How Much More Can We Throw Away Without Becoming A Castaway

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but I want you to put your hands together and make welcome all of our listening audience from all over the world thank you for listening today thank you so much I'm in first Corinthians chapter number 9 I want to begin reading in verse number 24 know ye not that they which run a race run all but one receiveth the prize so run that ye may obtain and every man striving for the magistrate is tempering in all things now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown but we an incorruptible I therefore so run not as uncertainly so fight I not as one that beateth the air but I keep under my body and bring it into subjection lest by any means when i have preached to others i myself should be attached away i myself should be a castaway when you study the content of first corinthians chapter number 9 it's very important that you understand where paul is added there in greece corinth was near the site of a great coliseum and theater called is liam is ium was one of the bed one of the biggest sports arenas in that part of the world and it took place every two years in corinth the only bigger event in all the world at that time was the Olympics themselves so Paul knew that he was in a community that was sports minded sports was their God sports was the priority of their life kind of like our country how sports has become a God so Paul uses a metaphor to illustrate how one must press through pain weariness obstacles and even hindrances in order to be a winner winnings never been easy quitters never win and winners never quit buddy he closes a sillas raishin by giving us a warning of disqualification the beginning of the verses I read to you he talks about running a race many drops down and said he said I'm not a fighter that just beats the air I make every punch count but he said when I preach about others I gotta be careful there's a disqualification there is the possibility of me that I myself could become a castaway the word castaway means rejected unapproved worthless it means unfit or to go over an edge in which there's no return it's the closest word in the New Testament to the word reprobate the word castaway is so powerful and strong that this is the only time it's ever used in all the Bible becoming a castaway becoming rejected becoming worthless to get to the point where we go over an edge where we can't get back to where we were again that's what the word castaway means with that in mind I want to preach on a very serious subject today how much more can we throw away without becoming a castaway every day that I live I wake up to a new revelation that we are constantly throwing away good things that has drawn us that much further away from God I'm going to mention some of those things this morning and it won't be popular in this auditorium and it won't be popular on the internet or the youtubes or around the world but I'm not preaching for popularity I'm preaching because of the days we're living in now before I get into the message it's very important that I throw this in when Paul opens up the chapter he deals with the fact that the people in Corinth was accusing him of being in the ministry for financial gain little did they know that Paul had not taking anything for a minute any Church also they didn't know that Paul was a tentmaker and to supply his needs Paul made tents with his own hands so that financially he could live on his own so Paul's dealing with a bunch of God robbing thieves that thinks everybody that gets in a pulpit all they're interested in is money but I always say to them if there's so much money in it why don't you shut up saying that and pick up a Bible and try doing this for six months then come tell me how much money is in the ministry so I want to ask you as a congregation as a Christian and as a citizen how much more good stuff are we going to throw away till finally we go over an edge that we can't get back up from I want to mention a few of them very quickly that God has used to speak to my heart just recently number one how much more of our children can we throw away without becoming a castaway are you aware of the fact that from every morning of your life Monday through Friday when you get out of bed in the morning till the time that you go to bed at night are you aware of the fact that four thousand babies four thousand every day that you live Monday through Friday are robbed from the security of their mother's womb four thousand innocent babies are killed and by the way abortion is murder it's always been murder and it always will be murder now I'm gonna get very playing and I'm gonna get very blunt so if you're a if you're a thin-skinned half pansy transgender don't know what you are you're probably better off to get up and leave the auditorium now because I'm probably going to say something's gonna tick you off real bad Elizabeth Warren said the other day that abortion a woman has a right to have an abortion because it gives her the right to control her body now that sounds good except for there's one problem if she's got so much control over her body why is she pregnant if you've got so much control over your body would you tell me why you're knocked up it's because they don't have self-control and the Bible warned us of those days coming in the last days how many more of our children are we gonna kill till we get to the place where God has cast this nation aside every Democratic nominee on the platform today is pro-abortion up until birth and even after birth and I have no idea how any born-again Christian could vote for any kind of nonsense when we're killing the next generation of our country the strange thing to me that many years ago a man named Jeffrey Dahmer started kidnapping young men molesting them having sexual affairs with them then cutting up their body parts and put them in a refrigerator Jeffrey Dahmer was called a perverted mass killer and rightly so Jeffrey Dahmer was killed by another inmate once he was institutionalized but it's a funny thing to me that he can cut up human bodies and put them in a refrigerator and he's a pervert but abortion doctors can do the same thing with