because there's anything with the chairs I'll tell you why you can't see the worship you've let the light go out brother you ain't got nothing to smoke you get plugged into God and get full of the Holy Ghost you'll say man every once in a while you raise your hand and I once in a while you'll get there you will sure you will they'll get caught smoking this year builds fire give the gospel to people shop the victory number three if you let that light go out brother you not only lose those things but you never see the glory now watch this maybe something about brother Andy when that priest went behind that veil with that blood in a basin he had a piece of hyssop and I've taught you this he dips it in the blood and sprinkles at seven times on the mercy seat of God the mercy seat covers the Ark of the Covenant the Ark of the Covenant had Aaron's rod that budded a golden pot of manna and the Ten Commandments and it was overlaid with gold but when you went behind that veil brother Durham it was pitch black Gold's a type of deity it's a type of glory it's a type of God's presence matter of fact when we get to heaven we're gonna walk on a street made of purest gold God's presence is manifested in gold but when that priest pulled that curtain back to walk behind there by himself if those lights wasn't burning he couldn't see the glory of the gold reflecting in the night what made that gold reflect and shine off the life was when he pulled that veil back and the light from that candlestick shone in and it was ricochet off that gold mercy seat in Ark of the Covenant and that priest would stand there and all and say man I'm in the very presence of God I can't get no closer than what I am Jesus came that I can go to God but now God has come down to me and while I'm still sinful and while I'm still on earth I'm in the glory that's where I want to be for two thousand twenty times I I don't want to be a sizzling piece of Wax I don't want to be a wick that's burned out I want to be in his glory so what's the devil gonna use to put your light out this year let me mention just a couple of things very quickly and see if you're smoking number one when you start missing church you go from a flame to smoke you know it's amazing to me that you will never stay right with God unless Church becomes a priority in your life we're dogmatic about church attendance here I make no apologies for it that's why a lot of people leave this church because I don't put up with your nonsense because you're not going to join this church and not come back for five years and then when this church has a vote you come waddling your tail in here out of all the gossip you've heard on Facebook that you want to vote over a situation that you don't know anything about you may do that down the road but I'll say something fat Jack you ain't doing that in this church if you're a member of this church that's right if you're a member of this church and you're not absent for a profitable cause to do with health or things of that nature after six weeks you are automatically dismissed as a member of this church you're not going to lollygag around while we try to labor and pray and build and give I think you come flop it in and you've never give anything you wouldn't give a dime to see a ant eat a bale of hay and you sure wouldn't give anything to God but you want to come in and flex your muscles you're not getting a voting card at this church you've already been voted out and many of you that think you're a member and you're watching television right now the way you treat the church on earth is an example of what you think about God in heaven I've never seen unchurched people do anything for God it's amazing these teenage kids turned 16 you parents let them get a job and the first thing they do is start working on Sundays and all of a sudden they leave God and we never find them back in the house of God unless in jail they're on drugs or they're pregnant then they want to come back and they want me to put their life back together again can somebody say man right there we've also had a bunch of spiritual hobos and I'm sure watching today and I'm glad you are the church was everything you needed until you got what you needed now you don't need to church no more in the same church the same church that puts your family back together the same church that paid your bills the same church that paid your electricity the same church that bought you clothes the same church that gave you gas money now we're not good enough for you and all you do is run your mouth about the very people that did the most for you I should be able to depend on you being here just as much as you depend on me being here how'd you like to come next Sunday brother Doug and everybody's standing on the front porch of the church and somebody say what y'all do it out here well we're waiting to see if brother kid comes you mean you you don't know brother kids coming to church nah just depends on how it feels if there's great-great-great death you eighty eighteen hundred miles away has the croup you know he's got to stay home you Baptist kill me it's amazing it takes nine people to get diaper rash off one baby Oh am i preaching now I notice your shout has went to a grunt you mean the whole family has to stay home to change a kid's diaper or two raka outstanding fever of 99 or your cat has the croup or your dogs having pups or it's decoration day at the family cemetery where you worship the dead saints and persecute the living ones or you just love God til NASCAR comes to Bristol then all of a sudden you have church out at the Speedway oh yeah I know I'm preaching you love God till there's a game in Nashville or Knoxville on Sunday you know until there's a big golfing spree going on until there's a fishing tournament going on and then all of a sudden church has not become an important thing to you you I should be able to depend on you to be in this church every Sunday just like you depend on me and I know I'm running out of time but I ain't done till I get done when I got saved forty-four years ago my wife and I decided church was the center of our life everything else had to pivot around that one reality and priority if it could not adapt to that priority then we eliminated it out of our life and for 44 years I've never been sorry that I tried to keep Jesus in the house of God first in my life we don't have to go to church on Sunday we get to go to church on Sunday oh yeah I know I'm preaching you know I'm right it's a funny thing you parents look up here at me you would never let your kids miss a karate class they got a run