Investigate Cazadors Palace - Baldurs Gate 3 BG3 - Where is and how to get to Szarr Palace Mission

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we're going to start real quick in Rivington and show you the ger Camp location that you're going to want to get to to actually get this Mission but most of you probably already have the mission then we're going to show you the Fast Travel point the lower City Central wall that's where you want to go to actually get to the mission marker you're trying to get to the Palace but if you're like me you really had no idea how to get to it so go to the lower City Central Wall go in this door and then follow me up you're going to meet some people that you have to talk to or possibly fight then you're going to keep going up follow me here and this will lead you to the front door of the palace or the entrance that's suspicious now that we're finally here we go inside this is the door that you're trying to get in head down these steps you're going to have to go in this hallway you're going to have to go and discover this hidden doorway when you do head on in and you have to go into the room and then this little fella is going to appear you can possibly talk to him I end up fighting him and then loot his body there's a Signet Family ring that you're going to need to access that door so you can get that off of this guy's body there's an incription on the ring recognize the language now when you leave this room room with that ring you can remove the curse from this doorway in this room you you do need to go in here so remove the curse go in you don't necessarily have to loot the body but it kind of makes sense loot the body find that letter and then head over to this dresser the bedrooms never once slept in this is where I took off and grab this book of translations spells and them away you're going to need to read that and that is going to give you the phrase with the ring that's going to get you into the door may we be worthy of [Music] you everything must be clean everything must be now here we are we get through the door there's a big battle in this room but it's not terribly difficult and if I'm saying that you can believe it because I'm not great at combat the occur scpt a lot of lowlevel rats and bats and a few werewolves the ringly into place and the door swings open and we're still in this room we just entered this room that's where you know the cut takes place from everything must so you kind of head in you see like where the throne up on that Podium would be just kind of go back to this corner here and go through this door there's like cador's office maybe kind of weird but little office there's elevator right here that's how you're going to get to the lower levels and finally meet cador you're going to start walking towards cador's location you're going to have to speak to these prisoners but how you handle that is up to you I'm kind of going through a paragon kind of run so I promise that I'll free them but even if you do you'll still be able to make a different choice if you want so you go in you have this combat the only thing I'm going to say about the combat is you know he captures aaran and he you know has him like magically Shackled up in the back there and then there's several other people around the edges that are similarly captive but you don't want to hit any of them with any attacks and once you beat everyone else you know the werewolves and the bats they are they're currently red like enemies but they will turn yellow and you know they're captives they're hostages so the game's kind of showing you them as red but you don't really want to attack them and then you'll be able to free them at the end when you beat cidor I I think we're done here let's go
Channel: Pop Pop Games
Views: 73
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: POL3neQ7_X8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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