babies and it's called human advancement programs they're just as perverted and they're just as much a killer that's Jeffrey Dahmer heads how many more of our kids can we throw away how many more of our kids are we gonna let not only be aborted but what about what about being abused what are we gonna do with this I read an article this week that's staggering I mean it makes me sick a man had his nine year old boy and caught him eat up eating a piece of cake without permission it's nine-year-old son and he raped him with a broom until he killed him what kind of pervert would even think of being that sick there's not a jail cell close enough to hell for a man that would abuse a nine-year-old boy and torment him and a jail cell close enough to hell for you how many more kids are we gonna abuse before we're castaways how many more kids are we gonna abandon before we're castaways we're getting our own little world and we fail to realize how massive some of these problems are but are you aware the fact that 60,000 children a week are reported being neglected in the United States of America 60,000 a week our report and not having proper food shelter and clothing right here in this country now public schools have to feed kids breakfast call sorry Mama's won't get out of bed early enough to make sure their kids eat before they go to school so the school has to feed them breakfast yeah I know I'm preaching and I don't care if you like it or not we have abandoned our children we're more interested in careers we're more interested in our yoga program we're more interested in the gym we're more interested in sports and our little kids are sitting in their rooms with a computer or a phone that's taking them places they should have never gone and the Bible you know I'm telling it right bless God Almighty and the Bible said a child left to themselves will bring their mother to shame how many more kids are we going to abandon before we've gone too far how many more kids are we gonna auction off like animals this week I don't know if you've seen in the paper or not but a dental hygiene surgeon that makes 300 thousand dollars a year doing surgical processes through dental where people's mouths was caught by undercover agents buying two little girls for thirty thousand dollars apiece to make them sex slaves to him sex slaves do you get on the internet you know the first thing that pops up on your internet help us find so-and-so help us find so-and-so this little girl is missing this little boy can't be found this teenagers been kidnapped what do you think they're doing with those kids they're putting them in the under market and they're selling into Hollywood stars and billionaires and perverts and I'm going to tell you something man they'll hang this crap oh thanks three never one of them no child ought to have to go to a church and worry about somebody touching them inappropriately that's right you touch a kid here so help me God I'll break every bone in your body in the name of the Father Son and the Holy Ghost I mean it I'm not putting up with no community pervert coming in here and putting their hands down the pants of our little boys and up the dresses of our little girls you won't need an attorney you'll need a funeral director buddy you come in here starting that nonsense how many more of my kids how many more of our children are we gonna let go before we come a cast away we tell you something about children parents and you better hook on to this now children are self-centered they're very demanding and if you don't like that fact and you don't need to have any you just need to shut up and get a puppy you don't need a kid you need a puppy the Bible declares that we're to train our children not just teach teach means you you submit to them what you know train means you set the example you should not only be teaching your children you should be training we should be training our children and our grandchildren we should be the example that they're looking up to I want to ask you look at all these kids all over this building if you're here today and you're 21 years old or younger I want you to stand to your feet I don't care if you're a visitor who you are if you're 21 or under I want you to stand all over this auditorium I want you to look at this almost half this auditorium thank you you can be seated how many more of them are we gonna let slip through our fingers before we become a cast away with our children number two how much farther are we gonna let our country go down the road drop off the edge before we get back to God or become a castaway you remember this about the presidential election that's going on and I'm not afraid of it and I'm not afraid of being tax exempt and I'm not afraid of any stinking attorney and I'm not afraid of a senator and I'm not afraid of the governor of this state I'm telling you if it's wrong I'm going to preach it whether it's a preacher a politician a pimp or a parent I'm gonna tell it like it is but you remember this socialism is a Siamese twin the communism you cannot separate the two they have always survived together and they always shall be can you believe there is a candidate of the President of the United States of America that is married to a man and kisses a man on a debate stage in front of our country and then brings up a nine year old boy on national television and brings him so called out of the closet to make it public that he's a sodomite did you ever think we would follow this laughs this this end of loneliness and sorriness where we got sodomized smooching on the platform on a presidential debate and people act like there's nothing wrong with it hell yeah there's something wrong with it you better believe there's something wrong with it him and his husband talking about adopting children and still in the White House with adopted children my god how much sicker can we get Bernie Sanders has lived on government supplements half his life became God in political office running for president never worked a job in his life the debates they have on the Democrat I know I preach and I don't give a flare I'm hearing this out today buddy their debate stages look like a bunch of first grade talent shows bunch of immature babies