track me at baseball practice you'll get a speeding ticket being a soccer mom volleyball basketball football oh dear God they can't be late we got to get in there if they're a cheerleader they got to be at a dance class or community service or student choir or a swim team or a team school you can't miss school you got to do your homework there's all kinds of chores you've got all kinds of obligations you got to do but on Sunday morning you're dumb enough to go to your teenage kids bedroom door and say you feel like going to church today why don't you ask them not about going to school why don't you ask something about being a cheerleader well just not being on a football team how come you only ask him that when it goes to church bless God as long as that heathen is living under your roof and sleeping in your bed and meeting at your table it's not new you want to go to church it's get your tail out of bed it's time for charge I smell smoke missing Church number two I must hurry your light will go out when you start messing with sin flesh will always pull toward that which is forbidden by the Lord you can't give off light and live in sin God will cut the oil off our lives can either illuminate people to Jesus or irritate people and keep them from coming to Jesus sin may start out a secret in your life but it'll never end up that way sin will not only snuff out the light of God in your life eventually it will snuff out your life period nothing is more humiliating than the witness of smoking flats of that which was once a shining light for the glory of God number three and I'm done something else had to put your light out as making excuses because of where you're at in life we have produced a whole generation of young people that are so weak that they cannot even be held and responsible for their actions they believe their screwed-up life of disobedience is somebody else's fault they never take responsibility for their actions anymore they blame it on somebody or something years ago I ran into a pharmacist and I invited him to a meeting he said I don't go to church anymore he said I had a bad experience at church one time so I don't ever go I said I had a sorry pharmacist one time but that don't stop me from going to the drugstore when I need to get something some of you got that faraway look in your eye I mean that faraway look I'm just trimming the little things now let me say this while I'm here this is controversial but it's true white people crackers jump on black folk because of welfare all the black folk wants welfare all they want welfare but you white honkies all you wants disability see you want disability now if you qualify for disability I gladly pay my taxes because you deserve to be taken care of if you got hurt on the job your experience sickness you got a crippling disease this government is set up in a way that we pay taxes we gladly pay for you to be able to live and pay your bills that's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about people that get on disability and think because they get a monthly check that they have no life and no value in life anymore see just because you're on disability doesn't mean you can't vacuum a floor down here once in a while just because you're on disability doesn't mean you couldn't help us being an usher or sing with us once in a while or show up on a Wednesday night and be a blessing oh no you've got your government check now you're disabled from everything until it's fishing time you know it's a strange thing to me preacher I'd love to vacuum the floor but Lord that thing hurts my back I understand that but man can you con that dear Stan when November gets here look like a squirrel on steroids man going up at dear staff it's been amazing that from November to January you get miraculously healed of all your back problems and so you get this mentality that because you're disabled and the government takes care of you that now you're spiritually disabled and it's our job to take care of you spiritually the rest of your life look at me I don't change diapers and I don't burp babies and I don't have sugar tits and I'm not running all over the country trying to get you to do what God's already commanded you to do you're not disabled spiritually you need to shut up grow up get a Bible under your arm get some grit in your craw and decide that when this new year comes in I'm gonna be a shining light for Jesus life is not fair it's never been equal but this world doesn't owe you anything so get over it shut up make goals and make the best out of your life stop justifying the fact that you're a loser and start looking for solutions and remedies that will give you a productive future everybody's been burnt and hurt and abused and missed abused and rejected at some point in their life and you can either let it make you bitter it can make you better but here's what Jesus said and I'm done Jesus said when I come that that's smoking flags that flash has just got a little flicker left that flaks it's out of oil brother Jamie that flax that there's not much left it's about burnout jesus said I didn't come to quench that I didn't come to put that out I didn't come to be critical of it he said I've come to fan the fire I want it to have victory until the day of judgment you say brother kid 2019 I'm screwed up I've messed up I I'm not where I need to be I'm not where I used to be a year ago things in my life my family my home my heart my addiction my job I just I'm down to nothing but just smoke I'm not here to put you out I've got nothing to gain by putting you out I want to fan that fire I want you to let God put oil back in your life again get on this altar and say Jesus I don't even deserve it but I sure would appreciate another chance at this thing and when you look at me tomorrow I don't want you to see smoke I want you to see a shiny light I'm not giving up don't let the devil beat you to death and say you're too far gone you're messed up God doesn't want you he's a liar straight out of hell God wants to put your home your family your life your influence your testimony God wants to put it back together again so I wonder as we stand to our feet our heads are bad last service I'm done what are you gonna do how are you going to enter two twenty smoking or burning [Music] [Music] great Oh [Music] still [Music] of the Lord
Channel: drphilkidd
Views: 4,961
Rating: 4.826087 out of 5
Keywords: Rec. 12-29-19
Id: avBXIseaQ6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 34sec (2134 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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