all yelling at one time you want an idiot like that running this country you've got to be out of your mind and by the way this is why I'm getting so bold I am sick and tired or the government telling me of a separation of church and state and we can't say nothing about politics but Pete can go to a Baptist Church in South Carolina and stand in the pulpit and talk about politics but I'm not allowed to I'm gonna tell you tea and everybody else gets sucking at that big I'm going to deal with this nonsense I'm going to expose it I'm going to fly around and I'm gonna spare my god in heaven what kind of lowdown sorry liberal compromising ecumenical good-for-nothing water down that desert would let us Allah my in their pulpit in the first place for God's sakes a mighty [Applause] what is happening to us I'm much farther can we let our country go before God lets it become a castaway battle inviting bless God he don't know if he's running for Congress or president you mark this down you mark this down it's burning Bernie wins this election AOC and all her Muslim buddies will have an office in the capital of the United States of America you mark it down he'll bring that crown right into the White House and the Muslims are going to infiltrate this country and take over and never fire a shot oh I know I'm preaching I know you're played clap cuz you're afraid to get sued let's go I ain't afraid of no mob [Applause] how much more we gonna throw away the American Dream when I was a boy used to be get a job work hard buy a car own your own home that was the American dream when I was a boy now it's been reduced to just sitting on the couch and collecting a check from the government I preached it very hard here without apology if you're hurt and you can't work we gladly pay tax to take care of you you can't help a physical condition but 82% of the people in America that are raising their children on government to prison see 82% of those kids will learn all the social ropes of the government and they too will live on welfare and governmental checks all I'm trying to say is this if you're a well abled body it's not fair that I pay taxes for everything I make from January till the middle of June every penny I make goes to taxes for you to lay on the couch and eat Doritos and watch television and amount to nothing in your life because you're sorry and you think the only reason why God left you here is to have children and keep a bunch of locked up you need to get a grip on live get your tail out of bed and fine you a job we've given up on values and principles and we've traded them for comfort and convenience there's five things kill in America if I were to mention these five things in a message I don't think a church in America could take it including the one I pasture there's five things that's killing this country if we don't stop it number one is men I never dreamed I never dreamed in all my life me and running around with their skinny jeans on and their little Starbucks coffee and their purse around their shoulder what in the name of God and they're walking with a woman with a beard and work boots on I think you guys got that backwards bets god I ain't kissing no woman with a beard I'm married Leslie not Leonard I ain't going that route ain't pulling with that nonsense bunch of sissies nothin but a bunch of sissies men are killing this country stubborn women are killing this country look how look how the clapping went down you notice how you bawl your mother clapping went down it's been a lot of families leave this church cuz I wouldn't let their lizard tongue wife run this church I didn't let theirs and I'm not letting yours and I'm telling you you may run your home you may run your mouth but you ain't running this church there ain't no Jezebel running this church stubborn women mean they don't like preaching man you get on their britches and cigarettes and halter tops and tattoos and having earrings through their snout and their eyelids and everything else boy they'll buckle up and blow up and throw the Bible and their little ol micki husband he goes walling out of here scared to death let's go you're the reason why she's so mean you ain't got enough guts to tell her to shut up if she can't take preaching y'all know hog-tie her tail bring her back next Sunday put her on the front row tell me why she don't like and I'll preach the living devil out of her stubborn women they can't take prisoner spoiled children is killing this country sick politicians are killing this country sorry preachers are killing this country how much more of our country can we throw away without becoming a castaway number three quickly how much more of our character can we throw away I don't know why or how but we have failed to pass basic traditional values to the next generation there's a vast void of common sense and receptacle respect toward others you know in America you go to California men will drop their drawers and go to the bathroom on the streets on plants and flowers and shrubbery right in public in front of you without any embarrassment that's here in a minute what about Africa look up there I'm talking about California dropping their drawers and going to the bathroom in the middle of the street they got such a problem with human waste on the streets and on the sidewalks people can't get to school and work because of the their dogs they're absolutely living like dogs at least find some grass these guys do you understand how far our character is dropped most of you know I I'm a boxer and a fighter and mixed martial arts teacher and I was watching a fight by Muhammad Ali in the other day from 1960 I think he was fighting Sonny Liston but I can't remember and and in the background of the fight was the the people there to watch the fight every man in the audience every man I said had on a suit a tie and a top hat and a boxing arena every man was dressed up to go to that boxing arena did you see how people dress now so I said why don't you go out in public I'm afraid of these people I don't know what they have hanging on them they look like fungicide walking down the street there's no character to clean up in more we've replaced yes sir and no man with what's up huh and later if I sell what's up to my daddy I tell you what to be up his fists right up my nose that's what would be up and later would be when I woke up I'm so isolated from this world I sometimes I lose the drift of how bad this thing's getting so I decided I was gonna go shopping yesterday which I don't do I don't even know how to do it but my wife told me where to go how to do it so I go in this store to get one item I know what I'm going so I'm not wasting half a day so I go in the store I don't know where to go to look for the item because I never shop brother I'm telling you the clothes were knee-deep in the floor toys were I mean I never seen anything like it toys were scattered everywhere and it was only one guy working there and he was working the counter and I went to him and I said sir I'm looking for this one item he said it's back there if you can find it now that's when you know you're in bad shape it's when the manager says if you can find it you can have it so I come up to the counter and I said sir what is what's happened to this country why is your store look like Vietnam he should really kid you these people are nuts he said they'll come in and just take clothes and throw them in the floor let their kids climb all over the counters he said they'll climb the shells open toys played with him an hour and then won't buy him and while I'm talking to him brother Durham a lady comes in behind him gets two arms full of merchandise tells him excuse me so he moves and she walks out the door I said she didn't pay he said she never does I said what did you say he says she's never paid I said get that hag and let's call the police and put her tail in jail gotta go to jail that's the kind of kid she bumps into the manager and tells him to move he said it's our store policy we do not try to stop them and we don't bother mother stealing and this generation knows that and because they have no character no discipline no respect they walked into these store saying they're not going to do anything in any house restaurants are the same way they go in and eat and walk out and leave and never pay and the restaurants say don't bother them I tell you what we ought to do we ought to start putting them in jail let him have to work for a living or to meet jail there's no character there's no character in people anymore he said to me listen to this we have had $25,000 with him worth of merchandise sold since the first of the year he said we got him on video I call the police the police come out look at the video and says to me every time I don't know what to say there's nothing we can do about it respect honor and authority are foreign words to this generation all they know is free sex rebellion and getting high that's the theme song of today have sex be a rebel and get high if a young man or a young lady were to be a real gentleman or lady in the day in which we live they're so out of step with today they would be like a ham sandwich at a Jewish get-together when a young person thinks that their parents society family or the law owes them something that person is doomed to never amount to anything life is not fair life is not always fair but you got to get up every day and hit it head-on and have some character and dependability about you a character's born I'm closing with this one you guys look like you're ready to leave anyway I'm not about to get on this country and not get on our churches how much more of our church can we throw away without becoming a castaway ladies and gentlemen I've been saved for 44 years just Friday I celebrated preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ for 42 years of my life all I have done is what I'm doing right now 42 years and I've lived right and I've paid my bills and I've kept my hands off women and I've tried to live above reproach to be an example to the flock of God but something terrible has happened to our churches powerhouse ministries of the past are now nothing more than if he buildings dead services and hireling pastors the power of God the anointing of the Holy Ghost and the presence of the Almighty has long evacuated from most local churches most of the churches here in Kingsport if God were to show up that today in their church the usher would give him a first-time visitors card because he's never been there before something is wrong when a church has good facilities but there's no vision there's no goal and there's no burden the church has been rocked to sleep way too long in the devil's crib people go to church and they're uncertain about the inspiration of the Bible they're ignorant or confused about Holy Ghost separated linen churches are powerless because of power struggles within leadership our music has long been forgotten for good words now they just seek modern beats and fleshly in it to entertainment the flavor of the services are not focused on the fact that man needs God but it's almost they present it like God needs man the pulpits and platforms has ceased to be a place of holy ground and has become a playground arena for puppet controlled preachers comedians then trilha quits magic show story times and coffee breaks we need an old-time moving of the Holy Ghost bring the church back to its knees sinners to an altar of repentance and the nation weep in its way back to God I [Applause] refuse to settle for just an emotional stir a few loud a man's or just go home and say we had a good service I'm starving and I'm hungry for the real touch of God that brings a heaven-sent heartfelt hell shakin revival back to the Assemblies of God all across this country we need to awake repent and seek the Lord unless we get to the point where we cannot return I say to you Church arise lift up your eyes lift up your hands lift up your voice God is not dead he is not sick he is not out of business he's alive and well and he's got the power listen the Holy Ghost revival let's give the Lord a hand [Applause] [Music] think Larry [Music] I know great [Music] [Music]
Channel: drphilkidd
Views: 5,394
Rating: 4.927711 out of 5
Keywords: Rec. 3-01-20
Id: JiH_z8FNJ9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 19sec (1879 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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